Scentesa by KillJoy "Boy is this fun", Sosha thought, leaning against the counter. "I haven't had a costumer all day." "Here I am, a beautiful young skunkess, and I'm stuck in this dead end perfume counter job." Sosha whirled around, her tail brushed against the counter and knocked over a couple of sample bottles. "Damn, that's all I need.", she snapped, watching the fragrant liquid flow over the counter and onto the floor. "Stupid tail.", she cuffed at her own tail. "I'm probably going to be at this job till I'm old and gray, get a gold watch and all." she laughed to herself as she wiped up the spilled contents. "Pardon me, miss..." a voice came from above her. Sosha glanced over the counter, finding a hansom fox standing before her. He was wearing a black leather jacket and his hair was styles with a parted on the side. Sosha stared blankly until he spoke again, "Do you have Sharlong number five?" "I think so.", Sosha stuttered. She fished through the samples, dropping some and knocking over others, "I'm afraid we don't carry the fragrance...sir." Sosha hit him with the big guns, she leaned on the counter, heaving her chest forward and batting her eye lashes. "ANY thing else I can do for you?", she flirted. "No, I'm lust looking for a birthday gift for my girl friend.", the fox replied. "They all are...", Sosha muttered under her breath. She watched as he walked away, sighing as he disappeared in the mall crowd. Sosha slumped against the counter, now more depressed then ever, "Shoot me, some one shoot me." Sosha glanced at her watch, only 10 more minutes till freedom. "What more could go wrong?", she thought. She gazed out at the mail, people were scurrying about, trying to hit all the stores before they close. "What the hell, I'm getting out of here now." Sosha began to check the cash register. As she worked, another customer approached, "I'm not too late am I?" Sosha turned to see a feline in a business suit holding a bottle of perfume. He has tan fur and jet black hair, which was slicked back. ", I'm still open for a couple more minutes.", Sosha was a little weak in the knees. This guy was hot, every thing she'd been looking for. "Do you have this in a bigger bottle?", the hunk asked. "Um..YES! Hold on a minute.", Sosha rummaged through her stock until she found the bottle. "Here you go, sir, its $19.95 tax." The Feline pulled out a fat wallet, drawing forth a $50, "Do you have change?" "Yes sir.", Sosha took the bill and processed the purchase. She put the bottle in a small box and rapped a bow around it. "For some one special?", Sosha inquired. "My mother.", was the reply. "He's perfect!", she thought, "So, doing any thing later?" The feline raised a eye brow, "Depends, what do you have in mind?" "Well, I planned on going home, taking a bubble bath and curling up in my king size bed.", Sosha teased. "May I join you then?", he questioned as he pulled a bottle of wine from a bag he carried. "SURE!", Sosha spouted, a little too desperately. She locked the cash register and rushed through the door, "Shall we be off then?", Sosha urged as she offered her arm. "My names Bradly the 2nd." side the feline. "OH... I'm Sosha. Pleasure to meet you.", Sosha had totally forgot to ask his name. As they reached the parking lot, Sosha turned to Bradly, "Your car or mine?" "How about I follow you home?", Bradly replied. Sosha nodded and strolled to he car, she got in and waited to see Bradly enter his before taking off down the road. "I hope he doesn't think my place is a dump.", she muttered. She pulled into her driveway and exited her car, leaning on the hood and waited for Bradly. He pulled his cherry red Jag behind her car and jumped out, "Shall we?", Bradly offered his hand. The two walked to the front door, Sosha unlocked it and they went in. Bradly removed his shoes upon entering, "Some thing I picked up in Japan." "I'm going to go get out of these work clothes, you can wait in there if you'd like.", Sosha pointed to the den. See watched him enter and then sprinted to her bed room, she cleaned it as fast as she could, throwing the lace panties and other under garments into the closet. She straightened he bed and slipped out of her clothes. "Well Buttons, this night I get to sleep with some one other then you.", she said as she removed the teddy bear from the chair next to her bed. Sosha put on a black slip and rushed to the den, Bradly had made himself at home. He was sitting on her couch with his feet resting on her coffee table, his jacket lay on the floor next to him. "Comfy?", she said with a touch of sarcasm. "Your looking even better now then you did at the mall?", Bradly said as he raised a glass of wine. "Blitzed already?", Sosha thought to herself. She made her way to the couch and sat down, leaving a little space between her and Bradly, "Maybe this isn't such a good idea, I'm getting a bad feeling about this guy but why?" Bradly handed Sosha a full glass and turned back to his own. "So what do you do for a living Bradly?" "I'm a stock broker, today is my day off.", he replied. Bradly put down his glass and started stroking Sosha's tail which laid over the back of the couch and slightly towards him. "You have such beautiful fur.", Bradly caressed her bushy tail. It had been a while since she had had sex and decided that she would fight her gut feeling and enjoy it. He was wasting no time, he moved to her side and whispered into her ear, "Are you ready, I am." Bradly began to remove his shirt and pants, "Moving a little fast isn't he" Sosha thought. She started to pull her slip off as Bradly was just finishing with his clothes. He moved in front of her and pushed her to the couch, kneeled down and pulled her legs open. Sosha was thrown off guard by this but, her mind cleared as she felt a raspy tongue begin to work her inner thigh. Bradly made his way inward, wetting the white fur around her mound. Sosha's legs jerked as his feline tongue parted her lips, scratching and rough but, so good at the same time. Bradly lapped at the juices which began to flow as legs closed about his head, trapping him there as Sosha moaned and arched, enjoying the pleasure she found. Her body began to heat up, the rasp-like tongue making her more sensitive with every pass. Bradly worked it like a master, finding the hidden nub which swelled as he played. Her muscles began to spasm, almost an orgasm but, she fought it back, hoping to intensify it by prolonging the wait. That magic tongue flicked and snaked, finding every inch and working it. He began to rub her anus with his fingers, slow circular motions, pushing but not penetrating. Bradly slowed his attention, reaching a hand to his own growing member and looking up to Sosha, his face dripping with her juices. He moved to kiss her but, stopped short at her breast, turning his attention to them as his hand returned to her crotch, keeping the pleasure going. Sosha was truly in paradise now, all thought of ill will of betrayal on his part left her mind, giving way to the orgasm she fought so here to delay. Her walls quivered around his finger and began to contract, making Bradly work harder to move it. Once her orgasm slowed, Bradly moved into, rubbing the now exposed head of his penis around mound, dragging it between the lips and thrusting. This parting was unexpected as Sosha was still recovering, she cried out, kicking a little. Bradly seem oblivious to her sudden protest as he continued sucking and nibbling at her nipples and slowly pistoning between her thighs. Sosha bucked slightly, the tiny barbs on Bradly's penis tugging at her inner walls. "My first feline.", thought Sosha as Bradly's pace quickened. The pain and pleasure of it all, a second wave rushed over her, she grabbed at the back of his head to prevent him from leaving as she reached her next orgasm. Bradly drove deep as he felt her tremble about his shaft, nearing his own limits. He grabber her hips and pulled her tight against his waist, slamming as deep as he could, releasing his load into her. His body stiffened for a minute before he snapped forward and bit into Sosha's right breast, his small fangs not penetrating the skin but, still stinging a little. This last act forced Sosha to cry out again, a mixture of pleasure and pain, unlike any thing she had ever felt before. Bradly fell back, his prick pulling free in another wave of pain. He lay on the floor panting, Sosha limp on the couch, clasping her breast in one hand and her mound in the other. She too was out of breath and gasped and moaned. Bradly got up and found his way to the bathroom, sent but a few seconds there and returned fully dressed, hair combed. Sosha lay on her stomach, taking a light nap. He turned and quietly left through the front door. Sosha stirred from her blissful slumber an hour later, scanning the room for her new love, who was no where to be found. She got up and looked about her house, still finding no one. She returned to the couch and collapsed. "MEN!" she protested, "Well, I needed that bad any ways, just wish it wasn't such a one-night stand, I could do well to have that every night." She rolled onto her back and returned to sleep. ------------------------------------------------------------ This one took me a while, I guess because I was watching TV while typing. This was another hard one, trying to figure out how the woman felt. Maybe I'll do a few more staring Sosha, a mini-series or some thing. Depends on if any one likes it or not.