Dealing with a Incubus
This is a work of fiction (maybe). All the characters and events portrayed
are not real (sort of).
If you are under the age of 18 your mom probably doesn't want you to read
stuff like this so please don't.
This story is copyright by the author and ALL rights are reserved.
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Please respect the author's wishes.
Copyright ©1997
By Lusty Werewolf
Part 1: lost of innocents
Back in Ancient times there was a Indian villige of about 1000 in the North Americas. The village is your typical indian village of its time. This villige has 2 saviors that protect it and serves as they insterment against the Evil spirts. One must be a male and the other a female. These individuals must be PURE of Heart and Soul. They must never have sex since the powers that they recieve will be hampered by their impure thoughts. They are bound to serve the Goddest first and themselves second. These 2 are trained when they could walk in the teachings of the powers and understandings of Evil spirts and how to use the power of Good to protect the village. Once they don the pelts they grow in size and are given the powers of the Goddess. They never tire and even when there bodies are old with age it doesnt bother them. Usually when they are 80 years old they pass the pelt to the next choosen. And then they given their life back as normal humans. As the years are rolled back to them till when they are in the prime of their human life. And they can do as they please. Their only mission is find another choosen to serve the Goddest as they were the Purest and untaint and most trusted to wear the pelts of the goddess.
The pelt stays on their body unless the wearer becomes taint and unpure. The biggest enemy against the wearers of the pelt is the human desire for sex. They must not not let the taint thoughts of man ruin their innocents. If they willingly taint them selves the pelt starts to slow lose powers in keeping their pelts connected to their bodies as well as all the other advantages of strength, the keen wolf senses and cat like speed. So they are bought up to deal with human urges.
As if they willingly submit to having a orgasm the sacred pelts will loosen on their body. But the suit if used in good gives the wearer the strenght of a grizzle bear, the senses of a wolf, the quickness of a cat, the viciousness of a badger and the cunnings of fox. The pelts are a one peice fursuit covering every inch of ther wearers body. Its has a deep rich soft fur. the fur on the arms and legs are short while the chest and back fur are longer. With the backfur being the longest. The head or mask looks exactly like a wolfs head with a slightly wider face, one looks throught the eyes of the mask as if ones eyes were the mask eyes. The tail of the suit is exactly like a wolfs tail. The legs are digi-grade and gives the user the look of a standing wolf. The feet are wolf like as well and has 4 toes on each foot and a sharp claw on each toe. The hands are very human like but covered in rich soft fur and has extrememly sharp claws on each finger. The pelt once wore feels like his/her own skin. The pelt connects to the users bloodstream and nervous system so they can feel through the fursuit. They live the rest of their lives in the fursuit as it grows or shrinks to their body. Their ass and all private parts blend in so that it looks natural, with the male having a sheath like a wolf and his nuts are covered with soft fur. While the females parts are partruded out slightly of the fur.
The pelts are a gift of Sjaroty Doe Goddess of the forest for the protection of the all natural life.
The pelts were created by Sjaroty to battle evil spirts and monsters that try to harm the worshippers of the Goddest. These two wolfen warriors are the cumination of the many animals of the forrest. Once a year the 2 wearers visit the Goddest to pay their hommage to the her. There soul are pure and untaint by the world as they are seperated from the normal tribesmen and brought up to be the most pure, most ferocious and most cunning warriors in all the land.
After years of service the 2 saviors are getting too old to battle the forces of evil and not is the time for new
saviors to take the positions as saviors of the village. It was already decided who would wear the suits for the new generation. And now at age 18 they take the place of there saviors as the new saviors of the village and forrest.
The young choosen male name was Strong like the Sun for his strenght and strong will and is now known as Blackwolf Strength of the night to the villiage due the color of his pelt. Which is deep dark black from head to toe. He was a perfect physical specimen 6'3 195lbs all lean muscles,long black hair,brown eyes,slim but muscular. Kinda looks like a native indian fabio. And is the envy of all men from the torsel up and bellow.
The female maiden was Leaf in the wind for her innocents. And now know as Greypelt hunts like the Wolf. Her pelt is deep grey kinda blackish. Her beauty is beyond anything everseem on earth. Her perfect physic and her perfect size breast, not too big not too small enough so that you can barely put your hands over, just makes you want to suck them all day. Her long balck hair small figure but ULTRA TONE. She is 6'1 150lbs and has brown eyes with a body and face like a indian Xena. She has that mean look but caring look on her face.
Years go by and the duo defeats evil monsters and spirits. And then one day after defeating a group of trolls, Greypelt goes to her HUT for rest. She lays on her sleeping a red handmade blanket with indian art
design of shapes and lines. And falls asleeps curling upwith her arms wrapped around her breast. As she got up she sees Blackwolf walking into her Teepee but unlike there normal greetings of a head nod he goes up to her muzzle to muzzle and going under her arms to draws her body next to his. Then opens his mouth extending his wolfish tongue and licks her black wolf lips. Lowering her body he licks her clawed feet with his tongue. Greypelt closes her eyes and relaxes, letting Blackwolf do what ever he wanted. Going all around and in between her toes. She giggles as he labors. He slowly goes up her body licking and kissing her inner theighs as he drags his claws through her soft rich pelt. He removed the leather coverings that hide her privates. As he reached her cunt as it poked out he licked it with one stroke from the bottom to the top and kept moving. This made Greypelt moan in pleasure. He went up to her abdomen and slowly licked her fur and lightly dragged his claw tips through the fur to her stomach making her pull it in as it tickled her. After a few minutes of him laboring and lowering his face close to her fur so that she could feel his hot breath on her skin through the fur. Blackwolf went farther up and palmed her breast squeez them and sucking the black nipples rotating left and right. When he squeezed her breast he lightly dug in his claw tips in and dragged them from the point where the breast connects to her chest to the tips of her nipples. And when he wasnt licking or sucking her breast her would places his nose in between her breast and breath in and out in to her fur. Blackwolf proceed up and slowly licked and nip at her neck as he put both hands on her shoulders on her neck and massaged them. Rought up her fur on her neck was a pleasure to Blackwolf his tongue went against the grain of the fur making her fur clump together as he litely bit and sucked all around her neck. A few minutes of deep moans and breaths from Greypelt, Blackwolf gripped her muzzle with both hands and lightly wrapped them around her entire muzzle as it was closed. Forming a living muzzle over her face. He licks her lips and nose with the tip of his tongue and lightly licks from the tip of her noise down her muzzle while still holding it with his hand to her forehead. Going to her left ear he licks the outer rim of the ear giving Greypelt chillbumps all over her body underneath her fur. After licking the rim he exhaled slowly inside her ear and then drove his tongue inside licking all around. It was kinda bitter taste to Blackwolf as he cleaned her inner ear with his tongue. Greypelt body tensed as Blackwolf cleaned both her inner ears. After he finishes he moves back down her body. Greypelt opens her eyes to see what he is up too. Blackwolf gets between her legs and spreads them wide. She say we cant do this its against teachings. Blackwolf just shhh's Greypelt and lowers his sheath revealing a 8 inch cock that looks like a wolfs cock then a humans one. No Please we will lose our powers and become taint if we do this! Said Greypelt nervously. But Blackwolf didnt say a word and positions himself over her moist wet wanting cunt and plunges in.....
"NOOOOOoooooooo...." Greypelt screams as she gets up. Breathing deep and hard she relise it was only a dream. The rest of the day she tried to think of things to keep her mind off of Blackwolf. And avioded Blackwolf till she was undercontrol of her thoughts. She need to get her mind focus so she practiced her fighting skills and succsesfully able to distract her thoughts. Getting her mind back in order she doesnt have any sexy interest anymore for blackwolf.
Every few days Greypelt gets these dreams but her will was strong and she fought the urges to relieve herself. As the days went her dreams got longer hotter and more vivid. She even had a dream where she was naked and having sex with blackwolf. This was getting to be hard for her to stay focus and pure. As her dreams tells of her LUST for Blackwolf. Each time she touches Blackwolf either by accident or intentional it brings shiver down her spine as it reminds her of the dreams.
Night after night she endure the dreams but she can not and must not please herself. Sometimes late at night she cries as she wants so badly for the burning in her lions to stop. She can not even play with herself fearing that she will bring herself to orgasm and tainting her soul and losing her powers. She loved being the savior to the forrest and the village. She loves her pelt that encloses her naked form. How the slick skin on the inside of the fur feels as it drinks the sweat from her body and keeping her nice and cool even on a hot day. She loves the way she can hear and smell like a wolf. Her soft fur keeps her warm in the most server winters. She loves the smell of herself as she has a kinda animalish musk but has a sweet smell on her body.
A month goes by and she is barely able to keep from touching herself rubbing her clit and pinching them together. But she manage not to let it go too far. But after a hard long battle with Blackwolf against some swamp monsters she had to see if Blackwolf would give her what she desired. After killing the Monsters Blackwolf caught Greypelt staring at him with a strange look. "What is it?" asked Blackwolf questionly. Thinking he might can read her thoughts as she was FUCKING him in her mind. She turns away and walks back to the village. "WAIT UP!" said Blackwolf as he sprinted towards her and put both of his hands on each side of her neck to massage her neck muscles. Just a friendly jesture he thought. But this caught Greypelt off guard as when his strong warm hand caresses her neck she GASPED bringing her to a full stop as her eyes roll back as she closed them. His strong hands kneeded her neck and it was wondefull for Greypelt as she just lived the moment. After a few mintues she turns around and turns her head sideways and opens her mouth and brings them over Blackwolf's as she closed down locking her lips around his. Now Blackwolf gasped as he was shocked but it was quite enjoyable... His first kiss. There tongues played together as they exchanged saliva. They kissed for about 1 minutes and then Blackwolf eruptly breaks away. But Greypelt was holding to his furry black waist. "I NEED YOU! PLEASE GIVE IT TO ME!" pleaded Greypelt. "GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!"yelled Blackwolf as he breaks her grip and grabs her face as he looks directly in her eyes. "We are bound by Sjaroty not to engage in any form of sex. Or we will be defenseless against our enemies. We must stay STRONG and not give into to these Human desires!" Blackwolf said commandingly. Feeling ashamed she runs to her hut as tears comes out of her eyes and onto the mask.
That night as she slept she has another erotic dream of her as Greypelt and Blackwolf making love. She is awaken by a noise and when she sees a male demon enters her hut. With a RUSH of adrenline she jumps up and prepares for battle. The demon has a goat looking head , smooth gray skin on his body , human looking leg and arms ,a furry sheath covering a hulking cock,and a small set of gray wings on his back. "YOU HAVE 2 SECONDS TO DISSAPEAR BEFORE I DESTROY YOU!" yelled Graypelt. The male demon quickly gets on his knees and holds his arms out and says pleadingly "WAIT! WAIT! Im here to help you!" Not sure to believe him she draws her arms back ready to rip this demon to shreds. "WAIT I CAN HELP YOU WITH WHAT YOU MOST DESIRE!" yelled the demon. Greypelt lowers her clawed paw and saids "SPEAK FAST OR I WILL RIP YOUR TONGUE OUT!" The demon swallows and says "I can help you mate with Blackwolf!" Greypelt thinks for a moment and says "How?" Still kneeling the demon moves alittle closer to Greypelt and says "If I can strip his suit off, I could don it and pleasure you with it and this will leave the male human free from the taint of SEX!" Greypelt ponders the situation as the demon gets off his knees and appoches Greypelt cautionly least he scares her and he gets killed. Greypelt wonders about it and asks "How are you going to Strip the pelt from his body with out killing him?" The demon quickly replies if you tell me how to just lower his powers, I have a spell that will loosen the pelt from his body." Greypelt thinks for a moment as the demon draws closer and with his right hand places it on her holy fur on her head. The fur was extremely soft and smooth. The demons touch made her cringe as she felt his hand stroked her head. The demon thinks "HA NOW IVE GOT A DIRECT ACCESS TO HER MIND! All those nights of hard work to make her dream those EROTIC dreams has paid off. Now I m going to flood her mind with a thousand explicid images. Greypelt shudders as her mind and body races at the thought of having sex with Blackwolf. She gave in as the urges has took its tool. Greypelt tells the demon where he can fight Blackwolf in a certain area of the woods and that it happers his strenght. "I dont know if I should take on Blackwolf I could get killed" Said the demon knowing full well with the information she gave he couldnt possibly lose. He knows she is in desperation and is willing to do anything. "PLEASE TRY!" pleaded Greypelt. "I need a favor in advance to show me if you are willing to betray Blackwolf." said the demon. "And what is it?" questioned Greypelt. "Suck me off." Replied the demon. Greypelt thought about it as she never had a cock in her mouth before much less a demon's cock. If she did it she will be taint and unpure she thought. Then decided that the urges will go away and her mind will be normal again. Greypelt slowly said "o...k." With a wide grin the demon put his hands on both sides of Greypelt's head and sofly gripped it as he lowered her head down to his crotch. Greypelt's heart raced as the demon puts its VILE hands on her head as she lowers her body. Greypelt felt tears coming down her eyes as she know that once she wraps her lips around the demons cock she will have betrayed everyone. As her muzzle got closer to the demons crotch she smelled his strong musk and the sweet smell of dried cum. The placed his left hand under Greypelts jaws where it connects to her throat. With her directly infront of his cock he couldnt believe he was going to get a blowjob from legendary Greypelt the savior of the forrest. With his right hand he pulled back his sheath exposing his long slick pink cock. The tip is pointy and the shaft is about 10 inches long and 2 inches wide. Looks like a humans dick except the head was very pointy like a wolf's cock. Greywolf kneeling on the ground pants hard as she is actually going to suck the demons cock off. The demon slowly pushes his cock in the once un-taint mouth of Greywolf. Greywolf feels the warm smooth cock being pushed into her once pure mouth as she tastes the salty pre-cum being ejaculated out of the tip. As the full lenght of the demons cock is shoved in, Greypelt closes her eyes in shame as she pleases the demon with her lust. The demon moved his right hand and held the back of Greypelts head as his entire length goes to the back of her mouth and down her throat. The incubus loves the feel of the smooth tongue of Greypelts as it squirmes all around his cock. Greypelt starts to suck the vile cock as she wraps her wolf like tongue along the lenght of the shaft. The Incubus moans as he slowly pistons his cock in her mouth. The incubbus feels Greypelts hot breaths on his crotch as he presses his cock deep in her throat. Greypelt couldnt believe she was actually enjoying sucking the incubus's cock as her nose gets pressed on the crotch of the incubus while his nut slams on her wolfish chin. The incubus increases his pace as he nears his orgasm slamming his nuts and crotch on the muzzle of Greypelts. After a few minutes of Long hard thrusts down her throat he feels his nuts tense up about ready to explode in her throat. Greypelt holding the Incubus's hips feels his body tense up and his dick begins to swell in her mouth. The Incubus lets out a loud moan as his cum shoots out of his cock. He grips greypelts by the back of her head with his right hand and with his left holds her throat hard as he shoves his cock as far as it will reach. Greywolf gags as the cock goes down farther then she would have like as she was not trying to swallow his cum. But now he was controlling her head with the grip on the back of her head and underneath her throat. She feels a hot, saltly, kinda bitter, gooie, thick liquid beings squirted to the back of her throat. Feeling her trying to spit it out the Incubus begins to massage her throat. Greypelt couldnt believe how much cum was coming out of the incubus and she was about to choke on his cum as she feels the incubus massaging her throat which relaxed her enought to swallow his VILE cum down to her belly. The Incubus with his left hand on Greypelts throat felt her swallow and pulled out of her mouth and quickly moves his left hand to the back of Greypelts head and with his right grabs his cock and starts to pump it quickly as he aims it directly on her face. Greypelt puzzled at to why he pulled his cock out of her mouth and then sees that the incubus shooting the rest of his load on her furred muzzle as the yellow sickly looking cum shoots from the tip of his cock landing on her muzzle,ears, sides of her wolf face and even some lands in her eyes. She feels humilated as she is being cummed on by a creature she was brought up to kill. The once legendary monster/spirit killer now servering a demon and liking it. As the Incubus shoots the last of his cum on greypelts face he feels her soul being slowly tainted as she willingly sucked him off. Greypelt let go of the Incubus's hips when no more cum shot out and felt all the cum coating her face. The demon grins at the sight of the cum soaked savior as the cum drips off her face and lands on the ground. The yellow cum on greypelts grey fur dug in as she felt the warm cum pentrates her fur to her skin. The Incubus releases Greypelt's head and throat and said I will bring the pelt of Blackwolf's tomorrow night." As he leaves her with his cum all over her face dripping on the floor and feeling humilated. As he leaves he catches a glimps of Greypelt licking his cum off her face with long tongue.
Part 2: Betrayal of Blackwolf
The next day Grey pelt went to Blackwolf and ask if he would go to the part of the woods called demons circle. "Blackwolf could you help me find one of my bracelets in the demon's circle?" ask Greypelt. Blackwolf nods his head and thought he smell the scent of cum on her breath but didnt think about it, because they dont condone such acts. Blackwolf headed off as Greypelt feels her guts and heart being rip as she lures him into a trap just to please her lust.
Blackwolf gets there in no time and looks around as the areas he is in slighly lowers the powers in his pelt. He sees a georgous naked 5'11 130 petit indian lady laying on the ground on top of a blanket. Also sees a nude 6'1male about 175 lbs lean and muscular standing besides the women motions to him to come to them. This puzzled Blackwolf as he thinks why would there be people in this evill parts of the woods. Thinking he didnt have anything to fear he approches the couple cautiously.
The male approached Blackwolf and says "Friend come join us!" Blackwolf says "I cant." The male sticks his right arm around blackwolf and leads him closer towards the naked lady. As they aproches the the lady she says "I WANT THE BIG WOLF!" Blackwolf feels his cock stir under the leather thong. The male places his right hand on Blackwolf's head and says influentual "Take her! She wants you to fuck her! You need the release my friend! You deserve it! TAKE HER!" Blackwolf mind is hit hard with images of him fucking the naked beauty as the naked male smiles. The naked male is actuall the incubus and the female is actual a succbus. Now having physical contact on Blackwolf's head the incubus floods his mind with every erotic images he can conceive. Blackwolf starts to breath hard as the images starts to take its toll and his urge for release grows by the second. The naked male gets closer to Blackwolf's left ear and starts to talk into it while still holding the back right side of Blackwolf's head as he repositions himself behind Blackwolf with his left hand holding blackwolf's left hip. The Incubus speaks excitedly into Blackwolf's ear "Take her! She wants to feel your hot cock forced in her cunt! You deserve this! Do this for yourself! You need to explode inside her releasing your cum deep inside her womb. Take her! Please yourself and show her who is the ALPHA WOLF!"
Blackwolf caught in a trance like state as his mind is being flooded by the preverted images provided by the Incubus. The incusbus increases his tone "Make her bare your wolf cub. You need this to make you a real man! Take her! Plung your hard cock in her moist wet cunt! No one will tell if you do it just once. She's even a VIRGIN her tight cunt awaits for your to pop her cherry and pop yours as well!"
This goes on for next 30 minutes as the incubus works on Blackwolf's mind. The Succbus disguised as a human female tries to make her look wanting as she rubs her body and licks her lips. And desides she needs to get physical with Blackwolf. She crawls to Blackwolf muddy feet and starts to lick and clean them. Blackwolf gets the chillbumps as he feels her smooth warm tongue lick between his toes and cleaning his fur. Now 2 demons use their combine efforts to make blackwolf give in to his lust so he will be taint and the pelt will lose strenght. "Look at her she is your slave, do as you will with her! Make her your BITCH! Dominate her! Make her scream with your big cock rammed up her cunt! Then fuck her in the ass! Her tight ass awaits your HUGE COCK! Fuck her like a wolf! Make her drink your cum! Shove your cock in her mouth and down her throat!" says the incubus excitedly. "No... yes... I mean no..." Blackwolf said confusingly. "Go ahead release your animal lust on her! Dont you want to feel her warm moist cunt surounding your cock?" the Incubus spoke in his ear. "Well?" asked the Incubus. "Yes.... no.. yes" replied Blackwolf.
The Incubus nudges Blackwolf towards the naked beauty. Blackwolf slowly lays between the females legs. "Thrust in to me!" commanded the female. Blackwolf slowly lowers his sheath as his mind is going a million miles an hour. He wanted this all his life and now he is going to get it. His 8 inch long red wolf cock erect and hard as he places it over at the entrance of her cunt. "What are you waiting for? Shove your cock in and feel what you have missed your whole life!" yelled the Incubus. Blackwolf's heart races as well as his mind as he slowly pushes his cock in to the cunt of the female. Blackwolf lets out a loud moan as he feels his cock seperates the pussy lips as he pushes more and more of his cock deeper in the cunt. Blackwolf wraps his arms under the females arms holding her shoulders as his knees are push on the outside of her hips. The warmth and tightness on his cock was the best thing he has ever experienced. The female moans at the top of her lungs as she feels the cock being driven deep within her cunt as she grips with both hands behind Blackwolf's head. She wraps her around his legs from the outside. Blackwolf slowly pistons his cock in and out of her cunt as the Incubus smiles as he watches the falling of another savior. Blackwolf increases his pumps and makes grunting noise as he plunges inward. The female licks and kiss all around Blackwolf's neck as she is being fucked. Blackwolf suddenly realize what he was doing and tried to pull out but he was at the point of no return as he yelled "NOOOOOOoooooooooooo....... Uhhh... . UHHhhhhh.. UUHHHHH" Cumming deep within the female Blackwolf felt himself get weaker. But was the single most pleasurable act he has ever felt in his life.
After the orgasm wave stop Blackwolf says "What have I done!" The Incubus knees and with both hands turns Blackwolf's head and says "You did GOOD!Take her again!" Blackwolf mine is suddenly fluxed with more images of pervertion and sick sex acts. The incubus now has more control over his mind now that he has willingly orgasmed. "Fuck the whore in the ass!"commanded the incubus. "YES!" Blackwolf gets another erection and turns the female on her hands and knees. Blackwolf impatiently gets behind the female and his knees are on the outside of her legs and quickly shoves his cock in her asshole. The female gunts in pain but Blackwolf was ready to have his second orgasm as was ramming his cock in and out of her ass reaming her out like a wild animal in heat. Blackwolf wraps his arms around the waist of the female as he fucks wildly. The Incubus knows he has caught a wolf in a trap, he will find out what Blackwolf ass will feel like when he cums the second time. Both Blackwolf and the female moans as both labor each other. The female rears back as Blackwolf thrust foward. After 10 mintes of hard fucking Blackwolf shoves his cock as deep as it will go. Gripping her waist as tight as he can, he Shoots his cum deep in her guts as he lets out a DEEP HOWLING MOAN.
As the last of his cum is expelled Blackwolf feels the hands grabbing his waist and knees pushing past his inner thighs. The incubus flicks Blackwolf's tail aside as he lowers his sheath revealing his hulking errect cock. Confused he turns his head and sees a grey goat headed demon smiling. And then turns around and the beautiful female he was fucking is now a succubus demon as she pulls away from his grasp. Before he can think of anything else Blackwolf feels the most excruciating pain he has ever felt. Blackwolf felt his ass burn as the incubus pushes his 10 inches of dry hard cock in blackwolf's once virgin asshole. Blackwolf screams as the pain was unbearable. The Incubus laughs as he hears Blackwolf howl in pain. "You want to play wolf so now you are my wolf bitch" laughs the Incubus. The sucubus kneels down and grabs Blackwolf by the fur on the back of his neck saying "Hows it feel to be a WOLF BITCH! as she slaps him in the face. Blackwolf face smarted as he realize he lost most of his powers and even the female demon can now hurt him. The Succubus leaves and head towards some thick part of the woods. "YOU KNOW YOU LIKE THIS YOU CUNT! IM FUCKING BLACKWOLF IN THE ASS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" taunts the Incubus.
Pacing himself trying to live the moment as long as possible as blackwolf tries to break free, but the demon is now stronger then he is. Blackwolf grunts in pain as the cock is pulled all the way out and shoved back in hard by the incubus. "You will be the party animal tonight! A few of your friends wants to give you some pay back!" says the Incubus evily. "Im going to FUCK you out of this pelt and use it to FUCK YOU IN THE ASS!" yelled the inccbus. The Succubus comes back with a horde of all male monsters about 35 ranging from lizardmen, gnolls, troll, goblins,demons,mintaurs and orges. Most of them are them have some hatred towards Blackwolf.
They gather around and shocked at the sight of Blackwolf being helpless in the grasp of the Incubus. "PLEASE LET ME GO! DONT LET THEM HAVE ME!" pleaded Blackwolf. Laughter spills the crowd as he hears "Whats the matter the BIG Blackwolf cant take on us?" Blackwolf tears up at the thought of being helpless by all the monsters. The Incubus nears his orgasm as he Screams in Victory as he Shoots his vile demonic cum deep within Blackwolf's guts. After the orgasm waves he lifts Blackwolf up so he is kneeling. Then the incubus gets up behind black wolf caressing his wolfish head and yells "WHO WANTS TO SEE WHAT BLACKWOLF LOOKS LIKE?" The monster ROARS and yell for the incubus to pull off the mask of Blackwolf. "STOP, PLEASE I LL BE DEFENCLESS PLEASE DONT!" Pleaded Blackwolf as he tries to get away.
A few monster holds his arms and legs as now Blackwolf is standing. The incubus goes in front of Blackwolf and grips the back of his head and with two big handfulls and starts to pull and tug at the wolfish head. The Blackwolf head deforms and doesnt return to shape as the incubus excitely pulls and pulls all around the wolfish mask. The when the wolfish mask was totally loosen around the head of Blackwolf the incubus slices a hole in the fur at the back of the Blackwolf's neck. He then grabs the ears of the Blackwolf's wolfish mask and pulls hard. The mask was slowly being pulled off Blackwolf face revealing the indian face to the monsters. Roars of laughter is heard as the mask was pulled off.
"NOOOOooooo .... STOOOP..... STOP! STOP! " pleaded Blackwolf.
Then 6 of the monsters starts to violently strip the pelt off Blackwolf's body. Almost like a tug of war as each monster grabs the fur on various parts of Blackwolf's body and pulls on it. Shaking Blackwolf like a rag doll he Screams as he is being seperated from his pelt as some parts of the costume was attached to the skin of the human host. The roar of the monster was so loud that you could not hear Blackwolf screaming at the top of his lungs. As Blackwolf was totally stripped from his pelt layed on the ground was picked up by the Incubus. The incubus picks the pelt up and raises it high in the air. "THIS IS THE SAVIOR THAT HAS DEFEATED MOST OF YOU!" Growls the incubus as the monsters hiss in anger. "THAT PUNY HUMAN HAS CAUSED YOU MUCH PAIN AND SUFFERING! SHOW HIM WHAT HAPPENDS TO HUMANS THAT MESS WITH MONSTER!" screamed the incubus as he pointed at Blackwolf.
Then the incubus puts the pelt in a bag and walks away as Blackwolf pleads to the incubus to help him. Blackwolf naked and defenceless as the monsters surround him and tells him to do as they please or he will have a slow and painful death. One of the games they played on the naked Blackwolf was to clean all the monsters's assholes. Next they made him lick every ones feet or hoves clean. After a few more humilating games on him the real fun can as each one took their turn fucking blackwolf in the ass or made him suck them off. And some urinated on blackwolf naked form marking him as their territory. Night fall and after hours and hours of countless rapes blackwolf was barly still alive as he was seeping with cum and had a belly full of cum as well. The monsters left leaving the Incubus and Succubus with the barely alive Blackwolf broken and bruised as of the monsters gave him some of the rough treatment. They Tie Blackwolfs arms behind his back and tied his legs together.
They headed for Greypelts hut with Blackwolf on the shoulders of the Incubus.
Part3: (Greypelt and the deal)
Back at the Greypelt hut she wonders what is taking so long as she is getting impatient. The demons arrive at Greypelts place and hide Blackwolf behind some trees as they place a gag in his mouth and tie him to a big oak tree. A few moments later the Incubus carring a bag and shows up with the Succubus with out Blackwolf. "Did you get the pelt?" Asked Greypelt impatiently. "Yes it was a total success. "And what of Blackwolf?" He is resting up, the spell made him alot weaker then we though but he is alright." said the Incubus. "Good!" replied Greypelt. "Put on the pelt I want to you to fuck me now!" said Greypelt. "I must ask that I make love to you first in this form before I wear the pelt." said the Incubus. "Why?" ask Greypelt. "I want to feel your fur on my skin and then I will pleasure you endlessly with the pelt on. Deal?" said the Incubus.
Greypelt nodded as when the Incubus saw this he quickly approaches Greypelt putting his hands on her shoulders. His embrace makes the fur stand on its end as his breath was vile and stunk. And the goat face of the Incubus started to kiss her muzzle and lick her face all around. The sight of the Incubus laboring over her made her sick to the stomach. Bring Greypelt to the ground and laying on top of her body between her legs he palms her breast and squeezes them and suckles them. The Incubus puts his nose on the right breast of Greypelt and inhales smelling her slightly animal musk smell. Placing both hands on Greypelt's sides he strokes her fur up and down and rubs his face on her tits feeling her firm furry tits.
As much as the vile demon looks his actions pleases Greypelt but trying to pretend she doesnt enjoy it. The Incubus's strokes on her sides gets longer and goes all the way to Greypelts armpits down to her thighs. Greypelt closes her eyes as she tries to imagine that Blackwolf is the one doing all the actions. Greypelt lets out small audible moans as the Incubus lowers his head and licks her pussy lips causing her to close her legs around the demons head. Greypelt moves her hands and stokes the demons head. The incubus being as expert at suducing women had a reliativly easy job on the virgin. He could hold back and still please her but he was going to pull all the stops and make her as weak as possible.
His long flat tongue snakes all around Greypelts cunt as he slithers it in her cunt. Greypelt has never felt such pleasures as she tighten her legs against the demons head and strokes its head more and harder. She moans louder as the incubus's tongue explores her insides and tickles the insides of her womb. Snaking it in and out of Greypelts cunt that gave her, her first orgasm. Grey pelt moaned at the top of her lungs. Her juices poured out and the incubus lapped it up tasting her juices. Never felt anything like that in her life Greypelt wanted more then a tongue in her cunt. The succubus just watched and had a smile on her evilish smile on her face. "FUCK ME DEMON!" commanded Greypelt. The Incubus positions himself over Greypelts cunt and with his hard errect cock plunges in her cunt. "UHHHHHHHhhhh......" moaned Greypelt as the incubus plunges his cock all the way in one stroke as she was already moist and wet from her first orgasm.
Pumping his hips the incubus searches with his cock for that one special place in her cunt, also know as the g-spot. As he searches Greypelt moans as she was not thinking about anything except the intense pleasures she has. The incubus hears her moans alot louder now, he thinks he found her magic spot. Greypelt holds the back of the demon's head with both hands. The incubus attacks her g-spot as he rubs his cock on it and with then a couple of minutes brings Greypelt to her second orgasm.
20 minutes later the Incubus nears his orgasm and Greypelt has 2 more orgasm and now she is nearing her 5th orgasm. The Incubus increases his pace faster and faster and hears Greypelt moans erratic and at the top of her lungs. The incubus lets out a loud horrid scream as he exploded as he shoots his demonic seed deep in the womb of Greypelt. Feeling the hot thick gooie liquid Greypelt explodes with her own orgasm and releasing her juices as her cunt tightens around the incubus's cock adding more pleasure to him. As the orgasm waves fades away for both the incubus gets up and tells Greypelt "Ive got a surprise for you!" Greypelt replies "Oh you do and as she looks up the succubus stands besides her head as she kneels besides Greypelts head.
The incubus lifted Grey pelts body so now she is sitting on the ground on a blanket. The incubus picks her up right arm and put his hand on top and grips her fur. She looks puzzled as he sees he pulls up on her soft fur and then they all hear a tearing sound "FRRRRRRZZZzzrrrKKKkk..." and then he lets go of it. The fur didnt return to shape and sags on the part the Incubus pulled on. Greypelt eyes open as she realize that the membrane that connected her skin to the pelt was torn and pulled off. And with that the Incubus laughed and both the succbus and incubus starts to pulls her fur all over her body. "NOOOOOOOOOoooooo.. STOOOOP !" pleaded Greypelt as they loosened her fur off her skin. She struggled to free her self but the demons were too stong for her now. They slap and punched Greypelt until she stopped struggling and she gave in letting them loosen up her fur all over her body. They pull and tugged and laughs as they see her fur sags on her body. Greypelt cries as she couldnt stop them as they reached around her head and pulled her mask around her face as it loosened up and deformed around her head.
While the succubus pulls the fur around Greypelt's legs, the incubus pulls the fur on her Breast as he laughs at the sight of her deformed breasts. The incubus had a real pleasure when he pulled the fur around Greypelt's cunt and ass. They both enjoyed of pulling the fur on Greypelt's back as th ripping sound of the membrane was the loudest there making the demons horny and excited.
This goes on for 15 minutes as they ravaged her body pulling and tugging all over Greypelt's body. When they finally stop Greypelt looks like she is wearing a really saggy werewolf costume. They taunt Greypelt about how this POWERFULL savior was nothing more then a person in a costume. Making Greypelt look at her sagging deformed fur on her body.
They laughted more as they turned her on face foward on the ground. And with a sharp talon makes a cut in the pelt from her right side of her neck to the left. The succubus jerked the at the wolfish head as it shot off her head. The wolfish head layed on her on Greypelt chest as her face was brusied and bloody as they beat her as they loosen her fur on her body. Her long black hair was soaked with sweat as well as her face. The succubus laughed as she saw the weak human face. The incubus then sliced a hole from the back of Greypelt's fur from neck down to the lower part of her back. from that the succbus grab Greypelt's fur on her right shoulder and the fur on the back of her right hand. The incubus did the same but to her left side.
Greypelt knows what they are gonna do as she pleads them to stop. Ignoring her words the incubus says "On the count of three pull! 1.......2.......3 PULL!" Grey pelt screamed as they violently pulled and tugged at the fur. Greypelt was carried all around the hut as she was slung around wildly as they stripped her fursuit off her body. After the fursuit was ripped off they laught and taunted Greypelt as she layed naked on the ground and acking from the rough treatment. The succubus hug and cuddle the pelt as it was inside out.
The incubus picked up Greypelt and made her kneel and spread her legs as far as they would go between the 2 wood post. With the help of the succbus they tied one long leather strap to each of Greypelts wrist and pulled and tied to the wooden post that were 6 feet across. Her arms outstretch along her body. Then they did the same to her ankles and knees keeping her in the squatted poistion and spreaded. "We got one more surprise for you Greypelt!" said the incubus.
As he tells the succubus to get Blackwolf. Moments later the succbus arives with a naked, half dead, bloody, bruised and has dried cum all over the body of Blackwolf. Blackwolf has his arms tied behind his back and his legs were tied together. The succbus laid Blackwolf on his back. "You did this to BLACKWOLF!" laughed incubus. "NOOOoooo..." screamed the naked Greypelt. "Now you will watch as the succbus dons your persious pelt and me dons the Blackwolf's pelt as we rape Blackwolf to death!" The incubus shoves a cloth in Greypelts mouth to muffle her screams and pleads.
He quickly dons Blackwolf black furred pelt. They both see the succubus lower steps in the pelt putting one leg in then the other and drawing it up to her hips and then hunching her right arm and then her left. Then as the grey wolfish head layed on her bossom, she picked it up and lowered it over her head but it didnt seal up. It just sagged on her body. As the succbus didnt care as she straddles blackwolf hips and grabbed his cock and with the leathery plams of the suit strokes his cock off till it was errect.
Blackwolf too weak to resist tries to plead for help but couldnt. The succbus plunges her cunt on Blackwolf's cock and she cast a enchantment to make his cock errect so she can rape him to death. The incubus cuts the rope on Blackwolfs legs and spread him sitting up. And he pushes his cock in Blackwolf's well wore ass. The succubus and the incubus rapes for an hour for 2 hours as the succubus absorbs his soul as she pleasures him. 30 minutes later the last of Blackwolf's strenght and life leaves his body as they all hear the last breath of him as both contuinues their rape on Blackwolf dead limp body.
Greypelt cries uncontrollably at the sight. And see the Succbus laughing. Feeling hungry as they havent eaten the demons starts to bite and rip into the dead corpse of Blackwolf. "You want a legs?" the incubus said to the succbus as they both fall out laughing. After that they rip through Blackwolfs body. Drinking his blood and greedily eating his internal organs. After they competely consumed Blackwolf while both demons wear the pelts as they are soaked and dripping with theblood of Blackwolf's. His bones lays scattered about the ground. The succubus licks her lips as she cracks open the skull of Blackwolf's with a stone and greedily consumes his brain.
The incubus now stuffed and feeling horny again went up to the tied Greypelt and said"How do I look? Sexy? Well im going to give you what you most desire." The incubus in the bloody pelt of Blackwolf kneels down with his errect cock poking through the loose sheath of the pelts and shoves it in Greypelts cunt and fucks her. She is forced to look and feel the bloody fur. As the incubus pressed his body against Greypelts naked body it squeezed the blood from the pelt and stained her body. Greypelt lost all control of her emotions as she breaks into tears. After shooting her womb full of his demonic cum the Incubus goes behind her and wants to feel a tight hole and violently rapes her ass.
While the incubus rapes Greypelt's once virgin ass, the succubus kneels in from of her and starts to kiss her lips and squeeze her tits in her hands. "Im going to make you so loose that no man will want to fuck your cunt any more!" taunted the succubus as she slow inserts her right hand sideways into Greypelt's cunt. Greypelt screams in pain as her ass her and no she is being slowly stretch to her limits by the succubus. As the succubus slowly inserts her hand starting with her 4 fingers while folding her thumb flat along her fingers and pushes her hand deeper and deeper into Greypelts cunt.
The succubus continues to push it all the way in untill she hits the back of Greypelt's womb. The succbus has her arm so far up Greypelt's womb that its goes nearly half way up her right arm . Greypelt screams in more pain as her womb is on fire as the succubus's hand is stretching her out. The succbus feels the warm and goshy feeling of cum and liquids in Greypelts womb as she makes a fist in her cunt and violently fist fucks Greypelt. Greypelt screams in horror from the immense pain and after a few minutes she passes out. "Awww..." said the succbus as she continues to fist fuck greypelt's cunt trying to make her cunt so loose that no man will get any pleasure fucking her. The incubus didnt care if Greypelt was consious or not as he continues to fuck her ass.
30 minutes later Greypelt awakens and both demons are still raping her body, but now the pain ceases. The succbus fucks Greypelt with her fisted hand and now she pulling the fist all the way out and shoving it back in. Greypelt can only watch and endure what ever the demons do to her body. When the succubus pulls her fist out of Greypelt's cunt her hand is covered in a sheen of yellowish demonic cum from the incubus and from her own juices . The body of Greypelt's is now cover in the blood of Blackwolf's.
The incubus fucks Greypelt for another hours as he taunted her with stuff like"you will bare my child, WHORE! and "This is what you most desire!" Greypelts ass is filled with so much cum that it seeps out of ass when the incubus pistons in his cock. The cum mixed with a little shit is scooped up and forced into Greypelts mouth. Trying to resist Greypelt is forced to taste the sweet bittery cum and shit in her mouth by the incubus as both demons laugh.
After the rapes he gets up laughing as Greypelt still sobs as she re-lives every moment that happened. The incubus slaps and slaps Greypelt face. When he stops Greypelt is all red,bruised and bleeding at the lips and nose. "I have to pee." said the incubus. "Me too!"said the succbus. The incubus went up to Greypelt and pulled his cock out and gave her a golden shower. The succubus then grabbed Greypelt's head and lowered it and peed in her mouth as she forced Greypelts mouth over her demonic cunt. Greypelt had to drink some of the pee but most of it ran down her chin, chest and over her cunt. "Our plan worked as now we own the pelts and at the same time destroyed the saviors of the forrest we will rule the world!" said the incubus to the succubus evily.
The incubus said to the succbus "We need to pay the doe Goddess a visit and steal her powers and use it to bring these pelts back to life."
Part 4:(Slaving a Goddess)
Now we have to locate the goddess and only one person in this room knows the location of her temple. The 2 demons evily grins at the battered and naked Greypelt. The incubus picks up Greypelt and tie her to post with her hands behind her back and around the pole. " I will not give you any information, so you can harm my goddess!" Screams Greypelt. The demons grin and the incubus says "We will see about that. I hate to see my females with hair, hand me the razor." The succbus hands the incubus a shaving razor as he lowers his body and starts to shave her muff. He completely shaved her muff off nice and smooth. "Now the REAL fun begins!" snered the incubus. The incubus and the succubus each grabs one of Greypelt front tit and slowly bites the nipples. Greypelt Screams in pain as they draw blood that trickles down her breast. After many numorous tortures she gives out the info they need to locate and destroy the doe Goddess. They untie Greypelt leave her crying and aching in pain as they laugh walking away. As they reach the doe Goddess temple which was underground in the middle of a thick forrest.
The temple had a passage leading to a underground. At the end of a 20 feet long stone stairways. The demons saw a HUGE open room. The floor was smooth marble, the ceilings were supported by 2 rows of marble marble with 10 columns on each row. The back of the temple was the doe Goddess with her legs folded yoga style sitting on a marble throne. The whole place was lit by torches on every column and some along the marble walls. This place was a trully awesome site.
The beautify Goddest has a doe like head and her body has the fur of a whitetail deer. Her body looks like a beauty human female body but is covered in fur. The fur on the chest is white and it goes from her crotch to underneath her chin. The fur on her back is brown and exactly like a deers fur. She even has a deer tail. Her legs are hooven but her hands are human in shape but furred covered with black nails.
The Goddess was meditating when she saw her 2 wolfish warriors approching. "Ahh an unexpected surprise!" the doe goddess said. But as they got nears she noticed that the saviors skins were loose on their bodies. But she didnt think of anything because only the saviors know where her temple was. As the saviors came closer she realized it wasnt them and tried to teleport away, but it was too late the demons in the pelt grabbed both of her arms. Thanks to the knowledge provided by Greypelt they both cast a spell to nullify the doe goddess powers. "NOOOOOOoooooo........." the doe Goddess screams as the succbus drag her to one of the temple's columns and using a leather strap, ties her arms to it.
After the Goddess is secure the demons make preparations as they draw a pentigram using the blood of Blackwolf they stored in a wine skin. Placing candles in every point on the pentigram and then they drive 4 iron stakes in the marble ground of the temple. After that untie the goddess and forcefully places her on the floor where the pentigram and tie her arms and legs to each of the stake on the ground as she layed on her back. The succubus stands in front of her head at the tip chanting the spell that will the powers of the doe Goddess which will be absorbed by the demons. To make the goddess release her powers is where the incubus comes in. As the Goddess lays helpless the goat headed incubus lays on her virgin body and starts to lick and kiss her face. Pleads of the goddess are ignored as the incubus feels up the rest of her body.
As the spell of the succubus is invoked a blue shimmering sphere envolops them inside the pentigram. The succubus laughs and Evily yells "FUCK THE WHORE MAKE HER ORGASM! THE MORE SHE DOES THE MORE POWER SHE LOSES AS WE ABSORB IT! HAHAHAHHAHAHA!" The incubus has a hulking errections as the though of making having a Goddess at his mercy. "Im going to make your Pregnant with my demonic child YOU SLUT WHORE!" taunt the incubus. As he positions himself over the Goddess's cunt, she pleads and struggles but cant do anything but let the demons have their way. The incubus slowly slides his cock in the warm, dry virgin cunt of Goddess. The Goddess screams in pain as she feels the Hulking 10 inch long and 3 inches wide cock being pushed in her once tight cunt. The incubus puts both of his hands on each tit of the Goddess as he slowly pistons in and out of the dry cunt lubercated only with the pre-cum from the incubus. Her warm sacred tight cunt makes the incubus drool at the sides of his mouth as he pounds in to the goddess most private of private parts. The succubus just stands over the Goddess as she laughs and taunts her. The Goddess moans as she is being brought to her orgasm by the sexually experienced incubus using his cock to probe the inner womb to locate her most sensative area. The incubus starts to feel the Goddess body tense up in pleasure as he finds her g-spot.
The Goddess screams and moans at the top of her lungs with pleasure as the incubus masterfully rubs her gspot with his cock. As the Goddess nears her orgasm the incubus paces himself as he tries to make her cum and cum to drain every last once of her powers. The doe Goddess arches her back and tilts her head as far back as she can while she explodes with her first orgasm. As she orgasms a white etheral like smoke flows out of her nose and mouth and is trapped by the blueish sphere. The white smoke is the doe Goddess's powers. The 2 demons greedly breathes in the whitish smoke as they absorbs it into their demonic bodies. After the demons consume all the etheral smoke, the incubus continues his rape on the Goddess as she pleads with him too stop. Ignoring her pleads the incubus goes back to work on the Goddess's g-spot, but this time she is moist and slick with her juices so the incubus easily slides in and out of her cunt. After a few more minutes brings her to her 2nd orgasm with the same effect of the etheral white smoking coming from her nose and mouth but this time the incubus doesnt stop as he continues but breathing in deeply making sure he gets his fair share of the doe Goddess's power. The incubus makes the Goddess cums and cums as he too shoots his demonic cum deep inside her cunt. After many hours of rapes the last of her powers is expended with a small puff of etheral smoke. The Goddess now powerless but still the incubus rapes her making sure that she will be totally powerless. After another hour of rapes the incubus gets up and filling with power while succubus plays around with her new found powers.
She shoots lighting causing destruction on the once marvel temple. The incubus unties the Goddess she ties to scurry away. "OH NO YOU DONT! I HAVE ANOTHER JOB FOR YOU! A BLOW JOB!" Sneered the Incubus as he went infront of her face. Grabbing the back of her head by the scruff of her fur and forcefully shoves his errect cock in to the Goddess sacred mouth. Trying to resist as she tries to push the demon thrusting hips away with her hands, but she was warmly greeted with hard slaps and punches to the sides of her head. The hot rubbery meat slides in her mouth, along the lenght of her tongue and down her tongue leaving salty pre-cum taste in her mouth as she is forced to suck the incubus's cock off. Gripping with both hands on the back of the doe Goddess's head he wildly bucks his hips. His crotch slams on her nose as his golf ball size nuts slam on her chin. The incubus shoots his cum his cum deep in the Goddess's throat.
She tries to spit it out but the incubus makes sure she swallows it by holding her throat with his right hand squeezing it. The Goddess forced to swallow the salty cum as she make a big gulp in her throat once feeling this the Incubus lets go and continues to shoot his cum all around her mouth. As the last of his cum is expelled he shoves her hard to the floor. "Im going to make you a slave to the animal you have symbolise!" yelled the incubus. As he chants a spell while waving his hands a yellow light shoots from his eyes and hits the Goddess square in the chest. "ARRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHhhhhh.." screamed the doe Goddess as her body slowly transforms. Her hands shrink and starts to form hooves. her beautiful human like figure starts to expand and re-form.
Her legs reshapes themselves as she was becoming a deer. After a few minutes she is fully transformed in to a deer but she retains her mind as the incubus wants her to suffer. The doe Goddess tries to speak but only a "baaah.." comes from her throat. The demons laugh and cast another enchatment to make her forever in heat and always wanting to be mounted. The succubus then cast another spell and a herd of deer of about 15 of the biggest most well endowed bucks appeared. They each take they turn ramming their cocks in to the doe that needs mounting.
Part 5:(epilog)
As years past the demons cast a spell making the Goddess give birth every day. They watch the doe give birth to many young strong bucks and when they reached adulthood they too mounted their mother. The female and some males offsprings of the doe were not that lucky as they were greedly eaten in front of the doe. Greypelt now an outcast of the village lives on her own caring for her demonic children. She is visited by the incubus from time to time and re-preganted and somtimes fucked while she is very much preganant. The demons slowly takes over more and more of the world as they powers grow with every soul they steal and consume. It took a few years but the 2 demons successfully cast a enchantment bring the pelts to life as it bonds to thier flesh. Now able to fight anything physically as well as use magic. No living creature stands in their way as they conquor the world.
THE END of this adventure of the black werewolf pelt.
Story is copyright ©1997 by Lusty Werewolf and may not be reprinted, redistributed, or sold without the written permission from the author.
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