Mother's New Boarder Chapter 5 The shadows of dusk fell across the warm, ocean-side community, and though there was enough light to see outside with, the sun just setting with streamers of orange and red, Marleen turned on the lamps of the shop. It had been a slow day, allowing her to contemplate life and her small segment of it, and worse, she'd allowed herself a few "medicinal" sips of brandy over the hours, and she stood teetering behind the counter, having just thrown the once-new, now-empty fifth of brandy into the garbage can. She knew that she'd drunk too much, and her head was spinning dizzily, but somehow that soothed the aching in her heart, deadening some of the creeping foreboding which stilled her heart with cold, skeletonous fingers. Wendy was out with that David Preston. She had been since early morning, Marleen sensed; there hadn't been any note, but her daughter hadn't come home yet, and neither had the new tenant or his dog. They had all been missing along with her boat right from the time she'd gotten up... so they had to be together. Doing what? Was darling Wendy safe with that man? Would he attack her, him and his brutal, savage, animalistic ways of sordid love-making, and would Wendy return with her mind warped and her body filthy by the corruption Preston would force upon her? The idea, the potential terror of such a happenstance made her almost want to vomit. She'd thought crazily about phoning the police as the hours wore on, but that seemed a foolish thing to do. For one thing, she had no idea that Wendy was in danger; it was still daylight, and Wendy had always been able to handle herself before, and since it was her boat that was gone, it was obvious that her daughter had gone along willingly -- perhaps even invited David along for a ride. If she should call the police and have them pick Wendy and Preston up, and it was all innocent, she'd never live it down, and Wendy'd never think that she was trusted anymore. And Preston -- well, his being friendly to the girl might lead him into a mistaken charge of molestation, the police aggravated by a hysterical mother... No, she couldn't call the police. Besides, as sure as she was that Wendy was out with Preston and King, she had no proof. She could be jumping to conclusions, and Wendy was somewhere else, with somebody else. Like Clyde Brooks for instance. Yes... yes, there was a good chance that she was with Clyde! She'd call the Brooks home right now; why hadn't she thought of that before? Quickly she stepped over to the counter with the cash register and small desk with its phone. She looked up the number -- not being as familiar with the Brooks family as her daughter was and dialed. The phone rang and rang... Hurry up, please... Her agitation was more emotional than rational, and even as she stood there, receiver pressed to her ear, she couldn't understand her driving sense of urgency. Hurry. "Hello?" "I'd like to speak to Clyde Brooks, please." "Speaking. Who's this?" "Marleen Franklin. Wendy's mother." "Wen -- ! Listen, Mrs. Franklin, I can explain about last night. You see --" "Last night? I don't know what you're talking about. Is Wendy over there with you?" Clyde sighed with audible relief. So the little bitch hadn't squealed on him, had she. But now he didn't understand; he sat down in the chair beside the phone, ham sandwich in one hand and the receiver in the other, a frown creasing his forehead. "No, no Wendy isn't here. We... had a fight last night." "Oh God." Marleen's voice was a dull, hollow mournful tone. "What is it, Mrs. Franklin? What's the matter? Has Wendy disappeared?" He knew he'd been rough on the girl, more out of anger and frustration than anything. In fact, Clyde had been sitting around, wrestling with the idea of apologizing to Wendy. Now her mother was calling, obviously worried to a fearful pitch. "Listen, Mrs. Franklin," he repeated, catching the fever of hysteria. "Listen, is she gone?" "Yes. I don't know where, only that the boat is gone and my new tenant and his dog are gone as well. I'm afraid that she'd go out with him, and --" "Stay right where you are, Mrs. Franklin," the boy said sternly. "Stay there, and I'll be right over and we'll go looking for them." "But -- "In my father's cruiser. Stay there, all right?" "Yes... Yes..." Clyde hung up and dashed out of the house, not bothering to change from his bathing suit in his haste. God damn that Wendy, going off with some other guy... he'd teach her, he'd fix her wagon good when he found her... Marleen placed the phone down and took a deep, shuddering breath. Well, she was doing something at last, even if it was only with her daughter's boyfriend. She staggered a bit, clutching the glass top of the counter, and thought to herself that if she was going to go out on the search with Clyde Brooks, she'd better start locking the store up for the night. Why not? Business wasn't going to pick up at this late hour, and she didn't want to wait on any more customers anyway. She was far too worried... David Preston would have laughed with delight at the turn of events, and as sure as Heaven above, Satan below was having his devil's chortle. The plans which were churning that very moment in Preston's lewd brain weren't half as diabolical as the coincidence which fate had in store for the Franklin daughter and mother... Twenty minutes later, Marleen and the boy were dashing across the tide waters of Reedsport Bay, searching all the nooks and crannies of the shoreline for signs of the Franklin boat. Clyde handled the craft expertly over the water, and the sun glistened in its last setting rays as if it had been wounded and was bleeding over the ice-blue frostiness of wet skin. But the mother wasn't enjoying the view, not in her agitated condition. "She must be here someplace, Clyde," she kept moaning. "She has to be... She wouldn't take the boat out past the breakwater. She knows better than that, especially with the tide changing." "Sure she does, Mrs. Franklin," the boy replied, and looked at her as she sat huddled against the bulkhead, staring through the glass without really seeing anything. He couldn't keep his eyes off her, off the rise and fall of her large, taut breasts and the smooth curve of her thigh through the short summer shift she wore. It was like looking at a reproduction of Wendy, he thought; not exactly twins, but the mannerisms, the way they act and talk and feel... Christ! He'd never really noticed the resemblance before, considering Mrs. Franklin just another mother to cope with and be around as little as possible while taking her daughter out, but she was quite a woman in her own right, and if this is how Wendy was going to look in twenty years, wow! "Mrs. Franklin," he said, "you're all wound up, like a watch spring. It isn't going to do any good, the way you are." Her head swiveled around and she managed to smile wanly at the boy. "I'm afraid I've already had a little too much brandy trying to calm down." "Well, there's a little pint of brandy in the shelf beside you, some very fine French cognac my dad keeps for chilly nights." "No, no thank you." "Well, I could use some," he said with a shiver. "I'm cold inside, if not outwardly." Without thinking about his age or the consequences, Marleen rummaged around in the shelf and produced a flat pint bottle of cognac, with only a couple of sips taken from it. She unscrewed the top and handed it to the boy, who took a large swallow of the dark amber liquor, and then he handed it back to her. "Go on, Mrs. Franklin. You're pale as a new sheet." She raised the bottle to her lips, suddenly in need of the strong alcohol in her blood, and gave a shudder as the smooth brandy coursed down her throat. She smiled at Clyde then, feeling herself blush with the pervading warmth of the liquor as it rushed from her stomach to her skin. "Better?" "Yes, thank you," she said, and took another large sip. Clyde laughed and had some more himself. He was a nice boy, Marleen thought; considerate and polite, and terribly handsome, with broad shoulders and boyish curls and strong legs bulging with the muscles from his athletics. No wonder Wendy was attracted to him, and in a strange, slight way she felt a little envious of her daughter for being so young and just starting out on her road of sexual relationships. Sexual was a strong word; she blinked at the audacity of her thought, and quickly corrected it in her mind to mean not necessarily the physical mating, but the whole involvement of two people. Yes, like she and Howie had had, and which now seemed to be denied her, her life as a woman dead... And reflexively she raised the bottle to her mouth again and drank deeply, coughing slightly as the hot liquid fired her belly. She was beginning to feel numb again, and wondered if she shouldn't stop drinking, because she wanted a clear head when she finally found her daughter and/or David Preston. Or did she? Did she really want to be perfectly aware of what was going on, what veneer she was going to have to paint on herself in order to act the proper mother toward Wendy -- when after last night she knew that she wasn't that kind of person underneath? No, no she wanted to be a little high so that the play-acting could be easier, and so that she wouldn't have to think about her own guilt so much... Once more she tilted the cognac bottle, and it felt good and warm and comforting inside her, and she began to feel better, much better, able to handle the situation, whatever it might be... They passed the old landing site for the Prohibition rum- runners, and then the sprawling Garbonzo estate, now mostly in advanced decay, and turned into a small inlet which Clyde knew to be a popular area for moonlight "parking," full of flat little beaches and overhanging trees, with the tall, statuesque pines and covering shrub climbing on steep hills on both sides, adding to the privacy. He slowed, idling the engine because the water was shallow and his father's cruiser had a larger draft than most of the other craft that used this inlet, and he didn't want to chance shearing a cotter pin or breaking a prop. To Marleen, the inlet was strange and the darkening shadows of the trees over the lapping water filled her with portent; she shivered, drinking the brandy in a vain attempt to ward off the icy grip on her heart... Suddenly, Clyde said: "Look! There, Mrs. Franklin!" Marleen strained forward, trying to clear her somewhat blurred vision; yes, there was the boat, and she could see the large German Shepherd, King, and the indistinct outlines of two people on the beach. She couldn't quite make out what they were doing, however, and asked the boy beside her: "Dear God, what are they up to?" "I don't know," he admitted. "We'll have to go and find out." "I-I'm afraid," she said, drawing back. "I thought that's what we came out to do!" "Yes, it is, Clyde, but..." She couldn't tell him the truth that she was mortally afraid of what she would discover, of the scene she would be forced to witness and react to, with the certain knowledge of the horrid consequences. The bodies she was peering at seemed to be together, so joined, as if... as if... God, she couldn't even let herself think of what it reminded her of! "I've never spied on Wendy before, Clyde," she said for lack of anything better. "I wouldn't want her to believe I don't trust her any longer." "We have to do something," the boy said impatiently. "You'll feel better if you knew what she was doing, and so would I. But if you don't want me to drive the cruiser up on them, then we'll stop over there --" he pointed to a similar cove a hundred yards from the beach on which Wendy and Preston lay, and almost directly across from him, "-- and wade ashore and walk around so that we can see them without them seeing us. Then we'll know what to do, and they'll never have to realize they've been watched if we decide to go." "All-all right, Clyde. I guess that's the best." He moved as close to shore as he could and killed the engine. He slipped into the water, and then helped Marleen over the side and into the warm, salty current. She had her shoes off and held her dress high, the water lapping around her lower thighs; Clyde could see the outline of her sheer pink panties, the elastic at the bottom as it hugged her slim, well proportioned legs, and he couldn't help thinking that her legs were every bit as good as her daughter's, and when a wave bit her high, drenching her from the waist downwards, the dress clung to her firm buttocks and he recalled the way Wendy had looked last night... there was a surge of tingling in his loins, and unwontedly, his cock began to swell in his trunks, adding a bulge of noticeable size. God damn! He was actually getting excited by this woman... what a hell of a thing to happen! They reached the shore, the dress was lowered, and she put her shoes back on her slim feet, but her body was still a graceful attraction, distracting the boy more and more in sheer lascivious fascination. He wrenched his thoughts back to what he had to do now, and led the frightened mother to a small path at the back of the clearing, which he knew from experience meandered behind all of the little coves in a connecting foot trail. They stepped silently along the needled ground, and had gone about seventy yards when the path dipped on a slant towards the clearing where Wendy was. King, sensing the approach of strangers, sat up and barked. Marleen stiffened. "The dog! Do you think that now they'll know we're here?" Clyde placed his hand gently on her arm. "Shhh. Let's wait a minute and see. I don't think so, though..." King barked again, and then there was a gruff command which Marleen immediately knew came from her tenant. "King! Goddamn it, stop making all that noise..." The dog ignored the order, for it began to bark even louder. The mother and the boy stood in the underbrush, their breaths caught in their throats, his hand now tighter on her arm, and she in turn was responding by leaning somewhat toward Clyde for protection. "King!" Preston snapped, and then strangely he laughed. "Stop it, King, stop licking my ass! Go on, go over there and lie down. Easy there, big fellow." Stop licking my ass! His words were like shrapnel to the mother, exploding in her head with shattering impact. And then, adding insult to injury, making Marleen stagger backwards and almost fall down, she heard her daughter's higher voice, thick and distorted, squeal out with intensity she'd never heard before. "Ohhhh, to hell with that dog, David. More, more, more!" "Wendy!" Marleen gasped. She bolted for the clearing, and only the hand on her arm restrained her. "No, Mrs. Franklin, no!" Clyde hissed. "Let's be careful. That's still the best way." "Yes, but hurry," she moaned. She allowed him to guide her to a small spot which because of the low overhanging tree boughs, she was forced to kneel on the thick grass and part a bush in front of her in order to see. Clyde was right behind her, hunkering down so that he could see into the clearing as well... There was King, again lying off to one side, eyeing them because he naturally knew that they were there, but following his master's orders not to interfere again... Marleen's vision moved from the dog to the sand and water and... My God! to the nakedly writhing couple on the sand, her only daughter and that stranger! "Ahhhhh, fuck me, David, fuck me as hard as you can!" she heard her Wendy cry out in rapture. "You little hot vixen, you'll kill me at this rate!" she heard David Preston rasp cynically. His sinuous body glistened with perspiration, and was on top of Wendy's beautiful, naked young body, wrapped between her slender, straining legs, while his powerfully flexed buttocks pumped maddeningly and his lips nibbled hotly at one tender breast. There was the soft slap of their bodies meeting and the wet surge of Preston's giant penis as, hard and shining, it penetrated the soft, once virginal little cunt. Their expressions on both their faces were of pure lust, their bodies a blending tempo of passion... Wendy's mother's mind whirled convulsively, unable because of the brandy to fully fathom the scene. Her daughter... but it couldn't be, because Wendy was a virgin! No, no it's some other girl... "Jeee-zus!" Clyde whispered behind her. "Look at Wendy go!" Marleen wriggled with shock and revulsion, trying to crawl backwards and away, to go out and stop them, but the boy held her steady. "Let me go!" she hissed. "Let me go! That's my daughter!" "I know, I know, but you can't go out there now," Clyde argued. "You do, and it'll ruin everything. Christ, she'll never forgive you. Talk to her later tonight, when she's cooled down and you're rational. Talk it out and be sensible, but don't go out there now!" "Ohhh," Marleen mewled, tears beginning to flow. "My darling Wendy..." She instinctively realized that Clyde was right, that for her to run out and break them up would only lead to a wild, emotionally uncontrollable scene which might very well tear the fabric of their filial relationship. She had to be calm about it, accept the fact that Wendy was experiencing the physical embrace of a man, and then to confront her later when they could both be more logical... She slumped against the boy, delirious with the view of Preston's gleaming cock sliding fiercely into her young child's wide-splayed belly, sinking his blue-veined shaft far into her tender cunt lips. Wendy squealed again from the delights of being so brutally fucked, and her mother winced, thinking in her dazed, drunken stupor that that was how she had reacted to Howie when he was so forceful and hot. Clyde was sucking his breath fervently, his eyes shimmering with the lust-provoking lewdness of the coupling. His penis jerked painfully in his trunks, his balls burgeoning with a huge build-up of cum, the cum he'd saved up from last night's abortive attempt to fuck Wendy. Christ! Wendy loved cock! He'd never seen anything so utterly abandoned as that little girl's hungry responsiveness to being pummeled... and she'd acted the innocent last night, swearing she was a virgin! What shit that was! Well, he'd get her next time, he'd see to that; he'd fuck her and fuck her and then drop her prick-teasing body on her doorstep like the garbage she was... And as he dreamed of being the one shoving his cock into the hotly sucking little hole between her legs, he got more excited than ever, and unwittingly, drawn by the carnality, he pressed against Mrs. Franklin, his hardening cock sliding in the crevice between her buttocks as she leaned forward in front of him... Marleen was unmindful that she was resting back against the swelling length of the boy's throbbing cock, causing it to grow larger and stiffer and seep tiny drops of seminal fluid. Her mind was clouded by the alcoholic miasma of shock and recollections of what delights a man's penis could bring, and though a warning voice sounded that she was slipping over the edge again as she had last night, she didn't hear it or pay any attention. She was beyond all rationality, her flesh a separate entity from her mind, and she couldn't command her lovely body to break free from her own bondage or the tightening, thrusting physical hold that the boy behind her was increasingly pressing upon her. She couldn't do anything except kneel there and peek through the brush and watch the flagrant defiling of everything she'd ever considered sacrosanct. Clyde was moving his erect penis along the smooth, warm curve of her rounded ass-cheeks, his breathing harsher than ever and he knew that he was becoming aroused to the point where he'd fuck anything, even that fat pig Rosey, to relieve the burning pain in his loins. But in front of him was a very desirable woman -- a little old for him perhaps, but like fine wine; this one had mellowed with age and not turned into vinegar like so many others had. She was there and she was allowing him to rub his cock up and down her buttocks, and she could be his to fuck... He knew it, and he wanted her, he wanted to fuck Mrs. Franklin while they watched her daughter getting fucked, and not only would that pop his nuts, but it would be just the right revenge to play on the girl. Crazed with increasing lust, spurred on by the lascivious sight they'd happened upon, he began to knead the mother's buttocks gently while he stroked her crevice with his shaft of hard flesh, and said: "Look at them, Mrs. Franklin. They're really fucking..." "Don't talk that way!" Marleen groaned pitifully. "And... and take your hands off of me, Clyde. This instant!" But Clyde wasn't about to release his hold, and he pressed his stiff member firmly into her quivering ass, bunching her dress up into the soft yielding crevice. Then, unable to control himself, he moved one hand forward and around underneath Wendy's mother, caressing one distended breast, making her squirm and moan and shake uncontrollably. "Stop it, Clyde... Oh God, please stop it... You don't know what you're doing," she whispered back at him. "Yes I do, and you do too, Mrs. Franklin." Marleen's liquor-crazed, shock-torn mind comprehended then, and she tried to stop what was going on, but it was futile. She couldn't move, her position a concrete statue, and his hand on her breast was somehow too pleasant to fight. And then she became aware for the first time that the boy's penis was hard and was teasing along the crevice of her buttocks, moving with the same rhythm as Preston's was in and out of her daughter's open vagina! Clyde! He was excited by this! My God how could he be! She was seared by the terrible carnage of her daughter that was happening before her burning eyes, and she was confused and torn with conflict... and now her daughter's boyfriend was kneading her buttocks and breasts while his penis pressed against her! She had to fight this! She had to fight with all of her strength, but in such a way that her daughter would never know that she was here; Good Lord, she must! But the soft fingers gently teasing her breast and the erect shaft caressing her unresisting cleft was too much for her to bear, and all she could do was whimper as lascivious crudities were continued upon her flesh, murmuring over and over: "No... No... No..." And slowly, intensified by the brandy and frozen by the horrid orgy she was witnessing, the hapless young mother began to feel strange stirrings of new and lewd emotions, becoming a mindless cretin hypnotically staring at the perverted intercourse between Wendy and Preston. She couldn't allow herself to admit that she was being aroused, that the revolting ugliness which was straining her soul was being replaced by a tighter, freer sensation coming from deep within her thighs. The insides of her mouth were dry, but she felt a growing wetness around her vagina, and she clamped her legs together to shut the unwanted ticklings off. But the lewdly fascinating sight of her daughter, acting so much the way she had with Howie when she hadn't been much older, overran her barriers and defenses, and she couldn't resist the tempting strokes of the boy behind her, which added fuel of passion to her already hot, drunken brain. Bared to the bone and marrow of her needs and drives, Marleen Franklin allowed herself to become what she'd so long denied herself to be: a woman. A woman! And the woman, viewing two other humans mating, responded as the basic, natural female human would: heatedly, passionately, sensuously... She couldn't fight it, couldn't put the lid back on after the pressure of the situation had blown it off. It was too late, and due to the many years of satisfied sexual life with her late husband, her body was like a Phoenix bird, rising from the ashes of her past, rather than like her daughter, from the new-birth of discovery. And though repulsed by the conscious knowledge that it was Wendy out there on the sand being fucked, at the same time she was drawn strongly by that fact, subconsciously watching herself as a young girl relishing sex. She felt each powerful thrust of Preston's cock as if his long shaft was buried deep in her own cunt, and that only excited her more... Her nipples were hard nubs of passion, and lances of prurient desire soared ever stronger through her body; she had gone without sex too long, and now she was fevered with the uncontrollable urge to mate, a raging inferno consuming her vagina and hips, and involuntarily, she thrust her buttocks back against Clyde's prick, drawing it closer and tighter into the valley between her smooth rounded ass cheeks, moving her chest so that her breasts rubbed harder against his probing fingers. Breath spewed in and out in gasps, her nostrils flared, her glazed eyes locked on the wildly fucking couple a few yards away. The boy bent Marleen forward slightly with the pressure of his body, his hands working on her swollen breasts and buttocks, and then he took his hand away from her backside and lifted the hem of her damp dress upwards, until her bare thighs were white and shiningly presented to his lusting gaze. He bunched her dress around her waist and then his nimble fingers slowly caressed the soft silkiness of her sheer panties, tracing around their secretion band and the deep cleft of her vaginal lips. Marleen moaned softly so as not to be heard by the lewdly fucking couple on the beach. "It feels good, doesn't it?" he whispered lewdly in her ear. "It feels good... but it's going to get better!" The mother tried to pull away, but a ravishing shock rippled along her belly as Clyde Brooks slipped his hand under her thin panties and inserted his middle finger into the narrow, sensitive slit of her wetly throbbing pussy, slowly parting her curly pubic hair and making electric contact with her clitoris. She sobbed, choking, but there was nothing Marleen could do against the mounting pleasure suffocating all thoughts of resistance, and to her horror, she discovered that she was reacting with wetness flowing around his hand and an unintentional flexing of her loins in a mockery of the act of love. Weakly she rolled her head back and forth in protest, but couldn't fight back when the boy bent forward a little more and slid her panties down her full, ripe buttocks and voluptuous thighs, or when he raised first one leg and then the other to remove them altogether and throw them aside, stained and dirty. "God, Clyde, this is insane! Stop it! Please, stop it!" "Why?" he asked throatily, his fingers once more exploring the now swollen, aching lips of her vagina. "I want to fuck, you want to fuck... look at your daughter, Wendy, and that naked man, Mrs. Franklin, and you'll see that they are loving it!" Marleen gaped, her attention riveted momentarily on her daughter and their new boarder, seeing his thick, fleshy column slide in Wendy's wet, hair-fringed little cunt, and the cords along her inner thighs hard and gripping as she pushed her tight pink pussy up over his gleaming shaft, slithering up Preston's cock, her heaving thighs and buttocks churning the sand, his hairy balls slapping in time against her faintly puckered anus. "See that, Mrs. Franklin?" Clyde taunted, and he began to wrench his bathing suit down, his urge to fuck his girlfriend's mother beyond all control. "See? She's got her legs spread wide open so that his cock can fuck her deep, right up to her belly!" "Ohhhhhh, God," moaned the abjectly defeated woman. She saw out of the corner of her eye that the boy was removing his trunks, and saw his hard, thick cock in his hand as it leapt full-sized from his loins. Then she felt him spread her buttocks and guide his penis forward, its thin shine of lubrication over its purplish head wetting unnecessarily her already matted pubic hair. She groaned as the first hard pressure teased against her pussy lips and she automatically moved her buttocks around so that it was just right and poised rigidly at her moistly waiting channel... "I'm going to fuck you now, Mrs. Franklin," Clyde wheezed. "Yes, oh yes!" She no longer cared who it was, whether he was a boy or an old man, just so long as he had a cock to shove in her. She spread her thighs wider and he slid his penis into her tender flesh, and slammed all the way until every last throbbing inch of his fleshy shaft was gripped deep up in her unresisting vagina. She felt fantastically warm and was reduced to a state of quivering, seething womanhood. Oh God, he feels good inside me... I'd forgotten just how good a man can make me feel... Clyde drew his swollen cock out of her hotly clinging cunt and then slid it home again, drawing it out once more to stare down at its full glistening length, slick with her lubrications, and then he surged forward into a pattern of fucking, a pumping into her cuntal passage in the same tempo as Preston was fucking Wendy. "Ahhhhh," Marleen crooned delightedly, unable to restrain her agonizing yet rapturous moanings which burst like bubbles from her lungs. "Ahhhhh, yes... Yes!" Her legs twitched and her toes curled and dug into the soft grass and moss and she lurched back to receive more of his heavenly pounding cock, her fists gripping the bush in front of her. "Ohhhhh, yeeeeesssss!" The mother's firm breasts danced wildly below her churning body, her bra barely able to contain them. Clyde bucked and twisted, kneading her naked white buttocks convulsively, wrapping the hot, moist, shimmering flesh tight around his pistoning shaft, his mind insane with the pressure of his impending climax, his testicles a ferment of lust, Wendy's mother was lost in the throes of lewd, unchecked sensations which she realized signaled an orgasm... God! An orgasm! How long had it been since a man had given her an orgasm? Years! Six years... and how could she have been so blind to deny her body this delight! The very thought of her near climax made her join in and match the hardened thrusts which her daughter's young boyfriend threw into her cunt with ever increasing rapidity. She had to cum... she had to cum... she had to achieve that rapturous and ultimate release! She continued to stare at her daughter, her grown seed, as Wendy bucked and howled from the same building demand for orgasm. Marleen watched with lust-fogged eyes as the teenage girl jack- knifed her legs straight up in the air and a high, thin wail bubbled from her lips. Her daughter was there! Wendy was cumming! The girl beat her hands on Preston's glistening back, her lips pulled over her white, sharp teeth, her eyes clenched shut. "Ahhhhh! I'm cumming again, David! I'm... cuuuummmmiinnnggg!" Preston's large body hurtled downwards without restriction in an insane fury as his own climax hit, and his balls convulsed with their spasming shoots of hot sperm, inundating the tight pink belly of the girl beneath him for the third -- or was it the fourth -- time that day, mingling with his other orgasms and her lubrications, gushing from her tightly locked hole and spewing onto her buttocks and the sand below. The mother's vagina gaped in greedily responding passion, taking all of the young boy's penis that he was now sawing mercilessly into her, and then she felt his cock expanded like a huge, unrelenting animal, filling her with a raging and hurtling torrent of thick, sticky cum. It was a dream... a delirious nightmare! God, may she never wake up from it! Gusher after gusher poured through his virile young shaft, filling her eagerly milking cunt to its brim. "Yesssss!" she squealed loudly, unmindful of where she was or who might hear, overcome by the heated spurts of boyish semen which lashed her cervix and the tidal wave of her own climax. She came. Oh Lord above, she came! "Ahhhhh!" It was the most beautiful thing that she could remember ever having happened to her since Howie died. The last time she'd been made love to was so dim in her memory that it was almost like this was her first time all over again, and incomprehensible gurglings rose ecstatically from her slender throat, and she was all but rendered unconscious by the sledge-hammer blow of her orgasm. Her legs grew limp and she slid forward, off the now limp penis of the boy behind her, blissfully satiated... But after a moment's respite, a semblance of sanity returned and she saw now with clear vision her daughter, barely old enough to know what sex was about, wrapped in the arms of their boarder, David Preston, but sitting up with her legs bent in such a way as to show the soft matted pubic hair of her recent climax, the older man's glistening white sperm clinging in tiny droplets to it. And Wendy was staring, her eyes as big as saucers, right at her mother. Marleen froze, humiliation and terror replacing the joy of a second ago, and tears flooded down her face as she realized that her cry of orgasmic release had been heard by her daughter and Preston, and that she and Clyde had been discovered. She slowly staggered upright, bent over to retrieve her flimsy panties, benumbed and sick, her senses a whirlwind of contrition. Without really thinking about what she was doing, only feeling that it was the only thing, the best thing under the circumstances, she turned and slowly started for her daughter. "Wendy..." "Mother!"