K9 by the moon 2 (The Release) by Killjoy Dawn's first light was breaking through the trees and shown down upon Brad and March who had both slept in the woods that night. The two were curled about one another, comforting and warming each other. It was March who first awoke, stretching and turning to give Brad a soft lick, stirring him from his slumber. Brad stretched and looked around, finding himself laying naked, in the woods, next to his new girlfriend's dog. "What's going on?", he pondered as the nights event began to return to him. He shook his head, not believing what had happened, he had been turning into "That thing.." for a while now, ever since being bitten by the nut on the subway but, this was the first time he could remember that happened so vividly. He normally know had flashbacks, brief glimpses of running through the woods or thrashing around in the chamber in his apartment. This was odder then normal, which was very odd to begin with. Why had he not torn March limb from limb, he'd done it before, like when he tried to hide out in the wood up north. He stumbled across a pack of wolves and fought until they were all dead. He'd attacked farm animals and just about any thing else he'd come across. Then it hit him, the odor, that sweet smell which came from March. The one he noticed before but, just couldn't understand, it was starting to make sense. He could remember the way she acted, rolling about and offering herself to him, and to the monster within him. He reached out and scratched at her side, she cocked a leg up and exposed her belly, which Brad rubbed and patted. She let out a sigh and rolled about, loving the attention. As he watched, March stood up and turned her rear to him, lifting her tail to one side. "That's it, she's in heat!", the answer was so simple that Brad kicked himself for not thinking of it sooner. "That would explain the smell and the way she acted but, why was he acting the way he was and...what about the beast, she had effected it as well.", Brad scratched his head. "I don't think I have ever come across a dog in heat while the beast before, of course, I can't remember much of what does on while I'm in that form.", Brad thought, "Why is my memory so clear now, its all coming back to me. Could I be gaining some sort of control over it?" Brad stood and looked around, finding torn remnants of his clothes, scattered around the forest floor. He tied them together, enough to cover himself. March never left his side, always looking at him, whimpering of his touch. Brad stopped periodically to patter her head and hold her, her warm fur felt so good against his skin. The to made their way through the woods, Brad only guessing what direction to go. They soon reached the edge of the city, The smell of smog stuck Brad's nose, "This is definitely the city.", his senses hard become sharp after his first transformation but, they seems even more so now, he could still smell March through the mass of scents which assaulted him. Brad and March walked through the streets toward his house, he hoped no one would see him, walking half naked with a dog but, in this city, no one would pay it any mind. He entered the door to his house and walked upstairs, March trotted along behind him. The door was locked, "Good thing for the spare key I hid under the mat.", Brad took the key and unlocked the door. His apartment was a mess, garbage over flowing from the trash can, old pizza boxes laying on the floor, clothing flung about. March nosed around as Brad found some clothes to put on, "We've got to get you back to Jenny before she wakes up and finds the two of us gone." Brad turned to discover March pawing at his bookshelf which concealed his chamber, the last occupants of this apartment had been into the S&M scene and had it built to keep their interests secret. It was one of the only redeeming factors about this apartment, it was in the bad part of town and the only legally occupied building on the block. It wasn't pretty but, it was home. "Time to go girl.", Brad patted March's rump and walked to the door, she followed close behind him. Brad haled a taxi and opened the door for March, then climbed in behind her. "145 east street and step on it.", Brad put his arm around March who sat beside him. The cab driver looked at them in the mirror and pulled away from the curve. Brad looked down at March occasionally and often received a lick to the end of his nose, that simple animal, this dog had found a weakness in him. He had never know it before, it was like love but, some thing more. She had stood beside him in his darkest hour and survived, but know offered him more then he could understand. "I know she's in heat and that may have been the reason for what happened last night but, why is there still this bond between us?", he patted her head again as the cab stopped. "That'll be $9.50, you lucky I'm in a good mood and didn't charge extra for your girlfriend there.", The cab driver held out his hand. "Girlfriend...?", Brad stammered. "Was it that obvious?", he thought as he handed him the money and watched the cab drive off. Brad and March walked to Jenny's house and slowly opened the door which was still unlocked, making sure not to make any noise as they entered. "And where have you two been?", Brad had been busted, Jenny stood in the bedroom door way, rubbing her eyes. "umm..I took March for a walk, she was pawing at the door and I though she needed some exercise.", Brad hopes Jenny fell for this ruse. "Well, I'll forgive you if....you make be breakfast.", Jenny move to him and put her arms around him playfully. "Ok, its a deal.", Brad returned her embrace, "What do you want?" "How about ham and an omelet?", Jenny ran her fingers through his hair. For some odd reason, Brad wasn't enjoying this, normally he'd be all over her but, this feeling in his gut made him pull away, "Ok, ham and eggs it is." He rushed off to the kitchen, pondering the feeling that nagged at him. Jenny stood shocked, "Where was the horny animal she had last night? He's acting as if he were scared of her or some thing." Brad searched through the kitchen, not knowing where any thing was, finding things scattered about here and there. "This is almost as bad as my place.", he though, trying to block out every thing else from his mind. As he worked, memories of last night danced in his head, his time with Jenny, the beast with March. "What was going on? It was so much simpler when I just turned into a mindless monster and slammed against the walls of my chamber.", Brad stirred the eggs in the pan, adding a little butter and salt. He was torn between two lives and both of them were changing, he now had a girl who loved him, and the beast had found a lover who quenched its rage. "Breakfast is ready.", Brad suck his head out the doorway. "I'm in the bedroom Brad, bring it in here.", Jenny's voice echoed back. Brad put the food on a tray and made his way to the bedroom, finding Jenny laying on the bed in a see through nightgown. She motioned to him to sit beside her on the bed, took the tray and placed it beside her on the night stand. She began to kiss Brad passionately, caressing his chest and opening his shirt. Brad took her in his arms, pulling the gown from her shoulders and sliding it down, revealing her supple breasts. Brad could feel his manhood growing as she massaged his body, her lips pressed against his. Jenny's hand slid down into his pants, grasping his shaft and massaging it between her fingers. Brad's head began to feel light as he surrendered to his carnal side, his desire spurred on by the hands which pulled and rubbed at him. Jenny unfastened his pants and pulled them open, then helped him take them off. She yanked his underwear down, causing his shaft to spring up, almost striking her face. She giggled a little and took it into her mouth, her tongue rubbing and encircling him. Brad's hand found there way to the back of Jenny's head, holding her there, preventing the pleasure from ending. He was enjoying this far more then the night before and was being lost in a sea of ecstasy, until a familiar smell caught his nose. He snapped out of his daze and looked about, seeing March staring at him from the doorway, a low whimper rang out. "What am I doing?", he thought, "Here I am, getting the best head I've ever felt and all I can think about is March." Brad stopped Jenny's head, "We can't do this Jenny. I just don't feel right about it today." Jenny's eyes mirrored her sense of loose as she pulled back, she was hurt by his words and could not understand why he had said them. She fell back to the bed, going limp. "Now, don't take it that way Jenny. I don't want you to feel bad, I just don't feel in a sexual mood this morning.", Brad comforted her, "I guess your wore me out last night, you were some thing." Jenny smiled a little but, it soon faded. "Come on, your breakfast is getting cold and if you finish it all, maybe we can finish what we started.", Brad said playfully. The smile returned and Jenny sat up, grabbed the tray and began to eat. Brad got off the bed and walked out of the room, making sure to close the door behind him. March stood in the middle of the room, her soulful eyes searching his. Brad fell to his knees and held her, almost crying. "How can I feel this way? I love you both so very much and I can't bare to loose either of you.", he hugged her furry neck, burying his face in her fur. Tears began to stream from his eyes, running down his cheeks and onto her fur. Brad couldn't hold it back any longer, his emotions were growing so strong and the internal conflict between Jenny and March had finally thrown him over the edge. Brad barley notice the squeak of the door opening behind him or maybe he just didn't care, he just held March and cried. Jenny walked over to him and put her hand on his shoulder, "Are you ok?" Brad looked up at her, his face still wet with tears, "Yes..I just.." Jenny put her finger to his lips, stoping him from finishing, "It's ok, no matter what, I'll understand." Brad snuffed a little, his nose running slightly. "I...I have some problems which I haven't told you about yet." Brad lowered his head again, "And I don't know how to tell you. There just to unbelievable." Jenny kneeled next to him and held him in her arms, "Brad, I think I'm falling in love with you and I know we can work around any problem you have. Nothing could be that bad." Brad put an arm around Jenny, keeping one still around March's neck. "I have...A problem with the moon...", he paused, "I change....I'm different when the moon is full." Jenny's eyes met lovingly with his, he could feel her understanding. "How are you different?", she asked. "Well, like I said, I change..", Brad took a deep breath, "It all started a year ago, I was riding the subway and this homeless guy got on. He sat across from me and just stared at me. I kept looking down at my newspaper but, I could feel his eyes burning into me. When I finally go the nerve to look up, he was snarling, his teeth...they were pointed and foam ran from the corners of his mouth." Brad began to shiver as he remembered the incident, "He leapt at me and bit into my arm, we fought as the others watched us, non of them moving to help, simply stood there and watched. The subway car finally came to a stop and the doors opened, the guy pulled away from me and dashed through the people trying to get on. I just sat there, in shock, my arm gushing blood. I probably would have bled to death if it weren't for that guy who finally helped me off the car and to the hospital." Jenny pulled him tight against her, "It's all right, that was so long ago, you shouldn't still fear it. There's lots of strange people out there and you can't let one incident rule your life." Brad looked up at her again, "No, its not just that, every night after that there was a full moon, I would change into this horrible thing." Jenny squeezed him again, "What do you mean?" "I'd a werewolf, how much plainer do I have to make it!", Brad lost control for a second, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell, its just that I do the most terrible things when I change and I've hurt people too." "Who, who have you hurt?", she asked. "When I change, I don't have any control over what I do, I run through the woods and attack every thing I see.", Brad began to cry again. "Is..is that where you were this morning?", Jenny leaned back and looked at him. "Yes, I felt the change coming on last night and fled to the woods, I didn't want to hurt you." Brad turned away, not wanting to look at her. "March followed me, and when I change..I....we....", Brad couldn't bring himself to tell her what had happened, he knew it wasn't his fault but, it had still happened and he could remember every moment of it. Jenny looked at March, examining her, looking for any mark, the slightest scratch. "March looks ok to me, you didn't hurt her.", she comforted him. Brad laughed slightly, "Hurt her, no, I know I didn't hurt her." "What ever your going through, I know we can get through it together. Now that I know about it, I can help you." She looked at March who was watching them closely, "WE can help you." Brad lowered his head to her bosom and sobbed, he now was sure that she loved him and she understood his problem, she wouldn't push him away or run, she'd be there for him. They held each other as they sat in the middle of the room, neither spoke as they couldn't find the words. March stepped closer to then and placed a paw on Brad leg, her eye looked sadly at them, as if she could feel their pain and wanted to be with them in it. ----------------------- I personally think this series would make a cool movie. I saw a movie a while ago about a werewolf cursed by his brother and was kept from finding love. It was a nice movie and I hope this series is just as touching.