The Runway by KillJoy Jenny hurried with her make-up, knowing she had to be on stage in a couple minutes, She was running late because some one jumped in front of the subway car she took. "What drives people to do things like that I'll never know." she though, "My life is no peach but, still... Probable a junky" "NYC has about 14 million furries crammed in it and I'll bet 50% of them are high right now." She raked a brush through her long, brown hair and then her tail, pulling at a knot near the end. Jenny raced down to the entrance to the stage area, her hooves clapping on the wooden floor as she went. Sara was just finishing her act as Jenny reached the curtain, she wished she'd had time to watch her perform. Sara always finished with a twirling dance which ended with her on the floor, clutching her thick fox tail between her legs and along her chest, panting and heaving. Jenny just couldn't seem to get the energy that Sara had, although every one still enjoyed her performance. Sara exited the stage and gave Jenny a playful pat on the butt, "Go get 'em tiger" she teased as she leapt by. Sara's jest could only mean one thing, the elderly tiger was in the crowd. The old pervert always sat near the front, trying to cop a feel. The DJ announced Jenny and started her song, the lights dimmed and Jenny took the stage. A beam of light dropped onto her, surrounding her body in a warm glow. She was crouched on the stage, her head lowered, as the music sped-up, Jenny flicked her head back, sending her main like hair flying. She raised to her feet and arched her back, lifting her tail high as she did and reached upward. She'd done this same routine many times before and it never seemed to fail, every one always cheered and demanded more at the end. She began to stamp her hoof on the mirror-like black tile of the floor, keeping rhythm with the music. She slowly pranced about, touching her breast and thighs, working her way around the runway. She leapt at the pole and swung around a couple times before leaping back to the center. She began working her thong off as the bills began to rise. Jenny first went to a young wolf, she had never seen him before and decided to play with him. She slid along the stage to him, heaving her cleavage around as she went. She stopped less then an inch from his face and flipped back, thrusting her crotch out at him. He was now nose to pulsing equine cunt as Jenny pushed back and forth, his eyes widened as his friends screamed behind him. Jenny whirled around and snapped the bill from his hand with her teeth. She moved on, leaving a shock and silent boy gasping. She really got off on doing that, they come for a show and she gives them one. She danced for a couple more furries before spotting the old tiger, wearing his sunday best, an old business which smelled of moth-balls. He was working his way to the front seats, a wad of ones clenched in his fist. She remembered the first and only time she ever wore the saddle costume on stage as she lay on the floor, grasping the pole as she worked her butt around to the crowd. She was in the same position when she felt a weight on her back, the old tiger had mounted her and was waving his dusty hat in the air. She laughed to herself as she pictured him being thrown out the door by the ape bouncers that night. She had since retired that costume as to avoid the same thing again. The old tiger took a seat neck to the pole, "Hoping to catch some fling sweat." Jenny thought as she swung around the brass pole. She jumped and bucked, waving her body in every direction, the crowd responded with hoots and howls, throwing bills and phone numbers onto the stage. Jenny saw the ape bouncer dragging a raccoon to the door, "They are all hands." she thought as she found herself crouched in front of the pole once more. Her eyes fell upon the grayed features of the old tiger staring up at her. She played to him, loathing every second. He was the only bad experience she'd ever had on stage, except for that one time when the pole tore loose and she found herself landing crouch first on the face of a fox, his muzzle driving into her cunt. It was a little exciting as she met him after the show and the two of them were some thing for a while, till his fear of commitment scared him off. He was good though, he always came to see her perform, even though he got a special dance when she got home. He just couldn't seem to get enough of her. She fantasized about his long, slick cock as it slid out of his furry sheath, how good he felt. Jenny began playing with herself, rubbing a little deeper then she was supposed to, lost in images of red fur and strong hands. She moaned as she plunged her finger into her cunt, working it in and out, feeling the juices start to flow. She had totally forgotten she was on stage and purely relived the days gone by, that is until the DJ snapped her out of her trance, "Jenny, what the hell are you doing?", he snapped. Jenny opened her eyes and was shocked as every one in the club was staring, mouths wide open, silently. At this point Jenny was glad her face was furry as if turned a bright red from embarrassment. She froze, not believing what she had just done, not knowing what to do next. The audience answered her question as the rose to their feet and cheered at the top of their lungs. Still shocked, Jenny stood and slowly bowed, bills came flying from every where. She grabbed a handful and dashed off stage. As she reached her dressing room, Sara stepped out and blocked her way. "You trying to up stage me or some thing?", she questioned. "What do you mean?", Jenny stammered. "That little show on stage, we could hear the cheers all the way back here.", Sara said as she grabbed Jenny's arms. Sara pulled the still shaking equine to her, covering her with a great hug and started walking off, flicking Jenny with her tail as she past. "Keep up the good work but, don't leave the rest of us in your shadow.", Sara teased as she faded down the hallway. --------------------------------------------------------------- I try to work a little of my live into my stories, like this one. I went to a strip joint tonight and remembered a picture I had by wookie. After locating this pic again, I sat down to write this story.