Laura's Desires (MC, Transformation, Slut) Disclaimer: This is an attempt at erotic fiction. If you don't approve of this sort of thing, or are too young....go away! As this is my first attempt....comments and criticism are welcome! Part 1 has very little sex in it...but don't worry...I'll hit just about everything before it's done. Ice Part 1 The flame for the silver lighter highlighted Laura's face as she lit the long brown cigarette. Never a smoker before "the change", she was now exhilirated by the feel, the smell and especially the look. As she gazed at the mirror lining the back of the bar, she was struck by her appearance. The cigarette, the inch-long fingernails and the blood-red lipstick joined to create a woman she did'nt recognize. Gone was the slouched shoulders, the down-turned eyes of the normal Laura. In her place sat a woman clearly comfortable with her appearance, and the effect that appearance had on many of the bar's male customers. The thought of 20 cocks twitching at the site of her smoking sent a shiver down her spine. "If a cigarette and a little lipstick make'em twitch" she thought, "What can I do if I really try?". The fact that the nails, lipstick and cigarettes were'nt Laura's idea no longer seemed to bother her. That, however, was a different story several hours ago. On her lunchbreak, Laura was driven by an unseen, but powerful, force to the mall. At the make-up counter she chose 4 lipstick colors in 5 seconds, as if she had already planned the purchase. The nail polish was just as strange. A nervous young woman, Laura had never been able to grow her nails past the ends of her fingers. In fact, most days found her nails chewed to the quick. "This is insane!" she said aloud, startling several nearby shoppers. Her next unplanned stop was to a nearby nail salon. Laura was as suprised as the tiny Asian manicurist as Laura mumbled her request. "Glamour length" her mind screamed. "Why did you say that" Laura demanded herself. The manicurist looked quizzically at Laura's face. The internal struggle was apparent, but when she asked "You sure...very long...hard to use?", Laura's face suddenly calmed and she answered in a sure voice "absolutely, at least an inch!" On the way back to the office, Laura struggled to come to grips with the last few hours. "Why have I suddenly become obsessed with make-up?" she asked herself. "I don't even wear lipstick!". "And these damned nails!!" she yelled. "I can barely drive the car!". "How in the hell am I supposed to type?" As the car neared the office, Laura suddenly swerved into a convenience store. "What now?" she screamed, to the amusement of a passing rollerblader. Laura quickly entered the store and stepped up to the counter. "Yes Miss?", the elderly man asked. "M-M-M-More 120's", Laura stammered. "I DON"T SMOKE!!!", her mind screamed. "I'm sorry, mam. I didn't hear you so clear", the man said. "More 120's, the long brown ones, menthol", Laura said, this time in a slow, steady voice. As Laura entered the office, she was quickly assailed with questions about her tear-streaked face, her new "dragon-lady" fingernails and her 2 hour lunchbreak. "I've had a bad week" she sobbed. "I just needed a change, now leave me alone!". That earned her a few hours with her office door closed to evaluate her purchases. "These nails are useless" Laura said. "But...they are kinda sexy". The image of her long nails stroking a huge cock suddenly filled her mind. Her pussy was throbbing, as it had been during her purchases. "What's going on?", she asked for the 20th time that day. Her mind suddenly went back to the cock. The hand and nails now stroking harder....insistently...faster...the cock pulsed and huge gobs of milky white cum drooled down it's length. Laura was mesmerized by the thought. Her own hand curved in the exact form as the one in her mind. Laura suddenly brought her hands to her face, licking her hand cleaning...sucking the cum from her fingers....."AAHHHhhhhhh" Laura moaned as she exploded in orgasm. "Why didn't I try these before?" she asked herself. More to come:)