From!!not-for-mail Sun Dec 7 14:59:40 1997 Path:!!not-for-mail From: (Rocky R) Newsgroups: fur.stories.erotica Subject: FUR: Magic of Innocence Lost (m/m sf/fantasy ) Chpt. 1 Date: Tue, 25 Nov 97 19:04:46 GMT Organization: Write Only Memory Lines: 220 Message-ID: <65fhom$5vq$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: News Xpress Version 1.0 Beta #4 Xref: fur.stories.erotica:3234 Story- "Magic of Innocence Lost " Part 1, [m/m, SF-Fantasy, Furry] By: Rocky R. ( © 1997 Write Only Memory/Rocky R. Chapter One: Buck Finnley ....strong hands caress the sides of the taunt furry body....mouth to muzzle...tongues interwhined in a dance of love and to fur....two bodies embraced as one.....slow rhythmic strokes from seven inches of maleness glide deep inside.... Buck awoke with a start as his little brother leaped into his bed. "Wake up, Bucky, wake up, it's the first day of summer vacation," squealed Marc, the hyper little 10 year old otter/ferret. "Come on big brother, get up, today is the bestest day in the whole wide world." Buck, rolled over, pulling the covers over his aching head. It didn't feel like it was the "bestest day", he had a hang over from drinking way too much elderberry wine with is buds, Cody and Todd, all he wanted to do was sleep it off. "Come on, squirt, leave me sleep." "Buck-eee, Mom said to get up, breakfast is ready," the younger brother nagged. The little giggling whirlwind pounced on his bigger sibling, trying to pull the bed covers down and wrestle his brother out of his indifference. It wasn't so much his little brother's attacks, but his full bladder and morning hard on that finally got the best of Buck to get up. In one swift move he rolled Marc up in the covers and tickled him. Marc squealed in delight and despite their difference in age they were both close and always had been, none of that sibling rivalry that so many kits experience. Buck left his brother breathless as he got out of bed. "Bucky's gotta woody, Bucky's gotta woody," teased the younger sibling. "Meep you, squirt," retorted Buck as he made his way to their shared bathroom. Buck could hear his brother scamper out of their bedroom. "Auuhhhgg," he moaned as he relieved his full bladder. His paw rubbing the sleek brown fur on his flat muscular chest, arching his back in a stretch and shaking the last few drops of yellow liquid from his semi hard five inch penis. Not just his headache, but every inch of his five foot six frame, even his fur hurt. How could something that tasted so good as elderberry wine make you feel so bad the next day? Buck wondered if his two friends were feeling as badly as he did. The sixteen year old otter/ferret staggered back in the bedroom he shared with Marc. Pulling on a pair of old jeans, a tee-shirt of some human rock band and sandals, Buck made his way to kitchen and breakfast, maybe some food will make him feel better. "Good morning, sleepy head," said his beautiful otter mother. "Happy Whelpday." She gives her son a hug and a kiss on the muzzle. Buck slumps down onto the bench at the kitchen table and pours himself a bowl of "Nuts and Grains". Marc grins at his brother as he takes a drank off his glass of eggs. "Would you like some eggs, honey?" asked their mother. "Yes, please, scrambled," Buck replied. "Oh, YUCK," exclaimed Marc, "cooked eggs...that's how "mutts" eat them!" "Don't knock it unless you've tried it. Brad's folks made them for me and they taste good," says Buck, "and they're humans not mutts." "How many mutts does it take to change a lume panel...three, one to screw in the panel, one to hold the ladder and one to turn the water on and off," laughs Marc. Buck growls, "That's not funny!" "Buck's right, dear, it's not polite to call the Terrans that," mother says. "I can believe both of you," protests Buck, " their not mutts, or skins or Terrans, they're humans and they're just like us. Brad is one of my best friends and is coming to my whelpday party tonight and I don't want anybody to embarrass him again." " Buck, no one wants to embarrass your friends, "comforts his mother, "just that it's hard to remember what they want to be called. When I was your age, son, they wanted to be called Terrans and we'd even play sports together as furs and skins. Human use to be a bad word, just like mutt is now. But this thing you have about eating cooked food, isn't good for us, dear, you know that cooking food robs it of their vitamins." "I'm sorry, too Bucky," Marc says, taking his big brother's paw in his, " I promise I won't call them bad names anymore. Their still strange though." This wasn't Buck's first encounter with his family over humans, first it was his friendship with Brad while they were just kits. When Buck announced that he was going to be a humanitarian (a human doctor) the fur really started to fly. His father had hoped that their son would join the Cyber Research Institute, he even arranged a scholarship for his son, but Buck's mind was set on humans. One particular human in general, Bradley Green, the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen. But his feeling for his friend could never be. Male furs were suppose to explore sex as a part of play, but what Buck felt for his human was love. Humans had cultural taboos and supernatural beliefs that made it wrong just to play yiff. One hundred years ago, when the Terran ship crashed on this world, there weren’t even a thousand survivors, and if the species were to survive they had to breed. Humans decided to outlaw same sex feelings no matter what the native population of this world did. Buck was a scrapping good looking young morph, 5’ 6” taller, 125 pounds, light brown body fur and dark brown mask and boots. A long sleek tail, with it’s dark brown tip, that hung to his knees, your basic Tailaton teenager. He recieved near perfect grades in school and was seldom in trouble unless he was with Cody Dwellar. Then there were his other two friends, Cody the large, stocky raccoon, and Todd the tall slender snow fox always joked about yiffing each other in front of Brad, which made the human turn various shades of red. Cody was always jokingly lifting his tall and shaking his butt to the teen fox, taunting his friend to have his way. But the young ferret was sure that his two friends were to macho to share his secret feelings with. Those two were sport stars, lettered in everything they played at school and always had their choice of the finest females. Buck was no slacker in sports, being half otter and the son of a female Olympian swimmer, he was the top swimmer on the varsity squad, but when it came to females he'd sink like a rock. His head told him to try but his heart had been sworn in secret to the tall, blond human Adonis. The teenager finished his breakfast, gave is mom is kiss, scruffed up his little brother head fur , picked up his hoverboard and headed out the front door to see what the first day of summer vacation had in store for him. First stop, down the lane to Cody Dweller's house. Cody and Buck had been friends as long as either could remember, being whelped just a week apart, with Cody the elder, and never letting his Buck forget that. Cody was bigger too, of course, five foot ten inches and one hundred , sixty five pounds of mischief and muscle. If there was trouble in the neighborhood, it was a good chance Cody was involved. From egging house on Harvest Eve, or raiding gardens for sweet melons, Cody had his paws in it, somehow. He wasn't a bad kit, mind you, he was loved and well raised by his parents. Forrest, his father, a master craftsman of wood and stone and Uanna, his mother, a very accomplished painter and sculptor. They were liberal parents not wanting to restrict the free spirit of the boy and Cody tested his limits and the patience of the community regularly. A half meter off the ground, the hoverboard and teenager wizzed between the ferns and trees at break neck speed to the small grove of old growth were the Dwellers had built a compound of five tree houses, connected by porches and bridges. On the ground, near by were gardens, statues, fountains and a large stone and wood building that was used as workshops and studios. With a sharp bank to the right and up , Buck glided to a landing on the front porch of the main lodge. "Yo, Cody are you at home?" he called through the front screen door. “He’s still in bed, Buck” replied Uanna from inside the house. “Thanks,” said Buck, picking up his board and walking across the porch to the bridge that led to Cody’s hut. __________________________ **end chapter one.*** To be continued ? Rocky's Write Only Memory