Laura's Desires Part II Dr. Jacob Stevens watched Laura's performance at the bar with a quiet satisfaction. "She's quite a fast learner" he thought as he finished his beer. "A few more weeks of personality augmentation and she'll be ready for the next step", he chuckled. The next few months would be very interesting. Dr. Jacob Stevens had established himself as one of the leading plastic surgeons in the country. Beginning with breast augmentation for strippers, as most "Plastics" do, he quickly demonstrated a skill level far above that commonly available. Within 5 years, he had improved breasts, noses and lips for some of the most well-known stars in Hollywood. While happy with his practice and his list of clients, Jacob began to grow frustrated with merely improving the "outside" of his clients. Many of the actors and actresses he dealt with were shallow, egotistical idiots. "If I could just round them out a bit", he thought, "They'd be fantastic!". If he could develop a treatment that would break down established mental interactions and reconfigure in a more "desirable" way, he'd make millions! Better yet, he would truly make an impact on the medical world. With those lofty goals in mind, Jacob began his search for "DesirEX". 6 years and several million dollars later, Jacob was crushed. "DesirEX" was nearing completion, but FDA regulations and the major drug companies were blocking his path. "Mind-altering drugs are immoral, unethical and impractical" read the most recent FDA response. "The U.S. Government will not approve any drug, substance or treatment which results in the long-term, irreversible alteration of patients mental capabilities." Furthermore, it is the finding of this board that any further testing and development of "DesirEX" should be considered illegal and warrant prosecution under California Legal Code #15766A.........""Illegal!!??", Jacob screamed. "I've dedicated the last 6 years of my life to this project...and the Government suddenly says I'm too's illegal!?" DesirEX had been vey costly, from both a financial and personal standpoint. Jacob had invested most of his life's savings into the project. His marriage had crumbled under the strain of his practice and his all-night devotion to the lab. 6 years later, Jacob found himself virtually broke, alone and very angry. It was then that an idea occurred to Jacob. "A proof source!...I need a proof source to demonstrate the capabilities of DseirEX", he thought. "If I could find a patient, completely unhappy with their lot in life...I could change them...make them better.....I could show them I was right all along!", he ranted. Several attempts at the development of a proof source were failures. Choosing the path of least resistance, he sttempted to "round out" a series of strippers. While accepting of the idea of "being smarter" and "finding a real career" appealed to several, their mental capabilities were limited. DesirEX could only work with intellect already present in the host. A dumb stripper became a extremely frustrated, highly agitated dumb stripper. The drug merely caused the mind to focus on that which it did'nt posess. The results were mixed: 2 suicides and 1 seemingly happy marriage. During his work with strippers, Jacob came to appreciate the look, the mannerisms and the attitude of the women he worked with. The heavy make-up he found strangely arousing. The clothes, the mannerisms....they all appealed to something deep inside him. Jacob had always considered erotica in general to be intended for the desperate. Now, however, he revelled in it. Suddenly, a thought came to him. "What if I could make my own stripper....from the exact opposite....release the animal inside", he mused "I could go all the way"........"What if I could make the perfect slut!?" "Slut.......yeah.....maybe more than one.....let them work for me", he was yelling now. "Fuck the government...fuck my ex-wife...fuck the drug companies.......They want a proof source...I'll give them a proof source!. Part III Laura stared at the huge collection of dildoes, vibrators, butt plugs...and a few things she could'nt quite identify. She had no idea what she was doing here, in the largest adult book store in the city, but she had long-since given up trying to understand her body's actions. "First the mall and the make-up, the convenience store and the cigarettes...", she thought. That had been weeks ago, but still fresh in her mind. The fear and trepidation were gone...but the uneasy feeling of being out of control...or under someone else's was still present. "Can I show you something", slurred the drunk store owner..."or can I push something in ya?". Laura wanted to run, flee from this world she found herself in......"I don't think you're man enough for that kind of work", she growled, suprising the man and herself with her attitude. "Look slut, don't come in here dressed like a cheap 2 dollar whore and give me lip!", the man yelled. "You gonna buy somethin' or just frig off?". "Actually both....but you won't be lucky enough to watch", Laura said. She quickly made her selections,"How did I know I wanted that?" she wondered, and paid the cashier. As she passed a mirror on the way out, she was once again stuck by "the change". Perched on 5 inch stilletto heels, Laura towered over most of the patrons at 6-3. Black stockings covered her long legs and conitnued almost to the base of her black spandex mini. Her blood-red spandex top matched her lips and nails perfectly. A short leather jacket completed the ensemble. But her face was the most shocking. Red lips, heavy rouge and dark eye shadow created the sultry face of a experienced whore. Her mousey brown hair was now streaked with blonde and teased into a huge mane. Large silver hoop earrings framed a face made for sucking cock. "Face for it", Laura laughed...."mind for it...after all..that's all I think about now".