GALLOWAY'S TALE The two riders stopped their horses atop the hill and stared down at the village as the sun sank beneath the hills they had just ridden from. The shorter of the two riders squirted some water from a wineskin into his mouth and passed it to the taller rider. "Think they will have an inn with hot baths?" Galloway asked, glancing at the tall vixen beside him. Miralias swallowed the water, and tossed the skin back to Galloway as she contemplated the village As she watched the smoke from the fires in the homes rise, she answered him. "I would have assumed that you be hoping that they had decent ale" "Well, that would be nice too, but if they have hot baths then I was planning on washing your back" "Why gentlemanly of you!" Miralias grinned at the wolverine. Galloway grinned back at her, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "And after I do your back I was planning on doing your front" Galloway said with a wink. "That is what I like about you mustelids, always thinking about the important" Miralias laughed, then lasciviously ran her tongue along her muzzle, staring at him with emerald-green eyes "and afterwards you get your bath....a tongue bath" Galloway grinned even harder and spurred his horse into to a gallop, calling back over his shoulder. "Last one there services the other one!" "Shit" thought the fox as she spurred her bay after Galloway's black gelding "bastard gets there before me, I probably end up tied to the bed again as he works me over with that damn tongue of his." The two horses raced down the hill, while Galloway's was broader and stronger, Miralias's was faster and had soon caught up with him as they tore into thevillage, scattering chickens and dust as they cantered to a stop in the only Inn's courtyard. A young rabbit ran out from the stable and took hold of the horses reins. Galloway dug into his Sporran and flipped the young boy a silver talon. "Give them a good rubdown and curry and oats tonight and in the morning, lad" The rabbit-lad snatched the coin out of the air and nodded eagerly. "Right away Milord! Right away" he yammered as he led the horses to the stable "and I will have your baggage taken to your rooms Milord and Lady" Galloway and Miralisa strode into the smoky taproom of the inn. The innkeeper, a thin man with laugh-wrinkle around his eyes and an unruly mop of salt and pepper hair was off in corner laughing at something one of the patrons said. The two adventurers surveyed the taproom and the patrons. It was your typical taproom with tables in the center and stools along the bar area and a swinging door on the back wall, where a serving-girl was coming through bearing a platter full of delicious smelling meats and breads. The patrons were your average mix of human and humanimal farmers and villagers with one or two travellers sitting amongst them, sharing jokes, stories and news. Galloway's eyes snapped to one of the travellers as he stood to tel a tale.The badger wore a kilt marking him as a member of the Clan MacEwen. When Galloway had left the Northern Reaches 5 years ago, his clan Campbell and the MacEwen clans were in the middle of a clan -feud.The badger looked the wolverine over taking in his chainmail shirt, basket hilted Claymore and his Campbell kilt. Silence fell on the room as the two Highlanders stared at each other. Miralias looked from her partner to the badger and palmed a dagger, hiding it behind her. Slowly the MacEwen reached down and took his mug of ale and saluted his fellow Highlander. Galloway breathed a sigh of relief as he returned the salute, appearantly the two clans were at peace. "Ah two more guest for our little party! What shall it be for you gentlefolk" The innkeeper had noticed Miralias and Galloway and had made his way over with two mugs of ale, which he pressed into their hands, then stood there with his hands on his hips and a grin on his face. "A room with a large bed, bath if you have it, food and ale" Galloway then took a swig from the mug in his hand and a smile that light up his face "lots of ale if all the kegs are as good a brew as this" "Why good Sir, that is the humblest of my brew! Now then how does three silver talons for bed and bath sound" Miralias grabbed her lover's face and kissed him soundly "Get thee to thine kin and guzzle beer and find the news of thine homeland. I will dicker with our good host" She shoved him towards the table where the other highlander sat and turned to the innkeeper who like most living males was eyeing her generous cleavage. The vixen smiled, "Another pushover, show a little tit and they drool all over them- selves" It did not take long for Miralias to arrive at an agreeable figure for both her and the innkeeper and soon she was headed up the stairs to a hot bath. Galloway was sitting in a booth with his countryman and the way their heads were bowed close to each other spoke of the intensity of the conversation. She decided to let him spend the evening with the fellow highlander; he had been homesick as of late. She would exact something else for the promise of the back-scrubbing. CHAPTER 2 The tub stood in an empty corner of the room, steam rising from it filling the room with the moist smell of roses. The innkeeper had added oil of rose petal to the water, Miralias realized. Bless his soul and a large tip to him on the morrow, she thought as she unlaced the leather jerkin and drew it over her head and threw it in the corner. She would have to clean it later, but she caught a whiff of the white cotton shirt she wore under the jerkin; "this will be burned along with these pants. She finished stripping and stretched, running her fingers through her long red hair, commbing out a few snarls then did the same to her lush tail. She stood naked in front of the full length mirror and posed. Smiling out at her from the mirror stood a she-fox, 5'11"; with large firm breasts and soft red fur. Her legs were long and slender and her tail thick and lush. Her eyes were emerald green and her hair was a fiery red and hung down to her ass. She gathered up her hair in her hands and held it above her head, the full mass covered her pointy ears and a few strands hung down in her face tickling her muzzle and wiskers. Miralias slid into the tub and sighed as the hot water soaked into her tired muscles. She slid deeper into the tub till the water was up to her neck, her hair floating around her like a fiery cloud. She smiled and closed her eyes and let her mind drift back to when she had first Galloway so long ago. It was in a city far to the south from here, she had just been wandering and a merchant hired her on a a guard when two of his guards fell sick and could not travel. The other replacement was also a humanimal like herself and the rest of the guards were humans like the merchant. Since she and Galloway were the only two humanimals in the caravan they tended to stick together. Most of the humans avoided Galloway because he was from the Northern Reaches. The Empire had tried to take the Northern Reaches many times in it's long history and everytime it's armies had entered the highlands, the various clans would stop their personal feuds with one another and band together and quickly and decisivly toss the invaders out of their country and so highlanders were a rarity in the Empire, even though it had been decades since the last border scirmish. Little was known about the Clans and their members and none of the other guards were inclined to learn anything new about one of them. Miralias remembered when she first saw Galloway; the wagons had lost a wheel and as the four other guards were trying to lift it so that they could re-attach the broken wheel. Galloway rode up on that great black horse of his and dismounted, waving the other guards away. He was the shortest guard in the group, standing 5'7" but was broader than any of the other guards. Miralias figured he massed about 250 pounds and none of that was fat. He always wore a light blue cotton shirt underneath a well-wrought chainmail shirt, his kilt and sporran and a basket-hilted longsword and dirk. He strode up to the broken wagon and waved the others away as he turned and crouched grabbing the bottom of the wagon. The four human guards nudged and snickered as Galloway strained to lift the wagon, but Miralias watch in thoughtful silence. Galloway relaxed and frowned, shaking his head and took several deep breaths. He lifted again and the others watched in amusment. His muslcles trembled and the wagon shifted a little. The humans noticed this and fell silent in amazement. A deep growl started deep in his chest and Galloway strained harder and as the guards stood stunned, his legs straightened and he stood there chest heaving, the wagon in his hands. Miralias laughed and shoved the guards, who hurriedly put the wheel back on the axle. Once the wheel was in place Galloway lowered the wagon and stepped away, panting. Miralias tossed him a wineskin and he drank deeply from it before handing it back with a flirtatious twinkle in his deep blue eyes. From that day on, she and Galloway were unseperatable and had been partners and lovers for nearly 5 years now. Miralias's fingers dug out a handful of the soft soap that was by the tub and worked it through her fur, cleaning all the dust and grime from it. Her hands slide across her nipples and they hardened and poked out of her short chest fur. She moaned a little as her fingers teased and rubbed her nipples making them ache for Galloway's tongue. One hand continued to roll and tweak her nipples and the other slid under water to carress her thicker pubic fur. Slowly her fingers slid over her outer lips as her other fingers squeezed and carressed her nipples. Suddenly a tongue slid along the corner of one of her triangular ears and she jumped and shrieked. Galloway stood there laughing as he pulled at his chainmail shirt, pulling it off above his head, exposing his broad muscualar chest with its short thick fur. Miralias splashed some water at him. "You shit! You scared the hell out of me!" "Well, you looked so sexy and hot I could not help myself" Galloway chuckled as he unbuckled his swordbelt and hung it beside the bed. "Well, that talk you made this afternoon about washing my back got me going and since it looked like you were going to spend the entire evening soaking up ale downstairs, I decided that at least one of us would get to have an orgasm." Galloway removed his kilt and Miralias smiled as she saw his penis standing proudly, shining pink in the light of the lamp. "Well, now we can both have an orgasm" Galloway smiled as he stepped into the tub and pulled her close, lowering his head to lick and suck at a nipple as her hand slid around his testicles and sheath to grip and stroke his large member. They both kissed, their tongues dancing around each other as they slide down into the bathwater. The next morning, Miralias and Galloway sat at a table and munched on the cold roast beef and fresh baked bread, washing it down with ale. "Thank you Love" Miralias whispered into Galloway's ear as she slipped a piece of fruit into his mouth. "Twas my pleasure My Heart!" Galloway grinned wickedly, remembering how after they had washed and stroked every inch of each others body in the bath, he had picked her up and carried her to the bed where after prolonged teasing, licking and foreplay, she had finally forced him onto his back and lowered herself onto his cock and slowly rode up and down, squeezing with her inner muscles as she lightly flogged his face with her long hair. "Seconds Milady?" He asked as he felt his shaft start to slide from it's sheath." "No thank you, I am full..."then she caught the look in his eye and blushed, "well... actually that sounds like a good idea!" They both started to rise from the table when a tall figure wrapped in a hooded grey cloak appeared at their table. "The innkeeper said you good folk were strangers and maybe interested in a job" a feminine voice stated. Galloway frowned at the interuption and was about to send her off when Miralias asked the lady to sit down. "What sort of service can we be My Lady?" Miralias questioned the stranger, while Galloway stared at her with a puzzled look on his face. Something was not right here, he thought and he let himself slide into a sort of a trance as he stared deeply into the shadowed cowl of the stranger, who was explaing something to Miralias. He grinned and underneath the table, pulled his dirk from it's sheath. "So you see it is a simple job really, nothing much more than riding along with me, no trouble what so ever" the stranger concluded. "And the pay?" In reply to Miralias's question. the stranger reached into it's cloak and extanded an arm, a definate feminine human hand held out a small bulging purse. Galloway's hand shot out and locked around her wrist while his other hand came from beneath the table, holding the dirk. "If you tell us who you are and what the true purpose of your visit is, perhaps we shall naugh have to see if cold iron really is deadly to yer type" Galloway snarled The cloaked lady struggled and in testimony to her own strength actually managed to pull Galloway a few inches closer to her. She stopped strugglin, relaxed and sat down. "I meant you no harm and still mean you no harm, how did you know my nature?" "Granny Campbell had the Sight and if I concentrate I can see through most any Fey's glamourie. Be you Seleighe or UnSeleighe?" "Seleighe...and I do need you for a job that only you can do" "What is it and why us?" By now, Miralias was totally confused and started to protest, but Galloway with a deft flick of the wrist, flipped a grape into her mouth. Miralias choked on the grape and heeded Galloway's unspoken request to be silent. "Now I believe you were mentioning a job?" Galloway prompted. "This is a long story and I must explain it all to you before you say yes." The Fairie-Lady waved at the innkeeper, who brought fresh tankards of ale over to the table, then like most innkeepers, faded into the background. "A long time ago, even by the standards of the Sidhe, a wizard manage to create an orb of power... sometime during the Black Rose wars, both the wizard and the orb disappeared, The Seleighe Court and the UnSeleighe court have both discovered it's whereabouts. We would like to take it and put it into safekeeping while the UnSeleighe court would like the orb so that they may use it to take over the land." "So why us two? What makes it that we are so important or do you just need any sell-swords?" "I have managed to approximate the orb's location to somewhere east of here in the mountains, but I read a passage written by the wizard that states upon his death, neither man nor Fey would be able to get the orb. I am hoping that since you are neither man nor Fey..." "A loophole in otherwords since we humanimals were not a part of this world till after the Black Rose wars tore several dimesions asunder" Galloway finished the Sidhe's sentence. "Exactly, tis good to see that your mind is as sharp as your dagger" "And our pay? not in quikened gold either" "7 cut diamonds, the smallest being no smaller than a strawberry." Now it was Galloways turn to look stunned, he stared at the elf in silence. "Done!" Miralias interjected "but first could you tell us your name?" "Niamh" the elf sang and her pale hands drew back her hood, exposing her face; pale as milk with high cheekbones and narrow forehead. Her eyes were a misty yellow cats-eyes and her hair a shimmering silver. Truly, one of the lovliest of Sidhe, her alien beauty even taking away Miralias's breath. Galloway was the first to speak. "When do you wish to leave, Lady Niamh?" "The UnSeleighe Court is not aware of my movements so the sooner we leave the better chance we have of reaching our destination unimpaired." "We can be ready in the hour Niamh" Miralias rose from the table and headed to their room, Galloway following. Once they were in the room with the door shut, Miralias twirled in circles, her hair forming a nimbus about her head "Seven diamonds!" she sang and leaped into Galloway's arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and kissing him fiercly. "Now will you marry me and settle down?" Galloway asked teasingly Miralias stared at him wide-eyed, stunned beyond words. She knew Galloway loved her as much as she loved him but marriage? She looked into his eyes and saw he was serious. "YES!! Oh yes, yes, yes, yes" She cried laughing. Galloway squeezed her tight and kissed her muzzle with a series of rapid licks and kisses before their tongues met in a hot wet love-filled kiss. CHAPTER 3 The five days on the road went much like any other time Galloway and Miralias spent on the road. The three of them rode alongside and Galloway would coerce Miralias to sing and she would force Galloway to tell some tale, but mostly they rode in silence. The first day, they tried to draw Niamh into the conversation, but the Fey rode is silent.At night, Miralias would set up camp and Galloway would cook, not because Miralias was a lousy cook, but because Galloway could take camp food and turn it into ambrosia. It was the one talent he had that Miralias was jealous of. Later, after they thought Niamh was asleep, they would make slow, quiet love beneath their shared blankets. Little did they know that Niamh did not sleep, but would lie awake, watching and listening and everytime she saw their auras, would smile beneath her cowl. They rode higher and higher into the mountains and on the sixth day, they could see the ruins of the wizard's tower. Galloway reined up and stared at the tower. Miraliam and Niamh watched him in concern as he stared at the tower for several long silent minutes. Finally Niamh broke the silence. "Why are we stopping? Do you have a vision" "Nope, just a feeling....It's too easy, too pat...why haven't they hit us yet? The UnSeleighe Court must know what you are up to and you said they know where it is, just that while you are hoping on a loophole, they are trying to, break the spell." "Why do you say this..." Niamh looked puzzled. "Because Galloway has a twisted paranoid outlook that I trust" Miralias stated, staring at the castle. "It's like this, both Courts know where it is, and both Courts want it. You are trying to recover it so it stands to reason that they have posted guards." Niamh looked at Galloway with respect, that was something she had not counted on. Meanwhile, Galloway dismounted and handed the reigns to Miralias, loosened his Claymore and Dirk in their sheaths, all the while staring at the ruins. "Do you..." Galloway shook his head and started up the path. "What is going on?" Niamh asked puzzled. Miralias stared at Galloway's back as he slowly eased up the path. "Galloway is taking pointand I asked if he wanted me to come along, but he wants me to stay with you and guard his horse and be ready in case something happens" "But all you said was..." "When you have been with someone as long as Galloway and I have been,You get to be almost telepathic." "But why is he leaving his horse? He more vulnerable on the ground!" "Not Galloway...see, he is a lousy fighter in the saddle, his legs are too short, but on the ground...well nothing can match a wolverine in one on one combat, now Shhhhhhhhh!" Galloway sidled up the path, ears, eyes straining at every detail, his nose sniffing the air. He rounded some boulders and standing in the middle of the road was a young knight in enamaled plate on a pure white steed. Galloways hackles rose as the knight removed his helm exposing the fair alien beauty and pointed ears that marked his for the Sidhe. "Hail" "Hail, be ye Seleighe or UnSeleighe" Galloway responded warily. "UnSeleighe" "Be ye the gaurdian?" "Nay warrior, just a friend warning you. Turn back, ye cannot hope to defeat the Redcap" "Shit!!!" Galloway thought "not a fucking Redcap!" "Why should I believe you?" Galloway posed to the Unseleighe lesser lord. The Fairy-knight smiled "Truthfully, mortal? I care not! One way or the other the UnSeleighe will have you and that vixen as our slaves and I for one cannot wait to see how hot she is!" The elf-lord laughed as he faded from sight. Galloway returned to his companions and explained the situation to Miralias and Niamh, then had to explain to Miralias what a Redcap was. "Basically, a Redcap is a border goblin who lives in the ruins of towers and castles. Legends have it his skin is harder than plate mail and he can easily overcome 10 men in mortal combat. Prefers pikes and other polearms. They get their name from the habit of dyeing their caps in the fresh blood of their kills." " we get to use both hands?" Miralias said sarcastically. "I will be there to help with my magic, that should even the odds a bit" Niamh reassured her. "Oh and that is supposed to make me feel better?" "Ladies, Ladies...let us save our aggressions for the Redcap" Galloway knew that Miralias tended to get jittery before battle, jittery? She turned into an out-right bitch and he was trying to forestall any infighting. Miralias whirled on Galloway ready to tear into him then saw the concern for her in his eyes. She stopped and fell into his arms. He stroked her back and and gentled her. "Sides" he whispered in her ear "I have an ace up my sleeve" They tethered the horses a bit away from the ruins and together Miralias and Galloway moved towards the crumbled wizard's tower. Niamh stayed back and worked her magic, protecting them as best she could from the Redcap. Miralias had stared at the wineskin thumping at Galloway's side when he had pulled it out of his saddle- bag, but all he would do is smile at her unvoiced question. With an unearthly roar, the Redcap burst from the keep, whirling his Glaive, bearing down on the two warriors. Miralias shifted left, flanking the Redcap, as they had down countless times, only this time Galloway did not shift right as he usually did. Miralias stumbled as she watched horrified as Galloway calmly stood there, wineskin in hand as the Goblin bore down on him. A scream caught in her throat as Galloway, smiling, squirted the contents of the wine- skin in the Redcap's face. She stared as the Redcap screamed a warbling cry of pain and dropped the glaive, his hands covering his face. Smoke oozed from between his fingers. "Holy water. Gets them everytime" Galloway grinned as he ran the Claymore through the Redcap. The grating slow sound that Miralias heard as the blade slide home and Galloway's straining muscles gave truth to the legends of the invulnerability of the Redcap. The monster screamed again, his eyes bulging out of his melted face as the cold iron pierced his body. Galloway pulled the sword out and cleaned it with a scrap of cloth as the Redcap dissolved and walked back to his horse past an amazed Miralias and Niamh. Miralias started to chuckle, her laughs threatening to turn to hysterics. Galloway turned and winked at Niamh. "Looked like some of Granny Campbell's bedtime stories paid off. Shall we?" Niamh could only stare as Galloway walked into the keep. Niamh and Miralias stared at each other, Miralias giggling and Niamh with a concerned look in her eyes as they both hurried to catch up with Galloway. Once inside, they found Galloway waiting at a set of secret stairs, a grin on his face. Niamh called up a ball of light and they started down the stairs. At the bottom of the stair was a wooden door that was in excellent shape. It started to glow as Niamh neared it. Magick kept it fresh and kept out Fey and folk alike. Miralias looked at Galloway and reached out and pushed the door. It swung easily and looking at each other they shrugged and entered the room beyond. Niamh waited and waited, as she started to get worried and considered assaulting the magick, fearing they needed help when they exited the room, laughing. "Is this what you are looking for?" Miralias snickered a grin on her muzzle, her whiskers vibrating. The Orb rested in her hand, glowing like a large round opal. Niamh gestured and a box appeared, floating in front of the humanimal warriors "Please put it in there where it will be safe." "Ah-ah-ah, first the diamonds" Miralias chided, bouncing the orb in her palm. Niamh sighed and pulled a black silk bag from her cloak and tossed it to Galloway who plucked it out of midair. He opened the bag and dumped out 7 of the most beautiful stones into his palm. Miralias chortled with glee and started to place the orb in the box. Suddenly Galloway grabbed her wrist, almost causing her to drop the Orb. She glanced at him and he shook his head negatively as he plucked one diamond out of his palm and tossed it back to Niamh with a hurt look on his face. The diamond vanished before it reached Niamh and she shrugged ruefully "Can't blame a girl for trying can you?" as she produced another diamond for Galloway's inspection. Galloway nodded and Miralias tucked the Orb into the box which vanished. CHAPTER 4 For three days, the three adventurers rode like the entire UnSeleighe Court was hounding them. Niamh had explained that once they had killed the RedCap, the Sidhe had known someone was making an attempt at the Orb and that they had to get the Orb to the Seleighe Court before the enemy tried to take the Orb from them. They rose with the sun and rode till the horses were lathered with exhaustion. On the third morning, Galloway awoke alone, glancing at the three horses cropping at the grass nearby he called out to his companions.Niamh appeared from the woods but Miralias was nowhere to be seen. "Niamh, have you seen Miralias?" Niamh looked around then gasped "Galloway! They got her! The UnSeleighe got her!" Galloway stared at her for a second then leapt up to throw his saddle onto his horse. "Where are you going?" "To get Miralias back! What do you think?" "How?" The question stopped Galloway cold. How indeed? He had no way of knowing where the Sidhe had Miralias or even if she was still on this realm. He slowly turned from his horse "Niamh, you have to help me. You are the only one who can find her!" "No." She refused. "Think Galloway, that is exactly what they want. They want us to come charging to the rescue so that they can take the Orb from us. "We must get the Orb to the Seleighe Court. That takes priority." Galloway trembled with rage and for a brief minute he sighed and slumped to the ground. He nodded in agreement. "And afterwards?"Niamh looked at him and smiled "And afterwards my dear friend we shall unleash the hounds and rescue your love! This I swear to you!" Galloway looked up at her and nodded once, then they both hurridly threw saddles on their horses and rode as fast as they could towards the Gate to the Farie world. Galloway was silent the entire ride, but Niamh could see the tears in his eyes and read his aura, the UnSeleighe had just made a mortal enemy, she though, one they may not be able to deal with as easily as they could with most mortals. Both horses were lathered and breathing heavily as they thundered into the meadow where they would pass through to the world of the Fey. A dozen knights milled around on their horses, and as Galloway and Niamh galloped into the clearing, wheeled their horses and rode at a canter towards them. Galloway drew his claymore and shouting hoarsly, spurried his foam-flecked horse on even harder "No! Galloway, Don't! They are friends! I called them!" Niamh screamed when she realized Galloway was going to attack the knights. Galloway looked at her and slowed his horse into a canter as she caught up with him. Their horses staggered to a halt in the midst of the company of fairy knights. The leader saluted Niamh and then Galloway. "Greetings Lady Niamh, we heard your call and came as quickly as we could. You have it?" Niamh nodded and gestured, the box appearing, hovering in mid- air. The knight nodded and took the box, securing to his elvinsteed. "We must get the Orb to it's final resting place, the UnSeleighe are sorely pressing us even as we speak. They have hosts in the fields of the Underhill and there is a host on it's way to this gate even as we speak. It is lead by Nimue herself and she is extremely vexed! We dare not tarry here any longer." Even as he spoke the knight and his men were turning and shifting towards the Gate. Niamh called out to the Elf-knight as he and his men entered the Gate. "If Nimue reaches this Gate, then she and her men will catch you! Galloway and I will hold the Gate secure from this side." Niamh spoke as she dismounted and pulled the tack off her horse. Galloway had followed her actions and after slapping his horse on the rump to send it off into the woods, turned to her. "What about Miralias? When are we going to rescue her? Or was that a typical fey-promise?" The knight turned and smiled at Galloway "Fear not Sir HotBlood! As soon as the Orb is safe, my men and I shall wing back to your side to assist in the succor of your Paramour, but unless you help hold the Gate, no-one will be left to rescue anyone!" Galloway frowned, and looked at the knight "Let them try to take this gate, I wish to see them try!" The knights whirled and sprang through the gate and it slowly shimmered out of existence. Niamh strode about the meadow, placing wards and enchantments of protection, while Galloway just paced by the gate, claymore and dirk in hand. He was muttering darkly under his breath, his jaw clenched and his eyes black with hate. A jingling of chain and the drumming of hooves announced the arrival of the UnSeleighe host. There were 12 knights on horseback and near the back rode two women. One was covered in a grey hooded cloak and the other dressed as a Noblewoman, in pale green silk gowns that accented her raven black hair and pale blue eyes. Her skin was as pale as cream and her elven beauty was even more enchanting than Niamh's. The host thundered to a stop in front of Galloway and Niamh. "Well well, what is this?" Nimue asked "a fine pair of guard dogs for a gate. A mortal worm and a Seleighe bitch" She laughed. "Where is Miralias! What have you done with her?!"Galloway rasped. Nimue smiled. "Your lover? She is here..." She gestured and the grey cloaked woman slide from her horse and moved towards the two. Her steps were faltering as if she was in great pain. As she stepped clear of the UnSeleighe steeds, she reached up with hands that were warped and mangled and threw back her hood, exposing her face. It was Miralias, barely recognizable by the torture and foul magic, her eyes insane and unseeing. She drew a shuddering breathed and wailed, driving Niamh back and Galloway to his knees, hands clamped over his ears in pain. Niamh stumbled to Galloway and listened to him moan "Miralias, what have they done?!" "Galloway, you must listen! Nimue has turned her into a Bane-sidhe! You must stop her! I cannot do it...only a mortal with cold iron can stop the Bane- Sidhe" Galloway looked at her, the tears flowing down his face unnoticed "I can't! I love her, I can't kill her!" "She is already dead! The more you delay the longer her soul suffers! How can you do that and say that you love her!" Niamh screamed at him, barely heard over the wailing of the Bane-Sidhe. Galloway shuddered and looked deep into the face of his lover, stared into Miralias' eyes and realized Niamh was telling the truth. He stumbled to his feet. lurching forward to stop a few feet from Miralias. She finally seemed to notice him and reached out to touch him and drain away his life. Galloway dodged her touch and drove his dirk deep into her heart. She collapsed into his arms and together they slumped to the ground, Galloway held her in his arms, his head bowed over hers. Neither Niamh or the UnSeleighe moved, staring at the shaking figure huddled between them. After an eternity, one of the elven steeds snorted and Galloway looked up at the UnSeleighe, staring at them with eyes savage with pain and hate. A growl started deep in his throat as his hackles rose. The growl rose higher and louder till it sounded like tortured metal. The wolverine exploded out of his crouch, clearing the space between him and the elves in one leap. His claymore was laying beside Miralias' corpse forgotten as he tore into the knights and their steeds. His claws tore into the nearest steed, cripping it and toppling it and it's rider. He leapt at another knight and bore him to the ground, tearing his throat out with his teeth, howling and screaming like the Bane-sidhe as he tore into them with horrific results. The sheer savagery of his attack stunned his prey and as they milled about trying to get their mounts under control and concentrate their efforts against him; three more knights died, one by Galloway grabbing his sword arm as he hacked at Galloway and having it torn from his body and clubbed from his steed with it. Soon half the knights were dead or dying, torn apart by Galloway's claws and teeth. Galloway looked like a nightmare, covered with blood and gore and wounded in a dozen places. The knights rallied and tried to bring him down, but he rent their defenses like a tornado. The ones that survived soon were fleeing in terror of the beserk wolverine. When Galloway realized he and Nimue were the only creatures still standing, he turned and started stalking towards her. Blood poured from countless wounds and from her knowledge of men, Nimue knew that at least three should have been fatal. She chanted and cast a spell to restrain him. Emerald chains appeared around Galloways wrists and he stopped moving when he came to the end of the fetters. Staring at Nimue with eyes that no longer had any trace of humanity left, he started to pull on the glowing chains. He kept pulling till his muscles could be seen standing in sharp relief even under his thick fur. Niamh stared and cried out when she heard his clenched jaw suddenly crack as blood poured from his wrists. Suddenly, the spell shattered, unable to withstand the elemental fury powering Galloway. As the spell burst, one elvin knight, rose and with his dying breath, drove his broadsword into Galloway's back. About a foot of the sword blade appeared from Galloway's belly and he fell to his knees. Nimue kneed her horse and walked it to stand over him. "Cursed worm! You have destroyed my host, my Bane-sidhe and my chances at the Orb! I should kill you!" She hissed Galloway, kneeling, looked up at her, the pain of the sword piercing his body had drove the rage out of him and he knew he was dying. His hand darted into his Sporran and pulled out a folded piece of leather which he flung at Nimue. The leather opened up and a cloud of black particles covered Nimue. Every part of her exposed skin crackled and smouldered. She screamed in pain as her face melted like a hot candle. "Fuck you Bitch, eat cold iron!" Galloway hissed, blood from the punctured lung drooled out of the corner of his mouth. She cried out and pointed at him, glowing as she gathered energy. "I would have killed you but now I know that would have been a release. Hear now my curse. Should you survive, when next you make love, your dear Miralias' soul will come to my court to be a slave for all eternity.! This I do swear!" She vanished, winging her way back to the UnSeleighe Court as Niamh ran to Galloway, toppled over and laying in the ground, the last of his blood seeping out. FINAL CHAPTER Naimh sat on the bed, watching the figure that stared out the window at the view of Seleghie Court's Underhill. The figure was slumped and leaned against the sill, unmoving. "If ye will not stay abed, then however do you expect your wounds to heal. You died that night or as close to it as you may come and be saved and still my magic almost did not heal you enough for you to be brought here where stronger magik could heal you past the danger point." Galloway seemed not to hear her as he continued to stare out the window. Niamh continued. "three days you lain in a coma, and now you are out of bed?! Are you trying to kill yourself? Your wounds need heal those wounds!" DO YOU HEAR ME?" "Yes, I hear you..." His voice was dead and pitched so low even Niamh had to strain to hear it. She sighed and pulled on his arms and lead him to bed. She tucked the woverine back into bed and started to spoon feed him some healing broth. He ate in silence, staring off into space. Niamh's heart was sad as she feed him and looked at his aura. It showed that while his body was whole, his spirit was almost dead. she had to find some way to revive his spirit or he would still die despite all the healing magik in the Court. She tried once again to break his silence. "I tried to break the curse Nimue put on you." No response. "Unfortunately, Nimue is still one of the strongest mages in the Sidhe world. I did discover that the cold iron warped the spell and that it will not work here in Underhill. As long as you make love here, you can do so without endangering Miralias' soul." Galloway looked at her with eyes as blank as stone. "I will never love again" he whispered. Niamh smiled softly and said "Careful, never is a long time. What shall you do now?" "Now? Now, I go to war...." Niamh gasped "Against the UnSeleghie? You killed twelve of their best knights, and disfigured Nimue so badly she will not be able to show her face till her magic can fix the damage the cold iron did. What you say is you want revenge and a hollow death" Galloway shook his head. "Not revenge nor death. If that was all I wanted I would be riding to the heart of the UnSeleghie Court as soon as I could sit in a saddle. No, I am talking war. I shall stalk them when they hide! I shall chase them when they run! I SHALL FIGHT THEM WHEN THEY STAND!" Niamh felt the ripples of a heart- oath ripple through reality around her and for a moment felt a little pity for the UnSeleighe till she remembered what they did to Miralias then she wished nothing more than for Galloway to get his chance. There was a knock at the door and a regal man entered. Niamh stood "Oberon! Galloway, I would like you to met Lord Oberon, and my father." Galloway nodded at the large powerful figure as he sat down in a chair and regarded Galloway. "I heard your oath and studied your curse. It is as my daughter said. I can not condone what has been done to you and yours, so this is my decision. When you leave you will be given arms and armour, elvin made and proof against baneful Fey-magic. Also, you will always have a place here at this court, to rest from your war and recover when you need succor. Also if you wish I can send you where you wish to hunt the UnSeleighe whenever they move between worlds." Galloway thanked the Elf-lord who nodded and left. Naimh put the dishes on a sidetable and rose and headed for the door. "You will need to rest...sleep now Galloway-friend and heal" she cast a spell to help him sleep and shut the door behind him. Galloway watched her leave. He would rest and heal like she asked, then when he was ready he would find Nimue and her companions and there would be a reckoning he though as he faded off to sleep.