From!!!!!!!!!Sprint!!zdc!szdc!!!snews3 Fri Dec 26 14:28:59 1997 From: (Bulldog) Newsgroups: Subject: RP -Horny Housewife in *.TXT format (M+/F, Mast, Beast, Anal, NC?, etc.) - horny housewife.txt [1/1] Date: 21 Dec 1997 16:30:40 GMT Organization: The Doghouse Lines: 640 Message-ID: <67jg7g$> Reply-To: bulldog_one@hotmail NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: message/partial; id="882718197@Bulldog"; number=2; total=2 X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.9 (Released Version) (x86 32bit) Path:!!!!!!!!!Sprint!!zdc!szdc!!!snews3 Xref: Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII Disclaimer: This story is probably PORNOGRAPHY, pure and simple. If you are below the age of twenty-one (21) DO NOT READ! If your city/state/community/township prohibits the ingestion/reading/downloading/thinking of in a darkened room, of pornography DO NOT READ! This story contains incidents of non-consensual sex between animals and humans (bestiality), consensual anal/oral/vaginal/between the breasts sex, non-consensual sex between humans of mixed faith, consensual sex between adult females and adult males of other races/political parties, consensual sex between an adult female and younger (but not young enough to be her son) males, consensual sex between adult females and unsuspecting vegetables, imagined sex with TV personalities, implied sex between adult females, etc. If any of this bothers you, DO NOT READ! If the moral fibre of your community and your standing in it will in any way be undermined, DO NOT READ! If you are the least bit uncomfortable with your own sexuality, or the sexuality of those around you, now and forever, DO NOT READ! If you've had a bad day at the Post Office and your wife/husband/gypsy lover has left the AK-47 unlocked and lying in plain sight DO NOT READ! The Horny Housewife Connie stepped from the shower and found the bath sheet hanging on the wall. She dried the water from her face and patted her reddish blonde hair. Connie wrapped the large towel around her hair and grabbed a second for her body. As she dried her breast, she glanced at her reflection in the mirror. Even thru the fog, she could see her pink nipples glistening in slight contrast to her large breasts. She wished that her skin was darker, maybe even olive. She admired the way darker skinned women's nipples appeared against their skin. Her nipples were large, however, and so sensitive. She did like that part. All her husband, Paul, had to do was run his had along her blouse and her nipples snapped to attention...too bad that that didn't happen very often anymore. With the girls away at college and the house to themselves, you would think that they could find the time for sex much more easily than when there were four of them in the house. They had to sneak into the bathroom or laundry room for a quickie, or rush around while the girls were out. Those times didn't come often enough then, but were great when they did. Paul's entire focus in life seemed to be his new job and that promotion. Oh, well, soon they would have more time and money to travel to exotic places and make love with abandon. So she hoped. With her body dry, Connie turned on the TV in their bedroom and began drying her hair. Oprah was just starting and a panel of four women was about to discuss women's sexual fantasies. One, a Ph.D. in something or another, was opening the discussion. As she rambled on about physiological differences and repression of the gender, Connie glanced between her legs. Through her reddish pubic hair, her lips were glowing red. A tingle was starting at the outer lips and she was taken by surprise. What was going on? As she juggled her attention between the TV and her vagina, the flushness and sensations increased. She touched herself along the opening to her pussy. Oh, if only she had larger lips. Lips that were dark and sensual, like the dark skinned women she admired so much. Oh, if only her skin wasn't so peachy and creamy. The sexual features of her body seemed almost to blend with the rest. Her nipples were light and there wasn't really a line that separated them from the rest of her chest. The nipples just seemed to flow into her breast. Her lips were also pale and pink and quite small in her eyes. Though she didn't have a lot of experience with other women's bodies, she had used a group shower in high school and college and she and Paul had seen a lot of x-rated videos and magazines. She did know what other bodies looked like. Even her anus was pink and nondescript. If only she could have a body with sensual definition like Alicia, her South American neighbor. She stood up and looked in the full length mirror in the corner. For forty two, she still looked quite good. There were a few extra pounds around her hips since college, but hell, she was forty two. Her hands were idly brushing her clit and barely folding back her tight lips. She watched and listened as another woman, an MD this time, spoke of repressed fantasies of childhood and neurological differences in the sexes. What bullshit! The repressed childhood fantasies part was intriguing though. Connie's left hand rose slowly to her nipples. She slowly stroked them with the back of her wrist, just like a summer breeze. Oprah began telling of some sexual encounter when she was a teenager. Boring, Connie thought, but didn't move to change the channel. She sank back to the edge of the bed, her hands quietly working her body. Some female executive was droning on about careers replacing sex in the lives of most working women today. Connie thought....I guess I'm lucky I'm just a housewife. Connie sat upright. What in the hell was she doing? It had been twenty years since she had masturbated. She and Paul had been married in the Fall after she graduated. That week before her wedding was the last time she had gotten her self off. Just the anticipation of her wedding night was too much for her to contain. She had never been very comfortable rubbing herself. There was always some sense of guilt...touching herself there, even if it did feel so good and relieved all of her tensions. All of her tensions, yes, that must have been the cause of that last episode of self love. She had been tense before the wedding. So many plans. She and Paul had had sex several times through college. It had been good and exciting, but with the two of them in different states, there were nights that she couldn't resist the temptation to masturbate. She had found carrots and candles - a friend had even given her a candle in the shape of a monk on one side and a penis on the other. That candle saw her through a couple of lonely nights. That last time at the summer house by the lake didn't involve any candles or carrots or any phallic items, just her hands. Though it was great and seemed to last for hours, there just never seemed to be a reason to do it again. Sex was great with Paul, even though the frequency wasn't the best, life was just so hectic anymore. Some social engineer was yammering on about the repression of the sexuality of twenty first century woman. What crap. The millennium wasn't for a couple of years yet. Why did everyone insist that women's sexual desires were repressed, anyway? She and Paul shared their fantasies usually, and she and Paul had acquired several "toys" that they had fun with. She kept stroking her clit and rubbing her nipples, twisting them with her thumb and forefinger. "Women just will not let themselves go," Ms social engineer was saying. "Hell," thought Connie, "I'm letting myself go right in front of you." The idea was suddenly and overwhelmingly erotic. "If only you could see me letting myself go this very minute, that would show your fucking repression a thing or two." "Here, you cunt, taste the juices of my sexual repression," as she traced the mouth of the talking lady on the television screen. Her juices formed a little smile that outlined the moving lips on television. "What a decadent act," Connie thought, but totally spontaneous and really fun. For just a second, she analyzed her action. Did this means she had lesbian tendencies? Paul had rented some girl on girl, as he called them, videos. He seemed to enjoy them more than she did. Some of the acts were erotic and sensuous, but hot really her cup of tea. But how do you explain what she had just done? Did she secretly want some suited almost asexual female social engineer to really taste her juices? Connie reflected on it for an instant. "No, this girl doesn't have large enough tits," she thought. What in the hell was she thinking? Her mind must be loose on its axle. She would never let another woman taste her. Just the thought of the act was repulsive. Erotic, perhaps, but repulsive. As Connie closed her eyes, she attributed her aroused state to the little scene that had just transpired. "Just caught up in the moment," she thought, "God, this feels good." Her fingers were strumming her clit like mad and her nipples were practically being twisted off in her frenzy. Suddenly, her body shuddered and convulsed. Her thighs squeezed her hand and almost drove all of her fingers into her dripping pussy. "Whoa - that was a whopper...." she moaned, as the twisting of her nipples became a soft stroking action again. Even though the room was cool when she stepped out of the shower, Connie was covered with perspiration, just like a Summer afternoon in the South. She dried herself off again and reclined on the bed. Maybe these talk television people had something to say after all. She didn't know where her climax or masturbation came from. Even though it was great, she was a little disturbed. This just wasn't like her. She was married. She had two daughters in college. Daughters who were old enough to be doing the same thing to themselves. She was forty two, for God's sake - old enough to know better! Know better? What did that mean? What was all of this repression these women were talking about anyway? What did she have to repress? Sex was a part of her life - maybe not a big part - but a part, none the less! Connie turned her attention to the panel of experts on the TV. "Sexual urges should not be hidden," one was saying. "They should be brought into the open." "Talk them over with your partner, experiment, live them out." Connie thought for a moment. Live them out, what kind of crazy idea was that? How could she live out something she didn't have. Was she so different from these women? Just them Oprah went into the audience with her microphone. "I dream of doing it with the butcher," a tall black lady said. "Fucking the butcher? I would never think of anything like that," Connie thought, are these people crazy? "I fantasize about the TV repair man," said another lady in the audience. "Her set must act up a lot," Connie remarked. "I would give my left arm to do it with the poolman," a large white lady said. "Hmmmm..Connie thought, "these women are all sex starved." "What kind of perverts are these?" "I'll bet they all dream of doing IT with each other and Oprah's panel of experts." That thought hung for an instant as Connie noticed the little smile painted on the TV screen where the mouth of the social engineer had been. "Crazy anyway!" she said aloud. "The butcher....I don't even know a butcher." Connie found a bra and panties in the laundry basket. "I've got to put this stuff away, just as soon as I get back from the store." She walked into her closet and started to take down a pair of kakhi slacks to go with the Izod shirt she had chosen. Just then the vision of a short skirt flashed through her mind. She didn't even own a short skirt. Why would she want to wear a short skirt? Where would she find one? Wait, Susan, her youngest daughter had a short denim skirt she bought for a western night party. The damn thing was so short that Susan had worn jeans instead. It must still be here, in Susan's closet probably. "What size was that damn thing?" she wondered. "Here it is," as she held the skirt out to inspect. It was a 10, should just about fit, she thought. It was beige denim, not blue as she had remembered. She shimmied into the skirt. When she zipped it up, the skirt came together with relief. It fit fine. Her figure wasn't so bad - for an older woman. She turned to admire her legs in Susan's mirror. No, not bad at all. Her hips were fuller than either of her daughters', but she was their mother after all. She toyed with the idea of wearing the skirt out to shop. Interesting. She imagined herself in stockings and a garter belt with the little skirt. The idea died quickly. The hem was so short that the tops of the stockings would be plainly visible below the fabric. That kind of outfit would look absurd, especially on a woman who was forty two. She thought that maybe someday she would put on the skirt and garter belt for Paul. Then she would bend over in front of him and give him a view. He liked things like that. At least he used to. Used to before the new promotion. She surmised that he still liked them, he just had been so busy lately and hadn't had the time. She continued to wear the skirt around the house as she made her grocery list. Soup, chicken, beans, celery, carrots.......carrots - hmmm - carrots, broccoli, fresh flowers. She went back into her bedroom and changed her top. Instead of the polo shirt with the little alligator over her left breast, she found a pink tank top and put it on. This will be cooler in the car, she thought. As she left the room, she glanced at the TV. Oprah was talking about the sexual myths around black men. Connie went back to Susan's room. She found a pair of white bobby socks in Susan's drawer and put them on. The tops were rather puffy, just like a cheerleader might wear. Connie paused for a moment. A cheerleader, she had never been a cheerleader. Where did that idea come from? She would admit that she thought that cheerleaders were very sexual, with their short skirts and tights. Yes, she had wanted to be a cheerleader, but had just never attended the tryouts. She probably could have been one, she just never gave it a chance. Perhaps her shyness got in the way, after all, you had to jump and do splits and all with those short skirts on. Everyone in the stands would be glancing at your crotch and ass. Even thought they know that you wear those nylon tights and you can't really see anything, they would be looking and hoping, maybe you had forgotten your tights! She remembered a cartoon in one of her father's Playboy magazine. It showed a drum majorette with an embarrassed look on her face. Her mother was holding up a pair of tights and saying, "all the way from 63rd to 124th avenue without these?" Connie felt a twinge of empathy for the cartoon majorette. She also felt that same tingle in her crotch from earlier. Maybe she did secretly want to be a cheerleader or majorette. She found a pair of tennis shoes and slipped them on. What she would have given for a pair of black and white saddle shoes. instead of going to the grocery by the interstate, a few blocks from her house, Connie drove to the northern suburbs. She pulled into the parking lot of the other grocery store chain. For some reason, she didn't want to shop in her usual store today, even twenty miles from her neighborhood. She felt guilty, like she didn't want to be recognized in her short denim skirt and cheerleader socks. In the parking lot, for no reason, she reached under her skirt and pulled off her panties. She stuffed them into the glovebox. "Better get these out when I get home," she mumbled, "Paul would just never understand." She found a cart in the parking lot and went in. In the produce department, she pulled out her list and began collecting the vegetables and fruits on the list. cantaloupe, radishes, carrots. She paused. Carrots. She selected a bunch of carrots from the gondola. She saw a parsnip beside the carrots. "This thing looks more like a penis than the carrots." The end was more blunt and the parsnip was larger in diameter and not quite so tapered. The pinkish color added to the look. She put it in the cart. She studied the cucumbers for a while before choosing two that had interesting shapes. Both were long and were so green and dark that they were almost black. One was uniformly sized and bowed, the other was tapered in its diameter going from a medium size at the tip to quite large about eight inches along its twelve inch length. She couldn't explain why she had gotten two cucumbers, she didn't really like them much, even in salad. She picked up a bunch of bananas and then added a bunch that were much greener, and harder to the cart as well. "They'll ripen nicely," she thought. She paused at the canned food aisle and looked for the peas. Finally she found the ones she wanted on the top shelf. She had to stand on her tiptoes and stretch to get them. Behind her, she heard a loud sigh. She turned to see a stockboy kneeling across the aisle. He had been placing cans on the lowest shelf and was looking in her eyes. He had a strange expression on his face and his cheeks were starting to flush. He had hair that was redder than hers and freckles on his white skin. The flush in his cheeks was really evident now and he was starting to perspire. He looked about twenty. Just a little older than Susan and maybe younger than Jill. He was trying to smile, but was obviously so embarrassed he couldn't even catch his breath. Connie turned back to the peas and reached again for the can on the top shelf. "What on earth is wrong with that young stockboy?" she mused. "Just what is his problem?" She retrieved the peas and placed them in her cart. The stockboy was still staring at her as she glanced over her shoulder. Then it dawned on her. She didn't have on any panties. they were in the glovebox. With the skirt, he could see everything she owned. Why if she had opened her mouth, daylight would have come out her ass. No wonder he was so embarrassed. Here he was admiring the crotch and tush of an older lady. Connie began to blush as well. She peeked over her shoulder in time to see him quickly look back at the cans he was working with. "So he liked what he saw? I'll just give him a little reward for being so admiring." Connie stopped and bent over from the waist to arrange something in her cart. She paused in that position for about a minute. As she bent over, she flexed and un-flexed her ass cheeks. "I'll bet your little honies don't have cheeks as full and sensuous as these," she purred. "Wouldn't you just love to kiss and rub these?" She straightened up, pulled down the hem of the skirt and walked down the aisle. She stopped at the butcher's counter and rang the bell. A large black man in a white apron and white hat came through the doors. He asked if he could help her. Connie pointed to the "footlong" hotdogs and asked for half a dozen. The butcher reached into the cooler and grabbed some smoked franks. Connie stopped him and asked for "footlongs". He said he didn't think that they had any and offered the smoked franks again. Connie knelt down in front of the glass front case and asked him to take a look from his side. She pointed to a dozen or so long pink frankfrueters in the front of the case. "Those are what I want, can you see from back there?" she asked. As he squinted toward the front of the case, she slowly opened her knees. From his angle, he must have a good view up this skirt. "I hope its not too dark under there," she thought to her self. "Can you see, up in front?" she asked him. The smile on his face told Connie that he could, indeed, see. He could see right through the front of the case and up under her skirt. Connie wondered for a second what the butcher thought about white women. Did he find them sexy? Did he hunger for all that white flesh? Did he have a penis like that salami in the corner of the case? Would he be gentle with that monstrous dick, or ripe her white little ass apart? Wait, he didn't mean anything to her. He was just the butcher from Oprah. Just the butcher, and the black fantasy man that Oprah herself was talking about. Connie had never really given much thought to making it with a black man. The reputed size of their penises did intrigue her, but she had a double-ended dildo that Paul had bought her, for some unexplained reason, that was about fourteen inches long. Surely this man's penis couldn't be that long. Connie reflected on the dildo and realized that she had only been able to get about seven inches of it into her pussy. What good would a fourteen inch penis do her, even if it was black....and attached to a butcher.....and attached to Oprah's fantasy black lover? Connie smiled back and thanked the butcher. She took her "footlongs" and put them in the basket. Even though they were a "footlong" they were really quite small in diameter. The name and shape were more intriguing than the actual hotdog.. As she left the butcher was still smiling. "What great teeth he had," she mused. "I guess I'll never know about his dick, or his balls, or if he's gentle or rough." She wheeled the cart into the checkout aisle, paid for her groceries and left. On the interstate, Connie got lost in the traffic and the radio. Miles of row houses and the countryside just slipped past. About a mile from her exit, she noticed an eighteen-wheeler on her right. The driver was smiling and starring right at Connie's lap. She looked down and realized that her legs were spread and the hem of the skirt was pulled almost to her waist. Her panties were still in the glovebox. She hadn't realized that her bottom was still bare even though her ass cheeks were on the leather of the seat. The entire episode in the grocery had occupied her mind to the point that she wasn't really aware of her surroundings. She was about to smile back at the driver, when she realized that it was a woman driving the big rig. Not that the driver looked at all like a man, it was just not what Connie had expected. The female driver was quite slim and attractive, with long dark hair pulled back. She had a lovely dark complexion and really big smile. Not at all like Connie would have imagined a truck-driving-mama would look like. Connie was embarrassed at this turn of events. Here was some trucker lady, no matter how cute, starring right up her cunt. The lady in the truck blew Connie a kiss and exited the interstate. "Whew," Connie sighed. "I go trolling for sharks and almost catch a ladyfish." "I'll be more careful next time." "Next time? There will never be a next time." "This has been for fun, and I've had some, but there will never be a next time," Connie thought. Connie carried in the five bags of groceries into the kitchen. She unloaded everything and put away the dairy products and canned food. For some reason she left the vegetables and the hotdogs out. It didn't seem necessary to put them away, at least not yet. Connie went into the bedroom. The TV was still on. She must have forgotten to turn it off when she left. At least Oprah wasn't still on. Connie did admit that that show had opened her eyes and her mind - and her thighs - to some interesting ideas. She went back to the kitchen and got the vegetables. She found one of the x-rated tapes in the den and carried it all back to the bedroom. She put the tape in the VCR and switched the TV over. For a full five minutes the was only static. She thought she was going to have to call a repairman.....not a bad idea....maybe he would have an assistant and they both could fix my chassis.....just then the TV came to life and the FBI warning on the tape filled the screen. Connie watched as Amateur Videos #103 started. It featured a plump blonde girl with a pile of sexual toys on her bed. The girl stroked each toy as if each were a good friend then put each into a different opening in her body. The girl seemed to like each toy and concentrated on each in turn, either licking or stroking or sliding each into her body. This had been one of Paul's favorite tapes. He commented on how the girl enjoyed each dildo. They hadn't seen this tape in years. For that matter, they hadn't seen an x-rated tape at all in years. the girl now had a large red dildo she was sliding up her rectum. The rubber penis looked like it would split the girl's ass, but she seemed to love it. She licked on a long black double-ended dildo at the same time. Was this where Paul got the idea for a double-ender? She had never expressed the desire for something so long or with an extra head for another woman. Hers was pink also. Did Paul choose it over a black one, or did he not find a black one? Did it matter? It seemed to matter to the girl in the tape, but then each toy was a different color. One of her vibrators was purple. Connie got all of the pillows from the head of the bed and gathered them in a pile. She lay back and took one of the cucumbers from the bag. It was the long curved one. As the girl in the tape lovingly sucked her black dildo, Connie did the same to the cucumber. She took the other long green vegetable from the bag and began to stroke her pussy. At first she rubbed it up and down on her lips then she swapped the two cucumbers around. As she sucked and licked on the larger one, she inserted the long curved on into her cunt. The juices were really flowing now and though the cucumber was a tight fit, she finally got about four inches into her opening. The diameter was just large enough to stretch her pussy walls a little, it really felt good. She couldn't stuff much of the length into her hot vagina, but was able to get to the curved part of the gourd to the lips. As the curve disappeared between the fleshy opening, a exquisite feeling came over her. Connie must have pressed the cucumber up against her G-spot. It was almost like finding a second clit in her pussy. She lay back and closed her eyes. Oh, this felt good. The girl on the tape was squatting on a large rubber penis and panting. Connie opened her eyes in time to see the plump girl bend the black dildo in two and stuff one end into her pussy and the other in her ass. The situation looked somewhat silly, but Connie thought that it just might feel good. Just then two men in coveralls walked into the bedroom. Both were carrying toolboxes and one had a cap - Ralph's TV Repair. One man took the curved cucumber from Connie's pussy. It was obviously coated with her juices. He smiled at the other man and then at Connie. He pressed the cucumber to his lips and nose. He licked all around the end that had just moments before been between her legs. Connie looked around and noticed the other man was unbuttoning his coveralls. For the first time she noticed that they both were black. The man with the Ralph's cap and the cucumber pressed to his face looked exactly like the butcher. Even his white overalls reminded her of the butcher's apron. Connie sat up slightly and arranged herself against the pillows. Strange, she didn't remember calling the TV repairmen. After all, her TV and VCR were both working fine. The girl on the tape was working two pink dildos into her pussy at the same time. "That always looked like it would be fun," Connie thought, "but I was never able to do it, though Paul and I tried several times." Ralph had his coveralls off and was smiling, "Great teeth," Connie thought. He held his penis in one hand and the cucumber in the other. Slowly and gently he rubbed the cucumber along Connie's pussy, pausing lovingly on her clit for a few quick little thrusts. He slowly rubbed his hand along the length of his penis. The other man also had his dick free of his clothes and was now kneeling on the bed just inches from Connie's face.. His crotch smelled like Lifebouy soap. She looked up into his face and he just smiled back at her. He held out his penis and touched her lips. A little fluid stuck to her lower lip and glistened as he pulled back slightly. Connie was surprised that both men had such erections. Had they been watching her with the cucumbers for very long, or had they been watching the girl with the rubber toys. It didn't really matter, but in her heart, Connie hoped they had become so excited because of her. Ralph had put down his cucumber and was now kneeling between Connie's legs. He slowly pressed his black cock into her pussy. The thick black shaft disappeared between her pink lips and deep into her reddish pubic hair. The contrast was intriguing. The other man lifted his dick to Connie's mouth. She obediently opened wide and allowed him to rub it on her lips and tongue. Slowly she closed her mouth and began sucking and licking. His dick was about all she could take in her mouth. Her tongue felt crowded, but she was able to work it along the length of the head. With her tongue, Connie traced the head of the penis in her mouth. Something wasn't quite right. She had given head before and really enjoyed bringing Paul to a climax with her mouth, but besides being larger in diameter, this prick was different. She pushed back and forth on the head with her tongue. The foreskin slid about an inch. She had an uncircumcised cock in her mouth. This was different. It was large, uncut and black and tasted a little like Lifebouy. Strange, but erotic. Connie was really getting into this. Ralph was thrusting back and forth, plunging his dick deeper and deeper into her box. Connie should have been paying more attention to Ralph, after all he looked exactly like the butcher, but it was this other penis that fascinated her. She gripped the shaft in her hand and stroked it. She let it fall out of her mouth long enough to examine it. The other man smiled. Connie ran her tongue under the foreskin and slid it back. The other man's smile got even larger. Connie closed her eyes and wrapped her lips around this new delight. She thrust her hips up into the air and gripped Ralph in her thighs. She rocked and twisted. She sucked and licked. The other man had moved Connie to the side of the bed and her head hung slightly over the side. He was now standing on the floor and rubbing her tits with both hands. How did he know her nipples were so sensitive? His prick was pressing against the back of her throat. She could see the veins in his legs as he straddled her face. She imagined the foreskin on his prick sliding back to reveal a bright pink head just for her to delight in. Though she had never imagined doing it with Paul, Connie relaxed her throat and imagined the skin of her windpipe blending with the black foreskin. Slowly she relaxed more and more and more, until she felt the head of the man's prick slide past the rear of her mouth. She had allowed it to penetrate her throat. Her virgin throat. She could feel the foreskin on her uvula. She tightened her throat slightly, just enough to apply pressure. She could feel the head sliding deeper into her, but she held the foreskin. This was wonderful. Slowly the man moved his penis in and out. The foreskin was still held in place. She was giving him a sensation he had never imagined. As his tempo increased, Connie became more excited. Let Oprah do this, she thought. Ralph was really pounding her pussy with his prick, but all of Connie's attention was focused on her throat and the unknown repairman's uncircumcised prick sliding back and forth in her throat. What a feeling. She reached around his quivering legs and for reasons she did not understand, slipped her index finger into his anus. Just as she reached the second knuckle, his asshole clamped down on her finger. He let out a groan, quivered and let loose a torrent of cum down her throat. If she had expected it, she probably would have choked, but in the relaxed state of her throat, the cum shot directly to her stomach. The pity was that she didn't get to taste it. In a few throbbing seconds, the man's anus relaxed and Connie could free her finger. She swallowed hard and wrung the last drops of cum from the softening dick in her throat. Slowly, the man stood up. Ralph was going wild plunging his massive cock into Connie's cunt. The thin lips were folding back on themselves. She had never taken anything so large in diameter into her pussy. The sensation was wonderful. Just as she began to pay attention to what was going on between her legs, Ralph exploded in an orgasm. His cock loaded Connie to overflowing with thick ropes of cum. She felt the pressure of the squirts deep inside her. In a second Ralph pulled out. He was still smiling. He stood at the end of the bed holding his prick in his hand. There was a large drop of cum on the end. Connie leaned forward and kissed his prick. She ran her tongue around the opening, licking the last drop from the tip. "At last," she thought, "I get to taste one of them." The cum was mingled with her juices as well. Connie recognized her taste from some of the toys she and Paul had used. Occasionally, she would lick them after Paul had used them on her. This seemed to excite Paul and she didn't mind. Most of the time she found it highly exciting herself. Both men quietly dressed and left. They had never said a word, but both were definitely smiling as they disappeared down the hall. Connie just lay there atop the pillows. She too was smiling. It seemed like an hour had passed, but when she looked up at the TV, the girl was still on the screen. This time she was inserting a chrome vibrator up her butt. She knelt away from the camera and, while reaching behind herself, slid the shiny plastic penis into her asshole. She was looking over her shoulder and smiling at the camera. She seemed to be smiling at Connie too. There was no sign of the TV repairmen. Obviously they had let themselves out just as they must have let themselves in. At least the TV was still working. At that moment, Connie spied the parsnip poking out of the grocery bag. How much like a penis it looked, a pale white man's penis. A pale white man with a complexion like her own, maybe with a bit more orange in his skin tone. Orange in his skin tone? Well, her imagination was running a bit wild today. She took out the vegetable and slowly stroked it. She watched the girl on the TV. How effortlessly the vibrator plunged into her ass. How good it looked like it felt to the girl. Maybe she was just a great actress. Connie had used some of her toys in her own butt with mostly good results. It had been a long time since she had experienced anal sex. The last time it had been painful so she had stopped. The only toys she had experimented with were the smallest ones. While these felt good, the girl on the TV was using a normal sized vibrator and seemed to be experiencing great joy. Connie looked closely at the parsnip. It wasn't as big around as Paul's penis, maybe longer, but no larger around. She looked at the video girl, who was bouncing on the vibrator. The camera was zoomed in tight and you could see the girl's sphincter grabbing at the vibrator as it slid in and out. Connie inserted the parsnip into her pussy to lubricate it. The parsnip's taper would help it find its way into her body. Sure enough, with her pussy juice all over it, the tapered root opened her sphincter and slid right in. "What a perfect size," Connie thought. The root was just right. She felt the tip slide half way to her stomach. The diameter was perfect in another way. It seemed to put just enough pressure through the wall of her asshole to her pussy. "This is great," she said, "I get good feelings all over with this thing.." She knew why the girl in the video was smiling. Connie slid the long root in and out of her ass. The taper of the tip allowed her withdraw it completely and then plunge it right back in. She had never been able to do that with any of her toys or Paul's prick when she was younger. Fitting back it was usually a painful problem. The parsnip just glided past the opening. "Great - this is great." When Connie looked up, a young man was standing at the head of her bed. He was wearing swimming trunks and was tanned. Not a great tan, his complexion was similar to hers and she knew that fair skinned people could never get much of a tan. The young man was freckled and from the flush on his cheeks, either embarrassed or aroused. Connie closed her legs so the young man couldn't see the parsnip in her asshole too clearly. He cleared his throat and spoke, "I'm working on your pool and it looks like your drain is plugged." Connie relaxed her legs and the young man reached down and removed the parsnip. He held it up and took a bite off the tip. Connie could see a bulge in his swimming trunks. She reached up and gripped the waistband. Slowly she pulled his trunks to his knees. The internal nylon supporter clung to his penis and balls. Connie pulled the trunks down to his ankles and he stepped out. He stood in front of her with his prick at full attention. His penis was quite small in girth, but oh so long. It had to be twelve inches from his balls to the shiny tip. She had never seen a real penis this long, or this skinny. "Just right for opening my drain," she thought. With out a word, Connie sat up, knelt and turned away from the young man. She lowered her shoulders to the bed feeling her nipples brush against the satin spread and pillows. Her ass was pointed up in the air, totally exposed to the young man and his strange penis. Connie caught a glimpse of herself in the dresser mirror. Her white ass cheeks were spread in this position and her pink asshole was wide open. Her red pubic hair formed a ring of the target. The young man moistened a finger in her dripping pussy and inserted it into her asshole. Slowly he massaged the inside of her anus. Gently he withdrew his finger. Just as it cleared the pink hole, he slowly ran it around the opening. That felt delightful. Connie had no idea that her rectum was so sensitive. She stole one last glance in the mirror. She had no idea her asshole was so receptive. What would Paul think if he ever got around to exploring back there again? The man pressed his dick against the pink opening and slowly pushed. With almost no pressure, it slid right past the gate. For what seemed like five minutes his prick slid into her body. It slid along bringing a wonderful tingling to her every inch of the way. Finally his balls were practically buried in her pussy. This was a great treat - not only was her ass full of his meat, but her pussy was being rubbed by his balls. Every now and then his scrotum would rub her tortured clit. The young man was rocking and swaying from side to side, almost as though he was dancing with her asshole. He would pull his prick right to the sphincter and then slowly stuff it back - all the way back - all the way to his balls. It was when he was the deepest that his balls rubbed her clit most. It was also there that it felt like her stomach was being rubbed from within. She had never experienced a sensation quite like this. Just as the man reached her clit with his balls one more time, Connie felt her body begin to shake. Her knees began to tremble and her sphincter began to twitch. A wave of climax enveloped her entire body. This was marvelous. This was a climax like no other. She felt a hot load of cum shoot all the way to her small intestine. The young man collapsed on her back. She was proud of her asshole. She had given him such pleasure with it - and she had been rewarded. He slowly retrieved his exquisite slender dick. Connie looked around and saw him standing at the foot of the bed, his penis was in his hand. Though is wasn't half a big around as Ralph's, there was a large drop of cum, just like on Ralph's dick. Connie leaned forward and licked the dollop of cream off. He smiled and left without saying another word about her plumbing. She hoped it was all right now. She must have dosed off, because the video girl was gone from the TV and Connie didn't remember it ending. As a matter of fact, she couldn't even remember how it ended. She eased to the edge of the bed and bracing herself against the TV cart, stood up. Her knees were wobbly and her insides were still quivering. "What an afternoon," she thought as she slowly walked to the kitchen. When she reached the dining room, she heard a noise at the back door and went to open it. Randy, Alicia's poodle was scratching to come in. Connie often fed Randy any left-overs from lunch or cookies in the afternoon when she was home. She and Paul hadn't had a dog since the girls were in junior high and Randy was a friendly addition to Connie's kitchen after lunch. Connie sat on the stool by the kitchen island. Randy ran all around the kitchen looking for a treat. By now Connie had brushed her skirt down from her waist, but as she sat on the stool, she realized it didn't cover much of her private area. She was glad that Randy was alone. She also imagined that her hair looked a mess. She reached under her tank top to tuck her tits back into her bra. Oh God her nipples were still sensitive. She was so glad Ralph's assistant had taken the time to rub them. That had added so much to the occasion. The satin felt wonderful on them as well. She sat dreamily and thought back over the last hour. Suddenly her dream mood was broken as Randy's front claws scratched her thigh. "The poor little guy," she thought, "he must want his treat." She looked down just as Randy thrust his nose between her legs. "I think I know what treat you have in mind, my little doggie, and you're not about to get it here," she said as she gently brushed him aside and stood up. Connie looked down at Randy and noticed the head of his dick peaking from the hairy sheath beneath his stomach. This was the first time she had even noticed that the poodle had a penis. She had seen his balls from the rear, but had just never paid any attention to the dog's penis. It hung down from his stomach about five inches and was bigger around than her thumb. The sheath was covered with silver fur, just like the rest of Randy. A bright red point was jutting from the sheath. It glistened with moisture. Randy was dancing all around the kitchen and trying to get his nose back between Connie's thighs. Her gaze was riveted to the growing red point on his belly. "I can't believe that you are that interested in me, Randy. Why you must have an entire harem of female pooches in the neighborhood. They are all more your size, I'd think. You ought to run along after them now, before you get into trouble here. Shoo!" Connie pushed the amorous dog away went to sit in a chair at the breakfast table. Here she could hold her legs closed comfortably and maybe get Randy a treat. She couldn't send him out in the condition he was in. She reached over and broke off a piece of bread. Randy ignored this tidbit and wrapped his forepaws around her leg. Connie started to kick him away, but stopped. She couldn't be cruel to him. It wasn't his fault that he was excited, it was just that her juices were flowing after an afternoon of lovemaking and the poor dog was following his instincts. Connie could feel his penis, extended from its hairy sack, on her leg. It was interesting how velvety it felt. She was now curious about the dog's penis and how it looked fully extended. Talking softly to Randy, she turned him on his back and was amazed at the size of the little dog's member. Though only about three quarters of an inch in diameter, the flame red point projected out from the furry pouch for about six inches. Hell, the dog's dong was almost ten inches long in all! Connie grasped the furry part and slid it back and forth. It compressed to just before the balls and exposed the entire length of Randy's rod. "My word, this dog is hung,"she thought. "I wonder if Alicia has ever seen this." Connie was hypnotized by the red dart. Its shape was unlike any penis she had ever seen. It was pointed with a head like a cone that tapered back to a shaft of bright red. Randy was as aroused as he could possibly be. Connie first thought was that the dog's penis might explode right in her kitchen. She could not imagine his excitement. She spied the "footlong" hotdogs on the table and got the idea that this "Hotdog" just might like a hotdog to take his mind off of his wiener. Connie reached up from the floor where she knelt over Randy and grabbed a frankfrueter. Just as she had moved it off the table, the tube steak slipped from her hand and fell to the floor. As she turned to retrieve the lost wiener, Randy flipped over and made a dash for her thighs. With the skirt around her waist again, Connie's ass and pussy were exposed to the horny dog. In a flash, Randy had his nose and tongue buried in Connie's asshole. "Ok, so you want a real treat, do you," she said. I'll give you a real treat." She stood up and took the "footlong" with her back to the kitchen. She opened the bacon grease container and smeared a little on her asshole and on the wiener. "This will give us both a little treat my friend. I'm not about to fuck a dog, but I don't see why we can't both have some fun out of this situation." Connie slowly inserted the wiener into her asshole, until just the tip was visible. She walked into the den and knelt on a cushion from the sofa. "Come over here and get your treat Randy. You're so interested in my ass, you little stud, here, I'll give it to you. This ought to satisfy both you hunger for treats and my rear end." Connie called the dog to her rear and slowly let the wiener squeeze out, just enough for the dog to notice. Randy began frantically licking Connie's ass and munching on the "footlong" as it exited. The feeling was delightful for Connie as well. "My ass hasn't gotten a workout like this, ever." Ever so slowly the frank slid from Connie's sphincter. Ravenously, Randy devoured every bite, licking both cheeks and Connie's pussy in the process. Just then the sausage popped out completely and Randy caught it in mid-air, swallowing the last bite. Connie was impressed with her little game and was about to get up and feed another "footlong" to Randy in a more conventional manner when the little poodle jumped onto her back. Normally, such a small dog would not have even moved Connie's frame, but in her weakened state, she fell forward, the cushion under her hips, her tits pressed against the floor. Instantly Randy seized the opportunity and mounted the prone woman. His penis found its way into her pussy as if it had radar. At once, Randy was humping for his life. His red velvet dick sliding easily in and out of the grown woman's cunt. Exhausted, Connie lay there for a moment. She was surprised. She was also a little frightened. She had never even imagined sex with a dog before, much less Randy from next door. The little poodle plunged into and out of her cunt. His dick was on fire and her pussy was the only thing that could quench the flame. Having just examined his tool, Connie marveled at how well it filled her hole. The size was just about perfect, and amazingly it was hidden from view most of the time. "Those wiley dogs," she thought. "So well equipped and no one knows about it." Randy was throwing himself into his task and even though it was feeling good, Connie was afraid that Randy might hurt himself or her if she let him continue. As soon as she got up, she was going to put him out, regardless of his state, and go get her toys - maybe even another "footlong". She steadied her upper body with her hands on the floor, but just as her mashed tits cleared the wood, Randy's aim went off slightly. Maybe it was the way she had twisted her hips in an attempt to get out from under the animal, but Randy's flashing dick speared Connie's rectum dead center. With a sound like "slooup" the red arrow disappeared amidst the bacon grease right up her ass. Randy responded to the increased tightness by humping even harder.. There was no stopping him now. Connie, while surprised, had to admit she was really enjoying this action. Randy's inhabitation was marvelous. Just his animal instinct was driving him to impale her cherry asshole with such abandon. It excited Connie to think she had turned Randy on so much. Suddenly, the little poodle shook all over. Randy had cum in Connie's butt. His body was convulsing and Connie was afraid he might hurt himself. She looked back and thought she detected a smile on his face. Before she could react, the tip of Randy's penis began to swell. There was a slight twinge of pain as the dog's dick swelled to twice its original diameter. Connie remembered hearing of dogs getting stuck together after sex, but thought it was an old wive's tale. She had to admit though, she didn't know anything about the sex lives of dogs and it sure seemed like old Randy was stuck up her ass. Randy just clung to Connie's thighs. He was exhausted and couldn't seem to get loose. Connie began rocking her hips back and forth trying to free the spent pup. With the dog's prick so swollen, the extra motion aroused new sensations in Connie's anus. All of a sudden, she didn't want to free Randy. She didn't want his dick to shrink back to normal size. She wanted it shoved all the way into her. This was great. She found the strength to turn over and holding the dog to her cheeks, she lay him on his back. Randy was starting to come around, but his penis was still swollen. Connie thought she could probably walk around with the animal stuck in her butt without his falling out. She squatted on him and began grinding her hips and flexing her ass cheeks. Randy was immediately ready for more of this new fun. Connie was finally able to get the full length of the dog's dong into her rectum, all ten inches, swollen head and all. "What a marvelous feeling," she shrieked. The dog humped away beneath her; his dick thrusting into her bowel. Another explosion rocked Randy's dick and hurled a load of hot semen into Connie's tush. "At least the dog didn't pull out like the men do in all of the videos," Connie thought. That had always bothered her. Paul didn't seem to mind. He said it kind of validated the video sex act. Showed it was for real. Connie, however, was glad that none of the men, or males, as the case may be, had seen fit to pull out from anywhere in her body. Just then, Connie was swept up in another orgasm of her own. That was two climaxes in her butt in one day, incredible. Even more incredible, one was achieved by her neighbor's poodle. Connie lay Randy on the cushion and staggered to her feet. The dog's dick was finally shrunken back to a size that would allow it to fit back into its pouch. Connie looked down at Randy's penis. There was a large drop of cum on the end. Connie leaned down and took the dog's shrinking penis in her hand. It looked so small and shriveled now. Gently she caressed it with her lips and sucked the last of his load out of his dick. Randy looked like he had been hit by a car. Connie kinda of felt the same way. She found a sirloin in the refrigerator and grilled it for Randy. After a thirty minute nap, he rose, ate the sirloin and scampered back next door. Connie swore he winked at her as he rounded the corner of the house. It was about 3:00 PM though it seemed like it should be 6:00. Connie must have been dozing on the sofa in the den when she was awakened by a knock on the kitchen door. She also became aware of the sound of a lawnmower in her back yard. When she answered the door, she was greeted by a tanned youth in cut-offs. She recognized him as Steven, one of the boys Paul paid to cut the lawn. He greeted Connie and said that they needed to move the hose that was filling the swimming pool to cut the grass and asked if they could cut off the water to do so. Connie agreed and offered Steven and his two friends a pop when they finished. He accepted and went back to the lawn. Connie ran upstairs and took a quick shower. This time she did put on her stockings and garter belt, but with a longer fuller skirt. She chose a black cupless bra that she and Paul had purchased for some long forgotten sexual fantasy. She then threw on a black silk blouse. When she returned to the downstairs, Steven and his two friends, Mark and Rod were through with the lawn. Connie invited them in and set up pop in glasses with ice. She sat down across from the three boys and crossed her legs. It was obvious to at least two of the three that she had no panties on and they each got a good look at her thighs and the stockings. Mark stood and his short cut-offs gave his excitement away. Connie stared at the tip of his cock sticking from below his pants. She reached forward and rubbed the tip between her thumb and forefinger. The other two boys stood and with out saying a word, lifted Connie up and carried her into the den. Everyone was smiling as the boys lay her on the same cushion she and Randy had been on so recently. Each boy unzipped his cutoffs and stood for inspection. Connie's nipples also stood for inspection through the silk of her blouse. She looked at each of the three erect cocks. Taking in the dimensions of each with her eyes and mind. With out even noticing who's it was, she knelt forward and took one in her mouth. Slowly she began rubbing the other two with her hands. She licked and sucked until the boy's cock was about to explode. She unbuttoned her blouse and thrust his dick between her tits. The material of the bra scratched his balls, but he didn't seem to mind as his penis rubbed between Connie's milky breast. She ran the dripping head of his penis along her nipples. The boy began shaking and gasping, as Connie sank his dick deeper between her tits. Just as he exploded, she lifted his prick to her face and let the cum splash all over her lips, eyes and nose. "Just like in the movies," she thought. The boy's load seemed to shoot for ten minutes. "Ah, youth," she sighed. She had never seen a load like this in the videos. The other two boys were enjoying the show and rubbed their erect dicks in appreciation. Connie turned her attention to them now, while the other boy recuperated. She instructed on boy to lay on his back as she squatted on his face. She rubbed his dick with one hand while she guided the standing boy's penis into her mouth. She hopped up and down on the licker's face, driving his tongue deep into her twat. Her ass cheeks engulfed his nose and the rest of his face. His tongue found her clit and she almost jumped upright. The boy getting the blowjob thought he was going to loose his manhood with this action, but Connie got back down to the business of eating and being eaten. She was enjoying herself immensely when the first lad seemed to regain his composure. He came over to the group with his dick in his hand. Connie told him she would let him join in in a minute, but he had to wait his turn. She only had so many hands, tits and holes. Obviously his climax hadn't taken all of the cum out of him and he insisted the bitch give him some loving. Connie was not about to stop what she was doing now that it was feeling so good, and decided that the young man needed to be taught a lesson in patience. The "bitch" was going to give him some loving all right. Connie stopped long enough to get the bacon grease from the kitchen. She dipped her finger into the lard and removed a thick wad. The boy who had gotten the tit job wanted to know what she intended to do with the grease. She said it was for his surprise. She reached around and stuck her finger up his ass before he could move. His eyes got big and as soon as the surprise wore off, he began rocking his hips against her hand. Connie continued to finger his asshole for a few minutes while the other two watched. They were obviously upset that this guy had shoved his way back into line just when the sex was getting good. She stopped, withdrew her hand and resumed her position on the prone boy's face. She had the boy who had been getting the blowjob stop and force his horny friend to squat on the legs of the kid who reaming her twat with his tongue. Connie reached forward and grasped the eater's dick and stuck it into the impatient kid's asshole. She grasped his shoulders and forced him to sit back, impaled on his friend's cock. The eater didn't even know what had happened or by whom, so he just kept licking Connie's cunt and ass. Connie went back to the blowjob she had been giving. Connie jumped up, ran to the front of the kid sitting on his friends dick. She squatted in his lap, taking his penis into her vagina. She still continued to give a blowjob to the third boy. Now one boy was on his back another boy was sitting on his dick, while Connie was being fucked by the kid who was being reamed. The third fellow was having his dick licked and sucked like there was no tomorrow. In unison, four climaxes swept the group. There were spraying dicks all around. Connie went to each dick and sucked them dry. Connie had the boy who got the blowjob lay on his back on the floor. She had the lad who had been laying on his back, with his prick up his friend's ass swap places and stick his rod up her asshole. She then instructed the impatient boy to stand in front of her and stick his dick in her mouth. Now she was filled in every hole. Each boy had had at least one climax and she was keeping them still going. What an accomplishment. She was turned on by the smell and taste of her own juices on the impatient boy's prick. The more or herself she tasted, the more excited she became. In one day, she had experienced it all. She was simultaneously fucking three teenagers and bring them each to multiple climaxes. They just couldn't get enough of this wild woman. At that moment Connie exploded for the eighth climax that day. She cleaned up after the boys left. Besides screwing their brains out, she had given one a lesson he would not soon forget. "Bitch, huh?" she thought. "That will teach you young man." She sat down in her favorite leather chair and turned on the TV. "Damn, Oprah!" "This has got to be a rerun." "What channel is this damn thing set on, anyway?" Connie's mind sorted through the day, every aspect of it. "It couldn't be any more perfect." "Everything that could happen did, and it was just wonderful." Just then Connie heard the blast of the air horn from an eighteen-wheeler in front of her house.--*- Boundary FhypIN3xBe5kvrZF/hr--