Mother's New Boarder Chapter 6 Marleen's shrill yell of orgasmic release, as loud and tremulous as it was, blasted at Wendy's brain, sliced through her own climactic satiation, her first reaction being that she had been discovered in this lewd spectacle by strangers. She didn't know who or what had come along, only that somebody had and was screaming with terror or indignation or revulsion, and she raised herself from the warming, loving arms of David Preston, nearly fainting with fear, shaking the last comatose vestiges of her passionate response from her terror-stricken mind, the delights of cumming with this man's penis ejaculating in her lost as the need for escape ran rampant through her mind. Then, with a terrifying burst of recognition, she saw her mother! Her mother! Oh God above, nothing could be worse than this, the young teenager thought in wretched horror, that split second of comprehension that her mother was a few feet away searing itself on her reeling brain like a branding iron. She moaned as her eyes locked with her mother's, and then she looked down at herself, at her fresh, young skin flushed pink with her excitement, her dark-tipped breasts heaving and glistening with beads of sweat, and her pubic area nestling in between her clenched thighs, with their swollen, inflamed lips and abused cunt; at the whole of her naked, curvaceous body -- and she wanted the beach to open up and swallow her into the hell she deserved. Her vision took it in, her mind absorbed the view, but what happened next came so suddenly as to blot out evaluation other than the immediate one of who and where she was, and who had caught her nakedly entwined with a man like this. Her mother stood up from behind the concealing shrubbery, and a whole new picture of the depraved scene presented itself to shock the teenager almost insensate. Her mother wasn't standing in gaped-eyed horror at her daughter's lewdness, ready to bolt in tear-filled disgust -- she was tottering in shame, holding a pair of wet, pink panties in her hand, her face blanched the color of white flour and her expression that of shame and humiliation! Wendy's whole chest and throat felt as if a steel band was being tightened, for she tried to speak, but couldn't. She was immobile, held rigid by uncomprehending, tormenting, disbelief, but as the bushes parted and her mother started slowly across the small distance of sand to her, she saw for the first time exactly what the whole, filthy situation was like, and, in total disillusionment, the force of pent-up air inside her burst forth: "Mother!" "Wendy!" The wail sounded as if coming from the death-bed of a terminal patient in the last agonies of pain, and Marleen Franklin crossed toward Wendy and Preston the way a condemned man is led to the gallows -- without a choice, but devoutly wishing there was one... The stunned daughter stared wildly at the rumpled dress and ivory, naked thighs and the long rivulets of sperm which were staining trickles of consummated intercourse down the insides of her legs... and if there had been any doubt in Wendy's mind as to what had been going on, it was dispelled by the naked torso of Clyde Brooks behind her, crouched on the ground, his drained young penis rapidly deflating, but still hard enough and glistening enough to show the traces of what he'd been doing to her mother. In that instant, Wendy realized that her mother had just been fucked by her boyfriend while spying on her and David! It was impossible but true! She couldn't ignore the facts, and the facts made her fling herself from the older man she'd been fucking, her face drained of blood and her soul surging with loathing and horror. Her own mother! That was the horrible part, for such a decadent act as this was to be expected from such a boy as Clyde -- but it was her prudish, Victorian mother, that pillar of do-goodism and purity, that she couldn't control the unreasoning anger which seized her, and emitting an animal-like growl of disgust, and vengeance, she cried out: "Whore!" Marleen staggered from the blow of castigation, flinging an arm across her eyes. "Wendy, please Wendy..." "Don't talk to me! Don't say one word of explanation!" the girl shrieked, her emotions swirling in her head, "You're nothing but a nympho!" "Oh God," Marleen moaned, sinking to the sand, unable to make her feet go a step further to her daughter. This was the final point of no return. No longer could she hope to hold her darling child in her lap and cuddle her, or warmly and tenderly give her advice, or offer her security or mothering; tears flooded down her dress from the soul-sickness and self-loathing with filled her, and she shook as if infected with yellow fever from the knowledge that she had lost her daughter by the betrayal of her body and the moral turpitude that she'd allowed to blank her mind. Her guilt had been bad enough the night before, but then she'd been alone and could make adjustments -- but now, this time it wasn't in private, it was in front of two men and Wendy, and she knew that she was sick, no better than the whore her daughter spat as an accusation. "What the hell are you so upset about, Wendy?" Preston said, still sprawled on the sand and grinning a knowing smirk. At first he'd been as afraid as Wendy, but having adjudged the situation, realized that the mother had been fucking right along with them, he was feeling damned good. He was safe, and perhaps he could turn things around now and score with Marleen, making a mother-daughter combination out of things... "I mean it, little one," he said as Wendy turned to stare incredulously at him. "What was your mother doing that you weren't?" "That's different!" she yelled hotly, standing naked and wet, but defiantly with her small fists clenched to her firm, smooth hips. For Wendy was being ruled by hurt and pride, determined to believe that what had happened to her was somehow, some way all her mother's fault, refusing to admit to herself in the heat of the moment that any blame could be attached to her or that there was the slightest excuse for her mother's actions. And again, the closeness which had tied her and her mother so strongly since her father's death had instilled an image of her in Wendy's mind that no human being could possibly live up to, and a love which bordered on adoration -- the combination once so binding was now reversed, and the girl was enraged and bitter with the feeling of having been betrayed. "Sure it is," Clyde said snidely, coming over. He, too, was now enjoying the scene. It was the perfect aftermath to his revenge, and after seeing that the older man wasn't the least bit concerned about covering himself or trying to stammer out some stupid reason for having fucked the girl, he saw that where once the two females might have caused him and the man untold damage -- legally and socially -- now the tables had been turned. And Wendy had been the one to do it, with her stuck-up, snotty bitchiness; he didn't want Mrs. Franklin to suffer however, and only wanted to make things more difficult for the daughter, so he sneered at Wendy, contemptuous of her facade of righteous indignation. He ogled her outrageous stance, the sticky cum from Preston's many orgasms plastered to her pubic curls and alabaster skin, her nipples still hard from their arousal and wet from their many kissings, and her firm, tender body which was covered with the prints of the strong hands which had gripped her. "You're a fine one to talk, you little prick-teaser," he snarled. "Wouldn't let me fuck you last night, but you sure loved it here with this guy. So what makes you Miss Snow-White when you find out that your mom isn't any saint? It's not different at all." "You --" Wendy was beside herself with fury. "You bastard! Don't you dare talk to me like that! I could kill you!" "What for?" Preston asked calmly, looking up. "Why should you want to kill him?" "For... For..." the girl gasped, choking. She waved her hands at her mother. "For this!" "Mm," the man said, pursing his lips. "Would this be your boyfriend you were telling me about? Clyde?" "He's no boyfriend of mine!" "But he was fucking your mother, and now you want to kill him." A low moan of agony bubbled from Marleen's lips and she sobbed in a limp heap on the sand in a futile effort to cover her shame. "Yes!" Wendy snapped at Preston, "for fucking my mother!" "In that case, doesn't your mother have the right to kill me first? Weren't we fucking before they were? Well? Aren't you naked, caught in the act? You call your mother a whore and a nymphomaniac, but if that's true, aren't you the same?" "But she's my mother!" Wendy cried out, shaken by the onslaught of the two males. "Was she horrified that her daughter was being practically raped? No! She got turned on and ended up rutting like some beast, like a bitch with your damned dog, only with a boy half her age! That's the difference, Mr. Preston!" "Ohhhh," the mother wailed, cringing as if the words she heard were lashings from a barbed whip. "God forgive me, God forgive us all." She stretched up, her hands clasped imploringly in front of her toward Wendy. "You forgive me, my child. Please say you do." Wendy only turned her back. "I'll never forgive you for what you did. Spying on me like some horny old voyeur in a peep-show, getting your kicks, ending up screwing Clyde." "Oh, darling, I couldn't help myself. You mustn't hate me, Wendy, you mustn't. I've been so long without a man..." "So she saw us," Preston threw back. "Big deal. So she got excited by it, well that's human, too. Sex is exciting, Wendy; why do you think there's so much of it around? Look at the ads, the books, the films. Jesus, grow up and stop being such a prude." "A prude!" Wendy blurted. "I'm not a prude!" "You sure the hell are. You loved fucking with me, and yet you refuse to allow your mother the same God-given privilege, and refuse to admit that you were doing the exact same thing, right down to getting hot watching! You did get hot, didn't you, watching your mother fingering herself last night." "No," she said too quickly, blushing. "I was sickened." "You... you saw me?" Marleen asked incredulously and in a hushed, hoarse voice. "You saw...?" Oh God, it was worse than ever! "Well, I don't care if I did get hot," Wendy snapped defensively at Preston. "You sound as if you think it was great that my mother was doing it with Clyde while watching us." "I do... as long as she enjoyed it," he replied smugly. "And, and I bet you'd like to fuck her yourself!" "Yeah, I would, she'd be damned fine." He grinned lasciviously. "Fuck a hell of a lot like you, I'd guess." "Ohhhhh!" the disturbed teenager moaned, and she whirled around and dashed from the beach, tears of humiliation and confusion, anger and bitterness flying from her eyes, the shock of finding her mother making love to Clyde coupled with her own loss of innocence and the smarting remarks by Preston too much for her dazed, benumbed senses to handle. Her only thought was to run -- run anywhere as long as it was away from there. She crashed and stumbled down the path, not minding the briars and whipping branches that seemed to try and stop her. There was no more she could say or do, not now, not at any time. She'd never go back to her mother; never, never, never! "Wendy!" Clyde yelled, and spun to start after her, but Preston placed a restraining hand on his arm, preventing the boy from hurtling in chase for the girl. "Let go! Let go, you son of bitch!" Clyde roared at the man. "I've got to get to her before --" "Before nothing," Preston said sternly. "There's not a thing you can do for her right now, and you'd only make matters worse. Believe me. Stay here." "But --" "Her mother is the one who should go after Wendy." From the quivering, wretched woman lying on the ground came the murmuring, trembling chant, "No... No... No." "Yes, Marleen," Preston said, hunkering his naked body down beside her. "You must talk to her, somehow convince her that what she saw and did wasn't some horrid sin." Mrs. Franklin felt as if she was made of molten lead, her muscles ties of spasming knots which made her want to jump, but the pain in her mind throbbed with an irrational heat which forced her to lie still. She couldn't think, couldn't act... everything was secondary to the shame and remorse she wallowed in, the indelible self-accusation that she was everything her daughter had called her far more damning than Wendy's invectives. What difference did it make whether Wendy was being made love to, what excuse was it that her child was doing it first? None -- for that was what Wendy was, a child, easily led astray; she as her mother should be there to save her, to defend her innocence from sensuality instead of becoming a lewd partner in the wild debauchery. Her long entombed desires, bursting into freedom from the erotic presence of Preston, the brandy, and then the lascivious sight on the beach were the reasons for her actions, but not exonerations. She wanted to die... "Listen to me, Marleen," Preston said softly. "No, go away," she mewled defenselessly. "Leave me alone..." "You want your daughter to forgive you, don't you?" "Yes, yes, but she won't. She can't." "Nonsense! She shouldn't have to forgive you, because there's nothing to forgive..." "Oh God, there is," she croaked fervently. "I was like an animal, just like your dog's bitches in heat, just like Wendy said." "You were a human being. A woman, enjoying a man the way nature intended you to, and built half of your body to, and regulates your chemistry too. I told Wendy to be honest with herself, and I'm telling you the same thing, and if you'll be honest, you'll see that you had one hell of a good time and nobody was harmed, not as long as you don't go around thinking sex is dirty." "I never had another man except my husband," Marleen groaned. "Marriage... love... fidelity..." she babbled in a husky broken shell of a voice. "Sure, and when you find a man to love again, then the sex you have will be fuller and more meaningful than any other, but there's also the sensible truth that sex for physical gratification is also an important part to a healthy person's life. Now stop blaming yourself for being what you are and go after Wendy. She needs you..." For a moment, the mother hesitated in mindless turmoil, trying to sort out her upheaval of moral outlook. The amorality which Preston was propositioning was against everything she'd ever believed in or taught Wendy to revere, and he was wrong... And yet, she had liked seeing her daughter and Preston making love, liked it and became excited by it and had reveled in Clyde's young penis driving hotly up inside her vagina -- and it had been all too obvious that her daughter had loved Preston's cock inside her, too. She shook her head; how could she even admit that she wanted it this way? The revelation that she did made matters even worse, bothering her still more, for now she was sure she was sick and perverted, feeling no true shame for her actions, but only an emptiness and ache inside her belly which was even now crying out for more. Her flesh had not only betrayed her, but she knew intuitively it would again and again, if and when the opportunities arose. Slowly, like an automaton, she rose and straightened her wrinkled dress. She averted her eyes, wet and puffed, from Clyde and the man who had taken her daughter's virginity, a shiver of nausea rippling through her as she considered once again Wendy and her hatred. But in the one fact that she had to go after her daughter again, Preston was right. She had to make every effort to reconcile their disgraces, to rebond the tight adhesion between them. It was with that one slim hope, and the prayer that Wendy would have cooled down a little by the time she reached her, that made Marleen lurch forward in the direction her daughter had fled. "What do we do now?" Clyde asked, puzzled. "We wait," Preston said confidently. "We wait and let nature take her course. And then, in a little while, we'll go looking for them. You, me... and King." * * * Wendy Franklin, once virgin, once so sure of herself, slumped to the moss-covered ground in a small glade, panting exhaustedly from her running exertion and emotional frenzy. Her skin was pale and flowing with cold water in place of blood, and she was as confused a little girl as any could have been. She lay down, letting the last warming rays of the sun filter through the trees and dapple her soft skin, and she tried to sort out her ambivalent feelings now that the first, blushing shock of all that had transpired was wearing off. Mentally she was enmeshed in the guilt of having succumbed to temptation and allowed herself to display her sweet; tender pussy to Clyde last night, and abandon herself to David Preston today, and she swallowed and looked ashamedly down at her young, firm body with its snowy breasts and flat stomach and dark triangle of fleecy pubic hair, and she had to admit that there weren't any signs of dissipation, that outwardly there was no way of telling that she had just been soundly fucked -- except for the dried patches of Preston's sperm on her matted pubic hair and white, trembling thighs. Miserably, she realized that although her dream had been hopelessly shattered, that now her husband -- whoever he might be someday -- would no longer be able to tenderly enter her and possess her as a virginal bride, she wasn't entirely filled with abomination. There were the long-standing agonies to contend with, but they were in the back of her mind now, all of the warnings she'd been weaned on so much hot air after seeing her mother and Clyde. Her mother. She couldn't believe it about her, a woman so prim and proper about sex and morality, suddenly rolling in lewdness as if she was... she was... Wendy sat up, her eyes wide open and her mouth agape at the shock of the realization which tore through her reveries. Say it, she commanded herself; be honest with yourself if with no one else -- and to the woods and the silent world around her, she said it out loud: "My mother was acting like me!" The trees bounced her words, making them echo in her ears, and for the first time, the young teenager saw the wisdom in Preston's remarks. There was no difference between her and her mother; both of them were capable of sex! She saw now that her lashings were irrational, her accusations unjustified, and her mother's anguished plea to be forgiven and understood the really important thing. She bit her lower lip, wishing she could go back and change what had happened, and beg her mother for forgiveness and understanding and love in return, and then perhaps the two of them could make a joint effort to face their collective lives ahead with meaning and pride. Wendy was no longer filled with anger or loathing, but with a new and consuming closeness and love for her mother who had also just been fucked soundly by her boyfriend, just as she had been fucked by Preston. She wanted to rush back and tell her mother this discovery, for she vowed that from this second on, there would be no more false pretenses, no guilt or shame about what they were or would be in the future, and this knowing and sharing would bring them together closer than ever before. The lovely young child smiled, suddenly free, and she stretched out and thought that later, when things had calmed down, she and Mother could have a real heart-to-heart talk privately and openly. And she would tell her mother all about how she had lost her virginity today and wasn't sorry about it, any more than she was sorry that Clyde and her mother had been watching her and doing it at the same time. It was exciting thinking about that... about the way David Preston had split her little hymen, ravished her cunt, her breasts swollen and aching from his hands and lips, and the way she'd willingly allowed the man to fuck her over and over... And hidden behind her had been her mother, on all fours, her dress hiked around her waist, writhing in some lewd dance of lust, her body arching and quaking from the glistening hard cock that was being pumped demonically into her vagina -- the vagina which had produced Wendy... The marijuana, fed in such large quantities into her system, but temporarily balanced by the trauma of being found by, and finding out about, her mother, came back stronger than ever, making the erotic scenes vivid in Wendy's mind. Once more her heated blood beat headily with its effects, forcing her brain to dream and her flesh to react... She looked down at her nakedness once more, the little girl exploring her breasts and loins as the salacious thoughts filtered behind her eyes, and she found her body still sensitive in a delightful, tingling way, her moist young pussy still swollen and pink, her soft fringe of curling pubic hair parted to show her wet, tantalizing little vaginal hole. She slowly drew a finger there in curiosity, wondering what it was like now that a man's penis had invaded it, and she concluded that it was only slightly larger and far more sensitive than before; she let her finger draw its way from her tiny hairless anus to her throbbing little clitoris... David's cum is still wet and deep in my tight, newly awakened pussy, she thought warmly, no longer subject to the shameful feeling of sordidness she'd felt before. Wendy placed a hand on her tender breasts then, and she recalled how she'd watched with lewd fascination as her mother had massaged her own breasts while masturbating last night, and then she remembered how Preston had taken hers and made them come alive. Yes, alive, taut and puckish in uplifting supplication, and made her beg for his huge, ramrod cock to salve her palpitating cunt. She squeezed her breasts, feeling the surging of passion, and her thumb flicked gingerly over the hard, quivering nipple... God! What is the fire I feel? Wendy gulped, her breath ragged and pulsating. Control yourself... She gazed at her nude loins, seeing them outwardly calm but sensing them to be already burning with newly kindled desire. I just got fucked... I can't be wanting more... But she was, partly because of her freedom and introduction to the adult world of sex, and partly due to the aphrodisiac qualities of the marijuana which the unscrupulous David Preston had tricked her into smoking, and which was a rampant fog obliterating her normal tendencies. Her pink-rimmed cunt lips twitched and spasmed through the slight covering of pubic hair, and as sore as her vagina was, she spread her legs and drew the lips apart so that her pink flesh and clitoris were visible to her, and she gazed spellbound by the darker, wetter opening where Preston had so recently shoved his merciless cock over and over, and into which he'd spewed his continual loads of seething white cum. Groaning, she lay back on the soft mat of grass and moss, the blood fermenting as still more memories of Preston's thick, pulsing cock and heavy testicles and her mother's full-breasted and desire-hot body responding... Her hips dug into the earth and before Wendy could gather the strength to resist the compelling flames in her belly and pussy, she began rubbing her hand up and down her dark, moist vagina and smooth, satin-soft inner thighs, her fingers moving gently over her coral-tinged pussy lips. A roaring tide of arousal flowed over her as she did, and she started to heave and pump as she became more engrossed in her naked abandonment. I can't stop myself... But I don't want to, not any longer. I want to do everything, feel everything... and this isn't wrong, it can't be wrong... because Mother was doing it to herself... Marleen walked in a sort of stumbling, determined lurch, coming upon Wendy wide-splayed under a tree before she really knew what she was witnessing. She sucked in her breath, her eyes bulging as she saw her daughter jerking her hips off the ground and exposing her moist, hair-rimmed cunt to the world, and she was horrified to see Wendy's slender fingers pistoning with the regularity of a penis inside her throbbing hole. She stared, enamored for some unknown reason, unable to tear her eyes from the wanton display of self-arousal, at where she'd seen Preston's cock slide in and out and overflow it with his sperm, and which now was being ruthlessly manipulated by Wendy herself. The teenager was unaware that her mother was watching, whipping her fingers deep in her lust-dampened furrow, her legs bent wide to allow herself full access as she desperately massaged her slim youthful pussy-slit, her pink vaginal flesh red with excitement and her breasts rising and falling as she clenched her teeth, her head back and eyes shut. "Wendy," her mother moaned at the depths to which her daughter had sunk. Wendy looked up dreamily but never slackened her throbbing rhythm. She didn't care that her mother saw her like this, and in fact was glad, for this was the only way they could ever get together as she so fervently desired now. That, and the exquisite pleasure in her loins and flaming cunt was too good to halt; she had to continue to her climax. She smiled warmly, her answering voice throaty and in gasps. "Dear mother... I love you..." "You don't! You're doing this to torture me!" Marleen wailed. "You saw me last night doing this, and now... now you want me to feel even worse than I already do. Stop it! I beg of you to forgive me and stop torturing me!" "You... you don't understand, Mother. I love you, I really do... and I'm fingering myself because I enjoy it. We both know we play with our pussies, and there's nothing to be ashamed of. Love me... please come here and love me..." "You, you don't hate me?" Marleen asked incredulously. "No, no longer -- we're alike... Ahhhh, this feels good, almost as good as a cock inside me... We're the same, you and I... you've got the same right for sex... as I do!" "Darling!" Marleen cried out, and dropped beside her daughter, hugging her naked body to her, unable to comprehend the sudden change, but too relieved to question it. Her child didn't hate her... and that's all that mattered. Still Wendy didn't stop her manipulations, nestling close to her mother's breast, but her hand a burning, surging slave to her physical drives. Marleen tried to avert her eyes from the splayed cunt, at her child's loins undulating against her and the tender agitated pussy. "Stop it, darling." she moaned. "You must, really." "No," Wendy gurgled ecstatically. "I watched you... last night I watched you do the same thing to your cunt and I... I got excited as hell. Doesn't this excite you?" She panted breathlessly and parted her thighs wider and rotated her naked buttocks around, her fingers moving and encircling her sparse pubic curls and swollen vaginal lips as she pumped madly into her cuntal tunnel. Her brain was on fire from her delights, and goaded on to faster and faster action by the marijuana Preston had made her smoke. She couldn't stop -- she didn't want to stop -- and she had to make her mother understand this. Marleen's gaze was fixed on her daughter's cunt, her belly a thousand butterflies. She was awfully mixed up, because she had expressly gone after Wendy to try and be open and honest with her, only to find out that she was now the one who was being afraid to face reality. She'd lain in her bed last night and listened to Preston having his penis sucked and done the very thing her daughter was doing now, and she'd loved the feeling then... and as she watched now, she was drawn strongly by the natural attraction of flesh and blood, and she cringed, only to be pulled yet closer. It scared her, and made her throat go dry and as if trying to comfort herself, she soothingly caressed her daughter's naked back and shoulders, smelling the young, sweet hair and feeling Wendy's taut breasts against her bra-encased mounds. She suddenly realized that her child's question had to be answered, and it was with wrenching terror that Marleen sensed that her thighs were actually tingling with some kind of unwanted, perverted response to Wendy's immorality. "Tell me... tell me, Mother," Wendy demanded. "Doesn't this excite you? Ahhhh, it feels so goood..." "Wendy --" Her mother moaned, a deep moistness pervading her empathetic, dilating cunt, and little droplets of desire started to form on the fleecy pubic hair covering her softly swelling vaginal lips. She groaned and tried to fight off her natural inclinations, clenching her inner thighs together. "Wendy, darling..." "I'm being honest! I'm being grown-up enough to admit it," the drug-driven young teenager moaned. "Please Mother, please if you value our love..." "Wendy --" She shuddered as she stared harder at her child's glistening lips and rosette of her rectal opening, for she was excited, becoming more excited all the time, and she was forced to admit that she was strangely attracted by her daughter's dainty pink flesh and nestling clitoris and the delirium of Wendy's whipping masturbations. "Wendy," she heard herself say chokingly, "Yes, Wendy, I'm excited. Oh God, I'm excited by you!" "Mother... Dearest, loving Mother..." She took her hand from her breast then, unable to control the insatiable desire to touch her mother, and one trembling finger brushed against Marleen's satiny, firm thigh, moving upwards under the short summer dress. Wendy had always considered love between women as abhorrent, but as her hand massaged her inflamed pussy and clitoris, the teenager was charged with the contact of her mother. "Wendy!" her mother gasped, a sudden electric shock convulsing her body from the lancing touch of Wendy's fingers on her burning loins. It was the soft, feather-light creeping to her quivering vagina, the sight of her child's sensitive pink flesh and the way it flowered to the rubbing hand, the sights and sounds of Wendy making love on the beach and the joy of the young boy, Clyde's, penis fucking her... It was everything mingling with her strong, maternal love -- and it was not to be denied. She trembled and moaned from the salacious and unwelcome passions gripping her belly and breasts, for now Wendy had reached her moistly hot cunt and was moving up and down as she was in her own pussy, and Marleen was unable to stop from arching her buttocks and letting one leg slowly bend in response. "Stop, darling... Ohhhh, stop this. It isn't right... We're women, we're mother and daughter... Ohhh, it isn't natural..." "Pleasure is the only thing natural," Wendy said thickly. "The rest is artificial and false... Look at all of the pain and suffering we've gone through. No longer, Mother... I love you too much to allow it to happen again." Marleen couldn't reply, her voice caught in her throat, and her body wracked as her mind cried out in rejection. "Yes, you are excited, Mother. You like this as much as I do, and your pussy's so hot that you can't stand it." She stopped her own fingerings now, intent on sliding her one hand in and out of her mother's cunt and using her other to unbutton the dress. "You love me rubbing your vagina, just like you love fingering yourself or having a man's cock inside you... I want you naked, naked and beside me, because I want you to love me, love me deeply..." Marleen's face grew crimson. It's true, she thought miserably. She trembled with the ecstasy from her child's hand, realizing what the admission meant. Ripples of loathing coursed through her, but all was over-ridden by the inundation of her passion. No... not my own daughter... But her body heaved and pumped against Wendy's invading thrusts, her thighs widening as she was slowly undressed by the slim trembling fingers of her daughter. She was writhing on the moss now, more abandoned and out of control than ever before in her life, and she opened her mouth so that she could breathe better, only to find herself kissing Wendy's small ear tenderly. A thrilling desire to be released from the burning flames of the stimulation flooded her tormented mind, and unable to stop herself, she raised herself up and crossed her arms, removing the partially opened dress. It was a mute but unmistakable signal of surrender to the forces which were fully controlling her body and senses, and she didn't care... she couldn't have avoided it if she had. Wendy unclipped her mother's brassiere and threw it aside, and trailed a moist hand across Marleen's trembling skin, pressing her fingers harder into her cunt and then bending forward and kissing the tender nipple of one throbbing, white breast. She sucked as if she was a baby again, feeding at the bosom, nibbling with her teeth and feeling her mother's flesh palpitate as she curled her tongue around the enflamed tit. Marleen sighed from the intense stabs of pleasure which cascaded from the tingling white flesh of her inner thighs as Wendy's fingers rubbed up and down her open vaginal valley and grazed her erect clitoris as it teased the moist, clenched hole of her rectum. She whimpered as her daughter slid down beside her, nuzzling her whole body with hers, breasts to breasts, thigh to thigh, cunt to cunt, and she looked into the innocent, sweet face and saw the smile and sparkling eyes and she quivered with expectation. "Kiss me, Mother," Wendy whispered, breathing heavily. What's possessed me? her confused mind chanted. What's possessed us both? She stiffened as Wendy's warm lips closed over hers, and a darting tongue probed along her slightly parted mouth. After an instant of hesitation, the mother surrendered totally and opened her lips and let her daughter's tongue slide in, and their mouths fused hotly, and she found herself responding with all the passion she had ever had for her husband, sucking and drinking the warm saliva from Wendy's tender mouth. "Yes... Yes... Yes I want you, darling Wendy," she murmured as they broke apart, the wild abandonment to her own lewd desires making her head roll and her mind abandon itself to lesbianism -- to incestual lesbianism -- her brain totally destroyed by the lewd and perverted hot fire of lust consuming her cunt and breasts and mouth. After all the pain and suffering she'd gone through, beginning with the slow, torturous progression of years of denial, the culminating in shame and unleashed drives in one searing moment of libertine freedom, now nothing mattered except surrender to the crazed desires that charged electrically through her -- and her daughter's -- wildly undulating bodies. "Ohhhhh..." Wendy mewled with rapture. "I want to kiss you, Mother... I want to kiss your cunt..." "Oh, no, darling," Marleen Franklin whimpered. "Not that, that's awful... I never even allowed your father to do that to me." Her daughter shivered and moaned, but began to slide away, kissing her mother on her heaving breasts and running fire-hot trails of tongue and lips down her soft, flat stomach and rounded abdomen, down farther to where her fingers were pumping with maddening bliss. Marleen raised her head to watch in half-revulsion, half-captivation as her voluptuous child moved around -- she didn't think Wendy could do it, would do it -- but the teenager was already wriggling her lovely young moon-shaped buttocks over her face, her legs and thighs straddling Marleen's panting mouth and nose, and the mother stared with wide eyes up at the young, barely mature pink slit of her child's cunt, and the moist wetness of Preston's sperm still gleaming on her soft, dark pubic hair. Wendy gasped torturedly, all thoughts of right or wrong melting in the blast-furnace of her depraved emotions. She breathed in the beautiful bouquet of genital aroma coming from her mother's softly pulsating cunt, her own pussy below generating devils of sensuality and lust, and while she kept telling herself mindlessly that this was disgusting and that she had gotten carried away with the intensity of her love for her mother and should stop this, the small tendrils of shame and loathing which still clung to her soul only made what she wanted to do all the more lasciviously delightful and ravaging. Unable to control her secret longings any more, she dropped her head forward and blew a searing flame of hot breath into the open, pink well of her mother's naked vagina. "Aggggghhhhhh..." Marleen gritted through clenched teeth. But even as she tried to break free from the warm embrace she and Wendy were in, Wendy was planting long, fevered kisses around her thighs and lower belly, all around her passionately throbbing cunt which was roaring with unrequited needs, swelling and expanding the inner walls and outer lips. Marleen's mind whirled with indecision as her child caressed her loins with hands and mouth, but she was able to pull some semblance of resistance together long enough to clench her thighs and buttocks together. The whole concept of mouth to genitals had sickened her previously -- now it was a hundred times and hundred worse, for it was a young girl wanting to kiss and suck her vagina, a girl who was her own daughter! Wendy stared at her mother's tightly closed slit, at the way it quivered with desire, at the enticing pink flesh just hidden by the honeydewed black curly hair that her own fingers had raised to a froth of excitement, and she couldn't hold out any longer. She shuddered and moaned: "Open your legs, Mother dear." Her soft, urgent voice broke the strands of Marleen's will power, and she did, moaning slightly as Wendy touched the sensitive, blood-pounding skin and flesh. Wendy flicked out her small, wet tongue and teased one fold of her vaginal lips, and Marleen rose off the ground in involuntary reaction, and rotated her body slowly from side to side from the grazing tickle of her daughter's mouthing... Wendy eased more of her lips inside the wide-stretched cleft and found to her sublime horror that she got an enormous thrill from the contact, and she lashed out suddenly in a torrent of action, her tongue and lips invading with complete freedom, and she forgot where she was or what she was, or who was under her as her mind soaked up the ambrosia of excited female juices which poured forth from her mother's open split. Marleen groaned from deep within her belly, exploding from the salacious and unwelcomed passions which were surging from her tingling flesh. She heard Wendy gasp for air and then bury even her nose in the hungrily grinding mouth between her legs, and she begged her daughter to stop... stop before she couldn't endure the sweet agony and depraved immersion of her cunt. "No... No ... No..." she chanted weakly, twisting in the grip of her child's increasingly voracious tonguing, writhing as Wendy refused to stop, horridly aware that she herself was unable to break free from the open, hungry mouth which was glued to her insanely responding pussy. She wanted Wendy to stop... but at the same time didn't. She gazed upward at the triangle of dark, wet pubic hair undulating a few inches above, at the swollen ruby vaginal lips of the girl who was kissing her own pussy, and the lascivious sight of her daughter's cuntal area became beautiful and sublime. She tentatively brushed her fingers across the quivering stomach and saw that this made Wendy tremble and little droplets of secretion appear at the coral-hued edges of her vaginal slit. The skin felt so soft and hot to touch... Marleen let her hands rove up and down her daughter's body, circling her thighs and buttocks, though not having the nerve to dip into the pulsating crest of hair and flesh between the widened legs. She couldn't... she just couldn't! And then she was, finding to her shocked surprise before she knew what she was doing that she was clutching her child's firm white buttocks and drawing her head upwards, her face tangling in the softly tickling wisps of pubic hair with near spastic strength. Guilt at their actions surged through her for a fleeting moment, but all was overridden by her love -- by her physical love -- for Wendy, and her lips and tongue burrowed in the soft, recently sperm-filled cunt that was now resting upon her face, and she licked molten swaths all the way from her child's anus down to her vaginal hole and to her tiny, quivering clitoris, tasting the remaining male essence of David Preston's male ejaculation as she did so. "Ohhhhh," Wendy cried in a muffled voice. "That's it, Mother... Ohhhhh, that's it! Faster! Faster!" Wendy strained her loins downward into her mother's mouth with all her might. The marijuana was now working its full effect on her and coupled with the abandoned welcome to her unmentionable wish, she was beyond the point of comprehending anything except what she was doing. She salivated as never before as she tongued and kissed and slicked the pink, trembling flesh, and all the while Marleen was busy with the clenching confines of her wet, down-turned pussy as well. Wendy was about to burst from the volcano of lust inside her, and she thrust harder and harder, every inch of her on fire, and she felt herself cumming. The walls of Marleen's vagina grasped hungrily around her daughter's swirling tongue and her clitoris trembled from the driving lips and teeth. The muscles in her inner thighs and buttocks flexed against the torture of her untapped, unrestrained fury and she choked and gasped as she strove to bring her child to the same climax she was nearing... * * * And at the edge of the clearing stood Clyde Brooks and David Preston, and beside Preston sat the nervously whining King. They were all beadily watching the mother and daughter simultaneously absorbed in their writhing, undulating sucklings of each other's wildly squirming loins. Preston and Clyde stared bug-eyed at the matted pubic hair and pink vaginal slits and the licking, sliding tongues that slicked from the apex of their respective clitorises to the tender pink rose-buds of their anal orifices. Preston patted King's head affectionately. "What did I tell you, Clyde? They're together again. Heh, heh -- and really together this time." The boy could only groan in reply, his cock a straight, erect post throbbing painfully from the astounding, lust-provoking sight. He'd never seen two girls eat each other out before, much less dreamed of a mother-daughter combination! It was more than his young mind could absorb dispassionately, and he watched with increasing arousal on his own part as the slaving twosome bucked and spasmed insanely in their incestual orgy. Preston also was stimulated, his great penis trembling, its cock-head opening oozing seminal lubrications, and he stroked his fleshy shaft lightly, afraid that if he beat his cock too well, he'd cum all over the ground. Fiery sperm boiled in his testicles as he stared at the two on the grass, and then he turned to Clyde. He took his hand and began to stroke Clyde's prick as well, feeling the boy stiffen and then jerk his loins in a lewd pantomime of the sex rhythm. "You fucked Mrs. Franklin," Preston said as he saw the glitter of savage desire light the boy's eyes. "And I fucked the girl. Now let's each take on the other. What do you say?" "Yeah... Yeah..." the boy croaked. "Only let's do something different this time," Preston suggested. "I've a surprise waiting for that teenager's cunt, so have her suck your cock -- like she's sucking her mother's pussy now." "Ohhhh, yeah, yeah," Clyde breathed mindlessly. "And I'll shove my cock into that tight little asshole of the mother. How does that sound?" Clyde didn't answer. Already he'd broken free from Preston and was charging across the grass, his penis waving out in front of him like a battle standard showing the way...