Driving through the secluded woods along route nine,
Bill Johnson let himself unwind, putting the pressures of work
behind him and getting into the relaxing mood of the coming weekend.
He'd worked late for the fourth night that week and the sun had
already set, the sky quickly darkening with the coming night.
Lately his job as an engineer for a major defense contractor had
become extremely difficult, as the deadline for the tracking-system
design project he was on drew increasingly nearer.
He'd worked himself like a dog the past week though,
and had made tremendous progress, he'd easily be able to finish
it all up by next Wednesday, several days ahead of schedule. As
a reward for his hard work, he'd decided to take a friend's advice
and take the weekend off, getting away from it all. He had a small
cabin up in the mountains, far away from the city, and it was
just perfect for a relaxing retreat. He really did need the break
with all the pressure the project had been putting him through,
and he was looking forward to the time away from it all very much.
He'd been getting into the nice, relaxing feel of
the drive, letting his mind wander where it wanted to, when the
car gave out on him. There was no warning, just all of a sudden
the engine died, leaving the vehicle to coast to a stop. He tried
to restart it a couple of times, but it was useless, the whole
system was dead, the engine wouldn't even turn over. Sitting there,
swearing to himself in the darkness, he began to notice a strange
sensation seeping into his awareness. It was as if the air had
been charged with electricity, all the hairs of his body standing
on their ends, giving him a scratchy feeling, quickly spreading
all over him.
Suddenly the sky was illuminated by a bright light
coming from behind the hill up ahead. As he watched, transfixed,
he saw a large glowing sphere rise from the forest, coming around
the hill, moving deliberately to hover over his stalled vehicle,
dwarfing it with its expanses. Paralyzed with fear he watched
helplessly as the ship descended upon him, flooding the immediate
area with an incredible, bright light.
His mind stunned by the vision, he couldn't believe
what was happening to him, the situation just so impossible, yet
it was happening all the same. As the ship came to rest about
ten feet above him, the car was rocked by brief, but sharp jolt.
This shaking awakened him from his trance, forcing him to deal
with the threat looming above him. Coming out of the paralysis,
he reacted like an animal facing a predator, throwing open the
door, jumping out of the car and running blindly into the woods.
The darkness of the woods was a sharp contrast to
the bright light from the alien ship which had come to get him,
and it was several confused moments later before his vision could
adjust. Running deeper into the woods, his sight returned to him,
as he was able to make out the shadowy silhouettes of the trees,
to keep himself from running into them. Turning his head around
he could still see the bright light from the ship, the air around
it glowing with its aura, a single thought raced through his mind,
that he must run further away, quickly, to escape whatever unknown
terrors lay there waiting for him. Running faster, he could hear
his heavy breathing and the loud, determined pounding of his heart,
the adrenaline coursing through his veins with fiery insistence.
Running wildly into the night, still trying to escape
the horror, there was movement in the woods behind him, causing
him to shift his focus outward. His heightened senses then clearly
heard the sounds of footfalls scuffling behind him, quickening
to match his frenzied pace. His terror turned up a notch, he tried
to run faster, but to no avail, as whatever it was behind him
was gaining quickly, working on overtaking him.
There was a blue flash of light from behind, briefly
illuminating the woods ahead of him, and he felt a tingling sensation
in the small of his back, spreading quickly throughout his body,
his skin itching wildly. In his hurried confusion, he hadn't realized
what had happened to him, his muscles going numb, he lost his
footing and stumbled, his limbs unresponsive. The fall seemed
to take place in slow motion, his frame of reference tilting sharply,
as he saw the ground coming up to meet him; then all was blackness.
His consciousness came back slowly, reality washing
over him with a gentle tide, leaving him disoriented and confused.
He awoke in a darkened room, a light shining down on him, creating
a small circle of illumination which he lay in the center of.
Struggling briefly, he pulled himself up to a sitting position.
Although he must have been taken by force, he was not in any pain,
though mentally he was not unscathed. The thought of being hijacked
by God knows what kind of creatures, for any number of unthinkable
reasons, sent a shiver down his back, realizing the worst was
certainly yet to come.
Slowly standing up, his legs a little wobbly, he
glanced around the room. Unfortunately due to the inadequate lighting,
he was unable to see any detail outside of the cone of illumination;
he hesitated to leave that small sanctuary for the unknown darkness.
As he was deliberating his next move, a scuffling sound behind
him caught his attention, turning quickly, he was just in time
to see two shadowy figures stepping into the light.
The aliens that stood before him were roughly human-sized
and had basically the same body structure, but that was where
the similarities ended. For these creatures, both female, resembled
wolves whose bodies had been twisted and shaped to walk on two
legs, with fully-functional fingers on their front paws, which
had grown into hands, leaving small vestigial claws in place of
fingernails. Their bodies, at least what was visible of them through
their jumpsuits, were covered with fur, and he noticed they both
had tails swishing lightly between their legs, as they regarded
him coldly.
The taller of the pair was about 5' 10" high,
while the other was about three inches shorter. Their jumpsuits,
which were made of a dark, bluish fabric, clung tightly to their
bodies, giving a decent suggestion of their physique. They were
both fairly well-built and nicely proportioned, their breasts
straining lightly against their suits, had they been human, he
probably would have found their figures appealing, but not with
the alien form cast upon them. Still, even in his terror, there
was a tinge of strange exotic qualities to them, and that, as
much as their unknown intentions for him, sent a shiver through
his body. Whatever guise of femininity they were wearing, they
were definitely not human, and most-likely did not have pleasant
plans in store for him. Looking upon them, he regarded them only
as predators, and himself as their intended prey.
The aliens stood before him for a moment, studying
him, their pointed ears standing up at full attention, perfectly
straight in their interest towards him. Their heads closely resembled
their animal counterparts, but their eyes did show intelligence
as well as emotion. Unfortunately, at that moment, the only emotions
they were portraying were those of cold and calculating determination
as they eyed their captive.
The taller of the two lupines, stepped forward, he
tried to shrink backward, but found his feet held firmly in place.
Her eyes locked upon him, she reached into her pocket, retracting
a small device, a thin square, perhaps a couple of inches long
on each side. Fashioned of a dull black material, its front face
was covered with blinking lights, glowing softly in the palm of
her furry hand. He tried to pull away from her as she brought
it toward his face, but her other hand grabbed the back of his
head and held him steady in her powerful grip. As she placed the
unit just above his left temple, there was a momentary stinging
sensation as it fixed itself to his skin.
"Be still human," her voice growled at
him, stunning him both with her forceful tone, and the quick realization
that he could understand her. "This device is a neural translation
unit and it allows us to communicate with you. Do not remove it."
"What do you want with me?" He had tried
to make his voice sound strong and demanding, but instead it came
out as almost a whimper.
"We have collected you for a series of medical
examinations and various studies. If you obey us, we will not
hurt you, but we will not tolerate disobedience. You will do exactly
as we say."
With that, they each grabbed a hold of one of his
arms, as he struggled against their grasps, trying in vain to
free himself. He was of average height and build, and in pretty
decent shape from regular trips to the athletic club, but they
overpowered him without much difficulty, his useless efforts only
tiring him.
The took him, still resisting, if only feebly, and
half-marched him, half-dragged him into the darkness, coming quickly
to a hatchway which opened with a pneumatic hiss, as he was led
into a long corridor. They walked him down the hallway, their
footsteps clanking against the metallic floor, finally leading
him to another door, which opened to reveal what appeared as a
combination between a medical laboratory and a chamber of horrors.
In the center of the dimly-lit room, surrounded by all sorts of
instruments, lay a steel table, complete with arm and leg restraints,
perfect for holding the specimen firmly in place, and completely
He tried to hold back, but they were successful in
forcing him into the chamber, his feeble fighting and cries of
protest were no match for their strength, overpowering him now
that he had mostly exhausted himself with his attempts at escaping.
"Stop that human, it will be easier on you if you don't resist
us. We don't want to cause you any unnecessary pain."
He looked at her dully, not quite understanding his
situation, but somehow resigned to his fate.
"That's better. Now we need to perform a full
medical scan on you, take off your clothes."
Staring at her in disbelief to the order, unwilling
to be even more vulnerable to their predatory gaze and focused
examination, he stood there motionless, finally shaking his head
just slightly.
His resistance caused a slight snarl to appear on
her otherwise stoic muzzle, her right arm flashing up as she gripped
his throat tightly. "You'll do as I say, if you know what's
good for you. I said take of your clothes, so strip human! Is
that understood?" she growled at him, lightly digging her
claws into his tender flesh just briefly to bring her point home
to him.
With her hand still gripped around his neck, cutting
off some of his air flow, he weakly nodded as his hands numbly
began to work at the buttons of his shirt. She kept her grip on
him, loosening it up slightly, but still letting him know who
was in charge of the situation. As he was nervously removing his
shirt, looking into her cold eyes, the other wolf, who so far
had remained quietly in the background, knelt down in front of
him and untied his shoes.
Finishing with his footwear, she rose slightly and
undid his belt, glancing up at him, the look on her face a mixture
between compassion and excitement. Gazing into her deep brown
eyes had a brief, but hypnotic effect on him, as it managed to
calm his nerves and bring him some small measure of reassurance.
Her quiet glance almost spoke to him, as if she was sorry that
she had to do this to him, having to do her job, but would try
and get it over with as quickly and easily as possible. Looking
into her eyes for just that instant, he felt a little better and
was given the strength to hopefully endure their callous treatment
of him.
She lowered his pants down to his feet with him numbly
stepping out of them, then lightly ran her hands up his legs to
his cotton briefs. Her touch was very soft and caressing, it was
evident that she was doing more than just efficiently removing
his garments, and while it was quietly unnerving, her touch was
still effective on him. Even through his apprehension, part of
him was beginning to find the turn of events oddly exciting. The
idea of being stripped in front of these strange women was becoming
stimulating, as her touch became more insistent.
Having himself exposed like this was not without
its erotic components, and while these aliens may not be human,
their bodies were formed quite nicely. Looking down at the figure
below him, he was finding strange stirrings of interest growing
within him. Perhaps it was an odd reaction to his fear, combined
with his extreme proximity to these females, whatever it was,
his reactions began to betray him. With the second wolf's show
of kind attention, and the weird exhibitionist excitement he was
starting to feel, the situation was beginning to take on new meanings
for him, sending another shiver through him at its implications.
He was still lost in the wolf's gaze as she stared
up at him. She might have been using some type of telepathy, for
her eyes seemed to be displaying several warm emotions for him,
perhaps trying to lure him into confidence. She even flashed him
a friendly, yet seductive smile, setting more of his thoughts
conflicting against each other.
He was beginning to find her attractive, at least
in the purely physical sense, even against the uncertainty of
the situation, and the grip of the other wolf's hand on his neck.
This came with confusion for his consciousness to register, but
his body understood it quite well, as the friendly wolf put her
gentle touch against his lower abdomen. He'd become partially
aroused and already his cock was straining lightly against the
small amount of fabric left covering him. Gripping the waistband
to his shorts, she peeled them off him with a slow and teasing
movement, revealing his manhood to their scrutinizing gaze; that
done, she sped up her progress, quickly pulling the garment the
rest of the way off of him.
Releasing his neck, the leader grabbed his right
arm, while the other grabbed his left, breaking the magic of the
moment before, leaving him stunned, a small tremor passing through
him once again. Forcefully keeping him from stumbling, they led
him backwards to the table, which lay at about waist height. Reaching
the table they grabbed his legs and almost effortlessly hoisted
him onto it. By now he'd given up resistance, and was resigned
to his fate, hoping that they were truthful about not hurting
him, also hoping for maybe a chance at more intimate contact with
the friendly lupine, those thoughts still dully surprising him.
The table was a cool against his naked flesh, and
it sent shivers down his back. They wasted no time in forcing
his arms and legs into the manacles, completely immobilizing him
spread-eagle beneath their gaze. Reaching to a smaller table nearby,
the still silent, and more amiable wolf grabbed several more devices,
about the same size and shape as the translator attached to his
head. Holding them above him, she ran her fingers lightly over
his chest as if feeling for the correct location. Her touch was
not entirely clinical though, some of her teasing softness still
remained, incongruous to the situation he found himself in. Having
decided upon a spot, she placed the first of the units just below
his right nipple, her fingers gliding over his sensitive flesh
as she did so. The device was cool to the touch, but warmed quickly,
giving off a small electric shock as she pressed it against him.
She placed two more of these units on him, the last
one on his lower abdomen. Having her fingers caress him like that,
the odd sensations caused by the devices, and even the fact that
he was held immobile under their power, all combined to further
arouse him, working to overbalance his fear at his helplessness
and their full intentions. She noticed his reactions, and with
a slight smile on her face, she glided her hand down to his erect
manhood, lightly running her fingers over his shaft. Even as her
prisoner the feeling was wonderful, the sensation of her fur caressing
him was electric; his cock straining to further reach her touch.
After teasing him for what was probably only a couple
of minutes but what seemed more like a small eternity of delicious
agony, she withdrew her hand, bringing it up to softly touch his
cheek. It was then when she uttered her first words to him, in
a kind and quiet voice. "The medical scan is quite thorough
and will take a long time. It poses no threat to you, but parts
of it might cause you some discomfort. For that reason we'll keep
you unconscious for the duration. It will be easier on you that
way." With that it was as if some switch had been thrown,
all his awareness blinking out instantly.
Consciousness came back gradually, as if waking from
a deep sleep on Sunday morning, with nothing important to have
to get up for. He opened his eyes to see the dim surroundings
of the lab, and realized he was still held fast on the examination
table. He must have been like that for some time too, as his muscles,
especially his arms, were starting to have a dull ache in them.
Turning his head to either side, he saw he was alone in the small
chamber, surrounded by the various banks of equipment giving off
a light hum. He could see several display screens showing various
data and graphical information, presumably about his physical
makeup. His arousal had long since left him, his apprehension
returning in its place, wondering what lay ahead for him; what
were they planning on doing with him next?
After a few minutes, the hiss of the door interrupted
his thoughts, turning his head he saw the friendlier wolf enter
the room. He was glad it was her, instead of the one who seemed
to be in charge. She must be the medical officer or scientist
for the ship, as she was the one more involved with studying him;
at least she was not abusive like the captain. He also realized
that there was still a part of him that found her attractive,
no matter how absurd the rest of his mind found it.
She ignored him at first and headed towards one of
the data terminals, scrolling through several screens of medical
readouts. Finally she turned to him. "It's amazing, even
though you look different, your medical makeup is remarkably similar
to ours. In fact most of our major organs are almost identical."
Not knowing how to answer, he just stared at her quizzically,
waiting for her to continue.
She removed the devices she'd attached to his torso,
lightly rubbing the areas where they'd been, to alleviate the
slight stinging sensation left by them. "You really are a
remarkable specimen, you know. I'm glad we came across a human
as good as you." He looked up at her to see a smile forming
on her muzzle and a gleam in her eyes, her remark leaving him
speechless. "Don't act so surprised, didn't you think I'd
notice a body like yours. And you seemed very eager when I was
prepping you for the scan" she added, a slight chuckle in
her voice.
Caressing his chest again she asked, "you do
find me attractive don't you?"
Looking up at her, seeing that warm and seductive
smile on her face, he was forced to consider her question. In
her own way she was beautiful, her fur was pure white, save for
her hands and the tip of her tail, which were jet black. Her face
while mostly reminiscent of a wolf, also showed human-like emotions,
and her pointed ears were very attractive as they twitched slightly.
Her snug-fitting jumpsuit clung to her body suggestively, showing
off her beautiful proportions quite well, its synthetic fabric
just thin enough to give him a good view of her partially-erect
nipples as they strained ever so lightly against it.
Looking at her, she was very pretty, not impossibly
thin, but just slightly plump, giving her a more attractive figure.
She'd moved the zipper of her suit part-way down to reveal some
of her furry cleavage contained within. Her breasts were maybe
slightly larger than would be expected for her frame, but not
sufficiently so; they were easily more than a handful but not
large enough to seem out of proportion, complementing her frame
nicely. "Yes, I guess I do find you attractive in a purely
physical sense, but you're an alien and also my abductor"
he finally answered, trying to keep his stoic appearance, but
feeling his resolve ebbing away.
Bringing her muzzle down to his lips she surprised
him with a powerful kiss, forcing her tongue inside his mouth.
Catching his breath, it took a moment for him to react, his body
taking over while his mind lagged behind. Letting himself get
caught up in the passion, he returned the kiss, his enthusiasm
growing, moving his tongue to meet with hers.
The feel of her muzzle against his lips was not all
that foreign, their tongues dancing together, and though her facial
fur was just a little ticklish, it only added to the sensation.
He strained momentarily against the cuffs holding his wrists in
place, wishing to be able to caress her with his hands, feeling
her fur running between his fingers, yet the fact that he was
immobilized only added to his excitement, spurring his mind on
in interesting new ways.
"There, I thought you were attracted to me,"
she said after ending the kiss a little abruptly, pulling away
from his wanting lips. "And as to me holding you here in
bondage, we'll see about that... I won't let you free just yet,
I think I like the position I have you in" flashing him a
wicked grin.
Licking her muzzle, she brought her hand up to her
zipper, and grasping it gently between her fingers, slowly eased
it down, revealing her beautiful, furry body inch by inch. Opening
up the slit in the suit, she peeled the material back, steeping
out of her garment, finally letting it drop to the ground. Standing
there, basking in the glow of his appreciative gaze, she was clad
only in her black panties, posing for him as his wandering eyes
played over her semi-nude form. The black patches of her fur not
only covered her hands, but also half of her forearms, the lower
part of her legs, and her feet, the regions where her black fur
met the white was uneven, forming attractive patterns there.
The sight of her standing in front of him was very
appealing, heightened by the fact that though she was so teasingly
close, he could not touch her. Her buxom breasts were poised unfettered,
with their pink nipples poking through the light coat of fur there.
She stood towards him at a slight angle, giving him a good view
of her firm buttocks and tail which was lightly swishing between
her legs, the black fabric of her panties hiding her sex from
him in a beautiful contrast to the soft, snowy fur they lay against.
The look of warmth. and passion played across her
face helped him find her muzzled visage beautiful in its own sense.
Gazing upon her and her alien beauty, the fact that this lovely
body was covered with fur only accentuated her exotic traits,
making her more, not less appealing. Although his intellect was
still having some difficulty finding her attractive, the rest
of his mind and body had given into her seductive persuasions,
relinquishing power to his strangely-beautiful captor.
Running her hands lightly over her erect nipples,
then cupping the bottoms of each of her breasts, pushing them
slightly upward, she winked at him, "so do you find me desirable
"Yes," he managed to pant, "please
let me be with you, I want to touch you... I need to touch you."
"I thought you'd come around," letting
out slight giggle she leaned towards him, giving him a closer
look at her beautiful breasts. Moving even closer, she teased
him by rubbing his cheeks with them, burying his face in her inviting
cleavage. Her fur was soft and warm, and her ample breasts felt
very nice surrounding him like that. He breathed in deeply, letting
her scent fill his nostrils, the scent of her musk an interesting
combination between human and animal, with just enough wildness
to make it interesting. The pheromones she was releasing were
powerful, burning passion in his mind.
If the perfume companies could manage to synthesize her fragrance, they'd make millions he thought, only a small corner of his mind bothering with such things, chuckling to himself briefly, a smile on his face. Finally she gave him access to one of her nipples which he hungrily lapped at, soliciting a low moan of pleasure from her. Running his tongue around it several times with great attention, he finally nibbled lightly, beginning to enjoy his imprisonment, at least for the moment.
Pulling away from him, she stood up, and stretched
to give him a beautiful view of her body. She then slowly removed
her panties, revealing her nether regions, which were already
glistening with anticipation, to his watchful gaze. Looking at
him with a gleam in her eyes, she crawled upon the examination
table, until her legs were straddling his neck and she was squatting
on his chest, her feet resting on his shoulders.
At that close a proximity, the scent of her musk
was even stronger, and extremely maddening. She thrust her hips
closer towards him, giving him access to her sex. At first his
licks were tentative and exploring, taking it slow to fully take
every sensation in, running his tongue along her inner thigh gave
him an odd sensation as her light layer of fur tickled him slightly,
definitely heightening the experience. Gently teasing her he slowly
approached her pussy and ran his tongue over her outer lips, tasting
her excitement. With each of his gentle licks she released a soft,
rumbling moan of appreciation. After he tempting her like that
for several minutes, she gently nudged her hips forward, suggesting
that it was time for him to get down to business; he eagerly took
her hint and parted her lips, gently forcing his tongue inside
He played with her, slowly increasing the passion,
realizing that for the moment at least, she was now under his
power, their roles reversed as he controlled her pleasure, wanting
to draw it out as long as he could. As he was servicing her, her
tail occasionally swished across his erect cock, giving him a
momentary burst of pleasure as he licked at her intently.
Finally, he dove in with abandon, ravaging her with
his tongue, even nipping lightly at her to heighten her sensations.
Her climax was powerful, her hips bucking wildly, as she let out
a barely-restrained howl of pleasure. Forcing her hips forward,
releasing her fluids on him, she covering his mouth and chin with
her sweet nectar, as his tongue greedily tried to catch it all,
savoring her flavor.
Recovering from her pleasure, she rose and climbed
off of him. Kissing him again and slowly licking his face clean,
she spoke softly to him now. "That was wonderful, you have
earned your freedom." She ran her hands down his chest to
his abdomen, tracing her fingers around the region near his cock,
but never quite touching it. Now that the tables were turned once
again, she was determined to make him pay for the way he had teased
her. She managed to find a spot on his belly where he was very
sensitive and ticklish, and with a devilish grin on her face,
she stroked him lightly there, causing him to squirm beneath her.
Finally deciding that she'd tormented him enough,
she brought her hand towards his inner thigh. Cupping his firm
balls with a light pressure, she squeezed softly, feeling their
gentle throbbing, slowly tracing her fingers over his sack, she
explored its texture. Moving up to lightly stroke his shaft with
just a single finger, she slid her soft caress up and down over
its entire length, then teasing the area near the head with a
slow and delicious agony.
Her touches lasted longer now than before, caressing
him for a couple of minutes, toying with him while he was still
at her mercy; not wanting to push him over the edge, she finally
eased off on her ministrations. Trailing her fingers down his
shaft, brushing against the inside of his thigh, she moved her
hands down to the shackles at his ankles and let his feet free.
Moving his legs hurt slightly from having kept them
in the same position for so long, she realized his discomfort
and slowly massaged his worn muscles, working her way up his legs.
She thrust her hands beneath him, slowly manipulating his tired
buttocks and forcing his cock higher in the air. Running her fingertips
up his abdomen, making sure to stimulate his ticklish areas, she
came to his arms, gently stroking his muscles, she eased the numbness
out of them. Finally looking at him with her deep brown eyes registering
the purest affection, she liberated his wrists from their bonds.
He tried to rise, but she climbed back on top of
him and held him down, subduing him with another deep kiss. She
caressed his shoulders and moved her hands behind him as he brought
his arms around her, holding her in a tight embrace, exploring
the regions of her back. Finally he was able to fully enjoy the
feeling of her soft, downy fur running between his fingers as
he stroked them downward, along the length of her torso.
The feel of her furry body against his was wonderful,
so warm and soft. He brought his hands down to massage her firm
buttocks, stroking her tail, which by the sounds of her moaning
against him, she thoroughly enjoyed. Lifting up her tail, and
slowly working her cheeks apart, he brushed against the bud of
her anus, probing her ever so lightly with the tip of his finger.
Tensing against him, her muscles tightening briefly in response,
another low moan escaped her muzzle.
She slowly rocked back and forth against him, gently
rubbing his cock, its stiffness crying for attention, with the
fur above her sex, the sensations and her heat against his sensitive
flesh pushing him nearer to the limit. "I'm going to lose
it soon, please let me inside of you" he asked urgently.
She silently acquiesced as she surrounded him with her warm wetness,
forcing a small gasp out of him as he was slowly engulfed inside
her soft firmness.
Starting to rock against him with a slow, gentle
motion, she was still in control of the situation. Squeezing her
buttocks he wordlessly urged her to move faster, giving into his
pleadings, she slowly increased the motions of her hips, as they
worked together, picking up momentum in the growing frenzy of
their efforts.
Nearing climax, she rode him with all the fury she
could muster, panting heavily at the workout, her tongue hanging
slightly out of her open mouth. Lost in each other, their movements
becoming one, they worked together, bringing both of them to the
pinnacles of pleasure. Her second orgasm came quickly, as she
arched her back and let out a coyote-like howl. Her spasms gripping
him with their intensity, he climaxed with her, gripping her buttocks
even tighter as his essence pumped into her with jolts of pleasure.
After the wild moments had passed, their passion
ebbing to a warm and pleasant afterglow, she collapsed against
him, licking his cheek absently as he stroked the fur of her back,
drawing her closer towards him. Looking at him, a blissful smile
played across her muzzle, her beautiful eyes lit with contented
satisfaction, she brought her lips to his, as they shared another
kiss, this one slow and pleasant. The sense of urgency between
them quenched, they held each other, their bodies pressing together
lightly, reveling in their warmth, passing into a sleeping bliss.
He was jerked awake by a loud slapping sound, and
turning his head upward, he saw the other wolf, most likely the
captain of the ship he'd found himself on, bringing a leather
belt down firmly across the doctor's buttocks. The first blow
woke her from her slumber, the second causing her to let out a
yelp of pain and surprise. "What the hell do you think you
were doing? How dare you sleep with the human!" The captain
grabbed her arm and roughly pulled her off of him, bringing her
to a standing position and leaving him exposed once again.
His newly-found lover stood there naked, quivering
slightly before the stern gaze of her commander, looking like
a scolded dog, her eyes cast downward. "Get your clothes
and get out of here! Wait in your quarters, I'll be there to deal
with you later" was the captain's response. The doctor stooped
to grab up her panties and jumpsuit, not bothering to dress, hurrying
to escape any further scolding, she left the room quickly, giving
him a brief sad and longing look as she was going through the
The captain turned to him, glaring at him sharply,
that familiar predatory look returning. "Get up human,"
she commanded roughly, and when he didn't move fast enough for
her liking, she gave him a light swat on the butt with her belt.
Grabbing his arm, she lead him out the door and marched him down
the corridor once again, the floor cool against his feet. Coming
to a different room, they entered to find her personal quarters,
pushing him down on the bed, she turned to him with a wicked smile
on her face. Quickly removing her jumpsuit to reveal nothing but
fur underneath, she simply stated "now it's my turn with
you human."
"But, but I thought you were mad at the doctor
for making love to me?" he stammered.
"That's because she wasn't supposed to do anything
until I had my fun with you. Her transgression was that she got
over anxious."
The captain's fur color was vastly different from
the doctor's, her body covered with an intricate pattern of dark
gray and black, the tips of her ears and the front of her muzzle
frosted in pure white. Her body was leaner than the doctor's,
and her muscles more developed, but not grossly so, having built
her strength up while still retaining her femininity and beauty.
Her breasts were smaller than the other wolf's, but still ample
enough to grab his attention, standing pert against her chest.
Standing there, she flexed briefly for him, the sight
of her muscles rippling lightly under her fur becoming enticing.
Looking into her eyes, some of the coldness was gone, perhaps
it had only been a facade. He could now see the determined passion
in her eyes, his own thoughts turning towards that domain. Watching
her, as she gazed down at her prize, he was becoming more amicable
to being hers for the night, letting her toy with him as she wished.
She didn't waste much time with foreplay, instead
jumping on him, pinning him to the bed, pressing her muzzle against
his throat, her breath and tongue hot against his skin. His erection
returned to full force, she pushed against him, quickly engulfing
his hardness, thrusting him inside her. The forcefulness of her
lovemaking intoxicated him, lost in her warm grasp as she began
to move furiously against him. Moving against her, he tried to
reciprocate, but she held him firmly below her, staying in control
with gentle, but determined insistence.
She played with him for a myriad of small eternities,
the minutes burning away, lost in the passion, exacting her pleasure
from his body while he was lost in the delights she bestowed upon
him. Caught up in the desire, their minds and bodies burning with
the cool fire tingling throughout them, she climaxed several times,
pushing him to the heights of sensation with her.
As she came once again, her body shaking above him,
she let out a deafening howl, lightly clawing at his flesh with
her hands, as he grunted below her in his own pleasures. Finally,
his mind and body burning from the experience, he passed out from
the sheer exertion of the evening, falling into a blissful oblivion
as she continued to move above him.
The next morning he awoke slowly to hear the captain
talking with another female. Lying in bed covered by silken sheets,
his body felt comfortable, but also mildly tired, more sated than
exhausted. Smiling as the events of the previous night came back
to him with dreamy imagery, he turned his head to see the captain
talking to a different wolf at the door to her quarters, not the
doctor as he'd half expected, but a new beauty, her fur a reddish-brown
with black highlights running through it.
"He's still pretty sleepy. I think I was a bit
rough on him last night; his performance was wonderful though.
Take care of him, and have him ready for me by the end of the
next shift."
The other female nodded, happy to undertake her duties
as she flashed a glance at him, bringing her gaze back to the
captain, she answered "very well, I'll see to his needs.
Have a good shift." As he watched, the captain put her arm
around the other's waist, surprising him as their muzzles joined
in a long and passionate kiss. Squeezing her buttocks, the captain
released her, to depart through the open doorway, which shut with
a soft hiss behind her.
Smiling at him, the new wolf femme crossed the room
quickly, walking to his side of bed and kneeling beside him. Her
eyes bright, she gazed upon him as she gently pulled the sheets
down to his waist and began to stroke his chest.
"So you had a busy night last night didn't you?
You still look a little tired, but I can help you with that"
she winked at him. Getting up, she walked out of his view, to
another part of the captain's spacious quarters. Returning a few
moments later, she carried a plate containing wedges of a light-green
substance, looking almost like colored tofu, but its consistency
more dense.
Kneeling down beside him again, she placed the plate
on his stomach, picking up one of the wedges of the strange food,
holding it just above his nose. Inhaling, he discovered its rich
aroma enticing his growing hunger, opening his mouth, he let her
place the morsel on his tongue, one of her fingers lingering behind.
The bite of food, perhaps a common breakfast for them, but an
exotic delicacy to him, dissolved in his mouth, its smooth, creamy
texture running over his tongue.
The taste of the food didn't even compare to its
aroma, the essence dancing on his taste buds. The strange delicacy
was new to him, but with a pleasant familiarity, a sweet, meaty
flavor, it was tinged with a delicate hint of alien spices, just
one taste of it left him wanting more. She saw the look of pleasure
on his face and, smiled down at him. Returning the smile, he licked
at her finger that was still in his mouth, running his tongue
over it in a slow and delicate manner as she pulled it away from
him, to repeat the process with another bite of breakfast.
Besides being absolutely delicious, the food was
also having some wonderful physical effects on him, as he found
his weariness quickly departing, his arousal returning once again.
She saw his interest rising beneath the sheets and grinned at
him. Removing the empty plate from his belly, placing it on the
floor, she slowly pulled the sheets the rest of the way off of
him; the feeling of the material against his sensitive skin was
electric, his erection returning to full force. Finally, when
she had him lying naked before her, she spoke. "Well it looks
like you've recovered from last night, but your activities have
left you a bit unkempt. Why don't we give you a bath, would you
like that?"
Returning her grin he responded eagerly, "I'd
like that very much dear, that is as long as you'll join me."
"Why of course, otherwise it wouldn't be nearly
as fun," she giggled.
Taking him by the hand, they both rose to standing
positions, then leading him to the portion of the quarters serving
as the captain's bath. The bathroom was ornately finished in a
material much like marble, a large Jacuzzi in the center of it,
already full with warm, swirling water. The chamber was bigger
and more lavish than he'd been expecting, but then again it was
the captain's private quarters.
"Well you've had the opportunity to see me unclothed,
don't you think it's about time that you return the favor?"
he asked with a grin.
Turning towards him, smiling, she reached for his
hand and brought it up to the zipper of her suit. Her gesture
excited him, being the first time one of his hosts had let him
control the situation, and he basked in the experience, slowly
drawing the zipper downwards, gasping lightly at the sight he
revealed. She was by far the most beautiful of the three exotic
women he'd met there, the black highlights in her reddish-brown
fur forming intricate and attractive patterns, playing over the
contours of her body.
She also had a patch of tan fur covering her stomach,
starting between her breasts, then continuing downwards to trail
over her crotch, tapering out along her thighs. Her physical build
was much the same as the doctor's, though she wasn't as tall,
he stood a few inches over her. Like her two shipmates, her body
had the gentle firmness of a fine physical condition. She wasn't
as muscled as the captain, but was well-toned, suggesting at the
various physical workouts that the members of this beautiful crew
must frequently perform with one-another.
Cupping one of her breasts lightly, he kissed her
as he stroked her nipple, caressing her buttocks with his other
hand. "You're beautiful, and extremely exotic."
"Why thank you, you're pretty out of the ordinary
yourself. It's not everyday that we get an attractive alien to
play with. Now let's get wet," her voice matching her smile.
He couldn't have agreed with her more, and let her
lead him down the steps, into the warm, bubbling water. The water
felt so good against his body and he leaned against the slope
of the tub, relaxing completely. She put one arm around him, and
with the other reached for a large, soft and soapy sponge. Snuggling
against him with her warm body, she kissed him on the cheek as
she started lathering him up gently, starting with his chest and
moving slowly downward. Lost in the moment, a big grin plastered
across his face, he thought to himself, I really think I could
learn to like it here.
Bill Johnson walked into work on Monday morning,
carrying his briefcase with a smile on his face, and an obvious
skip in his step. As he passed his friend's office, the other
man poked his head out of the door, sporting a large grin of his
own, and asked, "So Bill, how was your weekend?"
"Oh, it was outstanding! No more than outstanding,
it was incredible. I couldn't believe how wonderful it was. Definitely
a new experience, it was just what I needed, and really got the
kinks out."
"I told you it would. Just what the doctor ordered."
"Oh you were right about that, it was definitely
just the thing to get rid of the stress over this project. It
completely drained me of my tension, that and other things,"
he replied, winking at his friend. "Thanks for recommending
them to me, I couldn't believe just how realistic everything was.
It was a little strange at first, but once I got into the scenario,
it was really exotic."
"Well, Fantasy Visions isn't the leading company
in virtual vacations for nothing. Their simulations are very realistic
and thorough, with some really interesting set-ups to choose from.
I told you that program would be worth every penny, in fact I'm
going back again at the end of the month."
Copyright 1994, 1996, Will A. Sanborn - was1@shore.net