GrlsPet 1/9 WARNING: This story is fiction and should be treated as such. The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you're not an adult or reading descriptive sex stories upsets you, don't read any further. I'm not the author. I don't have the talent. I can only be the "TheEditor," Girl's School Pet Chapter 1 Arm in arm the two girls came skipping gaily down the path, their faces radiant with youthful exuberance. At first glance they seemed to look alike, despite the fact that one was blonde and the other dark, but on closer examination it became evident that it was only their beauty that matched them. The blonde girl was a little taller, her lushly curved body a little fuller. Big blue eyes helped set off her creamy pink complexion, and all in all she gave off an aura of beaten gold, fresh rose petals and rich cream. Her companion was smaller and more slender but in some way looked even more lushly developed. Perhaps it was the sinuous and sensual way her body was formed, with high upstanding breasts thrusting out proudly from a graceful torso that bloomed out again into tightly rounded hips above long slender legs. Her hair was made up of rich dark tones hard to define, perhaps a little more black than brown and matched by the smoky color of her eyes. With her, one would think of night and heat and warm passionate embraces. "Oh, what a day, what a glorious day," the dark one said. "You know what a day like this makes me think of? It makes me think of making love out on the grass under the trees. Of having some big strong man pinning me down to the ground while he ravishes my defenseless young body." And then she laughed gaily. "Oh, Penny," her blonde friend said with a rosy blush. "Any kind of weather makes you think about sex. Sometimes I wonder if you think about anything else." "Of course not," Penny replied. thinking about anything else would be a waste of time. Victoria Bennett, if you weren't such a prude you'd know what I'm talking about. Whoever heard of anyone in this day and age still being a virgin at eighteen? Doesn't this glorious day do something for you? Doesn't it make you tingle inside... right down here?" And Penny lewdly pointed her finger to where her tightly molded pants cut into the soft swelling of her pubic mound. Victoria Bennett blushed again and decided not to say anything this time. Instead she looked around her and saw that it was indeed a beautiful day. Both she and her friend, Penny Collins were taking a short cut across the campus of the small California girls' college where they were students and roommates. It would have been hard to find a more perfect setting for a college, high up on cliffs that jutted starkly from the blue Pacific below. The whole campus was set in a forest of feathery eucalyptus trees dotted with occasional patches of dwarf oak. Innumerable small paths criss-crossed through the trees and the two girls were walking on one of them now, heading towards their next class in one of the scattered clusters of buildings. The campus was broken up into many small sections so that it would have a rural, almost wild air instead of the usual congested concrete vistas of the average modern college campus. The month was November and the summer heat was finally over. Victoria thought to herself that the winters here were usually much nicer since it never really did get that cold and the fresh autumn air swept away the moist summer haze and let one see practically forever. The two girls were approaching the top of a small rise now and the ocean came into view, a deep glittering blue in the clear air with the horizon etched sharply against the sky. Looking in the other direction, inland, the delighted blonde girl could clearly make out the distant mountains tumbling over one another in wave after wave of muted purples and blues. Further down the coast it was possible to see the surf crumbling in brilliant white foam against the base of the ocher cliffs. Blue and white and brown and violet and green, and the delicious feel of the tangy salt air sweeping in from the sea, perhaps from as far away as Japan... Victoria's reverie was shattered by a delighted whoop from Penny. "Hey, look at old Ben Wright! I think that old bastard has a hard-on again." Despite herself, Victoria's eyes followed Penny's pointing finger and focused on the familiar shambling figure of Ben Wright, the campus watchman. As usual he had his huge German shepherd, Prince, with him. Together the two made up the entire security force of the girls' college, all that was needed owing to its isolated location. Victoria tried to keep her gaze from running down Ben's heavy body to where his trousers pushed out lewdly just below his belt as he stood raptly watching two mini-clad coeds passing by, swinging their pert young hips as if they knew he was watching. "It's really something that he can still get it up at his age," Penny laughed. Ben was only fifty but to the girls on campus he seemed impossibly old, almost a Methuselah. "You know, it's kind of cruel, the old guy working here with all these girls around, not being able to touch them. Maybe some of us should get up a collection -- a cunt collection -- and do something about his problem. God, would you look at the size of that bulge!" Penny exclaimed in growing awe as she continued to stare at the front of Ben's pants. A cold calculating look came into her eyes. "Maybe I should form a little private charity myself," she mused out loud. "I'm getting tired of the boys around here with their wham, bam, thank-you-ma'am tricks. Unless old Wright has a thermos bottle hidden inside his pants he's got just what little Penny needs." "Oh, Penny!" Victoria suddenly exploded. "Sometimes I get so sick of the way you talk. You could turn anything into sex. You leave Mr. Wright alone. He's a nice man... and you... you..." Victoria suddenly realized that there were tears in her eyes and that she wanted to be anywhere but here. Penny was standing staring at her friend, shocked into silence by the unexpected outburst, and before the surprised girl could say a word, her blonde roommate ran off quickly down the path. Penny stood in indecision a moment, wondering if she should go after Victoria, but then a little tickle of anger started inside her and she swore softly to herself while shrugging her shoulders. "Just typical virgin hysteria," she muttered. "What that girl needs is to get laid." Then the precocious teenager walked quietly on toward her next class, taking one last glance at Ben Wright and Prince. Those two are probably the only two real males on campus, Penny mused to herself. Boys were fun -- good to break in on -- but men were so much better... and sometimes she wished she were a female dog -- just looking at Prince made her feel that way. He was a beautiful animal, sleek and powerful with a large handsome head, and that was really some cock he had hanging under his hairy belly. With a shrug of her shoulders, the beautiful dark-haired girl put Ben and his dog out of her mind, for she was already planning her night's debauchery. GrlsPet 2/9 Girl's School Pet Chapter 2 About eight o'clock that same night Victoria Bennett was slowly walking back to the room she shared with Penny, returning from an evening class and pleased that the night was warm. That was one of the strange things here, she thought to herself. The breeze died down in the evenings and it was often warmer than in the day. Victoria found she was quite comfortable wearing only a sweater and short skirt. A troubled look came over the blonde girl's beautiful face as she took the path that would lead her back to her room That whole business of this afternoon still troubled her and she knew it would be a little embarrassing when she had to face Penny. She hadn't seen her dark-haired roommate since they had parted in a huff earlier in the day. What had happened anyhow? Even though Victoria found her more knowledgeable friend's speech and manner a little shocking at times, she was very fond of the other girl, knowing she had no meanness or cruelty in her heart at all. it was just that she was so totally devoted to sensual pleasures, a complete sybarite. That was understandable to the young blonde coed, because she was human herself. And if she still carefully guarded her virginity, it was more from a standpoint of caution than any kind of inbred frigidity. No, she could understand some of the emotions that moved Penny even if she disapproved of the girl's actions. After all, who was she to throw stones, Victoria thought a little guiltily, as she remembered the lustful storms of bottled-up passion that swept over her from time to time. For more than two years now there had been no other way to still the desperate cravings that periodically wracked her developing body but to... Victoria's innocent young mind could not even form the forbidden word "masturbate", although vivid images shot through her mind of the lewd way she satisfied herself time after time with her own fingers. With a little shiver the beautiful young student put these thoughts from her mind, knowing that if she continued to think this way she would end up going back to the room to once again search out the forbidden gratification. Maybe it had been Penny's obscene comments about Ben Wright that had so upset her. Victoria liked the campus cop and had had several quiet conversations with him. Despite his mature age, Ben seemed awkward and shy around girls, almost as if he were some young teenage boy about to ask for his first date. Not much was known for certain about Ben, but rumors abounded, most of them too preposterous to believe. Some of the more romantic girls like to believe that Ben had been shattered by an early tragic life and had chosen to live out the remainder of his life in simple poverty, accompanied only by his dog and his memories. But the most persistent and believable stories were those that claimed that many years before Ben had been a promising young literature professor and poet, but that a drinking problem had brought him to ruin. A drinking problem and an unfortunate tendency to seduce the younger and prettier girls in his classes. Supposedly he had finally got pregnant the daughter of an influential and wealthy University Trustee and that meant the end of his career as a teacher. Yet Ben had been unable to leave campus life completely and had supposedly drifted from one college to another performing menial jobs. His past was mostly forgotten now and this job as watchman at Seaside College was the best he'd found in a long time. If Ben drank now, Victoria thought to herself, he must do it pretty secretly. Sometimes he did seem to walk a little strangely, with a funny look on his face, but that was mostly late in the evenings and on weekends. Ben must have been a really handsome man at one time, the young girl thought. His hair, even though gray, was still fairly thick and traces of what must have been its original deep brown color showed through. Even though his body was a little heavy, it was the heaviness of a big man, not a fat one, and the way he sometimes moved, especially if the day was nice and he was feeling good, hinted at the grace and style that must have been his before the alcohol ruined him. That ruin showed mostly in his face, which was heavily lined and bore a gaunt, haunted look. His mind seemed to have been burned out a little also, so that his speech would ramble from time to time. But all in all he was a gentle man and young Victoria had found a special place in her heart for him. Somewhere deep inside herself she knew she liked this relationship because it was safe. All of the innocent young girl's natural cravings drew her toward men, her awakened hormones building an appreciation into her vibrant young senses for the deep sound of a masculine voice, the virile odor, the size and power of males. Victoria instinctively knew that if she let herself go she would find herself helplessly wanting to be made love to, and she was frightened of that. That's why it was safe with Ben. How could anyone her age imagine making love to an old, ruined man like Ben Wright? And that was the reason for her friendship with the older man and perhaps also the reason she had so stupidly blown up when Penny had made her disturbing remark about Ben's... condition. Victoria didn't want anyone reminding her about that other aspect to Ben's maleness that she had carefully screened from her mind. These thoughts were still running through the confused young girl's head as she approached the dormitory where she and Penny lived with some twenty other girls, a small wooden building in a eucalyptus grove. To get to her room it was necessary to go around to the back of the building. She and Penny had been lucky enough to get the most secluded room in the dorm. Not only did they have a private entrance but the whole back wall of the room was made up of sliding glass doors that opened out onto a small lawn ringed by trees. Victoria noticed as she passed that the drapes were drawn over the windows, which was strange, because Penny was something of an exhibitionist and would often undress with the drapes wide open, saying that no one ever came back behind the building anyhow, so why worry. Penny seemed to be home, since there was the dim glow of a light shining through the curtains. The young blonde entered an outside door and stepped into a narrow hall that made two sharp turns before it finally ended before the door of her room. She was just reaching for the knob, trying to decide how she would act with Penny when she suddenly froze in shock. My God, was that a moan she had just heard inside? The startled girl stood for a moment, frozen into immobility, then suddenly heard it again. "Oooooohhhhh," the tortured sound floated out from behind the door in front of her, and it was unmistakably Penny's voice! Lurid images of her good friend injured, raped, stricken by some horrible illness flashed through Victoria's mind and she had just broken her reverie and was starting to rush into the room when she heard Penny's voice once again. "Oooooohhhhh, Jimmy, it feels so good. Suck it harder, stick your tongue up my cunt and make me cum." A bright flush mounted to Victoria's ivory cheeks as she heard these lewd words coming from her friend's lips just a few feet away. Her roommate had a boy in there and it must be that awful Jimmy Philips who was always smirking at the girls on campus. Victoria detested him because of the way he would often undress her with his eyes, making her feel naked in front of everybody. And now he was in her room, the room she shared with Penny, doing something awful and obscene to her roommate that she could only guess at. The horrified young girl wanted at that moment to get back into the clean night air and was backing slowly down the hall when she heard Penny moan out again. "God, lick me until I can't stand it anymore and then stick your beautiful cock in me and fill me with cum." Victoria could actually hear Penny panting through the door, her breathing ragged and uneven, giving little choking whimpers like a suffering animal. To her further horror, Victoria found herself unable to move, a kind of tingling numbness stealing over her legs so that she could only stand there in the hall listening to the lewd exciting sounds coming from the other side of the door while her mind formed wild images of what must be going on in that room. Penny was probably naked, Victoria reasoned, her beautiful body spread in some lewd posture on the bed and maybe Jimmy was naked too, crouched above her, his tousled blond head buried between Penny's slender writhing legs. If Jimmy was naked then he probably had an erection, and the tortured young girl in the hall could not help but wonder just what it must look like. How big was it? How thick? How long? Victoria had seen very few male penises and never one fully erect, except once in a pornographic magazine she had accidentally opened. To the young girl's shocked amazement, she found that the thought of a male penis, even the hated Jimmy's, coupled with the sounds of wanton pleasure coming from her beautiful roommate's lips were causing strange electric tremors to start high up between her trembling legs. Victoria pressed her thighs tightly together to try to stop the wild feelings growing there but that was a mistake, because the increased pressure on her tender pussy lips only caused new sharp jolts of pleasure to flood up into her now hot little belly. The petrified girl was afraid to make the slightest additional movement so she stood paralyzed, her knees pressed together, her body bent a little forward at the waist, her hands held out from her body in indecision. All this time she could not help but think about what was going on in the other room and how wickedly, sinfully good it must feel to have someone make love to you the way Jimmy was making love to Penny. Oh God, the tortured young girl thought, if I only had the courage to let a boy make love to me. Many had tried, but each time, Victoria had become frightened by the gasping sound of the heavy uncontrolled breathing of the inexperienced boys, and by the brutal way they pawed her tender young body in their juvenile haste. Victoria knew she needed what Penny was getting in the other room, but something inside her made her draw the line at getting it from a real flesh and blood boy. She knew if she gave in with a boy, he would talk about her, brag to the other boys and she couldn't stand the thought of being the verbal plaything of all the leering young louts on campus. For her it would take a shining Prince Charming, made of dreams, or... her own self. Almost involuntarily her hands stirred at her sides and moved slowly up to cup her firm, high-set young breasts through her clothes. A little shiver of sensual delight ran through the beautiful coed's vibrant young body as her trembling fingers pressed slowly into the soft resilient flesh. Then her groping fingertips searched for a moment, looking for the growing buds of her hidden nipples and softly, insistently tweaked them into pebble-hard erection while all the time her senses remained glued to the lewdly exciting sounds coming from behind the door. Unsatisfied with caressing her breasts through her clothes, the now-gasping young teenager slid her hands down to her waist and reached up under her sweater, working her brassiere up and over her quivering breasts, gasping with shock as her cool fingers came into contact with her throbbingly erect nipples. With mad desire, she began to roll the nakedly hardened little buds between her fingertips, her exposed white midriff shuddering from the power of the delicious sensations beginning to permeate her entire body. Slowly the overwhelmed young girl sank to her knees in the dark hallway, her hand working furiously over her breasts, her head back, her eyes half-closed with passion and the tip of her tiny pink tongue flickering nervously over her full parted lips. Penny's moans from the other room had become louder now, kind of a strangled animal wailing, and through the door her kneeling roommate thought she could make out the obscene wet sucking sounds as Jimmy burrowed his tongue ever deeper into her roommate's cunt. Victoria was sitting on her heels now and she spread her knees wide, feeling the nylon crotchband of her panties stretch tightly across the soft sensitive flesh of her pubic mound, sensing the smooth material slipping up into the tender cleft between her cuntal lips. The panting girl moved one hand down from her straining breasts and slid it slowly over the velvety skin of her inner thigh, almost gasping aloud as her thumbnail flicked accidentally across her panty-clad clitoris. She then slowly, deliberately, ran her nails up and down over the thin nylon covering her most intimate parts, shivering each time they scratched over the tiny nerve-filled center of her passion. When she could stand it no more, Victoria insistently worked the tip of one finger up underneath the tight legband of her desire-soaked panties and buried it deep between her throbbing pussy lips. The writhing girl did moan out loud this time and froze for a moment, afraid that the lovers in the other room might have heard her, but there was no let-up in the steady chorus of gasps and pants and lewd slurps filtering through the door. Without waiting a second longer, Victoria thrust her rigid middle finger deep up into her waiting vaginal passage, her whole back arching in answer to the deep flood of liquid pleasure that coursed through her nerves at her own seductive touch. The panting young blonde knelt for a moment, completely still, paralyzed by the exquisite sensations of complete sexual arousal, she felt, then she began to move the finger inside her clasping cuntal orifice in small little circles, stretching the opening wider and wider until she was able to worm in another finger up beside the first. From behind the door, the sounds of Penny's passion started to assume a regular air as the girl began a chanting moan in response to whatever her boy friend, Jimmy was doing to her. Victoria picked up the rhythm of those passionate gasps and, with the crotchband of her panties twisted out of the way, began to ram her fingers in and out of her own wetly sucking cunt while her other hand danced more and more wildly over her nakedly swollen breasts, massaging them into a painful hardness that she would never have believed possible. In and out, in and out, the young blonde's wetly glistening fingers flashed, keeping time to her friend's passionate gasps and moans so invisibly near. Victoria was staring straight off into space now, her eyes vacant and unseeing as if her whole soul were focused on some distant horizon. The wild ramming of her fingers into her own pussy increased in tempo as the sounds behind the door grew louder and louder and it was clear to the writhing blonde coed that something was going to have to give soon, either with her or with Penny. Her roommate's choking cries were reaching a crescendo of wild abandon that could only mean she was nearing orgasm while a burning pressure was building, building far up inside Victoria's hotly churning belly, demanding release, demanding that she end it. And then it happened. "Oh, Jimmy! Ooohhh, G-God... I'm going to cum... going to cum... going to... CUUUUUUMMMMMM!" Penny's delirious cry came knifing through the closed door and then trailed off into a strangled gasp. Even to Victoria's lust-drugged senses it was possible to hear the wild crashing of the bed springs as the other girl thrashed wildly in completely abandoned fulfillment. This was the moment her secretly listening roommate had been waiting for and she thrust her fingers as far up inside herself as they would go, almost as if she were trying to puncture some illusory bubble of passion and let out all its wild force. And then it hit her, the first incredible shock of her orgasm. Victoria's straining stomach muscles sucked in as if she had been struck in the belly and her whole body stiffened and arched backward. Trying not to scream out in her passion, the ecstatic young blonde cruelly bit her own lips to choke off any sound as with wide-staring, unseeing eyes, she threw back her head so that the cords in her neck stood out like ropes. She had just enough presence of mind left to thrust her two fingers once more, hard up into her spasming cunt and then she was completely out of control, her body jerking and twitching as wave after wave of hot seething sensations ran a desperate race over her burning nerve-paths. The beautiful young blonde's knees automatically opened wider as if she were welcoming some invisible lover up between them, and then she could feel the hot gush of her own orgasmic juices pouring over her hand, soaking her tight-stretched panties and smearing down over the smooth skin of her quivering young thighs. Victoria had no idea how long it went on but then she was suddenly aware that there was silence from behind the door to her room and she froze once again, afraid that the two illicit lovers inside might have heard her. But then a low hum of intimate whispering began inside the room, and the kneeling blonde coed knew they were too wrapped up in what they were doing to have heard anything. Still, the now exhausted Victoria realized that she had better not remain kneeling here in the dormitory hallway, her hand thrust obscenely under her panties and her sweater pushed high over her naked breasts. With a regretful sigh, the satiated young girl pulled her trembling fingers from her sucking vagina. They slithered out wetly, almost as if her pussy did not want them to go and still tried for one last nibble, like a baby's mouth searching for the withdrawn nipple of its mother's breast. Victoria got shakily to her feet and slid her cum-soaked panties back over her still-throbbing vaginal mound, wincing a little as the material slipped once again between the sensitively swollen cuntal lips. She turned quickly back toward the building entrance, smoothing her sweater and brassiere back down into place as she walked. What she would do, she thought, was take a quick turn around the building to get her breathing under control and then come back to the room again, making as much noise as possible this time. Some little spark of venom inside her prompted her to break up the illicit love-making going on inside the room -- her room as well as Penny's. And perhaps the thought of that grinning ape, Jimmy Philips, making love to her roommate in her room and, horrible thought, maybe even on her bed, was enough to make the young blonde finish her walk quickly and head straight back to the dorm. All the time, though, the self-righteous teenager knew that there was a secret core of jealousy to her emotions, jealousy not of Jimmy, but of the fact that she had to satisfy herself with her own hands while her sexually precocious roommate practically rolled in boys. GrlsPet 3/9 Girl's School Pet Chapter 3 The next morning found Victoria once again out walking, by herself this time. Although the day was just as beautiful as the one before, the young coed walked with her head down, her beautiful blonde hair falling forward so that it half-hid her troubled face. Clearly Victoria was worried. Perhaps in another ten years she might look back on her present problems as almost humorously trivial, but now they loomed before her like a granite mountain. Of course, the main problem was sex, or the fear-filled anticipation of it. What should she do? What could she do? Like so many other young virgins, Victoria had heard from the time she was a little girl that someday some man was going to do something to her. Something so awe-inspiring and important that at first it could only be hinted at. Over the years a kind of instinctual dread mixed with breathless anticipation had built up in the growing girl's mind, so that now, even though her peer group and various sex-education courses had informed her beyond a doubt of what was going to happen, there was still an inbred aura of mystery and fear about the prospect of her first sexual encounter with a male. What Victoria had ended up with was a classic case of expectations exceeding the offered realities. The panting fumblings of her teenage male classmates had been miles and miles from the expected earth-shattering revelations on the road past virginity. Although Victoria had many times before become sexually aroused as some young student ran his trembling hands over her ripely budding body, the mere sight of the starving-animal look on his face had been enough to make the sickened girl pull disgustedly away. Eventually she had gained a reputation for frigidity. In itself the problem would have been bad enough, but living with Penny had made it almost unbearable. Time after time Victoria had had sex waved in her face as her roommate brought home droves of young men. On several occasions Victoria had to leave the room she shared with her dark-haired classmate, knowing it was that or sit by a knuckle-chewing frustration while Penny proceeded to make love to her young man of the moment, not even seeming to care that there was someone else watching. Victoria's answer to this unwanted vicarious sexual stimulation had been to take refuge more and more often in lonely and secret masturbation, and this was beginning to bother her now. The young blonde was not a particularly guilt-ridden person, and for her, masturbation had begun as a fairly innocent exploration of her developing young body but then slowly developed into a needed and pleasureful release of the tensions that normally accumulate in healthy girls. Even so, she could not help but pick up some of the feelings of guilt that society hung on her forbidden act, and so Victoria had compromised in the past by very seldom relieving her frustration with her own fingers, only in times of the greatest sexual stress, or once in a while as a kind of reward for virtuous activity. And that was the core of her worry today. Living with Penny made it almost impossible to think of anything but sex and Victoria had been resorting more and more frequently to her emotional pressure-release until her genitals were practically aching from the constant invasion of her thrusting fingers. Right or wrong, something told the confused young girl that this was an undesirable situation and she just didn't know what to do about it. On the one hand she could allow things to continue as they were, but her continual nervousness was already beginning to affect her schoolwork. Or she could take the plunge and let some eager young man seduce her. Even as this thought entered Victoria's young mind it was accompanied by a bolt of unreasoning fear, and she doubted that she would be able to go through with it. How did Penny and other girls like her do it? The young blonde wondered, and asked herself for the thousandth time if maybe there was something wrong with her that kept her from reacting naturally with boys. With a bitter little chuckle, Victoria let herself think what a ridiculous turnabout had occurred in just one generation. When her mother had been her age it was assumed that all girls but a lost few were virgins when they married. But how different now! It was practically a badge of shame to still be a virgin at eighteen, almost like admitting to some kind of mental or physical defect. And the worst part was that something deep inside Victoria wanted so badly to be made love to, but couldn't find the right conditions to just let it happen. If society was going to change in this direction, the unhappy young girl thought bitterly, it had better develop some institutions to help out people like her who were only willing to take half-way steps. Perhaps there could be a ritual deflowering of young maidens followed by a State School of Fornication Arts. Anything would be better than being made to feel guilty about being a virgin and then punished by the scornful talk of the bragging young bucks who seduced you. The whole system now was so... haphazard, the grim-faced young girl thought to herself. Someday, for better or worse, it would happen to her and she hoped it would leave her with better feelings than some of the disillusioned girls she met. That was one of the truly outstanding things about Penny, Victoria mused. She was so absolutely, unreservedly, unguiltily involved in sex, with the same lack of self-consciousness of a puppy chasing a ball. Since she had been walking with her gaze absentmindedly fixed on the ground in front of her, Victoria hadn't realized she was approaching Ben Wright and his dog Prince, who were standing together on the top of a small hill. The young blonde would have been amazed if she could have known the thoughts that were steaming and bubbling in her older male friend's mind. Ben had spotted the aimlessly strolling Victoria several minutes ago, and as she approached, the big hulking wreck of a man had kept up a running conversation with the politely listening dog, speaking in an overdone lecture-hall voice. "Christ, Prince, God must be punishing me for some terrible sin I can't even remember. Something dark and horrible my mind has blotted from memory. Something worse than murder, or incest, or not paying my taxes. Why else would he have put me here in this beautiful place, surrounded by lovely little pussies that I'm forbidden to touch, tortured by constant unobtainable temptation?" Prince looked up intently at his beloved master, not understanding his words, of course, but sensing he was being included in the man's deepest musings. "Take that little doll that's coming up the path," Ben continued in a doleful tone. "Little Victoria, with those big blue eyes and that blonde hair and those fantastic tits. How is a man to keep his sanity while he's talking to her? I ask you, Prince," Ben said in mock gravity, continuing in the pompous tone of his old poetry-reading days, "what keeps me from ripping the clothes right off her and taking the precious jewel of her virginity for my own? And she must be a virgin. Any girl that nervous has to be a virgin, the signs of it stick out all Aver her. In my day, Prince, in my best days, I wouldn't have wasted a moment in liberating her libido." With a heavy hand, he reached down to pat the head of his faithful animal companion and the big dog responded by licking his master's palm. Prince too had seen Victoria coming and his tail began to wag, because he liked the young girl and often curled up next to her on those occasions when she sat talking to his master, seated cross-legged on the grass with the ease only a young girl can master. Little did the faithful animal know what agonies those talks caused Ben, particularly when Victoria was wearing a pair of brief shorts that would pull tight over her flat-stretched pubic mound and suck up between her legs as she sat. One time Ben had even been able to see a silky wisp of soft blonde pubic hair peeking around the edge of her maddeningly narrow crotch band. Ben's reputation had not been unknown to the authorities of the college when they were considering him for the post of watchman. When the decision had finally been made to hire him, one of the foremost conditions had been to extract a solemn promise from Ben not to become involved in any questionable behavior with the young coeds on campus. At the time, this had seemed like a joke to Ben. He couldn't imagine any young girl becoming interested in a broken-down old man like himself, but then the friendship had started with Victoria and the sight and smell of her and the soft gentle sound of her voice had brought back sweet memories of the past when he had spent night after glorious night with a seemingly endless stream of just such lovely young creatures. Well, that stream had dried up, Ben thought to himself, first to a trickle and then fading away completely to a dry channel lined with the bleached rocks of hopeless memories. Once in a while Ben took some of his meager salary and went into town to rent a prostitute for the night, but with the little money he had, he didn't get much back in return. Besides, his mind had stayed stuck on the young ones ever since the days of his greatest glory when they had all been his for the asking. If it hadn't been for the company of his dog, Ben thought he would probably have cracked up long ago. His dog and the whiskey, his faithful life-long companions. Whiskey had been his downfall and now it was a part of his salvation, the big man thought to himself. He had long ago brought his drinking under control so that he now only drank on his own time. And never enough to turn him into the shambling, swearing, sloppy mess he had once been, but only an amount sufficient to deaden his mind and his senses to the point where he didn't care what happened. He had scheduled for tonight another of his regular binges and it looked like he might need it because he was always depressed after he talked to Victoria, his unobtainable dream. And sure enough, here she came in his direction. Victoria had finally looked up from her reverie and spotted her two male friends, the one human, the other canine, and headed instinctively toward them. It always made her feel good to talk to Mr. Wright, even if he often did seem a little strange. Sometimes Victoria wondered why the man seldom looked straight at her while they were talking but always seemed to be staring at his fingernails, or the sky, or his dog. "Hi, Mr. Wright," Victoria said in that clear soft voice that sent chills up and down Ben's spine whenever he heard it. "Hi, Prince," and the young girl gave a delighted little laugh as the big dog ran eagerly to her and jumped up with his feet on her shoulders to lick her face. "Down, Prince!" Ben ordered. "You're going to get mud all over Victoria's sweater." But what really bothered the middle-aged man was me way Prince and the girl were romping together, Victoria's playful motions causing her full, taut breasts to jump and sway excitingly inside her thin white sweater. Oh Christ, Ben thought to himself, she's not wearing a bra! The playful scratching of Prince's paws across the nubile young girl's lush breasts had caused her nipples to harden slightly and the sharp little tips stood out clearly through the flimsy synthetic material. For a moment Ben even thought he could see the darker shading of the areolas through the soft white wool. If there was one thing that had turned Ben against Women's Liberation, it was the no-bra movement. God, it was just too cruel a torture to let all that hang loose in front of a horny old man like himself. Finally Victoria collapsed in a laughing heap on the grass and Prince sank down next to her, his long pink tongue lolling loosely from between his powerful jaws. "Well, watcha been up to lately?" Ben asked to make conversation. "Oh, nothing much," his young friend answered vaguely. A slight cloud seemed to come over her beautiful face and then she asked abruptly. "Mr. Wright, do you ever get lonely here?" The question floored Ben for a moment and he almost began to laugh. Lonely? God, if she only knew. "Oh, maybe a little," he lied. "But then, I've always got Prince, and he's the best company in the world. Next to you, of course," he gallantly added. "You don't have to say that, Mr. Wright," the young blonde answered with a pleased smile. "I think I'd be about the happiest person in the world if I had Prince." The big dog looked quizzically at both of his human companions as he heard them say his name. He was very content at the moment, being in the company of the two persons he loved most. "Well, I don't know about that," Ben replied, scratching his head as if he were doubtful about the dog. "He can be a lot of trouble. Eats a lot of food, more than I do, and he stays out to all hours chasing after lady dogs. Sometimes I think he's a bad influence on my morals." "Sounds like me and my roommate," Victoria said grimly. "You mean you're a bad influence on her morals?" Ben asked, feigning shock. "Oh, no," the young girl said in alarm and then saw that Ben was kidding her. She and her old friend often played little word games with each other and Victoria found as usual that it was making her feel better. "Never mind," she amended. "I'm just an old wallflower making jealous sounds." "The only things you should be jealous of are the sun and the moon," Ben said with continued gallantry, but he began to get an inkling of what it must be that was bothering the girl. She certainly had seemed preoccupied and depressed when he'd first seen her walking. Ben had met her roommate Penny before, and his long years of experience helped him to recognize the sheer sensual drive in the dark-haired young beauty. Even though Ben preferred the gentle young blonde sitting before him, he had to admit that her roommate was the sexiest girl on campus. From what he had seen on some of his night rounds, the old watchman suspected that the sultry young temptress knew what every little part of her body was for. Once she had looked him full in the eye, one of the most challenging, sexual looks that Ben had ever experienced and he had thought his cock was going to explode right through his trousers. What a temptation it had been to proposition the girl, but the stern warning he had received from the Trustees when he took this job made him cautious. As a young instructor he'd long ago learned about the unbalanced young girls that led a man on and then cried rape when you took them up on their invitation. Ben doubted that Penny was one of these warped oddballs, but he just didn't want to take the chance. Ben wondered what it must be like for a seemingly innocent girl like Victoria to live with Penny. Maybe it was time to change the subject for both of them. "Say, Miss Victoria, I wonder if you could do me a favor? I have to go into town tonight on some... business and I wonder if you could kind of look after Prince for me? You're the only person I'd think of asking." "Why, I'd really like that, Mr. Wright," the delighted coed said, a smile of real pleasure coming over her face. "Great. That takes a load off my mind. What time do you usually get back from the dining hall?" "Oh, about nine." "Could I bring him over to your place around nine-thirty then?" "Sure," Victoria said excitedly, "just come around to the back and knock on the sliding glass doors." After a few more bits of conversations the now happily smiling girl skipped off across the grass, a happy anticipation coursing through her as if an old friend were coming to visit. Ben stood watching as she disappeared in the distance, muttering all the while half under his breath. "Christ, Prince, look at that tight little ass move. There ought to be a law. There really ought to be a law." And with a sigh the big man turned away, heading for his lonely room, Prince following faithfully at his heels. GrlsPet 4/9 Girl's School Pet Chapter 4 Lying back contentedly on her bed after dinner, Victoria only half- listened to Penny's constant stream of conversation. The young blonde was really looking forward to the hour when Ben would bring Prince by. Sometimes she felt that there was some special bond between her and the dog, as if they were secret star-crossed lovers and by some evil plot Prince had been changed into an animal by a wicked witch. The blonde coed had always loved animals, particularly dogs, but the students were not allowed to have pets on campus. What a treat it would be to have Prince to herself for the whole night, almost as if he were her's. But beyond her normal love for animals, Victoria found some special quality about Prince that endeared the big animal to her. Maybe it was his eyes, she thought pensively. When he looked at her she sometimes felt as if he were another person, there was such a calm intelligence mirrored there. Another factor was simply that he was very beautiful, with perfect markings and a powerful yet graceful body. The animal gave off an aura of pride and strength and virility that the young girl had so often found sadly lacking in her male schoolmates. "And don't you think so?" Penny was saying. "Hmmmmm, what?" Victoria responded absently. "Victoria Bennett," Penny said severely, her hands on her hips, "if you don't want to listen to what I'm saying, just let me know, and I'll save myself the trouble of talking." "That would be like trying to turn off Niagara Falls," the young blonde said teasingly, then instantly repented as she saw the hurt look on her roommate's face. "I'm sorry, Penny," she said warmly. "I guess I was just being selfish, but I really do want to hear what you were saying. Can't you tell me again?" Penny looked at her blonde friend with a pleased if slightly suspicious smile, not quite sure yet if the other girl were still kidding her. But unable to contain her normal talkativeness, she started back into her tale. "I was telling you about that handsome guy I met in town, you know, the one who works at the hamburger stand. He offered to take me out tonight and I'm going to go. The word on the grapevine is that old Ben Wright is going into town on his weekly bender, so I'm going to sneak out, for all night, I hope. Victoria muttered something reassuring in reply, annoyed a little by the way Penny had referred to her friend Ben. But Penny noticed nothing and rattled on about her new male find. "Boy, if that guy is as strong between the legs as the rest of him seems to be, little Penny should be waddling home with a permanent case of bow-legs. What muscles! What a face!" The slim, dark-haired girl sighed while she finished undressing, throwing her jeans onto the grubby pile of discarded clothes that was jammed between her bed and the wall. To her own surprise, Victoria found herself unable to pull her gaze away from her friend's beautiful, half-naked body. Penny was standing in the center of the room, wearing only a pair of plain white bikini panties. With a strange unfamiliar fascination, Victoria found her eyes running lingeringly over the sleek smooth hollows and curves poised so unselfconsciously before her. Odd that we could have lived together all these months and I never ready noticed how beautiful Penny is, Victoria mused, her gaze settling on her friend's beautiful white breasts. They were wide-set and tapered to pointed pink-tipped nipples, yet so firm and solidly anchored that they did not droop at all despite their size, but jutted forward proudly. Except for her large breasts, the rest of Penny's body was slender and sinuous, but not thin. With each graceful motion the smooth muscles rippled sleekly under her velvety skin, causing a constantly changing pattern of lights and shades to shift over her sensuous form. It was a moment before Victoria found herself wondering what it must be like to have one's hands on that lovely body, to feel it writhing helplessly in abandoned passion. With a little inward shudder of horror, Victoria made herself stop thinking about such a forbidden subject, but still she could not take her eyes from the enchanting spectacle before her. "Maybe I'd better put on some sexy panties," Penny said thoughtfully. "Just for insurance." Without hesitation, almost as if she were completely alone, the dark-haired girl hooked her thumbs in the elastic waistband of the panties she was wearing and drew them swiftly down and off her legs, unaware that her roommate was automatically holding her breath as Penny straightened up again with slightly-parted legs, giving her friend a brief glimpse of the slender pink ribbon of cuntal flesh winking through the dark curls that so enchantingly covered her vaginal mound. Victoria was unable to trust her breath again until Penny had turned away. What was the matter with her? she thought in rising panic. Ever since that time last night when she had heard Penny making love to Jimmy Philips, the strangest thoughts had been going through her mind. She wondered if she were becoming a lesbian and that was why she had so much trouble with boys. Then Penny bent over to search through a drawer for another pair of panties and once again her enchanted roommate could not help the feeling of rising panic in her as the darker girl's smoothly rounded buttocks were presented to her in their full sculptured beauty. It was with relief that Victoria finally saw her friend begin dressing, and in a matter of minutes the ordeal was nearly over, with Penny fully covered, if you could call it that. She had on the briefest miniskirt that the young blonde had ever seen. This new boy friend would certainly have a chance to appreciate Penny's panties whether he wanted to or not! "Well, cheerio. Off to the hunt and all that," Penny gaily said and let herself out through the front door. Victoria genuinely hoped that she would be successful with her young hero, especially if it would keep her out all night. The young blonde wanted a chance to sort out her thoughts before she had to face anyone again. It felt almost as if there were something in her that was looking for a direction to burst out in, some relentless pressure that demanded action. But what? It was such an unspecific feeling... so hauntingly vague. Victoria's somber thoughts were abruptly ended by the sound of scratching on the sliding glass door just a few feet from where she was lying, accompanied by a low insistent whining. With a little cry of joy the young blonde jumped up from her bed and moved quickly to the door, sliding it open without hesitation. Sure enough, there stood Ben and Prince! "Thought I'd let Prince do the knocking," seeing that he's the one who's coming to stay with you," Ben said huskily. Victoria noticed immediately that her friend's speech was a little thick and that there was a strong smell of whiskey about him, and she felt nervous for a moment. But Prince didn't give her a chance to let her imagination get the best of her, as he came bounding into the room, running here and there, thrusting his nose into comers and familiarizing himself with the place in the ways that matter to a dog. Finally satisfied, the big animal lay down contentedly on the carpet and looked up questioningly at his two human friends. "That's right, Prince, you're going to stay here the night," Ben said reassuringly. "You take care of Miss Victoria and I'm sure she'll take care of you." Weaving a little, Ben looked down to where Victoria had joined his pet on the floor. Once again the young blonde was sitting in her customary cross-legged posture and the half-drunk older man groaned inwardly as he saw the way her tight jeans plastered themselves like a second skin to her lovely young body. It was almost as if she were naked, Ben thought to himself. The jeans were old and worn thin, and the blue material clearly outlined the twin bulges of her cuntal lips, held invitingly open by her cross-legged posture. Time to get out of here, old man, Ben thought to himself. Time to split, before you lose control and fall on your hands and knees before that innocently seductive little beauty and ram your head between those tender young thighs and fuck her sweet little cunt with your tongue. The thoughts were too much for the tortured man and he backed hastily towards the door. "Well, so long, you two. Don't do anything I wouldn't do," he said in a kind of frantic jovialness. He almost tripped over the low metal sill as he stepped backwards through the doors and slid them almost shut, leaving just enough space for Victoria to hear him mutter, "Lucky bastard dog." And then he was gone, a lonely hulking figure heading towards another night of desperate alcoholic forgetfulness among people he despised but needed. "Well!" Victoria said with a little sigh. Never having seen Ben quite this way before, she was a little upset, but quickly passed it off to the whiskey her friend had obviously been drinking. Everyone on campus knew that Ben drank, but few had ever seen him really drunk. With good-natured tolerance the young student passed the whole thing off as another one of those inexplicable bits of adult behavior, and then turned her whole attention to her canine companion for the night. "Since you're my guest, Prince, I suppose I should offer to entertain you," Victoria said with pretended gravity. "Would you like to play cards? Or perhaps you'd care for a cup of tea? Do you take milk and sugar?" Then giggling girlishly, the happy girl put her arms around the animal's powerful neck and pushed her warm pink young nose up against his moist black one. Immediately Prince's long pink tongue shot out and licked the girl on the face, making her giggle again. On impulse, the young blonde stuck out her own tongue and tried to lick the dog, but their tongues met in mid air and caressed for a moment. Victoria thought of it as funny for a second but then became aware that it felt good, very good too good in a weird sort of way -- so with a little shiver she quickly pulled her tongue back in, a strange look coming over her face. The big dog looked up at his young human friend, a little puzzled, wondering why she had pulled back so hastily from him. But getting to her feet, Victoria went to her desk and pulled out a small package of dog candy she had brought this afternoon just for tonight. With slightly trembling hands the young coed tore open the package and poured out several pieces for her delighted animal companion, laughing as Prince nosed eagerly through the little mound of candies, searching for his favorites. In a moment both dog and girl were back to the lighthearted mood of a few moments before. Victoria was tossing pieces of candy into the air for Prince to catch, trying to race him to the pieces he dropped. Eventually both became tired and sat quietly watching one another, the dog sitting on his haunches and Victoria leaning back on her bed propped up on her elbows. For the thousandth time the blonde girl found herself thinking how truly beautiful and handsome Prince was. Not just handsome in an animal way but also in a virile, male way. Some inclination of the universality of sexual attraction began to seep through into the young woman's mind and this time she let it linger there, not letting herself be afraid. She knew now if she met someone, some man she could trust a little the way she trusted Prince, then there would be no problem with sex. The trouble was that she trusted Prince precisely because he was a dog and didn't have the inbred human ability to trick and to deceive the mental agility to use others for his own ends. Too bad humans and dogs weren't interchangeable as lovers, Victoria mused, and then laughed to herself a little nervously at the thought. "Oh, Prince, just be glad that you're a dog and don't have a nutty human brain that imagines all kinds of problems," Victoria sighed. Suspecting that it was just general tiredness that was making her so introspective the young girl stood up and stretched langorously. "Time for bed, I think," she said to the dog as he got to his feet, thinking she wanted to play again. "Now let's see, where am I going to put you?" Victoria mused more to herself than to the dog. "Maybe Penny wouldn't like it if I let you sleep on her bed, and it wouldn't be hospitable to let you sleep on the floor, so..." and a mischievous little grin flickered over the girl's beautiful features, "so why don't you sleep up here with me? Oh, I know it'll be a little cramped, but it'll be nice and warm and friendly too." Victoria began to get ready for bed, pulling off the white sweater that still had Prince's paw-prints on it from earlier in the day. As Ben had noticed then, the blonde young student was wearing no brassiere and her high firm breasts stretched even more taut and proud as she reached her arms up to pull the sweater over her head. The rough-knit material caused her nipples to harden involuntarily as it scraped over them and a little rash of goose-flesh spread over the girl's skin from the unexpected sensation. Wearing only her jeans now, Victoria walked over to the wash basin and noisily washed her face before groping blindly for the towel. "That's another thing, Prince," Victoria spluttered. "You never have to wash your face or hands. Life must be easy for a dog." Walking over to the closet next, the rosy-cheeked girl began to peel her tight jeans down her legs, almost losing her balance once before she was able to kick free of them. Unlike her roommate, she carefully hung the jeans in her closet and then stood a moment in indecision. Should she put on her nightgown or not? Maybe not, she finally decided. If Prince was going to sleep on her bed it might be too warm. So, wearing nothing now but her tiny bikini panties, the young blonde virgin walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. "Okay, buddy, you sleep next to the wall," she said to the dog and patted the bed for him to jump up. This was quite confusing to the animal since his master never let him get on beds and he looked up at the girl with a questioning but adoring expression. Some strange emotion was starting to form inside the dog's great heart. He had never seen a naked or semi-naked human female before, and there was something oddly exciting to Prince about the subtle symphony of pink and cream-white flesh before him. He loved the girl and now the nearness of her plus the intoxicating warmth and smell of her velvety flesh caused him to automatically nuzzle in closer to her, forcing his heavy body between her slightly open thighs. "Why, Prince," Victoria asked in surprise. "What's the matter, don't you want to sleep with me?" And then the startled young virgin jerked back in surprise and shock as the dog's long pink tongue shot out and licked her nakedly exposed left breast. "Uuuuuuhhhnnn," the stunned girl said in involuntary reaction as the hot rough tongue scraped over her already erect nipples, sending a jolt of raw pleasure all through her body. Victoria squirmed backward trying to escape the insistently nuzzling dog until she was half-lying, half-sitting, propped up against the wall next to the bed. Although the most sensible thing would have been to reach down and force the dog's head away from her nakedly tingling breasts, somehow the young virgin's arms seemed paralyzed, unable to move up the short distance necessary to protect herself from the affectionate animal's lingual caresses. "Oh, no, no, Prince," the confused young woman kept repeating ineffectually as the big animal continued to lick and slaver at her exposed breasts, moving impartially from one to the other. Despite her best intentions, Victoria felt a delicious and sensuous warmth begin to steal over her tingling young body, rippling over her flesh in electric waves with each further swipe of Prince's long hot tongue. A dreamy, vacant look came over the blonde student's face, and for a moment her lovely half-naked body held completely still. Then finally she permitted the exquisite sensations from the dog's licking of her firm, trembling young breasts to pour over her in uninterrupted waves of pure sensual bliss. Then and only then did her hands steal slowly up from her sides, but instead of pushing the dog away, they trailed lovingly over the big animal's powerful head and finally settled firmly behind his ears, actually pulling the furiously licking animal's muzzle tighter against her now palpitating breasts. "Oh, Prince, oh, Prince," the gasping young virgin moaned out again and again, talking in disjointed, confused sentences to the unheeding animal. "We shouldn't be... it's... oh God, Prince, your tongue, your lovely tongue!" As soon as the girl had stopped fighting the dog's advance, her legs fell loosely open so that the strong hairy animal body crowded in even closer to her, that massive head able to raise up higher from time to time to bestow a sensual kiss on her half-parted lips. Little by little the crooning girl became aware that Prince's powerful chest was pressing hard against her partially opened pussy slit, and that each time he stretched forward to lick, the movement of the dog's body against this most sensitive part of her body added thrillingly to the wild sensations already flowing down from her naked wet breasts. Becoming more and more aroused with each passing second, Victoria could feel the hot wet juices of her passion building up in her hopefully expectant vagina and she pressed her clitoris tightly against the dog's furry chest, automatically opening her legs wide at the same time. What had begun for the dog as simple friendly affection, expressed in the only way he knew, was now assuming different and confusing proportions. It was hardly likely that the sensitive animal would fail to pick up his young human friend's rising excitement. And more than that, the musky stimulating odor of Victoria's advanced sexual arousal was building just under the animal's thrusting muzzle, causing a familiar tightness to start forming deep up inside his own hairy loins. To Victoria's great disappointment, Prince abruptly stopped his powerful licking of her wildly tingling breasts, and for a moment the panting girl thought the beautiful animal had lost interest. But then the huge feral head dropped down between her thighs and began to sniff inquisitively at the trembling widespread loins from which that strange but exciting odor was coming. Victoria watched in fascination as that cool black nose slid ever further in toward her seeping cunt and a lewd and forbidden idea began to form in her sex-fevered mind. Would he... if she encouraged him? Would he... lick her down there, just as he had licked her breasts? Even though she knew how wrong it was, how sinful, the desperately aroused young virgin could not deny to herself how much she wanted her animal friend to drive his pointed muzzle deep up between her trembling thighs and give her the kind of pleasure that her own fingers had never been able to provide. "C-Come on, Prince," the girl called out in a shaking voice. "Do it! Lick me, lick me there! Lick my pussy!" And with that, Victoria slowly pulled aside the moisture-soaked crotch band of her white nylon panties, baring to the animal's eager gaze the gleaming wet furrow of her expectantly waiting little cunt. "Come on, baby, do it for me! Please, oh please," the hopelessly impassioned girl begged. She lay there spread-legged on the bed, holding her panties away from her cunt with her fingers, knowing that she was about to embark on an unforgivable act, an act so lewd and perverted there could never be any forgiveness for it. Her imploring blue eyes met the soft brown ones of the dog, and for a moment the pleading girl thought that Prince was not going to do it, but then... The long hot tongue snaked out once again, stabbing deep up between the waiting girl's quivering thighs, mercilessly splaying aside the gold-fringed cuntal lips, sliding up over the wetly flowering vaginal opening and then digging like a fiery knife into the tiny pink button of Victoria's clitoris. "Aaaaahhh," the half-naked girl moaned in helpless submission before that burning, pleasure-giving tongue. Her back automatically arched to thrust her steaming genitals up toward the dog and the back of her head banged against the wall. For long moments the pleasure-wracked girl held herself rigid in that position, her lovely, eager young body curved like a drawn bow, her firm, full, saliva-covered breasts thrust out high and trembling in front of her, her softly flexing thighs spreading farther and farther apart in a mindless attempt to open her body to the maximum, begging for Prince's darting tongue to drive deep, deep up inside her. And it did, again and again and again. Prince ardently stroked his hot wet tongue up into that glistening pink cuntal slit, his own loins beginning to burn now as the odor of Victoria's rising female passion flooded directly into his senses. "Oh, yes, yes, yes, darling," Victoria moaned over and over again, her hips now starting a slow revolving motion up against the slaving dog's furiously licking tongue. With one hand the blonde girl continued to lewdly hold aside the crotch band of her panties while the other was now pinching and rolling the nipples of the breasts that Prince had abandoned. "God, God, keep licking... licking. It feels so good. I... I'm going to cum in just a minute... faster, faster, darling... aaaahhh, God, don't ever stop... oohhh... oohhh... oohhh..." The helplessly inflamed coed's mindless ravings fell into a kind of delirious chant, keeping time to the dog's continuous Ravings of her desire-moistened cunt, and this was the sound that Penny, her roommate, heard as she stood in amazed wonder outside the door to their room. For a moment Penny thought she must have come home to the wrong room but then she recognized Victoria's voice. My God, she's got a man in there! Penny thought incredulously. Someone's making love to Victoria Bennett, Prude of the Year! Penny's first reaction was a little mindless giggle of surprise, but then a cold calculating expression came over her face. Victoria had broken in on her the other night just when Jimmy Philips was about to Eve her the fucking he had worked her up to. Well, two could play that game, Penny thought, and she reached up to open the door, but found it locked. After a moment's hesitation, the young avenger began to knock loudly, cursing her habitual carelessness which had made her forget her key. How she would like to have walked in unannounced! It was long moments before the panting and moaning Victoria became aware of the insistent hammering at the door, but even then her inflamed senses pushed it into the background. She was so close, so close to her orgasm that nothing else mattered in the world. Her parents, the dean, anyone could have burst in the room at that moment and the helplessly impassioned girl would have been unable to stop the desperate search for gratification that was building to a head deep up inside her seething belly. Just another few seconds and it would be here... Victoria gritted her teeth and almost stopped breathing as she felt herself teetering on the edge of the greatest physical and mental gratification she had ever known... and then Prince backed away, alarmed by the racket that Penny was making. "Oh, no, no," Victoria desperately gasped, trying to reach out and draw the animal's head back between her lewdly spread thighs, but Prince easily dodged her clutching fingers and moved quickly to the other side of the room. "Damn, damn, damn," Victoria sobbed out, knowing there was nothing more she could do to call the alarmed animal back to her. Quickly pulling her panties back over her swollen pink cuntal flesh, the frustrated young woman staggered to her feet and snatched her nightgown from the nearby closet, settling it quickly over her body. She moved toward the door, recognizing her roommate's voice as she demanded to be let in. With an angry contemptuous motion, Victoria threw the lock back and twisted the door handle, letting it open by itself under the pressure of Penny's knocking. As soon as the door gave before her, Penny surged triumphantly into the room, bursting with curiosity to know who it was that had turned her prim roommate into such an animal. "Well, it's really something when a person can't get inside her own room," she began, but stopped dead when she saw no one there but Victoria and Ben Wright's German shepherd. "Why, I... I thought there was somebody else in here with you..." she began lamely. "There is," Victoria said icily. "Prince." And she pointed towards the big animal as he stayed prudently back in the far corner. Penny's first reaction was to think that whoever it had been must have left through the sliding glass doors, but she saw that was impossible. Some books and records were propped against the glass, moved there by Victoria while she had been playing with Prince and it was clear that the doors couldn't have been slid back without removing them. "I... I'm sure I heard somebody," Penny insisted, looking around suspiciously and fighting down an impulse to look under the beds. "Well, you're wrong," Victoria retorted and then tried to change the subject. "What are you doing home, anyhow? I thought you were going to spend the night locked in the arms of your muscle-bound hero?" Penny couldn't help making a wry face. "He's muscle-bound all right, but mostly between the ears. He took me to a soda shop and told me all about his exploits as a football hero. And then at ten o'clock he said he had to be home so he could get plenty of sleep. By then I was so bored that I wouldn't have cared if he promised I could sleep with the whole football team! So here I am, unloved and unlaid." While she was talking, Penny took a closer look at her friend and knew she hadn't been imagining the sounds she had heard. Victoria had been up to something all right. It showed in the hot flush that bloomed on her cheeks and her breathing was still ragged and forced. On top of that, the dark haired Penny distinctly detected the odor of hotly aroused female flesh. But where the hell was the male who had got her that way? Penny wondered. It was clear there was no one here but Prince... and then the horrible suspicion came to the supposedly unshockable young sexual prodigy. No! It just wasn't possible! Penny would have believed the earth was flat before she would accept the suspicion that her prudish roommate could ever... No, not with a dog, not ever, and the stunned young woman sank down slowly to sit on the edge of her bed. She looked up once to catch Victoria's eye, but the blonde looked away. Then Penny tried to catch Prince's eye, but he looked away too. Impossible! Impossible! GrlsPet 5/9 Girl's School Pet Chapter 5 It was a long night for Victoria. Drifting in and out of a troubled sleep, always at least half-aware of Prince's heavy warm body stretched out beside her on the bed, the young girl waited only for the morning when Penny would have to go to an early class and then she would be alone with her thoughts... and with the beautiful German shepherd. Finally the harsh sound of Penny's alarm clock shattered the morning quiet. As usual, Penny let the alarm ring until it had run down, then groaning, she got grumpily out of bed to face another day. To her, the days were long interludes to get through as best as possible, waiting for the nights, for she was a true night person. Victoria too got out of bed, preferring to be active, wanting the time to pass as quickly as possible until her roommate left. Prince remained lying on the bed for awhile, luxuriating in the unusual privileges he was enjoying here with his young human friend. The big animal watched with a heightened curiosity as the two girls dressed before him, remembering the strange stimulation that had taken charge of him the night before as he had licked and nuzzled at the intoxicating crevice between the blonde girl's soft white thighs. Always an affectionate animal, Prince now found new reasons to want to be near these young females, who felt and smelled so different from his master. It wasn't long before Victoria sensed the animal's eyes on her and she found to her amazement that she was blushing. The young coed had purposely kept the events of last night as much out of her thoughts as possible, preferring to be alone before she let herself analyze what it was that had driven her to that incredible act of bestiality the night before. But now, with Prince's large brown eyes fixed longingly on her, the confused blonde was suddenly overwhelmed by the memories of the exquisite sensations that had seized control of her helplessly writhing body as Prince's long hot tongue had licked her into panting submission. Despite the years of social training that told her how wrong it had all been, Victoria had to admit to herself that it would be wonderful to once again know the almost unbearable erotic delights she had experienced with Prince. Maybe when Penny had gone to class... Victoria looked up to see that her friend and roommate was almost dressed now, and perhaps in another few minutes she would be gone. Perhaps then Prince could finish what he had started the night before... The forbidden nature of her thoughts made Victoria automatically feel guilty so that she imagined Penny was staring at her, maybe even reading her shameful thoughts, and there was some justification in this. Being an intelligent and observant girl, Penny had been watching her blonde friend with ever-growing curiosity and suspicion, divining from her nervous and guilty manner that something strange indeed had been going on in this very room last night. Wanting to escape her roommate's curious stare, Victoria quickly pulled on her clothes and left the room, walking down the hall towards the large communal bathroom shared by all the girls living on the floor. Victoria took longer than usual washing her face that morning, hoping that Penny would be gone when she got back to the room so that she could be alone with the dog to decide once and for all whether or not she would once again abandon herself to the deliciously sinful stimulation of the night before. Finally the young girl walked slowly back to the room, and opening the door, she was disappointed to see that Penny was still there. But then, to Victoria's horror she saw that Penny was alone. Prince was nowhere in sight and the back sliding glass doors were half open. "Wh... Where's Prince?" Victoria asked in breathless shock. "Oh, while you were gone old Ben Wright came looking for his dog," Penny said. "You just missed them, they left only a couple of minutes ago." Victoria realized that her face must be showing the shock she was feeling, a shock that amazed her in its intensity. Yes, she had to admit to herself now how much she had wanted the dog to again do to her what he had done last night. But now he was gone... gone, and the desperate young woman had no idea when she would be able to see the big animal alone again. Victoria was dimly aware that Penny was speaking to her, concern showing on her face. "What's the matter, honey?" Penny asked, worried, but Victoria didn't even try to answer, instead bolting for the door, some crazy impulse inside her demanding that she find Prince as soon as possible. What she would do when she found him she didn't know, but the young blonde was beyond all rational thinking now, knowing only an instinctive age-old need. "Hey, wait!" Penny cried after her, but then stopped in the doorway, remembering that these sudden unexplainable flights had been occurring more and more frequently with her roommate. Why follow her? Penny had told Victoria time and time again that what she needed was a good fuck, but the virginal young blonde only became angry, icily suggesting that it would be a little more seemly if Penny would try to clean up her speech. Well, the dark-haired young student thought bitterly to herself, she was getting a little tired of these temper tantrums. Maybe she had better start thinking of looking for a new roommate, one who wouldn't make her feel guilty for her thoughts. And with a little sniff, Penny picked up her books and headed for her first class, angry now, but familiar enough with her own temperament to know that in a couple of hours she would have forgotten all about this latest confrontation with her erratic roommate. Meanwhile, Victoria was automatically heading for the spot where she knew Prince and Ben Wright often went in the mornings, the top of a little hill where they could sit in peace and solitude and look out over the campus and the ocean beyond, drinking in the beautiful sunshiny morning. Sure enough, they were there. Quickening her footsteps, the young blonde headed for the two masculine figures, one sitting cross-legged on the ground like some ancient hunter, his canine companion back on his haunches with his strong beautiful head raised proudly, sampling the scents borne to him on the morning breeze. Both man and dog turned as Victoria rushed breathlessly up to them but neither made a sound. They seemed to be waiting for her to speak, but suddenly Victoria realized she didn't know what she wanted to say. How could she just blurt out, "Please, Mr. Wright, may I take your dog home with me and let him perform shameful acts on my body? Acts that for some reason I don't seem to be able to do without " Hardly, but that was just what she wanted. "Morning," Ben finally said in a thick voice. "Oh, Mr. Wright," Victoria started, "I... I wonder if... could I please...?" but she was cut off by a wave of Ben's big hand as he grimaced in pain. "Please, child, do you have to shout?" he groaned, and Victoria saw that the big man must have had a hard night. His face was lined even more than usual and his eyes glared redly from their deep-sunk sockets, while his hands kept up a barely perceptible trembling. "Prince behave himself last night?" Ben asked. Victoria felt paralyzed with fear for a moment, wondering if by some chance Ben might know what had happened. But no, that was impossible. "Wh... Why yes," the young student said haltingly. "It's just that I-I'm sorry that I wasn't in the room when you got there this morning and didn't have the chance to thank you..." Why not ask? the desperate young woman thought to herself... "And I wonder, Mr. Wright, Prince and I were just getting to know one another. Could I maybe... take him back with me? Just for the afternoon," she added hastily as she saw a slight frown come over Ben's ravaged features. "Well, I dunno," Ben muttered and then seemed to think for a moment. "But what the hell, I think I'm gonna have to go back to my room and take a little nap." Then the older man looked sharply up at the blonde young student. "What you want him for anyhow? You wouldn't want to seduce my dog away from me, would you now?" Victoria jumped a little at the word "seduce" and then realized Ben only meant that he was afraid that the dog might become fonder of her than of him. What would this man think, Victoria wondered, if he knew that was just what she wanted to do... seduce his dog? Not for his affections, but sexually, like some kind of perverted whore. The young woman almost relented then, some part of her warning that she would be better off to forget this whole thing and go back to her room alone, but it was far too late. All her determination had been turned to finishing what she and Prince had started last night, for curiosity as well as the pure sexual enjoyment. Yes, she must know what it was like to be brought to completion by a male, even just a male dog. As far as that went, maybe it would be better with the dog. At least he wouldn't force on her crude and unwanted attentions like most of the men she had met so far in her young life. It was done, anyhow. Ben was getting to his feet wearily. "Go on, Prince. Go on back with Miss Victoria while your poor old master goes home to sleep it off. Christ, what I'd give to be in your shoes... paws." Ben didn't seem to care that he was getting a little careless in his speech with Victoria listening. This often happened after a heavy night of drinking. In fact, he was still a little drunk, all the liquor he had swilled down last night not yet having had a chance to work through his system. Why the dog? Ben thought morosely to himself. Why not him, Ben Wright, lover extraordinaire? Why, these young bitches didn't know what they were missing. He could still get it up with the best of them, and when he did, he knew what to do with it, not like this new breed of bloodless gutless unisex males that lounged and lolled in bored apathy all over the campus. Ah, hell, the weaving Ben thought to himself, if he went on thinking this way, the first thing he knew he would shake up one of these lovely little broads, and then he'd be out on the streets again. Maybe it was enough to have a warm place to sleep and three square meals a day. But somewhere deep inside himself, Ben knew that wasn't enough. No, a man needed more -- pride, affection, acceptance of his masculinity. Ben knew he was close to blowing it... his job, everything; maybe reaching out and pinching one of those cute pert breasts bulging out from that gorgeous little hunk of tail standing so bug-eyed before him. But training won out and Ben waved a hand wearily toward Prince, indicating to Victoria that she should take him away. He wanted her to leave quietly, but the grateful young girl blurted out her thanks in a seemingly unending stream of meaningless words before she finally left, Prince trailing willingly enough after her. Ben Wright sat for nearly ten minutes in grumpy, meditative loneliness before little insistent nudges from somewhere deep inside his subconscious began to warn him that there was something rather strange about Victoria's nervous insistence on taking the dog. "Something kind of fishy here," Ben muttered to himself. Sure, lots of young girls liked dogs, but they weren't in a breathless rush to get their hands on one. What the hell was with that girl, anyhow? If he had not been hung over and a little drunk, Ben would have been more charitable in his thoughts toward Victoria, for he truly liked the girl. But the bitterness that lurked just under the surface of his ruined life was spilling from him today in unaccustomed torrents, making him resent the constant provocation of Victoria's unintended seductiveness. If she had been someone else's lover, the big man could have felt more at ease about it, but the shameful waste of that lovely, ripe, unused little body seemed at the moment a personal affront to him. What the hell did she want with his dog anyhow? A small jolt of alarm went through Ben's whiskey-addled brain. Hell, maybe Victoria was some kind of secret nut and was going to harm his beloved dog. He had better see to this, the big man thought to himself and got unsteadily to his feet. He would follow them, the girl and Prince, and see what she was up to. After all, he represented campus security and it was his duty to know what kinds of things went on in the dormitories, or at least that had been his rationalization on those nights when Ben had lurked outside the windows, secretly hoping to catch a glimpse of naked young coeds. With a groan, Ben heaved himself to his feet and set off at a shambling gait toward the other side of the campus and Victoria's dorm. Just the thought of maybe seeing the luscious little blonde again was enough to keep his aching body moving. Meanwhile, Victoria was speeding toward her room, Prince bounding along happily after. The young student refused to let herself think at all, afraid that she might change her mind about what she was going to do. Finally, breathing hard from the fast pace she had set, Victoria pushed open the sliding glass doors to her dorm room and she and Prince were once again alone together, next to the same bed where last night the excited young girl had given herself in Nameless surrender to the huge animal. Victoria began to tear at her clothes, not wanting to waste another minute, knowing that this time Penny would not come back to bother them. Victoria had seen her enter a classroom while she and Prince were on their way here. Prince looked up in undisguised interest at the glittering-eyed girl as the well-remembered allure of her naked young body was quickly bared before him. The big dog could feel an automatic tingling starting again deep in his hairy loins as his animal-memory was aroused once more by the lust-inspiring sight before him. Finally Victoria stood completely naked, her high proud young breasts rising and falling quickly from her urgent breathing, but then she didn't know what to do next. How did one encourage an animal to do... this obscene thing? With a helpless little groan the desire-ridden girl fell limply back on the bed, her long slender legs falling open to bare the total seething wetness of her lewdly exposed cunt to Prince's alert eyes. "Come on, Prince," the girl begged and at the same time her own hands moved sensuously over her rib cage, sliding upward in little circles until they had reached the ripely swelling base of her heaving breasts. "Oh God, Prince, please don't keep me waiting," Victoria moaned while her fingertips played delicately upward to find her hardening nipples. The excited young girl's toes curled automatically from the lewd self-stimulation and she dug her fingers in more deeply, her whole body thrilling to the waves of pleasure that raced down from her swelling breasts. For a moment the young blonde became lost in her own self-gratification, almost forgetting that the dog was there, but then she looked up and saw his animal eyes on her, a strange wild light in them she had never seen before. That was when she knew he was going to do it to her, lick her as he had the night before. With a mindless groan, the helplessly aroused young virgin let her trembling thighs fall open even more, longing to have the raging fires burning deep up between her legs extinguished by Prince's pleasure-giving tongue. Slowly, cautiously, the big German shepherd moved forward between those widespread white legs, sniffing once at the proffered, sweet-smelling orifice displayed so invitingly before him. But to the eager girl's amazement and disappointment, Prince raised his head once again, and then placing his forelegs on the edge of the bed he raised his heavy body up high and began to lick warmly at Victoria's smooth flat belly, each hot swipe of his tongue pushing the naked young flesh before it in ripples of heated pleasure . "Ohhh, ohhh," Victoria gasped as the animal licked higher and higher, and then his huge head was nuzzling at her breasts while the young student sucked in her breath as Prince slithered his hot wet tongue over her pebble-hard nipples, causing her breasts to heave with ever increasing passion until she thought they would burst from the erotic pressure. Her eyes glazed from unsubdued lust, the beautiful young blonde raised her head and looked in wonder and awe down to where the great hairy head was thrust tightly against her writhing body. "Oh, Prince, Prince," she moaned, and as if in answer the dog raised his head to look up at her in love and adoration, almost as if he were a human lover. Victoria felt a wave of passion and tenderness sweep over her and she impulsively reached down to pull the animal's proud head up towards her own passion-softened face. Instinctively the dog's long tongue shot out again, this time to Wave over the girl's half-parted lips, and to the young student's amazement, this flooded her with almost as much pleasure as when his tongue had played wetly over her nakedly quivering breasts. Shamelessly, passionately, the aroused young woman extended her own tiny pink tongue so that it touched for a moment the dog's longer, looser member, sending renewed bolts of pure sensual pleasure rocketing through her naked young body. Prince reveled in the sweet hot taste of the girl's tiny pointed tongue and then suddenly he was reminded of that other piquant taste he had known from this lovely human body only the night before. With that memory goading him on, the big dog backed away from Victoria's questing tongue and dropped back down onto the floor so that his head was once again positioned between the girl's quivering thighs. Looking up inquiringly, the aroused animal waited for some sign from the panting girl above him, some sign that he could go ahead. It was a moment before Victoria sensed what the dog wanted and then she blurted out, "Oh, yes, go ahead Prince. Lick me, lick me again, just like you did last night." Then Victoria felt her own eyes widening in hypnotized awe as she watched Prince move his head purposefully forward towards the aching need of her nakedly waiting cunt. "Aaaaahh," the young virgin gasped as the animal's cool damp nose slid wetly up the tender flesh of her inner thigh, then it was sniffing experimentally through her moisture-soaked pussy hair, driving her to heights of frustrated passion as it glided gently, teasingly over the hungry pussy-flesh beneath. Victoria could not keep her loins from bucking forward, trying to impale herself on that thrusting, tickling nose, when suddenly the dog's hot tongue snaked out once again and buried itself deep into her seething cuntal flesh. "Aaaaaaaggghh," the shocked coed cried out involuntarily as her back arched upward and her head fell back under the stimulus of Prince's long hoped-for assault. All his canine attention centered on the golden-haired triangle before him, the animal began to lick in earnest now, his wetly digging tongue slicing relentlessly through her heated cuntal flesh, each thrust bringing a deep low moan from the girl on the bed above him. Lick and lick and lick again. Victoria thought it would never end, that this sensual heaven would go on forever. Each hot burning swipe of that merciless tongue seemed in itself to last an eternity, making the writhing girl aware of every fraction of an inch that it slid over her convulsing cuntal flesh. She could feel it start far down at her anus, then thrust deeply into the dripping hot vaginal slit on its way up before dragging maddeningly over the tiny sensitive button of her palpitating clitoris. To the passionately moaning young blonde it felt as if each touch of that wonderful animal tongue was charged with some unholy electricity that was almost more than her overloaded nerves could bear. Victoria could sense that she was nearing orgasm. She had to be. There had to be eventual release from these impossibly demanding sensations that Prince was licking into her helpless loins, or she knew she would go mad, but where was it, where was the hoped-for climax? Desperately the hopelessly inflamed girl drew her legs up high off the floor, holding her knees back tight against her flattened breasts with her straining hands so that her obscenely wide-splayed pussy was offered up in defenseless sacrifice to the slavering animal above her. Yes, yes, that would do it, Victoria thought to herself as the dog took full advantage of her lewd position and drove his scorching tongue ever deeper into her quaking cuntal flesh. Yes, she was going to cum soon now, she could feel the fragile bubble growing deep up inside her already spasming belly. Yes, just another few seconds... Victoria looked up in horror as she suddenly became aware that the delicious licking of her most secret flesh had stopped, and she saw that Prince was slowly backing away from between her jackknifed thighs. Lowering her legs in agonized disappointment, the teenage virgin spoke pleadingly to the dog. "Prince, what's the matter?" she gasped out, afraid that once again she would be left unsatisfied as she had been the night before. "Please, Prince, Victoria wants you to do it. Lick me just a little more, just a little..." And then the desperate girl saw it as the animal backed away another pace and turned partly sideways to her. His penis! Breathlessly the young student gaped at the size of the glistening scarlet shaft that was slowly emerging from the hairy sheath beneath the dog's belly. The dripping tapered end dangled and swayed in ever-growing hardness before the panting teenager's unbelieving eyes. Victoria had not been the only one aroused by the obscene animal licking of her lewdly presented cunt. It had been an instinctual glandular thing as the overwhelmingly spicy taste of aroused female flesh permeated the dog's sharp senses. Finally, confused and overwhelmed by the growing pressure in his own loins, Prince had backed away, not being able to handle at the moment his sensory overload. He stood hesitantly before Victoria's staring bulging eyes, waiting, whining with excitement, his bright scarlet cock growing ever longer and harder beneath him. For a few moments Victoria could not think at all, fascinated by the sight of that canine penis presented before her in its full glistening erectness, slowly becoming aware of the sensations of pure sensual hunger that great animal member was causing deep up inside her love-denied cunt. The mesmerized girl let herself slowly submerge into that need before she realized with sudden horror the terrible nature of the idea that was building in her mind. An idea too obscene for even the most depraved person. She wanted Prince to fuck her! Yes, fuck her with that huge beautiful cock that now stood stiffly out in its full erection, the cock she had helped harden by the power of her own bodily abandon. A desperate struggle began in the girl's confused and over-stimulated mind. Why not? she thought. Who would know? And then immediately she knew that she would know, and the frightened young virgin was afraid that such a memory might be more than she could live with. Shame grappled with sexual hunger as the aroused young girl tried to think rationally, but she was far past the ability to reason. It was now or never, her nerves screamed, and with a little helpless groan the naked teenager slid slowly from the bed until she was kneeling before the now hungrily whimpering animal. That did it! The aural evidence of Prince's own physical need was enough to tip the scales of the agonized girl's conscience -- that and the lewd sight of a drop of seminal fluid glistening like a jewel at the tapered point of that red glistening shaft, promising to fill her with pleasure and satisfy the terrible hunger in her naked belly. With a moan of surrender, the young blonde virgin turned her back towards the German shepherd and dropped to her hands and knees, lewdly presenting her buttocks to the waiting animal like a bitch in heat. All hesitation gone now, excitedly aware of the obscene nature of the act she was about to commit, the inflamed young woman looked back over her shoulder and hissed: "Come on, Prince, fuck me. Put your beautiful cock in my cunt and fuck me until I howl." Prince immediately understood her tone if not her words, and the big animal stalked forward, his huge penis jerking and dancing beneath his hairy torso as he moved. And if Victoria's verbal invitation wasn't enough... the dog could not have mistaken her gesture as the girl lewdly reached back to part her swollen cuntal lips, presenting her pink-petaled vaginal opening back to the eager animal. The big dog easily mounted the girl's offered buttocks, his strong furry legs gripping tightly around Victoria's smooth torso. All instincts told the excited beast to bury his aching cock deep up between Victoria's expectantly quivering ass-cheeks, but he couldn't find the entrance. Slipping and dancing in the moist wet cleft between the crouching teenager's buttocks, time and time again the scarlet needle-shaped tip failed to enter, although it caught for a moment at the tiny puckered opening of Victoria's anus, almost ramming brutally in before the frightened girl was able to twist away from the unwanted rectal impalement. Sobbing with frustration and embarrassment, the kneeling young blonde finally reached back under her body with one hand and took the dog's slippery penis in her fingers. Prince whimpered as he felt the cool pressure against his cock but when he made no move to pull away, Victoria guided the rigid shaft slowly forward, inserting it finally between her passion-swollen pussy lips, sliding the sharp tapered tip sensuously up and down as she made sure it was well lubricated with her own heated sex-juices. Then the panting young coed tremblingly planted the tip of the organ burning so hotly against her fingers tightly up against the entrance to her virginal vagina and then braced herself for the shock to come. "Come on, Prince," she gasped over her shoulder to the huge dog. "Ram it in! Fuck me! Fuck your dog-cock right into me!" And that's just what Prince did. Sensing finally that he was at the entrance to his long-sought goal, the powerful German shepherd only did what nature demanded. He fucked forward! Mercilessly that huge pole of scarlet dog-flesh tore into the virginal pussy before it, never stopping until the dog's sperm-bloated balls crushed up against Victoria's widely stretched cuntal lips. As soon as the animal sensed his complete penetration of the kneeling girl before him he began to ram into her with relentless jackhammer drives, machine-like, as he animal-fucked the helplessly cringing Victoria. "Aaaaaaagh, uuuuuuuunnnnhh," the stunned girl managed to gasp out, amazed at the sudden sharp pain that exploded in her never before penetrated cunt at the dog's first brutal lunge. Instinctively she tried to crawl forward to escape the cruel puncturing of her hymen but found she could not shake loose Prince's powerful forelegs that clamped vise-like around her body. As she tried to move forward, the dog followed, dancing on his hind legs, never missing a stroke as he continued to fuck into the wailing Victoria. And that was the incredible scene Ben Wright saw before him as he stood in shocked wonder just outside the glass doors to Victoria's room, watching his own dog fucking the beautiful blonde teenager he had always desired for himself. The innocent young girl who had seemed so unobtainable, almost mysteriously above him. Victoria the virgin, the pure, the untouchable. Fucking his dog. GrlsPet 6/9 Girl's School Pet Chapter 6 When Ben arrived at Victoria's dormitory, he had stealthily gone around to the back, rather than to the front door, telling himself he didn't want to alarm the girl for no good reason. The big man stayed close to the wall as he approached the sliding glass doors so that he would not be observed. Since it was a warm day, the doors were open a little and Ben had no trouble hearing the strange sounds that floated out from behind the drapes; moans and gasps and panting whines, both human and animal. After a few moments hesitation, the spying, hung-over old security guard cautiously reached a hand through the open doors and pulled the curtain aside a fraction, and that's when he saw it. By then Victoria was sliding off the bed and getting on her knees in front of Princes and Ben had to choke back a gasp as his red-veined eyes took in the pink and ivory-white, perfection of the young girl's naked body. As she knelt before his dog, Ben could see that her eyes were wild and shining with passion and the soft golden down nestling between her tender young thighs was soaking wet with her vaginal secretions. My God, what has she been doing? the middle-aged Peeping Tom thought to himself, wondering if he had started the d.t.'s. But if he could hardly believe what was before his eyes, what happened next completely disoriented him as his long lusted after little teenage friend dropped down on her hands and knees before his dog, her tightly swelling ass-cheeks raised high, and begged the animal to fuck her! Ben hardly dared breathe as he watched awestruck through the narrow opening in the curtain. Unbelieving, he saw his own German shepherd mount the girl's obscenely presented buttocks knowing it was going to be impossible for that huge scarlet dog-cock to ever fit into the tiny pink opening the virginal young girl was offering to the wildly aroused animal. To his own further surprise the old watchman found that somehow his own cock was in his hands although he barely remembered having unzipped his fly to work the heavy flaccid member out through the opening. He was absentmindedly stroking it into pulsating hardness now as he watched the drama unfolding just a few yards from his bulging eyeballs. For one long moment he saw his pet's swollen scarlet penis poised at the opening to Victoria's tight young cunt, held there by her own trembling fingers, and then without warning it disappeared from view, driven deep into the squirming flesh before it by the powerful animal. It was no surprise to Ben when the crouching Victoria cried out in pain, the only wonder was that she had been able to take that monstrous pole of flesh at all. Ben began to pump his own swelling cock more furiously as he watched the naked young girl cringe before the madly humping animal behind her, constant little cries and painful whimpers coming from her beautiful young throat. And inside the dormitory room, having tried to no avail to escape the terrible impalement of Prince's driving cock, Victoria knew that there was no turning back now. She would have to go on to the end, no matter how much it hurt, go on until Prince emptied his hot animal sperm deep up into her, his feral passion finally satiated. The pain-wracked young teenager tried to open her thighs wider, hoping it would lessen the pain in her cruelly stretched vagina, and indeed it did help. Even so, Victoria could feel that huge fleshy dog-cudgel ramming again and again like a rubbery pile-driver deep up into the unused depths of her virginal pussy until it felt as if her hips were going to be split wide open. Low, shuddering, pain-filled moans escaped in a continual stream from lips pulled tightly back over her even white teeth. Wham, wham, wham, those hairy animal loins thudded resoundingly into her widespread buttocks, each fierce advance ramming that merciless scarlet spear another fraction of an inch deeper into her young plundered loins. Then to her surprise, the whimpering teenager found that it did not hurt anymore. In fact, it felt... good. Little by little the pain-filled expression on the girl's lovely young face turned into a blind stare of passionate acceptance as she crouched in helpless submission before the humping animal behind. Then, almost without warning, the young blonde felt her hips begin a mindless, automatic motion back against the invading animal-penis, and in another moment the suddenly maddened young woman was twisting her buttocks around in lewd circles of abandoned passion, mewling and moaning in lascivious pleasure. Oh, God, she thought, if this is how it feels to get fucked, then she could understand why Penny had devoted so much of her time to it. Fingers could never do this for a girl, no, it took a cock, a male cock, even a dog-cock like the one that was filling her with more pleasure than she had ever thought possible. The sex-enchanted coed tried to look back under her kneeling body to see that marvelous red rod of flesh disappearing up into her grasping cunt, but she could only see the hairy canine balls as they swung repeatedly against her desire-swollen clitoris, causing her additional jolts of lewd pleasure. With one hand the straining girl reached back towards her own pussy and let her fingers encircle Prince's slippery wet cock as it flashed in and out between her sensitive cuntal lips, at the same time letting her knuckles dig gratifyingly into her own genital flesh. The sweating, panting, moaning girl felt a rush of obscene forbidden pleasure come over her as the full realization of what she was doing hit her. Somehow the very thought of crouching lewdly on the floor, offering her pure young body up to a panting animal to fuck added another dimension of lust-filled depravity to the sensations and emotions that were already ravaging her wildly aroused young body. God, how utterly... obscene, the no longer innocent virgin, thought to herself in pleased amazement while ever-growing pleasure radiated through her shamelessly used body. Ben, too, outside the window, was panting with arousal from the sheer depravity of the unnatural scene before him as he lecherously watched the thick scarlet dog-cock disappear with ferocious regularity up into his young blonde idol's squirming pink pussy-hole. One of his powerful hands held the drapes open wider and wider while the other was wrapped in a death-grip around his own massively erect penis. "Oooohhh, ooohhh, ooohhh," he heard the girl chant in obvious pleasure as she moved her buttocks back against Prince's hard-driving loins. Ben began to pump his own cock with increased vigor as he watched the changing expressions flicker over Victoria's passion-distorted face. The moaning girl was obviously completely enraptured by the wonderful animal-fucking she was receiving from behind. With no conscious intent Ben found that his pummeling of his own lust-thickened shaft had taken up the same tempo as Prince's cock fucking rhythmically into the tight pink girl-cunt before it. Ben could see it all since Victoria was turned flighty away from him, could see that merciless glistening shaft sawing relentlessly in and out, drawing back the soft clinging vaginal flesh on the out-stroke and then ramming it back inside each time the big animal lunged forward. But the most exciting thing to the watching, masturbating man was the completely wild, committed way that Victoria moved her own ass-cheeks back to seek fulfillment from the hard red staff plunging deep up into her seething little belly. Never in his whole life had Ben ever seen a woman so passionately involved, so lost in lust, and he knew that somehow he would have to have her, no matter what it cost. What the hell was he doing out here anyhow, with that red-hot little piece of tail just scant yards away, forced to satisfy herself with an animal? It hardly seemed sensible to the watching man's tortured, titillated brain that he should be out here pulling on his own hungry cock while his goddamn dog was humping the wildest piece of squirming hot cunt this side of the moon. The frustrated security guard decided to gamble. He just had to take the chance. With decision, he pushed aside the curtains and entered the room. As each new thrust from the slaving Prince jolted further delights into her already passion-flooded body, Victoria found her mind wandering back to the times when she had been necking with young men and had been able to feel their erect penises pressing against her thigh through their trousers. At the time, the innocent young girl had been disgusted and sickened, but now she wondered how she would have reacted if she had known just how wonderful a cock could feel, plundering deep up into her cunt. Cock, cock, cock, the young ex-virgin thought to herself, her eyes closed in dreamy ecstasy, how different it all seemed now. Under the constant stimulation she was receiving from Prince's massive penis, the young girl dreamed of a world populated by innumerable cocks, enough to keep her satisfied the rest of her days. And lo and behold, as she finally opened her eyes, the crazily bucking girl found an enormous swollen cock standing rigidly out right in front of her face as Ben Wright dropped heavily to his knees in front of her. "Oh my God," the startled young girl blurted out and tried to stumble erect, but Prince's powerful body pushed her easily back to the floor. "That's all right, don't be afraid," Ben said hastily to the frightened student. "It's only me, your old friend, Ben. I didn't mean to spy. I was just malting sure everything was all right with my dog, and I can see he's doing better than I ever imagined." At first Prince had been alarmed when he saw his master enter, but when Ben had not made any motions to show that he disapproved of his pet's new tricks, the grateful animal returned gladly to the task before him, redoubling the force of his wild thrusts into the sweet smelling young human who had opened her lovely body to him. And that turned the trick for Victoria. "Ooooooooh," she cried as the ever swelling animal cock pounded ever deeper up into her. And, "Ooooooooh," again. For a moment the young girl's eyes unfocused a little as though she were looking off into distant mists, and it suddenly didn't matter to her who was kneeling before her. Only that wonderful filling of her hungry cunt mattered, and now there was a new cock presented before her dreamy eyes, filling her with further lascivious thoughts. "We're friends, aren't we, Ben?" Victoria managed to gasp out between thrusts of Prince's rampaging cock. "You'll never tell anyone about this, will you?" "No, never," Ben growled hoarsely back to her. "It's between you and me and Prince, and... this." And Ben moved his swollen cock even closer to the young blonde's parted lips. Even though it was hard to concentrate on anything but that magnificent dog-penis fucking into her from behind, Victoria could not take her eyes away from Ben's rigid cock as it jutted forward from out of the coarse dark hair covering his loins. Just the size alone was enough to overwhelm the panting girl as she stared at her first human penis. My God, she thought to herself, it was even bigger than Prince's! How could a woman take that monstrous thing up between her legs without being split in two? Without really willing it, Victoria found her hand moving up to encircle that great rod of blood-engorged male flesh with cool fingers. How hot it was, she thought with surprise, and then she could feel Ben's pulse beating inside the rubbery shaft like a tiny heart. The excited girl pushed back the heavy foreskin, revealing the swollen purple-veined head, slit at the end with a tiny drop of sperm hanging there, just as it had with Prince. I wonder how that would taste, Victoria thought, and then she knew that she wanted that huge throbbing flesh in her mouth. She wanted to sense and savor and taste the whole of it. Have it rammed into her face while its owner's dog rammed into her cunt from behind. Slowly her lovely young face moved closer... closer... her hand squeezing harder without her even noticing. As he knelt before this lovely naked creature he had always desired, Ben could not keep a small groan from breaking from between his clenched teeth because of the almost painful delight of her touch. Was she going to do it? Would she suck him? Ben hardly dared let himself believe it, even though this previously untouchable young beauty was now squeezing and stroking his pulsating member, drawing spasms of pleasure from him that he could hardly stand. Although he didn't want to do the least thing to alarm her, to break the sensual spell she was caught in, Ben couldn't resist reaching forward and gently caressing the lovely golden head below, letting his fingers slide gently around to the back of her smooth white neck. Then with his hand there, he slowly drew Victoria's questioning face toward his waiting penis. "There's nothing to be afraid of," he crooned gently. "Just take it into your mouth. Lick it like it was a stick of candy." If Victoria had any fear, it was being driven to the back of her numbed mind every time Prince rammed his burning cock up into her gratefully accepting pussy. As that giant animal member thrust deep into her to its fullest extent, the trembling young blonde could feel her vagina open up like an accepting flower. and a kind of dizzy euphoria swept over her. And now, before her very face was this rigid throbbing symbol of all that was happening to her: Ben's penis. A new maddening excitement swept over the completely abandoned girl and she began to pull and jerk harder at the fleshy pole in her hand while Ben writhed and twisted in blissful agony under her touch. Finally, unable to stand the temptation another moment, Victoria flicked out her tiny little tongue and let it glide warmly over the swollen glans. Ben groaned loudly from the hot searing contact, his whole body spasming as the lovely blonde student kneeling before him began to run her tongue in lewd little circles around the tip of his near-bursting penis. A pungent tang of seminal fluid flooded Victoria's mouth. filling her with a new kind of wild excitement. She let her hand slide down the smooth hot penile shaft and then reach inside Ben's trousers until her fingernails were scratching lightly at the wrinkled hair-covered sac of his balls. At the same time, she took Ben's cock into her mouth, feeling the veined underside of the glans sliding erotically over her tongue until it was all the way back to her tonsils, almost gagging her. Automatically she began to suck, her ovalled red lips clasping tightly around the huge lust-swollen shaft sunk so obscenely into her face. Ben let his weight fall back on his haunches, afraid that he was going to collapse from the sheer ecstasy of the coed's unbelievable mouthing of his cock. As his heavy loins began to rock slowly up into Victoria's face, his meaty hands circled together behind her head to pull her sucking lips down tighter against his aching penis. The thick cock slid lecherously in and out of that passion-softened teenage face to the accompaniment of a wet sucking sound that could clearly be heard above Ben's hoarse groans. Ben stared down at Victoria, hardly daring to believe what was happening. But there it was right before his very eyes as he watched the young blonde beauty's rosy cheeks hollow and fill around his thrusting hardness her tongue snaking maddeningly around it inside her hot little mouth. And if that wasn't enough, Ben could look back over the nakedly gleaming back underneath him and stare straight into the glittering eyes of his own German shepherd as the dog humped repeatedly, endlessly into this little doll's squirming vagina. Christ -- Christ, Ben thought to himself, wild sexual fantasies racing through his brain. Yes, this was just the beginning. He would fuck her later, stick his cock into that sweet little cunt just the way Prince was now. And she would suck him whenever he wanted it, maybe while he sucked her too. Christ -- Christ, but it felt good. The gasping older man fumbled down with one hand under Victoria's quivering body and found her voluptuously swaying breasts. He began to knead them cruelly, first the one passion-swollen mound and then the other, rolling and squeezing the hard little nipples between his fingers until Victoria whimpered half in pleasure, half in pain, her lustful sucking of his hurting penis increasing with every second. Ben reveled in the firm resilience of the girl's taut young breasts as he molded them like warm putty in his callused fingers. Although Victoria had been initially repelled and frightened when Ben burst in the room, she now found herself totally loving her debased position as she sucked wantonly at the massive human organ in her mouth while Prince's canine shaft of pleasure trapped her from the rear. Never in her young life had the blonde student known such perverse bliss as she felt now, while being buffeted back and forth between the two males like a helpless rag doll. Each time Prince slammed powerfully into her ass-cheeks, she was driven forward with a jerk, impaling herself even further on Ben's rigid member as it sawed relentlessly up into her face. The moaning campus guard was becoming less gentle now as his passion mounted, and reaching up he tangled his hands in Victoria's long golden hair to hold her head in a vise-like grip while he brutally rammed his cock far down her throat. The gasping teenager found her mouth so filled with Ben's stone-hard cock and her own free flowing saliva that she thought she would choke, and tried to pull her head away. But Ben's arms were too strong for that as he pulled her head even tighter into his up-thrusting loins. "Oh no, baby," Ben muttered half consciously. "You're gonna have to go on to the end now. Go on till I cum... gotta cum." And somehow that made it seem even more exciting to the lewdly crouched girl. Her whole body oddly tingled at this further humiliation as she found herself actually trapped between two powerful males who would do what they wanted with her no matter how she might struggle to get away. Yes, yes, she wanted them to cum in her. She wanted to feel and taste the hot human sperm in her mouth while at the same tinge her hungry belly was filled to the brim with Prince's lewd animal semen. As the last ounce of hesitation dropped from her, the writhing young blonde turned into a complete wildcat, ramming back with increased force against her hairy animal lover behind while her smooth young cheeks formed great hollows from her powerful sucking of Ben's tingling cock. I must have pushed the right button, Ben thought, a lewd, almost cruel grin coming over his normally amiable face. This was without a doubt the best blow-job the aging man could ever remember getting, and there were a hell of a lot of good ones in his past. Christ, if all the people who had shit on him for the past few years could see him now, he exulted. Yeah, he wished this was all going on in a theater with all the lousy bastards who had persecuted him watching, dying with jealousy for what he was getting from this gorgeous young doll. Particularly those bastard Regents and Trustees of the University who had driven him from his teaching job, driven him from the position that had once seemed as if it would supply him forever with a never-ending stream of luscious young cunt. They had driven him out into a sexual desert where the only dribbles of gratification he got were from aging prostitutes. Well, now the long drought was broken, Ben thought to himself, and no matter what the consequences, he would never go back to the cringing, fear-ridden life he had been leading. It would be better to starve than to live in the constant dread that his natural inclinations and hungers would expose him once again to his enemies. Wouldn't those dried-up old men who had got him fired love to be in his place now? Hell, he thought with a lewd chuckle, they'd even love to be in his dog's place, and Ben smiled at the laboring animal as it stood on trembling legs, ceaselessly pounding its massive organ into the wonderful mating-hole that had been so tantalizingly laid out before him. Seeing that his master was pleased with him, the faithful German shepherd came as close to smiling as a dog can with his tongue lolling tiredly from between his gaping jaws. Watching his wildly humping dog, Ben knew it was only a matter of seconds before both of them came, so he made several last desperate thrusts into the butter-soft mouth wrapped so lewdly around his throbbing cock, while at the same time he roared out one last fell of general defiance: "Fuck all you rotten bastards!" And then a bomb seemed to go off in his balls, followed by a hot rush of what felt like molten lava as the long bottled-up sperm exploded from his swollen testicles. Ben's last gallant shout trailed off into a choking gurgle and he pulled Victoria's lewdly bobbing head desperately into his steaming loins. "Now! Oh God, mother-fuck!" Ben shouted deliriously. "Suck it! For God's sake suck hard, you sweet little bitch. I'm cuummmiiinnngggg!" And then his back arched while his body helplessly Jerked and twisted in his ecstasy. Victoria had wanted him to explode in her mouth and he did. The first burning gush of seminal fluid flooded into her desperately sucking mouth, but try as she would she could not swallow it all down without choking. Sucking and slurping, the slaving girl did the best she could but thick streams of the viscous white liquid flooded out around the jerking organ protruding from her tight-stretched young lips, obscenely covering her chin with sticky trails of the lust-inciting fluid. Oh God, how she loved the taste of it, the wild-eyed girl thought to herself, and then the excitement of having her first human cock shooting into her mouth touched off her own orgasm. As she felt the first onslaught of her long-building climax, the moaning girl thrust her buttocks back hard against Prince's laboring dog-cock just as he thrust forward, wanting to get the full benefit of the animal's long slender length. The wildly excited girl could feel that rock-hard shaft smashing past her tender pussy-lips on its way toward the ultimate depths of her convulsing belly. That was the final trigger Victoria needed and suddenly she felt as if she had been hit hard in the stomach with a fist as all her muscles contracted at once in spasms of wild delight. Her buttocks flexed and hollowed as her clenching pussy pulled wildly on Prince's near-bursting dog-penis, while At the same time her lips and tongue kept spasmodically milking at the still spurting man-cock in her mouth. All this was too much for the already wildly aroused German shepherd and suddenly his hot animal cum began to jet up into Victoria's squirming cunt. The gasping girl had one split second to think how different it felt from Ben's orgasm, more like one long hot squirt that seemed to drill a hole right through her quivering insides, and then Victoria's mind exploded in a great flare of colored lights from this last incredible stimulation as she started to cum all over again. Ben had begun to fall back away from the madly bucking girl and his shrinking penis slipped wetly from between her semen-slick lips as she gurgled out a long mindless groan of sensual pleasure. Ben got quickly to his knees, wanting to watch this incredible sight, and his eyes bulged in amazement as he saw his dog empty his testicles savagely into the gyrating body of the young blonde teenager who knelt before him in total, abject depravity. Wailing and thrashing, Victoria pressed her voracious cunt back against the spurting animal-cock as if she were afraid to let one drop of the milky fluid escape her. The thick liquid gushed back out again from where her snug little vagina clasped tightly around Prince's jerking member, and ran in sticky trails down her shuddering white thighs. Finally, with one last quiver, Victoria's sperm-soaked body went rigid in final release, and the exhausted girl fell limply forward onto the carpet. Prince's now diminishing cock slipping from her battered cunt with a soft wet sucking sound. For long moments there was no sound in the small dormitory room but the harsh breathing of the three depleted occupants. Then Ben got weakly to his feet, stuffing his still-tender penis back into his pants. He looked down at the nakedly heaving body of the voluptuous girl who lay at his feet, and Ben couldn't keep his eyes Tom feasting on the glistening beauty of her sensuously swelling hips and buttocks, especially where he could make out the bright pink gleam of her cuntal flesh peaking out from between her wide-splayed thighs. "M-Miss Victoria, are you all right?" Ben asked anxiously as the girl continued to lie there without speaking. "O-Of course I'm all right," Victoria gasped out, seemingly not caring that she was still licentiously exposed to the campus cop's gaze in her complete and shameful nakedness. But a degree of sanity was returning to the exhausted, satiated girl, and now that she no longer hungered uncontrollably after sexual gratification she was able to begin thinking out what had just happened. My God, she thought, she had just sucked old Ben Wright's cock! Let it shoot off right into her mouth! And he had seen his dog making love to her! Just at that moment Ben finally dared reach down toward the luscious body stretched out at his feet. His big hand came to rest half-possessively on her naked buttocks as he asked, "Can I help you up?" Victoria twisted away from his touch, panic and revulsion struggling together inside her confused mind. "Don't you dare put your hands on me," she shrieked at the surprised Ben. "W... What?" he said, amazed at the sudden change that had come over the girl who just a moment before had been so eagerly sucking his cock. "You -- you leave me alone," Victoria ordered in a desperate voice. "You know you're not even supposed to be in here." "Now wait a minute," Ben said defensively. "What the hell's come over you? You didn't seem so unhappy to see me just a little while ago. Or my dog either." And that was just what was bothering the confused and guilt-stricken young girl -- the memory of the completely abandoned and brazen way she had reacted to these two males, letting them make use of her body in any way they wanted -- and she had loved it! Victoria was desperately looking for someone or something to blame for the wanton surrender of her treacherous young body, and why not the university security guard? In a desperate attempt at self-deception, the humiliated teenager lashed out again at the surprised older man. "You know what could happen to you if I said you came in here and attacked me, don't you?" Victoria said, getting groggily to her knees, still seemingly unaware of her provocative nakedness. But despite his own growing fear of what this hysterical young woman could do to him, Ben couldn't help but be entranced by the way her lovely high-set young breasts danced and jiggled, the tiny still-erect nipples making ruby patterns in the air as Victoria continued to move nervously. And that sweet young cunt glistening wetly up at him from her vulnerably open thighs... Christ, Ben moaned to himself, and thought even his tongue was going to get an erection. He was staring so hard and so openly that Victoria could not help but become aware of the lecherous gleam in his eyes, and her arms automatically crossed in a vain attempt to cover her luscious young breasts while her thighs clamped tightly together. "Oh, get out of here, get out of here," Victoria snapped. "I'm going to call the dean and tell her what you did. You just wait and see!" Ben leaped to his feet again, afraid the girl's Sing hysterics would summon half the campus and that he would really be finished. The old familiar fear of "The Authorities" shot through him and he wanted to run from the room and hide. But then he remembered the way he had felt while Victoria had been hanging from the end of his cock, sucking like a two-dollar whore. Yes, he had felt like a man then, and had promised himself he would never again act like a coward. Well, by God, Ben thought to himself, he'd stick by that. He'd had enough humiliation in his life, so the grizzled ex-teacher drew himself up with more dignity than he had managed in a long time. "You just go ahead and do what you like," he told the half-hysterical girl, "but I'll walk out of here when I'm damn good and ready, not on the say-so of a lying little bitch like you. Come on, Prince," he said to his dog and turned regally toward the doors. "Let's get some fresh air." Victoria was so surprised by the change in Ben's manner that she forgot once again about her nudity and let her hands drop limply to her sides. She remained silent as she watched Ben step out into the open, then look back once, a stern command in his eyes as Prince lagged behind, seemingly unable to tear himself away from the scene of so many delights. Then they were both gone and the humiliated young coed began sobbing and buried her face in her hands, having something else to feel ashamed of now. Outside, Ben began to cool down as he walked. Maybe he'd been a little hard on the girl, he thought. She was young and what had happened must have really sent her innocent brain reeling. But oh God, was she something! There were more pure sensual vibrations coming from that little hunk of tail when she finally did become aroused than Ben had ever ran across before in his life. Too bad about the way it had ended. What a ball it would have been to have a regular thing going with such a fabulous little broad. Who would have known that such a sweet young thing could ever turn on like that! Prince too had his memories of the day, and Victoria's beautiful passionate little human body had imprinted itself forever on the animal's brain. Never again would the big dog seek out females of his own kind, but rather devote himself to a ceaseless search for those hotly grasping human mating holes. Prince looked up to see that his master was striding ahead of him, lost in his thoughts. So the big German shepherd disobeyed Ben for the first tide in his life and stole off to one side of the path, determined to find as soon as possible another such experience as he had been through today. Ben didn't notice his faithful dog was missing for several minutes, and then looking around in surprise, he saw Prince several hundred yards away, slipping through the brush up the side of a hill. "Hey!" Ben shouted. "Hey, you come back here." Prince looked around once guiltily but then actually began to move faster up the side of the hill. "Why you treacherous little bastard!" Ben roared. "You come back here or I'll make you wish you'd been born a cocker spaniel, because that's what you're gonna look like when I catch you." But it was all to no avail. The big dog disappeared over the top of the hill, his instincts and drives pushing him on to seek out another willing human female. Ben stamped his feet, swearing sulfurously, and then climbed down a little as he muttered to himself. "Mmmmmmm, that big stupid bastard is heading right for the cliffs. If he gets all the way there, there'll be no way to come back but by the main path. It'll be easy for me to cut him off." But fist the big man needed a drink. He had been betrayed today by the two creatures he cared for the most, Victoria Bennett and his dog, so with heavy feet he slogged on the short distance to his room where he knew a half-full bottle of Scotch was waiting. And then, by God, he was going to go out and bring back that disobedient mutt of his by the scruff of his neck. GrlsPet 7/9 Girl's School Pet Chapter 7 Penny had tried to sit faithfully through her afternoon class, but she found she couldn't keep her mind on the dull lecture the aging professor was droning out from his lectern. The young student's eyes kept drifting to the window through which she could see the beautiful day outside. Finally, knowing she would fall asleep in her chair if she stayed inside another moment, Penny picked a moment when the professor was turned toward the blackboard to slip quietly out the door. Outside, the dark-haired coed felt her senses thrill to the touch of the bright clear air and she felt like turning cartwheels right there on the concrete of the plaza. The young girl automatically started back to her room but stopped in mid-stride. Who wanted to be inside on a day like today? Suddenly she remembered the secret place that Victoria had once taken her to in a moment of confidence. It was where her roommate went when she wanted to be alone, cut off from the world. A place hidden high up on the cliffs over the Pacific. Penny quickly directed her steps away from the campus and in a few minutes she was climbing the slopes of some low hills to the north of the college. As she got to the highest hill, the full force of the fresh ocean breeze ruffled through her dark lustrous hair and caused her skirt to swirl around her long slender legs. Thrilled by the tangy salt air, the lovely young woman sucked deep gulps of the intoxicating stuff into her lungs, feeling her head spin a little from the stimulation. The path narrowed to a small trail and soon that too seemed to disappear at some bushes that grew right to the edges of the cliff. But Penny knew better and carefully felt her way around the outside of the bushes, not daring to look down as she hovered for a moment over the sheer drop below. Once on the other side of the screening foliage, the young beauty had only a short way to go until she rounded a final bend and found herself descending the face of the cliff. After about fifty yards the narrow path she was on opened up into a flat area, about twenty yards across and backed right up to the cliff. Penny gratefully sank down onto the soft grass that lined this natural hiding place and let her young body stretch out in lazy comfort. It was much warmer here than it had been at the top of the cliffs, because the little cliff-side glade was protected from the wind, being sunk back into the shale the way it was. After lying still for a few minutes, Penny decided to sunbathe, knowing she could never find a place more secluded and private than this. It was just a few seconds work to slip out of her flimsy clothes and then the dark-haired young beauty stood naked in all her natural beauty like some ancient sea-goddess of old. Indeed, it was an apt description, because the irrepressible Penny could not just lie there and sunbathe, but ran gaily around the little glade, reveling in the thrill of being totally naked out of doors in the bright sunlight. She danced in little pirouettes to the very edge of the cliff, seeming to dare the nearly three hundred foot drop to the bright blue water below. Suddenly Penny spun as she heard a crackling of brush on the path leading to the glade. She didn't make a mad scramble for her clothes as her friend Victoria might have done, but walked slowly forward, curious to see who it was that had found this hidden place, hoping it was a handsome boy who would complete the day by making love to her. "Prince!" Penny exclaimed in surprise when the big German shepherd bounded into the glade, a happy look on his handsome face as he saw his dreams answered by the vision of this lovely naked human female standing before him. But Penny was unaware of the dog's lascivious thoughts and ran happily up to the big animal. "What are you doing here?" she asked and then giggled as she looked up once more towards the path. "You didn't bring your master here with you, did you?" But hearing no further sound from the brush Penny surmised that Prince had come alone. Even though he wasn't the hoped-for handsome young man, Penny was glad to see the dog, since it gave her an additional outlet for her never-ending energy. Expecting that the normally playful animal would want to run a little, Penny was bending over to pick up a stick for him to chase when she suddenly felt his cold wet nose thrust up between her naked buttocks. "Aaaaaahhh," the surprised young girl yelped as she jumped forward from the shock. "Hey, now wait a minute," she said. "I know that's how dogs get to know one another, but as you can see, or smell, I'm not a dog." But Prince was going directly ahead with his rude sniffing, thrusting his huge head demandingly up between the young girl's tender young thighs from the front this time, no mistaking the urgency of his intentions. Penny automatically started to push the animal away from her unprotected genitals, but then a sudden understanding came into her eyes. "Aha," she exclaimed. "You are Victoria's secret lover!" Prince looked up, startled by the sudden sharp tone of her voice. He gave a little whine of hungry anticipation and shuffled his front feet nervously, like a dog does when someone is holding a bone up over his head. A sudden spark of almost uncontrollable lust came over Penny as she looked down at the handsome animal that was so obviously interested in her sweet little pussy. "Okay, big boy," she said with a tiny catch in her voice. "Let's find out what my prudish little roommate sees in you." And with that the dark-haired young student slowly spread her legs apart as she stood there naked, at the same time thrusting her hips slightly forward so that her dark-fringed pubic triangle was positioned right before the big dog's furry muzzle. With bated breath the young student watched as that huge head slowly moved forward toward her eager pussy. Little shivers ran up and down her thighs as once again that cold wet nose brushed against her naked flesh, tickling the first wispy curls of her pubic hair. Then suddenly, without warning, Prince's long wet animal tongue slithered out of the dog's mouth and splayed wetly over her shuddering cunt-lips. "Uuuuuuuunnnnnhhh," Penny moaned from between gritted teeth as the first wild sensations shot upward from between her legs. Involuntarily her nipples began to harden in response to this lewd sexual stimulus. Penny let her hands slide slowly up over her smoothly curved belly until they were cupping underneath her breasts, massaging the full, firmly quivering white mounds in complete sensual surrender as Prince licked again and again at her tingling cunt. "Oh God," Penny moaned out to the dog. "The first thing I've got to do is apologize to Victoria. What the hell did she need with boys when she had something like you?" Beginning to breathe hard, the gasping young girl tried to spread her legs open wider as she stood so that the dog's great lapping tongue would be able to delve more deeply into her exposed cuntal crevice. Obediently, the big animal thrust his neck further forward, turning his head a little and licking even harder at the wet pink vaginal flesh positioned in front of him. Looking more than ever like some pagan deity, the beautiful Penny stood in naked abandon before the huge beast squatting on its haunches before her, her body slowly rotating below the waist in a slow sensual movement, her hands sliding in passionate circles over her swelling breasts while her head twisted from side to side, causing her hair to move over her shoulders like a rich dark cape. "Oh, Prince... lover... I don't think I can stand it!" Penny managed to gasp out. Never before in her life had she felt such exquisite sensations darting over her quaking body. This was certainly the most incredible tonguing she had ever got, the reeling young beauty thought, so incredibly powerful that her legs were starting to tremble and she didn't know if she could continue to stand this way with them spread so wide apart. But, oh God, she sure as hell didn't want it to stop. Penny knew she would cum soon, but somehow she thought there should be something more out of this experience than just another orgasm. Since her vagina was opening up more and more with each nerve-shattering lick of Prince's big tongue, the happy animal was able to thrust the tip of his wet fleshy organ a little distance up inside her warmly seeping cuntal passage. Penny almost rose up on her toes from the unexpected shock of that hot unnatural penetration and her hands dropped down to take Prince by the ears and draw his furry head even deeper up between her shivering thighs. The gasping girl had to lean forward to do this and she couldn't fail to notice Prince's great cock as it made it second appearance of the day, swelling into eager hardness from the wild sensual stimulation of licking this naked young human female. But somehow Penny affected the big dog in a different way than Victoria. There was something less tender, more wild and untamed about this challenging creature. Something exciting that more nearly matched the savage instincts inside Prince's animal heart, and that had helped bring his massively swollen canine penis once again sliding out of its hairy sheath. Penny froze, almost forgetting for a moment the wild stimulation of Prince's tongue as her eyes fastened in hungry awe on his glistening red penile length. Although the young girl had seen plenty of male penises in her short lifetime, there was something about the tapered dripping cock being slowly bared before her that caused her to almost stop breathing. Combined with the sharp sensations from her desire-inflamed pussy was the obscene fact that she was looking with such transparent lust at the cock of an animal. A cock she knew she could have if she wanted it! The unnatural, sinful, salacious thought numbed the girl's spinning brain for a moment as she stood spread-legged above her slavering animal companion, little fingers of lewd sexual expectation plucking at her fevered insides. Prince stopped his licking for a moment and looked up questioningly as he sensed the change of Penny's mood. Without ever taking her intent gaze from the animal's glistening penis, now over half-exposed, Penny pushed his head gently away and began to sink down on her knees next to him. Prince whined unhappily, wanting to go on tasting the intoxicating perfumes which poured so copiously from the moist tender orifice up between those silky young human thighs, but his new mistress began to speak to him softly. "I-I want to do something for you too, Prince. Would you lie down, please. Lie down boy." The big animal thought he was being reprimanded as he heard the familiar command and he whimpered unhappily while his massive penis retracted slowly back up into his belly in disappointment. Penny quickly picked up his mood and began to speak to him more encouragingly. "That's all right, boy, you've been a good dog. Now just lie down and Penny will see that you never forget this day." And with that the naked young coed gently pushed the animal down, saying once again: "That's the boy, lie down." Then Prince was lying on the grass, his head flat between his paws, the girl almost had to laugh at the expression of childlike hopefulness on his face as he looked up at her with his big brown dog-eyes. Dropping down next to him on the soft turf, Penny squirmed around so that her legs and loins were positioned next to his big head while her own head and shoulders were down by the big animal's hind quarters. Now, the scheming young woman thought, if he'll just do the rest... "Roll over, Prince, roll over," she commanded, giving a little shove with her hands that pushed him over on his side. Drawing one of her own legs up off the ground so that her thighs once again opened, baring her still throbbing pussy between them, the dark-haired young beauty wiggled her lush young hips closer to Prince's muzzle as he lay facing her, almost pressing her genitals into the dog's questioning face. "All right, Prince, do it again," she commanded in an excited voice. "Lick my cunt just like you did before!" Needing no further encouragement, the big animal once again buried his massive head deep up between his young human friend's lewdly parted legs and began to lap at the warm sex-juices flowing so freely from her pleasure-filled vagina. For several moments Penny found herself unable to move or think coherently as the well remembered flood of sensual bliss paralyzed her every nerve. Then she remembered what she wanted to do and she looked down hungrily toward the now flaccid sheath that hid Prince's temporarily dormant penis. Yes, the gasping girl thought as her belly jerked uncontrollably under Prince's ardent lingual caresses below. She wanted to bring that giant red shaft of lustful animal hardness out of its secret hiding place once again. She wanted to make the handsome dog cum with her own hands, to see his hot sperm jetting lewdly up from those fur-covered balls and out the pointed tip-end. The depraved nature of Penny's desires added perversely to the already tremendous thrills chasing one another up from her twitching cunt as again and again Prince lapped hungrily over and through the swelling vaginal mound, his burning tongue digging wetly between her pussy lips and into her streaming vagina like a knife through warm butter. The gasping Penny slid one of her hands up over Prince's hairy belly, letting it glide sensuously deep down into the soft pit of his loins before finally moving her questing fingers up over the lewdly bulging sheath and squeezing firmly at the vestigial hardness beneath. Prince whined sharply as the hot stimulation of his young human companion's touch caused his penis to jerk uncontrollably deep up inside his belly. Lying on her side so that her arms were free, the increasingly excited girl slid her other hand up to join the first and together they started to press and kneed at Prince's furry cock-sheath. With a feeling of lustful triumph Penny could feel the hidden shaft inside begin to stir and grow and the young wanton waited breathlessly for the first appearance of that oddly exciting tip. To speed its appearance, she reached back with one hand to her canine lover's flaccid testicles and scratched lightly with her nails over their sensitive surface, bringing another sharp yip from the surprised and pleased German shepherd. Never had the lust-filled animal expected this. His brief experience with the more timid Victoria had led him to expect a more passive roll from his human lovers, but the big dog was filled with pleasure by this new turn of events. He could continue to steep his intoxicated senses in the delightful tastes and perfumes coming from the pungent human pussy-flesh throbbing so hotly under his lashing tongue and at the same time have his own body bathed in sensual pleasure. Penny kept up her obscene massaging of Prince's loins, never losing track of the delightful sensations he was licking into her's. She could feel a strong surging under her caressing fingers now and knew it would only be a matter of seconds before she saw the first pink evidence of Prince's arousal. Oh God, yes, the lewdly aroused young woman thought to herself, here it comes now! And almost with a rush, the dog-penis she had been bringing to life shot smoothly out, glistening red in the clear daylight. The staring young girl watched in round-eyed fascination as the throbbing organ grew and grew under the pressure of her hands until it had reached a truly unbelievable size. It was a moment before the aroused young woman could bring herself to place her fingers directly around Wee naked scarlet dog-flesh but when she finally did she found it wet and slippery to the touch, lubricated with its own juices. With a look of unnatural fascination the raggedly breathing young student seized the throbbing organ directly and began to slide her hands slowly up and down its burning length. Once again Prince whined loudly under the girl's lewd ministrations but the pleasure-wracked animal never once ceased licking at the wetly flowering orifice before him. This had been a mind-bending day of sexual gratification for the astounded animal, but the libidinal need in Prince's virile body seemed almost undiminished as the whining animal reveled in these new pleasures. For Penny too it was a special day. Many times before the precocious young teenager had engaged in what she had at the time considered lewd and forbidden acts. But the very obscenity and depravity of what she was doing now actively caressing the penis of an animal while it licked her to completion -- filled the panting girl with wicked feelings of sheer sensual lust. Her eyes fastened on that swollen red animal member trapped so tightly between her pumping fingers as she rhythmically pulled and jerked, sliding the moist scarlet flesh back and forth over the rigid hot core beneath, wanting to be able to see that hot canine sperm jetting forth. What color would it be? she wondered. How much of it would come pouring out? Would it look like a man's? All these salaciously exciting questions burned in the young woman's lust-crazed brain as she pumped madly on that massive stalk of flesh. And when that happened, when Prince finally came, she wanted to cum too. Wanted to join the handsome animal in one long wet orgasmic upheaval, both of them writhing together in lust-debauched ecstasy. GrlsPet 8/9 Girl's School Pet Chapter 8 Back at the campus, Victoria had stayed in her room for nearly half an hour, still kneeling naked and unhappy on the floor where she had given herself to Ben Wright and his dog. Little by little, the sense of the injustice she had done to the innocent campus guard when she threatened him with exposure began to seep into her already guilt-ridden brain. The older man had been a faithful friend, and how could she blame him for losing control when he had come across her in a lewd and enticing act of intercourse with his dog? Always eager to accept the blame, the introspective young blonde felt that somehow she should apologize to Ben, but how was she ever going to face him again after what had happened today? Looking up at the clock, Victoria saw that it was nearly one o'clock and that soon Penny would be back from her class. That was just the last thing she needed, the naked young student thought with a small tinge of alarm: To have to make conversation with her effervescent roommate. Deciding that it would be better to leave before Penny returned, Victoria got slowly to her feet and moved to where she had so heedlessly tossed her clothing when shamelessly stripping for Prince. Stooping gracefully over, the shamed young student fished her wispy bikini panties out of the tangled pile and pulled them slowly up over her thighs, wincing a little as the narrow elastic crotch-band came into contact with her sex-sensitive pussy lips. Victoria was now surprised that the delicate area up between her legs was so tender after the tremendous pounding she had received from Prince's huge invading cudgel. Despite herself, Victoria could not suppress a thrill as the memory of that wild animal ravishment came back to her. The lovely young teenager pulled her sweater over her head, once again not bothering to put on her brassiere, but a little annoyed that her still stimulated nipples showed so sharply Trough the fabric. Victoria started toward the door but decided she had better take a quick look at herself in the mirror, just to make sure there was not some telltale bit of guilt showing in her expression. Then with a shudder the horrified young ex-virgin saw that her chin and throat still were streaked with threads of Ben's dried cum. Rushing to the sink in the room, the horrified girl scrubbed furiously at this last remainder of her earlier willing humiliation, and then knew she had to get off by herself someplace where she could think. As she rushed blindly out the door, the disturbed young woman automatically thought of her secret hiding place on the cliffs, where she knew she could remain undisturbed for as long as she wanted. Victoria headed straight there, not stopping to speak to the various friends and acquaintances she passed on the way, wanting only to be alone with the clean innocence of the wind and the sea. Victoria rushed effortlessly up the steep paths and pushed past the brushy barrier. She was just rounding the last curve on the cliff-side before the hidden glade when she stopped dead, hearing the unmistakable high whine of a dog. At first the surprised young woman almost turned and fled back down the path, but curiosity made her hesitate. Was it Prince over there? And what had made him cry out like that? My God, maybe he was hurt, Victoria thought in sudden alarm, and quickly moved forward, only to halt once again in her tracks as she was presented with the lewd spectacle of the German shepherd and her shameless roommate lying locked together in their lewd unnatural embrace. The shocked young student's first reaction was one of horror, but then a cynical voice from somewhere back in her brain reminded her that she was not in a portion to be throwing stones. Indeed, the obscene image before her captivated gaze could not help but bring back memories of the deliciously exciting sensations that had wracked her own body just an hour or so before. Lustful flames of reawakened hunger began to flicker once again in the newly aroused teenager's loins as she watched her beautiful dark-haired roommate writhe sensuously under the onslaught of Prince's tongue. Once again Victoria found herself captivated by Penny's smooth white nakedness. Penny spotted Victoria about this same time, but for nothing in the world would she have given up the sheer sensual bliss she was experiencing with her canine lover. Then to her surprise she saw her golden-haired roommate coming slowly toward her to stand finally several feet away and, wonder of wonders, Victoria started shedding her clothes. A few seconds later the naked young blonde dropped down next to the obscenely locked duo, snuggling her voluptuous cream-white body up behind Prince's hairy back, her chin nestled close to his laboring head. The big German shepherd seemed to know without looking who it was that had joined them, because he never once ceased his furious licking of Penny's by now wildly throbbing pussy. Knowing that her own climax was near, the writhing Penny began to pump her hands even harder at Prince's massively swollen cock, wanting to see it spurt forth its own hot juices before she was too far gone to watch it happen. Then to her complete amazement she felt gentle fingers sliding over her own buttocks and up between her saliva-wet thighs as Victoria breathlessly searched for her friend's tiny puckered anus. Slowly, insistently Penny could feel her roommate's finger worming up into the hot rubbery depths of her rectum, sliding in easily as Penny's tight little orifice opened eagerly to it. When the thrusting finger was as far in as it would go, the supposedly innocent Victoria began ramming it in and out like a slender penis, adding a new dimension to the already almost unbearable erotic delights convulsing the moaning Penny. Just as she teetered on the edge of one of the wildest orgasms she would ever experience, Penny felt the near-bursting dog-cock in her hands begin a violent trembling and jerking. Seizing the twitching member Only in both hands, Penny squeezed and milked at it, actually able to feel the first scalding rush of thick milky sperm rushing the full length of the spasming member until it finally jetted forth in an erotic fountain of life, spraying in sticky trails through the air to lewdly cover her heaving breasts and belly. Sharp yelps of painful pleasure came from Prince's throat as he continued faithfully to lick the moaning young girl before him into new heights of frenzy. This obscenely erotic sight, plus the licking of her pulsating genitals and the finger twisting and thrusting so knowingly up into her rectum pushed the maddened coed over the edge. The soaring enlightenment of her orgasm thundered over the delighted brunette in brightly colored waves of overwhelming sensation as her spasming hips churned forward in mindless convulsions as old as time. The gasping and moaning young beauty writhed nakedly in wild abandon on the grass, her two strange lovers never ceasing their faithful stimulation of her loins until the last shudder had passed from her body and she lay exhausted, staring unseeingly up into the blue sky, dimly aware that Prince's depleted cock was dwindling rapidly under her fingers. Penny glanced around dizzily only to see the last of the beveled pink tip sliding once again up into the animal's panting body. At the same time, Victoria's finger slid from her expanded rectum with a slight viscous pop. Prince got to his feet and happily licked Penny's face once or twice before moving away a short distance across the clearing and stretching out his pleased body on the grass. This left the two teenage roommates facing one another, head to toe, their faces lewdly close to one another's still-trembling young pussies. Penny looked over at her naked blonde friend, marveling at the gorgeous young body laid out totally unashamedly before her. In all the time they'd roomed together, Penny had seldom got more than a glimpse of Victoria naked, for the more prudish girl had always attempted to dress and undress as privately as possible. The dark-haired girl stared openly now at Victoria's stunningly beautiful breasts, her eyes fastening on the tiny pink nipples that capped the milk-white mounds like glowing jewels. But it was the nearly concealed gleam of the girl's pouting vaginal lips shining through the golden fringe of pubic hair that most excited the irrepressible Penny. Despite a little idle daydreaming, the otherwise experienced brunette had never been this erotically close to another naked girl before -- and, besides that, hadn't her supposedly frigid roommate just a moment ago thrust her finger up Penny's ass and helped her mount one of her best climaxes ever? But something was clearly bothering the blonde girl, and Penny reacted instinctively in her usual warm hearted way, even though a compelling impulse was building in her to reach out and caress that lovely firm young flesh spread out before her on the grass. What's the matter, honey? Are you sorry you did that?" "Yes... no... oh, I don't know anymore." Tears were beginning to shine in Victoria's big blue eyes as she went on haltingly. "Before today I thought I knew what was wrong and what was right, but suddenly the whole world is turned upside down. I-I did something horrible earlier today." "You mean because you let Prince lick you? But you did that the other night too." "How did you know?" Victoria asked in alarm, her eyes wide and frightened as she looked up at her roommate. "Well, it was pretty obvious something had been going on," Penny answered. "And today when Prince started in on me like he knew what he was doing... well, I just knew." "Oh," Penny said in embarrassed relief. "I was afraid somehow it had got out and everybody might know. But there's something else," Victoria added, blushing. "Ben Wright was there too, and I... did something... disgusting to him... I let him put his penis in my mouth and..." "You mean you sucked his cock!" Penny said with a whoop of delight. It looked like her supposedly prim and proper roommate had facets Penny had never even imagined. But Penny was immediately sorry that she had spoken so abruptly, as she saw a look of shocked hurt come over Victoria's face at her lewd choice of words. "Take it easy, Vickie," Penny said gently. What's happening to you is only that a lot of things you had bottled for a long time are finally coming out on their own. It's not what you do... you haven't done anything all that horrible -- but the way you think about it." As she spoke, Penny gently reached out one hand and began stroking Victoria's breasts with it, being careful not to make any quick motions that might alarm the more timid girl. The dark-haired young adventuress felt a strange thrill run through her at the feel of the soft smooth feminine flesh under her stroking fingers. Something about the quiet tone of Penny's words kept the surprised Victoria from jerking back away from her friend, and she could not help noticing how good it felt as Penny's hand grew bolder and began brushing over her tingling nipples. "How did you ever get the idea of having Prince make love to you?" Penny asked, preferring to keep Victoria talking. "I-I, he just started," Penny blurted out, having difficulty controlling her voice as Penny's fingers began to pay particular attention to one of her hard-tensed nipples. Oh God, I have to stop this now, the young blonde thought, trying to focus her erotically drifting mind, but the words would just not come out. "Listen, Vickie," Penny said in a low, almost hypnotic voice, once again shortening Victoria's name affectionately. "I've known you for some time now and I think that unless you let some of the pressure out that's building up inside, you'll just split in two." Never stopping her caressing of Victoria's creamy palpitating mounds, Penny continued. "This thing with old Ben Wright. Do... do you think you would want to do that again?" "I-I don't know. I think he frightens me a little." "Well then," Penny continued, an exciting idea growing in her mind. "Would you like it if I was there too? Ben could make love to both of us, and you wouldn't have to let him do anything you didn't want him to." Naturally voyeuristic, Penny found herself becoming strangely stimulated at the erotic idea of seeing her beautiful roommate get the hell fucked out of her by Ben's big cock, and from the bulge that often pushed out the front of Ben's pants, Penny just knew that it was big. "Oh, Penny, no, I could never do that!" Victoria exclaimed in horror, but at the same time she could not deny the strange sensations of lust that churned immediately through her seething insides at the forbidden idea of being involved with Ben and her beautiful friend... and maybe Prince. The confused young girl's thoughts were not helped any by the maddening way Penny was now rolling and tweaking her ultra-sensitive nipples, causing her swelling breasts to rise and fall even more rapidly. "Look, Victoria," Penny said a little more firmly this time. "It's time you face up to the fact that your pussy needs attention and unless you do something about it, you're going to end up a classic neurotic case." And with those words the emboldened Penny slid her hand lightly down over Victoria's involuntarily contracting stomach and wriggled it up between her girl friend's relaxed thighs before she could think to clamp them together. Penny let her middle finger slip into Victoria's hot little pussy slit, soaking wet and slippery from her already freely-flowing sex juices, and then wiggled it in farther until she was able to sink the tip of it about two inches up into her gasping friend's scorching hot vagina. The young blonde froze in shock, stunned almost as much by her friend's lewd words as by the sudden irresistible stimulation of the finger thrust tantalizingly up into her most secret parts. God, she thought in a struggling mixture of horror and lust, Penny was actually finger-fucking her vagina and it felt almost as good as when Prince had... "Did Ben fuck you too?" Penny hissed out erotically, wanting to know all the salacious details but at the same time not wanting to move her cuntally embedded finger for fear of frightening off the wide-eyed Victoria. "No," the gasping young blonde managed to utter. "But Prince did. He..." "What!" Penny nearly shouted out. "He jacked you? You mean he does that too?" And the young girl could feel an obscene heat building up in her recently licked pussy that she knew would have to be quenched somehow. Why, yes, I thought you'd know. Didn't he... here? With you?" Victoria asked, surprised at her friend's reaction. "Oh God, no," Penny groaned, "but I'm sure going to do something about that. Promise me something, Victoria. If I lick your pussy... make you cum -- will you help get Prince to fuck me?" "L-Lick my pu..." Victoria said in horrified fascination, already half-dizzy from the wonderful tingling feelings of her companion's finger as it moved in lewd little circles just inside the entrance to her womb. Oh God, no, that was lesbianism... all wrong... "Yes, I want to lick you until you go out of your mind. I've never done it to a girl before but now I want to more than anything in the world. And then I want Prince to fuck me while you help him." Victoria felt enraptured, trapped by the intent look on her young friend's face as they lay nakedly together in the sunny glen. Her vagina was almost screaming out in its mad hunger and suddenly something exploded inside this young girl who had first known true sexual fulfillment only this morning. A long anguished shudder ran over her lushly curved body and she said to her friend in a pleading tone: "Oh yes, Penny, please! Do it for me, make me cum! Pleeeeaaaaasse..." Prince looked up sharply from his position a few yards away as he heard Victoria's voice rise in a passionate moan. The big German shepherd looked over at the two lovely naked bodies mat had given him so much pleasure today, watching the blonde girl as she raised her top leg, still lying on her side. This opened up that well-remembered garden of delights nestling up between her tender thighs in much the same manner as the other girl had readied herself for him a little while ago. In ever-growing fascination the big dog saw Penny's dark head slowly lower towards that golden triangle so freely offered, hesitate a moment and then settle downwards with one cheek resting on Penny's thigh, her mouth less than an inch from the other girl's wetly shining pussy. With her head down between her roommate's widespread white thighs, Penny stared in fascination at the slightly flushed cunt lips so near. Letting her eyes feast on the narrow ribbon of glistening pink pussy flesh nestled in between, aware that Victoria's damp curly pubic hair was tickling her nostrils. Oh, what a tempting sight, Penny thought to herself. Her friend and roommate needed loving. Well, she would see that she got all she could handle, and plenty for herself in the bargain too. Maybe soon Prince's thick cock would be ramming up her own hungry cunt, but first she was going to lose herself in Victoria's beautiful sensual body. At the same time, foreign, never-before-experienced sensations were whipping out of control through Victoria's quivering nerves, her belly seething with perverse desire as she waited for the first hot contact of Penny's mouth with her anxiously waiting vaginal flesh. It was wrong... of course it was wrong. "Lesbianism" it was called, but right now Victoria didn't care. Right across from her own eyes invitingly waited Penny's own dark-shadowed loins, tiny drops of moisture seeping from between the softly swelling pussy-lips, a faint tantalizing musky odor blending with the sweet smell of the grass below. Later there would be time to think of the feast nestling so near but now the expectant blonde wanted only to watch as her friend burrowed her dark head a little deeper between her thighs... and then, oh God, the first incredible ripplings of sensation shot up through Victoria's eager loins and over her shivering belly from the warm puffs of breath as Penny's lips grazed lovingly over her naked cuntal flesh. A second later Penny's tongue shot out and played teasingly inside the damp liquid slit that was a seething cauldron of need between Victoria's trembling thighs. The excited young blonde demandingly thrust her loins forward, trying to entice that little pink messenger of bliss deeper up into her cunt, but the more experienced Ad withdrew a moment before, once again letting her tongue shoot out, this time to swab Victoria's sensitively pulsing clitoris. "Ooooohhhh, God, aaahhhh," Victoria moaned, unable to keep silent. Her breath gushed from her lungs with a hiss as Penny began to run her tongue hotly up and down the full length of her roommate's pussy slit, taunting over the opening up inside her, like some miniature, writhing cock. But Penny suddenly deserted the hot liquid depths and waited a moment before lashing out and stabbing her tongue hard against Victoria's quiveringly erect clitoris. Once more the writhing blonde cried out in wild abandon, unable to control herself. That darting jabbing tongue ran in obscene little circles around her almost painfully palpitating little sensation bud, and then to her incredible delight Penny began to suck at it, circling her lips around it in firm embrace while giving soft little nips with her teeth. Then once again back down the streaming valley of Victoria's cunt slid the ravishing tongue, darting, shooting far up into the helpless girl's steaming vagina, licking broadly over the whole flat-splayed area of her writhing pussy, teasing at her blood-engorged clitoris. Tongue... tongue... frantic tongue everywhere, driving new and incredible sensations of delight into the lusting feminine flesh before it. Squirming and moaning to the rapturous mouthing of her burning cunt, Victoria mewled and cried out as ripples of fantastic sensation spasmodically twitched her taut and quivering body. She began to pant explosively, opening her legs as wide as possible and thrusting her warmly secreting loins far forward to get the maximum contact with that torturing spear of flesh. Penny too was gasping, yet never letting her tongue lose contact with the seething mass of cuntal flesh before it, with even her little nose buried deep into the warm moist depths. That last lascivious realization was the final trigger needed to set off Victoria's impending explosion, finally releasing the intolerable pressure deep up inside her softly convulsing belly. "Oooohhhh... ooohhhh... God, Penny! I-I'm going t-to... cuuuuummmmm... aaaaahhhhhhh!" The last cry of the climaxing blonde trailed off into a choking wail as ecstasy deluged her nakedly spasming body, the sleek muscles of her belly sucking in like working bellows and then going rigid as wave after wave of release buffeted her screaming insides into mindless frenzy. Jerking, trembling, writhing, the delirious young woman seemed lost in a timeless world of endless pleasure, and all this time Penny never once stopped her ceaseless mouthing, refusing to end it, unable to get enough of the hot sucking loins before her. GrlsPet 9/9 Girl's School Pet Chapter 9 Ben Wright held his bottle of whiskey up to the light. "Damn," he grunted as he saw there was only one drink left. With a fierce scowl he raised the bottle to his lips, tipping his head back to drain it dry. Disgustedly, he tossed the empty bottle towards the wastebasket, not caring that it hit the rim and bounced off, sliding across the linoleum tile before finally clattering to a stop against the kitchen wall. Ben rose a little shakily to his feet and started toward the door. "Gonna go out and find my dog," he muttered to himself. "Fine state of affairs when you can't trust your own dog. Damn mutt goes chasing off wherever it wants." Slamming the door behind him, Ben stood unsteadily in a moment in the warm afternoon sunshine, blinking his watery eyes until they became accustomed to the light. Then he set off with his heavy gait toward the cliffs, which was where he believed his dog to be. As he walked, Ben began to sweat. It was hard going at first with the load of whiskey in him, but after a few minutes he found it easier going as the exercise began to work the alcohol from his system. When he finally got to the cliffs, Ben realized he didn't know where to start looking, but he hated to give up without a try. He wandered back and forth over several acres, listlessly calling the animal's name, but there was no response. Nothing seemed to move up there. There was no sign of life. Finally, just as he was getting ready to call it quits and go back to his room, Ben noticed a sandy trail with a clear set of dog prints running down it. Aha, that's gotta be Prince. No other dog around here has paws that big," Ben crowed triumphantly, and then began to follow the tracks. It was easy going for a while, but soon the half-drunk old security guard found his way barred by heavy brush growing across the trail, dear to the edge of the cliff. It looked like the end of the chase, but the dog tracks went right under the brush where it grew a little higher from the ground. Swearing from a combination of anger and fear, Ben managed to work his way around the edge of the brush, even though it meant for a minute that there seemed to be nothing between him and a fatal fall but the branches he was hanging onto. But once around the other side there was no problem at all, and Ben moved along swiftly, his head bent down so he could more easily see the tracks. Meanwhile, unaware of their approaching uninvited guest, Penny and Victoria were still bound tightly and lewdly together as Victoria gasped out the last of her orgasm. Penny herself was fast nearing a peak of almost unbearable excitement, as she continued to thrust her tongue wantonly up into Victoria's throbbing pussy. She could sense the warm dampness flowing down between her own hungering cuntal lips and knew something would have to be done about it soon. Not wanting to give up the liquid delights of Victoria's cunt, the dark-haired girl kept her face buried between her blonde friend's thighs as she struggled to her own knees, until she was positioned over Victoria in the familiar "sixty-nine" posture, her loins posed over Victoria's face as the young blonde lay on her back. Penny heard Victoria whimpering underneath her as she continued to tongue-fuck lewdly into her pussy. The young brunette waited in patience, wondering if her innocent young friend would take the offer of the cunt so blatantly displayed over her gasping mouth. The sight of the dark-fringed cunt lips pouting down so attractively near her face was indeed a tempting sight to the half-dazed young woman. She knew what was expected of her and believed that she wanted to do it, but for the moment she was incapable of the slightest voluntary action. Still panting and shaking from the after effects of her tremendous orgasm, Victoria could only stare up at the lewd feast spread open above. Prince was staring too. The big German shepherd had watched with increasing interest as the two naked white bodies twisted and writhed together. He had enough experience by now to know what was happening as he heard the choked gasps and smelled the wonderful perfume of hotly excited female vagina. Satisfied for the moment from the orgasm Penny had given him with her hands, Prince had been content to lie and observe. But when he saw Penny climb on top of her partner in a position that left her buttocks jutting back toward him, the alert animal remembered that this was the position Victoria had been in when he had mounted her earlier in the day. Just the sight of those beautifully rounded white mounds offered up to him in sensual display was enough to cause new tremors to begin in the dog's testicles, and in a minute his cock was once again standing out stiff and rigid from his furry belly. Victoria was the first to see his handsome lovable face above her own as the big dog sniffed hungrily at Penny's obscenely displayed genitals. His black nose moved in close and brushed lightly over Penny's tight-puckered anus. "Ooooooh, God!" Penny squealed. "Is that what I think it is!" "I... It's Prince's nose," Victoria answered, a little disappointed that Penny had broken contact with her vagina in order to speak. "God, it's cold," Penny said with a little shiver. "He's sniffing me, isn't he?" "Y... Yes. I think he wants to... to fuck you. He starts by sniffing and then licking..." Waves of lewd excitement shot through the young blonde's brain. What a view she was going to have as Prince rammed his heavy dog-cock into Penny's waiting vaginal slit. Right above her face! Victoria never got to finish her sentence, but watched in awe as Prince's long red tongue shot out and splayed itself lovingly across Penny's vaginal mound, licking with one hot swipe clear up to her rectum. Victoria could feel her friend jerk in reaction above her and a sobbing gasp came from deep in the whimpering girl's chest. "Oohhhhhh, God, reach up and put his cock into me, Victoria," Penny lewdly cried. "I've just got to have it." Victoria looked back along Prince's hairy belly and, sure enough, there it was in all its glistening scarlet power, jutting starkly from its protective sheath and growing longer and thicker every second. The young blonde reached back eagerly, strangely excited to be a part of this unnatural but familiar coupling. She took the huge organ between her fingers, thrilling again to the hot slippery feel, the same as she had experienced when placing this massive weapon in her own vagina earlier in the day. "Come on, come on, Prince. Fuck Penny just like you fucked me!" Victoria urged, amazed that such words could be coming from her own lips. Needing very little prompting, the eager animal danced in closer, rearing up so that his front legs wrapped tightly around Penny's slender waist, causing Victoria to gasp in frantic delight as she saw his huge cock posed directly over her face, its beveled tip only half an inch from Penny's hotly gaping pussy mouth. "Oh, please," moaned the impatient Penny, moving her hips lasciviously backwards to try and capture the hard probe she sensed there. "For Christ's sake put it into me before I go out of my mind." The trembling girl tried to look back down between her legs to watch Prince's cock go into her needing hole, but all she could see were the twin mounds of Victoria's swollen white breasts. Only now she could feel the first searing contact of the massive organ that would soon impale her and she raised her buttocks as high as possible, spreading her legs further open at the same time. "Now, now! He's going to fuck you, Penny! Hold on tight because he plays rough!" And then to the dog, "Hump forward and fuck her, Prince. Come on, fuck her good just like you fucked me!" And that's just what the big dog did. Feeling his needle-tipped cock catch at the opening to Penny's nibbling cunt, he instinctively rammed forward, burying his dripping cudgel in one slithering rush far up into the kneeling girl's hot little pussy. Animal style, he never gave the young girl a chance to become accustomed to his huge presence but began a fierce pumping of his powerful loins, thrusting his cock mercilessly again and again into the soft flesh before him. "Uuuuuunnnnhhh," Penny grunted in stunned surprise. Never before in her whole life had she been so filled. It felt for a moment as if something would have to tear open inside her to make room for that massively invading club of flesh. But the young coed's experienced vaginal muscles soon became accustomed to the jack-hammer-fast intrusions into her hungry depths and set up an answering rocking motion of her sleek young buttocks to meet the fiery challenge. It began to feel good, better than anything the young girl had ever experienced before. She barely had the presence of mind to once again bury her face between her roommate's splayed thighs, wanting to get all the erotic stimulation she could from this bizarre scene. Below her, Victoria gratefully felt her dark-haired friend return to the avid sucking of her tingling pussy, staring wide-eyed all the while at the giant scarlet probe flashing in and out of her girl friend's juicy cunt. Fascinated, the spell-bound girl watched Prince's cock pull tiny tendrils of pink pussy-flesh out with it on the out-stroke and ram them back up inside as the big animal crashed his hips forward for stroke after stroke. Penny's vagina opened wider and wider, voraciously trying to swallow every inch of that mighty animal shaft, right down to the hairy balls that slapped with machine-like regularity against her swelling clitoris. All three of the lewdly coupled trio would have quickly come to orgasm, but suddenly a mighty roar echoed through the little clearing. "HOT... DAMN!" Ben Wright bellowed out as he stood in unbelieving wonder on the nearby path. My God almighty! he thought incredulously to himself. This was no dog, but some kind of witch-sorcerer! Given a couple of days the damn animal would fuck every one of the lovely young cunts on campus! Ben didn't know whether to be proud or jealous of his dog, as the animal stood humped over not one, but two beautiful naked young students, his cock buried in the first while the other was clearly trying to lick his hairy balls. His roar had an immediate effect on Prince, who suddenly remembered that his master was angry with him for running away. Hastily the big German shepherd backed away from the warm twitching melange of female flesh before him, his swollen cock dragging reluctantly from Penny's throbbing pussy. Prince ran halfway across the clearing, his still hard penis catching obscenely at little clumps of brush. Finally the frightened animal lay down, trying to hide behind a small bush. "Who took that lovely cock away?" Penny cried out in horror, then looking around wildly she spotted Ben. "Ben Wright!" she shouted accusingly. "You scared Prince away. You order him to come back here right now and finish fucking me!" Characteristically, Penny's reaction to the sudden intrusion into her sex life had been free of fright and embarrassment. But not so with Victoria. As soon as she realized they were not alone, the horrified young girl tried desperately to squirm out from underneath her girl friend's body, but could not get clear of Penny's arms and legs. And Penny seemed to show no inclination to move. The frustrated young brunette looked angrily around for Prince, but when she saw the way he was crouched guiltily behind the ridiculously small bush, she knew there would be no way to get him to mount her again. That was when her attention turned to Ben. He was male all right, and froth what Victoria had told her, the old goat wasn't above dallying with the coeds. At the same time, she became aware of the furious struggle Victoria was putting up as she tried to escape from underneath. "For God's sake, Penny, let me up! I want to get my clothes on." Once again Penny looked up and saw the hungry look on Ben's face as he took a cautious step toward them. That was when the sudden, lewd, almost sadistic idea hit Penny. Still holding Victoria down, she called out to Ben. "Okay, you scared away our lover. Now you'll have to take his place." Ben's jaw dropped as he heard this blatant invitation. But never one to pass up opportunities, especially if it meant a drink or a fuck, the big man began tearing madly at his clothes. Penny looked on in pleased surprise as each flying garment showed her that, for his age, Ben had a fairly decent body. But Victoria was not pleased at all. Looking up at her friend, she asked in horror, "Penny, what are you doing?" By now Ben was totally naked, and his huge penis was already rearing up its swelling head like an angry cobra. Stroking his aroused member lovingly, the lusting man approached the struggling girls a little hesitantly, not quite knowing what was expected of him. "Okay, Victoria, now calm down," Penny ordered and surprisingly the young blonde did become quiet, impressed by the tone of command in her friend's voice. "Come over here, Ben," Penny said, and as Ben ambled over and squatted next to them, Penny reached out and stroked his cock, sending it into spasms of delight. "Look, Victoria," Penny said in a reasonable tone as if she were talking of the weather. "There's no point in pretending you haven't seen this before. You told me that just this morning you were sucking on it." Waves of shame passed over the cringing blonde as she heard these shameful words, but she could hardly deny their truth as Penny continued. "So far, your whole sex history includes being fucked by a dog, giving a blow-job, and letting me lick your pussy. Wouldn't you like to be fucked by a man?" "No, I want to go home," Victoria half-sobbed. "Take it easy, baby," Penny said even more gently as with one hand she drew Ben and his lust-engorged cock even closer to Victoria's fear-contorted face. With the other hand she began once again stroking her roommate's lush breasts. Victoria was still so sexually aroused from the erotic series of events that had marked this one day that she could not suppress a tremor of delight rippling over her naked flesh. "Remember the way I licked your pussy?" Penny crooned. "Remember how good that felt?" She actually got a faint answering nod from the now quiet Victoria. "Ashen just imagine how good it would feel to have this big cock shoved up inside you!" For the first time Victoria dared look directly at Ben's huge swollen penis, only inches from her face. She remembered the excitement she had felt this morning when it had spurted its hot load of semen in her mouth. She remembered how it had felt as Prince fucked up into her from behind at the same time. God, Ben's cock was even bigger than Prince's. Could she take it up inside her? The very act of forming this question in her innocent young mind was the trigger that finally released a hot torrent of lust inside Victoria's suddenly trembling body. It didn't help any either, the way Penny was tweaking and pulling at her tingling nipples again. "Oh God, yes... yes, I want it!" the young blonde suddenly blurted out, knowing that once again her treacherous body had deserted her. But there was no denying it. The events of the last hour, while they had brought her to orgasm once under Penny's lashing tongue, had also brought her to a peak of unfulfilled sexual hunger such as she had never known before. Vivid images of Prince's huge glistening cock fucking into Penny's pussy just inches from her own face flashed luridly through her mind. Now a huge, beautiful powerful man's cock was being offered to still her own burning need. Moaning pitifully the hopelessly aroused young teenager felt her thighs fall mindlessly open, exposing her fevered cuntal lips to Ben's lascivious gaze. Knowing she had wont Penny squirmed quickly away from her friend's heated body, unable to resist loving passing her hand once more over Victoria's passion-damp pubic curls. She had done all she could, the young dark-haired beauty thought. giving up. for the moment at least, her own chance for sexual fulfillment from Ben's massive cock. But she knew that this was a big moment for her friend and roommate, perhaps one that would shape her whole sexual future. As Penny had said time and time again, what Victoria needed was a good fuck! Well, Penny thought. She was now going to see that she got one, and it looked like Ben Wright was just the man for the job. The young brunette watched in fascination as Ben scrambled quickly between Victoria's welcoming thighs, not wanting the opportunity to slip by. Wasting no time, he seized his hotly throbbing rod of flesh in one hand and pressed it firmly between Victoria's well-moistened vaginal lips, rubbing it up and down the full length of the wetly shining slit so that the hard bulbous head would be well-lubricated. Victoria looked up in panting expectation as she felt the throbbing member finally poised at the entrance to her hungrily waiting vaginal channel, while a rush of warm tenderness came over her as she looked up at the big bear-like man hunched over her. All Ben could think of was what a tight little cunt it was that spread open so defenselessly before him. He would have to be careful not to hurt his little friend. But it was a lot harder than he had imagined to slip his obscenely swollen penis easily into that almost untried vaginal passage. After a few experimental probes, Ben still found his cock on the outside, looking in. Finally, staring down at the quivering, hungering, moaning young blonde, lying nakedly exposed under him, the head of his aching cock flattened against her pussy opening, something snapped in the big man's mind. He had to have it and have it now! A groan broke from Ben's throat and with a flick of his powerful hips he buried his rock-hard penis half-way up into Victoria's cunt in one cruel thrust. "Aaaaaaagggghhhhh," the hopelessly impaled young blonde cried out in pain as she felt that huge shaft thunder up into her unprepared cunt... driving the helpless Inner flesh in rippling waves before it and almost splitting her wide open. "Oh, please, please, you're hurting me," she cried out. But Ben was past hearing. Feeling that tight young flesh wrapped around his naked cock. he shoved again. sinking in another inch. Once again Victoria cried out in pain, begging him to stop, but sensing the nearness of his complete victory, Ben set up a slow rocking motion with his body, his cock sinking in another fraction of an inch with each movement. Soon it was sunk all the way to the hilt up between her quivering legs, and the sweating Ben could feel his balls slapping against Victoria's tender young anus as he began to extend the length of his thrusts into the helpless body beneath until his hips were churning like a pile driver. By now his young blonde victim was slowly becoming used to his heated presence deep up inside her belly as her almost virginal vagina slowly flowered open in a belated welcome. It was beginning to feel to the young girl like it had this morning when she had reacted so powerfully to Prince's fucking. Almost without warning her arms and legs snaked out to wrap tightly up around Ben's laboring form while her suddenly burning hips began to undulate in wanton abandon under the tremendous fucking Ben was pouring down into her from above. Oh, yessss," she shamelessly crooned, not caring who might be listening. "Fuck me, lover. Shove your hard cock all the way into my belly." These lewd words from the lovely teenager writhing below his plunging loins almost drove Ben mad with increased lust. Digging his naked toes into the grass, the raggedly breathing security guard rammed his rod of lust-swollen male flesh again and again into the moist cuntal softness with all the strength of his body, reveling in the tortured moans of the wildly excited young beauty below him. Penny knelt a little to one side of the laboring couple, her eyes shining as she watched Ben's massive cock slithering in and out of her flailing friend's hot pink pussy, wishing that somehow she might become a part of the lewd action. Then looking up, she noticed that Prince had now come out from behind the bush and was watching with fascination as his master fucked the blonde girl, his long dog-tongue lolling hungrily from between his jaws. Clearly the big animal was still sexually aroused, having been unable to finish his coupling with Penny. For a moment, Penny thought of having the animal mount her so that her own raging vaginal need could be stilled. Then an idea hit her, the most lewd and obscene idea she had ever had! The young brunette got to her feet in all her naked beauty and moved around so that Ben could see her but Penny could not. It took her a moment to capture his gaze since he was pouring all his strength and concentration into the writhing moaning young female beneath his own throbbing body, but finally he noticed the gesticulating Penny. He looked up in bewilderment as first she indicated the watching Prince and then did a little pantomime suggesting that Ben roll over on his back, taking Victoria with him. Then she pointed to the dog again and to her own buttocks and then back to the unheeding Victoria. It took Ben a moment to understand what she wanted him to do, but finally a shocked comprehension came over his face, followed by a look of pure flaming lust as the depravity of her suggestion sank in. Quickly Ben wrapped his arms around Victoria's body and rolled over on his back so that she was suddenly astride him, lewdly impaled on his massive fleshy cock. "Wh-What?" the surprised young girl gasped out in surprise. But then she felt Ben thrust up into her from below and a look of pure sensual bliss came over her pretty face. Delighted with this new sensation, the gasping young blonde began to slide her throbbing cunt wildly up and down Ben's pleasure-giving penile shaft, driving it up as far inside her as she could while at the same time writhing her hips lasciviously from side to side. The incredible new sensations of pure sensual bliss she was deriving from this new and exciting position kept the young girl from noticing that Penny was dragging the at-first reluctant Prince forward by the collar. Finally the grinning girl had forced the big animal's head right up to Victoria's churning buttocks. Familiar sensations began to boil in the nervous German shepherd's loins as once again his nose was held close to the hot musky loins of a fully aroused human female. But at the same time the memory of his master's previous anger made the faithful beast wish he were somewhere else. Sensing this, Ben looked up straight into his pet's eyes. "Go ahead, Prince," the big man encouraged. "Come on, get up, get up on top of her." And at the same time he motioned to the animal to mount the invitingly spread buttocks before him. This was almost too much of a contradiction for Prince to stand, but lust overcame caution. With his master's anger apparently no longer a real threat, the big dog moved forward and thrust his cold nose right up against Victoria's tightly puckered anus, sniffing experimentally. "Wh-What's that?" the young blonde blurted out in surprise. "Relax, baby, it's just Prince. He's gonna fuck you too," Ben said huskily, never ceasing his wild rimming up into the Voracious young pussy above. "Too? What do you mean, too? Why, there's no place left back there except..." A sudden look of horror came over her face as full realization suddenly struck. "Oh God, no. You're not going to let him fuck me in the asshole! Ben, Penny... please! He's too big. He'll tear me open!" But wicked little thrills of expectation were already rippling over Penny's flesh as she breathlessly awaited Prince's next move, voyeuristic lust overcoming her friendship for her frightened roommate. And as for Ben, the very thought of his pet fucking this tender young beauty in the ass while he had his own cock sunk deep in her hot little pussy was sending uncontrollable bolts of new energy through his tiring loins. "Take it easy, baby," he wheezed. "You survived it in the cunt this morning. Just don't fight it and it'll be all right." "No, no, no!" Victoria wailed in fright, but it was too late. Ben held her down with his powerful arms wrapped tightly around her while at the same time he rammed his pelvis up against her's, elevating her rounded ass-cheeks even more before the waiting Prince. With a shudder of terror, the young student felt the eager German shepherd mount her, his forelegs settling familiarly around her waist. Once again the young woman sensed the dog's tapering hardness trailing between her thighs but knew that this time there was no place for it to go but into her defenseless rectum. The tip caught unnervingly at the tight rubbery anal opening and wormed the slightest bit up inside. Victoria caught her breath barely in time as, sensing his goal, Prince rammed forward hard and then harder into her vainly resisting anal entrance. Like a driven stake, the hot inhuman probe thrust deep inside the rubbery depths, probing heavily at Victoria's trembling belly. "Aaaauuuugggghhhh," the shocked blonde student gurgled to this inhuman impalement, pain screaming through her defenseless young body. Twisting her hips desperately, the agonized young woman tried to shake the invading lance from her body, but all to no avail. Both Ben and his dog held her pinned sadistically between them and the cringing girl knew that she had no choice but to endure this humiliating agony as both man and dog fucked mercilessly into her forever-stretched twin passages. Babbling in pain, Victoria heard the lustful grunts of both her ravishing males turn into deep-throated whimpers as they began to fuck up into her with a pounding regularity. Only the fact that she had already been tremendously aroused permitted the doubly impaled young girl to stand it at all. And then, to her own amazement, the shattering pain of the unnatural presence in her rectum began to subside, slowly replaced by the first stirrings of heightened pleasure. At the same time she became aware of the perversely erotic thrill of being fucked at the same time by a man old enough to be her father, and by a rutting animal! The trapped young girl let herself become fully aware of the great throbbing dog-cock sliding relentlessly in and out of her aching rectum, plunging far up into her virginal nether depths to rub lewdly against Ben Wright's own thrusting cock in her vagina, the two massive organs separated only by the thinness of membranes. Almost without realizing it, the newly aroused young blonde found her body trying to match the tempo of man and dog as they fucked rhythmically up into her squirming depths. Worming down hard on Ben's cunt-impaling shaft she could at the same time feel Prince's heavy balls slapping against her buttocks each time the big animal completed another burning thrust up into her very bowels. Little moans and whimpers of pleasure began to replace the young student's groans of pain as she felt both plundering male organs continue to grow and swell as they pounded pitilessly up into her searing wet holes. Just a few feet away, the strangely smiling Penny stood watching the fruits of her obscene idea, unable to tear her eyes away from the lewd sight of those two rigid shafts of male flesh, the one human and white, the other canine and bright scarlet, as they pinned the now wildly gyrating Victoria between their savage forward lunges. Covetously she watched Ben's heavy-veined member disappear up between her friend's full white thighs, only to reappear again slippery and glistening with her cuntal juices. But even more lust-inciting was the sight of Prince's glowing animal shaft hammering into Victoria's tender young anus, pulling tiny ridges of rubbery pink flesh out with it on the out-stroke and then shoving it fluidly back up inside as the dog's hairy loins bucked forward again. The watching young nymph's fingers automatically strayed downward toward her own aching pussy as she watched the obscenely firing scene before her, but she knew her fingers would not be adequate to quell the fire that raged there. No, she needed more. She needed to become a part of the writhing frieze of bodies tangled in shared depravity on the grass. Quickly the lovely young brunette moved in close, spreading her slender thighs wide as she straddled Victoria's back, facing Prince. Arching her back and thrusting her loins forward at the surprised animal as she had done earlier, the panting young woman reached down and parted her lewdly offered pussy lips with her own fingers at the same time directing an urgent plea to the already occupied German shepherd. "Please, Prince. Lick my cunt again... Make me cum... make me a part of this." The faithful animal looked up once at the pleading face above and then obediently thrust his great head forward to lap hungrily at the hair-fringed honey-nest before him. Throwing back her head in abandoned joy, the dark-haired young beauty completed the pyramid of lust and pleasure that had built up so obscenely in the secluded glade. Ben looked up from below, twisting his head a little to the side so he could see around Victoria's laboring shoulder, letting his eyes travel up Penny's slender shapely legs to where his dog's great tongue was slavering at the soft flesh between her firm young thighs. The old lecher knew that never again would he think back with envy to the old days of his youth. This was the consummate experience of his life, and he knew if he lived to be a hundred he would never be able to better this moment. Two ravishingly beautiful young girls hovered above his pleasure-saturated Moody, one impaled on his throbbing cock as his cock fucked into her from behind, while the other stood above him like some naked goddess, wildly thrusting her streaming cunt against the dog's slavering muzzle. Unable to take his eyes from the living statue of quivering flesh that was Penny, he saw her legs begin to tremble as she quickly reached fulfillment. Then her belly sucked in sharply as the first searing pangs of her orgasm clutched at her seething insides. Prince began to lick more eagerly as the bucking jerking girl's cuntal secretions gushed from her spasming cunt to trickle down onto Victoria's back below. As the lust-inciting fluids of Penny's orgasm flooded his dog's senses, his own impending explosion was triggered deep in his hairy balls. Whimpering, he made one last mighty thrust forward and began to empty his hot animal sperm into Victoria's tightly clutching rectum, causing her to cry out in unbridled passion as she felt the first burning onrush of his obscene animal cum. "Aaaahhhh, lovers... fuck me! I can feel both your beautiful cocks inside me... Faster, faster... cum in me!" And then it happened! "Aaahhiiieee... Now... Nooowwww... I'MMMMM cuuummmiiinnng!" Enchanting spasms of immeasurable joy wracked the climaxing girl's seething loins as she felt Prince's scorching jets of hot animal semen flooding her rectum. She was able to sense every contraction of his long thick cock as it rifled its load deep up into her convulsing anus. Then Ben gasped below, swearing obscenely as Victoria plunged her milking cunt down onto his towering hardness, holding his cock completely absorbed inside her clutching vaginal passage. As the lust-maddened girl undulated her naked hips in furious circles, Ben's huge shaft began pumping thick fiery jets of semen far up into her nakedly absorbing belly. Holding both cocks fast with her abdominal muscles, the wildly moaning blonde student milked and sucked at the two spurting male organs until they both finally slithered from her gushing cunt in depleted exhaustion. At last the moaning girl fell forward, half conscious, her full white breasts flattening against Ben's chest. And dark-haired Penny collapsed on the grass right next to the gasping couple, her arm around the German shepherd's powerful neck. It was a long time before the instigator of this incredible afternoon could finally speak. "I always said you needed a good fuck, Victoria." Epilogue There was a lot more that afternoon, up on the cliffs over the blue Pacific. Penny was able to tease and cajole the two males into hardness again, this time to take her as they had taken her roommate. Finally evening stole away the warmth of the sun and the satiated quartet slowly dressed and returned to the campus. But not to their old lives. Ben seemed different to the two girls. Somehow younger and stronger, with a fierce pride they had never seen in the campus cop before. From that day forward his drinking diminished and he seemed filled with a new lust for life. Victoria stopped her nervous outbursts and her already lovely body seemed to blossom even more, now that it knew the full meaning of sexual fulfillment. Even Penny changed, being less desperate in her age-old search for men. For now she had the constant attention of two powerful males who were willing at any time to quench her need. In fact sometimes, the young coed had to beg for mercy. And Prince? The big German shepherd never again left his master's side, happy to share with him the ever-growing circle of young girls who gravitated to them, young girls entranced by the whispered rumors that circulated in the dormitories. For several years Ben and his dog remained on the campus before the old security Ward finally retired, secure in the knowledge that there were scores of pretty young women, graduates of Seaside College, always ready to welcome Prince and him into their homes, wherever he might wander. The End