K9 by the moon by KillJoy "I sure hope this dating service works out.", Brad said nervously to the woman adjusting the camera. "We've had hundreds of successful matches, sir.", she said coldly as she worked, "Ok sir, just look into the camera and tell us a little bit about yourself." Brad freeze as the red light on the camera lit up, "H...Hi, I'm..Brad." The light turned off, "You need to relax, loosen up." Brad nodded and took a deep breath, "Good evening ladies, I'm Brad. My interests include candle light dinners, sitting in front of a fire place and long walks in the moonn..ah...hmmm." "Something wrong sir?", the girl asked. "Ah...no, nothing at all. Can we go with that?", Brad wiped some sweat from his forehead. "Of course sir." The camera light faded and Brad dashed out the door. "That was close, all most lost it again.", Brad checked his hands, rubbing at the hair he found on the back. "I need to get home. No time for a cab.", Brad ran through the streets, leaping across the hoods of stopped car, ignoring the screams and threats of their owners. He had more important thing on his mind right now. He almost busted the door down when he got home, slamming into it, fumbling with the keys and finally getting inside. He ran across his living room, reaching a book shelf and pulling at the side, it swung open, turning on unseen hinges. Concealed behind it was a large steel door, with a combination lock like a bank vault. He twisted and turned the knob, his hands shaking, sweet pouring from his brow. The door opened with a squeal, he rushed in and slammed it behind him, the lock reengaging automatically. "So, any new meat for me today Sara?", Jenny asked playfully. "Only one today and he's definitely new at this.", the girl at the desk answered. "Well, lets see him.", Jenny made her way to the viewing booth. She made herself comfortable as the monitor blinked on, a nerves looking man filled the screen. "Good evening Ladies....", it was Brad, "He's kind of cute, what do you think?", Jenny asked Sara who had stood by her since starting the film. "He's a real looker but, there's some thing odd about him.", Sara traced the lines of his face glowing on the monitor. "Oh Sara, you worry to much, you and your intuition.", Jenny poked Sara in the side, "I'll take him." "He's not a puppy or some thing.", Sara pulled the tape out of the out of the VCR and put it back into the filing cabinet. "Heres his address, have fun but, keep and eye on him, promise me?", Sara held Jenny's hand. "Thanks. I will.", Jenny snatched the paper from Sara's hand and took off out the door. "OK, I think this is the place, let my out here.", Jenny tapped the cab driver on the shoulder and he pulled to the curve. "That's $9.50 lady.", he said sourly, blowing a puff of smoke as he talked. Jenny pawed through her purse and handed him a $10, "keep the change.", Jenny turned and walked off. Jenny walked down the sidewalk to a old building, surrounded by two other burned out buildings. "Well, this is comforting.", Jenny shivered a little in the night air. Jenny opened the front door and looked at the mail boxes, only one had a name on it, "Bradly Domino, apt 4.", she read. Walking up the stairs, jenny found apartment 4 and stopped to listen at the door, she could hear some one stumbling around inside. She knocked and waited, not knowing what to expect. "Be right there.", a voice rang out from inside. Jenny could hear several locks being turned before the door opened, revealing Brad, dressed in a thick bathrobe. "Can I help you, Miss?", he asked. "Are you Bradly Domino?", Jenny replied, "I'm a member at the dating service and I'm responding to your video." Brad thought for a second, "Oh, oh ya. That was fast." "So can I come in?", she asked flirtingly. "Well, um..I'm feeling a little under the weather tonight and the place is a mess, could I get a rain check?", Brad looked down at her feet. "Well...", she said playfully, "I guess. My place tomorrow then?" "Ok, where and when?", Brad perked up. "145 east street, any time.", Jenny replied. "God this place is a pig sty.", Jenny protested as she cleaned. "I shouldn't have said any time, now I'm going to be sitting around all day waiting for him.", she fell to the coach, "I'll just take a nap till He comes." Jenny was awoke by the sound of her door bell, she leapt from the couch and sprinted to the door. She looked through the peep hole, there stood brad holding flowers. She opened the door, "Hi, come on in, make yourself at home." Brad handed her the flowers and stepped in, "Nice place.", he looked around after stepping inside. "Thanks.", Jenny closed the door, "Care to sit down?" Brad and Jenny sat down on the couch and began to talk until Brad stopped suddenly, and sniffed the air, "Do you own a dog?" "Oh, why yes...March! Here girl.", she called and a german shepherd came running from another room. As she ran, she locked up, sliding to a halt and started sniffing the air. March and Brad met eyes for a moment before he turned back to Jenny, "Beautiful dog." "Thanks, I've had her since she was a puppy, she was my only friend here after I moved to this city.", Jenny motioned to March for her to come closer but, she remained transfixed on Brad. "That odd, she's never acted like that before.", Jenny got up and patted March, trying to figure out why she was so intrusted in watching Brad. "Maybe its love at first site.", Jenny jested. "I've always had a problem with animals, Jenny, they just never seem to trust me.", Brad offered as Jenny tried to pull March closer to him. "Oh, ya, I've heard of that before. I always wondered why animals are like that.", she returned to the couch. The two made some more small talk before Jenny offered him coffee, "I'll be right back.", and she headed into the kitchen. Now Brad locked eyes with March again, who hadn't moved yet. He held out his hand and March hesitantly approached, crouching low in a submissive posture. She sniffed his hand and then licked the end of his fingers, her eyes never leaving his. She sat down in front of him and continued her gaze as Jenny returned. "I see we're getting closer.", Jenny patted March's head as she handed Brad his cup. Jenny began drinking her coffee but, nearly spit it out when she saw March burying her nose deep into Brad's crotch, "March! What the hell do you think your doing?" Jenny leapt to her feet and tried to pull March away, "Its ok Jenny, she's just trying to get to know me.", Brad protested, "That's how dogs greet one another." "Well, its still rude, what if people went around doing that?", Jenny looked at Brad and started to blush, a smile crept onto his face. Jenny let go of March who returned to smelling Brad and then sat back down in front of him. "And...your ok with that?", she asked. "Yes, I grew up around animals. I spent a lot of time in the wo.. ummm. I used to live near the woods on my families farm.", Brad's eyes looked down again, trying to avoid Jenny's. As the day flew by, the two swapped stories of their childhood and experiences in the city. Brad would occasionally look at March, their eyes meeting and he would become transfixed on her, Jenny's voice snapping him out of it. "Well, its getting late and I don't want to over stay my welcome.", Brad started to get up. "Oh...you have some where you have to be or some thing?", Jenny inquired. "No, I'm just going to head home and get some thing to eat.", Brad moved toward the door, walking backwards as to keep facing Jenny. March had gotten up with him and was staying close to his side as he walked. "Looks like she's not going to let you go that easily.", Jenny pointed to March. Brad stopped at the door and kneeled, taking March's head in his hands, "Don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow it you two beautiful young ladies will have me.", speaking more to March then Jenny. Jenny giggled a little, "Sure, I'm not working this weekend so I'd be glad to have you stop by, maybe I can make supper next time." "that would be nice, See you around 5pm then?", Brad opened the door. "Its a date!", she replied a little too enthusiastically. After Brad left, Jenny dance a little by herself as she spoke to March, "Oh...he's wonderful, I think its love...". March was still staring at the door, "What's gotten into you? I know, you love him too." Jenny gave March a big hug and danced some more. Jenny had been preparing all day, cleaning and trying to pick out the perfect dress, some thing seductive but, that didn't make her look easy. "I hate all of these.", she pushed around some dressed hanging in her closet. She finally found one, "This will have to do." It was a red low cut dress, just a little above the knees. She put some romantic music in the CD-player and tested her collection of perfumes, looking for just the right one. March was waiting at the door, which she had slept in front of all night. Jenny finally laid down on the couch, looking around for any small flow in the home and noticed that March was now standing, he tail wagging. Within a couple seconds, her door bell rang. Jenny rushed to the door, stopped to check her dress and then opened it. There stood Brad in a sports jacket, holding a bottle of wine and a small bag. He was greeted first by March, who planted her nose in his crotch again for a second and then looked up at him eagerly. Jenny stood shocked for a second and said, "Mind if I just give you a hello kiss?" Brad laughed a little and nodded. Jenny escorted him in and took his jacket and the wine. "What's in the bag?", she asked. "I brought a little some thing for both of you.", He opened the bag and pulled forth a small chunk of meat, handing it to March. "You don't mind yo you?", he asked. "No, I feed her table scraps every now and then.", Jenny replied, "But I hope your meant the wine is for me." They both laughed a little and Jenny turned on the music. Brad opened the wine and Jenny brought him some glasses. The two relaxed on the couch and continued their conversation, March laid at Brad's feet. "You know, she's really taken a liking to you.", Jenny said as she looked at March. Brad reached down and scratched March's head, who stood up, eager for the attention. The night passed on and the wine bottle was soon empty, March had rested her head on Brad's lap a couple time, trying to get him to pet her, Brad was always ready to answer her request. Jenny frowned a little, "So, did you come her to see me or my dog?", she slapped her hand over her mouth, trying to stop the words which had already escaped. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. It must have been the wine talking.", Jenny apologized, shaking her glass upside-down to show how empty it was. Brad leaned over and slowly kissed Jenny, then held her close. "I've come for you.", he whispered into her ear. Jenny returned his advances with a deep, passionate kiss and the two fell back onto the couch, still holding one another. The two kissed and caressed, holding each other tightly until March started whinnying and nosing at them, "Maybe we should move to a more comfortable room?" Jenny pushed March away and lead Brad to the bedroom. As she closed the door, she turned back to March who had followed them all the way, "He's mine tonight, beat it." March sat, listening at the door and heard the squeaking of the bed springs and heavy breathing. Her sensitive nose could detect strange new smells emerging from under the door. Some of the moans which came from the room were followed my low growls, almost animal in nature. March scratch at the door as she heard Jenny cry out, not in pain but, in pleasure. March fought to push her nose under the door, seeking Brad's sent and find it but, it was slightly different now, masked in the musky fragrance of sweat. After what seemed an eternity, Jenny finally opened the door and pushed past March, who eagerly tried to get in. "Look what you've done to my door. Bad dog!", yell Jenny as she examined the scratches on her door. Jenny turned and walked away towards the bathroom, March continued to scratch at the door. The latch popped open, and March rushed in. Brad was laying naked on the bed, covered in a layer of sweat, which glistened in the light as he breathed. March inhaled deeply, taking in as much of his sent as she could. Brad's nose twitched and flared, and his eyes opened and drifted to March who now stood next to the bed. Brad sat up and patted her head, "You know don't you girl. You can smell an old dog like me from a mile away." Brad looked to the door, his ears twitched, "Your the first dog who hasn't attacked me, I wonder why." It was at that moment that Brad noticed some thing in the air that he had ignored before, he took it in, letting his senses sort it out from all the other fragrances. His upper lip started to pull a little, revealing his white teeth. He pondered that smell, it pulled at him, his body moving involuntarily, off the bed and to the source. He opened his eyes and found himself nose-to-butt with March, who's tail was raised to one side, allowing him free access. He took in her fragrance, a wondrous scent which intrigued and excited him. As he inhaled, his member began to fill and stiffen, his blood pumped and his body warmed like never before. A growl escaped his lips, and he bared his teeth. His ears picked up Jenny's approach and he fought against an urge which burned within his, struggling to get back into the bed and cover up. "March! How did you get in here?", Jenny yelled as she found March with her front paws on the bed, looking up at Brad who was covered up as if trying to sleep. Jenny pulled at March's collar, forcing her out of the room and locking the door. March pawed at the door for a while before laying down in front of it, waiting for it to open again, her nose never leaving the crack between the door and the floor. As the night settled and the moon show high in the sky, March perked up, hearing some thing moving towards the door. She stood and eagerly awaited, her senses telling her how and what it was. the door creaked open and Brad stepped out, "Ahhh...Not now girl, you don't want to be around me right now..ahhh" Brad made his way to the door, March trailing behind, she whimpered. Brad opened the front door, "Ok but, it your funeral." The two took to the street, Brad sprinting and March following. As they went, Brad began to pick up speed, to the point where March was in full out run, trying to keep up with him. Brad's breathing was becoming raspy, almost like a growl as they reached the edge of the city. They entered the woods and traveled deeper, fleeing civilization and seeking refuge in the darkness that only the wilderness could offer. Brad slowed, saliva foaming from his mouth and began holding his ribs. He cried out in pain as his muscles rippled, March danced around him, wanting to yield to her unknown fears while fighting to stay by his side. Brad arched back are let out a scream which turned into a howl at the end. His bared teeth, now fangs shown in the moon light. Thick hair began to sprouted from his back and arms, he fell you the ground, convulsing in agony. The sounds or taring flesh filled the night as his body changed, his skeleton shifted and snapped. He coughed and gagged as his face contorted and stretched, taking on a more canine appearance. When his agony subsided, Brad no longer laid before March but, a wolfish monster in his place. Steam bellowed from it's nostrils as its great lungs pumped in much needed air. Its head turned and looked at March, a snarl bared a row od long, razor shape teeth. The creature stood, hunched over as if needing to use its arms to stand. A growl passed its lips and it began to move towards March who stood her ground silently. The wolfish monster got within a foot of her, foam dripping from its mouth and it rumbled another growl. March whimpered and lowered herself, taking a more submissive pose, the creature grew silent. March rolled to her back, exposing her belly to it. Fiery eyes watched as the shepherd rolled and bent, whimpering and whinnying. Its nostrils searched the air, detecting some thing there that spurred a memory, the beast shook its head, attempting to rid itself of the thoughts and feelings which sprang forth. March stopped and watched, the being before her clenched its head in its enormous hands and cried out, a thunderous howl. After a moment, it calmed and turned back to March, inhaling the nights air deeply. As it approached, March turned and lifted her tail to one side, feeling what the creature now had in mind. It closed in on her, lowering it's head and examining her mound, tracing the scent. March noticed a different scent now, similar to the one she had smelled from under the door, it excited her. She felt a hand rap around her chest and then another on her hips. She could feel its breath across her back, burning hot. She arched her back more, her instinct directing her. A new sensation filled her as some thing pushed at her, a large object worked and stabbed at her rear, seeking an entrance. It found its way to her mound, parting the lips and sliding in. A moan thundered from above her as the great rod began to plunge, waves of ecstasy flowed over her. The hands held her tightly, pulling back on her as powerful hip slammed against her. The moaning got louder and louder, drowning out all other sounds. The walls of her mound quivered and contracted, sending her deeper into the pleasure of the moment. She began to whine as she breathed, her body growing hotter then she could stand. The monstrous shaft drove deep into her, muscle straining to lock it there, the beast above her howled as it climaxed. As it's muscle began to relax, it stumbled backward, pulling free of her, the sensation of the shaft leaving her sent her farther into ecstasy. She heard a loud thump and turned to find her bestial lover slumped on the ground, breathing deeply. She watched intently as it began to shrink, fur pulling back into skin, bones realigning. After a few seconds, a naked Brad lay before her once more. She rushed to him, licking his face and chest, urging him back to consciousness. Brad's senses slowly returned, his head pounding. As his vision cleared, he found March nuzzling and pushing at him. "You stayed with me through it all didn't you?", Brad patted her head. "Well, I need to find some...", he paused as an odor caught his attention. He calmed March and examined her searching for the source, it wasn't a sent he had detected from her before. As he got behind her, her tail lifted, revealing her reddened mound and droplets of cum which had escaped. "What did I..umm..we do while I was away March?", Brad examined himself, finding some cum on his member ans legs. March turned and lapped at his shaft, cleaning it and sending waves of pleasure surging through him. Brad pulled March close to him, and pondered the nights events as the two sat beneath the full moon. ------------------------------------------------------ Some people have requested a longer story and I've had this one milling around in my head for a while. Hope you like it.