Fox Fire -"Gotten by the little guy" by KillJoy Jucser, a young fox, made his way into the field, looking for the food which he smelled and so much desired. He had been traveling for some time now and hadn't seen much in the way game. "This areas picked clean.", he though as his stomach rumbled. "I know I smell meat in the air but, where is it?", his pace quickened. He followed a well worn trail through the grass lands, following his nose which was low to the ground, not watching where he was going. He soon came upon the source of the scent, a half eaten carcass lay in the mid-day sun. "And why is this unguarded?", he wondered as he searched his surroundings, "The owner can't be far away." This was too odd, with food this scares, no one would leave it unguarded. Jucser's stomach rumbled on, urging him to eat dispite his aprehensions. As he neared the kill, his ears flicked, scanning for the slightest sound. He could almost taste it, the carcass was all his and his mouth watered. He bit into it, the sun had kept it warm and if was fresh, no more then a couple hours. As Jucser feasted, a shadowy form loomed about him in a tree, slitted eyes peered down upon him. They watched as the meal that had worked for was slowly disappearing, fox sized mouth full at a time. Jucser heard a slight rumble, this time it wasn't his stomach. He started to turn as a large form leaped upon him, pinning him to the ground. Snarls and hissed rung in his ears as hot breath steamed down his neck. "Enjoying my meal, little one.", thundered a voice from above, claws dug into Jucser's sides. "It is quiet good actually.", he jested, receiving only more pain. "Since I already have a kill, you'll have to pay a fee for you life of you want to keep it.", the voice roared again. Jucser felt a prodding at his tail, some thing small and pointed was stabbing at him, trying to find his anus. He squirmed, vainly attempting to escape. "Feisty aren't you?", the roar rang again and a paw reached under Jucser's chest, throwing him over and onto his back. Jucser could now see his assailant, a large male lion was standing over him, mane flowing in the breeze. "Now your payment has risen.", he boomed as he stepped forward, trying to cover Jucser yet again with his massive body. As the lion approached, Jucser flailed out kick and clawing, folding his eyes shout and hoping he would get out of this alive. As he kicked, he felt his foot connect with something hard, followed by a loud thump. He cautiously opened his eye and found the lion out cold on the ground in front of him. "Glass jaw...?, he wondered as he examined the limp body. As Jucser rounded the massive lion, he finally saw what had been poking him. The lions small penis was still hanging out from its furry sheath, it was tiny in comparison with Jucser's own, even though the lion's body had to be 10 times large. Jucser chuckled to himself, not believing his luck. He started to trot away and then stopped, "How can I just leave with out getting back at this guy some how?" He turned back, approaching the large cat once more. Using his muzzle, Jucser pushed the long tail to one side to get a view of the lion's anus, he mounted the great beast and lowered himself into position. His foxxy member slid from its furry hiding place and rubbed at the tight anus before it. He had to work it around a while before sliding it in, as he entered, he thought how much the lion would hate him for what he was doing. "serves him right, picking on a poor little fox, ha! ha!" Jucser pistoned slowly, trying to lubricate his newly found play thing. As he found the passage loosing resistance, he sped up his actions. He drove on for a while, gripping at the huge hips with his fore paws. He felt his knot building and drove it home, pushing hard to get it in. He was now pumping tightly against the monster the has attacked him, feeling his bravery grow as he reeked his vengeance. A fire also grew in his loins as a load of hot fox cum filled the lion's anus. He laid there, fully locked with his fallen foe, leaning upon the large rump and hips. Jucser has really feeling mellow when he heard a sound from behind him, he turned to find several lionesses staring at him. His moist dropped open and his heart almost stopped, "Now I'm dead!" he gasped and he struggled to pull free. The lionesses moved closer, sniffing as they went. Jucser pulled out with a pop, and took off into the tall grass, his still swollen member flailing between his legs as he ran. The lionesses surrounded the fallen king of the jungle, sniffing at him and looking off into the grass, puzzling the sight they had just found. Once Jucser had reached a safe distance on the crest of a hill, he turned back, panting and peering back. He could barely make out the forms in the grass, the lionesses had just awoke the big male and he could hear the surprise and roars which followed ad the lionesses told their tale. "One things for sure, I'll not be going this way again, unless I'm lonely..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This story was created to try and fill the request I found on -Furry Pleasure-, I'm thinking of doing a series of "Gotten by the little guy" stories, I'll call this out my test subject. It was a little different for me as I'm straight and had to try and write from a gay vantage point. If any one likes it, I'll do more. Heres the request that started it all: "I've read so many stories involving a big hulking wolf, tiger, lion, etc. coming (or shall we say cumming) across a smaller weaker fox, leopard, etc. The smaller animal inevitably gets raped by the larger one in an appallingly degrading spectacle--and enjoys it! I'd like to read a story where the lion comes up to the fox intending to rape him. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to our lion the fox knows judo or something like that. Then our lion gets the living shit beat out of him and HE get raped. Then the fox goes on his way, leaving the lion, wolf, tiger a broken fur. Yes, furs, it is DIFFERENT! But different is good!" Any suggestions or comments: