Archive-name: hotmeat

From: "Zane A. Lewis" <>

Subject: Hotmeat.Txt ( Pedo, Mm, Furry )


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Here is a story bound to piss most people off.. Which is Why I wrote it.

WARNING: Contains Gay, Non-Human Sex betwen a Father and his 'Son'.

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HOTMEAT.TXT (M/m Pedo Incest Furry) By SwampRat (c) 1994 The Rashathran Society

Yes, I AM a Sick Fuck.. So What?

Ras sat at the table, looking at the vegetables.. "Ick.." He twinged at a pang - His mother would have patted him on the head and said, "Eat your veggies, dear.. So you will look like Father.." But she had died a few years back... He sighed and bit into a RedRound. Sleeping with his Father had been Natural afterwards - Sharing grief and pain. And another shock in a few weeks... At 13, Cubs were considered Adults, and had to decide what they wanted to do for the rest of their lives.. Many left the village in search of adventures. Some apprenticed or Mated.. Ick! He wasn't sure What he wanted to do... But he Was sure what he Wanted to Eat. "Meat.." he sighed. Hunting had been bad lately and No one had full larders.. Not full of meat anyway. "Meat!" he growled and ripped a leaf with his teeth..

"What was that?" Ras gulped, half choking on the leaf.. A paw descended on his neck. "Nnnn Nothing." *Slap* He yipped as his ears were boxed. "Don't lie to me..." Ras winced. He knew the shame underlying the tone.. Ranas was a Great hunter before.. "Well?" He sighed. "I was wishing for meat.." The paw tightened on his neck.. "So.... You want meat." he was turned around forcefully - To Stare at his Father's crotch. The large sheath bulged inches from his nose.. Every time he inhaled his nostrils were filled with the scent of adult male wolf. "So you want some meat.." A paw moved down to push it forward, pulling the skin down. The reddish tip emerged, pointing at him accusingly. He has seen dicks before.. His friends all explored each other when they were young. But this was twice the size of Anything he had seen before.

The scent made him dizzy and he closed his eyes.. *Slap* The maleness hit his muzzle, leaving a taste like none he had ever known. "Look at me!" he quickly opened his eyes to look at the cock on front of him. Veins bulging on the strong grasp, it wavered close to his muzzle.. "I'll give you Meat, you whelp!" It vanished from sight.. to be shoved between his lips. The shock held him immobile as it slid over his tongue and into his mouth. he whimpered, feeling the blunt claws on his neck. The smell.. The Taste! Gods... "Eat This, you little Whiner.." Instinct took over and he started suckling on it, curling his tongue over it like a tit... The maleness fattened in his muzzle and a groan came from his father, sending thrills through him and at the same time confusing him to no end..

"Ras.. Son... Oh Gods, what am I doing?" The tasty cock was pulled from his muzzle and he watched the one who had brought him into this world collapse on the floor. he stood.. And without a second thought, went to the male, sitting in his lap, holding his head, rubbing his back as he did when his Mother was first taken. "You have done Nothing but Love me Father.." He Felt the thick meat pressed between them and reached down to caress it. "I deserve to be chastised. You are doing your best, And I should be Proud of My Father." He continued his caresses, feeling things stirring at his own groin. "I love you.." he whispered, Kissing the big male. "What? Ras What are..." Another lips-press silenced all talk. He pushed his Father down and rubbed the nipples that poked from the dark fur.. Nipped at them, watching the reactions. He continued down until again he looked at the big dick.

It was now fully un-sheathed, the knobs at the base swollen to hold the furry cock-holder back, about as big sa his thumbs.. He licked at the tip, harvesting a trickle of clear fluid that tasted sweet, yet like his Father smelled... A groan and a paw on his head made him continue.. He slipped it between his lips, pulling on the base.. And yelped in surprise when salty fluid gushed over his tongue, followed by an upsurge that stuffed his muzzle full of throbbing, spurting cock. He gulped it down, afraid of drowning.. then Sucking and swallowing greedily as the knowledge of what he had just done filled his mind. He held the cock in his muzzle until a pained yelp and a quick pair of paws pulled him away. "Please *Pant* Not so hard youth.." He slipped a paw down to explore the furry sack, so much like his own but larger..

He looked up at the male who had provided so much for him. And nuzzled the big dick. Paws half-dragged him up and he was afraid he would be punished.. Until he looked into the blue eyes that were the first things he saw when he opened his own. Confusion, Love, Pain, Fear.. Mirrors of his own. "Son.. " One whispered word, broke his heart and he hugged the male close. "Did I do wrong?" he sobbed, holding the furry body. "No Son.. I did wrong. I should have never shoved my maleness into your mouth." Pride burned a hole in the pain... He never knew his father to shirk responsibility. He felt a pair of muscles in his paws and Squeezed them, giggling.. "Stop that!" He put the big paw on his own rear. "In less than a moons passing, I shall be an Adult. I can choose my destiny." He looked at the male. "Ras.." And kissed him, slowly. "And I choose to stay with my Father, help him hunt, and Love him with my body as well as my Heart!" He held his Father Close, fearing the words of rejection he knew would come.. "Ras.. I...."

Paws moved his head.. And he squawked as claws squeezed his nuts. "In a Moon's Passing you may say those words.. Right now, you are Still my son, and We still have to find Food for the week." A playful slap on his posterior and they were both up laughing.. "Then you Will..." He looked up into eyes that shone with love. "Of course.. I could never look at another Female - And hunting Partners are not easy to come by. Now, eat your veggies.." A paw squeezed the still hard erection. "And my Meat?" A soft growl answered him.. "Maybe.." He sat down and dug in with both paws, Thinking the they tasted much better somehow. And also thinking of the future.. Males had been known to live together for many years, and If an Only son wanted to take care of his father, Few tongues would wag.. He giggled again, as he finished his water and felt his Father's paw on his own cock. "Well - Growing already. Come on.. Wash Before we hunt. Don't want to Smell like a pair of rutting wolves."

Ras Hugged the male Tight. "But we Are!" A chuckle and a claw rubbing under his tail made him squirm. "That we are.. But until the Choosing, I am Still your Father." A swat on his rear made the young canine yip. "Bath.." He giggled again and raced his father to the door, grabbing towel and crotch-cloth along the way. He put his on, noticing the bulge. Would it be like his Fathers, hiding all, and hiding nothing? Prominent with need, the cock was outlined in the cloth, but no-one would say anything.. It wasn't polite to point out such things. Noticed, Yes.. "Will mine be as big?" A nod and a pat on his rear again. "Someday.." He licked his lips and composed himself for the trip to the cold water, Wishing the sun was down so he could lay beside the male and explore... A pain as his ears were boxed again. "Keep your mind on Now - Or you may end up Someone Else's Dinner.." Chastised, but still proud, he grinned and nodded. Then walked, paw in paw with his Father, soon to be More than Just...

The End

Last modified (12/24/96 14:23:55) by Eli-the-Bearded.

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