Cold Revenge
Rachel curled a finger around and entwined a paralyzation spell
around the class. She smiled evilly as each person stood ramrod
straight in front of her. She walked up to the first girl.
"Beth," she said. She considered the girl's body in front of her:
definitely not the most attractive of specimens, the girl had been
the shy poet who stayed to herself. Unfortunately, the girl wasn't
in the best shape and tended to overeat. "You were always a bit of
a pig. Perhaps you can resemble one a little bit more." She
wiggled a finger at the inert teenager.
Beth felt the skin on her face pull towards her nose and felt the
skin twist and pull, the nose feeling a little bit heavier, the
nasal passages taking different routes. She felt her ears grow
larger and more out at an angle from the head, growing more flappy
and pointed. Her entire body felt heavier and heavier and,
released from the paralyzation spell, she looked down to see
herself naked and more fat than ever before, potbelly, breasts,
waist and hips at a humungously obese level. She felt a pinching
sensation around her buttocks and felt behind, where a curly tail
had just grown. As her hands slipped back, she felt how her body
felt so heavy and pear-shaped and just ... huge. She felt her jaw
clench as her canine teeth became tusks. She breathed in, causing
a snort from her nose. Her voice, huskier and full of animal
breathing, said, "Why have you done this to me?". Rachel smiled
and hooked the paralyzation spell once more around the girl,
admiring her handiwork.
She stepped up to the next girl and twirled her finger, releasing
the girl. "Anne. What was that you told me the other day when
Brad had broken up with me?"
"Rachel, my God, I'm so ... "
Raising her voice over the girl's, "A baby, wasn't it? You told me
to quit being such a baby about the whole thing." She glanced down
the line. "Oh, don't worry, Brad. You'll get yours too." The
man's eyes tensed with fear, his body unable to move.
Turning her attention back to the girl, she smiled. "Well, perhaps
you could experience the situation for me, dear? And tell me what
it's like, so I can avoid it?" She playfully snapped her teeth at
the girl, initiating the change.
Anne suddenly found herself stripped of shirt, bra, pants, socks,
and shoes. Her breasts hung full from her bare chest. She felt
her panties shift and change, become bulkier. She looked down, and
saw that she had a pair of white diapers wrapped around her
smoothly contoured bottom. She felt a warmth from between her
legs, then a release ... with a start, Anne realized she had lost
control in 'that way'. She looked at Beth and suddenly lost her
balance, falling to the ground. She felt her mind go blank and
curled up into a fetal position instinctively.
"Hm. No need to do anything about that," Rachel said, noticing the
sleeping girl. "Except maybe changing her diapers." She chuckled
She stepped down the line. "Ah. Mr. Jackson. You told me I was
the stupidest girl in the class! And that I wouldn't go anywhere,
right?" She pointed a finger at him -- the balding man suddenly
found himself released from paralysis. He looked at her, realizing
squirming would do no good. He clenched his jaw and looked at her.
"Yes, you fucking witch. And of course you proved me right."
"Right?" Rachel said in an unpleasantly too sultry voice, then
laughed menacefully. Then she gestured at him. He suddenly found
himself nude. Stepping up to him, her nails suddenly became sharp,
black, and very long. She curled her hands around his balls, ready
to dig in. She gave him a soft peck, bringing light streams of
blood from her finger.
"What, Mr. Jackson, did you mean by that?" said Rachel with a dark
thundercloud of anger.
"I meant that you couldn't go anywhere without getting the alliance
of a Dark Power behind you, you fucking witch," said Jackson, then
clenching himself up for what he was sure to be unimaginable pain.
She stared darkly into his eyes, then laughed sultrily and let his
jewels go. "Is that so. Is, that, so -- Mr. Jackson. Well, do
you know what, Mr. Jackson? I'm going to show you what it's like
to fuck for a living."
She gestured, and the man's nude body suddenly began to shimmer.
He dropped a few inches in height, and his body outline became
softer. Soon, he began growing pleasantly rounded bulges around
his buttocks and ... began spouting breasts. His hair began to
cascade around his shoulders, a long straw blonde. His lips became
full, his jawline softened, his nose became sculptured and his eyes
blue. His rough acned skin tone became porcelain white. Mr.
Jackson had became a woman. Rachel gestured again, and suddenly
Mr. Jackson found himself decked in streetwalker gear. "I've
twinkled Fate, Mr. Jackson. You'll be a streetwalker all your
life, fucking men for money, getting beat up by some, doing kinky
stuff for others. You'll be compelled to by Fate and you'll feel
overwhelmingly horny, wanting to jump men's bones and do it like a
madwoman. You'll die of AIDS." She gestured, and the porcelain
blonde woman that had been Mr. Jackson stood ramrock straight,
paralyzed in her beauty.
She stepped up to the next figure. "You. Poor dear. You're
worried. You're worried because you think I'm going to do
something to you. You're actually wrong, this time. Fran, you
were always a nice guy to me, even though you weren't ever popular.
You always had the time to share your life with me, say hello and
thanks, ask how I was doing. For that, I'm going to get rid of
your extra pounds, give you a sculptured body and good looks, and
get you out of this hellhole."
She gestured at the man. Beneath the outline of his baggy flannel
shirt and jeans, Fran felt the tits and potbelly of his fat drop
away drastically, while he felt as if something was growing out of
his chest and arms at the same time. He felt a shift in his crotch
as his member grew several inches. The fat dropped away from his
thighs and hips. He ran his hands along his body, feeling the
washboard chest and thighs, and spoke in his new sexy baritone
voice. "My god, Rachel -- thank you." She smiled. "Goodness is
rewarded, as much as we wonder about it." She waved a hand at him
and he disappeared, whisked off to a new life.
She stepped up to the next woman. "Eileen. You've always been a
bitch to me, never being able to say I did a good job on anything,
always clenching up and being a stress case and taking it out on
everyone instead of practicing one damn bit of self-control. We
all have hard lives, Eileen, you're not special in that case. It's
the special ones who rise above it and make life good for others.
What can I do to you that would payback one-tenth the agony you've
done to me? I can't think of a proper revenge for you, so I'll do
the best I can. When you first started being mean to me, I thought
you were a demon from hell. So let's try that look on you."
Eileen gasped. Her skin became a burnished red, and her clothes
dropped to the floor into a pile at her ... feet? She watched as
her feet slowly drew into themselves and became black cloven
hooves, with a slight fur around the bottom. She felt her curves
become even more shapely, her breasts becoming bigger and her
buttocks even curvier. Her blonde hair still remained that color,
a remarkable contrast to her burnished red skin. She opened and
closed her mouth a few times, noticing that her teeth had become
fanged and her tongue forked. She hissed in a snaky voice, "My
god, what has happened to me?" An arrowhead tail grew from her
behind like a snake. Finally, Eileen felt a tug as mucus-yellow
wings broke from her back and spread out. "Agggh!" she gave a
demon yell as Rachel froze her in her place.
Brad. She walked up to him. "You hurt me. You hurt me badly, you
hurt me deep, you hurt me hard. I don't know what I could do to
return the favor." She smiled. "But I have an idea. You were
brutish with me. Perhaps I can enhance that nature."
Brad suddenly felt stupider and stupider, felt knowledge dropping
away from him like a sieve. He watched as his body became huge,
muscular, hairy. He bent over. His face changed brutishly, grey
hair sprung sparsely from his body. His arms grew longer 'til the
knuckles scraped the ground, his feet shorter. His clothes hung
loosely on the gorilla he had become.
Rachel smiled, and whisked them and herself away to their
respective destinations.
A lone gorilla trundles through the zoo cage, the remnants of
clothes still hanging on his body -- although no one sees the
clothes. He defecates, beats his chest, then goes to swing on his
In a cave far from civilization, a winged shape pounces upon a rat
and sinks teeth into it, hissing. Blood drips down her jaw.
A man smiles as a girl wraps her arm around his muscled chest.
He's kept up his eating habits, but his body maintains a perfect
shape. He's beautiful, and his good looks and perfect voice have
made him a terrific success as an actor. Sometimes he looks into
the stars and says softly, "Thank you, Rachel."
A streetwalker comes up to a man on the streets of Los Angeles and
propositions him, pulling down his pants and giving him a free blow
job to get something better. It's pretty damn generous, but she
likes it -- in a way. As she swallows the man's semen, a part of
her, a bespectacled bald man in the corner of her mind, screams.
Beth found herself on a small island with Anne. She washes Anne
and cleans up after her, and Anne has never progressed past an
infantile state, crawling around, talking gibberish. Sometimes
Beth stimulates herself, sometimes she stimulates Anne, who can
experience orgasm with the freeness of a child and the organs of an
adult. Beth waddles her immense bulk around and finds herself
becoming more like an animal each day ... through the own
hideousness of her mind, she exerts lesbianism in a bizarre sort of
pedophilia upon the adult child baby. And she's revolted ... and
she acts like a pig, rooting through garbage with her nose,
defecating and pissing where she wants. And the child retains her
tabula rasa mind.
And Rachel? Rachel ... is laughing.
If you have any comments regarding this story, or are the author and request removal, then please mail me at
All stories are © by the respective authors.
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