Sally And Duke Chapter 2 The next time Sally Denham looked from her front window, the brown station wagon was gone from its parking spot and she breathed a little sigh of relief for that. She hoped she wouldn't ever have to face her husband's boss again, that they could leave Quiggville without this being necessary. They would be leaving, she felt sure now... because of course what John Blodgett had suggested was impossible. Even if she could somehow force herself to go through with it, Ray would never want to obtain the store under such conditions... would he? The sad thing was that while she already knew now that their case was hopeless beyond any doubt, Ray still dared to think he might get the loan, after all! In fact he spent most of the Labor Day weekend working on his presentation for Mr. Quigg. He was going to the bank on Tuesday morning and Sally became increasingly nervous as he talked to her about it. Yes, she nodded, it was a good time... the first day of school... fall at last in the air, a new season... a perfect psychological moment. "For God's sake, pay attention!" Ray snapped at her suddenly, and she jumped. Hadn't she been paying attention? "You don't want to stay here at all, do you?" he continued accusingly. "You don't like Tennessee -- you want to move to a city -- why don't you come right out and say so?" "Oh, no," she said, seating herself in her husband's lap, "I do want to stay here, darling. All our plans... and there's our lot in Hickory Acres... I want exactly what you do. I -- it's just that I'm afraid you'll be so disappointed if -- " she broke off, tears in her lovely grey eyes. "I'm sorry, honey," he groaned, "I'm trying to take out my own doubts and frustrations on you. Sometimes I even wonder if we should have got married at all... your parents were right, you know, you could have done a lot better." "Ray Denham, you stop that silly talk! I could never in this world have done any better. I love you." They clung to each other wordlessly, but even as their lips were meeting the inevitable question was drumming through Sally's brain, what should I do? Suppose that she did let John Blodgett come here... that she permitted him to make love to her... it was only a half-hour or so out of a lifetime, and then he would be committed to keep his promise because once they had done it they were equally guilty and she could tell his wife. Innocently, Sally believed that Lauralee must be the reason for driving John Blodgett to proposition another woman. His wife was beautiful and aristocratic, but perhaps there was something lacking sexually. Only why did he want her, then, when she couldn't even satisfy Ray, her own husband! No, she couldn't go through with it, not even for Ray's sake. Just the idea of it turned her stomach... another man, inside her... no, no, no. Ray went to the bank and was well received by Lee Quigg, who immediately passed the news on to Blodgett after the visit. Ray was told the loan would be taken under consideration, although Quigg looked rather grave when Ray admitted his only assets were $2800 in his savings account. "What about your folks?" Lee questioned, "Haven't any of 'em got some property or something they could put up for you?" "The only property my folks have already has a mortgage on it," Ray admitted. "Everybody's not rich like your family, you know." "Well, I want you to know that I'm going to do the best I can for you, Ray," Quigg said, shaking hands. "I'll be in touch with you." He ushered Ray to the door of his luxurious office as if he were the bank's most valued depositor and the gesture made the young pharmacist feel somewhat better about his prospects... not knowing, of course, that his wife's assets -- namely, her appealing young body -- were going to be the deciding factor. And so they waited to hear from the bank, with both Ray and Sally growing more edgy every day. John Blodgett was disappointed that he had not heard from the young Mrs. Denham, maybe she was going to be tougher than he had figured. God damn, he did hate to lose a bet! Lee Quigg was pestering him about it every day. "I have to tell him something soon, John. What do you want me to do?" It looked like a little push was needed to get things moving in the right direction again and so he instructed his brother-in-law to stall just a few more days and in the meantime to invite the Denhams to the party that was being given at the Country Club on Saturday night. Although they were not leaving for Florida for at least another month, the party was in the nature of a going away affair for John and Lauralee. Accordingly, Lee telephoned Ray at the drug store and gave him the invitation and Ray took it to be a good sign that he and his wife were being included. To his amazement, Sally did not share this enthusiasm. She did not even want to go, and they quarreled again before she abruptly gave in and agreed. Ray felt he would never understand his northern wife, particularly when she began to take great pains in getting ready for the party, getting her hair done and shortening an old long formal that she'd had in college into a cocktail dress. It was simply made of light green lace, sleeveless and with plunging necklines in both front and back, a great deal more sophisticated than the styles she usually wore. Quiggville was too small to support a country club, but many of the local people were active in the one at the county seat and for this evening, at least, Quiggville natives seemed to dominate the crowd so that the Denhams saw more familiar faces than they had expected. Several tables had been pushed together in one corner of the large main room and they were welcomed into a group that was already quite lively when they arrived at nine-thirty. Sally's eyes were drawn irresistibly to the table where the Blodgetts sat. Oh, God, he'd seen her and was staring back! John Blodgett's light blue eyes ran all over her figure appraisingly. Then he nodded and raised his glass to her in a mock toast. Sally sat down, her cheeks blazing, and tried not to look again. Lee Quigg had seen her entrance, too, and he leaned over to whisper in his brother-in-law's ear, "Still think you can fuck her?" Blodgett smiled and made a little circle of his thumb and forefinger. Shortly afterward he got up and made his way to where the Denhams were sitting, greeted Ray effusively and asked Sally to dance. She got up stiffly and joined him. "You're lookin' mighty pretty tonight, Sally," he commented, immediately pulling her close in an intimate dancing position. "All the local girls are jealous." "I am a local girl," she pointed out coldly. "Well, 'course you are, and I hope you stay one... but I forget that sometimes. You haven't been really initiated as a local girl yet," he chuckled, "How come I haven't heard from you? I though we were going to get together." "Mr. Blodgett, please," Sally fought to retain her composure. "My husband is here, your wife is here -- how can you go on that way?" "Why, honey, they don't know we aren't talking about the weather and the football game same as everybody else! Don't push away from me like that... I like to feel those tits of yours right up against me. First time I ever saw you, I noticed what a pair of beauties you had." Sally stumbled and missed a step, but he held her so tightly that no one even noticed. She felt as though her whole body was dissolving in shame... good God, she had to go on dancing with him and listening to the flood of obscenity... she couldn't make a scene here! "Wait till I get you alone," the husky voice went on, "and get your clothes off. I want to suck those tits... I bet they taste just like honey!" To her absolute horror, Sally found that the very shocking lewdness of his words was arousing her breasts, she could actually feel them swelling and the nipples stiffening, right through the filmy lace of her dress. In her entire life no one had ever spoken to her as he was doing, certainly not her husband, Ray! "And you got something else that's just like honey..." The music went on and on and the numb girl allowed herself to be guided along in the loathsome arms of John Blodgett, braced for whatever filthy thing was coming next. Her whole body tingled from the stunning surprise of hearing words she had seen only on lavatory walls and which could not help but arouse erotic thoughts in the most chaste girl by their very lewd suggestiveness... "When do I get into the honey pot, Sally? Come on, I've got something here I want to stick in your cunt... can you feel it?" he slid his hand down her back until it rested below her waist, and forcefully propelled her hips toward the lower part of his body. The rigid bulk of his penis seared into her stomach like a branding iron... "No!" she exclaimed, so loudly that nearby couples heard the exclamation and turned their heads curiously. Blodgett relaxed his grip and let his hand return to the proper position... he didn't want to go too far, she was a jumpy little bitch... just far enough so that she got the message loud and clear. He had by now worked her to the far end of the room from where their mates were sitting. "There's not much time left," he warned her, "If you still want your husband to get the store. I would say, in fact, there's only a few days left. Shall we make an appointment?" "No," she said dully, unable to think clearly for the emotions that were swirling through every raw nerve end of her body, "I -- I can't. What you're asking is impossible. I have never -- never been with another man besides my husband. Why won't you let me alone? Find someone else, please!" "Then I'll give you only a few more hours," he said angrily. "You let me know your decision tonight, before you leave here." "I told you no." "I'll ask you just one more time," he promised grimly. By the time he had returned her to her chair beside Ray, Sally was limp and drained of feeling. She had known they shouldn't come, when she heard it was a party for the Blodgetts, and now it was turning out to be a further nightmare. But Ray had not noticed a thing, he was actually enjoying himself, having a few drinks under his belt by now. Groping for reassurance, Sally reached over and put her hand timidly on Ray's knee. He turned to her, beaming at this unusual display of affection. "Here, honey, here's your drink. Maybe it's too weak now... the ice melted while you were dancing." "No, it'll be fine," she seized the glass gratefully and swallowed the pungent bourbon and cola mix. Ordinarily she did not care for hard liquor, but Sally sensed she was going to need something to get her through this evening. After the second drink she began to warm and relax slightly. John Blodgett stayed with his friends, and the younger crowd around her and Ray's table was quite enjoyable to be with. She loved to see Ray having a good time... it was the first evening in ages that he'd gotten out like this... probably the last time they would be with these local people, too. She supposed that when the new owners took over the drugstore, or before, her husband would start looking for another job. God, what if it should be another place like Quiggville, maybe worse? The thing was, she was at last beginning to feel some slight sense of belonging here and getting acquainted. If they owned the store... if they could build the house in Hickory Acres... it wouldn't be at all bad! They could join this country club and Ray would be able to play golf... she would take part in garden clubs or something. Someone else asked Sally to dance and when she returned to the table her third drink was waiting. She finished it, and later there was more... never had she had so much to drink in one night; she was probably in for a hangover in the morning, but at last she was really enjoying herself, having a good time! Much, much later they began drinking sentimental toasts to the Blodgetts -- and Lauralee Blodgett stood up and made a drunken, tearful speech about leaving Quiggville for the first time in her life, even though she would always keep her home here, "mah fam'ly place," as she put it. She had to lean on her brother and her husband to keep from falling as she swayed gracefully back and forth and rambled on, liquor spilling from her glass to splash over her expensive dress. "She's plastered!" Sally whispered to Ray, shocked. He grinned at her. "Darling, she's usually plastered, from what I hear." What a shame, Sally thought, such a beautiful woman and so well kept up. She has to be past forty, but her figure is still great... is it being married to that horrible man that makes her drink? When she finally ran out of words, Lauralee sat down abruptly -- not in her own chair, but on her husband's lap. She flung her arms around him and kissed him in a passionate way that drew whistles from the onlookers and made Sally feel uncomfortable. Later Lauralee was circulating among the tables, kissing all the men and the women too and promising to write to everyone from Florida. When it was Ray's turn she rumpled his black hair and kissed him full on the lips in a provocative way that Sally excused only because of Lauralee's obvious condition. But when Ray asked her to dance... it was the last number... she found her own condition was not much better and was grateful to lean against her husband's tall form and let him pilot her over the dance floor. Suddenly she heard a well-remembered husky voice and found that Ray was disentangling her arms from his neck. John Blodgett had cut in on them! All the liquor she had consumed was racing through her blood, and Sally could not for the life of her remember... ah, yes, he wanted to ask her something. She let herself be pressed against his bulky frame, her stomach rubbing his, breasts mashed against his hard rib cage. His fingers played at the slit in the back of her dress where it was open nearly to the waist. He did not seem so repulsive now, he was quiet and not saying those awful things which had upset her before. His big hands were almost gentle... she must keep her wits, this was very important... very important to Ray. Darling Ray was so happy tonight, she must help him get the store so that they could go on living here and he would always be happy just as he was now! "Sally," Blodgett's voice was calm, insistent, "I'll be at your place Monday. I'm damned if I could wait another day. I'll see that Ray has to go to Knoxville... don't worry about a thing, baby... nobody will know. Monday afternoon." "I can't," she shook her head, her words slurring slightly, "I can't do it to Ray!" "You're doing it for him, remember? I told you, I'll ask you one more time. This is it -- shall I come on Monday?" "Oh, God," the poor girl's head was spinning. What to say? What to do? She must help Ray. "Yes," she breathed, "C-come on Monday." Her head slumped forward wearily on his shoulder, eyes nearly closed. Her long brown hair, escaping from the careful hair styling of this afternoon, tumbled down her back. Over the brown curls, Blodgett saw his brother-in-law dancing toward him. The eyes of the two men met for an instant and Blodgett winked broadly. * * * Sally did not remember the ride home at all, or being undressed and put to bed by her husband. The next thing, she remembered, in fact, was waking on Sunday afternoon with a truly ghastly hangover. Ray seemed to think it was funny, but he took tender care of his wife, bringing her coffee, and ice to put on her throbbing head. That evening, when she had recovered sufficiently to sit in the living room, he teased her about getting high. "You were the life of the party, honey, dancing with everybody. Good thing I'm not the jealous type." "Huh! I seem to remember Lauralee Blodgett slobbering all over you." "Well, her old man made up for it... cut in on the very last dance. Oh, you were a big hit, Mrs. Denham." Then she remembered it all and the walls seemed to fall in on her! He was coming here... Monday... tomorrow. She had made a cheap, back street rendezvous with her husband's boss, in her husband's own home. He couldn't hold her to it, she'd been drunk, and Sally had no intention of going through with her part of the lewd arrangement. "I've got something you need... and you've got something I can use." As one often does, she simply refused to think about the unthinkable and blocked the whole thing off in a dark corner of her mind as though it might just go away by wishing. Her vital young body snapped back quickly from the effects of her overindulgence at the party, and on Monday morning she rose early and did the washing and ironing. Then she fixed Ray's lunch. He came upstairs promptly at twelve and ate hurriedly. "Honey, I've got to go to Knoxville this afternoon," he said, munching the tossed salad she had prepared. "Knoxville? How come?" A cold chill gripped her. "Blodgett called... wants me to go to the wholesale house, and then he asked me to run a couple of personal errands for him -- stuff for the farm. I'm leaving right away and I should get back by five, that way I can make up any prescriptions that come in." "I could go with you," she said, "Maybe see a movie or just look around the stores?" He frowned. "Don't you have a piano lesson?" "Oh, yes... of course, well," she smiled bravely, "another time." "Got to run," he pushed his chair back, gave his wife a quick hug and kissed her. Sally watched the car drive away and then, moving like a robot she went to the telephone. "Mrs. Hearldson? This is Sally Denham. I wonder if Cynthia would mind switching her piano lesson to tomorrow afternoon? Is that convenient? Then I'll look for her after school tomorrow. Yes, goodbye." She went into the living room and sat down to wait. Crazily, it occurred to her that maybe she ought to dress for the occasion. What did one wear, a negligee... black stockings with lace garters? Oh, God! Sally never drank in the daytime, but if ever in her life she needed a drink it was now and she went to the kitchen and fixed herself a stiff one. At one-thirty, when she was on her second drink, the doorbell rang... one short, sharp ring. She went down immediately and opened the door. The big German Shepherd bounded in ahead of his master and brushed against Sally's unsteady legs, tail wagging. "Hello, Sally," John Blodgett said, "you doin' all right? You don't mind if Duke comes in... it's mighty hot for him to sit in the car?" "No, I-let him come in." She was rather relieved to have the dog there, it seemed that she was not complete alone with Blodgett that way. Duke bounded up the stairs with Sally following and Blodgett behind her, his eyes fixed on the undulating spheres of her buttocks as they moved in rhythmic rotation under her dress. Jesus, he was going to enjoy this one. It had been a lot of trouble to set up, but he was almost home... in a matter of minutes he would be all the way home, fucking the hell out of that sweet little cunt. His cock was jumping already. She led the unwanted guest into the living room where the drapes had been closed against the mid-day sun and the radio played softly, masking the sounds of traffic below on the square. "Will you have a drink?" she asked formally, her hands twitching nervously. "Don't mind if I do, if you'll join me." Her husband's boss eased his bulk onto the low couch, and she brought the drinks a few seconds later. The ice cubes rattled as she handed him his glass. When she turned to seat herself in a chair, Blodgett seized her by the wrist and pulled her down on the couch beside him. "Just relax," he urged her gently. "What are you so scared of, Sally? The world ain't coming to an end." Even at this point he knew she had to be handled carefully, the whole thing could still blow up in his face. But he had never failed to score with any woman he really set his sights on and he would be God damned if this prissy New England bitch was going to spoil his record. He circled her trembling shoulders with his arm, setting his drink on the coffee table, and tilted her pale face toward him. Sally's innocent grey eyes pleaded mutely for mercy as he pulled her closer and closer until their lips met with a galvanizing shock. It was a strange kiss, unlike any Ray had ever given her. John Blodgett seemed to be tasting her lips and mouth, licking lasciviously at her and transferring the distinctive flavor of bourbon from his lips to hers. Breathless at his aggression, Sally wriggled backwards against the cushions of the davenport. His large handsome face blotted out everything else from her vision. "You're a beauty," he muttered, "and I've wanted you for a long time. Am I so repulsive, Sally? Why are you shrinking away from me like that?" She felt his hand come to rest on her tensely quivering stomach and the contact, felt right through her light cotton dress, sent a curious near thrill surging through her. "N-no," she admitted, "you're not repulsive, Mr. Blodgett, but..." "John," he corrected, moving his arm to encircle her small waist. "John. Please, I beg you..." He cut off the words by completely engulfing her soft wet mouth again in his own lips, his tongue thrusting out lizard like to force its way between her teeth, and a wild shiver of emotion rippled through her. His big hands felt hot as they began to move over her. Oh, God, this was it! She continued to push and struggle against him but only for a moment until she realized the futility of it and simply let herself relax and her mouth fall open to the lewd probings of his tongue. Her entire body now slumped against him as his right hand found, and covered her large uptilted breast. "Ooooh," she moaned and he smiled confidently. "You're going to love it, honey," he promised, his hands now moving faster in their thorough exploration of the hollows of her supple body while he continued to lap at her face with his rapacious tongue. Lord, she was alive all over with wanton sensation! Suddenly his mouth and hands roaming lewdly over her had set her on fire... Ray, oh, Ray, come back... I need you now! His hand was on her bare knee... traveling upward to her thigh... stroking the sensitive inner flesh of her thigh! Oh, God help her, she didn't mind it there... she was even liking it, actually craving the soft pressing warmth that was coming ever closer... closer. This was wrong... completely wrong! What was she thinking of, she mustn't let this man do these forbidden things to her. She knew she couldn't go through with it, it was too emotionally wracking... and she had to stop him now, before it was too late! Sally sat up straight, shoving against John Blodgett's broad chest in a futile effort to loosen his grip on her. "No, I can't," she half sobbed, "I'm sorry... I know I let you think that I -- but I simply can't go through with it. You may have no principles, but I have." "Principles, hell!" he snorted at her. "Why, you conceited little bitch, you want to know what's wrong with you? You're scared to death that you're going to like gettin' fucked by Big John!" The helpless, demoralized young girl gasped, staring up into his steely blue eyes. The horrible part of it was that there might be a small grain of truth in his horrid suggestion... she had for a moment felt something stir inside her, a shiver of anticipation when his hand had rested between her legs. "An' you are gonna like it," he murmured lazily, resuming his perusal of her quivering hot thighs. Slowly and gradually, while his hand slipped up and down the creamy soft flesh, he worked her backward until she lay stretched out beneath him on the davenport. He pushed his fingers far up between her fearfully quivering legs and gently rubbed against the flimsy nylon panties that protected her cringing pussy. "Please... John, no," she groaned even as she flung her arms tight around his neck and let her soft wet mouth fall open to him even as her legs were opening wider and wider as the sensual torment of his hand instigated a rush of prurient emotion through her loins. She was aware that he was burrowing under the thin elastic leg-band of her panties and she whimpered in paralyzed distress. Then... dear God, he was inside... His long thick finger was parting the moistly, palpitating slit of her vagina and she tried to cringe away but there was no escape from the lewdly invading finger even though she scratched ineffectually at his massive shoulders and whined in disbelief that this could actually be happening to her... here in her own living room. The probing finger worked deeper and deeper inside her moistly clinging cuntal lips and Sally quivered in debased excitement. She sensed the warm wetness that was gathering inside her and seeping out to dampen his finger as it played with her sensitive vaginal slit and spread the soft pubic hair away from the tiny opening. The poor young wife could not stifle the sigh of pleasure that escaped from her throat as he touched the tiny erect button of her clitoris and let his middle finger linger there until she squirmed uncontrollably with the unwelcome passion that he was inevitably arousing in her. The utter hopelessness of her situation was plain to Sally. Torn by worry for her husband, she had allowed herself to make this appointment with his boss, John Blodgett. She'd been quite drunk at the time, but that was no excuse, and now he was here to claim his end of the unholy bargain... he was, claiming it, taking her bodily! There was nothing she could do but let him finish... let him make love to her in any way he chose, just as a whore must please her clients! To add to her total humiliation, instead of getting the obscene act over with quickly, he was playing with her and to her own shame she was letting him arouse her with his taunting finger thrusts up into her vagina, to the point that her hips were twisting back and forth involuntarily as he stroked the hotly awakened slit up between her legs. "That's better," he leaned over her, grinning lewdly. "You're getting nice and wet down there now. Let's get your clothes off, honey, I think you're almost ready to fuck." His casual use of the obscene word made her tense inwardly, but at the same time it invoked a strange new excitement in her as she realized that no one had ever dared take the liberty of speaking to her this way before and the shock could not help but send little ripples of lewd agitation through her body. He let her sit up to remove her clothing, which she did automatically with an almost fatalistic acceptance of the situation. He helped her pull her dress over her head and then gave his attention to taking his own clothes off. She could not, however, bring herself to pull away the damp pair of panties which had protected her delicate pubic area from his lustful eyes if not from his groping fingers. Breathing hard and audibly, he gasped with a quick intake of breath as he looked up and saw her full, high-set breasts with the hard little pink nipples exposed. His hands went out to enclose and fondle the ripe, succulent flesh, kneading the pliant creamy skin and pinching the nipples to a state of even greater erectness. Finally he bent his head down to her excitedly heaving chest and took one pink nipple into his hot, wet mouth and sucked it hungrily, flicking his thick tongue in a maddening way against the tiny sensitive tip of the nipple. In a leisurely way, he moved to the other breast, cupping it underneath with his palm while his wet lips assaulted the hard, throbbing nipple... then, while his hands continued to manipulate her achingly full breasts he let his lips slide down the deep cleft between them and move slowly toward her navel. When he encountered the brief nylon protection of her panties he simply hooked his thumbs in the narrow waistband and jerked them downward. As the cool air rushed over her secret parts that were now fully revealed to this gross lecher, Sally moaned with shame and horror but extended her long slim legs so that he could draw the panties down, down and toss them away. "Jesus H. Christ!" the drugstore owner exclaimed with something akin to reverence as his greedy eyes feasted at last on the shadowed triangular patch of her cuntal hair. Sally opened her eyes which she had kept tightly clenched shut during the last several minutes. He towered above her, one knee on the couch, one hairy muscular leg planted on the floor. Below the slight bulge of his stomach the massively rigid pole of his desire hardened penis swung straight out from his loins. "Oh God," she moaned, her eyes widening in disbelief while he smiled down at her in salacious enjoyment of her amazement. His hand began a lewd stroking motion of the thick uncircumcised foreskin popping the huge, blood-engorged head out at her with its tiny slit winking like some evil eye. "That dumb husband of yours hasn't got anything like this, has he, honey?" he teased the debased young bride as she cowered away from the sight of the powerful cock. "I bet nobody ever stretched that tight little cunt of yours. Oh, just wait till I get it up into your little belly... you're gonna beg me to let you have all of it." He was obviously relishing her terror with a near-sadistic joy as he proudly stroked his fleshy instrument. Dear God... she could never take a thing like that in her! He would kill her if he tried! She scarcely, heard his lewd boasting, her mind was too full of the knowledge of her hopeless position... he was going to ravish her, appeals for mercy would be useless, she was sure, for her degradation was only inciting him to further obscenities. Alone with him, naked and spread out obscenely for his pleasure, there was absolutely no escape... no relief... she was lost! Blodgett place a hand on each of her knees and deliberately began to force them apart, opening her fearfully cringing genitals completely to his lustful gaze. "Wider," he ordered, chuckling softly, "open 'em up wider... you got a big man coming in there, honey, with a big cock to ram in that sweet little pussy!" The petrified young wife whimpered in fright as her husband's boss climbed onto the davenport and knelt up between her outstretched legs. She felt the springs groan under his weight as he lowered his massive, naked body toward her. "Ray," she half sobbed, "Oh... oh... oh Ray."