Mother's New Boarder Chapter 4 Morning arrived all too soon. The alarm clock went off, awaking Marleen, and she slowly came around to consciousness with a fuzzy, distant, half-jointed awareness. She turned over, at first curious as to why she was naked and on top of her covers -- and then she recalled the previous night, what she had heard and done, and a wash of shame and self-loathing flowed over her. Quickly she padded to her closet and put on a chenille robe, not wanting to be reminded further of her indiscretion by seeing her nakedness openly displayed, and she buttoned the robe all the way down and up to her neck, covering her flesh. Barefoot, trembling and clutching the hem with her hand, she stepped into the livingroom, almost fearful that Wendy would see her like this, and crossed to the kitchen, where she plugged in the percolator. The apartment was strangely quiet and solemn, the way a tomb might be... she wondered if her daughter was awake yet, then saw that her bedroom door was ajar. She glanced at the clock over the stove: eight-thirty. Wendy was up and gone awfully early, but then that wasn't incredibly unusual, and Marleen didn't worry about it any more than she'd worried about Wendy being out with Clyde the night before. She'd open the store in an hour, and sooner or later Wendy would come home... She poured herself a cup of steaming hot coffee and sat down, staring stony-eyed at nothing in particular, her thoughts hazy and tormenting. Poor little Wendy; she had no idea what kind of mother she had, and had Marleen caught her masturbating the way she had last night, she'd have made quite a scene. Her shoulders slumped and her head bowed with the knowledge of her self-abuse, and she asked herself over and over the sickening question whether her six years of sexual chasteness had left her so weakened that she had to resort to manipulating her own breasts and vagina for satisfaction, whether she was on the verge of nymphomania, unable to control her emotions... No, no it was because of David Preston. Not that she blamed her tenant for being the way he was, getting that girl of his up to his room and having her suck his penis... it was because there was something about him which seemed to release all of the locks she'd carefully placed on her body and feelings, and that if she'd heard some other man doing the same thing last night, it wouldn't have affected her anywhere near as strongly... and so for her own sake he'd have to leave at once before things got out of hand. It might not solve everything perfectly, she told herself, but it would be a start. As soon as she saw him, she'd tell him to go. It was useless to chastise herself further about her masturbation; she couldn't wipe it off the slate of her life. It was done and the best thing to do would be to learn from it, and that she'd have to watch herself more closely in the future, even after David Preston was out bag and baggage. She hated to part with the two hundred dollars he'd given her, but that was a cheap price to pay for her sanity, and she was only lucky that no permanent harm had been done. After all, nobody had seen her finger herself while listening to the nakedly groaning couple next door, and it wasn't very adult of her to torture her mind with childish guilt as if she had been viewed by others. Yes, she said to nobody in particular, yes it was very lucky indeed that Wendy was out on a date last night and didn't know the horror her mother was experiencing... * * * Wendy awoke an hour earlier than her mother, one of the many times she'd woken during the night. It was useless to try and sleep, she decided, and she wanted to be gone before her mother awoke; she didn't know what she wanted to do, but she knew that she didn't want to face her, not yet, not until she had sorted some of her confusion and resentment out and resolved a few things in her own mind. She decided to sun herself on the porch, though because of the new tenant she knew that she couldn't go bare-chested as she had been doing, and so she slipped on her magenta colored bikini and her terry-cloth beach robe that came just below her thighs, and silently padded out the apartment door and to the porch. She was deeply troubled by the shattering knowledge that her mother was a sensual and carnal woman, not at all saintly and above the "sins of the flesh" she had warned Wendy to avoid. There was nobody Wendy could turn to, nor was she sure of her own feelings, sensing little save a kind of reeling numbness; not hating, not loving, not really anything but confusion. She was surprised to see David Preston down in the yard, playing with his dog. He was only in a pair of faded dungarees, and she gasped with admiration at the way the early morning sun rippled across his fine, exposed chest, his muscles firm and his skin copper. God, but that man's built, she thought peripherally, and so confident and virile. Clyde's only a boy compared to him. He was so graceful and lean as he played in barefoot happiness with his large, romping dog, throwing a rubber ball against the fence for it to catch. And the dog was just as magnificent, whipcord taut and large, with a glossy coat that wasn't too hairy and yet gave a shining covering of rich, fur-like texture. David Preston laughed and King barked joyfully at the exercise as he took the ball from King's massive jaws, and he was about to throw it again when he saw the figure of the lovely young girl on the porch. He stopped, transfixed as the sunlight caught her beauty, her lithe, innocent ripeness. Her terry-cloth robe was untied, because the day was already uncommonly warm, and the creamy down of her smooth skin was displayed, barely covered by the thin strands of her bikini. Her mouth was parted and her teeth slightly bared as she looked down at him, and the sun seemed to focus on the triangle of her petal-like vagina, presenting it to him as if it was an offering there to be taken by his huge, stabbing cock. Her high, inviting globular breasts were barely restrained by the tight top, jutting out like twin hillocks, waiting to be climbed, and legs, so slender, so smoothly curving into her inner thighs and firm buttocks seemed to beg him to step up to her and bury himself between them. His cock strained against his pants as he gazed with increasingly lusting eyes up at the beautiful teenager, his mind devilishly churning with lascivious and devious thoughts as to how best bring her under his control and body... Suddenly laughing, Wendy held her pose for a moment, thumbs pressed against her slender, sculptured sides, fingers splayed across her belly. "Mr. Preston? What're you doing?" "Exercising King," he called back. "Come on down." "All right." She giggled delightedly and disappeared from view, only to appear a few minutes later at the back door. She came across the yard, provocative in her walk and stance without even being aware of her natural sensuality. "Gee, you have a nice dog, Mr. Preston." "Call him King," he grinned at her as she patted King's head. King lolled his tongue out appreciatively and panted. "And call me David; it's a lot less formal between friends." "Oh? Are we friends?" she said coyly. "Aren't we?" He knew this was a game, a teasing game that teenage girls love to play and never mean. He knew it and went along with it. Lose a battle, win the war... "Sure we are, I guess, David. And I'm Wendy." "I know. I heard your mother call you yesterday." "Oh her," she grimaced. Normally, such a reaction would be expected of a girl, it being no more than the usual unmeant disdain for parents, but Preston caught a deep undercurrent of true feeling behind her casual remark. Being the man he was with his devotion to seduction, he felt that there might be a weak point in which to drive the wedge of his cock; with the jungle instinct of a predatory lion of long experience, he began shaping a plan of attack around that innocuous throwaway comment. "Where's your girl-friend?" Wendy asked slyly. She hadn't forgotten about the moans and growls of lust which had been emanating from his room while her mother masturbated. That didn't bother her -- after all, David was a man, and such things were to be expected of him; her mother was the seed of her anguish. "You know, the blonde one you had in your room last night." If Wendy had the impression he'd blush like the boys she knew would have, she was mistaken. He threw back his head and laughed uproarishly. "You know about Gloria, then?" "Sure, the whole block does, you were making so much noise." "What the hell, can't two people enjoy themselves?" Wendy changed the subject, feeling it was getting a little too intimate for her; she wanted to escape lewdness, not get more of it. "I thought she'd be over here today with you," she said casually, but she felt her cheeks beginning to burn. David chuckled, the man catching the blush on her pretty face. "Yeah, she left early to go to her brother's place. She'll be living there, you see." "Oh..." "You planning to sun-bathe?" he asked nonchalantly. "Well... there isn't anything else really to do," she replied. "But I'd sure like to get away from here. You have a car?" "Gloria's got it." "Oh, yeah. Gloria." "Come on, Wendy, she's just a friend. I'm not married to her." "You sleep with her, don't you?" she blurted out before she'd realized what she'd been thinking. She averted her eyes, angry at herself, and embarrassed at the way David laughed at her again. What do you know about sex, little lady?" "More than you think," she said grimly. "More than you think." He chortled again. David lewdly thought about the pawing, groping hands of the local kids on her tender breasts, and her passion-filled kissing in the drive-in. She was still a virgin; Christ, he could almost smell her quivering little hymen stretched across her cherry cunt... well, if he had his way, she'd sure have a lot of knowledge about sex, straight from his throbbing cock! But he'd have to get her away from here, away from the prying eyes of her mother -- another luscious cunt he wasn't forgetting to consider ways and means about -- and all the other distractions. Someplace quiet... "Well, how about the boat?" the older man suggested, thumbing towards the Thompson outboard. "Heck, I've seen everywhere that's anywhere around the bay, and the boat's not big enough to take out in open water." "Well, I haven't seen everywhere and anywhere. Show me." She looked up at him. Why not? A beautiful day, and it would give her something to do, and he was such a nice, understanding and cool guy. He might be over thirty, but he's not square, she thought, nodding her head in sudden agreement. "I'll get the keys," she said. "And I'll get... some other things," Preston added, grinning with intense pleasure. Some extra special other things... It had been a very fine suggestion, Wendy thought dreamily some hours later, the day blue-and-white, the sea Lucite clear and of long, low waves. The ride around the bay had been beautiful, the magnificent dog, King, barking at the swooping gulls and frothy spray, and she'd had fun pointing out all the homes and points of view as she stood in front, her hands on the windscreen, letting the salty, tangy breeze blow her hair and cool her skin, while David skillfully maneuvered the boat while sitting alongside her at the controls. Then they'd decided to go someplace and just relax, someplace out of the way and secluded, and she'd liked that idea as well, because she was still disturbed by the events of last night, and wanted a little peace and quiet in which to contemplate. She knew just the spot, too. The pines were thinned out, allowing a small section of sandy beach about thirty yards long and half as deep -- just enough to drop anchor and wade ashore and relax on the sand, alone and unsullied, the world going by without noticing them. She lay back on the towel, the warm rays baking her, feeling the nearness of the older man next to her, but not caring, not afraid... King slept in the shade, but ready should he be needed. Preston sat up, stretching and yawning. "I could go for a cigarette. You want one?" "No, no thank you." "You don't smoke?" "Well... sometimes." She didn't want to act unsophisticated in front of him, make him think she was a child or something. "Okay," she nodded impulsively. He grinned at her and stretched himself so he could reach into his pocket for his pack. They were odd looking, she thought as he handed her one. Loose, with a funny brown-colored, shaggy tobacco. He saw her hesitation and explained: "They're Mexican, Wendy. I got them down there. Mild, but lots of flavor. That's what you smoke for, isn't it?" "Yeah, sure... I guess so." She placed one in her mouth and cupped his hand as he lit it with his lighter. She inhaled, and was pleased to find out that he was right, that the cigarette was peculiar smelling but very tasty, sort of sweetish, in fact. But a small tendril of giddiness hit her, in spite of their mildness, and suddenly the ocean was a different color of blue. "Whoo! They're sure different, all right, but I like them." "I thought you would," the man said insidiously. He thought to himself that this girl must be awfully stupid and very ignorant not to know that she wasn't smoking Mexican cigarettes, but marijuana. Hell, he'd never even been to Mexico. He watched her carefully as she smoked, keeping her mind off what she was doing automatically by a constant patter of lively jokes and remarks, making her giggle and her eyes sparkle and her lungs inhale the curling fog of the euphoric drug... Slowly and without her realizing it, the young teenager began to fall under its magic spell, making her feel free, uncaring, devil-take-the-hindmost. She felt warm comradeship to David now, grabbing his arm as he told jokes and she laughed, giving him side-long glances of provocativeness, loving the world and herself and wanting him to like her as well. Wendy rested her chin on her drawn-up knees and dreamily leaned against David Preston to let him know that she was enjoying the day, and his company... and the delicious illusion festered by the marijuana he continually gave her pervaded her slim, untouched body, giving her a tingling sensation deep inside, so deep that she couldn't imagine its bottom. "Oh, I don't want ever to leave here, David," she said. "Why not?" "I don't want to go home. My mother --" She caught herself just before she was going to tell all about what she'd seen. She put her hand to her mouth in a gesture of silence. "Go on, what about her?" "I can't tell you." "You should tell somebody, Wendy. I can see you've been very upset and worried about something, and that's no good." "You did?" she asked thickly. "It's not?" "No," he answered smoothly, "it's not. And it was obvious that you've been bothered all night, because when you came downstairs this morning, you were almost shaking." She hadn't, but it was a good lie at the moment, and he knew that she wasn't in any condition to think rationally about this morning and contradict; she shook her head in agreement. "Well, I have been, but it's not a nice subject. It's about... sex!" She said the last word in a hushed, excited tone, her eyes wide. "Sex, you know?" "Yeah, I know, Wendy," Preston said. "But everybody has sex lives -- you, me, your mother -- and there's no use trying to hide the fact or pretending it doesn't exist." He felt her shoulders trembling, and he placed a protective arm around her, patting her other shoulder like a father would. "Go ahead and spill it, Wendy. I'm not going to spread it around, and you can't keep it bottled up inside you forever." The marijuana-induced freedom lowered her gates of natural reluctance, just as if she'd been drinking all afternoon. She felt hot tears brim in her eyes, and while she felt silly for bursting into crying, she couldn't stop herself, feeling doubly all of the bitter emotions she'd been nagged with since she'd been almost de-virginated by Clyde Brooks. Haltingly, letting the whole confession pour out unstopped and uncensored, she lay bare her innermost heart, telling Preston in a babbling, choking slur about everything. It didn't take much imagination for the man beside her to unravel her distorted and unconnected train of thought, and an excited glow flickered into his eyes, and the stirrings of lewd and excited passions boiled in the pit of his belly. Hot damn! Her mother fingering herself off while listening to me get sucked by Gloria! That only shows that the old lady is hot to trot for cock, especially, if her kid is right, she hasn't had a steady man around for six years. God, I'd burst apart if I didn't get my balls emptied for half that time! And this little virgin teenager, who's a virgin just as I thought, almost got some cock rammed into her last night, only leave it to some inexperienced kid to get over-anxious and ruin the pitch... But I won't screw things up. This one is as good as fucked right now... Finished her agonizing story, Wendy pressed her face tightly against his cheek and cried softly, and in a muffled voice, said: "Oh, David, I'm so miserable. I don't know what to do!" "Wendy, tell me something. Did you enjoy seeing your mother playing with herself?" "What? No, no, I just told you --" "Come on, tell the truth. You watched her for a long time, not doing anything, and if you were excited, you shouldn't be ashamed of it. Watching people having sex is almost as much fun as doing it." "You... you sound as if you approve of what she did!" Wendy broke away in horror. "As if... As if you think that everybody ought to have their kicks any way they please!" Preston shrugged, gazing at her through lidded eyes. "No, I'm saying that we ought to be honest with one another. If two people -- or in the case of your mother -- one person -- enjoy what they're doing, who are you to castigate them? Sex is good, clean fun, and it can't hurt anybody, only make people closer." "You... you mean like me and Clyde last night? I... I should have let him do it to me?" "Maybe, maybe not. Maybe you weren't ready for him, didn't really want him, and he was unable to prepare you properly. A girl's first time is very important." "Then, then what should I do about Mother? You think she feels the way you're describing I should be?" He shook his head ruefully. "I doubt it. She's of her generation." He laughed out loud. "What the hell, so am I, but of a different school. I believe the way you young kids do, that this is the age of freedom, and what's the use of being free on the outside if you're not that way inside? But your mother, Wendy, your mother has a lot of hang-ups, I bet, and she probably feels right terrible about what she's done. And she shouldn't." His talk was unnerving the pretty virgin girl; so much had happened in so short a time, and her mind was confused and uncertain, the marijuana in her blood fogging her perceptions and sense of impending danger... She cradled in the warmth of the older man's arms now, still shaking with nerves and sobbing with emotion. The smoke hazily filled her with warmth, and enhanced the pungent aroma of his masculine body, and his gently stroking hand on her naked arm was beginning to give soft, feathery tickles of excitement in her pubic region. She tightened her inner thighs, even squirmed her sensuous young buttocks slightly on the warm sand so as to choke off the unwanted agitation that were tingling down there... "David, David, you're so kind to me. You understand me," she whimpered. She was wide open to new suggestions and directions now, vulnerable because the old way of her mother's had been proved to be only a facade. Or... was her mother right? She couldn't accept this man's philosophy, not after so many years of being ingrained with a strict puritanical morality, in spite of the fact that she considered her mother a hypocrite and her ethics unquestionable. But David Preston did seem to understand her, for he'd been right about her being excited by watching her mother fingering herself... Oh God, she didn't know what to do, what to think... "I don't want to talk about it any longer," she said. "I need time to think. You understand me, but I don't believe I understand myself, and... and..." she couldn't continue, and more hot tears spilled from her blurred eyes, down over her flesh and wetting her bikini top. She was so disturbed and crazy from the marijuana and her tribulations, and she let the salt water rain on them both like a Spring shower. David Preston felt the warm, resilient flesh of the young girl tight against him as she quivered violently with her emotions, and saw the streams of her bitterness run unheeded down her face and fall in rivulets between her heaving young breasts. God, it was going to be good! The blood in his penis was pounding like mad now, and his testicles ached with anticipation of the way her tight, virginal little pussy was going to feel throbbing around the hardness of his cock. "Well, then, don't think about it, Wendy," he murmured in her shell-like ear. "We won't talk about how your mother was fingering herself until she came, and how I was undressed with my hard cock being sucked by Gloria... We won't talk about it any longer..." His words were mesmerizingly soothing to Wendy, and as he continued to stroke gently her satiny skin, he knew that though he was telling her that they wouldn't talk about it, the longer he did, the larger the recollections would grow in her drugged mind. Nothing like a little grass to get the ass, he always said... He felt her warm, hard breasts pressing against his chest and her nipples hardening slightly, and figured that already she was thinking about last night, conjuring up the lewd, depraved scenes over and over like an unending strip of film. "Don't think about it..." Wendy tried to will herself not to, but the twitching in her belly and the moistness which was seeping around her young, secret cunt was beginning to overpower her. She moaned softly and all the while he kept whispering words in her hair, words constantly bolder and more corrupting. "... your mother's pink cunt, and her fingers rubbing up and down along the lips of it... don't think about the way she looked, arching, straining to climax, her hand deep inside her pussy, her pussy which is just like yours... and don't think about my girl waiting to put her lips around my hard cock, to suck the cum out of my balls... No, don't think about it, Wendy..." She was breathing faster now, and then casually Preston brought his hand around and lightly touched one swelling breast, rubbing his palm slowly over her bikini top. She gasped and shuddered, and convulsively stiffened from his touch, but he didn't stop and somehow she didn't want him to... and the words he'd spoken about being honest and free ran along with the lurid images of her mother and him, naked and abandoned, and she had to admit that his fingers felt so good, so gooood... Then she gulped fresh air, a warning bell of what was happening to her, what she was allowing to happen to her, tolling in her brain, and she jack-knifed against him, squirming her hips on the sand and turning her body away, but in doing so, her mouth came up and brushed against his, and suddenly she felt him kissing her. His kiss was intense fire, the kiss of a lover, not the unpracticed slaverings of the boys she'd necked with. It was like the difference between a tiger and a pussy-cat on her system, and her primeval urges, unleashed by her torment and the marijuana, engulfed her. The young teenage virgin allowed her mouth to open wider and accept his flicking tongue in a French soul-kiss which made her head spin and her blood boil. Preston pushed the bra up now, grazing his touch on the firm, tight breasts, kneading the nipple around with his thumb and forefinger the way her mother had done to herself last night -- and he knew that she'd remember the similarity and it would excite her more... and it did, it made her fantasizing mind weave a magic spell around what she was doing... she mewled abjectly, capitulating by stretching out beside him, pressing herself to the older man all the harder with the urgency of her liberated, lithe body. Then his lips were sucking one distended nipple, making her delirious with uncontrollable joy, the marijuana highlighting her physical pleasure a hundred-fold, while dulling her denials and rejections to a nonexistent level. Surely he would stop there, her mind told her wildly. Surely he would -- he's old enough to be her father after all; but then Preston's fingers began teasing the mound at the base of her smooth little belly, though unable to dip lower because of the way she'd automatically contracted her thighs, squeezing them shut in a last-ditch attempt to salvage something of this lewd rape of her being, but the flood of lubrications was already showing through her thin bikini, and she felt the soft wetness against her flesh, and then his fingers wormed their way firmly in between her legs, the delights rationalizing away her indecisions and fears. It was wickedly good... and she was doing no worse than her mother had done, the difference was that a man was playing with her instead of herself -- and who was to say which was the worse sin? His hand became bolder as her desires overcame her resistance, and Wendy allowed her legs to gradually widen to his teasing probings, and then before she was aware of it, her thin bikini bottom was down, stripped off of her thighs and around her ankles, the gentle ocean breezes a cooling shock against her softly curling fleece of sparse young pubic hair. She could feel the tender wall of her pussy seep its fluids into the palm of the man's hand as he slowly, expertly, worked his fingers into her, expanding her tight little hole and teasing her genitals until she was almost out of her mind. She was ready to crawl into the ocean to quench the fires raging out of control in her hungrily contracting little cunt, her lust-glazed, marijuana-smoked eyes staring at Preston with incomprehension, her mind reeling so fast that she couldn't tell whether this was actually happening to her or not, if the beach and David and her nakedness were figments of her dreaming brain or if time really was standing still for her... Preston, over twice Wendy's age, was holding his breath from the sight of the young teenager's nude body before him, and he could barely believe himself so lucky as to have her lying flat on her back breathing wildly and passionately, all his... All his, and it would be the first time for her, too! He stared in delight down at the soft silken down that covered the junction of her slightly spread thighs and at his rummaging hand that was teasing maddeningly at the thin pink slit which ran between her little clitoral bud and her tiny puckered anus. He'd fucked a lot of women, but never anything as pure and innocent and young as Wendy Franklin! The mere thought of the uncontrollable, helpless moans escaping from those barely touched lips goaded his cock to rock hardness and he felt it press against his pants with its lusting to be free, to be inside that virginal little pussy. "Ohhhh, ohhhhh," she gasped and groaned, her pussy opening and closing and sucking at his fingers which were tormenting her wet, hotly throbbing little mouth of lust, and the cords of her neck stood out as she pulled the very last of her strength to somehow control the whirlwind of passions which had seized hold of her loins. This was where she had to stop! This was where, last night, she had stopped Clyde... but when she rolled against Preston, forcing him to remove his hand as she had done with her (now) ex-boyfriend, she could only roll back again and lie gasping like a goldfish out of water, twitching and undulating, unable to stop the maddening surge inside her belly and vagina. This couldn't be happening to her! It couldn't! But it was... and when with a malicious groan of uncontrollable depravity, the man unzipped his pants and exposed his hardened penis to her, the remaining remnants of her vow to retain her virginity until marriage shattered like crystal glass. Preston couldn't stand it any longer, and his cock was goaded to the very limit of its fevered endurance. It was all he could do to keep from ramming his boiling cock forward and impaling this sweet, undefiled child, but his desire to have her again and again made him slow down and work her further into a state where she would demand more, more... and never stop wanting his cock in her. He rolled on top of her, his rigidly bloated shaft brushing against her matted, moist pubic hairs. He planted his hands on either side of her shoulders so that he could see between their naked bodies and watch her uptilted cunt as it was throbbingly exposed to him, her narrow vaginal slit so inviting with its pink, hair-fringed line held wide apart by the pressure of his thighs pressing tightly against hers. The virgin girl could see dimly through her passion and drug-filled cloud, and she could feel the hugeness of his fleshy hardness lying the full length of her quivering vagina, its jerking cock-head blunt and hot between her splayed thighs, softly insinuating itself in a maddening tease that caused her to jerk her hips upwards as her hungry cunt searched desperately for the hard, blood-filled shaft. Then Preston pushed forward, and Wendy sensed the lips around her pulsating vagina push open to receive his penis, and the elastic tightness of her hymen resist painfully as he drove harder at the door of her womb. He flexed again, and suddenly there was a ripping pain, sharp and prickling, and warm blood flowed from her cunt to wet the white sands beneath the crevice of her buttocks. Preston liked that, liked the idea that he was bagging a cherry... He shoved again, sinking his lust-inflated penis all the way inside her wide stretched pussy until his heavy testicles slammed resoundingly down against her jerking anus. Wendy screwed herself down in the softly giving sand in a vain attempt to escape the cruel, inhuman impalement, her legs kicking futilely in the air. "Oh God, nooooo! Nooooo!" she screamed, not caring about anything except the pain in her belly which was burning deeply and irrevocably. But Preston pinned her down with his body and arms and burrowed his large, rod-hard cock deeper with jerking, sliding motions, the fiery, plunging shaft filling her until the tip of his cock-head was battering far back against her cervix. Then the pain slowly began to recede as she flexed her cuntal muscles and her vaginal tunnel clasped his shaft like a moist, warmly living glove, and flames of tingling desire started to shoot up from her loins as she slowly became accustomed to the alien invasion. "Ohhhh," she groaned through emotion-bared teeth, fighting desperately that thin line between pain and pleasure. Preston waited a moment and then pressed again into the full wetly clinging folds of her vagina, watching her face contort more intensely now below his. "Ahhhhhh!" The girl began to respond now, her wet pussy answering his pumping penis with soft pulsations of its own, and she unconsciously rotated her hips and her vagina dilated in time to the man's beating rhythm. She began hesitantly to grind up against his loins now as he initiated long, hard strokings into her steaming channel, her excited vaginal juices rivuleting down her buttock cheeks as she surged back and forth to his sawing motion... Dear God, this is wonderful! Is this what I've been missing, for so long? Dear God, I'll never be able to get enough... Her nails gouged a path down his back and she drew his thick, slavering tongue voraciously in her mouth, swallowing it greedily as she squirmed and rocked, her legs wrapped tightly around his flexing hips, her ankles locked together and pulling him deeper inside her, the full length of his driving cock sinking into her freshly ravaged vagina... "I'm... I'm going to cum, Wendy," Preston panted. "Yes, yes, fill me with your hot beautiful cum," she babbled, and felt her own release -- her very first orgasm -- billowing from the furnaces of her passion. "Yes, and I'm... I'm going to cum toooo!" And as she grunted, Preston reached behind and grasped wildly at her spasming buttocks of white, firm flesh, slamming his spewing cock into her soft, now totally unresisting cunt, flooding her inside walls with his hotly cascading semen. Wendy felt the sweet agony of his deeply imbedded penis in her pussy as it flared and spurted, and she could feel the delicious hot fluid surge against her womb and burn its fiery trails through her whole cuntal passage. Her very vaginal pores opened to receive the unending stream of his sperm, and then her body quaked and a volcano of emotions burst through her sinew and bones, blinding her mind and emotions with phosphorescent brilliance as her own orgasm tornadoed insanely through her naked young body; oh God, it was magnificent, the finest experience of her whole life! She mustn't ever let it end! "I'm cummmiiinnngggg!" Her cries tumbled from her mouth as their bodies became one, and she screamed incoherently as her passion juices whirlpooled hotly together with his cream-like cum and overflowed out the tightly clinging lips of her still spasming vagina, as her whole lower body and breasts heaved and rolled in death-throe convulsions. Then, it was over and Preston fell forward on top of her in exhaustion, and she, too, felt totally collapsed, and quivered in final limpness, her legs sprawling lifelessly out on either side of his naked body. She sighed raggedly. Wendy Franklin had experienced her first taste of sex, and she was void of all emotions and creeping satiation filled her like a warm blanket. She was now a woman in a very literal sense, and she could never return to her old, naive, virginal world; the revelation that she'd allowed a man twice her age and almost a stranger to take her, to deflower her without even token affection on his part, hit her only dimly. Maybe later she would feel bad about it, but at the moment she was satisfied and not at all sorry. Maybe later, but not now... "Are... are you going to take me home now?" she asked Preston. "David? Are you?" His laugh was less friendly now, and he moved his hips so that his penis, deflated but still imprisoned between her vaginal lips, was felt by her all the way to the nerve-endings in her breasts. "Not a chance, kid," he told her, looking down. "The day's still young, and we've just begun." "I need a rest," she admitted. "This was my first time, you know..." "Yeah, I know. And you hurt a bit. Well, practice makes perfect, and I won't do anything to you for awhile." But it wasn't out of kindness that he was being patient. David Preston needed a rest himself before he could get another erection, for the teenager had milked him with an unrestrained passion which more experienced bitches had never had or had lost, even though Wendy wasn't as skilled. She would be, he gloated; she had that natural talent to fuck which must have come from her mother and only took a little direction to mature. In a while his balls would be tight with more sperm and his cock would rejuvenate into a new and lusty life. In the meantime, he'd just let his limp cock lie there in her flooded little cunt and soak itself back to life. And while he was doing that, he'd set to thinking about how to get into her mother's panties. Christ, seeing how good her daughter was right off the line, he couldn't wait to try his cock out in the long-unused cunt of Marleen Franklin. He bet she'd fuck his Goddamned toenails off! Already his brain was getting the glimmerings of an idea, just from what Wendy had told him about last night... Yeah, yeah, he thought it might work. He'd have to talk to this boyfriend of Wendy's, this Clyde Brooks -- hell, he sounded like a real young stud and he wouldn't be any trouble to convince. But all his lewd and salacious thoughts had begun to arouse him again. He looked down at the smile on the young teenager's cherubic face, and he grinned victoriously. It was about time to start again, and this time, he'd really fuck her shitless!