Lamiax Encounter by KillJoy "Dank and Dreary!!!" shouted Gustavis, as the old mage stumbled through the leech infested swamp. "Stop complaining, it could be worse..." Marcus spouted at his protests, "we could have been hired to search goblin tunnels again." Gustavis just mumbled under his breath and tried to keep pass with the others. I too was finding it hard to keep up, as Barkus though carrying his equipment in addition to my own would "make a man out of me", as he loved to say. If I hadn't been promised my weight in gold, I'd have dumped this junk and turned back at the entrance to this swamp. "How do I let myself get into these messes?" I thought. "Fame and fortune, my lad, fame and fortune." stated Gustavis. I hated it when he read my mind like that, it seemed so unnatural. As the day dragged on, the four of trudged on, stopping from time to time to pull leeches off our legs. "Just like the guy that hired us..." Barkus laughed as he threw a leech at Marcus. "Eye but, his gold would have shown just as brightly even if he'd held it here." Marcus replied. "I still wish you'd let me teleport us through this swamp!" snapped Gustavis. "What fun would that have been?" laughed Barkus as another leech took to the air, "Besides old one, I can see a clearing ahead." I tried to rush as I'd been knee deep in this filth for the past 4 hours and the thought of land under my feet spurred me on. As we stepped onto some what dry land, Gustavis collapsed against the base of a tree, "I'll certainly not be missing that too soon." "Eye, I second that motion." answered Marcus, "I'll take the see any day." Barkus pulled his great sword from its scabbard and sank it into a tree, nearly splitting its trunk, "Shall I make camp here for you fair damsels or shall we press on?" Barkus snapped. "I'll gather the fire wood." I jested as I dropped Barkus' pack to the ground. My sarcasm didn't strike Barkus as funny, as he leered at me. I vanish into the forest, hoping he'd calm down by the time I got back. It was for this reason I wandered a little to deep into the woods, images of Barkus strangling me clouding my mind. As I picked up small branches, my keen ears picked up a faint scraping sound coming from a bush in front of me. I stopped, hand on my dagger, ready for any thing... I side-stepped, trying to fade into the near by bushes and suddenly found myself hanging upside-down. I'd walked right into a snare and was flung into the air, dropping my dagger and swinging helplessly from a tree branch. As I tried to turn, expecting death from any side, I saw a for emerge from the bushes. It appeared to be a giant snake at first glance, as the shadows of the trees hid it partly. I squinted to get a better look, and was stunned as the form moved into view. It was a snakes body which I beheld but, where the head should be was a humanoid torso topped with a snake-like head. "Oh GOD!!! A Yuan-ti!" I screamed as I realized what stood before me. Yuan-ti are truly evil monsters who's soul desire is to destroy, and one now stood before me, hold a wooden spear and lashing out with its long snake tongue. I tried desperately to get free of the ropes which bound my feet but, to no avail. The monstrous serpent moved closer, only a couple feet away now. I flailed about, panicking, thing to shake free. As I found no escape, I began praying to the gods to save me, I'd even let Barkus save me and boast about it till my grave. As I hung there, mumbling to myself, I heard a raspy voice, "" it slowly stammered. Opening my eyes, I now found myself face-to-face with the creature. I could now see it clearly, although upside-down, it had green scales covering its body and larger, yellow scales on its stomach. A dark green, scale-like hair hung from it's head. And.. breasts? Large and round, two perfect jewels planted on its chest. Golden eye penetrated my own, searching my and my soul. "", the snake like mouth sounded out, its tongue dancing about. "Morbin" I squeaked, not believing I was still alive. "Mor..bin" its voice worked out again. It reach up and touched my face, it's clawed hand grasped my chin and turned my head, as to get a better look at me. It, she as I guessed, pulled away, looking now to the ground, and retrieving my fallen dagger. She studied it for a moment, caressing the blade and point, then turned and threw in at the tree I was suspended from, severing the rope and sending me crashing to the ground. I rapidly worked the rope free of my legs and crawled back against the trees trunk. "What is this monster planning for me...?" I sweated, and stared as the beast before me. She followed my movement as to close the distance, clutching her spear in both hands. Her tongue still lashed about, tasting the air. "Sssssettle....No harm", she hissed, lowering her spear after seeing the fear in my eyes. Now I haven't actually seen a Yuan-ti but, this one didn't seem like the blood thirsty monster I'd been told about. She approached and held out an four fingered hand, offering to help me to my feet. I slowly took her hand, expecting her to pull me to her and sink her fangs into my flesh. Instead, she pulled me off the ground and to my feet on one fluid motion. I stumbled forward, falling into her, the two of us crashed to the ground. When my senses returned, I found my face pressing between her breasts, I recoiled and fell backwards again. She sat up and laughed, at least I think she did. I was afraid she was going to attack me but, she simple offered me her hand again. This time I got up more carefully, standing face to face with her. She was about the same height as me, although her tail extended much farther, making her about 11 feet total as I guessed. We both stood there, silent and motionless for a moment before her tongue flashed out again nearly brushing my nose. "Mor..bin" she hissed again, I nodded. "Sssselesssstra" she sounded, almost only long hiss. "Selestra, that's pretty." I said without thinking. The scales of her cheeks gained a slight red hue, she was blushing I thought. She turned to the side, crossing her arms and then covering her reddened cheeks with one hand. She turned back to me, offered her hand and then started to lead me deeper into the woods. We soon reached a small encampment, simple mud huts surrounding a fire pit. Selestra made a loud hissing noise and then others responded. Serpentine heads poked out from the huts and then fully emerged, reveal more snake-like forms. Now I've heard the stories of Yuan-ti before but these creature weren't fitting them very well. They didn't seem like monstrous killers as the approached me, non of them armed. Selestra spoke again in a hissing language that I didn't understand, and one of the others spoke back to her. The when on for a couple minutes, while the others listened intently. When they seem to reach a conclusion, selestra turn back to me and pulled me towards a hut, apparently she'd asked if she could keep me or some thing. Upon entering, I was surprised by what I found. The hut was filled with finely crafted wood and clay furnishing, and one corner have several thick furs, blankets I would guess, although it never got too cold in the forest. Selestra moved to a large clay pot and took out some berries, which she offered me. They were very sweet, and I ate them quickly. Selestra gave a little giggle and offered me more. She then curled up in the pile of furs and watched me eat. As I finished, I noticed a coulpe heads spying on me through the door, Selestra also noticed them and gave a loud hiss, they vanished and she moved to the door, drawing down a fur sheet to cover the door. She turned back to me, shrugging her shoulders and returning to her furs. She waved to me, directing me to join her. I moved to the furs and then sat with my legs crossed, the furs were the softest I'd ever felt. Selestra moved closer to me, until she sat next to me. She reached out and touched my shirt, playing at it and tugging now and then. "Not..Fur" she whispered. "No, well sort of, wool." I responded. I pulled off my shirt and offered it to her, she toyed with it, trying to put it on and then laying it one the ground. She then reached out to touch my now bare chest, her warm scaled hand worked over my chest, playing with the small hair she found there. I was tempted to return the favor, wanting to clasp the ripe breast which cradled my head earlier but, I resisted. She worked her hand down, until she reached my pants, and then slipped it down and into them. I could feel her fingers teasing my pubic hair, slowly arousing me. This fact didn't escape her notice, as I soon found her hand grasping the head of my cock. A look of surprise crossed her face, as if not expecting what she had found. She pulled the draw string loose and then started to tug at the front of my pants, trying to see what was hidden there. I helped remove my pants and cast them aside, reveling my member to her. Again, I found her toying with it, trying to figure out what it was. Not knowing how snakes mated, I tried my best to explain what it was for. Selestra listened intently, sounding out some words after I said them. As I talked, she began asking question, "Itssss ssssstiff?","Furry. Why?" After a couple minutes of questions and answers, she continued pulling and stroking my shaft. "Ourssss ssssoft." she stated. At this, I guessed that she was describing what their males cocks were like, I took it as they don't get hard-ons. How exactly they did mate was now more of a mystery then ever. She lowered her head to it, her tongue lashed out, flicking and dancing across the end. She then reclined, exposing her belly and began to stroke at a large stomach scale about half way down her body. As I look closer, I found that this scale concealed a small slit. Selestra worked at it, inserting her finger and then pointing the same finger toward me. A slightly pungent odder stuck my nose, not sour but, sort of musky. I sniffed at it and she pushed it closer, almost pushing it in my mouth. I licked at it, it was more musky tasting then it smelled. She then returned her finger to the slit and said "Here." I imagined that was her opening and preceded to touch it. Lightly, I pushed at it, trying to insert my finger, which slowly slid in. She was tight on my finger and I felt the muscles of her belly moving rhythmically. As I explored, she reached down and grasped my cock again. She pulled at it, almost painfully, trying to pull me closer. I straddling her long tail, maneuvering my member into positions. I tried wetting it with my own saliva, hoping to lubricate it, and pushed it toward the slit. It was a little struggle getting it in but, as I worked, she slowly loosened and I got in. She was very warm but, not moist like the humans I've been with. I used short strokes, not wanting to seem rough. She arched her body slightly, giving me a better angle. Her slit worked and milked at me, almost a sucking sensation which was really good. I stopped moving and watch as the muscles around the slit moved back and forth by themselves, I now realized how they mated when the male was soft, the female's slit sucks at him, he just sits back and enjoys. I wondered what she though of my stiff member working back at her. After a couple more minutes of motion, I started to feel my muscle tensing, I held back as long as I could before erupting, filling her with every thing I had. I finish up with a couple more quick strokes and then pulled out, followed by only a small spurt of cum. I sat next to Selestra, who rolled over and began rapping around me, her body was very hot, the result of our union. We lay there and rested, my mind began to drifted, what about my companions, they must be wondering where I am. Oh well, let them wait. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This story was inspires by a picture I saw by Jimx. I play AD&D and was thinking about making this into a campaign. I had to do some research to make this story (and the characters for the AD&D game) more realistic. I hate stories which sound as if the write had never seen the animals which they were writing about. I write stories in one night (about 3 hours) so please forgive my spelling.