From!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail Sun Dec 7 14:59:41 1997 Path:!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (DustyWolf1) Newsgroups: fur.stories.erotica Subject: FUR: The Park (m/m furry/plushy) Date: 30 Nov 1997 08:49:14 GMT Lines: 478 Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Admin: Organization: AOL Xref: fur.stories.erotica:3245 The Park (M/M - furry/plushy) by DustyWolf I had worked at the park for about two months when the changes started happening. I don't know whether the events I am going to describe were the result of the owners of the fair, or were they created later, or the two things are just coincidence. I do know that I will be forever changed by working at the park and things will never be the same for me again. I was 19 and worked at an amusement park by Chicago, they had me work in the games area. Where the "guests" would attempt to win prizes by trying to do nearly impossible feats of skill and luck. I took their money and they played the game usually losing, all the games appeared easy. I wore tan knickers, suspenders, and a white shirt with bow tie. The rather tight clothes hugged my body well, and although my friends hated the attire, I secretly enjoyed the odd outfit. The job itself was fairly horrible the "guests" were awful very aggressive, especially the male ones, the guys would come with their girlfriends and have to win prizes for them, they would get angry if they didn't win. I was threatened daily, people would beg me for prizes, it was bad. Day after day people would shove me in front of me and scowl angrily as dollar after dollar was wasted on trying to get stuffed creatures. If the game was somewhat easy, and sports related, like throwing a football through a circle or making a basketball go through a hoop their were long chaotic crowds desperately shoving money in my face demanding another try, their slut idiot girlfriends staring vacantly as their brain dead male tried vainly to prove their manhood by achieving victory through their athletic prowess. There was a reason why I stayed though, despite the fact that I hated the job. Shortly after I started working there I found love on the job. When the doors closed and the guests had left, I was alone with my love. The beings that were so desperately craved by the guests were mine. It depended on which game I worked, but the animals were always there. There was the plush soft black seals that I held in my tired arms in the darkness of the back room. There was the cuddly stuffed wolves, which I petted and caressed. My favorite, however, was the large stuffed lions. Their soft manes wrapped around their heads, they were almost have the size of a man and warm and soft. I always had my special one of each of the herd of plush creatures. I grew attached to one of each and hid it so that it would not be given away to some airhead chick or destructive child of a rich parent. I had named each of my favorites and talked to them after the park had closed. Sometimes, after most of the employees had gone home, and the managers were not around, in the back room of a game, I would take off my white shirt and tan knickers and the rest of my clothes and lay amongst my soft caring friends. Their silky smooth fur would caress my naked skin in the cool summer night. I would roll around surrounded by my velvety friends. I would feel the fur against my legs, on my chest, against my chest, over my face, along my butt, and over my penis. Sometimes, when the time was right, I would find my favorite animal and I would gently thrust my cock against its yielding fur. The soft cotton insides would yield nicely against my sensitive anatomy. I would thrust over and over pushing my body against my willing partner. After several minutes of excited lust, my body would spasm and my cock exploded with semen, pouring over my partner. Occasionally, upset that I messed up its coat, I would lick the creamy fluid off its fur. Other times I would just cuddle with my animal and the semen would cover our bodies both, and we would lay with each other long into the night. "Your cash apron is short 25 dollars, how do you account for this", the manager said who was only a few years older than I but acted as if he were twice my age, the little bit of power he had settled in his head. I looked down and then around to see the other employees avoiding my eyes, "There were a lot of people at Football Frantic, I couldn't keep track of everyone's cash, y'know how it is." The manager gripped my shoulder uncomfortably and drew me closer. "This isn't going to happen again Rick, or your going to find yourself working at Balloon's Up all summer, got it." "I can't work that one, you know wha..." "Well that's where your going to be or your not going to work here anymore." "I got it, it won't happen again." "It better not, now get back to work." I mentally cursed him, and went back to work. The bitching out session was especially annoying because the manager took the time to tell me on my fifteen minute break. After about a week of working at the great park, they put me in a game called Balloon's Up, it was the kind of game where bratty kids shot water into a grinning clown head which made a balloon fill with air. I had to take their money and as soon as one balloon exploded I had to turn the machine off and award the greedy bastard his prize. (it was always a him that won, the girls never seemed to win, occasionally I would keep the game running a little longer so the girl won and I awarded the prize to her) After two days of working there the constant exploding balloons, the constant stress, the parents, the money, the whole thing...I couldn't take it. I couldn't stop the game quick enough, kids and their parents yelled at me, demanding that they had won because one or two balloons would explode at the same time. The constant pops of the balloons and all the other madness. I started walking off the game and ready to leave the park when one of the manager's came to me seeing me leave my post. She asked where I was going, her name was Trisha. I told her what happened the problems I was having, before I knew it tears were rolling down my face, and I was sobbing while "guests" walked by trying to ignore us, intent on their own happiness. She put an arm around me and told me it was going to be ok. She let me take a long break, and then she let me work at another game, just making change for the customers. She understood the problems and she didn't schedule me for that game ever again. She was fired a few weeks later for being "too soft" on the employees, I think she works as a manager at a supermarket now. After my shift had ended I hugged my soft plush wolf, Scotia, close to me. I buried my head in his soft fur and squeezed him close. I put him away and took a few of the broken game parts in my hands. I walked into the skeeball arcade, rows and rows of skeeball and arcade games lined the walls. I went downstairs to the repair shop, it took two flights of stairs to get down to the bottom. It was dark in the basement, the few lights failed to fully illuminate the large room. Broken games and parts of machines lay scattered everywhere. Also, stuffed animals, all in various forms of mutilation, some with rips, some torn to pieces, lay in piles around the basement. From the darkness I spotted a form by a corner of the underground place. I had noticed movement from the corner of my eye, I put the broken pieces on a table and slowly walked to the area where I saw something move. I wanted to say something, like hello, or who are you, but I felt as if my voice had lost all power, I couldn't speak. I could see a shadow move, it was the size of a person, but the shadow of its head was not at all human like. It was just behind a large shelf filled with broken machine parts. I inched forward, my park required sneakers silent against the concrete floor. I passed the visual obstacle and beheld the dweller of the basement. It was covered in white fur from head to toe and was about the size of a man. It had a big white tail that lay against the back of its legs. Its head turned and our eyes met. Its head was like that of a horse, covered in the same white fur, but it had a large horn growing out of its head as well. It appeared to be cross between a male and a unicorn. It had a strange quality about it, it did not appear to be an animal, its fur was too white, and it had an almost cartoonish quality about it. The black eyes looked at me curiously and I looked back, equally curious. We stood gazing at each other, its tail moved every so often behind it. After a few minutes, without even realizing it, I started to laugh quietly. The creature moved toward me lacking all aggressiveness and wrapped its soft arms around me in an intimate embrace. At first I was shocked, but without realizing it I put my arms around the entity and put my head down into its gentle coat. It stroked my hair back and patted my head. He held me for along time and then gently lifted me head up and back away. He took one last look at me and then walked into the shadows. I blinked my eyes and then ran out of the basement. I thought of the creature a lot the next day, it was a very hot day, the sweat stuck to my skin outdoors and my body felt like a furnace. I could feel the pants against my skin, the shirt clinging to me, the socks covering my feet. I felt as if every nerve in my body had been put on full alert, straining to feel every sensation. It was not a bad feeling and I can't say that I know what the start of this was. But every time I moved I could feel my clothes rubbing against me in a constant embrace. I worked at a game where the guest, (victim more like it) threw a baseball and try to knock down a doll. The balls whizzed by nearly missing me every time. I had worked this game for three days in a row. When I went home and tried to sleep, I spend the night in a twilight world where I couldn't remember if I was working or at home, but in my mind I kept trying to dodge balls that sped past me. The constant smack of the balls hitting the dolls are the backdrop stayed with me all the time, whether I was working or not. My furry friends the black stuffed cats watched the game players with dread, hoping they would not win and be taken from their homes. At break time I petted a few of them and named them. They comforted me for a brief few seconds before I had to get to work. A man in his late twenties, with a crew cut paid his fifth dollar and took the three balls in his large angry hands and whipped them at the dolls. All three missed, he cursed angrily and looked me with hate. "Just give the damn cat you punk, I paid enough money to buy one by this time anyways.", he shouted. "I'm sorry you have to win them. There's an easier game down the way, the prize isn't as big but its much easier.", I said trying to think of a way to get him away from me. "So your saying that I can't do this one. You better watch you say or I'll step over this rail and beat the crap out of you. Just give me another shot and shut up.", he said shoving another buck at me. I gave him three more baseballs and stood back, missing me by inches he quickly threw two of them, missing completely. He threw the ball up in his hand, then said give me one of the damn cats are wack you with ball. "Sir, please, I'll have to call security if you...", I couldn't finish the rest, he grabbed me and dragged me toward him, he brought his face toward mine and shouted at me. "Listen...I'm going to take the goddamn cat and that's that you bag of shit", he pushed me to the ground, reached on the shelf and grabbed the poor cat by the head and stomped off. I lay on the floor, my mouth filling with the salty taste of blood. I took off my apron that kept the money and walked out of the game. I was going to walk off, but something compelled me to take one last look at the basement. I was visibly shaking now, and I had to keep blinking my eyes so that I would keep control of my tears. I walked down to the dark basement, figuring it was the last time I would see it. I looked around knowing that I would find nothing. I scanned the room hurriedly, I wanted to make sure I left before the managers knew that I had left my post, I looked around and was just about to leave when I saw one of my furry friends on a shelf. It was the lion I had called Leo, he was sitting on a shelf, it had not been there when I had come down here last time, and I was slightly worried that perhaps my nightly affairs had been found out. I took it off the shelf carefully to inspect it, it was definitely mine, no doubt about that. As I lifted it up a small red piece of paper fell to the ground. I picked it up and examined it. The paper was the size of a ticket and all it had on it was a black circle. After staring at it for a while I was ready to leave, but then I remembered something. There was an old game, presumably broken, against one of the walls. It had strange creatures drawn on its glass screen. The animals shown were raccoons robbing banks, bears having picnics, and foxes walking down cobbled streets. There was also a place to put quarters and place to put tickets. The machine looked as if it were a type of pinball machine, but more intricate. I wasted no time in putting the red ticket into the machine, and then I waited. The small square of floor underneath me began to slide down with me on it. It must have gone about ten feet before it stopped. I stepped off the moving floor, and it rose back up into the basement. The area was dark and I could not see much. The floor was soft with heavy carpeting, and I felt the walls and they were like velvet, soothing to the skin. As my eyes got adjusted to the dark I could see I was in a corridor, with a door at the end of it. I took off my worn shoes to feel the carpet against my feet and I walked along the corridor. I dragged my hand against the wall and felt its gentle caress. The door was not actually a door, but an elevator, I pressed the one button its side and the doors opened. I entered, and noticed there was more than 30 buttons, but none of them were numbered, they must go down further below, I pressed one at random. The doors closed and I could feel myself go further down into the subterranean world. The doors slid open into a large room, I noticed it was a theater, with many empty chairs. I walked in and the doors closed behind me. I walked down to the stage past the chairs. As I got closer something walked on to the stage. I recognized it immediately. The unicorn person strode on to the front stage, he turned and looked at me, then he put out his hand in a beckoning motion. I hurried my pace to the stage. I climbed up on the platform and rushed into the waiting arms of my mysterious friend. The floor of the stage was covered in thick carpeting that seemed almost to bounce as I walked across it. His arms circled and ran over me, my hands did likewise, I felt as if all my cares had melted away with his touch. I could tell it was a he, I noticed his fur shrouded cock and balls. He caress and squeezed my body lovingly, as I did his, his fur seemed like that of the plush creatures but he also seemed human as well, as if he was crossed between a human male and a large plush unicorn. He grabbed my ass and squeezed and ran his hands over it, drawing me even closer to him. I could feel his manhood pushing against me, and my penis started to grow hard and shove against my pants. His hands ran over my chest and gently over my genitals, he cupped my buttocks and down my legs. He reached up and unclasped my bow tie and it fell to the ground. He unbuttoned my shirt with my hands feeling the luxurious fur on his arms. He pulled my shirt out of my pants and it glided in a heap to the floor, as I soon would. I looked up to the stage lights when the unicorn gently loosed my belt and lowered my pants, taking my socks off as well. My cock strained in my underwear to be free. The unicorn nuzzled my shaft packaged in my briefs. I could feel my underwear sliding down over my legs off my body. I grabbed the unicorns long head and ran my hands over it, I felt the long horn and ran my hands up and down it. The unicorn person liked that and its small tongue began looking my private areas. The wet moisture covered my pubic region. The unicorns tongue ran over my sacks and under them, he ran its tongue over my aching hard member. Then he gently took his hand into mind and brought me down to the pliable carpet. I went down on all fours, and he put his hand on my back and slid behind me. I didn't know exactly what to expect, but what followed was the most incredible experience I had ever felt in my life up to that point. His satiny hands ran over my butt and he gently parted them, his tongue then ran down my ass stopping at my ass tunnel, his tongue gently slid in and my whole body tingled and felt cold at first, then warm. His tongue licked the outside and then darted inside exploring deep in me and pushing against the walls of my anus. I squeezed my eyes shut in bliss and my hands clenched with excitement. After my butt was covered in the unicorns saliva he withdrew his tongue and kneeled behind me. I waited in anticipation. He put his cock against my buttocks and slid the head of his mighty penis over my ass opening. He gently thrust the head of his mass into my butt and my muscles closed around it, he put a hand on my hip and pushed more of his thick member into me. I could feel it filling me up and going deeper inside me. He pushed deeper and deeper and I clenched my teeth in ecstasy, tears of intensity slid down my face. Soon his entire length was inside me, I could feel his soft fur against my cheeks and his might balls against my backside. He began to move in and out of me sliding the massive prick almost completely out and then all the way in. Then with his other hand he reached around my hip and grasped my rock hard cock with his furry hand, his hand almost encompassed entirely my penis. He moved his hand up and down my length, the silken fur driving me over the edge in rapture. He plunged his thick pole inside and out of my butt controlling me with his hand on my side. He kept increasing his rhythm rotating my pelvis against his. My back arched and rocked with every shove. A wave of uncontrollable spasms racked me for a second and I felt as if my body had become a huge tidal wave with each wave crashing over and over again, thick sticky lines of jism splattered over my front and on the carpet. At the smell of the fluid the unicorn started pumping me even faster, taking his other hand that was on my cock and grabbing me with both hands and pushing me into him. Faster and faster he pushed himself into me, seemingly going further into my body everytime. I felt as if he become part of me and we had fused into one inseparable person. It felt as if the unicorn was trying to put his entire body inside of me starting with his hard penis. I was starting lose consciousness when the unicorn came inside me. His juices shot inside me and I could feel the warm liquid pour inside my abdomen. Gush after gush of semen shot forth into me, tunneling into every part of me. He kept his cock inside me for a full five minutes, caressing my back and legs before removing it. Warm cock fluid spilled down over my legs and I collapsed into a fetal position on the floor. The unicorn lay behind me his arms fixed firmly around me and we lay together for a long time. When I awoke I was alone on the stage, there was nobody there, and my clothes were gone. I stood up shakily and walked from the stage and into the elevator and I pressed a floor randomly. The underground was surprisingly warm, and I felt at ease walking around naked. I felt loose and comfortable when the doors opened I saw there was a large steam covered pool on this floor. I walked to the pool and climbed down into it. The hot water surrounded me while I sunk deeper into it. The water felt extremely good and I found a seat to sit down on. By the side of the pool there was a few buttons, curious, I pushed one. Nothing happened for a few minutes, but then out of the side of the pool a glass of orange liquid appeared. Thirsty, I drank the mixture, it was extremely good, thick like a shake, but very citrus flavored. The cool drink seemed to have an almost instantaneous effect on me as well. I felt a little light headed and even more relaxed, every muscle in my body seemed to let go a little bit. As I finished the drink I had two separate splashed of water. The drink had removed all worries and all fear from me. I was curious and waited for the sources of the water displacers to find me. I could see their forms running through the water coming at me from two different directions. The both arose from the bottom of the water simultaneously and made their way toward me. Their faces were wolf-like their dark eyes fixed on me, their bodies were humanlike. Their bodies were covered in black and gray fur, now stuck to their wet bodies. Something moved behind me and I lazily looked around. Another one of the wolflike creatures was behind me, staring hungrily down at me. Then he jumped over me into the water. The two other wolf creatures simultaneously ran their arms over my legs in the water. I laughed pleasantly about their obvious lust and realized I would be in for some new eroticism. The two wolves began licking each of my ears, while their hands continued their submerged exploration of my body. The third wolf arose between my legs and brought his lips to mine and began to french kiss me. His long tongue forcefully explored my mouth. The two wolves began went down to my chest and began licking a massaging my nipples. My head moved around as the third wolf creature savagely deeply tongued me. My penis began to get hard again in the hot swirling water, the third wolf began ran grab my balls and cup and carefully massage them. I felt like I had lost all control of my body and my muscles had become limp except for my firm manhood. The third wolf stopped his assault on my mouth and sat down beside me. The two other wolves lifted me up and placed me on the third (possibly the dominant) wolfs lap. I could feel his hard prick against me. The two wolves adjusted my body and the third guided his cock into my asshole. With one sudden movement he pulled down on his cock, I felt as if I had been speared, cut in two. The third wolf grabbed my nipples and chest and began shoving me on to his mighty stick. The water splashed around us and circulated causing currents. The other two wolves joined in as well. One began stood up in the water and put his cock against my mouth. The other bent down and began licking the first wolf's animal penis. The first wolf gently put his cock into my mouth and I began to lick and suck the thick shaft, even though it was hard with my body being raised up and down with the third wolf pulling me on to his anatomy. The second wolf, who was relishing the first wolves ass, grabbed hold of my cock and began moving his hand under the water up and down my length. Appearing chaos seemed to ensue as hard cocks were sucked or handled the wolves and myself seemed to form one continuous orgasmic entity. The third wolves cock plunged repeatedly inside me, my butt landing on the animals lap. Soon I was unable to suck the wolves cock anymore I just lifted my head and was ridden by the wolf under me. The first wolf began masturbating in front of me. I felt as I were a rag doll being tossed around. Then I reached orgasm, thick ropes of my jizz poured from me and into the water. Then the first wolf erupted with his semen which splashed against my face, finally the third wolf in one final thrust, pushing me against him as hard as he could came deep inside me. The wolf licked me gently and placed me gently on a seat in the pool. The three wolves swum off into the pool, and I could hear them being playful from time to time as I recuperated. When I woke up again I left the pool to see what else was down there. There was a light that was blinking on the elevator buttons and I pushed it. It lead to one room with one door. I opened it and found a coat of fur. Its head was that of a lion, very similar to the one that I had given away as prizes. It was a suit of fur that a person could wear. Naked, I put on the suit and felt it envelope me. I put on the head and I was wearing the suit. It felt good and warm, soft and pliable. There was a mirror at the end of the room and I walked to it. As I stared at myself in the mirror I could feel the suit tighten on me. It was not in the least bit uncomfortable. The suit and the fur on it seemed to grow into my skin. The lion mask melted into my face. The tail seemed to attach itself onto my back. When I looked again at the mirror, and walked around I realized I had become the lion, it was my new skin, my new self. I left the room waiting to explore the rest of the realm, knowing I would never return to the world of humans again. I am writing this to you, you have found this letter in one of my old stuffed lions, and it is to you that love the plush animals this message that there is a way to join with the other side and live in joy with our friends and kin underneath the park.