Dealing with a Incubus (alternate evil version)

This is a work of fiction (maybe). All the characters and events portrayed are not real (sort of). If you are under the age of 18 your mom probably doesn't want you to read stuff like this so please don't. This story is copyright by the author and ALL rights are reserved. Reposting of this story or placing it in any archive is not authorized. So ask me!! Copies may be kept for personal use. Please respect the author's wishes. Copyright ©1997 ------------------------------------------------------------------------

By Lusty Werewolf

*****Part 1: lost of innocents*****

Back in Ancient times there was a Indian villige of about 1000 in the North Americas. The village is your typical indian village of its time. This villige has 2 saviors that protect it and serves as they insterment against the Evil spirts. One must be a male and the other a female. These individuals must be PURE of Heart and Soul. They must never have sex since the powers that they recieve will be hampered by their impure thoughts. They are bound to serve the Goddest first and themselves second. These 2 are trained when they could walk in the teachings of the powers and understandings of Evil spirts and how to use the power of Good to protect the village. Once they don the pelts they grow in size and are given the powers of the Goddess. They never tire and even when there bodies are old with age it doesnt bother them. Usually when they are 80 years old they pass the pelt to the next choosen. And then they given their life back as normal humans. As the years are rolled back to them till when they are in the prime of their human life. And they can do as they please. Their only mission is find another choosen to serve the Goddest as they were the Purest and untaint and most trusted to wear the pelts of the goddess.

The pelt stays on their body unless the wearer becomes taint and unpure. The biggest enemy against the wearers of the pelt is the human desire for sex. They must not not let the taint thoughts of man ruin their innocents. If they willingly taint them selves the pelt starts to slow lose powers in keeping their pelts connected to their bodies as well as all the other advantages of strength, the keen wolf senses and cat like speed. So they are bought up to deal with human urges.

As if they willingly submit to having a orgasm the sacred pelts will loosen on their body. But the suit if used in good gives the wearer the strenght of a grizzle bear, the senses of a wolf, the quickness of a cat, the viciousness of a badger and the cunnings of fox. The pelts are a one peice fursuit covering every inch of ther wearers body. Its has a deep rich soft fur. the fur on the arms and legs are short while the chest and back fur are longer. With the backfur being the longest. The head or mask looks exactly like a wolfs head with a slightly wider face, one looks throught the eyes of the mask as if ones eyes were the mask eyes. The tail of the suit is exactly like a wolfs tail. The legs are digi-grade and gives the user the look of a standing wolf. The feet are wolf like as well and has 4 toes on each foot and a sharp claw on each toe. The hands are very human like but covered in rich soft fur and has extrememly sharp claws on each finger. The pelt once wore feels like his/her own skin. The pelt connects to the users bloodstream and nervous system so they can feel through the fursuit. They live the rest of their lives in the fursuit as it grows or shrinks to their body. Their ass and all private parts blend in so that it looks natural, with the male having a sheath like a wolf and his nuts are covered with soft fur. While the females parts are partruded out slightly of the fur.

The pelts are a gift of Sjaroty Doe Goddess of the forest for the protection of the all natural life. The pelts were created by Sjaroty to battle evil spirts and monsters that try to harm the worshippers of the Goddest. These two wolfen warriors are the cumination of the many animals of the forrest. Once a year the 2 wearers visit the Goddest to pay their hommage to the her. There soul are pure and untaint by the world as they are seperated from the normal tribesmen and brought up to be the most pure, most ferocious and most cunning warriors in all the land.

After years of service the 2 saviors are getting too old to battle the forces of evil and not is the time for new saviors to take the positions as saviors of the village. It was already decided who would wear the suits for the new generation. And now at age 18 they take the place of there saviors as the new saviors of the village and forrest.

The young choosen male name was Strong like the Sun for his strenght and strong will and is now known as Blackwolf Strength of the night to the villiage due the color of his pelt. Which is deep dark black from head to toe. He was a perfect physical specimen 6'3 195lbs all lean muscles,long black hair,brown eyes,slim but muscular. Kinda looks like a native indian fabio. And is the envy of all men from the torsel up and bellow.

The female maiden was Leaf in the wind for her innocents. And now know as Graypelt hunts like the Wolf. Her pelt is deep gray kinda blackish. Her beauty is beyond anything everseem on earth. Her perfect physic and her perfect size breast, not too big not too small enough so that you can barely put your hands over, just makes you want to suck them all day. Her long balck hair small figure but ULTRA TONE. She is 6'1 150lbs and has brown eyes with a body and face like a indian Xena. She has that mean look but caring look on her face.

Years go by and the duo defeats evil monsters and spirits. And then one day after defeating a group of trolls, Graypelt goes to her HUT for rest. She lays on her sleeping a red handmade blanket with indian art design of shapes and lines. And falls asleeps curling upwith her arms wrapped around her breast. As she got up she sees Blackwolf walking into her Teepee but unlike there normal greetings of a head nod he goes up to her muzzle to muzzle and going under her arms to draws her body next to his. Then opens his mouth extending his wolfish tongue and licks her black wolf lips. Lowering her body he licks her clawed feet with his tongue. Graypelt closes her eyes and relaxes, letting Blackwolf do what ever he wanted. Going all around and in between her toes. She giggles as he labors. He slowly goes up her body licking and kissing her inner theighs as he drags his claws through her soft rich pelt. He removed the leather coverings that hide her privates. As he reached her cunt as it poked out he licked it with one stroke from the bottom to the top and kept moving. This made Graypelt moan in pleasure. He went up to her abdomen and slowly licked her fur and lightly dragged his claw tips through the fur to her stomach making her pull it in as it tickled her. After a few minutes of him laboring and lowering his face close to her fur so that she could feel his hot breath on her skin through the fur. Blackwolf went farther up and palmed her breast squeez them and sucking the black nipples rotating left and right. When he squeezed her breast he lightly dug in his claw tips in and dragged them from the point where the breast connects to her chest to the tips of her nipples. And when he wasnt licking or sucking her breast her would places his nose in between her breast and breath in and out in to her fur. Blackwolf proceed up and slowly licked and nip at her neck as he put both hands on her shoulders on her neck and massaged them. Rought up her fur on her neck was a pleasure to Blackwolf his tongue went against the grain of the fur making her fur clump together as he litely bit and sucked all around her neck. A few minutes of deep moans and breaths from Graypelt, Blackwolf gripped her muzzle with both hands and lightly wrapped them around her entire muzzle as it was closed. Forming a living muzzle over her face. He licks her lips and nose with the tip of his tongue and lightly licks from the tip of her noise down her muzzle while still holding it with his hand to her forehead. Going to her left ear he licks the outer rim of the ear giving Graypelt chillbumps all over her body underneath her fur. After licking the rim he exhaled slowly inside her ear and then drove his tongue inside licking all around. It was kinda bitter taste to Blackwolf as he cleaned her inner ear with his tongue. Graypelt body tensed as Blackwolf cleaned both her inner ears. After he finishes he moves back down her body. Graypelt opens her eyes to see what he is up too. Blackwolf gets between her legs and spreads them wide. She say we cant do this its against teachings. Blackwolf just shhh's Graypelt and lowers his sheath revealing a 8 inch cock that looks like a wolfs cock then a humans one. No Please we will lose our powers and become taint if we do this! Said Graypelt nervously. But Blackwolf didnt say a word and positions himself over her moist wet wanting cunt and plunges in.....

"NOOOOOoooooooo...." Graypelt screams as she gets up. Breathing deep and hard she relise it was only a dream. The rest of the day she tried to think of things to keep her mind off of Blackwolf. And avioded Blackwolf till she was undercontrol of her thoughts. She need to get her mind focus so she practiced her fighting skills and succsesfully able to distract her thoughts. Getting her mind back in order she doesnt have any sexy interest anymore for blackwolf.

Every few days Graypelt gets these dreams but her will was strong and she fought the urges to relieve herself. As the days went her dreams got longer hotter and more vivid. She even had a dream where she was naked and having sex with blackwolf. This was getting to be hard for her to stay focus and pure. As her dreams tells of her LUST for Blackwolf. Each time she touches Blackwolf either by accident or intentional it brings shiver down her spine as it reminds her of the dreams.

Night after night she endure the dreams but she can not and must not please herself. Sometimes late at night she cries as she wants so badly for the burning in her lions to stop. She can not even play with herself fearing that she will bring herself to orgasm and tainting her soul and losing her powers. She loved being the savior to the forrest and the village. She loves her pelt that encloses her naked form. How the slick skin on the inside of the fur feels as it drinks the sweat from her body and keeping her nice and cool even on a hot day. She loves the way she can hear and smell like a wolf. Her soft fur keeps her warm in the most server winters. She loves the smell of herself as she has a kinda animalish musk but has a sweet smell on her body.

A month goes by and she is barely able to keep from touching herself rubbing her clit and pinching them together. But she manage not to let it go too far. But after a hard long battle with Blackwolf against some swamp monsters she had to see if Blackwolf would give her what she desired. After killing the Monsters Blackwolf caught Graypelt staring at him with a strange look. "What is it?" asked Blackwolf questionly. Thinking he might can read her thoughts as she was FUCKING him in her mind. She turns away and walks back to the village. "WAIT UP!" said Blackwolf as he sprinted towards her and put both of his hands on each side of her neck to massage her neck muscles. Just a friendly jesture he thought. But this caught Graypelt off guard as when his strong warm hand caresses her neck she GASPED bringing her to a full stop as her eyes roll back as she closed them. His strong hands kneeded her neck and it was wondefull for Graypelt as she just lived the moment. After a few mintues she turns around and turns her head sideways and opens her mouth and brings them over Blackwolf's as she closed down locking her lips around his. Now Blackwolf gasped as he was shocked but it was quite enjoyable... His first kiss. There tongues played together as they exchanged saliva. They kissed for about 1 minutes and then Blackwolf eruptly breaks away. But Graypelt was holding to his furry black waist. "I NEED YOU! PLEASE GIVE IT TO ME!" pleaded Graypelt. "GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!"yelled Blackwolf as he breaks her grip and grabs her face as he looks directly in her eyes. "We are bound by Sjaroty not to engage in any form of sex. Or we will be defenseless against our enemies. We must stay STRONG and not give into to these Human desires!" Blackwolf said commandingly. Feeling ashamed she runs to her hut as tears comes out of her eyes and onto the mask.

*****Part 2: Lust and the Price*****

That night as she slept she has another erotic dream of her as Graypelt and Blackwolf making love. She is awaken by a noise and when she sees a male demon enters her hut. With a RUSH of adrenline she jumps up and prepares for battle. The demon has a goat looking head , smooth gray skin on his body , human looking leg and arms ,a furry sheath covering a hulking cock,and a small set of gray wings on his back. "YOU HAVE 2 SECONDS TO DISSAPEAR BEFORE I DESTROY YOU!" yelled Graypelt. The male demon quickly gets on his knees and holds his arms out and says pleadingly "WAIT! WAIT! Im here to help you!" Not sure to believe him she draws her arms back ready to rip this demon to shreds. "WAIT I CAN HELP YOU WITH WHAT YOU MOST DESIRE!" yelled the demon. Graypelt lowers her clawed paw and saids "SPEAK FAST OR I WILL RIP YOUR TONGUE OUT!" The demon swallows and says "I can help you mate with Blackwolf!" Graypelt thinks for a moment and says "How?" Still kneeling the demon moves alittle closer to Graypelt and says "If I can strip his suit off, I could don it and pleasure you with it and this will leave the male human free from the taint of SEX!" Graypelt ponders the situation as the demon gets off his knees and appoches Graypelt cautionly least he scares her and he gets killed. Graypelt wonders about it and asks "How are you going to Strip the pelt from his body with out killing him?" The demon quickly replies if you tell me how to just lower his powers, I have a spell that will loosen the pelt from his body." Graypelt thinks for a moment as the demon draws closer and with his right hand places it on her holy fur on her head. The fur was extremely soft and smooth. The demons touch made her cringe as she felt his hand stroked her head. The demon thinks "HA NOW IVE GOT A DIRECT ACCESS TO HER MIND! All those nights of hard work to make her dream those EROTIC dreams has paid off. Now I m going to flood her mind with a thousand explicid images. Graypelt shudders as her mind and body races at the thought of having sex with Blackwolf. She gave in as the urges has took its tool. Graypelt tells the demon where he can fight Blackwolf in a certain area of the woods and that it happers his strenght. "I dont know if I should take on Blackwolf I could get killed" Said the demon knowing full well with the information she gave he couldnt possibly lose. He knows she is in desperation and is willing to do anything. "PLEASE TRY!" pleaded Graypelt. "I need a favor in advance to show me if you are willing to betray Blackwolf." said the demon. "And what is it?" questioned Graypelt. "Suck me off." Replied the demon. Graypelt thought about it as she never had a cock in her mouth before much less a demon's cock. If she did it she will be taint and unpure she thought. Then decided that the urges will go away and her mind will be normal again. Graypelt slowly said "o...k." With a wide grin the demon put his hands on both sides of Graypelt's head and sofly gripped it as he lowered her head down to his crotch. Graypelt's heart raced as the demon puts its VILE hands on her head as she lowers her body. Graypelt felt tears coming down her eyes as she know that once she wraps her lips around the demons cock she will have betrayed everyone. As her muzzle got closer to the demons crotch she smelled his strong musk and the sweet smell of dried cum. The placed his left hand under Graypelts jaws where it connects to her throat. With her directly infront of his cock he couldnt believe he was going to get a blowjob from legendary Graypelt the savior of the forrest. With his right hand he pulled back his sheath exposing his long slick pink cock. The tip is pointy and the shaft is about 10 inches long and 2 inches wide. Looks like a humans dick except the head was very pointy like a wolf's cock. Graywolf kneeling on the ground pants hard as she is actually going to suck the demons cock off. The demon slowly pushes his cock in the once un-taint mouth of Graywolf. Graywolf feels the warm smooth cock being pushed into her once pure mouth as she tastes the salty pre-cum being ejaculated out of the tip. As the full lenght of the demons cock is shoved in, Graypelt closes her eyes in shame as she pleases the demon with her lust. The demon moved his right hand and held the back of Graypelts head as his entire length goes to the back of her mouth and down her throat. The incubus loves the feel of the smooth tongue of Graypelts as it squirmes all around his cock. Graypelt starts to suck the vile cock as she wraps her wolf like tongue along the lenght of the shaft. The Incubus moans as he slowly pistons his cock in her mouth. The incubbus feels Graypelts hot breaths on his crotch as he presses his cock deep in her throat. Graypelt couldnt believe she was actually enjoying sucking the incubus's cock as her nose gets pressed on the crotch of the incubus while his nut slams on her wolfish chin. The incubus increases his pace as he nears his orgasm slamming his nuts and crotch on the muzzle of Graypelts. After a few minutes of Long hard thrusts down her throat he feels his nuts tense up about ready to explode in her throat. Greypelt holding the Incubus's hips feels his body tense up and his dick begins to swell in her mouth. The Incubus lets out a loud moan as his cum shoots out of his cock. He grips greypelts by the back of her head with his right hand and with his left holds her throat hard as he shoves his cock as far as it will reach. Greywolf gags as the cock goes down farther then she would have like as she was not trying to swallow his cum. But now he was controlling her head with the grip on the back of her head and underneath her throat. She feels a hot, saltly, kinda bitter, gooie, thick liquid beings squirted to the back of her throat. Feeling her trying to spit it out the Incubus begins to massage her throat. Greypelt couldnt believe how much cum was coming out of the incubus and she was about to choke on his cum as she feels the incubus massaging her throat which relaxed her enought to swallow his VILE cum down to her belly. The Incubus with his left hand on Greypelts throat felt her swallow and pulled out of her mouth and quickly moves his left hand to the back of Greypelts head and with his right grabs his cock and starts to pump it quickly as he aims it directly on her face. Greypelt puzzled at to why he pulled his cock out of her mouth and then sees that the incubus shooting the rest of his load on her furred muzzle as the yellow sickly looking cum shoots from the tip of his cock landing on her muzzle,ears, sides of her wolf face and even some lands in her eyes. She feels humilated as she is being cummed on by a creature she was brought up to kill. The once legendary monster/spirit killer now servering a demon and liking it. As the Incubus shoots the last of his cum on greypelts face he feels her soul being slowly tainted as she willingly sucked him off. Greypelt let go of the Incubus's hips when no more cum shot out and felt all the cum coating her face. The demon grins at the sight of the cum soaked savior as the cum drips off her face and lands on the ground. The yellow cum on greypelts grey fur dug in as she felt the warm cum pentrates her fur to her skin. The Incubus releases Greypelt's head and throat and said I will bring the pelt of Blackwolf's tomorrow night

********NEW STUFF STARTS HERE*********

Holding her and distracting her attention as 2 more incubus appears behind her. One of the 2 incubus was black furred while the other was grey furred, a lighter shade of gray then Greypelts fur. Hearing grunts of breathing Grey turns and sees the 2 incubus with their cocks fully extended and ready for action she tried to flee but the incubus she was dealing with grabs her. She struggles to free her self but it was too late as the other goat looking incubus grabs each of her arms and forces her to the ground. "STOP! STOP! BLACKWOLF! HELP! BLACKWOLF!" yells Greypelt but to no avail. The white furred incubus that she was dealing with just laughed as he lays her on her back and spreading her furry legs wide. "Now protecter of the forrest we will have out ways with you and destroy you, Blackwolf and the Doe Goddess" said evilily the white furred incubus. Licking off his cumm that he shot on her face Greypelt turns in discust. The white furred incubus then strips off the leather garmets that covered Greypelts furred body, tearing a strip and ties it around Greypelts muzzle to muzzle her. Tears form around Greypelts eyes as she knows what is about to happen.

The white furred incubus gets in between Greypelts legs and holding her legs up with each arms. He gets an errection and starts to rub his sheath on Greypelts soft furry inner thighs. As he rubs his shaft on her soft downy furred thighs more and more, his cock grows to its full size and seeping with pre-cum. Grabbing his shaft the white incubus spreads the pre-cum around greypelts hot cunt. Greypelt feels the hot rubbery pointy cock spread its vile slick fluid around her cunt as she tries to scream, but the muzzle keeps it down to a muffle.

The white furred demon starts to lick and run his tongue through Greypelts fur on her stomach, while running his clawed paws through her fur on the outer thighs. The grey furred incubus that is holding one of Greypelts arm tightly starts to lick and kiss her furry neck while the black incubus litely bites and sucks the other side of her neck. Greypelt disspite her predicament can only lightly moan in pleasure as the 3 demons of pleasure, pleasure themselves on the virgin fursuited Greypelt. Shaking her head in disbelief as how she got herself in this situation. Now at the mercy of the 3 incubus she is forced to live out what ever sick pleasure they have instored for her.

*****Part 3: Never trust a demon*****

The white furred incubus whose hulking errection throbs as he positions it at the lips of her cunt. Greypelt feels the hot tip of the incubus's cock at the enterence of her pussy lips and tries to resist one last time. But the 3 demons are stronger then she is. The Demon laughs and saids to Greypelt "Never trust a demon silly girl!" With that the incubus shoves his cock in her cunt. Greypelt has never felt a cock penatrate her much less the enormous size cock that the white furred incubus has. Greypelt's screams are muffled by the muzzle as the white incubus drives his thick cock in the hot tight dry cunt of Greypelt. Trying to free herself from the pain she stuggles more and more, but the 3 demons holding her just laugh and hold her tight as she wears herself down. "Im popping the cherry of the forest protector!" sneered the demon as he pounds in Greypelts tight dry cunt. "I want to hear her SCREAM in pain" snickered the white incubus as he pulls off the muzzle on Greypelt's face. A horrid scream is heard as the demon of pleasure gets more pleasure from this sick event. The white incubus then starts to bite the sides of Greypelt neck as he plunges and piston his huge cock inside her tight cunt. The other demons get more and more excited as they see the one powerful warrior at their mercy. Greypelt screams as she has her first organism flooding her cunt with blood and juices. With the added lubercation the white incubus plunges harder and deeper in the hot cunt. The feeling the demon has over Greypelt is power and lust, as she is now his bitch to fuck as he pleased. Shooting his seed deep within her cunt the demon HOWLS in pleasure as his cock slams the slick wall of Greypelt's cunt coating it with his seed. Greypelt cant believe what is going on as she feels the demons hot cumm fills her cunt. As the demon orgasm wave stops he said "How was your first time? You like my cock up your cunt? You know you do and you will love it in your ass too! If you co-operate we will let you live and be our sex slave. But hinder us and we will give you a slow and painful death." said the white incubus evilly. The white incubus gets up and lifts Greypelt so now she is sitting up and then he lets the other 2 demons have their way with Greypelt. The black incubus grabs Greypelt by the fur on the back of her neck and makes her get on all four. "Bitch if you Fucking bite my cock I will skin you alive and gouge your eyes out." barked the black furred incubus as he got in position. The grey furred incubus got behind Greypelt and spread her legs wide. Pushed his grey furred legs on the inside of Greypelt's legs and then grab his cock which was about 8 inches long and 1 inch thick and seeping with pre-cumm. He proceeds to rub his pre-cumm around Greypelts ass. The black incubus waits till the grey incubus penatrates her ass before he sticks his cock in her mouth as she would bite him when he shoved his cock in her virgin ass. The pointy thin pink cock of the grey incubus is postitioned at the entrence of Greypelts ass. Greypelt feels the heat emulating from the grey furred incubus. "You gonna be my wolf bitch! I know you will like this postion it suits you perfect." laughs the grey incubus as he wraps his arms around Greypelt's waist. Greypelt pleads alittle but was hit by the black incubus as he yelled "Shut up Bitch!" The grey incubus shoved his cock as hard as he could, as he barely penatrated the tight ass of Greypelt as she screams in pain. A few hard pumps and the grey incubus shoves his entire length inside Greypelt's ass as she can only take what ever evil vile pleasures they do to her. After a few minutes Greypelt screams quits and the black incubus reaches down and lifts the wolfish head and slowly inserts 9 inch long cock into the teethy opening. Greypelt know the taste of an incubus pre-cumm all to well as she tastes the salty pre-cumm. The smooth very pointy cock of the black incubus goes down to the back of Greypelt's throat as he barks to her "NOW SUCK IT HARD !" Greypelt wraps her wolfish lips around the cock and suckles it like a new born would do to a nipple. The 2 demons moans almost in unison as they pleasure themselves. The black incubus holding Greypelt by her fur on the sides of her face while he pumps his hips at the same time pulling her head on his cock. After a few minutes the black incubus shoot his load deep in Greypelt's mouth. Greypelt gags as the salty bitter gooie cumm fills her mouth. As the black incubus pulls out he grabs her muzzle closing it shut with both paws and yells at her to swallow it. Greypelt complies and swallows the vile goo as the demons laugh at how they can control one of the 2 most powerful warriors of the forrest The grey incubus reams Greypelt out like a wild animal in heat, biting and scratching her. As the grey incubus continues to rape Greypelt in the ass the other 2 incubus taunts her and cheering on the grey incubus. The moans of the grey incubus gets horrid as he nears his orgasm. As the grey incubus shoots his load deep in the bowels of Greypelt he bites her right shoulder digging his fangs deep into her flesh, which causes her to bellow in pain. The grey incubus tastes the warm blood that flows in his muzzle. As the orgasm wave stops the grey incubus stops biting Greypelt and is startled to see that the wound he gave to Greypelt heals before his eyes as the fur and skin regenerates at a amazing rate. This gives the grey incubus an idea of sick pleasure to bestow on Greypelt in the near future as they plan their stratgy on how they should capture Blackwolf and sending him to their master.

*****Part 4: The capture of Blackwolf*****

The grey furred incubus speaks "We should use our queen here to make him do as we please. He would not dare attack us if it will cause the death of his friend here." The white incubus said but how can we kill her her pelt protects her from damage. "Leave that up to me and go lure Blackwolf here"said the grey incubus evily. The white and black furred incubus leaves as the grey incubus walks towards Greypelt and stands over her. With his claw spread wide and a evil grin on his face he force fully turns Grey on her stomach as she tries to resist and fight. But now in her a weaken state from the abuse she had taken earlier she couldnt resist. "Lets see what your pelt does when I rip it off your body" evily barks the grey incubus. "Nooo! Please the pelt is attached to my skin! Please dont! You will rip my flesh off my body!" pleads Greypelt. Words fell on deaf ears as the incubus spreads his 1 inch sharp white claws on his right paw and raises it high in the air. Feelings of domination and power over comes the incubus as he brings pain to his enemy. Greypelt turns her head back to see the claw decend downwards towards her back. With a hallow Thump sound coming from Greypelt's back, she lets out a blood curling screams as the other clawed pawed of the grey incubus slams in her furred back causing the same sound to be heard again by both Greypelt and the grey incubus. Greypelt screams in pain as her claws dig into the earth while her legs flail while the incubus digs both his claws in her furred back to get a grip on her pelt. Screams of Greypelt are mix with the grunts of the incubus, the coures of pain fills the area. With the sound of ripping flesh the incubus sees the 1 foot long rip in the pelt and exposed naked flesh of the human underneath the pelt. A clear insulating gel is found that covers the skin of the human which acts like a cooling and healing gel for the host. He see the gel quickly heals the wounds he caused by ripping the pelt off Greypelts human body. The incubus looks under the pelt and sees hundreds of inch long bloody dendrals hanging with patches of torn human flesh still stuck to them that was once connected to Greybpelt's skin. Greypelt pleads the incubus to stop and again falls on deaf ears. This makes the incbus wonder what if the clear white gel was removed and the pelt was put on and reconnected with the host and ripped off once again. He would have to find that out later to hear her scream in pain gives him extreme pleasure as well as raping her. After the moment of rest the incubus continues and rips the pelt off Greypelt's human body, as she screams in agony, creating a hole from the back of Greypelt's head to the small of back. All the while licking the gel up with his long slender sand papery forked pink tongue after it heals her wounds up. The incubus sitting Greypelt up and getting in front of her he grabs both halfs of the pelt on Greypelts head and rips the pelts head off her human head.With the gluttery screams by Greypelt as the pelt's mask is slowly being rip from her face, as the healing gel flows into mouth and nose as it goes down her throat

The incubus cock pokes out of its sheath as he continues to slowly rips the mask off Greypelts face as she screams in sheer pain. The incubus finally rips the mask off and lets it dangle on her chest as it hangs by her lower neck still connected to the rest of the pelt. No sooner then the grey incubus stops for a rest, he sees 2 bodies fly in the teepee, It was the black and white incubus. Then a hulking black shiny furred werewolf steps in. The grey incubus steps behind the unmasked Greypelt and places one paw over her mouth with the other paw at her throat. "Attack me and your friend will die in a split of a second" snarled the grey incubus. The balck and white incubus gets up and stands read to pounce Blackwolf. But being way more powerful then all of them combine he fears little except the life of his friend. "Blackwolf you will not attack anyone of us and you do what I say unless you want your friend to have a torn throat! Understand?" said the grey incubus evily. Blackwolf growls deeply and nods getting on his hands and knees. The black and white incubus attacks the Blackwolf as he fears if he resist the grey incubus will kill Greypelt. The 2 incubus kicks and punches Blackwolf as he grunts in pain. They continue until they feel that Blackwolf is no longer a threat to them. Feeling quite horny from the feeling of over powering the most powerful of the 2 warriors, the white incubus attempts to sodomize Blackwolf as he laid helpless on his stomach. The white incubus gets inbetween Blackwolf's legs and pulling down his sheath reavealing his hulking errect 10 inch cock as he plans to rape Blackwolf in the ass, but is stopped by the grey incubus with rains of slaps to the head. "YOU STUPID FUCKING HORNY DEMON! BLACKWOLF MUST BE KEPT PURE FROM OUR DEMONIC LUST! OUR MASTER WILL BE VERY ANGERY IF WE VIOLATE BOTH WARRIORS! HE CAN ONLY MAKE NEW DEMONS FROM VIRGINS AND UNTAINT!" Yells the Grey demon as he pushes over the white incubus and slapping a few more times for good measure. The white incubus covers up from the raining blows as the black incubus gives the white incubus a few more cheap blows himself. "Now tie Blackwolf up and muzzle him while I finish stripping the pelt from Greypelt" Commands the grey incubus. The black and white incubus muzzles and ties Blackwolf's arms behind using the leather from Greypelts clothes. After securing him they force him to watch Greypelt screams in pain and agony as she gets her pelt ripped off her body by the grey incubus. Greypelt pass out as the pelt is ripped from her arms and chest. A few minutes later as the pelt is slowly pulled off her legs, the pelt now being inside out is toss to the black incubus. Then the grey incubus revives greypelt and makes her kneel on all fours and rapes her in the ass again, but now with no protection from the pelt. Greypelt body feels raw all over and she dares not resist the grey incubus now, letting him pleasure him self on her. As the grey incubus rapes Greypelt he scratches and bites her as she moans in pain. As the grey incubus shoots his load inside her he once again bites Greypelt's smooth slick furless shoulder causing her to scream in pain. As the grey incubus catches his breath he signals the other to open a gate way back to their masters lair. The white incubus pics up Blackwolf and drags him through the portal followed by the balck incubus wearing Greypelt's pelt as he draps it over his body so that the head is laying on his shoulders like a trophy. Lastly The grey incubus picks up Greypelt and throws her on his shoulder and walks through the portal, as he passes through the portal closes behind him in a flash of light with a crackle like sound.

*****Part 5: fun and games*****

As the demons pass through the portal they end up in a cavern with marble floors, the room smelled of sex and death, and to the left was a throne made of gold and encrusted with presious gems. And sitting upon the throne is their master the demon prince. The demon prince is a humanoid shape smooth skin creature with a goatish head ,reddish body, huge flexible retractable wings. The grey incubus dumps Greypelt to the ground and kneels in front of the demon prince, followed by the white who dumped Blackwolf on the ground while the black incubus carries the Greypelt's pelt and places it at the feet of his master. "Master! We bring you the warriors of the forrest and the pelt of the female warrior." said the grey incubus humbly. Without a word the Demon prince slaps the grey incubus and knocks him to the ground. "Fool what do I need the females pelt for? She is of no use to me now that you have defiled her. Barks the demon prince as he tosses the pelt back to his lowly servant.

"You may keep her as a pet.Take her to your courters and do as you will. Now untie Blackwolf and leave me alone with him" Commands the Demon Prince. The incubus quickly follows the demon prince orders and leaves the throne room. Blackwolf regains some strenght and stands ready to fight the demon prince. The demon prince laughs and stands spreading his wings to its full length. Blackwolf feels the raw awesome powers of the demon prince. Blackwolf lowers his body and bares his fangs and claws to the demon prince. The demon prince stood there and laughs as 4 huge tentacles, 2 under each arm, shoots from the sides of his body and each wraps around Blackwolf's limbs. Blackwolf cannot believe what he just saw as he is held in the air being drawn towards the demon , defenseless and helpless. Blackwolf howls in anger and tries to free himself but the tentacles are too strong for him to break as he is carried to the demon prince.

Blackwolf now is held 2 feet off the ground with arms and legs spreaded wide and 3 feet away looking muzzle to face with the demon prince."FUCK YOU DEMON KILL ME AND GET THIS OVER WITH! shouts Blackwolf.

The demon prince replies "Death to my most prized trophy? Never! You are wondering why my servants brought you here, im taking" asked the demon prince. "I need more servants and the only way I can get them is kidnap virgins typically males but I do get females. They have to be a virgin so I can shoot my seed up their body to metamorphs them into the likes of the demons that brought you here. Untaint souls are easy to corrupt. Sexually charge and totally loyal to my bidding. My main use of these servants is that I can only love virgins or my servants. While my servants can love any they shall please. So you see you will be a fine specimen as a newest addition to my cause. Thats why your friend was of no use for me. And I wish to posses your pelt and wear it and use its power to defeat your Goddess. I will absorb her powers and no one will be able to stop me. Ive havent had sex in quite sometimes my servants bore me, you will be my personal bitch for a couple of days." The demon prince runs his paws through the fur on Blackwolf's chest. Blackwolf screaming with obscenenaties towards the demon prince as he is greeted with a small 1 inch thick tentacle shooting from the demon's back and wrapping around Blackwolf's muzzle muzzling him. "Ahh much better now. Now where were we?" sneered the demon prince. The demon prince still holding Blackwolf by his limbs off the ground with his tentacles continues to rubs the furry chest of Blackwolf while lightly licking and biting Blackwolf's nipples. Slowly moving up Blackwolf's chest and runs his tongue pass the fur licking the pelt's skin with his long slender forked tongue. Blackwolf eyes doubled in size as he look down to see the cock of the demon prince which is pink , 3 feet long, 1 inch thick and didnt have a cock head as it has a very pointy tip. It squirms around unlike a normal cock this one moves like a snake. The demon prince then lower his body to Blackwolf's crotch as Blackwolf's is held in the same place by the tentacles. Then inhales the scent of his captive and looks up at Blackwolf and says "Ahh the musky scent of a virgin! Blackwolf you should be happy to know that I dont lust for anyone,consider your self honored that I would want to make you part of me. I would have killed you if you didnt have that pelt on." Only muffle sounds could be heard from Blackwolf who was still being muzzled by the tentacle wrap around his muzzle. From that the demon prince snakes his long slender tongue down Blackwolf's sheath. Blackwolf tries to yell while stuggles to escape as he breathes erratic when he feels the tongue of the demon prince invade his private area. The demon prince licks the tip of Blackwolf's cock and all around the inside of his sheath which causes movement in Blackwolf's shaft. While the demon uses his tongue on Blackwolf's sheath, his 3 foot long cock snakes under Blackwolf's ass and coats his hole with his demonic pre-cum. The demon prince continues to lick the inside of Blackwolf's sheath while fondling his furry nutsack massaging them. As Blackwolf cock grew to full errection, the demon grew hornier and hornier. Blackwolf is lowered by the tenacles on his back, but still hanging in the air as his ass is slightly higher then his head. The demon prince grins evily to Blackwolf as they make eye contact. The demon prince cock starts to snake and worm its way inside Blackwolf's tight ass while the tentacle holding Blackwolf's muzzle retracks back inside the demon prince. The demon takes delight in hearing Blackwolf screaming in pain getting double pleasure see his enemy shriek in pain and fucking him in the ass. As the the demon's cock worms its way down and around Blackwolf's intestinal track it grows in size to 2 1/2 inches thick and thousands of little 1 inch small nobs sprout from his cock spewing some kinda lubercant. And in a human way the demon prince rapes Blackwolf with his 3 foot long snake like cock that is follows the path of his intestines. Blackwolf screams and screams in sheer pain from his intestines being stretch to its limit as well as his asshole. After 10 minutes of pumping his demonic hips the demon releases his seed through all the nobs on his cock. The demon shrills in pleasure as he cumms in his enemy,holding Blackwolf under the shoulders.Blackwolf feels the hot burning cumm in his bowels and shuts his eyes tightly as the cum felt like it was seering his bowels. The demon orgasm last over 30 minutes filling Blackwolf's bowles with his demonic seed. So much cumm is being shot inside Blackwolf that the grayish cumm starts to freely flow out of his ass. As the demon stops cumming his cock's nobs retract and his cock worms its way out of Blackwolfs bowels carring vast amounts of demonic cumm as it slowly wiggles itself out of Blackwolf's ass. As the last 3 inches of the demon's cock wiggles out, Blackwolf asshole is so stretch out a pint of cumm flows freely out of Blackwolf's ass and down his legs. "Ahhhhh now that was refreshing! Now I thirst! I want to drink on the cumm of a virgin" said the demon contently. Weaken from the rape Blackwolf can barely resist the demon prince. The demon raises Blackwolf with his tentacles so now he is upright. Blackwolf's cock still full errect is greeted by the tongue of the demon. Licking all the pre-cumm that flows out the demon takes hold of Blackwolf's cock and engulfs it and sucks. Moving up and down on Blackwolf's cock as the demon sucks and sucks. Blackwolf now being raped in a different way can only moan lightly as he quickly shoots his load in the demons muzzle. The demon greedily swallows the seed of his enemy and continues to swallow till no more flows out. The demon releases Blackwolf from his tentacle bondage, letting him regain some of his energy up for another round of pleasure. After 30 minutes of resting the demon's tenetacles snatches Blackwolf by his limbs again but this time with Blackwolf's back towards the demon prince. As the draws Blackwolf's back against the demons chest as he feels the demon's snake like cock squirming around. Small tentacles sprout from the demon's sides and one wraps around blackwolf's nuts while another wraps around the base of cock acting like a cock ring. The demon then wraps his wings around both of them, sealing them up. Blackwolf growls and snaps around but a tentacle once again wraps around his muzzle and muzzles him. The demon then starts rub his cock on Blackwolf's furry back while a broad flat tentacle sprouts out and wraps around Blackwolf's cock and mastarbates him. The demon quickly comes to a orgasm spurting his cum out of the nobs on his cock, coating Blackwolf's back as well as the Demon's chest with his cum. The demon begins to spread his cum all around the inside of his enclosed wing rubbing it on Blackwolfs chest face and crotch. As the tentacle whupps off Blackwolf, a very small tentacle wiggles itself inside his cock and goes to where his cumm is stored in his nuts and pumps it full of demonic seed mixing it with his untaint seed. This feeling of somthing penatrating his cock is too much pleasure causing Blackwolf to shoot his mixed seed out. But since the demon is continously pumping more demonic seed inside Blackwolf's nuts, he continues to orgasm with the cum of the demons. As Blackwolf orgasm the tentacle holding his muzzle shut, splits in two and spreads Blackwolf's muzzle wide open as they hold his jaws open. The demons's 3 foot snake like cock begins to grow in length as it goes down Blackwolf's throat and down to his stomach and fills his belly full of cum and then retracts out of his mouth. As the cock maintain its length it cums all over blackwolf leaving trails of sticky cum as it goes all around his body. Kinda like a scent mark but in this case cum marks. The wings seal them so tightly that the cum starts to collect around them, coating Blackwolf from head to toe in demonic cum. This last for 1 hour as demon stops cumming he retracts all of his tentacles and flaps open his wings with a shimmering spray mixture of demonic/human cum and juices that scatteres all over the room . Blackwolf falls to the ground laying on his back more exhausted then ever and covered in a shimmering coat of cum all over his body. With a snap of his fingers the demon prince calls a group of servant incubuses in to clean Blackwolf's fur giving him a tongue bath. Afterwards they gave the demon prince a tongue bath as well licking his smooth reddish body and wings clean with their long, slender and slight rough forked tongue. "Rest well Blackwolf, upon my return I shall rip your pelt from your body as that is the only thing that keeping me from totally possesing you. Also I want to wear your pelt as a trophy when I destroy your Goddess" said the demon as he fades into thin air. The servant demons incubus quickly scampers away, leaves Blackwolf in the throne room, they lock the doors behind them. Blackwolf still too exhausted and laying on the cold marble floor, closes his eyes as he curls up in a fetal position and falls asleep on the cold hard marble floor in the middle of the room.

*****Part 6: Skinning a wolf*****

Blackwolf falls in a deep sleep and starts to dream of him and Greyepelt. They were laying on the ground after a day of hard fought battle with some evil demons. She gets on top of Blackwolf with her legs around his lowers her head down to his crotch. She slowly removes his leather war gamets that cover his privates up. Greypelt starts to lick Blackwolf's sheath and balls. This action cause Blackwolf to have an errection which greypelt quickly seize and slowly takes his shaft down her hot slick muzzle. Greypelt sucking Blackwolf's cock hard as she bobs her head up and down pressing her tongue along his cock. Blackwolf moans in pleasure as he grabs her ears and rubs them slowly moving to the back of her head rubbing it deeply. Blackwolf's lions is on fire as Greypelt expertly uses her tongue with a tight suction. Just as Blackwolf cums deep inside Greypelts he awakens from his slumber and his body greets him with a orgasm. Pulling his head back as the orgasm waves strikes him still. After the orgasm waves ceases, he looks down to find a black incubus, looking very simular to the one that saw at Greypelt's teepee, sucking him off him lapping up all of his the cumm. "FUCKING DEMON!" screams Blackwolf as he threw one of his claws streaking towards the black incubus's head but misses as it flees with Blackwolf in hot pursuit while laughing and runs out the door locking it as it closes. Blackwolf hit and claws at the door which appears to be of some kind metal. All of a sudden tentacles grab his waist and drags him backwards. Blackwolf is stun as he hits a fleshy solid mass and then a reddish membrane encloses him as he growls, tentacles wrap around his arms and legs. The demon princes laughs as his wings tighten around them so tight you can see the out line shape of the demon and Blackwolf from the outside of the winged cocoon. The wing deforms in shape as you can hear muffled screams of pain coming from within the winged cacoon. Within the cocoon the demon digging his claws in Blackwolf's back and ripping a hole down Blackwolf's back. Blackwolf screams in sheer pain as the demon rips off the pelt's mask from Blackwolf's face taking some of his flesh with it. Violently ripping the pelt down his chest and arms. The demon prince shows great pleasure ripping the sheath off Blackplelts cock tearing some of his human foreskin with the pelt's sheath. From the outside a hand, leg or head appears from time to time againt the fleshy cocoon. The screams didnt stop till Blackwolf's pelt was ejected out of the winged cocoon as it cascades on the marble floor laying inside out. The slimy white flesh coated with a glimming clear gel on the underside of the pelt lays helpless as its dentrites squirms around with some of the dentrites still connected to patches of flesh at random places all around. And when the wings open, the demon is violently raping the now furless human Blackwolf in the ass from behind, wraping his paws around the human chest. Now with the pelt no longer protecting him the demon slowly absorbs all Blackwolfs knowledge from within. As his cock penatrates his body stealing information from within Blackwolf's very soul. After throughly raping the human Blackwolf he tosses him aside and quickly snatches up the pelt. "At last the pelt is MINES! I will have the powers to rape anyone with the aid of this suit!!!"the demon screaming psychotically.

Several incubus flows in the throne room and hold the furless human as they watch their master marvel in his victory. Weighing no more then 14 pounds as he reverses the pelt so now the fur is on the outside. The demon prince trembles as he slowly puts his right leg inside the right leg of the pelt's as he slolwly draws it up. The inside of the pelt feels as if they were made from silk, his smooth demonic leg glides insides the pelt. He does the same to the left leg enjoying the way the pelt feels on his body. Then he slowly bring the pelt's chest to his chest as he glides his cock now 10 inch long pointy cock inside the silky smooth wall of the pelt's sheath. He slowly hunches his right arm in as he cant believe the how smooth the pelt covers his arms as he pulls the pelt's paws over his. Using his right now furred paws he slowly draws his left arms down the silky smooth sleeve of the pelt as it glidse smoothly seeming effortlessly into the pelt's arms. The back of the pelt slowly seals itself up. Still having wings the pelt seals around them as his reddish wings protrude out of the demons back. His cock gets fully errect poking out of the sheath now differnt then before as it resembles a wolfs cock then his demonic 3 foot long snake one. The demon grabs the wolfish head that hangs on his chest connecting to the pelts neck, slowly placing it over his own head. As the back of the pelt's head reaches the back of pelts neck skin, it slowly seals up as the dendrites all over the pelt starts to burrow into the demons flesh. The demon howls as if 1000s needles are being stab all over his body.

The demon with his arms out stretch and legs spread wide has a spasmic spontanous orgasms as the dendrites digs in his cock and scrotum. The demon humps the air while his cock spews his demonic seed in the air as it splatters all around him on the mable floor.

The demon falls face first to the ground breathing erratic as he recoveres from a orgasm that far excedes every orgasm he has every experienced. "Master? Master? Are you alright?" ask the servant incubus. The demon prince now in the shiny furred black werewolf pelt slowly gets off the ground. "I am alright" as his body is coursed with new found powers. "Something is different" siad the demon prince as he gets a errection. "Bring the female warrior to me now!"commands the demon prince. The incubus servants quickly leaves to retrive Greypelt. A few minutes later the servants return draggin Greypelt who is know in her pelt by her arms as they dump her at the feet of their master. Greypelt half out of her pelt from the waist up she bleeds from the missing patches of skin all around her chest and face that was torn off her body when they put the pelt back on her body as the dendrites attached themselfs to her skin and then ripping the pelt off her body.

Greypelt looks like she recieved numerous rapes as her chin,chest her front and back of her thighs are coated with dried and fresh cum. Her mouth still has fresh cum all around as well as her cunt and ass that seeps of cumm from the servant incubuses. The demon prince orders his servents to put the pelt back on her body as she was hideously disfigured from when the pelt was ripped off her face. As Greypelt no longer had the healing gel coating her body as the pelt didnt have time to make it before it was ripped off her body.

The demon prince cock throbs and pulses as he sees Greypelt laying with her cumm soaked fur. Trying to command his tentacles to pick Greypelt up but nothing. The pelt seems to prevent his tentacles from coming out as the demon prince looks at his body. Giving up the demon prince walks, as the pelt's hind claws click on the marble floor, up to Greypelt opens her legs wide and shoves his now 10 inch wolf cock up Greypelt's cunt. The demon prince cant believe he now can have sex with anyone as he madly bucks his cock inside Greypelt's cunt. A few minutes of ferious pumping the demon prince HOWLS in pleasure as he shoots his cumm inside Greypelt. The orgasm he experiences is even better then he had before. After raping Greypelt a few more times in the cunt ass and mouth, he lets her go. Still horny the demon prince awaits to rape the doe goddess as he calls his servants to help storm the goddess's castle as he knows where it is located from stealing the information from Blackwolf's head.

*****Part 7: And then there is war***** As the demon prince opens a huge portal, thosands of his warrior/servants incubus rush and attacks the doe goddess animal armoured warriors. The doe goddess warriors are actually animals that have been given humaniod characterist and represents animals from earth, like tiger,lion,wolves,bears. The demon prince commands his top servants, the 3 incubus that raped Greypelt from the begining, to bring Blackwolf and Greypelt to watch as he destroys their goddess. The demon prince now in Blackwolf's pelt joins his forces as the 3 incubus wait back till their army storms the Doe Goddess's castle. As the battle goes on the demon prince's forces quickly defeats the Goddess's army as they push on to storm her castle. The Goddess's most elite warriors resides inside the castle but soon fall as sheer number of the demon prince army storms in. The demon prince kills many of the goddess's warriors himself with the aid of the pelts own powers combines with his. As the demon prince's army make their way to the throne room 10 die with a flash of light. The goddess glows with a pure white light strikes down many as they flee from her throne room. The demon prince in the black werewolf pelt casually walks in and see the stunning humanoid female deer goddess. The deer goddess has brown fur a deers head and human like arms and legs. She has a pair of human like female breast as she wears a toga like robe drapped around her chest. Her eyes get wide as she see the demon prince wearing the pelt she gave the indian tribe to help protect the earth. The doe goddess gives a horrid war cry and attacks the demon prince with bolts of energy. The throne room fills with lights and explosions as the 2 unleash powers beyond human understanding at each other. As the smoke clears and the explosions stops the demon prince in the black werewolf pelt stands over the doe goddess with his right clawed black furred foot on her chest just under her neck. A crackling of energy is heard as the doe goddess lays helpless on the floor her arms and legs spread wide as the bright white bands of energy straps her neck, arms and ankles to the floor. The demon prince's minor starts to pour in the room including the 3 incubuses that are holding Blackwolf and Greypelt who is still in her pelt. Scattered about the castle are dead bodies of both demons and animal warriors. Some of the demon strip the armour from the wounded animal warriors and rape them till they die. While other demons skin some of the animal warriors drapping their bodies with the skins of their fallen enemies. Back in the throne room the demon rubs his foot all around the chin of the doe goddess. "You like that dont ya cunt! I will absorb your powers and take your secrets!

With a will the demon prince painfull call forth his tentacles as he bellows in pain as they rip 4 holes in his pelt on his sides. Snatching her up by her limbs the demon grins and says "What lies under the skin of this animal goddess? I will have to find out!" Dragging the goddess with her back towards the prince. He slowly licks her back going up to her neck just under her right ear. "My goddly essense will die if you rip off my skin!" pleads the goddess. With a grin the demon prince sinks his fangs into the goddess's artery in her neck as she gives off a horrid scream. The demon greedily sucks the etheral white light that flows out. The demon pants and digs his claws in the goddess's back wanting more of this godly blood. The goddess horrid screams are heard out side of the castle as the demon rips a hole in her back send more of her goddly essence free and most of it is absorb by the demon prince. The demon prince reaches inside the 1 foot hole he made and reaches around ripping the numbing bright white godly essences from her fleshy containment. As more and more brightly white etheral like smoke floats of the hole in her back with her screams being more and more horrid to even the servents ears. The demon prince breathing can be heard every now and then as he enjoys see the goddess suffer in pain at his hands pulling the hole open so wide that it stretches from the back of her neck to her tail. The room blightly lit from the hole in her hide as the demon prince's cock pokes out of its sheath and dripping with pre-cum. The demon prince starts to bite the goddess in the back and neck while both arms still inside the her hide reaching around the front and seperates more and more of her skin from her godly essense as it sags all around her upper chest. The demon pulls his arms out and grabs the goddess's head and pulls her face down to her chest causing a nasty ripping sound as her doe head hide on her face is yank off and hangs on her chest. Greypelt and Blackwolf cant believe what they are seeing as the demon prince lustily strips their goddess's skin off her body. Her ultra bright white etheral face glows as her black eyes looks of shear pain as now her voice change from human female type scream to a high pitch errie shrill. The demon prince licks, kiss and bites the goddess's body as he gets more and more in estacy from ripping into her shoulders as the doe skin folds and wrinkes as they are being pull down to her stomach. Greypelt turns her head away cant stand to see her goddess being slowly torture in front of her. The demon prince wrenches the goddess's left arm out as the skin floops to the floor and does the same to the right as the shrills from the goddess is heard through out her realm. The demon pulls her skin down her legs and using his feet and kicks the skin down to her ankles. The demon can hardly contain himself and thrust his hard throbbing cock inside the glowing godly white essences ass. The goddess shrills become even louder and more erratic as the demon is now invading her very soul. The demon prince pumps his hips and continues to bite her as he slowly enclose them inside his wings. The wings tighty encases them as it glows brightly and you could clearly see the demon pumping his hips against the goddess's glowing essence from the outside. Minutes pass by as the brightly glowing essense of the goddess starts to fade more and more. The winged encasement once blinding light slowly dims within each passing minute. The shrills of the goddess also starts to fades away as the demon rapes her essence. The more demon prince rapes the doe goddess the more info powers he steals as his cock slowly sucking her essences and knowledge.

After 40 minutes the blinding light is no more and also no movement from the demon prince as well. Ten minutes pass by and slowly the wings open and witness by all the, demon prince now glowing with a shimmering light as he embracing the deer skin of the goddess in his arms as it lays helpless dripping with his cum.


Story is copyright ©1997 by Lusty Werewolf and may not be reprinted, redistributed, or sold without the written permission from the author.

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