by PJ (
Realms created by Ed Greenwood.
Jennifer entered her brightly lit bedroom and dropped limply onto her bed. The eighteen year old girl had just finished another grueling day of high school, and she was ready to relax. Stripping off her white blouse and knee-length skirt, Jennifer sat at her computer and flipped on the power, dressed only in her white socks, panties, and bra. She carefully picked up the neural web from the desktop and placed it over her head. Making sure that all the contact points were just right, the young woman watched the Windows logo appear, then double clicked on the "Realms Phantasy" icon. Jennifer shuddered as the neural web activated and interfaced with her brain, filling her vision with dark nothingness. A large dragon icon filled the girl's vision, then Khelben Arunsun appeared in a swirl of greenish sparkles and bowed low at the waist.
"Do you have an existing character, or do you wish to create a new one?" asked the archmage politely.
"New character, Moon Elf female, mage," requested Jennifer. "Make her alignment chaotic-good, and place her in the North."
"Female, Moon Elf mage has been created. Stats have been generated and applied to character's abilities and hit points. Character will begin adventure in Sundabar. Submit character's name," said the computer image of Khelben.
"Jenna Moonbeam," replied Jennifer after a moment of thought.
"Jenna Moonbeam's profile has been saved to hard drive. Do you wish to begin adventure?" asked Khelben gravely.
"Yes, begin adventure," ordered Jennifer before she heard the faint screech of her modem, then watched the dragon icon explode into a supernova of light.
Jenna Moonbeam stood at the outskirts of the city of Sundabar. The beautiful Moon Elf girl looked down at her slim body, dressed in flowing red robes. She carried a tall quarterstaff in her left hand, and a light backpack was strapped across her shoulders. Jemma had pale, white skin, and long, black hair that was tied in a knot and draped over her right shoulder. She had almond-shaped, blue eyes, and the delicate, pointed ears of an Elf. Breathing the clear, sweet air with relish, Jenna took off her backpack and knelt down to examine its contents. The pack contained her spellbook, some rations, a few torches, some rope, a full waterskin, and an empty scrollcase. Opening the money pouch on her belt, the Elven mage found twenty silver pieces and ten copper.
"I guess I better look for more money first," muttered the lovely Elf girl as she drew shut her coin pouch.
"No, you really should be looking for some monsters to kill for experience points. Sheesh! You don't play very much, do you Jennifer?" asked a arrogant voice behind Jenna.
"Oh, no. Oliver," moaned Jenna as she stood up and turned around to see a burly human fighter leaning against a nearby tree.
"That's Gronan the Destroyer to you, wench," corrected the warrior with a grin as he pushed away from the tree and walked forward to examine Jenna closely. "Say, I like this body much more than Sonya, that paladin you were playing last time. How'd you die?"
"I was trying to sneak into Zhentil Keep by going through the Dragonspine Mountains. I unfortunately encountered a dracolich and it bit my head off. I was almost sixth level too," replied Jenna with a pout.
"Tough luck, lady," remarked Gronan with a smug grin. "And now you've started over with a mage, you want to die early don't you?"
"Shut up, Oliver! Unlike you, I get tired of playing the same old fighter-types over and over again," retorted the Elf girl crossly. "When I get to tenth level, I'll feed your guts to my dragon retainers."
"Ooooh, you'll never get any allies with that kind of talk. Well, I'm off. I suggest that you go into town and hook up with some newbies at one of the taverns. I just reached third level, so I'm going to finish that old crypt I left unexplored in the Nether Mountains," declared Gronan with a heroic pose.
"C'mon, take me with you. I don't want to wander the countryside with some band of amateurs waiting for an orc party to ambush me. If I go with you, I can get to second level faster," whined Jenna pitifully.
"Now why would I want to chain myself to a first level mage with one spell and a wimpy staff?" asked Gronan thoughtfully.
"What do you want?" countered Jenna with a sigh. "Half my treasure? All the magic items?"
"Nope. I want you to give me a blow job after the adventure's over," replied Gronan eagerly.
"What?! That's so gross!" exclaimed Jenna. "What are you? Some kind of rpg computer nerd?"
"Just because I have Virtual Valerie I-IX and Cobra Mission XII doesn't mean I'm a computer nerd," replied Gronan defensively. "You gonna accept my deal or what?"
"Yeah, I'll give you a blow job after the adventure, ya jerk," muttered Jenna as she kicked a loose pebble on the ground.
"Great! You're the best, Jennifer!" cried out Gronan as he jumped up and down, then hugged the Elf girl tightly in his burly arms.
"I..can't..breathe," gasped out Jenna before the muscle-bound fighter released her and let her catch her breath.
"C'mon, the crypt's to the east," pointed Gronan before he began to walk towards the Nether Mountains.
The fighter and mage walked for hours across the grassy plains of the North. As the sun began to set to the west, Jenna and Gronan entered the foothills near the Nether range. Using her enhanced Elven senses, Jenna heard screams and the shouts of orcs to the northeast.
"Alright! More experience points!" shouted Gronan as he drew his bastard sword from a belt sheath and charged towards the disturbance. Sighing with frustration, Jenna hiked up her robes and ran quickly after her companion.
Within a clearing surrounded by large hills, a small caravan was under attack by an Orc raiding party. Human soldiers lay dead around burning wagons as a small group of defenders tried to beat back seven large humanoids. Gronan roared a fierce battle cry, then swung his razor-sharp blade, slicing a surprised Orc in half. Jenna cast a Magic Missile spell, hurling a glowing dart of energy that slammed into an Orc's chest and burned a deep hole in its flesh. The lithe Moon Elf girl swung her staff at another Orc, but missed. Gronan stabbed an Orc in the stomach, then slashed its throat open. The dead Orc's body slammed heavily into the ground, but the fighter didn't stay to gloat.
The remaining four Orcs turned to face Gronan and Jenna. One Orc swung its long sword at Gronan, but failed to penetrate the fighter's leather armor. Another Orc tried to stab Jenna with its blade, but the Elf girl dodged the blow. The female mage cast another Magic Missile, killing her adversary. Gronan received a slash on his left arm, but impaled the attacking Orc with his blade. One of the remaining caravan guards attacked an Orc from behind, slicing its back open. The humanoid grunted with pain, then died. The last Orc began to back away from the three characters, swinging its sword wildly to keep its foes at bay.
"It's all yours, Jenna. You need the x.p.'s," offered Gronan generously.
Smiling fiercely, the Elven mage cast her last Magic Missile spell, which flew right through the Orc's stomach and out of its back.
"That was fun," said Jenna with a grin.
"Naw, the fun part's seeing what treasure we got," retorted Gronan as he began searching the armor of the dead Orcs.
"Thank you for saving us," said the handsome warrior who had helped the two adventurers.
"No problem. All in a day's work for heroes like us," declared Jenna proudly.
"Our caravan isn't rich, but we can offer you twenty gold pieces as a reward," offered the guard with a smile.
"Thank you," replied Jenna as she accepted the coin pouch that the guard gave her.
"After we have re-organized the party, would you like to accompany us? We're traveling to a village in the High Forest to sell metal goods. We could use a couple of seasoned bodyguards," offered the soldier.
"No thanks, we've already got a job," declined Jenna as she turned to watch Gronan loot the dead bodies. "I've got to go now before Gronan takes all the goodies."
Bowing respectfully, the caravan guard returned to his group of wagons, while Jenna walked next to her fighter companion and leaned into his side.
"Find anything interesting?" asked the Elf girl sweetly.
"Just some copper pieces and their gear," replied the warrior gruffly. "Your half is fifteen coppers, plus any weapons that you want."
The slim Elf looked over the pile of captured weapons, then settled for taking a slim dagger that she strapped to the inside of her left sleeve. With the sun gone, the two adventurers decided to stay with the caravan until dawn. The merchant who ran the caravan welcomed Jenna and Gronan warmly, then treated them to a meal of venison, bread, and sharp cheese, washed down with generous servings of cold ale. Gronan drank several flasks of ale, sang loudly, then fell promptly unconscious upon a pile of furs. Jenna drank in silence, watching the handsome soldier with her large, blue eyes. The man smiled shyly at her attention, then sat up as she moved over to him and pulled him to his feet.
"C'mon. Now you can really reward me for saving your ass," said Jenna as she led him to the edge of the camp then pushed him to the ground behind a wagon. As the man lay quietly upon the grass, Jenna took off her robes, then pulled off the man's breeches. Smiling lustfully, the Elf girl stroked the soldier's cock until it grew erect and hard, then she leaned down to suck eagerly on the engorged head. The guard groaned softly as Jenna sucked on his rod, moving up and down its length with her warm, red lips. After she had sampled his meat, the Elf girl straddled the man's crotch, then lowered her wet pussy onto his member. Jenna moaned with pleasure as she felt the guard's cock enter her tight cunt and probe deeply into her vagina. The naked Elf girl moved up and down as she fucked the guard's tool, her silky, black hair hanging limply on her bare back. Jenna caressed and squeezed her own round breasts as she rode the man's crotch, pushing his cock deeply into her throbbing love hole. She pressed her small, delicate hands onto the guard's hairy chest as she moved her pussy up and down his hard rod. The Elf girl panted loudly, breasts heaving, while the soldier grunted with effort and thrust his cock harder against her raven-haired snatch.
Jenna moaned loudly as she orgasmed, coating the man's tool with her warm love honey. The caravan guard grunted soon after, shooting his load into her hungry cunt. Jenna kissed the guard hotly on the mouth, caressing his tongue with her own, then she stood up from the man's penis and went to recover her clothes to rest until morning.
Night elapsed into day, while only a few seconds passed in real time. Jenna awoke as the caravan began to prepare for its journey, but they stayed long enough to share dawnfry with her. As Gronan snored blissfully on his sleeping furs, Jenna watched the caravan depart, then she sat down next to the smoking embers of the evening's fire and studied her spellbook. Two hours until noon, Gronan awoke with a snort, then scratched his crotch casually.
"That's really rude, Gronan," remarked Jenna with a distasteful frown.
"Like I care," retorted the fighter as he staggered to his feet, then walked behind a bush to piss.
"When you're done acting like a dog, maybe we can get started," said Jenna acidly as she closed her spellbook and replaced it in her backpack.
"Anything to eat?" asked Gronan groggily as he retied his breeches, then looked over the dead fire with bleary eyes.
"Nope, you're stuck with rations," replied the Elf girl with a smirk.
"Oh, well. At least my hit points are all back," said Gronan happily as he began walking east while rummaging in his pack for food. He pulled out some travel bread, which he devoured quickly.
"My Magic Missile spells are back too," reported Jenna seriously.
"I was meaning to ask you, how come you got three Magic Missiles instead of just one?" asked Gronan.
"Game modifier. The software lets first level spellcasters get extra spells if they want. It's similar to the Stats modifier that you probably used to get an 18/00 Strength," replied Jenna condescendingly.
"I did not! I only have an 18 Strength!" objected Gronan hotly.
"Sorry, my mistake," grinned Jenna as she followed the large fighter through the rugged foothills. The companions walked all afternoon, encountering no random monsters except for a small party of goblins that were quickly dispatched. As the sun began to set in the west, Jenna and Gronan reached the summit of a small hill, and quickly crouched down as they spied a group of zombies in the valley below. Five walking corpses shambled listlessly near the entrance to a large cairn. Gronan smiled in anticipation, unsheathing his bastard sword from his belt.
"I'll charge them, and you do your magic thing," said the fighter before he leapt to his feet and began running down the hill.
"Be my guest," replied Jenna before she began chanting the words of the Magic Missile spell.
Just as the burly fighter reached the zombies, the Elven mage pointed a delicate finger and hurled a glowing dart at the milling undead. The magical bolt smashed a zombie's torso, sending rotting meat high into the air. Gronan shouted in excitement as he sliced a zombie in half, then twirled to chop deeply into another zombie's stomach. The shambling corpses converged on the fighter, raking their long, dirty claws in his direction. Jenna rose to her feet and ran down the hill to join Gronan as he sliced off a zombie's right arm, then lopped its head off at the neck. As the Elf mage reached the cairn entrance, Gronan kicked the last zombie in the crotch, then chopped his sword downwards across the undead's shoulder to its waist. The broken, rotting body fell wetly to the ground just as Jenna reached the fighter's side, panting heavily.
"Don't hog all of the experience points," admonished the young woman crossly.
"Hey, I'm almost fourth level, toots," replied Gronan proudly as he wiped his ichor-dripping blade on a zombie's dry tunic.
"Hooray for you," bit out Jenna before she turned away from the smug fighter and examined the stone door of the cairn. Gronan flexed his bulging muscles, then pushed roughly against the door. The thick portal didn't give a bit under the strong fighter's assault. Smiling maliciously, Jenna let Gronan exhaust himself, then whispered the rune that hung upon the door's upper edge. With a groan of heavy rock, the door slid smoothly into the ground, revealing a dark opening that led into the tomb.
"You could have said something," gasped Gronan as he stood bent over clasping his knees.
"You didn't ask," replied Jenna gleefully before she lit one of her torches and entered the darkness of the cairn. Clasping the hilt of his sword tightly, Gronan followed the Elf mage.
The two companions walked for several minutes down a gently sloping passageway, then they entered a small twenty-by-twenty room with piles of rotted wood on the floor. Before Jenna could shout a warning, two clawed hands grabbed her by the robes and pulled her into the room. Gronan growled in anger and ran into the chamber, sword in hand. The armored fighter had a moment to see Jenna being dragged by two ghouls through a doorway across the room, then a burst of light assaulted his vision. When Gronan regained his sight, he stood within a richly appointed chamber, with white, silk tapestries adorning the walls, and soft cushions positioned in piles upon the floor. Water sparkled from a fountain in the far left-hand corner, and a beautiful young woman reclined before him dressed in a sheer, black gown with slits along the sides that revealed her long, slim legs.
"Greetings, Gronan the Destroyer. Your fame preceeds you," said the red-haired girl.
"Who are you, fair lady?" asked Gronan in his most polite voice.
"Ravena Nightmane," replied the girl with a dazzling smile. "Come, sit with me and enjoy some refreshment."
The burly fighter sat down upon the soft pillows next the the comely stranger, then watched in amazement as a deadly beautiful succubus teleported into the room and knelt to serve the couple wine from a priceless, crystal decanter.
"To wealth and power," toasted the lovely girl as she clinked her glass against Gronan's, then drank the rich wine with one gulp. The pale-skinned succubus smiled lustfully at the fighter, then nodded once before teleporting out of the chamber.
"You must be a very powerful mage to command a succubus so easily," remarked Gronan as he sipped his wine cautiously.
"I don't like to brag, but I might give old Elminster a run for his gold," said the fiery-maned, young woman.
"I'm not complaining about the decor, but I really need to help my companion, Jenna," said Gronan urgently.
"Your friend is being taken care of," replied Ravena coolly. "You and I have to discuss something before I teleport you back to the cairn."
"What?" asked the fighter.
"Within the tomb that you are raiding, there lies an item of great power. It is a small stone called Magebane. With this item, you will be able to bring any mage to their knees," answered Ravena intently. "Before I allow you to recover this artifact, we need to reach an agreement."
"Such as?" probed Gronan.
"After you recover the stone, and when you've achieved the requisite level of strength, I want you to travel to Shadowdale and seek an audience with Elminster. By that time, you should be at the level where you've established a reputation and a certain amount of fame. When Elminster agrees to see you, you will activate the artifact and kill the Old Mage once and for all," ordered Ravena.
"Just like that? Kill one of the most powerful wizards on Faerun with a stone? I may be greedy and power-hungry, but I'm not stupid," replied Gronan with a frown.
"Magebane can neutralize Elminster's magic, all you have to do is stick him with that butterknife of yours," said Ravena acidly.
"Why should I?" demanded Gronan petulantly.
"I'm sure that I can make it worth your while," purred Nightmane as she pulled off her black dress and revealed her lithe body to the wide-eyed fighter.
"See anything you like?" asked Ravena huskily as she ran long, delicate fingers across Gronan's armored torso.
The warrior crushed the young woman's body against his chest, kissing her roughly on the mouth. Gronan thrust his tongue past her slack, red lips and explored her mouth and throat eagerly. The naked girl moaned softly as Gronan left her lips and licked her soft neck and shoulders before he latched his mouth onto her firm, round breasts and sucked hungrily on her sweet flesh. Ravena ran her fingers through the fighter's short, brown hair as he moved from one tit to the other, licking her sensitive nipples, then biting them until they were hard and erect. Whispering words of power, Nightmane cast away Gronan's armor and clothing, revealing his hard, muscled body. The warrior squeezed the naked girl's breasts with his large hands as he licked down her taut stomach, then reached her red-haired bush of pubic hair. Ravena moaned loudly as Gronan licked the surface of her wet pussy, then plunged his tongue deeply into her throbbing cunt. The lovely mage clenched her slim thighs around the warrior's head as he pushed deeply into her vagina with his tongue and explored her womanhood eagerly.
Ravena shuddered as waves of pleasure coarsed through her naked body. She sucked wantonly on Gronan's fingers as they caressed the warm flesh of her tits firmly. The mage girl moaned as she reached orgasm and released warm honey into the fighter's sucking mouth. Gronan drank her cum lustfully, then licked the lips of her pussy and the flesh of her inner thighs. Ravena sat up, then moved to kneel before the naked warrior before her. She reached forward to caress Gronan's huge erection, then she began to suck lightly on the head of his cock. The muscular fighter groaned loudly with pleasure as the horny girl took his tool deeply into her mouth and down her throat. The nineteen-year old's tongue caressed Gronan's meat, entwining around the thick shaft like a loving vine. Ravena's moist, red lips moved up and down the length of the fighter's cock, then she resumed sucking the head of his tool earnestly.
As Gronan felt his own orgasm approaching, he pulled his penis out of the mage girl's hot mouth, then turned her around until her shapely ass filled his vision. Running his callused hands across the smooth flesh of her buttocks, Gronan rubbed his engorged rod across her throbbing cunt, then plunged his meat into her tight fuckhole. Ravena moaned in sexual ecstasy as the burly warrior thrust firmly into her snatch with his hard cock. The red-haired girl's round breasts jiggled back and forth as she pushed her crotch harder against the man's probing meat. Gronan squeezed the naked girl's firm ass as he thrust deeper and deeper into her vagina. With a loud grunt, Gronan released his load into Ravena's hungry snatch, hot cum filling her void till it dribbled out of her slit. The naked, mage girl panted deeply for air, then moaned lightly as Gronan leaned down to kiss her lewdly on the mouth.
"Do we have a deal?" asked Ravena between pants.
"If you let me fuck you regularly, and give me the wealth that I want, yeah, I'll do the deed for you," agreed Gronan with a satisfied smile.
"Of course, my lord. I'm your personal fuck toy whenever you desire," replied the mage with a hidden grin that would freeze a star.
Ravena Nightmane stood stiffly upon a hill overlooking the entrance to the cairn. A light wind coarsed through her long, red hair as Vana Lasher, priestess of Loviatar, walked to stand next to her.
"Did that brute, Gronan, agree to kill Elminster?" asked the raven-haired cleric tersely.
"Aye, I was able to persuade him with my charm," replied the mage girl smugly.
"What about the Elf bitch? She might not go along with the plan," said Vana sternly.
"I took the liberty of hacking into Jenna's PC and disabling the consent mode in her software, she won't be in any shape to object to Gronan's acquisition of the Magebane," responded Ravena with a giggle.
"Did you get into the Realms mainframe and create the Magick Staff?" asked Vana eagerly.
"Yep," replied Ravena. "All we have to do is get it, and the Realms are all ours."
"Until the Sysop discovers what we did and shuts down the system," warned Vana.
"It won't happen," reassured the mage confidently. "The company would lose too much credit if they shut the system down for a purge. They'll probably just program some new heroes to counter what we do. Hell, they'll probably make a whole new ad campaign to promote the newest revision of the Realms. You know the company, they love anything that lets them print more sourcebooks."
"That's true," agreed Vana sagely. "Well, let's get going."
The two lovely women returned to their waiting steeds, then began riding swiftly to the east.
Jenna struggled vainly in the grip of the two rotting ghouls as they dragged her down a dark passageway, then turned down a leftward side passage that opened into a large room. The smashed remains of a table, chairs and several cots littered the chamber, which mattered little to the ghouls as they threw the Elf mage roughly to the stone floor and ripped off her red robes. Jenna screamed as one ghoul knelt down near her head and began to squeeze her round tits roughly. The other ghoul knelt down inbetween her slim legs and pulled them apart to expose her dark-haired snatch. The undead creature leaned down to lick her inner thighs with its long, slimy tongue, then it licked across the surface of the naked girl's pussy. Jenna moaned softly before the first ghoul inserted its elongated tongue past her slack lips and down her throat. The Elf girl gagged as the undead drooled into her mouth, caressing her tongue with its own.
The ghoul backed away from Jenna's face, then rubbed its engorged cock across her moist, red lips. The Elf girl coughed briefly before the undead thrust its meat into her mouth and began to push in and out of her throat. The second ghoul licked and sucked lightly on the petals of her pussy, then burrowed its mouth into her cunt, invading her vagina hungrily. Jenna's limbs began to feel numb as the ghouls' foul ichor flooded into her bloodstream. The naked Elf girl's arms fell limply to the floor as she stopped struggling and lay prone upon the cold, dirty floor. The first ghoul straddled her breasts as it continued to fuck her slack mouth with its cock. The second ghoul drank Jenna's cum lustfully as her body orgasmed involuntarily.
Licking the Elf girl's warm honey from its rotting lips, the second ghoul rubbed its huge erection across her cunt and inner thighs, then pushed its member deeply into her tight snatch. Jenna moaned faintly as the undead thrust into her womanhood, coating her fuckhole with its slimy fluids. The naked Elf girl's body spasmed uncontrollably as it responded to the waves of sexual stimuli assaulting it. The ghoul fucking the Elf girl's mouth grunted as it shot greenish slime down her throat and across her face. The second ghoul orgasmed with a push of its cock into her throbbing pussy, shooting cum deeply into her womb.
The sated undead leaned down to drink Jenna's cum as she orgasmed a second time. The first ghoul licked its own slime from her lips and tits, then bit lightly into her right shoulder, nibbling daintily on her sweet flesh. As the second ghoul bit her inner left thigh, Gronan ran drunkenly into the room and swung his sword in a lazy arc.
"Hey! Nobody eats Jenna but me!" shouted the muscular fighter as the two ghouls leapt from the Elf girl's prone body and attacked. Gronan swung his bastard sword, slicing deeply into a ghoul's scabby chest. The undead howled in pain before the fighter chopped off its right arm, then beheaded it with a follow-up blow. The second ghoul sliced Gronan's arm with its long claws, then jumped onto his armored back. Gronan felt paralysis begin to spread into his limbs, but he gritted his teeth and fought on, slamming the scratching ghoul into a nearby wall. The undead fell from the fighter's back, but pushed away from the wall with claws extended. Gronan kicked away the ghoul's outstretched arms, then hacked deeply into its exposed back. As the undead struggled to rise, the burly fighter chopped its torso in two, then slashed its limbs into little pieces.
Jenna felt life enter her limbs again, and slowly sat up with a groan of pain. Gronan looked up from his butchery, then quickly went to the naked Elf girl's side.
"Are you OK, Jenna?" asked the fighter with concern.
"It looks like the software's screwed up big time," remarked the mage as she wiped traces of ghoul slime from her mouth.
"You're not the only one. I've heard rumors that sometimes the consent protocol shuts down. The Sysop thinks that someone is hacking into the system. They've tried to trace the hacker, but haven't found squat so far. Of course they won't shut things down because that would cost them about two million credits a day," said Gronan softly.
"Great. I'll keep that in mind," replied Jenna as she stood up weakly, leaning heavily on Gronan's bulging arm. The big fighter helped the Elf girl out of the room, then pulled away to lead them down a dark hallway towards another chamber. Gronan held a lit torch in his left hand and his sword in his right as he approached the opening warily, then entered the room beyond. Pressing against the left-hand wall, Jenna followed slowly after the fighter, then stopped to gaze into the round chamber before her.
Gronan grunted with effort as he swung his large sword and smashed a skeleton into shards. Two more skeletons emerged from the darkness armed with rusty short swords, which they sliced forward with mechanical movements. Gronan parried their blows, then sliced off the skull of one attacker. The second skeleton stabbed the fighter lightly in the stomach, piercing his chainmail. Gronan groaned softly with pain, then shattered the animated skeleton with the flat of his blade. Seeing no more adversaries, the fighter panted for breath, then approached a small object that lay upon the central tomb of the cairn. Jenna walked slowly from the chamber's entrance, reaching the tomb just in time to see Gronan palm something from the tomb's lid and stuff it inside his money pouch.
"You're not holding out on me, are you?" asked the Elf girl suspiciously.
"Relax, Jenna. You couldn't use it anyway," reassured Gronan before he grasped the lip of the tomb's lid and pushed it away with a mighty shove. The stone cover smashed into pieces upon the floor, but the companions paid it no mind as they examined the robed corpse lying within the sarcophagus. Jenna gasped with pleasure before she removed a plain silver ring from the body's right hand, then took out a dusty scrollcase that sat next to the body's arm. Gronan found nothing of interest, so he left the tomb and went to examine a nearby chest. He hacked off the pitted lock with his sword, then opened the chest slowly. The fighter smiled as he found several flasks, a small, golden statue of a nymph, and a velvet pouch filled with sparkling gems. Jenna pulled the ring onto one of her delicate fingers, then replaced her arm dagger with a silver one with a rune etched along its blade.
"Hey, Jenna! I found some potions of Healing for you," reported Gronan as he stood up from the chest and pushed the gold statue he found into his backpack. Jenna walked quickly to the chest, then swiped a flask and guzzled down the contents. Warm, healing fluid coarsed down her throat and throughout her body, purging the evil ghoul ichor and removing the ugly bites from her smooth flesh.
"Ah, much better," murmured Jenna with a smile as she gazed proudly at the Ring of Protection adorning her right hand. "Now let's get out of here."
The tavern was bustling with activity as Jenna and Gronan sat at a corner table and began eating their dinner. The Elf girl was having a small chicken, warm bread, cheese, and a tall tankard of ale. The large, human fighter attacked a generous serving of ribs, with a side order of corn on the cob and ale.
"Have you picked your new spell yet?" asked Gronan as he chewed noisily.
"Yeah, I picked Sleep," replied Jenna before she bit the piece of chicken on her fork.
"It's kind of neat that the game gave you extra x.p.'s for being ravaged by those ghouls," remarked Gronan before he took a swallow of ale.
"Yes, at least I got something out of the whole thing. I'll feel better when I'm level three, though," said Jenna seriously.
"Why? You won't get third level spells until level five. Then you can start lobbing Fireballs," said Gronan with an eager gleam in his eyes.
"True, but maybe I'll pick Lightning Bolt instead," replied Jenna with a grin.
"Lightning Bolt! Pah! Fireball can take out a whole monster party, or a NPC party, come to think of it," remarked Gronan viciously.
"Your fighting tactics are so crude," said Jenna reproachfully.
A middle-aged man wearing rich robes walked up to the companions' table and bowed at the waist.
"Greetings, my name is Thoryn Golthar. I manage a rather large trading firm within Sundabar, and I am in need of brave adventurers."
"Here it comes," whispered Gronan sarcastically.
"Please, have a seat and tell us what troubles you," offered Jenna politely. The merchant nodded in thanks, then sat in a chair between the two player characters.
"I have a profitable trade route that passes through the High Forest from Sundabar to Yartar. Recently, my caravans have been attacked and seized by bandits, which I suspect come from Hellgate Keep. I am willing to pay you both one thousand gold pieces to eliminate the bandits and secure my travel route. Do you accept?"
"Well, Gronan? I think we should do it," suggested Jenna.
"Yeah, it sounds like fun," agreed the fighter. "You got a deal Thoryn."
"Excellent," smiled Thoryn happily. "I'll give you a map of the trade route, as well as notes of where the attacks took place."
"Sounds good," replied Jenna with a smile before she drained her mug of ale.
Ravena Nightmane gazed coldly at the ancient tree homes of the deserted Elf village. The evil mage and her ally, Vana Lasher, had teleported to the Elven Court, a large forest that had once been the seat of Elven power in the Realms. Since the Retreat, however, the teeming forest was empty, inhabited only by ghosts and the foul humanoid races that had eternally fought the Elves. A young, blonde-haired Gold Elf girl led the two wicked player characters to this particular village. She wore a torn, white shift, and had her slim wrists tied behind her back. Vana rode her steed behind the prisoner, occasionally cracking her barbed whip across the Elf girl's smooth back.
The mage halted her horse in the middle of a village square, then dismounted gracefully. Taking a small ruby from a robe pocket, Ravena whispered the words of Detect Magic, then waved the stone slowly at the nearby tree homes. When the beautiful, young woman pointed her gem at a large tree building to the west, the stone glowed warmly.
"The Magick Staff is in there. It looks like the town hall," said Ravena coolly.
"Good. Let's get it quickly and leave," replied Vana as she dismounted from her horse, then turned to regard the Elf girl prisoner. Closing her eyes to concentrate, the priestess chanted a Hold Person spell, then cast it at the helpless Gold Elf. The bound, young woman froze in place, incapable of moving under the spell's restraints. Vana patted the Elf girl's firm ass affectionately, then joined the mage who was already approaching the town hall.
Howls of bloodlust startled the two women as a group of Orcs emerged from the trees and raised their long swords aggressively. Ravena quickly cast a Burning Hands spell, frying three charging Orcs in their tracks. Vana swept her barbed whip forward, slashing open an Orc's throat and making it choke on its own blood. The evil mage cast Flaming Sphere, then rolled the flaming ball at a group of four attackers. The fiery orb shot towards the cringing goblinoids and engulfed them, searing off their armor and flesh like hot wax. Ravena smiled with pleasure as she listened to the Orcs' death screams, then she watched Vana slam an Orc into the ground and slash its neck open with a wavy-bladed dagger. As the Orc slowly bled to death, Vana sliced off its cock and balls, then slowly opened its torso before twisting her dirk in its intestines. The helpless Orc gurgled in agony, then gratefully expired to escape Vana's torture.
"Are you through playing yet?" asked Ravena impatiently.
"Just performing a short ritual to please my goddess," explained Vana before she licked her dagger clean of Orc blood, then returned it to her belt sheath.
The two women walked to the edge of the tree building, then carefully climbed the spiral staircase that ascended to the town hall. Ravena reached the hall door first, and cautiously opened the portal to enter. Walking into the large audience chamber, the mage saw several arched windows along the side walls, windows that allowed bright streams of sunlight to illuminate the room. At the far end of the chamber, a large, wooden throne sat, and behind that, a column-shaped dais. Resting in a shaft of magelight, the Magick Staff awaited its mistress.
"You didn't make it too gaudy, did you?" remarked Vana sarcastically.
"You have no sense of style, Vana," retorted Ravena as she rushed up to the dais and snatched the staff from the light beam.
"Will that be enough to finish off the major players?" inquired Vana urgently.
"Aye, my cohort. When my foolish pawn, Gronan, kills Elminster, I will be ready to finish off the leaders of Shadowdale, the Harpers, and the Lords of Waterdeep. We'll use Shadowdale as our main powerbase, then extend our sphere of control until the Sysop responds to us."
"What about the Zhentarim? Do we take them out too?" asked the evil priestess.
"No, I don't think so. With the Staff, I can dominate the leaders and run things from behind the scenes. The Sysop shouldn't pick up on that for awhile," replied Ravena with a malicious grin.
"Then let's get started," suggested Vana as she walked out of the empty tree building.
Jenna and Gronan the Destroyer rode casually down the caravan trail used by the merchant, Thoryn. The adventurers' saddlebags bulged with provisions purchased in Sundabar before they left. Jenna had named her roan "Wind Dancer", but Gronan laughed and said that she was stupid for naming her mount. The companions had rode for two days without encountering any bandits or random monster encounters, which was making the duo very frustrated.
"Can't you use any magic to find the bandits?" asked Gronan tersely.
"No, you know what spells I have, and I don't have any secret magic items to use either," replied Jenna acidly. Gronan ignored her veiled reference to the Magebane stone that he carried in his coin pouch, but continued to ride down the trail searching for ambushers. By evening, the companions had left the foothills of the Nether mountains, and were now in the plains region that led to the High Forest. The human fighter and Moon Elf girl made camp, then ate a cold eveningfeast of travel bread and water.
"You still owe me a blowjob for the first adventure," reminded Gronan.
"Ah, c'mon. You got experience points for that, plus a statue, gems, and your magical do-dad. I don't owe you anything," replied Jenna with a hard frown.
"A promise is a promise, or would you prefer that I leave now?" asked Gronan slyly.
"Alright, I'll give you a damn blowjob. But I'm not going to fuck you, and I'm not taking my robes off," insisted the Elf girl.
"Fine by me," agreed the burly fighter as he untied his breeches and released his limp penis.
Jenna sighed in resignation, then walked over to the sitting fighter and knelt down next to him. She slowly leaned down until she could smell his manhood, then she took the flacid cock in her small hands and began stroking it to life. Gronan grunted softly as the Elf girl's hands moved up and down his shaft, making it hard and erect. When Jenna was satisfied, she bent down to lick the head of Gronan's cock, then she sucked lightly on it. The fighter groaned louder as Jenna took his meat deeply into her warm mouth, sliding it far down her throat. She moved up and down the length of Gronan's rod, her moist, red lips caressing his flesh. The Elf girl entwined her tongue around the engorged cock, licking down the shaft, then sucking hungrily on the man's balls. Gronan groaned loudly as he fell limply onto his back and held back his orgasm to enjoy the Elf girl's attentions. Jenna licked and kissed the fighter's balls, then moved back up to his throbbing shaft. She took the cock into her mouth again, then moved up and down its length with her red lips, caressing faster and faster. Gronan moaned as he finally shot his load into the Elf girl's wanton mouth, his crotch thrusting involuntarily onto her warm lips. Jenna continued to suck on the man's cock as he orgasmed, drinking his cum lustfully until he was drained. The Moon Elf girl wiped her lips daintily, then stood up to return to her own bedroll.
"Debt paid in full," said Jenna firmly before she curled up in her blankets and fell gently to sleep.
The companions had a quick dawnfry the next morning, then broke camp and continued their search. It took one day to cross the plains, with no eventful occurances. The next day, the player characters reached the edge of the High Forest. The duo entered the woods cautiously, but they were not immediately attacked. Two days passed uneventfully, and to the south, a small cluster of three mountains could be seen in the midst of the forest. The companions were just making camp for the night when the ambush occurred.
Five Orcs emerged from the trees as the sun set to the west. Gronan spotted them and drew his bastard sword, shouting a warning to Jenna. The Moon Elf girl spun to see the attackers, then quickly began chanting her Sleep spell. The Orcs moved to attack Jenna, but Gronan jumped in front of them and began slashing out with his razor-sharp blade. One Orc had his throat cut, while another unlucky monster lost its right arm. The remaining three Orcs converged on the fighter, raining blows on the armored man with their long swords. Gronan dodged and parried the sword swipes, then stabbed an Orc in the stomach when its guard was down. Jenna finished her spell just as three more Orcs and an Ogre appeared from the trees. Sleep overtook the two Orcs in front of Gronan, then it felled the three new goblinoids. The Ogre was unaffected, and it wasted no time in charging the fighter holding a blood-drenched sword.
Gronan rushed to meet the attack, dodging a hasty club swipe before slashing deeply into the Ogre's right leg. The giant howled in pain, then swung its club downwards several times. The human fighter dodged and jumped away from the crude attacks, then cut gashes in the Ogre's stomach, arms, and waist. Growing dizzy with blood loss, the Ogre swung its wooden club desperately, and finally got lucky, smashing Gronan in the stomach and sending him hurling into the foliage. Jenna finally had a window of opportunity, and she lost no time in exploiting it. She cast Magic Missile at the staggering Ogre, sending two glowing bolts into its hairy chest. The creature bellowed in pain, but continued to advance until the Elf mage cast another Magic Missile, throwing two more bolts into its wounded stomach. The Ogre screamed in agony, then fell limply onto its face.
Jenna rushed to help Gronan to his feet, then smiled faintly.
"Are you alright?" she asked softly.
"Oh, just great," groaned the warrior as he clasped his bruised stomach lightly.
"Good. The bandits left a trail when they attacked, and I want to follow it before it gets too cold," replied Jenna cheerfully before she entered the wood heading south.
"That lady is going to be the death of me," muttered Gronan before he staggered after the Elf girl.
Ravena Nightmane reclined in her padded chair and sipped from a glass of wine as Vana Lasher checked the bonds holding the naked Gold Elf girl to the stone column.
"When do you want to attack Waterdeep?" asked the mage.
"Let's wait till Gronan goes up another level. He has to be ready to infiltrate Shadowdale before we can go too far," replied the evil priestess as she moved to a side table and picked up a long, leather whip.
"Let's face it, taking Waterdeep is going to get the Sysop's attention right away," remarked Ravena as she rested her right leg on the chair's armrest and dangled it casually.
"True, but we need Waterdeep as a powerbase before we can move against Silverymoon," said Vana as she moved to stand behind the helpless Gold Elf. "With your magic toy, you should be able to gather shitloads of x.p.'s, gaining levels that would take an ordinary mage months of game time to accrue.
"The Magick Staff is not a toy," rebuked Ravena as she stroked the black iron weapon lovingly where it leaned against the stone wall.
"My mistake," admitted Vana before she swung her whip forward and struck the naked Gold Elf girl.
The bound girl screamed in pain as the white-robed cleric whipped her naked back again and again. Both evil player characters smiled maliciously as Vana caused agonizing red welts to appear on the Elf girl's back, buttocks, and thighs. The girl moaned softly as Vana whipped her skin, then panted for air when the cleric stopped. The raven-haired priestess replaced the whip upon the table, then moved forward to kneel under the Elf girl's firm ass. The priestess spread apart the naked girl's legs, then leaned forward to lick the blonde girl's wet pussy. The prisoner moaned as Vana licked her cunt thoroughly, then slowly inserted her tongue into the girl's snatch. Moans filled the stone dungeon as Vana tongue-fucked the bound Elf girl, then licked the slave's ass and firm inner thighs.
Ravena reached under her black robes and fingered her throbbing pussy with long fingers as Vana retrieved a dildo from the side table and rubbed it across the naked girl's slit. The Gold Elf girl pressed tightly against the column, her round breasts squeezed firmly on the cold stone. Vana inserted the dildo deeply into the girl's vagina, pushing it in and out roughly. The naked girl panted for air as she rubbed against the column, her tanned, golden skin gleaming with sweat. The dark cleric fucked the Elf girl's cunt with the hard rod until she orgasmed loudly, her warm, sticky love honey dripping down the side of the shaft. Vana removed the dildo slowly from the bound girl's tight fuckhole, then she licked the cum from the sides of the rod. Rising to her feet, Vana pressed her lithe body next to the naked Elf girl, then rubbed the wet dildo against the girl's red, parted lips. The Elf girl moaned softly as the cleric forced her to take the rod into her mouth and suck her own cum from the shaft until it was clean. Smiling with pleasure, Vana pulled the naked girl's blonde hair, forcing her head back, then kissed the prisoner firmly on the mouth.
"One thing I can say about you, Vana. You do know how to have a good time," moaned Ravena as she fingered her wet cunt and orgasmed with a shudder.
Dark, thunderous clouds began to surge from the south towards the great city of Waterdeep. From a balcony atop the tower of Khelben Arunson, the lovely mage, Laeral Silverhand, watched the approaching storm as it advanced towards her city. The silver-haired woman clenched her delicate hands tightly together upon the stone rail and opened her magical senses that allowed her to see the web of Art around the world. Laeral gasped in alarm as she watched the storm tear the fragile web of magic apart like a vast behemoth emerging from fog. The beautiful mage woman closed her eyes and attempted to contact Khelben, but she could not reach him. Laeral bit her lower lip as she attempted the more difficult task to contacting Elminster, but again, she met only failure. Thunder shook the tower beneath the sorceress' small feet as the storm reached the southern edge of the city and
began to drench the inhabitants with rain and marble-sized hail.
Laeral began casting a Fly spell so that she could investigate the strange phenomena and maybe help the fleeing citizenry. Before she could complete the magic, a bright red light appeared in the sky, then a cluster of fiery rocks emerged from the rolling clouds and smashed into the heart of Waterdeep. The silver-haired mage gaped in horror at the destruction wrought by the Meteor Swarm spell. In moments, five more swarms of flaming death descended from the heavens and slammed into the streets, incinerating people, homes, and shops. Screams of pain and terror wafted up to Laeral as she clenched the stone rail with both hands. Thunder assaulted her ears before four huge bolts of lightning shot from the clouds and destroyed the major temples to the gods of Light. Using her magesight, the lovely mage spotted a lone figure hovering above the city with a black-iron staff emitting violet light.
The beautiful sorceress widened her green eyes in disbelief as her access to magic was suddenly severed. She closed her eyes in concentration as she attempted to regain her powers, but nothing happened. Returning her gaze to the burning city, she watched in sorrow as a brilliant lightning bolt speared down from the sky and struck Khelben as he struggled to reach his tower. The mage screamed in agony as his flesh boiled away from his bones, and as the lightning faded away, only a small pile of ash remained to mark the archmage's demise. Laeral screamed in dispair as her lover died, hot tears pouring down her pale cheeks. When the mage looked toward the cityscape, she stepped back as she realized that Ravena Nightmane was floating above Khelben's tower.
"Was he important to you? So sorry," smirked Ravena as she held the Magick Staff lightly in her left hand. "Allow me to take your mind off of Khelben."
The black iron staff flared with violet light as the evil mage sent a mind probe into Laeral's mind, absorbing all of her spell knowledge and memories.
"So, you were evil once," said Ravena as she floated gracefully to the balcony and landed lightly on her feet. "An artifact called the Crown of Horns cursed you. How delightful!" The beautiful mage giggled in amusement, then froze Laeral with a Hold Person spell.
"By the way, my staff negates all of your permanancies and casting ability, but you already figured that out," informed the red-haired mage. "Wait here while I go get the Crown for you. Khelben didn't destroy it, he hid in a secret storeroom beneath the tower. I guess he wanted to bring out your dark side again some day."
Laeral's green eyes burned with anger as Ravena taunted her, but she could do nothing as the slim young woman entered the tower from the balcony's double doors. The paralyzed sorceress could only stand and watch as the largest city of the North burned to the ground. Strangely, only the small, unrecognized temples to Cyric and Loviatar remained unscathed by the devastation. Groups of Orcs, Trolls, and Zhentarim began to filter into Waterdeep by the ruined gates or over the shattered walls. The army of invaders killed any soldiers or male citizens that they saw. All of the young, lovely women of the city were raped in the streets, then chained together and led to slavers waiting outside the melted ramparts.
Ravena returned from the tower's lower levels, carrying the jeweled, iron artifact called the Crown of Horns.
"I found your long-lost trinket, Lady Laeral," reported Ravena sarcastically. "But I won't put it on you just yet."
The fiery-haired mage placed the Crown tenderly on a nearby table, then walked up to where the paralyzed sorceress stood immobile. Ravena caressed the lovely woman's cheek, then ran a long-fingered hand over Laeral's firm breasts, stomach, and hips. The evil mage darted forward and kissed her prisoner deeply on the lips, forcing her tongue into Laeral's slack mouth. After she explored the helpless woman's throat, Ravena ripped off her victim's white, silk dress, then drank in the sight of Laeral's beautiful, naked body. The lustful player character released the Hold Person spell, then grabbed the naked woman by her wrists. Laeral tried to break free, which caused Ravena to slap her across the face and send her falling to the hard, stone floor. The evil mage smiled maliciously, then pulled her victim to her feet and dragged her by the hand to Laeral's nearby bed.
Ravena pushed the naked woman onto the soft, silk sheets, then pulled off her own black robes. Laeral knelt on her hands and knees, panting softly for air as she watched her captor warily. The red-haired girl climbed onto the large bed agilely, then straddled Laeral's stomach. The naked woman stared at Ravena with wide, green eyes as the mage leaned down to suck hungrily on her victim's large, round breasts. Laeral moaned softly as Ravena licked her nipples and sucked on her tits, leaving little trails of saliva on her warm flesh. The evil mage made little kisses down the silver-haired woman's firm stomach, then she pushed open the naked woman's legs and began to lustfully suck her pussy. The helpless sorceress moaned loudly as Ravena licked her clit, then inserted a warm tongue deeply into her tight cunt. The evil mage moaned with pleasure as she sucked on Laeral's pussy lips, then buried her mouth in the woman's silver-haired snatch. The naked woman's breasts heaved up and down as she gasped for air, and she reached up with her hands to squeeze the wooden frame of the bed. With a gasp, Laeral orgasmed into Ravena's mouth, spurting warm cum onto the mage's tongue. Ravena swallowed the sweet love honey, then greedily licked the remaining dribbles from the naked woman's inner thighs and pussy.
Rubbing her own tits wantonly, Ravena reached out and summoned the Magick Staff to her right hand. Licking the shaft of the weapon until it glowed faintly, the red-haired mage slowly rubbed the staff across Laeral's throbbing pussy.
"No! Keep that evil thing out of me!" shouted Laeral in alarm.
"Relax, you'll love this," reassured the mage before she inserted the staff into the naked woman's wet cunt.
"Uhh, no," moaned Laeral as the long shaft entered her tight snatch and filled her vagina with its throbbing, dark power. The naked woman arched her back as Ravena plunged to staff deeper and deeper into her pussy, filling her womanhood with its evil foulness. Ravena rubbed the other end of the Magick Staff between her round breasts, licking the tip of the weapon with her wet tongue.
The artifact gleamed with violet light as it pushed into Laeral's tight cunt, invading her slit lustfully. The silver-haired woman moaned loudly as the staff fucked her, waves of sexual pleasure slamming into her brain. Laeral orgasmed again, drenching the probing staff with her juices. The hot, black iron staff absorbed her cum greedily, then continued to pump into her fuckhole forcefully. Ravena sucked wantonly on her end of the staff, plunging the warm iron deeply down her throat. As she felt her own orgasm building, the naked mage licked along the sides of the staff, then rubbed her warm, red lips over the tip of the rod.
With a cunt soaking with juices, Ravena sat down on the bed and spread her slim legs apart, then placed the Magick Staff at the lips of her pussy. Teasing herself by rubbing the hard shaft across her clit, Ravena finally pushed the black iron weapon into her cunt and began pumping it in and out of her. The red-haired mage moaned loudly with pleasure as she fucked herself with the staff, while watching the other end pump in and out of Laeral's limp, sweat-soaked body. Ravena orgasmed with a scream of ecstasy, trickles of honey dripping from her snatch and thighs. The naked mage removed the staff from her sated pussy, then she leaned down to lick the warm tip that had penetrated her womanhood.
"I can't wait to meet Alustriel," murmured Ravena as she crawled on top of Laeral's naked body and kissed her lustfully on the lips.
Jenna slept quietly near the dying fire as Gronan stood guard at the edge of the small forest clearing. The two companions had finally found the bandit's camp and killed all of the scum in a surprise attack. The adventurers recovered a large amount of treasure, enough gold and gems to buy some of the magical items that had caught their eye in Sundabar. As Gronan sat beneath a tall, green-leafed tree and watched the lovely Moon Elf girl sleep, a faint violet haze appeared next to him and resolved itself into the image of Ravena Nightmane, who stood naked before him.
"You sure know how to get a guy's attention," remarked Gronan as he admired Ravena's pert breasts and delicious pussy.
"Think with your brain for a change," retorted Ravena as she placed her hands on her shapely hips. "Did you get Magebane?"
"Affirmative," replied Gronan smugly.
"Good. We have to move fast now. I'm going to hack into the system again and award you a ton of experience points, enough to get you to a respectable level. While I do that, I want you to get to Shadowdale. You have to get in position to kill Elminster when I begin my attack on the old fart's beloved town. Can you do that?"
"Sure, but I'll have to ride there, I can't teleport like you," responded the burly fighter gruffly.
"If I have to, I'll open a Gate for you. Try to get their own your own, though. The more I use powerful spells like Gate, the more likely the Sysop will find you and send someone to take you out. Understand?" said Ravena acidly.
"Yeah, get to Shadowdale on my own," replied Gronan.
"Very good. I'll talk to you later," promised Ravena before she faded away.
Gronan turned to look at Jenna and make sure that she was still sleeping. After reassuring himself, the fighter grasped the hilt of his bastard sword, then began to draw it out. With a low grunt, Gronan pushed the blade back into its sheath and frowned.
"Later, I'll kill her later," whispered the fighter softly.
A warm breeze ruffled Jenna's long, black hair as she rode with Gronan the Destroyer north of the Sunset mountains. To the far north lay the sun-blasted wastes of the Anauroch, the largest desert on Faerun. Gronan was strangely quiet as the duo galloped east, towards Shadowdale, the home of Elminster. After clearing the caravan trail from Sundabar to Yartar, the companions had collected their fee and went shopping. Gronan purchased a +2 Bastard Sword and Chainmail +2, while Jenna bought a pair of Bracers of Defense (AC 4) and a special rune staff that she could custom design with its own spells. The lovely mage Elf had infused the staff with Light and Shocking Grasp, and she was very pleased with her new weapon.
After replenishing their supplies, the duo left Sundabar, due to information received by Gronan. The burly fighter told Jenna that Elminster of Shadowdale was looking for low-level adventurers to perform a quest for him, and Gronan thought that they had a shot at getting the job. Jenna eagerly agreed to the plan, so the pair had set off with fresh steeds to the eastern Realms.
"Once we clear the Sunset mountains, we'll travel east to Tilverton," yelled Gronan from his horse. "When we get to the city, it's a straight run into Shadowdale."
"Sounds good, but why the hurry?" asked Jenna loudly. "Wouldn't it be better to explore around and get some more experience points?"
"There isn't enough time," replied Gronan. "If we take too long, the job might be gone."
"Oh," said Jenna. "Now I get it."
"Good. Now let's ride!" exclaimed the fighter as he lashed the reins of his steed, calling for more speed.
Soldiers ran through the streets of Silverymoon, sending citizens to their homes and rushing to their posts. The Moonbridge, a magical span that gave passage across the Rauvin river, disappeared at a word from Alustriel, High Lady of Silverymoon. Soldiers manned the gates to the east, watching for any invaders that attempted to attack from the Nether mountains.
Upon a high tower of the royal palace, Alustriel looked down upon the activity below and frowned with concern. As one of the Seven Sisters, she had felt Laeral's distress at the death of Khelben, and her own violation by Ravena Nightmane. Before she could teleport to her sister's aid, Alustriel had received a mental image of Ravena placing the Crown of Horns on Laeral's head. After the Crown was in place, Alustriel's mental link was severed. After a moment of stunned disbelief, Alustriel had put the city on alert and raised all of Silverymoon's magical defenses. She had attempted to contact Elminster or her Sister, the Simbul, but none of her mental calls were getting through. Now she stood on the balcony of her tallest tower, gazing west with nervous eyes.
"All the men are in place, my lady," reported an officer of the city guard. "All the citizenry are in their homes, and the streets are clear."
"Good work, captain," complimented Alustriel as she turned to nod briefly at the rigid officer. "Return to your post and keep the men alert."
"As you wish, my lady," replied the guard as he bowed low at the waist, then rushed into the tower.
The silver-haired mage sighed softly, then returned her green-eyed gaze to the west, where boiling storm clouds began to spread forward.
George Caldwell sat deeply in his chair, with long, jeans-clad legs stretched out before him. Several large computer monitors surrounded his station, giving the latest status reports on the Realms Phantasy system.
At the moment, George was oblivious to the screens, instead all of his attention lay focused on a small t.v. screen in front of him. The stick-thin computer operator pushed his thick-rimmed glasses back onto his nose and sucked noisily from a cup of Dr. Pepper as he watched television.
"At last! I've had my theme song ready since infancy, now someone finally has the good sense to ask for it," said a rich, deep voice from the screen.
"Well, if you want to help Dr. Forester, go right ahead," replied another male voice.
"Toooom Servo! Tooo-ooom Servo! Glorious Tom Servoooo!" sang the deep voice.
"Just what in the hell is going on?" yelled a female voice at the distracted George.
The lanky operator sat up abruptly, then quickly turned off the television set.
"Uhh, nothing, ma'am," replied George quickly. "Just taking a short break."
"More than a short break. I've received over a hundred calls from customers about the Realms system! They say that Waterdeep's been destroyed, and magic won't work in some of the Northern regions. That isn't part of the program, is it?" inquired Susan Ivan crossly.
"No, ma'am, I don't know what's wrong," stammered George as he quickly turned his chair to face the computer screens and looked over the status data.
"I don't want to hear 'I don't know', mister," bit out Susan as she moved to look over the operator's right shoulder.
"Oh, dear," muttered George as he typed furiously on his keyboard. "Someone appears to have hacked into the mainframe and altered some of the game data. They've also loaded some illegal magic items into the system."
"Can you delete the additions?" asked Susan.
"No, not without shutting down the entire mainframe," replied George nervously.
"That is out of the question," said Susan coldly. "The company would lose millions. Can you do anything else?"
"I could introduce my own illegal magic items and some new characters to fill up the power vacuum created by the hacker. I can also add more protection software to the system so the hacker won't be able to get into the mainframe anymore," responded George thoughtfully.
"Do it," ordered Susan as she straightened up and smoothed her business jacket. "Let me know if any other changes occur."
Several lords of nearby towns gathered in the town of Yartar to discuss the fall of Waterdeep and plan for their own defense. At a tavern called "Sune's Smile", the rulers met in a private meeting room and drank mugs of strong ale as each of them took turns suggesting ideas.
"I hear that the ruins of Waterdeep have been renamed Skull Port, after that nest of evil which resided under the city. Zhentarim have garrisoned the port, and they're bringing in slaves to rebuild the city and strengthen its defenses," said a shaking nobleman.
"My scouts report that Zhent patrols are spreading out, destroying nearby hamlets and farms, then forcing the inhabitants into slavery," remarked another lord.
"It's only a matter of time before they march north and attack our own towns," muttered a bearded man.
"Then it sounds like you need a general," commented a strong voice from the doorway. All the lords turned to watch a tall man with long, black hair and black platemail enter the room and stand at the head of the meeting table. The fighter's gauntleted, right hand grasped the hilt of his long sword, which had a jeweled pommel in the shape of an eye.
"My name is Ashram of Marmo, and I'll lead your soldiers against Ravena and her evil allies."
Violet lightning crackled across the cloud-laiden sky, illuminating High Lady Alustriel as she sat upon her throne. The high-level mage waited in the audience hall, where arched windows let the ruler of Silverymoon watch the raging storm with growing fear. Casting a short spell that allowed her access to the wards encircling her city, Alustriel watched with her mind's eye as a human shape emerged from the swirling storm clouds and flew to a hover above the center of the city. The silver-haired mage zoomed in on the floating form, and gazed at the smug face of Ravena Nightmane, destroyer of Waterdeep.
Ravena grasped the Magick Staff tightly in both hands, holding the weapon vertically to the ground. The beautiful sorceress called forth the power of the staff, casting the powerful Meteor Swarm spell upon the helpless city. Alustriel's magical vision disappeared as all of the city's wards vanished in an instant. The High Lady gasped in surprise as all of her powers faded, then her throne shook as the first barrage of flaming rocks slammed into the walls of the palace. Throughout the great city, flaming orbs of death fell from the sky and smashed into buildings and towers. Soldiers were helpless as sizzling bolts of lightning shot from the clouds and shattered the mighty walls of the city, opening the way for invading Zhentarim soldiers. The troopers of the Black Network surged from the east, charging down the well-paved trade road that traveled through the Nether mountains.
Ravena Nightmane laughed with malicious glee as she hurled flaming missiles and jagged lightning bolts at the helpless city, reducing its temples and defenses to rubble. When most of Silverymoon's strongpoints were neutralized, the red-haired mage flew down to the smoking ruins of the High Lady's palace. She walked past the ruined gates, then moved around the dead bodies that littered the main halls like dried leaves. The evil player character entered the audience hall, then walked to the throne where Lady Alustriel sat in shock.
"It's a bitch when the Art deserts you, isn't it High Lady?" asked Ravena coldly. "You needn't worry, you won't have any need of it with me to protect you."
Alustriel sat up in anger, then gasped as Laeral teleported next to her and pulled her silver hair roughly.
"You're not good for anything but being a fucktoy now, whore!" declared the former Lady Mage of Waterdeep as she pulled Alustriel's long hair a second time. The Crown of Horns sat firmly on Laeral's head, its iron fangs biting deeply into the lovely woman's skin. Thin trickles of red blood collected on the silver-haired mage's brow and mixed with her flowing curls, giving her hair a fiery, molten silver quality.
"I didn't send for you," said Ravena sternly.
"I'm sorry," apologized Laeral sincerely. "I just couldn't wait to see the destruction and gloat over my Light-damned sister."
Ravena smiled indulgently, then reached forward and slapped Laeral hard across the face. The slim woman fell roughly to the stone floor, then she bowed her head meekly in submission.
"Don't you ever do anything without my permission again, bitch!" shouted Ravena hotly.
"Never, mistress," replied Laeral. "I am yours to do as you will."
"And don't you ever forget it, slut," whispered Ravena angrily as she grabbed Alustriel's golden circlet from her head and smashed it into the floor with her spike-heeled boot. "Now take your whore of a sister and teach her how to behave with her mistress."
Laeral smiled happily as she jumped to her feet, then she grabbed Alustriel by the arm and flung her out of her throne. Ravena sat daintily upon the large, stone, cushioned chair as Laeral kicked the prone Lady in the stomach, then reached down to rip off her white gown. Alustriel lay on the floor with nothing on but her white, heeled shoes as Laeral removed a long, leather whip from her belt and cast Dancing Whip upon it. The weapon glowed with a white light and hovered in the air, awaiting the mental command of its mistress. Laeral smiled evilly at the curled up form of Alustriel before commanding the enchanted whip to attack.
Alustriel screamed in pain as the glowing weapon lashed out at her flesh, slapping her pale, white skin until it grew red from bruising. The magic whip struck the naked woman's thighs, back, and ass, making her writhe in pain from each hit. The helpless Alustriel cried to her sister for mercy, but the cursed mage only smiled lustfully as she ordered the whip to lash her victim's round breasts and stomach. The naked woman lay prone on her back as the weapon smacked her tits and inner thighs, making bright red welts on her creamy skin. Ravena smiled with pleasure and reached under her black robes to stroke her aroused pussy, probing her wet cunt with long, delicate fingers.
Laeral summoned bands of force to entrap Alustriel's wrists together, then used Telekinesis to raise the struggling, naked woman into the air. The evil mage gazed hungrily at her sister's silver-haired pussy, then ordered the floating whip to resume its assault. Alustriel cried out as the glowing weapon lashed her smooth flesh, reddening her long legs, bruised breasts, and firm ass. Ravena began to pant softly as she watched the naked sorceress get whipped, her fingers working deeply in her throbbing cunt. Laeral swayed over to the floating woman, then seized Alustriel by the chin and kissed her firmly on the mouth. The crowned mage forced her tongue past her sister's slack lips, then probed deeply down the woman's throat. Alustriel moaned faintly as Laeral sucked lightly on her red lips, then licked her smooth flesh till she reached the bound woman's large, round tits. The silver-haired prisoner moaned loudly as her sister began to suck wantonly on her breasts, licking her pert nipples, then lightly biting her mounds. Ravena moaned as she inserted two of her fingers into her wet snatch, moving them in and out of her warm fuckhole. Laeral filled her mouth with her sister's sweet flesh, then sucked hungrily on it as she moved her left hand to the bound woman's silver pubic hair.
A light sheen of sweat covered Alustriel's naked body as Laeral caressed the soft lips of her wet pussy. The naked woman moaned softly as her sister licked her right breast, then inserted one long finger into her tight love hole. Alustriel panted for air as her cunt was probed deeply by Laeral's questing digit. The evil mage kissed the bound woman's wet, red lips, caressing her sister's tongue lovingly with her own. Alustriel's naked body hung limply in the air as Laeral fucked her cunt with two long fingers. Ravena groaned loudly as she orgasmed, then she reached to her side for the Magick Staff. The evil weapon glowed faintly with violet light as it absorbed the lust coming from the three women. Ravena took off her long, black robes, then carried the staff to where Alustriel hung helplessly in the air with bound wrists.
"Open the slut's legs," ordered Ravena as she rubbed her cum-drenched fingers on the tip of the magical staff. Laeral quickly moved behind the bound Alustriel, then pulled her slim legs apart, exposing her wet pussy. Ravena grinned as she rubbed the tip of the staff over Alustriel's naked cunt, making the weapon pulse with evil energy.
"No! Keep that thing away from me!" shouted Alustriel in a panic.
"Oh, ho! The little princess is afraid of the big rod," snickered Ravena as she rubbed the tip of the Magick Staff against the skin of Alustriel's naked, inner thighs, then plunged the throbbing weapon into her tight slit. Alustriel screamed as the staff pushed deeply into her fuckhole, filling her womanhood with its malign power. The naked woman's breasts flopped up and down as the staff pumped in and out of her cunt, waves of sexual pleasure flowing into her. Alustriel panted for air as Ravena fucked her with the staff, thrusting the rod deeper and deeper into her vagina. Laeral held her sister's lovely legs apart, licking her prisoner's sweet ass with relish. Ravena's eyes glowed with lust as she watched the long weapon plunge in and out of the naked woman, her tight snatch grasping the rod in a vice-like grip. Alustriel swirled her long, silver hair across her naked shoulders as her body shuddered with orgasm, her warm love honey dripping down the shaft of the staff until the evil artifact absorbed her cum into itself.
Laeral dispelled the bonds of force and lowered her panting sister to the floor. Alustriel knelt upon the hard stone as Ravena raised her head by the chin and looked into her green eyes.
"You will obey me now, yes?" asked Ravena softly.
"Yes, my mistress. I am your slave and fucktoy," replied Alustriel breathlessly before Ravena kissed her passionately on the lips.
Jenna Moonbeam and Gronan rode slowly into the outskirts of Shadowdale. Further ahead lay the homes, farms, and shops of the dale, as well as the unassuming tower of Elminster.
"We'll get some rooms at a local inn, then we can visit Elminster in the morning," said Gronan.
"O.k. I'm looking forward to a hot bath and a good meal," replied Jenna with a smile and a toss of her long, dark hair.
"You better enjoy them, Jenna. They might be the last ones you get for a long time," warned the fighter as he fingered the hilt of his bastard sword.
Jenna Moonbeam hummed quietly to herself as she scrubbed her bare arms. The beautiful Moon Elf girl sat within a large, wooden tub filled with steaming water. Jenna's long, black hair ran down her naked back as she cleaned her firm breasts with a damp cloth. There was a light knock on the door of the bathing room, then a short, petite, serving girl entered the square room with clean towels and a white bathing robe.
"I'll just set these by the chair, mistress," said the young woman softly as she moved to a chair near the eastern wall.
"Thank you," replied Jenna politely as she rubbed her neck with the bathing cloth. "Could you clean my back for me?"
"Certainly, mistress," agreed the serving girl with a smile as she pushed a thick braid of blonde hair over her left shoulder and walked over to Jenna's tub. The lithe girl grabbed a bar of soap from a nearby table and lathered her small hands with it. Tentatively, the young woman pressed her hands against the Elf girl's naked skin, then she rubbed the soap vigorously against Jenna's pale, white flesh.
Jenna moaned with pleasure as the blonde girl soaped her back, then poured warm water over her body with a nearby bucket. Without prodding, the serving girl lathered Jenna's shoulders and arms, then used a clean wash cloth to wash the soap from the naked Elf girl's flesh. Jenna turned around to face the blushing servant girl, then allowed her to lather her round, firm breasts. The young, blonde woman caressed Jenna's tits, covering them with warm lather. The Elf girl closed her eyes and parted her red lips as the girl stroked her breasts and pinched her pink nipples. The blonde girl used the wash cloth to remove the soap, then bent forward to suck lightly on Jenna's left breast. The Elf girl groaned softly, then ran her long fingers through the servant girl's hair.
The blonde girl moved away from Jenna long enough to remove her dress and enter the warm tub. The two young women rubbed their naked bodies together, then kissed passionately on the lips. Jenna explored the young woman's mouth with her tongue, then sucked briefly on the girl's lower lip. The girl moaned faintly as Jenna knelt down enough to suck hungrily on the wench's breasts, filling her mouth with sweet flesh. The Elf girl moved from one tit to the other, licking the girl's pert nipples and sucking her breasts like they were ripe fruits. The blonde girl panted for breath and untied her braid, allowing her long, golden curls to fall down her naked back like a cloak. Jenna reached around with both hands to squeeze and caress the moaning girl's firm ass, then licked her white skin from her tits to her blonde muff. The naked girl looked down and ran her slim fingers through Jenna's long, black hair as the Elf licked her firm, inner thighs, then kissed her throbbing pussy.
Jenna licked the naked girl's labia, sucking lightly on the sweet petals of flesh. The blonde girl gasped for air as Jenna sucked deeply on her clitoris, making it hard with arousal. Moistening her red lips with her delicate tongue, Jenna pushed into the blonde girl's vagina, licking the interior of the girl's sex. The serving wench reached forward with both hands and grasped the edge of the tub tightly as the Elf girl thrust her tongue deeply into her cunt, moving in and out rhythmically. Jenna relished the taste of the girl's snatch as she nuzzled her mouth into the wench's slit. Erotic moans filled the bathing room as the blonde girl rubbed her crotch wantonly against Jenna's lips. Shuddering with pleasure, the serving wench orgasmed, then shook again as a second wave of ecstasy slammed into her brain. Panting deeply, the naked, blonde girl slid into the warm water and sat against the edge as Jenna descended next to her and kissed her lingeringly on the neck. The wench smiled, then turned to kiss the Elf girl firmly on the mouth.
Ravena Nightmane sat limply in a cushioned chair and held a chalice of wine loosely in her right hand. Vana Lasher, her partner in conquest, stood near a roaring fireplace and sifted through a handful of parchments.
"Reconstruction of Skull Port is proceeding well, but an army led by a fighter named Ashram is organizing in the northern towns. Our spies in the Zhentarim say as many as twelve thousand men are gathering for a strike south, probably at Skull Port," reported Vana with a frown.
"They're little fish, I'll take care of them after I finish Elminster and those fools in Shadowdale," replied Ravena casually before she sipped from her silver chalice.
"A thorn in the skin can kill you if you leave it alone for too long," cautioned the evil cleric.
"I told you that I would handle it!" shouted Ravena. "Now, if it's not too much trouble, watch over things here in Silverymoon while I go wrap up some details in Shadowdale. We'll deal with Ashram when I get back."
"As you say, Ravena," agreed Vana placidly.
Ravena nodded briefly, then grasped the Magick Staff in her left hand and cast a Teleport spell. The lovely mage disappeared in a swirl of violet lights, leaving the cleric of Loviatar with her own dark thoughts.
Jenna left the inn as the sun shone brightly from a clear, blue sky. Gronan waited to the left of the inn, leaning casually against a tall, green-leafed tree.
"Have a nice bath?" asked the fighter with a leer.
"Yes, very stimulating," replied Jenna coolly.
The muscular warrior laughed briefly, then led the way towards the small tower of Elminster the Sage. The duo walked up the straight, narrow, cobblestone path, then waited patiently after Gronan knocked loudly on the door.
"Jeez, were you trying to knock it down?" asked Jenna sarcastically.
"I wanted to make sure the old man would hear it," responded Gronan with a grin.
The companions waited, sometimes hearing loud bangs within the tower as if someone were fumbling about. The small, wooden door eventually opened, and a wizened, grey-robed, old man stood before them.
"Can I help you, kids?" grumbled the old man crossly.
"We're hear to apply for the quest you're sponsoring," answered Jenna cheerfully.
"What quest? I'm not sponsoring any quest," replied Elminster with a frown.
"Let's go inside, Jenna. I'll explain everything," said Gronan as he shouldered past the sputtering Elminster and entered the squat tower. With a gentle shrug, the Moon Elf girl walked past the old man, then took him gently by the hand and led him into the tower's interior.
Gronan stood tensely by the cold fireplace, his right hand placed over the hilt of his magic bastard sword. He waited until Jenna and Elminster entered the cluttered sitting room, then he began to rummage in his coin pouch.
"What's the idea of barging into my home and claiming to want a quest?" barked out Elminster.
"I had to think of something to get Jenna here," replied Gronan as he found the object of his search and grasped it tightly in his left hand.
"You mean that you lied about the quest?" asked Jenna with a frown.
"Yep. And you fell for it hook, line, and sinker, you stupid bitch," said the fighter with a chuckle.
"I want you to leave, now," ordered Elminster coldly with glowing eyes.
"Oh, I will. After I kill you," declared Gronan as he withdrew his left hand from his money pouch and revealed the stone called Magebane. Elminster's eyes widened in recognition just as his magic faded to nothing. Jenna gasped softly as she felt her own tie to the Art disappear, then she gazed at Gronan with fear.
"I thought that we were friends," whispered Jenna.
"Ha! You were good for some laughs and a blowjob, that's it, babe," laughed the fighter maliciously as he drew his bastard sword and advanced on Elminster. "Now the party's over."
Jenna pressed her slim body against the hard, stone wall as Elminster moved to stand in front of her.
"Run, lass! I'll keep him busy!" hissed the old man as Gronan raised his sword to strike. Biting her lower lip fearfully, the Moon Elf girl ran through the open door of the tower, hoping to get help from the rulers of the dale.
"Time to die, old man!" shouted Gronan as he swung his blade and sliced deeply into Elminster's left shoulder. The archmage grunted with pain and fell to the floor, then groaned as the strong warrior slammed his booted foot into his victim's stomach. Elminster shouted in agony as Gronan smashed his feet into the prone mage's chest and gut, shattering ribs and tearing internal organs. The old man coughed up a stream of blood before the fighter kicked the side of his head, then stabbed forward with his sword, piercing his victim's chest. Elminster lay limply on his back as he felt death coming to claim him at last, then he raised his watery eyes long enough to watch Gronan raise his bloody sword and chop down, severing the old man's head from his neck. The headless corpse twitched for several seconds and voided its bowels, then a bright, silver light grew from the bloody stump. Thunder began to shake the small tower as silver radiance poured from Elminster's neck and coiled like a serpent.
Gronan fled from the room and stood outside the tower as a shaft of brilliant, white light shot out of the roof and flew high into the sky, then faded into nothingness. Cracks began to form along the tower's walls, then a loud explosion rocked the dale as Elminster's home shattered like a ripe melon and littered the area with shards of smoking rubble.
Gronan the Destroyer smiled smugly with satisfaction, then turned around to be impaled by a shining, silver longsword. The burly fighter grunted in surprised pain, then looked up into the cold, green eyes of Storm Silverhand. The lovely, silver-haired bard gazed at the killer of Elminster emotionlessly as she twisted the blade in Gronan's stomach, listening as he screamed in agony and begged for mercy. Jenna Moonbeam peeked from behind Storm's left arm, then quickly hid again as Storm removed her sword, then stabbed Gronan again in the chest. Blood gurgled in the dying warrior's throat as he fell to his knees and looked up at the bard pitifully. Storm smiled sweetly as she pulled out her bloody sword, then sliced open Gronan's throat with a lightning swift slash. Eyes wide with fear, Gronan the Destroyer fell limply onto his face and died with a whimper.
Storm Silverhand wiped her silver sword on the grass to remove the blood, then she turned to face a trembling Jenna.
"Are you alright?" asked the beautiful bard softly.
"Yes, thank you," replied the Moon Elf girl.
"The Realms of been dealt a hard blow this day," said Storm sorrowfully as she turned to gaze at the smoking ruins of Elminster's tower, bright tears falling from her green eyes.
"And the fun's just started," declared Ravena Nightmane with a smirk as she floated in the air behind Storm and Jenna. The two women spun quickly to face the evil mage, then gasped in surprise as flaming projectiles fell from the sky and smashed into the buildings of Shadowdale. Storm clouds appeared out of thin air and began vomiting spears of lightning at helpless villagers and defenders as Ravena giggled, "I've come to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of bubblegum."
Ravena smiled coldly as she aimed the Magick Staff at Jenna and Storm, then unleashed a Lightning Bolt at the two women. The lithe bard shoved Jenna to the ground, evading the sizzling bolt as it flew over their heads and exploded among the ruins of Elminster's tower. The evil mage laughed maniacally as she fired a burst of Magic Missiles at the fleeing women, her dark eyes gleaming as the projectiles slammed into Storm's back and sent her flying forward into the ground. Ravena hovered in the air above the retreating adventurers as flaming rocks fell from the sky and smashed the homes and shops of Shadowdale. The three temples to deities of Light shattered and fell apart as Meteor Swarms engulfed them, followed by thunderous assaults by lightning bolts. Large sections of earth thrust up into the air, sending men and women screaming in all directions. Fire elementals roamed the burning streets, imolating any victims that came within their reach. With a thought, Ravena opened a Gate to the Abyss and called for deadly beautiful Succubi, who flew into the flame-tinged sky and devoured the souls of fleeing dalesmen. Chaos and death ruled this once peaceful dale, and Ravena enjoyed every scream of agony and fear that reverberated through the trees.
The young, red-haired mage frowned as she felt a mage Teleport into Shadowdale. She turned to see a wild-looking woman dressed in a tattered robe floating across from her.
"So you are the murderer causing all of this mayhem," remarked the woman mage angrily.
"You must be the Simbul, I was hoping to meet you soon," said Ravena with a smirk as she pointed the staff at the wild-haired woman and cast Finger of Death at her. An ugly green beam emerged from the tip of the Magick Staff and shot towards the Simbul. The silver-haired woman floated serenely as the beam bounced off an invisible barrier and shot into the sky.
"Fucking bitch!" yelled Ravena as she hurled several Fireballs and a Cone of Cold at the levitating mage. The deadly bombardment fell around the Simbul, filling the area with raging fire and frozen vegetation. The coldly beautiful mage appeared unharmed by the magical assault, then she swept forward with a slim arm, sending a gale force wind into a surprised Ravena. The fiery-haired girl screamed in rage as she flew backwards into a nearby stand of trees and smashed her back against a stout trunk. She fell limply to the ground, then staggered to her feet while grasping her staff firmly in both hands. The evil player character concentrated her will upon the glowing weapon, then stared unwaveringly at the Simbul as ink black tentacles emerged from the staff's surface and shot forward, entrapping the floating mage. The silver-haired woman grunted with pain as the oily tentacles squeezed her tightly, pressing her arms painfully against her torso. Ravena laughed harshly in triumph as she walked forward to stare up at the pain-wracked face of her enemy.
"You thought that you was so fucking hot, that just because you've beaten a nation of wizards you had a chance against me, the greatest mage in the Realms. Hah! You're nothing, sister!" taunted Ravena with a grin.
The red-haired mage watched smugly as the Simbul was squeezed to death, then she gasped in pain as Jenna smashed her staff into the evil girl's right shoulder. Ravena spun to face her new foe, then swung the Magick Staff forward to beat against Jenna's weapon.
"That was a big mistake, cunt," hissed Ravena as she smashed her black iron weapon again and again against the Elf girl's rune-covered, wooden staff.
"I won't let you destroy the Realms and kill these nice NPCs!" shouted Jenna as she knocked Ravena's staff aside and smashed her own weapon into the evil mage's side. Ravena grunted in pain, then jabbed the tip of her staff into Jenna's stomach. The Moon Elf girl fell backwards onto her rump, then spun to the left as Ravena smashed her staff into the ground where Jenna had just been. The Elf girl staggered to her feet with a grimace, then blocked another swing with her own weapon. The runes carved into Jenna's staff began to glow with a warm, golden light as the two girls fought each other.
"I don't understand, you shouldn't be able to use magic at all!" shouted Ravena as she swept her weapon at Jenna's exposed legs. "It must be that damned Sysop!"
"Quit this bloodlust-driven attack, and I'll let you go!" offered Jenna as she smacked Ravena's left arm with her glowing staff. The evil mage shouted with pain, then growled angrily and resumed her attack.
"Never! The Realms are mine! I will be the Dark Goddess of the people, and they will worship me!" screamed Ravena with a stream of spittle as she slammed her staff against Jenna's then kicked the Moon Elf's feet away from the ground.
Jenna fell heavily to the grass, loosing her grip on her enchanted staff. Ravena shook with laughter and rage as she held her staff high in the air, then slammed it into the Elf girl's stomach, impaling the helpless Jenna and entrapping her weapon in the ground. The red-haired mage panted for breath, and sweat beaded her pale brow and cheeks. Before Ravena could gloat over her fallen opponent, a clap of thunder shook the dale, and the Simbul fell bonelessly to the earth. Ravena turned to face her escaped enemy, drawing a wavy dagger from a hidden sheath in her left sleeve. The Simbul climbed unsteadily to her feet, the gazed fiercely into the evil mage's eyes.
"Evil shall never dominate the Realms or its inhabitants," declared the silver-haired woman defiantly.
"Things change," replied Ravena before she stabbed the Simbul with her dagger, burying the weapon to the hilt in the lovely woman's flesh. The archmage spat out a gout of blood, then groaned as Ravena stabbed her three, then five times in the chest and stomach. The red-haired mage stepped back and grinned with pleasure as she watched the once-mighty sorceress fall to the ground and writhe in agony. Ravena licked the blade of her dagger with relish, tasting the salty blood of her victim. She failed to notice the Simbul crawl slowly towards the Magick Staff that still lay impaled in Jenna Moonbeam's limp body. The dark mage blinked her eyes in surprise as she watched the Simbul climb over Jenna's body and grasp the glowing, iron staff with two bloody hands.
"Your evil reign shall end here," gasped the Simbul before she chanted words of power, then fell dead upon the wilted grass. The Magick Staff began to pulse violently, violet radiance pouring out to engulf the area with its light. Ravena stepped back in fear, her eyes wide with realization.
"That fucking bitch!" muttered the mage before she grabbed the hems of her black robes and ran away as fast as her legs could propel her. Thunder shook the trees, and blasts of cold wind swept the fires away. Small cracks appeared on the surface of the Magick Staff, then they grew into large rifts. Violet lightning bolts fell from the sky and smashed into the ground around the breaking staff and the cold body of Jenna Moonbeam. With the sound of shattering crystal, the Magick Staff broke into two pieces, one shard flying high into the air to be lost in the rolling, dark clouds, while the other fell wetly on the ground next to the Moon Elf girl's body. With diminshing fury, the storm over Shadowdale began to fade away, and a few of the surviving clerics were able to Dispel the elementals and Banish the feeding Succubi. Slowly, achingly, calm returned to the village of Shadowdale.
As the villagers of Shadowdale collected their dead and struggled to put out the remaining fires, Ravena Nightmane snuck over to the smoking shard of the Magick Staff and grabbed it possessively with both hands. Making sure that no one saw her, the red-haired mage ran into a nearby grove of trees, then stopped to catch her breath and stroke the cold iron lovingly.
"Don't worry, precious," crooned Ravena warmly. "I'll make you whole again, soon." Giggling softly to herself, the mage disappeared into the forest, heading west.
Storm Silverhand approached the dead body of Jenna Moonbeam. Tears of grief stained her pale cheeks as she knelt down next the beautiful Moon Elf girl and clasped her right hand tightly. A cleric of Mystra knelt across from Storm and whispered a Speak With the Dead spell. Jenna's eyes snapped open, and a soft smile formed on her blue lips.
"Do you wish to be Raised from the dead?" asked the cleric. "Storm Silverhand has agreed to pay for a Raise Dead spell."
"No, thank you," answered Jenna softly. "This character has fought her last battle."
"Thank you for saving Shadowdale," said Storm warmly. "We couldn't have done it without you."
"Thanks, but the Simbul was the real heroine, I just helped a little," replied Jenna modestly. "Take care of things while I'm gone, Storm. I'll be back in a different form later," promised the Moon Elf.
"I will, and I'll be waiting for you. You will always be welcome in Shadowdale, whatever form you may be wearing," said the lovely bard softly before she leaned forward to kiss Jenna's cold lips.
"Bye," whispered Jenna as her eyes closed and the magic left her body.
Somewhere in the Dalelands, a young farm girl with long, green hair and flashing blue eyes poured grain from a bucket into a horse's feeder. A strong steed with a shiny white and brown coat stepped forward and lowered its head to munch its meal. The girl watched her favorite horse eat noisily, and smiled with pleasure. Suddenly, a bolt of silver energy fell from the sky and engulfed her young body. She convulsed in pain as the lance of magic poured into her, then disappeared with a clap of thunder. The young girl fell from the fence she had been standing on and slammed painfully into the ground. She gasped desperately for air, then sat up with glowing blue eyes. The girl gazed around in wonder as she perceived all of the millions of threads of Art that made up the web covering the world.
"What does this mean?" asked the girl to the clear, blue sky. The heavens, however, refused to answer her.
Writer's Note: I hope that you got as much pleasure reading this story as I did writing it. In a effort to finish up my uncompleted works, I'm moving back to "Darklords" tomorrow and hopefully I should have it finished in a few days. After Darklords will probably follow the rest of "Private School Nightmare", and then hopefully I can wrap up "Mara Jade". I want to finish these older stories first so that I will be free to try new things in the future, like an erotic mecha story. Thanks to everyone for their compliments and support, and hopefully I will be able to entertain you for a long time to come.
For the RPG guys and gals out there, here are the ending stats for Jenna Moonblade and Gronan the Destroyer.
Jenna Moonblade
Class: Mage Race: Moon Elf female
Level: 3 Age: 119
Alignment: Chaotic-Good Hair: Long and black
Hit Points: 10
Armor Class: 2(-1)
Str 8
Int 17
Wis 16
Dex 17
Con 8
Cha 9
Com 18 (An optional stat recording the physical attractiveness of the PC)
Magic Missile x3
Magic Items:
Dagger +1
Ring of Protection +2
Potion of Healing x2
Bracers of Defense (AC 2)
Moonbeam Staff (unique magic item)
Gronan the Destroyer
Class: Fighter Race: Human male
Level: 7 Age: 19
Hit Points: 46 Hair: Short and brown
Armor Class: (3) 1
Str 18
Int 13
Wis 11
Dex 16
Con 16
Cha 12
Com 17
Magic Items:
Chainmail Armor +2
Bastard Sword +2
"Realms Phantasy" is copyright Philip Jurado, but copies can be made if credit to the author is maintained.