THE IMPERIUM OF HUMANITY aka The Empire of Man A Justifiers RPG Campaign by James A Renn 2005: The first successful fusion of human and animal genetic material. Debate over the beings legal status begins even before it's birth. The being is a male chimpanzee/human cross and is dubbed an Alpha-Humaniod. His life is brief, as a "Humans Only" radical group firebomb the labs housing him. 2008: In an attempt to get back on the political map Iraq releases a new bio-plague. A version of the Pneumonic Plague (the Black Death), it quickly becomes a pandemic. Within a year forty seven million are dead world wide, 60% of the deaths being concentrated in Europe and North America. The First Plague enters the history books. 2009: Dr. Eugene McGuire, of the US Center for Disease Control (CDC), makes the breakthrough that leads to a cure. Dr. McGuire comes out of the panic looking like a knight in shining armour. All told, world wide, there are sixty three million dead before a vaccine is delivered. Iraq is invaded by the United Nations and ceases to be a nation. 2012: Standing on a pro-technology political platform, Dr. Eugene Mcguire wins the `12 US election by a landslide. The doorway for technical research is wide open...genetic engineering becomes THE money making field to be in. A dozen Alpha-Humaniod species are patented in 2013 alone... 2014: The first permanent Lunar colony is founded, Clarke Base. 2015: Human, cybernetic integrating achieved at the University of Oklahoma. Opens the door for the first "cyborgs". 2016: President Eugene McGuire wins the re-election. Genetic labs throughout America rejoice... 2018: Man lands on Mars, establishes Gorbachev Base. 2021: The Second Plague strikes mankind. Later testimony discloses that this disease originated in the CDC headquarters in Atlanta, Ga. By 2023 two hundred and thirteen million people are dead, another four hundred and fifty seven million suffer permanent nerve damage. Most Western governments fall, to one degree or another, including the US, Canada, Mexico, all of Central and South America, and all of Europe except for the Netherlands and France. 2024: A vaccine is found for the Second Plague in France by Dr. Cluade Verdonne. No cure is ever found for those surviving the Plague but suffering nerve damage. Total world casualties: three hundred and seventy two million dead, and nine hundred and thirty three million with permanent nerve damage. 2025: The UN declares itself as the first World Government, headed by France, China and the United African Nations. The first president is Joseph Macumbe, a native African educated in Kenya and Oxford. The first World Council is convened on November 19th, 2025. 2026: Insurrections are put down in the US, Scotland and Germany by the World Council Armed Forces, a military force made up of soldiers from, at least in part, the countries rebelling. The World Council authorizes use of tactical nuclear weapons on a unit of it's own army that joins the rebellion in El Paso, TX. The rebellions die out rather quickly after that... 2028: The first base established in the Asteroid Belt on Cirrus. 2030: The world discovers, much to many peoples surprise, that the World Council is doing a better job than the governments it replaced. 2033: A World Council Court declares Alpha-Humaniods "protected" species. 2047: First fusion reactor goes on-line in Chiba, Japan. Once the fusion reaction has begun it only requires distilled water as fuel. 2054: The first fully bipedal, bimanual Humaniod is developed. Dubbed Beta-Humaniods they are extended the Alphas "protected" status. 2056: Radical anti-humaniod political parties spring up all over the planet. Tauting a "Humans Only" theme, many are backed by religious leaders, both big and small. 2066: There are seven Lunar bases, four Martian and seventeen in the out-system. Twelve million people now live off Earth. 2071: The founding principles of psionics are discovered by Dr. Rashien Bapuul, student of science and Hindu teachings. The talent for psionics among Humans is low (5%), the percentage among Betas and Augmented Humans is kept strictly Top Secret... 2085: Pierre DuBois is elected World Council President on a "Humans Only" platform. He quickly "pads" the Council with his own, loyal members. Two outspoken Counselors, who disagree with Pres. DuBois, have untimely accidents... 2087: With strong military backing, Pres. DuBois leads a bloodless coup of the Council. He declares himself Emperor Pierre the First of the Imperium of Humanity (aka Empire of Man). Much to even his surprise, no one seems to care... 2088: Emperor Pierre I declares that all beings with more than a 1% genetic variance from humans are hereby non-Citizens. Effectively making them slave races. 2090: The capitol of the Imperium is moved to the L5 station, Crystal Palace. There are now forty nine million people living in the "High Colonies". 2093: The First Beta Uprising takes place. Four hundred thousand Betas are killed, but they take two and a half million humans with them. An unknown number of Betas escape to the Asteroid Belt and the Oort Cloud. 2102: The Imperial Esper Academy opens it doors in the Asimov Dome, on Mars. Security is extremely tight, unauthorized personal are shot on sight, no questions asked. Enrollment isn't overwhelming. 2106: The Laser Stasis System is developed, allowing living or non-living objects to be placed in a state of suspended animation indefinitely. Interstellar travel is now more than just a dream. 2108: Lifeships begin being launched be every political, religious, ethnic and national group that can afford one. Trajectories are picked for religious or political reasons as often as scientific ones. Between 2108 and 2196 some four hundred, chartered, Lifeships are launched. The number of unregistered, unchartered launches is unknown. Betas and Augmented Humans are forbidden from shipping out on Lifeships. 2109: The Betas secretly launch a Lifeship, with over one hundred and twenty thousand persons onboard, on a deep-space trajectory towards a neighboring star system. 2112: Emperor Pierre I dies of natural causes, his son Rene takes up the Imperial crown, as Emperor Rene I. 2145: The first Augmented Humans are designed and put into full production. Many of the first generation defected to the Rebel Beta stations. There are now over two billion Citizens in the High Colonies. 2168: Emperor Rene I is assassinated, his son Pierre is suspected but no hard evidence ever comes to light. He is crowned Pierre II under a cloud of suspicion. 2189: An experimental "stargate" is tested in a Los Angeles dockside warehouse. The resulting explosion "removes" a 10km sphere of matter to... elsewhere. Luckily the technical notes were stored in more than one computer. 2192: It is discovered that the "jump-drive" requires a powerful magnetic field to work properly. Artificial magnetic fields are hard to produce, a natural source is searched for. 2193: The natural magnetic field is found, at the poles of the sun. A test drive is made and fired, the test vehicle is never seen again... The 10km sphere appears to be the maximum size limit, anything larger undergoes a near instantaneous shift to an entropy state, ie they just disappear. 2194: Emperor Pierre the Third takes the throne and establishes the Survey Team program. 2195: The Imperial Esper Corp. scores its first victory, in putting down a Beta rebellion plot. The Corp. quickly earns a reputation as the Branch of the Imperium that *noone* escapes. 2196: The first successful Jump is made on June 26th, 2196. The Solar Gate only opens onto one other star. This star however opens onto two others, and the third system has thirteen Jump Points. This system is named Nexus. As each star has two poles, the "north" is dedicated to outgoing traffic and the "south" dedicated to incoming. 2214: Pierre III creates the Sub-Citizen caste as a reward for loyal Beta and Augmented Human service. The Survey Teams go into full service. 2215: Emperor Edmund the First takes the throne and rules over twenty two star systems. Non-Citizens and Sub-Citizens now out number Citizens. 2229: Edmund I moves the Imperial capitol to the only habitable planet orbiting Nexus. Terraforming is begun to improve the planet's atmosphere and biosphere. Edmund I retains the Crystal Palace as an Imperial "retreat". 2234: The Imperium encounters the first non-Terran sentients, known as the Histians. A race of bronze-age humaniods, which are quickly conquered and made part of the Imperium. For the greater glory of Humanity of course... 2255: The Second Beta Uprising takes place, as combined Beta and Augmented Human forces breaks out of Humanspace to the great unknown. Legends of Outlaw Worlds quickly develop, know as the Free Planets by the Betas and Augmented Humans. Twenty eight million non-Citizens and Sub-Citizens are put to death, another fifty three million are imprisoned or shipped to Hell Worlds. 2261: Emperor Rene II survives the successful assault upon his father, the late Edmund I. Rene II conducts the Great Purge of the Empires political structure. Many desperate political exiles seek the rumored safety of the Free Planets. Their success or failure at this attempt is unknown. 2291: The second non-human sentient race is encountered and conquered. The Barif, an industrial age, steam-era, race of humaniods. The Imperium now controls forty three star systems. Citizens are now out numbered five to one by Non- and Sub-Citizens. 2293: The High Colonies now have a greater population than the terrestrial colonies. 2301: The Empress Isaboe murders her husband Rene II and leads a bloody coup against his government. The Empresses' Purge lasts for three years, and kills untold millions. Thus ends the reign of Dubois and begins the Reign of DeCalais. 2315: Designer bio-forms become commonplace. You can pop by the local Bio-Shop and pick up a genegineered guard dog, which is gene coded to your unique DNA. Need new carpeting? We can grow you wall to wall in under an hour. Anything that could be dreamed up by the Citizens of the Imperium, is eagerly produced by its genegineers. 2352: The first space-faring race is discovered. The Mutumba are a race of aquatic octopi-like sentients, using a technology based purely on biological organisms. For the first time in the Imperium's history an enemy exists which could challenge it's might. In the end, of course, the out come was never in doubt. The Imperium has the resources of a hundred star systems, the Mutumba only one... 2353: During the turmoil of the Mutumba/Imperium War, Prince Renoir murders his mother, the Empress, and assumes the throne. Somethings must run in the family. Emperor Renoir I wisely supports the right nobility and solidifies his rather shakey reign. The nobility make major power grabs during Renoir I's reign. 2354: The Third Beta Uprising tears through the Imperium. Countless Betas and Augmented Humans conduct suicide attacks on important Citizen political and data storage sights. The entire 5th Wing of the Imperium's 2nd Battlgroup defects to the Free Worlds. This is the last Beta/Augmented Human Fighter Wing allowed. The Espers Liberation Front (ELF, aka Elves) rear their head and strike down the rulers of Humanity. 2355: The House of Nobles overthrow Renoir I and crown the Prime Minister, Juan DeMarco Cortez. Emperor Juan I has the entire DeCalais bloodline hunted down and put to death. This is seen as a wise political move, and a subtle warning to the House of Nobles about who is really in charge. 2368: The Esper Revolt, led by the Elves, liberates twelve hundred Espers from the Corps "detainment" camps. The Imperium sets high bounties on the heads of all "rogue" Espers. Bounty Hunting becomes the newest way to make a fortune. 2371: The Crystal Palace is destroyed by a nuclear device. Juan I is succeeded by his son Juan II. It is never discovered who planted the device, or what their political agenda was. Every fringe political group, both legal and underground, in the Imperium takes credit for the bombing. Even the Esper Corp. is unsuccessful, which leads some to suspect the Corp. itself... 2382: Evidence of an ancient system-spanning race comes to light. Some, quietly, suggest that this elder race may have achieved greater heights than the Imperium. These people find themselves manning Survey Teams, to better explore the expanding Imperium... 2396: An experimental "tunable" JumpGate, able to choose its destination, is tested in an uninhabited system. The entire star system, and all its satellites, simply disappear. Research is transferred from the JumpGate Authority to the Defense Ministry. 2403: A city is found which dates back some two hundred and twenty thousand years. Its attributed to the Elder Race, as they're now known, and excites scientists throughout Humanspace. How a city lasts this long is the question on everyone's mind. 2439: Juan II passes away quietly in his sleep, which noone believes, and his son Romero is crowned. The new Emperor appeases the House of Nobles and looks forward to a long, secure, reign. 2441: The Imperium controls two hundred and fourteen star systems. Five races are under its control, counting the Betas as a single race. Nexus and Earth are paradises, veritable gardens of engineered perfection. The Earth's population is made up of forty million Humans and four hundred and thirty six million Betas and Augmented Humans. Life is good, as long as you are a Citizen... 2442: Monday, February 3rd... now. ATTRIBUTES & STATISTICS: ----------------------- For the Attributes, roll D100, seven times and place as you wish. One score can be discarded and raised to 65 automatically. Strength (Str) Dexterity (Dex) Constitution (Con) Intelligence (Int) Wisdom (Wis) Agility (Agl) Presence (Prs) STRENGTH: The Strength score is used to determine how well you can perform feats of strength. Use the following chart to determine common feats: Str/2 in kg = Carry Str x 2.5 in kg = Lift Str x 5 in kg = Drag Str/3 in m = Throw Str/10 in m = Running Jump (2m of "run" for each m of travel) Str/20 in m = Standing Jump Note: This has been converted to Metric. Some racial types have better jumping abilities. DEXTERITY: The Dexterity score represents your quickness and hand-eye co-ordination. It affects your ability to manipulate tools, or hit in unarmed combat or with a weapon. For every point of Dex above 100 there is an equal percentage chance that the character is ambidextrous. Example, if a Beta-Panther has a Dex of 124, they would have a 24% of being ambidextrous. CONSTITUTION: This is the amount of debilitating damage that a body can suffer before death occurs. It is a combination of health, stamina and willpower. When a character's Con reaches 0 he is rendered unconscious. When a character's Con reaches (Con/10) in negative Con points he is dead. Note: The original rules had no negative Con points. House rule. INTELLIGENCE: This represents your ability to learn, to memorize facts and absorb knowledge and skills. It affects the type of Career Class and level at which which you acquire new skills. WISDOM: Wisdom differs from Intelligence in that it doesn't so much relate to knowledge as to sense. High Wisdom reflects an ability to understand, the ability to extrapolate and go beyond what you've learned. It is used to figure out the function of an alien artifact, or detect an ambush. AGILITY: A person's ability to move their entire body with grace and speed. The sense of balance and co-ordination. Gross body movements. Note: see the Speed statistic. PRESENCE: A combination of an individual's personal charisma and good-looks. People with high Presence are more likely to convince others to do their bidding, or get a date. STATISTICS: ---------- For the Statistics use the following formula: Mental Strength (MS) (Int + Wis) + D10 per Level Body (Bod) (Con/10) + D10 per Level Resilience (Res) [(Str + Wis)/10] + D10 per Level Base Speed NA (see notes) Base Skill Level (Int/5)% (see notes) Base to Strike (Dex/3)% Damage Bonus (Str/10) MENTAL STRENGTH: This statistic reflects a person's willpower: how strong their mind is, both in defending and attacking with psionics (see Psionics). Think of Mental Strength as you would Constitution. It reflects the amount of damage your mind can take. Zero Mental Strength points catatonic, negative (MS/10) in Mental Strength points means permanent insanity and vegative mental state. BODY: This is how much punishment your body can take before it becomes debilitating. Like a boxer who takes several punches before he really begins to feel them. When Body is used up, damage is taken to Constitution. You may fall (Body/3) in meters without harm. RESILIENCE: This statistic relates to Mental Strength in the same way Body relates to Constitution. It is how much non-debilitating damage your mind can take. SPEED: Use the Base Speed listed for each species type. Running is Speed in kilometers per hour. Movement per Melee is Speed in meters. Note: I've dropped this statistic completely. I see it as unbalancing the rules. It's also just a bit unbelievable, faster than flesh and bone could handle. To break a "tie" between two or more characters racing: make a Con roll every round of "tie", a fail means you drop back one meter, a success means you pull ahead one meter. Each failure adds a penalty of -10% for each subsequent Con roll. Continue until you reach 0 Con or are caught. BASE SKILL LEVEL: This statistic is used in figuring your skill percentages. Every skill a person has or will ever have in the game, begins at this percentage. Skills are adjusted by Career Class and Experience. Note: I've doubled this statistic. Using the "offical" rule, a genius level human (Int of 120) would have a Base Skill Level of 12%. Twelve percent?! My house rule gives the same person a 24%, which seems much more reasonable. An average Beta would have a Base Skill Level of 5% in the old system, and a 10% in my system. Not an overwhelmingly unbalancing difference. I consider each point of Int to represent two points on an Intelligence Quotient (IQ) scale. So, a Int of 50 equals an IQ of 100. Ninety to one hundred and ten is the average modern IQ range. BASE TO STRIKE: This is the base percent chance to hit with any weapon. DAMAGE BONUS: This is the base damage that you do with any weapon wielded by hand, or thrown. The maximum Damage Bonus for a thrown weapon may not exceed the weapons maximum damage. Does not include ranged artificially powered weapons. PSIONICS: -------- Psionics are the powers of the mind. These powers draw off your Mental Strength. Therefore, as you use Psionic Talents you become more vulnerable to them at the same time. A person possessing Psionics is often called an Esper. When using a Psionic Talent against a resistant target you must add your Resilience, and a D100 roll. If the result is higher than the target's Resilience your attack is successful. This is called a `Break Will', and is not required with talents that do a physical attack. Only for a successful attack do you subtract Mental Strength at the rate indicated for the talent. In the case of attacks against computers and other artificial intelligences figure the Stats for the AI as you would for a character. Note: In my game computers can *not* have Psionic Talents. The base chance of Psionics for all player characters is 5%. The number rolled at 5 or below is the number of Psionic Talents. Roll a D10 on the Psionic chart below for each skill, duplications roll again: 1) Telepathy Mind to mind contact, reading the thoughts of another. 1MS point per second of communication for a willing contact. For an unwilling, sentient target perform a `Break Will', then expend an additional 1MS per second of contact (2MS per second). If the target mind has a sufficiently higher Resilience as to not be overcome the user looses 1/2 their total Resilience and becomes vulnerable to a counter attack if the target is an Esper. Communication can be in the form of words, imagery or sensual data. 2) Telekinesis The ability to manipulate solid objects with the power of the mind. 1MS per kg of weight times (meters moved vertically plus meters moved horizontally). Minimum one meter distance. Purely vertical or horizontal movement is possible, levitating or `skating'. The Esper may move themselves if desired. 3) Teleport The ability to travel from point to point without traversing the intervening distance. 1MS point per kg of weight teleported to a known location, one seen by the Esper before. It takes one minute to prepare for each 10 kilometer teleported, during which time the Esper is entranced and incapable of any movement or actions. Distance is limited to MS in kilometers. Only an entire object or person can be teleported, not an attached part without the whole. Only organic or high carbon items may be teleported. Carbide weapons *will* teleport, but most ammunition and other metallic objects will not. Organic items include: wood, leather, hide, bone, horn, etc. The Esper may teleport themselves or another, within MS in meters. 4) Psi-Blast A mental fist. At 1MS per point of damage inflicted, the effect is identical to a physical attack. It is a telekinetic `punch' of great power, high speed and short duration. Maximum damage is the Espers Resilience. 5) Pyrokenesis The ability to start fires with mental energy. 1MS per point of damage inflicted to inanimate objects only. Cannot be used against living tissue, but can be used against weapons, clothing, armor, etc. of the victim. Maximum range is MS in meters. 6) Cyberpathy Acts the same as telepathy, but only works with computer or artificial intelligences. Will allow an Esper to control the computer - treat as a `Break Will' roll. 7) Psyche Healing Using the mind to heal physical or mental damage. 1MS per point of damage healed. Requires one minute of time to prepare for each 10 points of healing, but healing is instantaneous. 8) Animal Control The ability to control the minds of animals. 1MS per minute of control times distance in kilometers. Must perform a `Break Will' to control the animal. Control allows the Esper to see, feel and hear everything the animal is experiencing. There is a 1% cumulative chance per use (with the same animal) that contact will become permanent. Not possible to use with sentient creatures. 9) Danger Sense Automatic ability to sense impending danger - 10MS per use. GM controlled works 50% of the time unless definite ill will is present, it then works 99% of the time. For example, if a rock is about to fall no ill will is present, but if that same rock is being pushed by someone or something, than ill will is present. Cost is for successful use only. 10) Body Control Allows the Esper to increase one attribute score temporarily. 1MS per point of increase, times number of rounds maintained. REGENERATION: As you go through your adventures you will lose Con and Bod in the course of combat. As you heal (assuming you survive) you will regain Con and Bod at the rate of 2D10 points per day, Con first and than Bod. In using psionics, in being stunned, or mentally attacked you will lose MS and Res. Regeneration is 2D6 points per day for MS and Res, MS first and than Res. Successful medical treatment can aid in Regeneration. Add an additional 1D6 of healing to Con and Bod for a successful treatment. Modify according to the conditions under which treatment was administered. Additional modifiers for such things as infection and surgical complications can be used at the GM's discretion. BETA-HUMANIODS & HUMAN GENOTYPES: -------------------------------- Beta-Humanoids: Most Survey Team members are Beta-Humaniods. That is, they are genetically engineered beings, a fusion of human and animal genetic material. All have distinct characteristics from their root animal stock, but are bipedal and bimanual. Most Beta-Humaniods (90%) are "force-grown" in nutrient vats, the remaining (10%) are raised as children in a nuclear style family of Sub- Citizens. All Betas who are not Sub-Citizens are slaves, born into slavery, they will labor as slaves, they will die as slaves. Those lucky enough to earn Sub-Citizen status are allowed to own property, marry whatever Beta they wish and have freedom of movement. They may not vote, marry humans or own businesses. Children of Sub-Citizens are themselves Sub-Citizens, however they "owe" the Imperium ten years of military service beginning at age fifteen. "Force-grown" Betas are incubated in nutrient vats from zygotes to sub-adults (70% of full size) over an eighteen month period. Once "decanted" the Beta is allowed a one year "childhood" during which they achieve full stature and conduct their basic socializing period. They are than put into the Survey Team Training Program, a three year course which kills off 30% of its participants. Those surviving Training are graduated into Survey Teams, to go out into the galaxy for the greater glory of Humanity... Due to the variation of racial types the sizes of Beta-Humaniods can vary anywhere from 1 to 3 meters. Gear specially constructed for one racial type (such as E-Suits) are unusable by many other types. Obviously larger root genetic animal material lead to larger Beta-Humaniod types. Human Genotypes: Homo Sapiens within the Imperium aren't much different than their 20th Century counterparts. The main difference being that they have no genetic defects, no poor eyesight, no one is hard of hearing and there are no genetic diseases. To maintain full Citizen status a human may not have more than a 1% genetic variance from the base genotype. The average 25th Century human is 180 cm tall, 70 kg, dark haired, brown eyed and with light brown skin. Augmented Humans have a, slightly, better outlook than the Betas. Fewer of them are vat-grown (70%), the remainder being raised in nuclear style families or, at least, communal creches. Those who are vat-grown (slang: vatjobs) lead lives much like their Beta counterparts. Those who have achieved Sub-Citizen status have the same rights as Beta Sub-Citizens. Marriages between Betas and Augmented Humans are legal, though rare. The only Citizens seen in Survey Teams are condemned criminals. Transfer to a Survey Team is considered a death sentence, it's surprising how few Humans survive on a Team comprised of Betas and Augmented Humans.... BETA-HUMANIOD RACIAL TYPES: TerraLingua Slang: Moreaus, furs, furjobs, scales, scalejobs, etc. Alligator/Crocodile Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 15/30 (Swimming) Att. Mod.: Str +20 Con +20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large), 1 Club/Tail (Large) Natural Abilities: Swim 99% Remain underwater (Con/3 in rounds) Has been genegineered to be warm blooded. Armadillo Armour: Plate Speed: 10 Att. Mod.: none Natural Weapons: none Natural Abilities: Burrow (Str/10 meters per 8 hours, packed earth) Badger Armour: Hv. Fur Speed: 20 Att. Mod.: none Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small), 2 Claws (Large) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 70% Burrow (Str/10 meters per 8 hours, packed earth) Bat Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 10/40 (Flight) Att. Mod.: Str -30 Con -20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small) Natural Abilities: Sonar (100m + Int in meters) Track by Hearing 70% Flight (km in Con, glide x 3) Has separate arms and wings. Can carry (Str/6 in kg) while flying/gliding. 75cm tall, 20-25 kg Bear (Black or Brown) Armour: Hv. Fur Speed: 20 Att. Mod.: Str +40 Con +15 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large), 2 Claws (Large) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 35% Bear (Grizzly or Polar) Armour: Hv. Fur Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Str +45 Con +20 Int -10 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large), 2 Claws (Large) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 50% Swim 99% (Polar) Bighorn Sheep Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Str +15 Agl +30 Natural Weapons: 1 Horns (Large), 2 Clubs/Hooves (Small) Natural Abilities: No negatives for footing. Bison Armour: Hv. Fur Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Str +45 Con +30 Natural Weapons: 1 Horns (Small), 2 Clubs/Hooves (Large) Natural Abilities: none Boar Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Str +10 Con +25 Natural Weapons: 2 Bite/Tusks (Large) Natural Abilities: none Cat, Domestic Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 30/15 (Climb) Att. Mod.: Agl +25 Dex +20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small), 2 Claws (Small) Natural Abilities: Nightvision (Starlight/Moonlight as Moonlight/Daylight) Fall 2 x Body without harm Climb 50% Chameleon Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 20/30 (Climb) Att. Mod.: none Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small) Natural Abilities: Climb 80% Prehensile Tail (Dex/3 and Str/2) Independent Eyes (can see or aim in two directions) Camouflage (nude only, 5% to notice Chameleon) Has been genengineered to be warm blooded. Cheetah Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 75 Att. Mod.: Agl +25 Dex +30 Str -20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 30% +20% to vision checks in open terrain. Chimpanzee Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 25/15 (Climb) Att. Mod.: Str +30 Con +10 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 50% Prehensile Feet (Dex/2) Coyote Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 45 Att. Mod.: Agl +35 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 70% Dog (Runner) Armour: Lt Hide Speed: 45 Att. Mod.: Str -20 Con +10 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 45% Dog (Tracker) Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 20 Att. Mod.: none Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 99% Ferret/Marten Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 45 Att. Mod.: Agl +25 Dex +15 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 60% Annoy companions 75% :) Fox Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 35 Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Dex +15 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 80% Frog Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 20/30 (Swim) Att. Mod.: none Natural Weapons: none Natural Abilities: Swim 99% Prehensile Tongue (Dex/2 and Str/4) Jump (Str/3 in meters) Remain underwater (Con/5 in rds) Has been genegineered to be warm blooded. Gazelle Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 70 Att. Mod.: none Natural Weapons: 1 Horns (Small) Natural Abilities: none Gila Monster Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 15 Att. Mod.: Str +15 Con +15 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small) + Poison (D6/rd for Con/10 rds) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 40% (with tongue) Fat Cell Storage (can go one month without food) Has been genengineered to be warm blooded. Goat Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Natural Weapons: 1 Horns (Small) Natural Abilities: Toxin Resistance (+10% vs poisons, +15% vs drugs) Gopher/Ground Hog Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 20 Att. Mod.: none Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small) Natural Abilities: Burrow (Str/10 in meters per 8 hours, packed earth) Navigate Blind 40% Gorilla Armour: Hv. Fur Speed: 20/10 (Climb) Att. Mod.: Str +50 Con +20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 50% Prehensile Feet (Dex/2) Climb 75% Iguana Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 30/20/15 (Climb/Swim) Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small), 1 Claw/Tailwhip (Small) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 65% (with tongue) Climb 80% Swim 75% Has been genengineered to be warm blooded. Kangaroo Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 45 Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Str +10 Natural Weapons: 2 Claws/Rear Feet (Large) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 30% Jump (Str/3 in meters) Komodo Dragon Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Str +20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large), 1 Club/Tail (Large) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 65% (with tongue) Has been genengineered to be warm blooded. Mantis Armour: Chitin Speed: 40 Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Dex +40 Str -25 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small), 2 Claws (Small) Natural Abilities: Jump (Str/4 in meters) Track By Scent 35% (with antenna) Four Arms (Dex -20% for second set) 270 degree vision (+20% to Surprise rolls) Has been genengineered to have an internal skeleton. Margay (South American Arboreal Feline) Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 30/20 (Climb) Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Dex +10 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small), 2 Claws (Small) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 70% Climb 80% Jump (Str/5 in meters, in trees only) Nightvision (Starlight/Moonlight as Moonlight/Daylight) Monkey Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 20/30 (Climb) Att. Mod.: Agl +25 Dex +25 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small) Natural Abilities: Climb 99% Prehensile Tail (Dex/2 and Str/3) May hang from tail without penalty. Prehensile Feet (Dex/2) Track by Scent 50% Otter Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 20/50 (Swimming) Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small) Natural Abilities: Swim 99% Track by Scent 45% Remain underwater (Con/3 in rds) Panda, Lesser Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 20/20 (Climb) Att. Mod.: Dex +20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small), 2 Claws (Small) Natural Abilities: Climb 80% May hang from tail (Con/3 in rds) Semi-Prehensile Tail (Dex/4 and Str/4) Panda, Greater Armour: Hv. Fur Speed: 10 Att. Mod.: Str +20 Wis +30 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small), 2 Claws (Small) Natural Abilities: none Panther Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 50 Att. Mod.: Agl +25 Str +15 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large), 2 Claws (Large) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 70% Jump (Str/6 in meters) Nightvision (Starlight/Moonlight as Moonlight/Daylight) Platypus Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 20/30 (Swim) Att. Mod.: none Natural Weapons: 2 Claws (Small) rear feet + poison (male only) Natural Abilities: Swim 99% Remain underwater (Con/4 in rds) Track Electrical Source 60% Navigate Blind 40% Stun poison (Con save or stun for 3D10 minutes) 3 poison doses per day Rabbit/Hare Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 40 Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Dex +20 Str -10 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small), 2 Claws/Rear Feet (Small) Natural Abilities: Track by Hearing 60% Jump (Str/4 in meters) Raccoon Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 25 Att. Mod.: Dex +35 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small), 2 Claws (Small) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 30% Climb 75% Rat Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 20/20 (Climbing) Att. Mod.: Agl +10 Dex +10 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small) Natural Abilities: Climb 60% Swim 60% (Speed 10) Rhino Armour: Plate Speed: 20 Att. Mod.: Con +30 Str +50 Int -20 Natural Weapons: 1 Horn (Large) Natural Abilities: Nearsighted (-10% with Missile Weapons) Sea Lion Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 20/70 (Swimming) Att. Mod.: Agl +10 Dex +20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small) Natural Abilities: Swim 99% Track by Hearing 45% (Underwater only) Sonar (50m + Int/2 in meters, underwater only) Remain underwater (Con/2 in rounds) Sea Turtle Armour: Plate Speed: 10/30 (Swimming) Att. Mod.: Agl -20 Con +20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small) Natural Abilities: Swim 99% Remain underwater (Con/4 in rounds) Has been genegineered to be warm blooded. Salamander/Newt Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 20/20 (Swimming) Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Natural Weapons: none Natural Abilities: Swim 75% Climb 75% (Speed 10) Smilodon (Saber Tooth Tiger) Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Agl +10 Str +30 Con +20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (V. Large, 3D6), 2 Claws (Large) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 50% Jump (Str/8 in meters) Nightvision (Starlight/Moonlight as Moonlight/Daylight) Snake, Constrictor Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 10 Att. Mod.: Agl +10 Str +30 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small), 1 Tail/Constriction (Large Club/rd) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 70% (with tongue) Detect Body Heat (10m + Int/10 meters) Has no legs, very rare Beta. Has been genegineered to be warm blooded. Snake, Viper Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 25 Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small) + Poison (2D6/rd for Con/10 rds) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 70% (with tongue) Detect Body Heat (25m + Int/10 meters) Has been genegineered to be warm blooded. Squirrel, Flying Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 20/30 (Gliding) Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Dex +10 Str -20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small) Natural Abilities: Jump (Str/6 in meters) Climb 70% Glide (Con x 2 in meters, 3/1 glide ratio) Uses membrane attached to upper and lower limbs. May carry (on body) (Str/6 in kg) while gliding. 1m tall, 25-30 kg Squirrel, Grey or Red Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 20/30 (Climbing) Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Dex +10 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small) Natural Abilities: Jump (Str/6 in meters) Climb 70% Track by Scent 40% Tasmanian Devil Armour: Hv. Fur Speed 30 Att. Mod.: Agl +10 Str +30 Con +20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 60% Tiger/Lion Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Str +20 Con +20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large), 2 Claws (Large) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 50% Swim 75% (Tiger only, Speed 10) Jump (Str/8 in meters) Nightvision (Starlight/Moonlight as Moonlight/Daylight) Tortoise Armour: Bone Speed: 10 Att. Mod.: Str +30 Con +20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small) Natural Abilities: Has been genegineered to be warm blooded. Walrus Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 15/60 (Swim) Att. Mod.: Str +15 Con +20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 45% Swim 99% Wolf Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Agl +25 Str +15 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 70% Wolverine Armour: Hv. Fur Speed 30 Att. Mod.: Str +20 Con +20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large), 2 Claws (Large) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 60% Berserk (1% per pt of damage to go berserk, causes loss of one point of Bod/Con per rd, will attack *anyone* while berserk) Wombat Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 15 Att. Mod.: Str +10 Con +20 Natural Weapons: 2 Claws (Small) Natural Abilities: Burrow (Str/10 in meters per 8 hours, packed earth) Extremely docile, rarely combative. HUMAN GENOTYPES: Homo Sapien Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 15 Att. Mod.: Int +20 Prs +10 Natural Weapons: none Natural Abilities: none Homo Bellatrix (Warrior Human) Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Str +20 Dex +10 Con +10 Prs -20 Natural Weapons: none Natural Abilities: Toxin Resistance (+15% vs poisons, +20% vs drugs) Track by Scent 35% Nightvision (Starlight/Moonlight as Moonlight/Daylight) May only breed with other Bellatrix. Homo Marinus (Aquatic Human) Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 10/30 (Swim) Att. Mod.: Str +20 Con +20 Natural Weapons: none Natural Abilities: Sonar (50m + Int/2 in meters, underwater only) Have both Gills and Lungs (transition 3 rds) Swim 99% Is covered in fine scales and has fins/feet. May only breed with other Marinus. Homo Robustus (Heavy-G Human) Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 20 Att. Mod.: Str +30 Con +20 Natural Weapons: none Natural Abilities: Squat of build. Can tolerate up to 3G's without penalties. May only breed with other Robustus. Homo Lascivus (Joygirl/Joyboy) Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 15 Att. Mod.: Dex +10 Con +10 Prs +20 Int -20 Natural Weapons: none Natural Abilities: Pheromone Production (Aphrodisiac) Genengineered for bi-sexuality. Genengineered to obey humans, can not harm. May only breed with other Lascivus. DESIGNER LIFEFORMS: Ghouloon (Modified Baboon) Armour: Hv. Fur Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Dex +20 Str +40 Con +20 Int -20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 75% Nightvision (Starlight/Moonlight as Moonlight/Daylight) Very simple spoken lang., heavy sign use. Neolithic tech level when "wild". Troops (10-25 members per Troop) Genengineered to obey humans, can not harm. Goblins (Chimp/Feline fusion) Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Dex +10 Str -20 Int -30 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 70% Nightvision (Starlight/Moonlight as Moonlight/Daylight) Neolithic tech level. Troop/Tribal (10-20 per Troop/ 5-10 Troops per Tribe) No spoken lang., sign only. A "hunt" species, for human amusement. Centuar (Human/Mnt. Pony fusion) Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 45 Att. Mod.: Str +30 Con +20 Int -10 Natural Weapons: 2 Clubs/Hooves (Large) Natural Abilities: Quadruped lower body/Hominid upper body. Neolithic tech level. Herd (25-50 per Herd) Spoken language. Worg (Modified Armoured Panther Gaurdbeast) Armour: Plate Speed: 50 Att. Mod.: Agl +30 Str +20 Con +20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large), 2 Claws (Large) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 80% Jump (Str/5 in meters) Nightvision (Starlight/Moonlight as Moonlight/Daylight) Can be genebonded to a human prior to six months old. Int range of 20 - 40 A true quadruped, non-humaniod. Gravrotty (Heavy Gravity Modified Rottweiler) Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Str +30 Con +20 Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large), 2 Claws (Small) Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 95% Can tolerate up to 3G's without penalties. Can be genebonded to a human prior to six months old. Int range of 30 - 50 Wild gravrotty are canine pack animals. A true quadruped, non-humaniod. NOTES: PC's may add new Skill Points to Natural Abilities, but do not add their Basic Skill percentage. Natural Abilities supersede learned skills. Natural weapons are not effective against any armour with an AV rating greater than 5. One attack per round can be made with natural weapons without penalty. A second attack (with a second separate natural weapon) may be made at a penalty of -15%. A third attack (with a third separate natural weapon) may be made at a penalty of -30%. Multiple attacks may be made within the same round if Martial Arts is used. Tracking Modifiers: -25% per hour of rain, snow or sleet -25% tracked party attempts to hide trail -50% rocky ground or shallow water -30% poor lighting (moon- or starlight) -5% per 12 hours of time passed +30% if tracked party is bleeding +20% if soft ground or mud +15% thick brush, vines or reeds +5% for every two creatures in tracked party +10% occasional signs of passage or dust +20% if tracker has object belonging to trackee Tracking Notes: If a trail is lost tracker can make a second attempt to pick up the scent. If this fails, trail is lost. All modifiers are accumulative. All do not apply to scented tracking, some only apply to visual tracking. Swimming Modifiers: -20% if against a current -20% if water is below 20 degrees Celsius -10% if wearing clothes -20% if wearing armour (supersedes clothing) -20% if in rough waves/whitewater -20% if wearing equipment/weapons harness Swimming Notes: A check should be made every Con in meters. A failed check causes 2D6 in damage. A PC may fail (Con/10) checks before drowning. Burrowing Notes: Loose earth will increase rate to Str/5 meters. Stoney/rocky ground will decrease rate to Str/20 meters. Climbing Modifiers: -15% on slippery surfaces +15% with good hand holds (tree, slope, etc.) -10% in Leather Armour -20% in flexible Metal/Plastic Armour -30% in rigid Metal/Plastic Armour -20% in Carbide Armour Climbing Notes: If a check is failed a second can be attempted, if successful 2D6 damage is done but PC does not fall. If second check fails PC falls. SKILL USE & CAREER CLASSES: The Justifiers RPG is a skill based system. Like most skill based systems it relies on Career Classes to determine a character's fundamental skills. In Justifiers there are four Career Classes and specialties under each of the general classes that amount to a total of nine career choices. In addition to the Career Class skills, the character also gets Basic Training skills, Cross-Training, and certain Elective skills. Each skill begins at a certain percentage, plus your Base Skill Level, unless otherwise indicated. Each character class has a prime requisite. This is a minimum attribute score for what are considered the most important attributes for a particular class. No one without the minimum attribute score in a Career Class, or take Cross- Training from that Career Class. The Career Classes are Field Scientist; with Life Sciences, Social Sciences and Planetary Sciences specialties; Field Engineer; with Electrical and Mechanical Engineering specialties; Field Operative; which has the Scout, Security and Pilot specialties, and Field Doctor. To determine a character's success at a task for which there is a skill, have them roll a D100 at or below their skill percentage. Use whatever modifiers are appropriate. An unmodified roll of 100 is always a failure and an unmodified roll of 01 is always a success. Unless otherwise indicated any character attempting a task requiring a skill he does not have has a minus 50% chance to accomplish that task and may use his Base Skill only for the roll. FIELD SCIENTIST: Within this category are the people who concentrate on learning about a planet from a scientific point of view. They classify, analyze and debate the function of every aspect of the world and its life forms. LIFE SCIENCES SPECIALIST: This character studies the life of the planet and its complex eco-structure. A combination of biologist and ecologist, it is up to him to determine the nature of each link in a planet's life cycle. PLANETARY SCIENCES SPECIALIST: Geologist, cartographer and meteorologist. The Planetary Scientist studies the effects of the forces of nature and the planet's mineral and structural composition. SOCIAL SCIENCES SPECIALIST: Studies the world's sentient inhabitants, if it has any, extant or otherwise. Often along, "just in case". Will also act as the psychologist for the Survey team working in concert with the Field Doctor to determine the nature of possible mental instabilities in the group. FIELD ENGINEER: A handy person to have around. This character can repair or build just about any piece of equipment necessary to the teams function. For some unknown reason they often have a Scottish accents. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SPECIALIST: This character concentrates on the complex electrical systems so important to a technologically based culture. Can repair or build most of the communication, computer, etc. systems around. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SPECIALIST: This character, like his counterpart is a tinker, but unlike the Electrical Engineer, the Mechanical Engineer is more likely to get his hands dirty. He repairs and builds the mechanical systems, from hydraulic cooling systems to the power plants of the vehicles. FIELD OPERATIVE: The Field Operative is the person who has no real function outside of the field. Someone who works in a special way toward the welfare and protection of the team. SCOUT: The Scout's function is unique. He incorporates some of the functions of the Field Scientist and many of the abilities of the Security Officer. He is the team survivalist, able to cope with any environment, make maps, judge terrain and lead "away teams" when necessary. In many ways the most valuable member of the team because his job is to be alert for dangers, keep the rest of the team alive, and get them back to base camp when away. SECURITY: This is the grunt, the gun-bunny, usually the strongest and best equipped to handle a fight. He's a weapons expert and something of a spy, alert for trouble from within the team as much as from without. PILOT: If it has wheels, tracks, wings or fins he can pilot it. He's the all purpose hot-shot speed jockey. Often having some of the mechanical skills of the Mechanical Engineer as well. FIELD DOCTOR: Not the pretty kind of medicine that is practised in most hospitals, but what he lacks in facilities the Field Doctor more than makes up for in skill. Also, in the case of injuries too severe to be treated in the field, there are cryonic suspension tubes available to store the injured party until better treatment can be sought out. BASIC TRAINING: The following skills are automatic to every player character regardless of Career Class. Be sure to add your Base Skill Level to academic skills, martial skills add to the Base To Strike. Basic Math 50% Communicator Operations 15% Computer Operations 15% E-Suit Operations 25% Emergency E-Suit Repair 20% First Aid 15% Hand-to-hand Combat 15% Navigation 15% Pilot Ground Vehicle 15% Projectile Weapons (Hand) 15% Read & Write TerraLingua 75% Scanner System Operations 25% Speak TerraLingua 75% Zero-G Training 15% CAREER CLASS TRAINING: --------------------- FIELD SCIENTIST (Min. Attribute scores: Int-65) ----------------------------------------------- Life Sciences Specialist: Analytical Chemistry 15% Aquatics 20% Biology (Marine) 25% Botany 25% Chemistry 20% Ecology 25% Surveillance 10% Zoology 25% Planetary Sciences Specialist: Aquatics 15% Cartography 20% Chemistry 20% Demolitions 10% Geography 25% Geomorphology 15% Meteorology 20% Videography 15% Social Sciences Specialist: Anthropology 25% Archeology 25% Cryptology 10% History 25% Instruction 5% Linguistics 15% Psychology 10% Sociology 10% FIELD ENGINEER (Min. Attribute score: Int-65 Dex-50) ---------------------------------------------------- Electrical Engineer Specialist: Advanced Mathematics 20% Communicator Technology 25% Computer Programming 25% Computer Technology 25% Electronic Diagnosis 20% Fusion Technology 20% Laser Technology 15% Microelectronics 15% Robotics 10% Scanner Systems Technology 10% Solar Technology 15% Mechanical Engineer Specialist: Advanced Mathematics 15% Aviation Technologies 20% Demolitions 15% Fabrication 20% Fluid Systems 25% Ground Vehicle Technologies 25% Mechanical Diagnosis 30% Metallurgy 25% Microelectronics 15% Robotics 10% Structural Engineering 25% FIELD OPERATIVE: --------------- SCOUT (Min. Attribute scores: Dex-65 Wis-50): Cartography 25% Arctic Survival 20% Desert Survival 20% Forest/Jungle Survival 20% Improvised/Primitive Weapons 20% Martial Arts 5% Surveillance 20% Hand Weapons 20% Beam Weapons 20% Hostile Environments 15% Tracking/Trapping 15% SECURITY (Min. Attribute scores: Str-65): Interrogation 25% Martial Arts 20% Hand Weapons 20% Projectile Weapons (Rifles & Shotguns) 20% Beam Weapons 20% Heavy Weapons (Projectile) 20% Heavy Weapons (Beam)* 15% Weapons Technology (Projectile) 15% Weapons Technology (Beam) 15% Nuclear Weapons Technology* 20% Security Systems 15% Surveillance 25% Electronic Counter Measures 15% Cryptology 25% Vehicle Mounted Weapons 10% *Cross-Training not allowed. PILOT (Min. Attribute scores: Dex-50 Agl-50): Advanced Navigation 25% Pilot Hovercraft 20% Pilot Aircraft/Submersible 20% Pilot Watercraft 20% Air-to-air Combat 15% Combat Driving 15% Vehicle Mounted Weapons 20% Meteorology 10% Ground Vehicle Technology 10% Aviation Technology 10% Advanced Zero-G Training 15% FIELD DOCTOR (Min. Attribute scores: Int-75 Wis-65): Pharmacology 25% Pathology 25% Medical Technologies 20% Internal Medicine 20% Surgery 25% Trauma Treatment 25% Psychology 15% Orthopedics 15% Cybernetic Technologies 10% Advanced First Aid 20% CROSS-TRAINING SKILLS: --------------------- Take 1D10 in cross training. You can cross-train from as many different Career Classes as you are allowed by Attribute prerequisites and the chart below. You begin these skills at your Base Skill Level only, without the Career Class bonuses listed. Where Cross-Training is not possible additional Elective skills may be taken. Only the following Career Classes can cross- train: Scout to Security (and vice versa) All Engineer Specialties to each other All Field Scientist Specialties to each other Field Doctor to Scout (but not vice versa) Scout to Field Scientist (and vice versa) Any Career Class can cross-train to Pilot All Field Scientist Specialties to Field Doctor (and vice versa) ELECTIVE SKILLS: --------------- Take 1D10 in Elective skills. These are skills that represent hobbies and special training not available from cross-training. Begin at Base Skill Level only. Additional Language-Read & Write Additional Language-Speak Administration Agriculture Animal Riding Animal Training Architecture Art* Carousing Civil Engineering Civil Law Corporate Structure Criminal Law Cuisine Deep Diving Dual Weapon* Entertainer* Exo-Skeleton Operations Hand Weapons (Ancient) Hand Weapons (Two Handed) Heavy Weapons (Ancient) Mine Engineering Mountain Climbing Ocean Survival Oceanography Philosophy Physics Pick Pocket Projectile Weapons (Special) Smuggling Subduing Swimming Thrown Weapons (Hand) Underwater Equipment Maintenance Videography *list specific type, may be taken more than once. SKILL DEFINITIONS: ----------------- Note: No skill may have a higher percentage score than 99%. Additional Language-Speak: The study of the spoken form of a foreign or alien tongue. Sample languages are as follows: Arabic French English Japanese Cetan (DolphinTongue) Chinese Russian German Additional Language-Read & Write: The study of the written form of a foreign or alien tongue. See above. Administration: The ability to successfully deal with the Corporate or Government bureaucracies. Advanced First Aid: May be added directly to the First Aid skill. Advanced Mathematics: The ability to do complex mathematical computations. May be added directly to Basic Math for most computations. Advanced Navigation: May be added directly to Navigation. Advanced Zero-G Training: May be added directly to Zero-G Training. Agriculture: The ability to judge the quality and type of food grown from the land. Also the skill to cultivate those foods. Aviation Technologies: The understanding and repair of the operating mechanical devices and power plants of aircraft. Air-to-air Combat: Added to Pilot Aircraft skill for success of maneuvers in combat, at high speeds or when unsafe. Analytical Chemistry: Whereas Chemistry is the knowledge of how to put things together, Analytical Chemistry is the knowledge of how to take them apart. Used to determine a character's ability to understand the chemical composition of a compound and how to re-create that compound. May be added to Chemistry for most simple analysis. Animal Riding: The ability to ride and care for domesticated animals, including alien ones. Reduces Mounted Fire penalties by 5%. Allows "trick" riding. Animal Training: The ability to train animals, including alien ones. The usual training involves affection training and reward training. Both techniques involve a long period in which to win an animal's confidence. Roll vs skill once per week to determine if the animal's confidence is won, then roll once each week to determine whether or not a particular behavior has been taught the animal. The player must specify the behavior in advance and cannot teach more than three at once. Anthropology: The study of living, though often primitive cultures. Use to determine the success of a character at dealing with aboriginal cultures, recognizing important cultural traits, etc. Aquatics: The use and routine maintenance of underwater equipment. Use to determine a character's success with diving equipment or to determine the chance of emergency repairs while underwater. Includes the skill, Swimming. Archeology: The study of the relics of past civilizations. Use to determine a character's ability to understand artifacts, to locate additional artifacts, to identify cultures, etc. Architecture: The knowledge and understanding of building construction and use. Can be used to design new buildings and expand on already existing ones. Also used to identify basic building types and identify quality of construction and design. May be averaged with Art to develop original designs. Arctic Survival: The ability to survive, find shelter and food in an arctic environment. Use to determine a character's success at existing under primitive conditions in the cold. Art: Another generic category which can pertain to any activity which the GM considers art. Must be a visual art and not a performing art. This skill may be taken more than once to get additional skills. Basic Mathematics: 2+2=4, 4+4=8. Ah, you get the idea. Use to determine a character's ability to perform simple mathematical problems with accuracy. Biology (Marine): The study of plant and animal life as it lives underwater. Use to determine a character's success at identifying and classifying marine life. Botany: The knowledge and study of plants. Use to determine a character's ability to identify and classify plant-life, their function, toxicity, etc. Carousing: A loosely defined skill involving such things as gambling, success with your preferred sex, etc. This skill may be averaged with Presence to determine success where other characters are concerned. Cartography: The science of making maps. Use to determine the accuracy and detail of a character's maps. Chemistry: The study of how elements interact to form compounds and effects of those compounds on other compounds and their environment. Use to determine a character's ability to formulate substances and predict their effects. Civil Engineering: Used in the construction of buildings and other man-made structures. The better the skill roll, the more sturdily the structure is constructed. Also can be used to judge suitability of building materials and stability of already existing buildings. May be averaged with Architecture to develop structural designs. Civil Law: The knowledge of the law as it pertains to non-criminal matters as well as court procedures. Combat Driving: Added to Pilot Ground Vehicle skill for success of maneuvers in combat, high speed maneuvers or unsafe maneuvers. Communicator Operations: The ability to use simple communications equipment to accomplish routine tasks. Use to determine the success of a character using a piece of equipment for the first time, adjusting frequencies, etc. The simple act of flipping on a switch does not require a roll. Communicator Technologies: The ability to understand and repair the intricate workings of communications equipment. May be averaged with Electronic Diagnosis to determine the nature of a problem or with Microelectronics for repair. Computer Programming: The ability to write and alter programs for computers. Use to determine the success of a character trying to make a computer do something it was not originally intended to do. Computer Technologies: The ability to understand and repair the intricate workings of computer equipment. May be averaged with Electronic Diagnosis to determine the nature of a problem or with Microelectronics for repair. Corporate Structure: The ability to know who is who within a given corporation. Including how to go over someone's head. Criminal Law: The knowledge of the law as it pertains to criminal matters, as well as the knowledge of individual rights of the accused and court procedures. Cryptology: The study of codes and cyphers. Use to determine the success of a character at understanding complex codes. May be averaged with Computer Programming for decyphering complex computer codes or with Linguistic for understanding written artifacts in an unknown language. Attempts may be made once per six hours. Cuisine: The ability to prepare a proper meal with flair. Cybernetic Technologies: The understanding and repair of cyber-replacements. Use to determine a character's success at dealing with malfunctions of cybernetic parts. Deep Diving: This skill is used to judge the characters success at descending to great depths in large bodies of water. This includes any dive of greater of 100m. Is used in conjunction with E-Suit Operations. Demolitions: The use of explosive devices. Use to determine a character's success at handling explosives, using the correct amount to ensure effect and safety, etc. Desert Survival: The ability to survive, find shelter and food in an arid environment. Use to determine a character's success at existing under primitive conditions in the desert. Dual Weapons: The ability to use two weapons, one in each hand. Must be taken with a specific category of weapons, and may be taken more than once. This skill can not be used with weapons the require two hands to use. Ecology: The study of the interrelations of all the factors within a given eco-system. Use to determine a character's understanding of how plants, animals and even weather have jointly caused certain effects over a planets lifetime. Electronic Counter Measures: The ability to operate and/or by-pass sophisticated electronic surveillance systems. Electronic Diagnosis: Understanding the nature of problems within electrical equipment. Use to determine a character's success at correctly diagnosing a problem. Emergency E-Suit Repair: A character's base chance to repair any malfunction with an E-Suit while he is wearing it. E-Suit Operations: The ability to maneuver and use any of several types of Environmental Suits, knowledge of their workings and vulnerabilities. Use to determine the success of a character in suiting-up, recognizing the quality of the equipment, locating leaks or tears, etc. Entertainer: Another generic category which can pertain to any activity which the GM considers a performing art. This skill may be taken more than once to get additional performance skills. Exo-skeleton Operations: Use of the various types of exo-skeletal equipment, including the Cargo Loader and the Armoured Environment Suit. Fabrication: The ability to make mechanical parts from their basic materials. First Aid: The knowledge to treat simple injuries in the field. Use to determine the success for attempts to stop bleeding, diagnose minor illnesses, correctly treat a fracture, etc. Forest/Jungle Survival: The ability to survive, find shelter and food in a forest environment. Use to determine a character's success at existing under primitive conditions in the woods. Fluid Systems: The technology of fluid under pressure. Use to determine the success at the diagnosis or repair of such things as hydraulics, cooling systems, plumbing, etc. Fusion: The ability to understand and repair the intricate workings of Fusion generators and equipment with nuclear power cells. May be averaged with Electronic Diagnosis to determine the nature of a problem or with Microelectronics for repairs. Geography: The study of a planets physical features. Use to determine the character's chance of understanding a planet's topology. Geology: The study of rocks and minerals, their composition and probable location. It may be averaged with Geography and Geomorphology to determine the chance of finding valuable mineral deposits. Geomorphology: The study of the development of a planet's topology. Why its features exist the way they do. Ground Vehicle Technologies: The understanding and repair of the operating mechanical devices and power plants of ground vehicles, including hovercraft. Hand Weapons (Ancient): The ability to effectively use and maintain ancient types of Hand weapons such as knives, axes and swords. May also used to determine the knowledge of weapon quality. Hand Weapons (Thrown): The successful use and routine maintenance of any of the weapons in this category. Hand Weapons (Two Handed): The successful use and routine maintenance of any of the weapons in this category. Hand-to-hand Combat: A type of shorthand martial arts similar to what most military branches teach as "Close Combat". Use with modifiers and bonuses to determine a character's success at striking an opponent while using nothing but the Nature Weapons or fists. Heavy Weapons (Ancient): The successful use and routine maintenance of any of the weapons in this category. Heavy Weapons (Beam): The ability to effectively use and maintain beam weapons of this type. such as knives, axes and swords. May also used to determine the knowledge of weapon quality. This skill is restricted to security officers only! It cannot be cross-trained. History: The study of past events, the causes and effects. Use to determine a character's ability to recognize historical places, dates, etc. May be averaged with Archeology to determine the culture of origin of artifacts and their significance. Hostile Environments: The ability to think on your feet and survive under extreme conditions, such as blizzards, sand storms, etc. May be averaged with any Survival skill at the GM's discretion. Interrogation: The ability to extract information from a reluctant source. May be averaged with Presence for the purpose of intimidation. Interrogation may be attempted only once per hour. Instruction: The knowledge of teaching. This skill may be used to teach any skill that a character has at more than 70%. One attempt may be made each six months and a successful Instruction roll must be made by the teacher, as well as a successful Intelligence roll by the student. It takes one week to absorb 1% of a skill and up to 50% of the instructor's skill (not including Base Skill Level) may be absorbed by the pupil. Improvised/Primitive Weapons: The ability to manufacture crude or primitive weapons from the raw materials available. GM's option, use some common sense, if they can explain it in detail, they can build it, with or without this skill. Internal Medicine: The diagnosis and treatment of non-surgical diseases. Use to determine the success of treatment for such diseases. Laser Technologies: The ability to understand and repair the intricate workings of lasers. May be averaged with Electronic Diagnosis to determine the nature of a problem or with Microelectronics for repair. Can be used with Laser weapons. Linguistics: The study of language. Use to determine a character's success at deciphering an unknown language, written or spoken. May be averaged with Cryptology for deciphering written remnants. Additional attempts may be made once per six hours. Martial Arts: May be added directly to Hand-to-hand skill for strikes, see Combat for more details. See Weapons for damages. Medical Technologies Operations: The knowledge of the use and routine maintenance of advanced medical technology, such as X-ray machines, diagnostic analyzers, etc. Mechanical Diagnosis: The understanding of the nature of problems with mechanical devices. Use to determine success of a character at understanding the nature of a problem and repairing it. Can be averaged with Fabrication, to make needed parts, or Metallurgy to weld or otherwise attach metal parts properly. Metallurgy: The understanding of the strengths and uses of metals. The working of metals with equipment and welding gear. May be used to determine the quality of metals, the ability of a character to weld or combine metals, etc. Meteorology: The study of weather. Use to determine the character's ability to predict and determine a planet's weather patterns. Mine Engineering: The ability to extract minerals from the ground, knowledge of minerals and types and the construction of mines. May be averaged with Geology to locate precious minerals. May also be used to determine the structural safety of caves and mines. Microelectronics: The understanding and ability to repair complex microelectronic circuits. Use to determine the success of a character trying to repair anything electronic. Mountain Climbing: The use of techniques and equipment used in climbing mountains or other precipices. Navigation: The knowledge to guide a person and/or vehicle from a given point to another given point and back again without getting lost. Use to determine a character's chance of locating a place spotted from the air while walking, reading a map correctly, finding his way back to the base after an extended (24 hours or more) absence, etc. Nuclear Weapons Technologies: The ability to effectively use and maintain projectile weapons of this type. It includes the knowledge of the workings and functions of all weapons of this type, as well as the ability to repair such weapons. May also be used to determine the knowledge of weapon quality. This skill is restricted to security officers only! It cannot be cross trained. Ocean Survival: Basically an advanced form of fishing, this skill will allow the character to survive on the food and water from the ocean by identifying dangerous and inedible creatures/plants and the purification of water. Can be averaged with Biology (Marine) skill to determine if a creature/plant is edible. Oceanography: The study of the ecology of the ocean and the effects it has on the environment. Can also be used to determine the effect of a containment on the ocean ecology. Orthopedics: The study of the treatment and diagnosis of diseases and injures of the bone. Use to determine the success at dealing with diseases and injures to bones and surrounding tissues. Pathology: The study of the nature of diseases. Use to determine the character's success at discovering the cause of an unknown disease. May be averaged with Internal Medicine or Pharmacology for developing a treatment. Pharmacology: The manufacture and use of medicines. Use to determine the character's success at concocting a special medicine from available chemical substances. Philosophy: The search for the understanding of the principles and values of reality by speculative means. May be used in determining aspects of the surrounding reality, the nature of aboriginal philosophies, etc. Physics: The study of the physical laws of nature. Pick Pocket: The ability to remove an item from the person of one individual by another, usually unobserved. Pilot Aircraft/Submersible: The ability to pilot and maneuver in three dimensions. Since these skills are basic and the various vehicles similar use the same percentage for both. Use to determine the character's ability to pilot craft of this type. Pilot Ground Vehicle: The ability to maneuver and control any wheeled or tracked ground vehicle under unusual conditions. Use to determine the success of a character in piloting a vehicle under unusual conditions or while making maneuvers at high speed. Pilot Hovercraft: The ability to maneuver and control any Hovercraft vehicle under unusual conditions. Use to determine the success of a character in covering broken or uneven ground or while making maneuvers at high speeds. Projectile Weapons (Hand): The use and routine maintenance of any projectile firing weapon held and fired in one hand (see Weapons). Use with modifiers and bonuses to determine a successful strike with any weapon of this type. Projectile Weapons (Heavy): The ability to effectively use and maintain projectile weapons of this type. May also be used to determine the knowledge of weapon quality. Projectile Weapons (Rifles & Shotguns): The ability to effectively use and maintain projectile weapons of this type. May also be used to determine the knowledge of weapon quality. Projectile Weapons (Special): The ability to effectively use and maintain projectile weapons of this type. May also be used to determine the knowledge of weapon quality. Psychology: The study of the workings of the mind. Use to determine a character's success at diagnosing mental illness, determining the motives of another character, etc. Read & Write TerraLingua: The ability to read and write in TerraLingua, the only (officially) sanctioned Beta language. For the most part this percentage is a measure of the vocabulary of a character. Use to determine a character's ability to understand written material of a complex nature. Robotics: The use and repair of robotic structures. Use to determine the success of a character at repairing any type of robotic form, including exo-skeletal structures. Scanner Systems Operations: The knowledge of the use and routine maintenance of any piece of equipment with the words, scanner or sensor in its name. Use to determine the success of a character in locating a known or unknown item or entity using such equipment. Smuggling: The practice of concealing or locating concealed, sometimes, illegal items. Speak TerraLingua: Use in much the same way as Read & Write TerraLingua, but for verbal communications. Sports: A generic category which can contain any sport that a GM approves. Such things as weapons skills and martial arts can be sports. This skill may be taken more than once to get additional sports. Sociology: The study of the social order. Use to determine a character's success at determining the social hierarchy in a given order, the societal consequences of actions taken by people within a society, etc. Solar Technologies: The ability to understand and repair the intricate workings of solar power generating equipment. May be averaged with Electronic Diagnosis to determine the nature of a problem or with Microelectronics for repair. Structural Engineering: The understanding and construction of large structures such as buildings or bridges. Use to determine the success of a character trying to construct one of these structures. Subduing: The ability to render an opponent unconscious without doing permanent damage. Surgery: The treatment of diseases and injuries requiring operative procedures. Use to determine a character's success at complex operative procedures. May be averaged with Internal Medicine for diagnosis abilities. Surveillance: The art of watching and not being watched. Use to determine a character's ability to observe unnoticed, also used to determine whether a character knows he is being watched. Swimming: The ability to maneuver successfully in deep, or rapid water. Aquatics includes this skill. Tracking/Trapping: The ability to follow the signs left by an entity after it has physically left a given spot. The art of following. May be averaged with Surveillance skill to track unnoticed. Trapping includes the skill of tracking and use of traps to restrain life forms. Trauma Treatment: A bonus skill, may be added directly to either Internal Medicine or Surgery where medical facilities are available, or First Aid and Advanced First Aid where they are not. Used to determine the success at treating severe injuries in the field. Underwater Equipment Maintenance: The operation and maintenance of underwater equipment. Can be used to prevent breakdowns and help the character to realize the best way to operate a piece of equipment underwater without danger. Vehicle Mounted Weapons: The ability to effectively use and maintain weapons of this type. May also be used to determine the knowledge of weapon quality. Videography: The art and science of the use of camcorders and other visual capturing equipment, and their routine maintenance. Use to determine the success of a character's attempts to capture visual images. Weapons Technologies (Beam): The knowledge of the workings and functions of all beam weapons as well as the ability to repair such weapons. Weapons Technologies (Projectile): The knowledge of the workings and functions of all projectile weapons as well as the ability to repair such weapons. Zero-G Training: The ability to maneuver gracefully without gravity. Use to determine a character's base chance to get anywhere while in Zero-G. Zoology: The knowledge and study of animal life. Use to determine a character's ability to identify and classify animals. EXAMPLES OF SKILL MODIFIERS: --------------------------- Lack of tools -25% Lack of materials -20% During Combat -35% Hostile environment -15% Lack of instructions -20% Unfamiliar design -15% Alien design -25% Never attempted before -25% Done off-handed -20% EXAMPLES OF AGL/DEX MODIFIERS: ----------------------------- Complex action during combat -35% Never attempted before -20% Character under burden -(kg of burden minus Str)% In unfamiliar gravity -10% Loose terrain (sand/gravel) -15% Close terrain (trees/boulders) -25% Less than 1/2 Con remaining -50% Less than 1/4 Con remaining -75% Off-handed Attack -20% Dual Attack (trained) -10% (Primary)/-20% (Secondary) Dual Attack (untrained) -20% (Primary)/-40% (Secondary) All Modifiers are cumulative. LEVELS AND ADVANCEMENT BONUSES: ------------------------------ Experience Pt. Additional Additional Lvl Required Bod/Res/MS Skill Points 1 0 - 1000 D10 D10+8 2 1001 - 2000 D10 D10+6 3 2001 - 4000 D10 D10+4 4 4001 - 8000 D10 D10+4 5 8001 - 15000 D10 D10+4 6 15001 - 30000 D10 D10+3 7 30001 - 60000 D10+1 D10+2 8 60001 - 100000 D10+2 D10+1 9 100001 - 160000 D10+3 D10+1 10 160001 - 235000 D10+4 D10+1 11 100000 Exp. Pts. D10+5/Lvl D10/Lvl per Add. Lvl Players also receive 1D6 in new Elective skills every three levels and 1D6 of new Cross-Training skills every five levels. RANKS: Within the Non-Citizen Survey Team members there is a ranking structure. No Non-Citizen is allowed to be a Survey Team officer. Non-com and officer positions are filled exclusively by Sub- and Full-Citizens. There is a 50% per experience level gained of earning a promotion. Recommendations made by superior Non- ,Sub-, or Full-Citizens can positively effect promotion chances. Destruction of Survey Team property, either thru misfortune or malicious intent, or disobeying a superior can negatively effect promotion chances. Non- and Sub-Citizen Survey Team rankings follow: Trooper, 3rd Class (Trpr 3rd) Trooper, 2nd Class (Trpr 2nd) Trooper, 1st Class (Trpr 1st) Squad Leader (Sqd Ld) Squad Commander (Sqd Cmd) Troop Leader (Trp Ld) (Sub-Citizen only) Troop Commander (Trp Cmd) (Sub-Citizen only) COMBAT: ------ Initiative & Sequences: Each combat round is 10 seconds long, broken down into missile fire and melee phases. Initiative is determined by rolling a D10 and adding it to the players Speed statistic. The highest initiative takes the first action in the combat round. Optional Group Initiative: A D10 is rolled by each side of a combat encounter, GM imposed modifiers are added or subtracted, and the side with the highest initiative goes first. MISSILE FIRE: Missile fire is always resolved first in the combat sequence. There are three types. There are Aimed Shots, which take one full combat round to aim. The attacker gets a +25% bonus to their strike roll. The attacker may complete their aim even if the target begins to move, so long as it doesn't move out of range. However the attacker may not move at all, including to dodge incoming fire. A form of the Aimed Shot is Declared Fire. Here the attacker aims at a certain spot, for example a window, and fires at the first target to present itself in their field of aim. All the same bonuses and restrictions apply, as do range modifiers. The second type of missile fire is Area of Effect fire. This type of fire can only be done with automatic weapons or heavy weapons. The attacker is essentially blanketing an area with damage. If the target or targets don't move out of the area they will take some portion of the total damage. No dodge is allowed unless the target has cover available. Roll percentile to determine the amount of damage to the victim from the total damage to an area. It is possible for the total damage to multiple targets to add up to more than the total amount of the damage to a given area. This reflects the additional damage done by flying debris, knockback, etc. It is equally possible for the total of the damage of the individuals to amount to less than the total of the damage to an area. This reflects the possibility of cover, or the presence of something that shaped or deflected a portion of the damage. The additional damage is considered as having been done to the surrounding trees, rocks, etc. The third type of fire is Target Fire. This is the most basic and can be done while on the move. Simply declare a target and fire. Since Psionics are considered missile fire, the Psionic attacks are resolved in exactly the same way and according to the same initiatives. Missile Fire Resolution: The attacker adds their Base to Strike and Skill percent plus any optional modifiers that the GM decides are appropriate. Since firing a weapon is considered a Dex movement, Agl/Dex modifiers do apply. Under most conditions the target, if it is capable of movement, then gets to attempt an Automatic Dodge. If the target is successful it takes no damage. The first Automatic Dodge (AD) is without modifiers, each additional AD is at a penalty of -10%. So, the second AD would be -10%, the third -20%, the fourth -30%, etc. This reflects the fact that no one can dodge forever... Again Agl/Dex modifiers do apply. If the target fails its dodge or is incapable of movement it takes damage according to the type of weapon used. Melee Resolution: The Melee phase is for weapons without range, swords, knives, claws or fists. The chance of a successful strike is the attacker's Skill percent plus the Base to Strike and any additional modifiers as the GM's discretion. Where the attacker lacks basic Hand-to-hand skill only their Base to Strike is used to figure their chance to hit with fists or natural weapons. Damage is the Damage Bonus only. Agl/Dex modifiers do apply. The damage from natural weapons such as claws can be added directly to the total damage from a Hand-to-hand attack, Martial Arts can also be added. Martial Arts skill can be added directly to the Hand-to-hand strikes and the following weapons: Swords (Any) Steel Balls Nunchuks Chain Knife Shuriken Quarter Staff Stun: With certain weapons (unbladed weapons or by using the flat of a blade) an attacker can stun, rather than kill their victim. This is called Subduing. For hand-to-hand use the skill Subduing to resolve attacks. If the attacker lacks the skill Subduing they are at a -25% chance to successfully subdue. Roll against the attacker's Base to Strike. Take weapon damage plus Damage Bonus. Damage is figured against Resilience. When Resilience reaches zero the victim is rendered unconscious. The victim only takes real damage if the amount of damage exceeds their Resilience. That damage is taken directly to their Constitution. The victim is rendered unconscious for one minute for every point of Constitution damage they take. Falling: A fall is a special type of damage. You may fall your Body/3 in meters without taking any damage whatsoever. For falls longer than that take 1D6 of damage for every three meters of height. Armour will absorb its normal amount of damage and a successful Agility roll reduces the total damage by 25%. Falls over Body/3 in height can result in broken bones. An Agility roll must be made to prevent broken bones, with a penalty of -10% per 3m of additional height. -10% at (Body/3+3m), -20% at (body/3+6m), etc. GM should roll randomly for which bone is broken or choose specific one(s). Radiation: You can take up to your Body in Rads without any ill effects. However, radiation exposures any higher will cause severe, even permanent damage. At twice your Body the character begins to suffer severe prolonged vomiting, hair loss and all physical Attributes and Statistics being reduced by 25% temporarily. In addition the character will begin to suffer 1D6 cumulative damage per round. That means in the first round you take 1D6, in the second 2D6 more and so on. There is also a 5% cumulative chance of permanent Constitution loss per round of continued exposure. Have the player roll at the end of each round to determine this. The character's Constitution will remain at the level it was when exposure stopped, plus 2D10, it is not possible for a character to regain more Constitution than he has lost. Reduce all the character's Statistics and Attributes accordingly. Criticals: When a Strike roll is made and the percentage is equal to or less than 50% of the score needed to strike this a Critical Hit. Criticals do one and a half (x1.5) times the normal damage. This is to reflect the so called "Lucky Shot", or the additional damage that a single blow can do when it hits an exceptionally vital spot. For example if a character needs a 60% to hit with a knife and a 30% is rolled, a Critical Hit is scored. In the case of fractions round up. When an unmodified Strike roll of 01 is made, this is a Super Critical Hit and scores twice normal damage (x2). In addition to the damage listed by weapon, the target will lose one (1) additional point of Bod/Con per round *per* Critical or Super Critical Hit taken. This is to reflect internal damage or bleeding from wounds. This damage will continue until either the target is dead or medical treatment is given. The simple act of apply basic first aid treatments will prevent further damage. It takes one round per Critical or Super Critical wound to stop all progressive damage. Example, if three Criticals had been taken during a combat encounter it would take three rounds to bind or heal them. Automatic Actions & Multiple Attacks: Dodges are considered automatic and do not count as the player's turn for that round. A player, whether he makes a successful Dodge roll or not (unless killed or rendered unconscious outright by the attack) may still make an attack in that round. In the case of multiple attacks, Initiative for each attack is divided from the player's original roll. For instance if a player's Initiative is 20 and they have four attacks in a round they will go on the 5 then the 10, then the 15, and finally the 20. For Group Initiative each side takes turns and "rounds" for each attack. For example, side A attacks with their first attacks, side B retaliates, side A makes their second "round" of attacks, side B does likewise, this continues until neither side has any attacks remaining. It is possible for one side of an action to run out of attacks while their opponents have attacks remaining. This is called being "overrun". Surprise: A player must announce to the party that they are prepared for an ambush, or make a roll against their Wisdom attribute in order to avoid being Surprised by an ambush. If a player makes a successful roll under their Surveillance skill it does not necessarily mean that they expects an ambush. Surprised characters lose their Initiative for that round and get no chance to Dodge. Knockback (Optional): The force of a weapon impacting on the body of an individual is often enough to carry them off their feet, even knock them back some distance. This is called Knockback. Unless a successful Strength roll is made a character is knocked back a number of centimeters equal to the damage taken in the attack. A successful Agility roll must be made for a character to remain on their feet. Characters who are knocked down are at -50% Agility to Dodge for the next round and lose their next turn. COMBAT MODIFIERS: ---------------- ATTACKER (Melee): Loose terrain (sand/gravel) -15% Close terrain (trees/boulders) -25% Less than 1/2 Con remaining -50% Less than 1/4 Con remaining -75% Character under burden -(kg of burden minus Str)% In unfamiliar gravity -10% Off-handed Attack -20% Dual Attack (trained) -10% (Primary)/-20% (Secondary) Dual Attack (untrained) -20% (Primary)/-40% (Secondary) Two-handed weapon in one hand -20% Blinded, One Eye -25% Blinded, Both eyes -50% TARGET (Melee): Target Immobilized Automatic Target Surprised +25% Target slowed due to wounds +15% Target Kneeling +15% Target Prone +30% ATTACKER (Missile): Consecutive Shot, Same Target +10% Weapon Braced +15% Aimed Shot/Declared Fire +25% Point Blank Range +20% Short Range na Medium Range -15% Long Range -30% Less than 1/2 Con remaining -50% Less than 1/4 Con remaining -75% In unfamiliar gravity -10% Vision Obscured -20% Blinded, One Eye -25% Blinded, Both eyes -50% Off-handed Attack -20% Two-handed weapon in one hand -20% Attacker Moving: Less than 1/2 BSpeed -10% 1/2 to 3/4 BSpeed -20% Greater than 3/4 BSpeed -30% From Moving Vehicle -30% Mounted Ranged Fire: Not Moving na Less than 1/2 BSpeed -5% 1/2 to 3/4 BSpeed -15% Greater than 3/4 BSpeed -25% TARGET (Missile): Target Immobilized +50% Target Surprised +25% Target in open, not moving +15% Target slowed due to wounds +15% Target Moving -15% Target Kneeling -20% Target Prone -30% All Modifiers are cumulative. Cover & Concealment: Target is: Covered Concealed 25% -10% -5% 50% -20% -10% 75% -35% -15% 90% -50% -20% Cover: stone walls, corner of building, tables, doors, earthen embankments Concealment: bushes, curtains, tapestries, smoke, fog Drop-Off: Short Range: no loss of energy Medium Range: 60% of total damage Long Damage: 40% of total damage Maximum Range: 20% of total damage NATURAL WEAPONS: --------------- Bite, Small 1/2 D6 (+ Damage Bonus) Bite, Large 1D6 (+ Damage Bonus) Claw, Small 1D6+1 (+ Damage Bonus) Claw, Large 2D6+2 (+ Damage Bonus) Club, Small 1D6+2 (+ Damage Bonus) Club, Large 2D6 (+ Damage Bonus) Horn, Small 1D6 (+ Damage Bonus) Horn, Large 2D6 (+ Damage Bonus) Natural weapons are not effective against any armour with an AV rating greater than 5. MARTIAL ARTS: ------------ Hand Strike: 2 attacks/round 1D6+2 (+ Damage Bonus) Kick: 1 attack/round 1D6+6 (+ Damage Bonus) Head-butt: 1 attack/round 1/2 D6+2 (+ Damage Bonus) Throw: 1 attack/round 1/2 D6 per meter (+ Damage Bonus) Special: Victim looses attack next round. Victim is thrown Str/10 meters Note: Natural Attacks add to Martial Arts. Damage Bonus is only added once. With the Martial Arts skill Natural Weapons may effect up to an armour rating of AV 7. MELEE WEAPONS (Ancient): ----------------------- Minimum Strength: All melee weapons require a minimum Strength to use properly. For each point of Strength difference between the PC's and the Minimum required Strength subtract that number from the to hit roll. Example: A PC with a Str 15 is trying to use a Battleaxe. A Battleaxe has a Minimum Strength requirement of 40, so 40 minus 15 is 25, so a -25% to hit. Battle Axe Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 2D6+6 (+Damage Bonus) Strike Range: 1m Cost: 300c Min Str: 40 Special: A large single handed weapon, often double bitted. Chain Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 1D6 (+Damage Bonus) Strike Range: 3m Cost: 10c Min Str: 20 Special: Entangle 50% of the time. May be used as a rope for climbing or swinging if a successful Entangle is made. Victim is at Agl -50% to escape. Can also Entangle weapons. Target must make a successful Str roll to keep hold of weapon. Club Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 1D6+3 (+Damage Bonus) Strike Range: .6m Cost: na Min Str: 20 Garrote Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 1D6 per round (+Damage Bonus) Strike Range: 0m Cost: 5c Min Str: 10 Special: Entangle attack; victim must make a successful Dodge roll or continue to take damage every round. Agl at -50% to escape. Hand Axe Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 1D6+3 (+Damage Bonus) Strike Range: .6m Cost: 50c Min Str: 10 Knife Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 1D6 (+Damage Bonus) Strike Range: .3m Cost: 25c Min Str: 10 Mace Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 2D6+2 (+Damage Bonus) Strike Range: .6m Cost: 100c Min Str: 30 Morning Star Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 2D6+6 (+Damage Bonus) Strike Range: 1m Cost: 120c Min Str: 30 Special: Entangle 25% of the time. Victim Nunchuk Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 2D6 (+Damage Bonus) Strike Range: .6m Cost: 50c Min Str: 20 Special: Entangle 25% of the time, weapon only. A successful Str roll is required to retain weapon. Rock Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 1/2 D6 x kg of rock (+Damage Bonus) Strike Range: 0m Cost: na Min Str: special Sword, Short Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 2D6 (+Damage Bonus) Strike Range: .6m Cost: 100c Min Str: 20 Sword, Long Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 3D6 (+Damage Bonus) Strike Range: 1m Cost: 250c Min Str: 30 Sword, Hand-and-a-half (Bastard) Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 3D6+6 (+Damage Bonus) Strike Range: 1m Cost: 350c Min Str: 40 Spear Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 2D6+6 (+Damage Bonus) Strike Range: 2.3m Cost: 120c Min Str: 30 Steel Talons Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 2D6 (+Damage Bonus) Strike Range: .3m Cost: 175c Min Str: 10 Special: Can add damage to Martial Arts strikes. Trident Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 3D6 (+Damage Bonus) Strike Range: 2m Cost: 150c Min Str: 30 Whip Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 1D6 Strike Range: 6m Cost: 60c Min Str: 10 Special: Entangle 50% of the time. May be used as a rope for climbing or swinging if a successful Entangle is made. Victim is at Agl -50% to escape. Can also Entangle weapons. Target must make a successful Str roll to keep hold of weapon. MELEE WEAPONS (Two Handed): -------------------------- Great Axe Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 4D6 (+Damage Bonus) Strike Range: 1.3m Cost: 600c Min Str: 60 Great Sword Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 4D6+3 (+Damage Bonus) Strike Range: 1.3m Cost: 700c Min Str: 70 Halberd Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 4D6+6 (+Damage Bonus) Strike Range: 2m Cost: 500c Min Str: 80 Quarterstaff Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 2D6 (+Damage Bonus) Strike Range: 2m Cost: 50c Min Str: 40 Sledgehammer Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 3D6+3 (+Damage Bonus) Strike Range: 1.3m Cost: 100c Min Str: 40 THROWN WEAPONS (Ancient): ------------------------ Base Range (BR) for all Thrown Weapons is the user's Str/3 in meters. To determine the ranges for Thrown Weapons (Short, Medium and Long) divide the BR by three. From 1m to 1/3 BR meters is Short range, from 1/3 BR to 2/3 BR is Medium range and from 2/3 BR to Max range is Long Range. Short Range has no penalty to hit Medium Range is -15% to hit Long Range is -30% to hit. Thrown Weapons have no Point Blank range. Thrown Weapons do not suffer from "drop-off". Blowgun Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 1/2 D6 (+ Damage Bonus) BR x 1 Cost: 50c Min Str: 10 Special: Blowgun darts are often poisoned, add the poisons effects to the above damage. Darts cost 1c each. Bolas Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 2D6 (+ Damage Bonus) BR x 3 Cost: 15c Min Str: 20 Special: Entangle 50% of the time. Agl -50% to escape. Super Critical acts as Garrote. Boomerang Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 2D6 (+ Damage Bonus) BR x 3 Cost: 15c Min Str: 20 Special: Will return if misses. Dex roll to catch. Club Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 1D6+3 (+ Damage Bonus) BR x 1 Cost: na Min Str: 20 Javelin Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 1D6+3 (+ Damage Bonus) BR x 3 Cost: 50c Min Str: 20 Special: An atlatl (spearthrower) will double both range and damage. An atlatl costs 15c and is available in most "primitive" cultures. Add Damage Bonus only once. Knife Attack/Round: 2 Damage: 1D6 (+ Damage Bonus) BR x 1 Cost: 25c Min Str: 10 Lasso Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 1/3 D6 (+ Damage Bonus) Range: 10m Cost: 20c Min Str: 20 Special: Entangle 90% of the time. Agl -50% to escape. Can Entangle weapon, Str roll to retain. Super critical acts as Garrote. Net Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 1D6 BR x 1 Cost: 100c Min Str: 30 Special: Entangle 90% of the time. Agl -50% to escape. Rock Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 1/2D6 x kg of rock (+Damage Bonus) BR x 1 Cost: na Min Str: special Shuriken Attack/Round: 3 Damage: 1/2 D6 (+ Damage Bonus) BR x 2 Cost: 10c each Min Str: 10 Sling Attack/Round: 2 Damage: 1D6 (+ Damage Bonus) BR x 3 Cost: 5c Min Str: 20 Special: Above damage is for sling stone. Steel balls may be used, add their damage to above. Explosive (4D6) and acid (2D6/rd for D6 rds) are also available. Add Damage Bonus once only for steel balls. Explosive loads (50c) and acid loads (25c). Spear Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 2D6+6 (+ Damage Bonus) BR x 2 Cost: 120c Min Str: 30 Steel Ball Attack/Round: 2 Damage: 1D6 (+ Damage Bonus) BR x 1 Cost: 10c each Min Str: 10 Note: For bladed weapons it is possible to get Carbide blades as opposed to steel at a cost modifier of five (x 5). However these blades never loose sharpness and can be teleported by an Esper using the Teleport talent. GRENADES: -------- The range for thrown Grenades is Str/3. Concussion Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 4D6+6 Cost: 250c Radius of Effect: 20m Special: Causes very little structural damage. Fragmentation Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 8D6+6 Cost: 300c Radius of Effect: 10m Special: Ignores 50% of AV. Nuclear, Microton Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 10D10 x 5 Cost: 5000c Radius of Effect: 1000m Special: Unauthorized possession punishable by death. Delay timer built-in, 1 min. to 1 hour. Smoke Attack/Round: 1 Damage: na Cost: 100c Radius of Effect: 20m Special: Laser and laser guided weapons inoperative. All Strikes at -50% to hit for 2D10 rounds. Stun Attack/Round: 1 Damage: na Cost: 350c Radius of Effect: 20m Special: A white sound grenade accompanied by a blinding flash. Blinds for 1D10 rounds and Stuns for 1D6 rounds. Stun is useless in a vacuum. Tear Gas Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 1D6 Cost: 200c Radius of Effect: 20m Special: All Strikes at -50% to hit for 2D10 rounds. A gas mask will provide protection. RANGED WEAPONS (Projectile, Beam and Ancient): --------------------------------------------- Round all decimals of .5 or greater up, all others down. Range Penalties: Short Range: no penalty Medium Range: -15% to hit Long Range: -30% to hit Mounted Ranged Fire: Not Moving: no modifier Less than 1/2 normal rate: -5% 1/2 to 3/4 normal rate: -15% Greater than 3/4 normal rate: -25% Cover & Concealment: Target is: Cover Concealed 25% -10% -5% 50% -20% -10% 75% -35% -15% 90% -50% -20% Cover: stone walls, corner of building, tables, doors, earthen embankments Concealment: bushes, curtains, tapestries, smoke, fog Point Blank Range: All artificial powered weapons (non-muscle powered) have a Point Blank range. The Point Blank range is dependant on both the weapons Max. range and the skill of the user. To determine the Point Blank range: Base to Strike/10 (expressed as a percentage) x the Max. range. Example: Phred's Base to Strike is 38%, divide by 10 to get 3.8%, using a Lt. Pistol his Point Blank range is 1.9m (round up to 2m). Maximum Point Blank range is 10m. At Point Blank range damage is increased by +20% and attack ignores 20% of AV for everything except Carbide. Aimed Shots and Called Shots are not possible while shooting at Point Blank range. Drop-Off: All weapons suffer from "drop-off", the loss of energy over distance. The following holds true for projectile or beam weapons. Indirect weapons (mortars, catapults, ballistas, etc.) are not effected. Explosive rounds are also not effected. Short Range: no loss of energy Medium Range: 60% of total damage Long Damage: 40% of total damage Maximum Range: 20% of total damage Minimum Strength: All missile weapons require a minimum Strength to use properly, as most weapons produce recoil or are heavy in and of themselves. For each point of Strength difference between the PC's and the Minimum required Strength subtract that number from the to hit roll. Example: A PC with a Str 15 is trying to use a Medium Rifle. A Medium Rifle has a Minimum Strength requirement of 40, so 40 minus 15 is 25, so a -25% to hit. PROJECTILE WEAPONS (General): ---------------------------- All clip weapons take one round to reload. Unless otherwise indicated, listed below are the base damage. More powerful ammo will give higher damages. Armour Piercing (Teflon) - ignores 50% of AV for everything except Carbide. Cost - x 2 Glasier Round - Damage x 2, ignores 30% of AV except for Carbide. Cost - x 3 Explosive Round - Damage x 3. Cost - x 4 Dikoted Round - ignores 90% of AV except for Carbide. Cost - x 5 PISTOLS: ------- Pistol, Light Attack/Round: 2 Damage: 2D6 Min. Str: 10 Ranges: 17/33/34+ Max. Range: 50m Cost: 200c Ammo Cost: 25c Special: Clip holds 15 rounds of caseless ammo. Pistol, Medium Attack/Round: 2 Damage: 2D6+6 Min. Str: 30 Ranges: 27/54/55+ Max. Range: 80m Cost: 500c Ammo Cost: 35c Special: Clip holds 15 rounds of caseless ammo. Pistol, Heavy Attack/Round: 2 Damage: 3D6+4 Min. Str: 50 Ranges: 37/73/74+ Max. Range: 110m Cost: 900c Ammo Cost: 45c Special: Clip holds 15 rounds of caseless ammo. Mark VII Electromagnetic Projectile Pistol (Slugthrower) Attack/Round: 4 Damage: 4D6 Min. Str: 40 Ranges: 170/330/331+ Max. Range: 500m Cost: 2500c Ammo Cost: 85c Special: High tech weapon using the Gauss principal. Fires very quickly and with minimumal recoil, produces no muzzle flash or smoke. Each clip comes with a built-in Eclip for power. Each clip holds 20 rounds of ammo. No special ammo available. Sub-Machine Gun Attack/Round: 6 Damage: 2D6+2 Min. Str: 50 Ranges: 50/100/101+ Max. Range: 150m Cost: 1500c Ammo Cost: 65c Special: Clip holds 60 rounds of caseless ammo. RIFLES: ------ Rifle, Light Attack/Round: 2 Damage: 2D6+6 Min. Str: 20 Ranges: 100/200/201+ Max. Range: 300m Cost: 1000c Ammo Cost: 50c Special: Clip holds 30 rounds of caseless ammo. Rifle, Medium Attack/Round: 2 Damage: 3D6+6 Min. Str: 40 Ranges: 200/400/401+ Max. Range: 600m Cost: 1500c Ammo Cost: 65c Special: Clip holds 20 rounds of caseless ammo. Rifle, Heavy Attack/Round: 2 Damage: 4D6+6 Min. Str: 60 Ranges: 300/600/601+ Max. Range: 900m Cost: 2500c Ammo Cost: 85c Special: Clip holds 10 rounds of caseless ammo. Rifle, Assault Attack/Round: 6 Damage: 2D6+6 Min. Str: 40 Ranges: 200/400/401+ Max. Range: 600m Cost: 3500c Ammo Cost: 85c Special: Clip holds 30 rounds of caseless ammo. SHOTGUNS: -------- Notes: At Point Blank range Shotguns can hit only one target. At Short Range they may hit two targets if within 1m of each other. At Medium Range they may hit three targets if within 1m of each other or two targets if within 3m of each other. At Long Range they may hit four targets if within 1m of each other, three if within 2m of each other or two targets if within 4m of each other. Tubular magazines are found in civilian weapons. Clips in military versions. Shotguns fire solid, sealed, caseless rounds. There are no "shells" to eject or reload. All damages are considered to be standard "buckshot". More damaging, and expensive, varieties are available. Solid Slug - Damage 4D6, ignores 50% of AV except for Carbide. Single target only. Cost - x 2 Glasier Round - Damage x 2, ignores 30% of AV except for Carbide. Single target only. Cost - x 3 Explosive Round - Damage x 3 to a 2m dia area. Cost - x 4 Sabot Round - ignores 90% of AV except for Carbide. Single target only. Cost - x 5 Shotgun, Pump or Autoloader Attack/Round: 2 Damage: 3D6 Min. Str: 50 Ranges: 30/60/61+ Max. Range: 90m Cost: 600c Ammo Cost: 5c per round Special: Pump tubular magazine holds 8 rounds. Autoloader tubular magazine holds 6 rounds. Autoloader clip magazine holds 10 rounds. Shotgun, Fully Automatic Attack/Round: 4 Damage: 3D6 Min. Str: 60 Ranges: 30/60/61+ Max. Range: 90m Cost: 2500c Ammo Cost: 5c per round Special: Clip holds 20 rounds of caseless ammo. GRENADE LAUNCHERS: ----------------- Note: Grenades designed for Launchers may not be thrown. They may be trigger by hand however. Launched grenades do not suffer from drop-off. Grenade Launcher, Pump or Autoloader Attack/Round: 2 Damage: na Min. Str: 50 Ranges: 100/200/201+ Max. Range: 300m Cost: 1000c Ammo Cost: see grenades Special: Tubular magazine holds 5 grenades. Grenade Launcher, Fully Automatic Attack/Round: 4 Damage: na Min. Str: 70 Ranges: 100/200/201+ Max. Range: 300m Cost: 3000c Ammo Cost: see grenades Special: Clip holds 10 grenades. Grenade Launcher, Underslung Attack/Round: 1 Damage: na Min. Str: see below Ranges: 37/134/135+ Max. Range: 200m Cost: 500c Ammo Cost: see grenades Special: A launcher which is designed to be attached to another weapon. Tubular magazine holds 5 grenades. Increases weapons Min. Str by 10. PROJECTILE WEAPONS (Heavy): -------------------------- Machine Gun Attack/Round: 10 Damage: 3D6+6 Min. Str: 90 Ranges: 300/600/601+ Max. Range: 900m Cost: 3500c Ammo Cost: 325c per belt Special: Can be vehicle mounted. Chain fed weapon, 100 rounds per belt. Takes one round to reload. Can sweep an area 10m wide per round. Mortar Attack/Round: 1/2 Damage: 2 x grenade damage and radius Ranges: 333/666/667+ Max. Range: 1000m Cost: 2500c Ammo Cost: 25c per round Special: An area of effect weapon. No drop-off. Cannon, Light Attack/Round: 1/2 Damage: 6D10+10 (50m radius) Ranges: 400/800/801+ Max. Range: 1200m Cost: 35000c Ammo Cost: 125c per round Special: An area of effect weapon. No drop-off. Can use special grenade type rounds, damage and effects are added to above. Requires a two man crew. Cannon, Medium Attack/Round: 1/3 Damage: 8D10+5 (75m radius) Ranges: 500/1000/1001+ Max. Range: 1500m Cost: 65000c Ammo Cost: 250c per round Special: An area of effect weapon. No drop-off. Can use special grenade type rounds, damage and effects are added to above. Requires a three man crew. Cannon, Heavy Attack/Round: 1/4 Damage: 10D10+10 (100m radius) Ranges: 600/1200/1201+ Max. Range: 1800m Cost: 85000c Ammo Cost: 500c per round Special: An area of effect weapon. No drop-off. Can use special grenade type rounds, damage and effects are added to above. Requires a three man crew. Recoilless Rifle Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 5D10 (10m radius) Ranges: 300/600/601+ Max. Range: 900m Cost: 30000c Ammo Cost: 75c per round Special: Can be vehicle mounted. Clip holds 10 rounds. Auto-Cannon Attack/Round: 5 Damage: 6D10 (20m radius) Ranges: 167/333/334+ Max. Range: 500m Cost: 50000c Ammo Cost: 150c per round Special: Can be vehicle mounted. Chain fed weapon, 100 rounds per belt. Takes two rounds to reload. Flame Thrower Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 3D10/rd (for 1D10 rds) Ranges: na Max. Range: 20m Cost: 1100c Ammo Cost: 100c per tank full Special: Uses two 4 liter tanks within an armoured shell. Tanks are AV 10 with 80 points of Body. A tank rupture will result in an explosion of 10m radius doing 10D10 points of damage. Uses Napalm VII as fuel. BEAM WEAPONS: ------------ Notes: The energy clip (Eclip) for all beam weapons is the same unless otherwise noted. Number of shots fired from the same Eclip varies as to each weapon. Eclips can be recharged using a special recharging device and a sufficient power source. It takes one round to reload a beam weapon. Mark IV Sonic Stunner (Stopper) Attack/Round: 3 Damage: 1D6 (x 1-10) Min. Str: 20 Ranges: 25/50/51+ Max. Range: 75m Cost: 1500c Shots per Eclip: 20 Special: This weapon is designed to be adjusted from a setting of 1 to a setting of 10 by use of a thumb slide. Is ineffective in thin atmospheres or vacuum. The damage from this weapon acts as Stun damage. See the Stun passage under the Melee Resolution rules. Used primarily by law enforcement or for civilian home defense. Underwater acts as 1-10m "grenade". Laser, Pistol Attack/Round: 2 Damage: 6D6 Min. Str: 20 Ranges: 50/100/101+ Max. Range: 150m Cost: 2500c Shots per Eclip: 20 Special: This weapon is useless in fog, smoke, underwater or in extremely dense atmospheres. Hand Held Particle Beam Projector (Beamer) Attack/Round: 2 Damage: 6D6 Min. Str: 40 Ranges: 83/167/168+ Max. Range: 250m Cost: 3500c Shots per Eclip: 10 Special: This weapon does not suffer the restrictions that lasers do. This is a fairly large two handed firearm. Laser Projected Plasma Ejector (Plaster) Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 10D6+6 Min. Str: 60 Ranges: 167/333/334+ Max. Range: 500m Cost: 4500c Shots per Eclip: 5 Special: This weapon is useless in fog, smoke, underwater or in extremely dense atmospheres. Since the plasma is both propelled and guided to it's target by a laser. This is a rifle sized firearm. Laser, Rifle Attack/Round: 2 Damage: 6D6 Min. Str: 40 Ranges: 200/400/401+ Max. Range: 600m Cost: 5000c Shots per Eclip: 10 Special: This weapon is useless in fog, smoke, underwater or in extremely dense atmospheres. HEAVY BEAM WEAPONS: ------------------ Laser, Cannon Attack/Round: 1/2 Damage: 8D10+10 (10m radius) Ranges: 600/1200/1201+ Max. Range: 1800m Cost: 50000c Requires constant power feed Special: This weapon is useless in fog, smoke, underwater or in extremely dense atmospheres. The time delay is due to capacitor recharge. Particle Beam Cannon (PBC) Attack/Round: 1/3 Damage: 10D10+10 (30m radius) Ranges: 1000/2000/2001+ Max. Range: 3000m Cost: 75000c Requires constant power feed Special: This weapon is slow, unwieldy and prone to overheating (20% per shot). Requires a two man crew to operate. PROJECTILE WEAPONS (Special): ---------------------------- These weapons are bows, modern and ancient, and crossbows, of varying strengths and tech levels. In addition is listed a modern slingshot. Damages listed for arrows and quarrels are for field points, other arrow/quarrel heads are available. Crossbows - There are two Min. Str listings for each crossbow. The first is the Str required to simply lift and fire the weapon. The second is the required Str to reload the weapon. Using a cocking device such as a goats foot or belt hook will halve the Str required. Using a full winch and crank device will reduce the required Str to one quarter. The light crossbow requires no cocking device. Additionally the above assumes the bowman is using both hands to reload. If the bowman chooses to reload one-handed add +20 to the required reload Str. Armour Piercing - ignores 30% of AV for everything except Carbide. Cost - x 3 Broad Heads - +6 damage, causes wounds which bleed 3 pts. per rd. Cost - x 2 Explosive Head - Damage x 3. Cost - x 4 Blunt Head - 1/2 damage but doesn't pierce target Cost - x 2 Fishing Head - normal damage, requires a special spool of fishing line Cost - x 2, fishing reel costs 50c (100m of line) Frog Crotch Head - +3 damage, 50% to severe tie/line Cost - x 2 Whistling Head - 1/2 damage; makes an eerie, howling whistle Cost - x 3 Flammable Head - +1D6 damage, burns for 1D6 rounds Cost - x 2 Slingshot Attack/Round: 2 Damage: 1D6 Min. Str: 20 Ranges: 22/50/51+ Max. Range: 75m Cost: 200c Ammo Cost: na Special: Above damage is for sling stone. Steel balls may be used, add their damage to above. Explosive (4D6) and acid (2D6/rd for D6 rds) are also available. Add Damage Bonus once only for steel balls. Explosive loads (50c) and acid loads (25c). Bow, Longbow or Recurve Attack/Round: 2 Damage: 2D6 Min. Str: 60 Ranges: 70/140/141+ Max. Range: 210m Cost: 500c Ammo Cost: 24c per dozen Special: Specially made bows allow the user to add their Damage Bonus. Price is x 10. Bow, Compound Attack/Round: 2 Damage: 2D6+3 Min. Str: 30 Ranges: 70/140/141+ Max. Range: 210m Cost: 1000c Ammo Cost: 24c per dozen Special: A modern bow using gears and pulleys to increase efficiency. Specially made bows allow the user to add their Damage Bonus. Price is x 10. Crossbow, Light Attack/Round: 2 Damage: 1D6 Min. Str: 20 Ranges: 15/30/31+ Max. Range: 45m Cost: 150c Ammo Cost: 12c per dozen Special: This is a one-handed pistol type weapon. Originally designed as a target and small game weapon. Crossbow, Medium Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 2D6+3 Min. Str: 20/50 Ranges: 40/80/81+ Max. Range: 120m Cost: 450c Ammo Cost: 24c per dozen Special: The classic crossbow. Modern versions often come with attachments for holding additional quarrels. Crossbow, Large (Arbelest) Attack/Round: 1/2 Damage: 3D6+6 Min. Str: 40/70 Ranges: 80/160/161+ Max. Range: 240m Cost: 4500c Ammo Cost: 48c per dozen Special: The largest man-portable crossbow ever made. Rarely seen in the modern world. Crossbow, Autobow Attack/Round: 2 Damage: 2D6 Min. Str: 20/30 Ranges: 40/80/81+ Max. Range: 120m Cost: 1500c Ammo Cost: 24c per dozen Special: This is a cannister fed crossbow, cocked like a pump shotgun. The cannister contains six quarrels. Takes one round to reload. Crossbow, Pellet Attack/Round: 2 Damage: 1D6+3 Min. Str: 20 Ranges: 15/30/31+ Max. Range: 45m Cost: 150c Ammo Cost: 12c per dozen Special: A target and small game weapon. Causes blunt damage. Ballista, Spearthrower Attack/Round: 1/3 Damage: 9D6 Ranges: 200/400/401+ Max. Range: 600m Cost: 9000c Ammo Cost: 120c each Special: Requires a two man crew to operate. Uses full sized spears as ammo. A 5% per shot (95-00%) that the weapon malfunctions, doing 6D6 damage to the crew. HEAVY WEAPONS (Ancient): ----------------------- Ballista, Stonethrower Attack/Round: 1/3 Damage: 7D6 (3m radius) Ranges: 200/400/401+ Max. Range: 600m Cost: 9000c Ammo Cost: na Special: Requires a two man crew to operate. Uses normal stones as ammo. Can use pitch pots, 3D6 per round for 2D6 rounds. A 5% per shot (95-00%) that the weapon malfunctions, doing 6D6 damage to the crew. Catapult, Light Attack/Round: 1/3 Damage: 12D6 (4m radius) Ranges: 200/400/401+ Max. Range: 600m Cost: 9000c Ammo Cost: na Special: Requires a two man crew to operate. Uses normal stones as ammo. Can use pitch pots, 4D6 per round for 2D6 rounds. A 5% per shot (95-00%) that the weapon malfunctions, doing 6D6 damage to the crew. Catapult, Heavy Attack/Round: 1/4 Damage: 14D6 (6m radius) Ranges: 250/500/501+ Max. Range: 750m Cost: 12000c Ammo Cost: na Special: Requires a three man crew to operate. Uses normal stones as ammo. Can use pitch pots, 6D6 per round for 3D6 rounds. A 5% per shot (95-00%) that the weapon malfunctions, doing 8D6 damage to the crew. Trebuchet Attack/Round: 1/6 Damage: 14D6 (6m radius) Ranges: 300/600/601+ Max. Range: 900m Cost: 24000c Ammo Cost: na Special: Requires a four man crew to operate. Uses normal stones as ammo. Can use pitch pots, 6D6 per round for 3D6 rounds. A 5% per shot (95-00%) that the weapon malfunctions, doing 8D6 damage to the crew. BLACKPOWDER WEAPONS (General): ----------------------------- The Blackpowder weapons used here are Flintlocks. These weapons have two rates of fire. The first is the fastest rate, that listed. It's a "slam-fire" type of reloading. The user pours powder in the barrel, drops in his load and "slams" the gunstock against the ground. It's fast, it's rough on the firearm and it clogs the firearm in no time. The second rate is slower but easier on the weapon. The user pours in his powder, cuts a patch, places a round in the patch and rammed it all home. Using this method a weapon can be fired successfully without problems. Fire rates and misfires: "Slam-fire" rate: 5% per shot, accumulative, to misfire Slow-fire rate: 5% per shot to misfire Misfire results: 01% - 60% fouled weapon 61% - 95% weapon discharges 1-3 rounds later 96% - 00% weapon explodes! Damage x 2 to user Ammo Cost: Blackpowder per 100 shots - 50c Lead ingots per kg - 5c Musket ball mold - 25c Conical bullet mold - 50c BLACKPOWDER WEAPONS (Light): --------------------------- Derringer Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 2D6 Min. Str: 20 Ranges: 3/6/7+ Max. Range: 10m Cost: 200c Ammo Cost: see above Special: Slow-fire rate one per two rounds. Smooth-bore. Pistol, Smooth-bore Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 2D6+6 Min. Str: 30 Ranges: 17/34/35+ Max. Range: 50m Cost: 500c Ammo Cost: see above Special: Slow-fire rate is one per two rounds. Musket Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 2D6+6 Min. Str: 40 Ranges: 33/66/67+ Max. Range: 100m Cost: 1000c Ammo Cost: see above Special: Slow-fire rate is one per three rounds. Smooth-bore. Rifled Flintlock Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 3D6+6 Min. Str: 40 Ranges: 70/140/141+ Max. Range: 210m Cost: 2000c Ammo Cost: see above Special: A true rifled weapon. Slow-fire rate of one per three rounds. Requires conical rounds. Rifled Flintlock Heavy Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 4D6+6 Min. Str: 50 Ranges: 80/160/161+ Max. Range: 240m Cost: 2500c Ammo Cost: see above Special: A true rifled weapon. Slow-fire rate of one per three rounds. Requires conical rounds. Blunderbus Attack/Round: 1 Damage: 3D6 Min. Str: 60 Ranges: 7/14/15+ Max. Range: 21m Cost: 1000c Ammo Cost: Special: Slow-fire rate of one per three rounds. Use shotgun rules. BLACKPOWDER WEAPONS (Heavy): --------------------------- Bombard Attack/Round: 1/4 Damage: 6D6 (4m radius) Ranges: 100/200/201+ Max. Range: 300m Cost: 2500c Ammo Cost: 25c per round Special: An area of effect weapon. No drop-off. An early mortar. Uses 20 normal "shots" of powder. Cannon, Light Attack/Round: 1/4 Damage: 4D10+5 (5m radius) Ranges: 133/266/267+ Max. Range: 400m Cost: 10000c Ammo Cost: 25c per round Special: Uses a two man crew. Uses 40 normal "shots" of powder. Cannon, Medium Attack/Round: 1/5 Damage: 6D10+5 (10m radius) Ranges: 200/400/401+ Max. Range: 600m Cost: 15000c Ammo Cost: 50c per round Special: Uses a three man crew. Uses 80 normal "shots" of powder. Cannon, Heavy Attack/Round: 1/6 Damage: 8D10+5 (20m radius) Ranges: 250/500/501+ Max. Range: 750m Cost: 30000c Ammo Cost: 100c per round Special: Uses a four man crew. Uses 120 normal "shots" of powder. ARMOUR TYPES: There are two types of armour; Natural Armor, which is essentially the skin, and Artificial Armour, either worn or stood behind like a shield or barricade. Armour will deflect a portion of the total damage inflicted against a person. Artificial Armour has four stats: Armour Value (AV), the amount of damage the armour will deflect in each attack; Body, the amount of damage the armour can take before being rendered useless; Agl Modifier, since it is not a natural portion of the body and many armours are clumsy and binding and Minimum Strength, because many armours are heavy and weaker individuals are adversely effected. For every point of difference between the wearers Strength and the Minimum required, subtract number from the wearer's Agility. You can use the charts below to calculate the amount of force required to break down a door, puncture a wall, etc. ARMOUR AND MATERIAL TYPES: Armour Type AV/Body Agl Mod Min. Str Lt. Hide (n) 2/- none none Hv. Fur (n) 3/- none none Hv. Hide (n) 4/- none none Plate (n) 5/- none none Chitin (n) 6/- none none Bone (n) 7/- none none Cloth Armour 1/10 -5 none H. Cloth Armour 2/20 -10 none H. Furs (a) 3/30 -10 none Padded Armour 4/40 -10 30 Ballistic Cloth 5/40 -10 30 Leather Armour 4/50 -10 30 H. Leather Armour 5/50 -15 40 Plastic Flexible 5/30 -5 30 Plastic Scale 6/30 -5 30 Plastic Plate 7/40 -10 40 Metal Chain 8/60 -15 60 Metal Scale 9/70 -25 50 Metal Plate 10/80 -30 70 Carbide Armour 14/200 -20 40 Helmet Type Leather Helmet 2/30 na na H. Leather Helmet 3/30 na na Plastic Flexible 4/10 na na Plastic Plate 5/20 na na Metal Chain 7/50 na na Metal Plate 8/60 na na Carbide Helmet 12/100 na na Shield Type AV/Body Agl Mod Min. Str Leather Shield 4/20 -5 30 Wooden Shield 5/30 -10 40 Plastic Shield 7/55 -5 30 Metal Shield 10/60 -15 50 Carbide Shield 12/150 -10 40 Material Type AV/Body na na Earth/3cm 4/40 na na Wood/4cm 5/30 na na Stone/2cm 6/60 na na Metal/1cm 10/80 na na Plastic/1cm 3/30 na na Notes: Cost: 50c per Body point for armour suits, 10c per Body point for helms, shields and barricades. Armour can be repaired by a native craftsman or Mechanical Engineer. A successful roll will repair 30% of sustained damage. A critical success (half required percentage) will repair 60% of damage. And a super critical success (a natural 01) will repair 90% of damage. It is not possible to completely repair armour damage. Things wear out. Shields and helms may also be repaired. Plastic Armour is not manufactured as armour per se. It's scavanged or salvaged by low-tech peoples to afford themselves some meager protection. Plastic Shields are manufactured, ie. riot shields. Plastic Armour takes 150% from flames/heat damage. If coated with reflective materials armour gains a +3 AV vs beam weapons. The armour also becomes easier to see, +20% to hit. Natural weapons are not effective against any armour with an AV rating greater than 5. EQUIPMENT: --------- Air Compressor Cost: 850c Description: Battery powered (good for thirty hours) mini-compressor capable of high output (100psi). Analyzer, Atmosphere Cost: 100c Description: Battery powered (good for sixty hours). Identifies the percentage of elements in an atmospheric sample down to .001%. Analyzer, Diagnostic (Medical) Cost: 1500c Description: Battery powered (good for sixty hours). Diagnoses known diseases or injuries where present. Also gives chemical and genetic composition of organic tissue. Requires Medical Technologies skill to use. Analyzer, Linguistic/Cryptographic Cost: 1500c Description: Battery powered (good for sixty hours). Useful for encoding, decoding or deciphering languages or codes, either written or verbal. Analyzer, Mineral Cost: 500c Description: Battery powered (good for sixty hours). Gives chemical composition of soil and rock samples inserted into base. Also identifies impurities in a water sample down to .001% and acts as Geiger counter for measuring radiation (100m range). Art Supplies Cost: 50c Description: Multi-purpose kit for drawing or painting. A sculpture kit is available at the same cost. Backpack Cost: 50c Description: A rugged internal framed pack with numerous external tie-downs and pockets. Completely waterproof. Battery Pack Cost: 50c Description: Standard battery for all devices using removable battery power sources. Infinitely rechargable. Battery Pack Recharger Cost: 250c Description: Device for recharging battery packs from an external power source. Recharges a battery to full capacity in one hour. Binoculars Cost: 250c Description: High tech binoculars with magnification from 10 to 25 times. Built for rugged outdoor use and are practically indestructible. Maximum range is 1500m. Boots, Climbing/Hiking Cost: 150c Description: These boots are waterproof, with a sole made for traction and padded insole for long distance walking. They also have retractable crampons and tree-climbing spikes. Guaranteed for the life-time of the wearer. Designed for Humans or Augmented Humans, Beta models are two to five times more expensive. Boots, Work Cost: 75c Description: Made with steel toe guard and shank for extra protection. Designed for Humans or Augmented Humans, Beta models are two to five times more expensive. Camp Stove Cost: 200c Description: Two burner electric camp stove. Can be run off external power source or internal battery power, batteries good for fifteen hours. Canteen Cost: 10c/20c Description: A high strength plastic canteen, comes in one and two liter sizes. Cargo Loader Cost: 15000c Description: Large Exo-Skeleton used for cargo loading and construction purposes. Provide a Strength of 250 and Body of 75, -50 to Agility. Requires Exo-Skeleton Operations skill to use. Uses special industrial batteries good for fifteen hours of operation. Chain Saw Cost: 200c Description: For cutting large amounts of wood. Battery powered (fifteen hours of use per battery). Chronometer Cost: 35c Description: An accurate day/date/time wristwatch with an internal battery and solar panel. Also has alarm, stopwatch/lap timer function, pager, thermometer and calculator functions. Clothing, Cold Weather Cost: 250c Description: Kit containing parka, mittens, pants, snow boots and thermal undergarments. Protection good to -50 degrees C. Clothing, Standard Cost: 50c Description: Standard Survey Team utility jumpsuit. Made from heavy duty abrasive resistant breathable material, with numerous internal and external pockets, unit insignia patches and identification labels. Available in many colors. Clothing, Wet Weather Cost: 150c Description: Kit contains hooded coat, pants and waterproof overboots. Climbing Gear Cost: 500c Description: A combination kit for the experienced climber. It contains all the gear needed for climbing or rappelling. Including a grappling hook, 50m of high strength carbon-spectra filament rope, climbing hammer, stirrups, pitons, harness, rope "brakes" and carabiners. Communicator Cost: 300c Description: A headset communicator. Designed with a built in battery it has a line of sight range of 10km, in rough terrain the range is reduced to 1km. Using an orbital satellite range is unlimited. Battery life is good for thirty hours of continuous use. Camouflage Kit, Personal Cost: 100c Description: A kit containing a number of sprays and paints used to hide a persons flesh so that it blends in with the surrounding terrain. Camouflage Kit, Equipment Cost: 1000c Description: A kit containing large spray containers that can paint large objects to blend them with the surrounding terrain. Compass, Electronic Cost: 100c Description: Automatic, electronic compass which points to true north on any world. Internal battery good for sixty hours of continuous use. Compass, GPS Locator Cost: 400c Description: A device utilizing a series (24) of orbital locating satellites. Will locate the user to within 1m of desired location. Battery Powered (good for sixty hours). Compass, Mechanical Cost: 25c Description: A simple compass using a magnetic "needle" to locate magnetic north on any planet. Can be miss directed by large metallic objects or powerful electrical/magnetic sources. Computer, Hand-held Cost: 500c Description: A hand-held personal computer capable of doing complex calculations (+50% to Mathematical and Navigational skills). It has a 10 Terabyte hard-drive and an Info Disk reader/writer. Has built-in audio system (speakers and microphone) and video still/text scanner similar to the Info Disk reader/player. Battery powered, good for sixty hours, all entries are saved automatically and cannot be lost due to power failure. Core Sampler Cost: 1000c Description: Used to take samples of rock or soil to examine strata. Takes a 5m by 10cm circular section of earth or rock by drilling with a laser device. Cannot be used as a weapon effectively. Battery powered, good for 10 samples per battery. Cryonic Tube Cost: 35000c Description: Single person container capable of sustaining a living being at a temperature just above absolute zero and reviving them without cellular damage. Normally connected to an outside power source, can function on internal battery power for five hours. Diving Suit Cost: 100c Description: Insulated waterproof suit, protects wearer down to -20 C. Drill, Laser Cost: 250c Description: For drilling through wood, stone or metal. Can be used as a weapon, 1m range and 2D6 damage. Battery powered, good for one thousand linear meters of wood (up to 1m thick), one hundred linear meters of stone/light metal (up to 50cm thick), ten linear meters of steel or two "shots" when used as a weapon. Drill, Power Cost: 50c Description: A conventional 20th century cordless power drill with keyless chuck, four speeds and reversible. Comes with built-in compartment with ten different drill bits and fastener heads. Battery powered (good for sixty hours). Electronic Bugging Kit Cost: 250c Description: Complete with a dozen transmitters and micro-receivers (easily fits in ear). Range 300m. Electronic Counter-Measure Kit Cost: 650c Description: Complete with several types of bug detectors. Range 300m. Emergency Rations Cost: 10c each Description: Provides all the needed nutritional requirements for one day. Comes in five different flavors. Emergency Med-Kit Cost: 200c Description: A compact case with bare minimum medical supplies. Will heal 100 points of Bod/Con before exhausting it's meager contents. Flare Gun Cost: 100c Description: For firing signal flares. As a weapon, range 3m and 2D6 damage. Flares Cost: 10c Description: For signally over long distances, 100m height. Come in numerous colors and a parachute model (25c) for lighting a large area. Flashlight Cost: 25c Description: Produces a piercing beam of light which allows the user to see up to 100m in the dark, and be seen up to 5km away. Battery powered (good for thirty hours). Generator Cost: 250c Description: A liquid fuel powered electrical generator. Can use any combustible liquid fuel (alcohol, diesel, kerosene, gasoline, etc.). Used to run base camps and battery rechargers in emergencies. Gill, Artificial Cost: 800c Description: A backpack sized device which extracts all required oxygen from available water. Internal filters are good for one hundred and twenty hours (100c each). Battery powered (good for ten hours). Goggles, Infrared Cost: 300c Description: Computerized light enhancement device capable of seeing heat sources in the dark at a range of 500m. Battery powered (good for sixty hours). Goggles, Sun Cost: 30c Description: Photosensitive high strength breathable goggles which keep out dust, dirt, sand and fumes. Gives total UV protection. Gun Sight, Telescopic Cost: 300c Description: For mounting on rifles, shotguns or heavy pistols. The user is at plus 25% to strike with the weapon while using the telescopic sight. Range 1000m. Gun Sight, Laser Cost: 900c Description: Can be mounted on rifles, shotguns, heavy and medium pistols. Projects a thin, low power laser beam which will show up as a red dot on the target, right where you are pointing. Gives the user a plus 40% to strike, but this sight has the same restrictions on it that weapons using a laser beam have. That is, they cannot be used in heavy fog, mist, smoke or other dense atmospheres. Handcuffs Cost: 45c Description: High strength carbide restraining devices. A negative -100% on Strength checks to break, will do 3D10 damage and possibly break the wearers wrists. Heater, Personal Cost: 25c Description: A small device worn against the body or in a pocket for heating a single person. Battery powered (good for thirty hours). Heater, Space Cost: 90c Description: Heats a 3m radius area up to 20 degrees C more than initial temperature. Battery powered (good for five hours). Hot/Cold Chest Cost: 50c/100c/150c Description: Comes in ten liter, twenty five liter and fifty liter sizes. Same chest switches from hot to cold at the touch of a button. Can maintain a temperature of between 50 degrees C to -10 degrees C. Battery powered (good for thirty/twenty/ten hours). Hot Pot Cost: 50c Description: Self contained one liter size, can be used to heat liquids up to 110 degrees C. Battery powered (good for thirty hours). Info Disks Cost: 30c each Description: A wide variety of audio, entertainment and instructional disks are available, as well as blanks for making personal recordings. Stores ten hours of full video/audio data or ten thousand video/text stills. Info Disk Player/Recorder Cost: 150c Description: Device for playing or recording info disks, can record audio data and has built in video still/text scanner. Internal batteries good for sixty hours and has built in solar recharger (recharges one hour of battery power for every four hours of sunlight). Has built-in Info Disk changer which can hold up to twenty Disks. Can also view Video Disks. Lantern Cost: 50c Description: Illuminates an area 10m in diameter. Battery powered (good for thirty hours). Lathe, Laser Cost: 3500c Description: Useful in the fabrication of items from metal or wood. Requires an external power source. Lathe, Mechanical Cost: 500c Description: A low tech version of the above. Requires an external power source. Lock Pick, Electronic Cost: 450c Description: Device which plugs into a hand or personal computer and any electronic lock. Scans and tries innumerable combinations of codes until the lock opens. Illegal outside of offical Survey Team missions. Lock Pick, Conventional Cost: 150c Description: A complete set of lock picks for opening conventional mechanical locks. Illegal outside of offical Survey Team missions. Map Case Cost: 25c Description: Special carry case with stylus and electronic map pad. Once drawn the map can be transferred directly to a main or personal computer. Battery powered (good for sixty hours). Mask, Air Tank Cost: 250c Description: Holds enough air for sixteen hours of operation. Mask, Filter Cost: 25c Description: Covers the mouth and nose for filtering impurities in the air such as smoke or dust. Good for one hundred and twenty hours before the filter must be replaced. Filters cost 5c each. Mask, Gas Cost: 125c Description: Protects the user from the effects of toxic gases. Good for one hundred and twenty hours before filters need changing. Filters cost 25c. Medical Kit Cost: 1500c Description: A portable medical kit containing pain drugs, antibiotics, burn creams, hypodermics, stethoscope, blood pressure sensor, spray on bandages and emergency surgical tools. Will heal 1000 points of Bod/Con. Mess Kit Cost: 10c Description: A kit containing two pans, a pot, a bowl, a cup, knife and spork. Made from a light, high strength metal alloy. Metal Detector Cost: 100c Description: Reacts by sound to the presence of metals hidden below the ground, behind walls, etc. Range of 30m. It is directional and will not react to metal on the body of the user. Can be tuned to detect specific metal types. Battery powered (good for sixty hours). Motion Sensor Cost: 250c Description: A device capable of registering any motion within a 500m, 180 degree arc. Since it is direction, it will only register motion in the direction it is pointed. Battery powered (good for sixty hours). Paracord Cost: 1c per meter Description: High strength light-duty line. 100kg test. Pocket Tool Cost: 30c Description: A generic Swiss Army type knife. Has over thirty built-in tools. Poncho Cost: 25c Description: A waterproof poncho made of high tech plastics. Is reversible, retains heat with one side, dissipates heat with the other. Can be used as an emergency shelter. Recharger, E-Clip Cost: 500c Description: Plugs into any power source. Recharges all weapon E-Clips at the rate of one minute per shot. Refinery Plant, Ore Cost: 25000c Description: Takes raw mineral ores and refines them to useful metals and minerals. Can be used in conjunction with other equipment to manufacture replacement parts and other such items needed by explorers. Refinery Plant, Fuel Cost: 25000c Description: Refines crude oil, coal or shale to a usable form. Useful in producing alternative fuel sources for the generation of electricity. Rope Cost: 10c per meter Description: High strength carbon-spectra filament line. 1000kg test. Satellite, Communications Cost: 65000c Description: A satellite capable of relaying ground communications to any other site in the same hemisphere. It has an internal solar power source with a virtually unlimited duration. It is automatically launched into geo-synchronous orbit by Survey Team shuttles. Satellite, Weather Cost: 60000c Description: Comprehensive weather tracking satellite about the size of a large pumpkin. It has an internal solar power source with a virtually unlimited duration. It is automatically launched into orbit by Survey Team shuttles. Shelter, Portable Cost: 500c Description: A highly portable inflatable shelter capable of comfortably sleeping six large persons. Comes with high ratio foot pump and one can of high pressure compressed air (10c each). Takes one person one hour to inflate with foot pump, compressed air canister requires five minutes. Skis, Downhill Snow Cost: 250c Description: Much like 20th Century models. Skis, Cross-country Snow Cost: 200c Description: Much like 20th Century models. Skis, Water Cost: 100c Description: Much like 20th Century models. Sleeping Bag Cost: 50c Description: Waterproof, insulated sleeping bag with inflatable built-in pillow. Provides comfortable sleeping down to -40 C. Compresses down to a soda can sized bundle. Sleeping Pad Cost: 20c Description: A self-inflating pad which protects the user from the ground and adds comfort to outdoor sleeping. Rolls into a 10cm x 75cm tube. Solar Power Generator, Base Cost: 20000c Description: A semi-portable solar generator capable of powering the complete Survey Team Basecamp. Takes one person, two hours to assemble. Solar Power Generator, Portable Cost: 2000c Description: Totally portable solar power generator. Comes in a 50cm x 50cm x 10cm "briefcase", folds out into a 1m x 2m solar panel and power converter. Can except an E-Clip Recharger or Battery Pack Recharger. Snowshoes Cost: 75c Description: Devices design to disperse the wearers weight on snow. Suit, Armoured Environment Cost: 100000c Description: Same as a Hard Suit, but uses Carbide instead of Plastic. Requires Exo-Skeleton Operations skill to use. Suit, Fluid Recycling Cost: 1000c Description: Helps to contain the body's vital fluids and recycle them. Used in extremely arid environments. Filters must be replaced every sixty hours of continuous use (20c each). Armour Value is as H. Cloth. Suit, Hard Environment Cost: 4500c Description: For use in zero atmosphere where the likelihood of puncture is present. Air system good for thirty two hours. Armour Value is as Plastic Plate. Requires Exo-Skeleton Operations skill to use. Suit, Light Environment Cost: 2500c Description: Unpressurized self-contained environment suit with built-in face plate and air tanks. Air system good for sixteen hours. Armour Value is as Leather. Suit, Radiation Cost: 1500c Description: Screens up to 500 Rads of radiation. Armour Value is as Ballistic. Suit, Standard Environment Cost: 3500c Description: Pressurized for use in zero atmosphere. Air system good for thirty two hours. Armour Value is as H. Leather. Surgical Tools Cost: 500c Description: All surgical tools required to conduct advanced medical procedures. Requires Medical Technologies skill to use. Survival Pack Cost: 750c Description: A standard backpack in bright red containing the following: (1) one liter canteen (1) carbide combat knife (1) carbide hatchet (1) chronometer (1) standard jumpsuit (1) mechanical compass (30) emergency ration bars (1) emergency med-kit (1) flare gun (6) flares (1) flashlight (1) sungoggles (1) info disk player/recorder (20) info disks (survival, inspirational, tech, etc.) (1) map case (1) gas mask (1) mess kit (100m) paracord (1) pocket tool (1) poncho (10m) rope (1) sleeping bag (1) sleeping pad (1) 3m x 3m tarp (1) expandable water jug (1) water purification device (30) water-/windproof matches (1) whistle (1) medium pistol w/ holster (4) medium pistol ammo clip Tarp Cost: 10c/20c/40c Description: High strength plastic tarps in three sizes, 3mx 3m, 5m x 5m, 10m x 10m. Available in many colors and has built-in grommets and tie-downs. Tool Kit, Carpentry Cost: 1000c Description: Contains all the tools needed to cut, shape and build items from wood. Tool Kit, Electronic Cost: 1000c Description: Contains tools and meters for the diagnosis, assembly and repair of electronic devices. Tool Kit, Mechanical Cost: 1000c Description: Contains all the tools required to diagnose, assemble and repair mechanical devices. Vacuum Thermos Cost: 10c/15c/20c Description: Comes in one liter, three liter and six liter sizes. Keeps liquid hot or cold for up to twenty hours. Video Camera System Cost: 1500c Description: Advanced video capturing system designed to handle still pictures or full video with audio elements. Is normally head-mounted with a remote hand-held control. Battery powered (good for thirty hours). Video Disk Cost: 50c Description: A dime sized disk which uses advanced laser technology to store data. Stores ten hours of full video/audio data or ten thousand video stills. Video Lenses Cost: 250c each Description: Three examples, light enhancement, telescopic (3x to 15x), wide angle (up to 180 degrees), etc. Water Jug, Expandable Cost: 25c Description: A collapsible water jug which can expand up to a ten liter capacity. Empty the jug is a 10cm x 30cm cylinder. Has built-in carrying handle. Water Purification Device Cost: 125c Description: A hand-held, muscle powered, purification device. Can filter four liters of water per hour. Comes with two, one meter hoses. Water Purification Plant Cost: 3500c Description: Basecamp sized purification plant. Will filter up to 1000 liters of water of all impurities each day. Requires an external power source. --------------------------------cut here------------------------------------ Character:______________________________ Player:____________________________ Career Class:___________________________ Level:____ Exp. Points:____________ Racial Type:_____________________________ Citizen Status:___________________ CON____ STR____ DEX____ INT____ WIS____ AGL____ PRS____ MS____ RES____ BOD____ SPEED____ Base Skill___% Base Strike___% Damage Bonus+___ Ht:______ Wt:______ Coloration:____________________ Eyes:_________ Sex:_____ Handedness:___________ Age:________ Movement Type:__________________________ Natural Armour:________________ Attribute Mod:______________________________ Natural Weapons:____________________________________________________________ Natural Abilities:__________________________________________________________ Carry (Str/2)_____kg Lift (Str x 2.5)_____kg Drag (Str x 5)_____kg Throw (Str/3)____m Running Jump (Str/10)____m Standing Jump(Str/20)____m Max. Bod/Con____ 1/2 Bod/Con____ 1/4 Bod/Con____ Max. Neg. Bod/Con____ Basic Training Skills: Career Class Skills: Basic Math ___% ___________________________ ___% Communicator Operations ___% ___________________________ ___% Computer Operations ___% ___________________________ ___% E-Suit Operations ___% ___________________________ ___% Emergency E-Suit Repair ___% ___________________________ ___% First Aid ___% ___________________________ ___% Hand-to-hand Combat ___% ___________________________ ___% Navigation ___% ___________________________ ___% Pilot Ground Vehicle ___% ___________________________ ___% Projectile Weapons (Hand) ___% ___________________________ ___% Read & Write TerraLingua ___% ___________________________ ___% Scanner System Operations ___% ___________________________ ___% Speak TerraLingua ___% ___________________________ ___% Zero-G Training ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% Cross-Training & Elective Skills: __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% __________________________ ___% ___________________________ ___% --------------------------------cut here------------------------------------ Armour Type:_______________ AV/Body -___/____ Agl Mod -___% Min Str____ Shield Type:_______________ AV/Body -___/____ Agl Mod -___% Min Str____ Helmet Type:_______________ AV/Body -___/____ Agl Mod -___% Min Str____ Melee Weapons: Type:___________ Att/Rd:____ Dmg:____+____ Strike Range:____ Min Str:____ Special:____________________________________________________________________ Type:___________ Att/Rd:____ Dmg:____+____ Strike Range:____ Min Str:____ Special:____________________________________________________________________ Type:___________ Att/Rd:____ Dmg:____+____ Strike Range:____ Min Str:____ Special:____________________________________________________________________ Type:___________ Att/Rd:____ Dmg:____+____ Strike Range:____ Min Str:____ Special:____________________________________________________________________ Thrown/Missile Weapons: Type:_____________ Att/Rd:____ Dmg:____+____ Ranges:______/______/______+ Point Blank Range:_____m Max. Rng:_____m Min Str:_____ Ammo Amount:______ Special:____________________________________________________________________ Type:_____________ Att/Rd:____ Dmg:____+____ Ranges:______/______/______+ Point Blank Range:_____m Max. Rng:_____m Min Str:_____ Ammo Amount:______ Special:____________________________________________________________________ Type:_____________ Att/Rd:____ Dmg:____+____ Ranges:______/______/______+ Point Blank Range:_____m Max. Rng:_____m Min Str:_____ Ammo Amount:______ Special:____________________________________________________________________ Type:_____________ Att/Rd:____ Dmg:____+____ Ranges:______/______/______+ Point Blank Range:_____m Max. Rng:_____m Min Str:_____ Ammo Amount:______ Special:____________________________________________________________________ Equipment List: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Notes:______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ---------------------------------cut here------------------------------------ 2442 CE January February Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 March April Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 30 31 May June Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 July August Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 September October Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 November December Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 30