up The Transformation Story ArchiveHorses and Doggies and Cats, Oh my... up

For once She!

by G. Horton

Chapter 1

Perhaps you'd think that I was unbelievably unimaginative. I prefer to think of it as fully exploring my particular condition before moving on to another. Remember also that once I have become, I can return to my earlier forms quickly and easily. Thus the variety has always been there. Just not in this new form.

I don't know how old I am, if that's important to you. Old. I know that. But time had little meaning to me until fairly recently. Many of my days were spent only in responding to circadian cycles and not to the dials of a clock.

You might say I'm a single entity evolutionary being. If you don't know what circadian cycles are, you can join my understanding. I didn't know the shortening and lengthening days and nights had a name until fairly recently.

What are my earliest memories? What was I? I can't tell you. First, I'm not sure my being at the time has a name and, if it does, I don't know it. After all, when you are a limited being, it is very difficult to know yourself. There are no mirrors for the tiniest of creatures and, if you see another like you, there is no way you could recognize the reflection except by the biological attraction or revulsion.

Suffice it to say that I spent my time eating and growing. If others like I was then have a reproductive cycle, I never participated in it. I doubt that it was a particularly noteworthy sexual act.

I do have memories of crawling on multiple spindly legs. I have found that size somewhat useful since and have re-used it. Here, then, a bit of explanation is useful.

When I revert to earlier forms, my mind remains intact. Since I have lived for a period in one body before moving on to something else, I know what is necessary to live as that being. However, since I carry a memory of other shapes and sizes and experiences with me, it is impossible to totally return to the feeling of being that earlier creature.

Thus, I know that I was once a spider, because I know what a spider is now. But at the time I was one with all my being, I knew nothing but eat or be eaten.

Certainly, sex as an arachnid was not the main selling point of the form. I had two opportunities to partake in reproductive activities and both times narrowly escaped being my offspring's first meal or my sexual partner's next.

I've flown through the skies on at least two separate occasions. I mean lifelong occasions.

Once I was a butterfly or moth -- I'm not sure which -- and, again, did little but look for food. At least that mating was a little more enjoyable in retrospect. It was just badly needed -- required actually -- at the time I was doing it.

The other time, I was a small bird of some sort. In comparison to the sheer joy of flying, sex as a bird was rather trivial. Again, at the time, it was necessary but no more so and little more pleasant than searching for food.

It seems my life experiences, as I call them, are more or less up to my choosing. My NEW life experiences, that is. Maybe I'm just easily bored.

What happens is that one day I am doing something completely in character with the body I'm inhabiting. I see some other life form and have a pang of jealousy, you might call it. As I think about it over some time, I lose the characteristics of my current being and edge into that new being's realities.

Now that sounds pretty foggy. I'm sorry. It's my best explanation for what happens.

What happens, in quick and easy terms, is that I think about being something else and everything shifts until I am that other thing. A strong desire and bang, there I am. The time doesn't really matter but it's always a significant period of my current body's life term.

I was once some form of bug with an entire life cycle of a few days. But I spent much of one of those days thinking about being a lizard. Similarly, at one time I was a particularly quiet form of sea turtle and, I'm relatively sure, lived for many decades. I spent most of one year thinking about being a shark before that came to pass finally.

You see what I mean?

Interestingly, I've learned two things as I've reached higher development levels. First, my new body is invariably just post-pubescent. I'm sort of born a teenager, in other words, although, of course, this has no meaning in terms of a spider that lives a single warm season. The second is that time I spend in reversionary bodies, like temporarily being a bird to feel that wonderful exhilaration of flying for a few hours, does not subtract from my current life.

From experience, I know this to be true since I was once a very short- lived bug, reverted to being a spider for several days, and came back to the bug at the same stage of development I'd left.

That's another interesting thing, by the way. I have died in my bodies. In nature, it is a natural consequence of lifestyle. I have died of simple old age a few times and found myself reverted immediately to my previous form. Once I died in several incarnations, each reverting through all the others to the last stable creature. That was unpleasant enough that I try to alternate particularly enjoyable, and long term, life spans with less enjoyable ones so my reversion is only one back.

I have died violently a few times only to find myself reverted to an earlier form and much shaken by the experience. Luckily, reversion through those suddenly terminated lives, do not revert to the point of the death. It's not like going back in time. Rather the reversion is to the age at death.

Thus, if I was a healthy but stupid teenaged mule deer shot by a hunter's arrow, my next reversion would be to a healthy, stupid teenaged mule deer with enough knowledge to keep from being shot by another hunter's arrow and far in that previously successful hunter's future.

You see why I have difficulty saying exactly how long I have lived. I suppose I could sit down and remember parts of all my lives and what part of my development I was in at the time I moved on to something else. But the exercise would be difficult and, I think, totally unnecessary.

And there is another interesting point. You might think, from this so far, that I got tired of being a turtle and became a shark, tired of a shark and became a fast swimming tuna, tired of being a tuna and became a crocodile. I did those things, of course. But I was also a wolf and when I became old and grey- necked, I became a young, virulent wolf and took over the pack I had previously left to others. I was a whale for a very very long time and then became a younger whale and continued that wonderful existence. Actually, I have no idea how many times I've a whale or a deer or a bird or some form of dog or cat. I particularly like those forms.

In all cases, I am a stranger. It's not like I go around taking over other beings' bodies like some kind of vampire. Also, I am not always born to these bodies as the strongest and most virile. Frequently, I've found myself to be among the weakest. But, as they say, breeding tells.

Since I carry the knowledge of several lifestyles and many lives, I can use my intelligence to succeed where others of my size never could.

Also, when you know you will only revert to a previous life form if you die, you can afford to be very brave when the need arises. However, I'm not stupid about that either. I told you how unpleasant it is to die violently. Perhaps it's more unpleasant for me than for most, in fact. Not that I'm going to revert back through that violent end but just that the memory of agonizing death stays with me forever.

As I don't shift around through time, I also don't shift around through space. In other words, if I decide to be a bird, I'm going to be a bird right here, not somewhere far away in the world.

Sometimes, since the transitions are often slow, crawling around as a part crocodile, part bird, is a distinctly unpleasant activity. Therefore, I often chose to shift from a long-lived animal to a short-lived one as an interim step to another form. Since the new short-lived form cannot sustain a long transition, it tends to be abbreviated in the transfer from long to short. Then, since the short- lived body cannot sustain itself for long, the transition to a longer term life is very rapid. Far more so than the other way around.

With more intelligence, I have now chosen the shortest term life forms I have experienced, a form of virus that lives only a few hours, as an interim step to any other. I'm sure that I've seemed to almost wink out of existence only to be replaced by a totally different being. Actually, it takes a minute or so. (Now that I have access to timepieces I know that).

That change has been enough to send the fear of the gods into an attacking predator when a meal disappears into a hole and a larger predator reappears a moment later.

As I said, it hasn't always been this way. At one time, I changed slowly from one creature to another and spent days trying to live my dual lifestyle. Since almost every being has some kind of predator, some of these slow changes had very bad results. I quickly learned what things I could change to without making myself so vulnerable that I was killed. It also made me very secretive during these times of vulnerability.

Perhaps I'm even the stuff of mythology. I'm sure that someone seeing a bird changing to a lion would think of the griffin.

I also had to carefully watch the change from a water life form to a land form. I remember the consequences of trying to change directly from fish to deer once. I died miserably, drowning in two environments.

It encouraged going slowly from one element to another and staying in that element for as long as possible before changing back to the other. Therefore, I swam in the oceans for many many years after translating from animal to amphibian to fish. And stayed land-based for a long time before transmuting back into the water again.

Of course, I told you that I can return quickly and easily to any form I have enjoyed before. It was never as if I was unremittingly tied to the water or to the land. There does seem to be some limit on how long I can remain in this state.

After a relatively short time, I seem to tire very quickly and become weaker and weaker. In nature, weak is never a good condition. And, if I'm killed in one of these short-term incarnations, I die in my current life and revert. Just the simple dislocation of this makes it unpleasant without the dying, which makes it unbearable.

Needless to say, I avoid overstaying in a short-term form. I told you about transforming from a meek rabbit being chased by a coyote to a bear chasing a coyote. Well, that's what I'd been thinking about anyway when I talked about a predator chasing prey into a hole and a bigger predator coming back out.

You can see the uses for the short-term incarnations, can't you? Well, it's made me almost impossible to kill. One second, I'm a cowering rabbit and the next second a grasshopper moving out of harm's way. One second, I'm a deer running from the forest fire and then a hawk flying quickly away. One second, I'm a silvery tuna and the next a very directed whale.

Bottom line, I haven't died of anything but out-of-the-blue accidents in centuries.


A very long time ago, I tried being a man for the first time. I spent a relatively short time doing that. I hated my fellows' fear and craven attempts at survival in a body ill-made to do that. I was too frequently cold or hot and always, it seemed, hungry. It wasn't one of my favorite incarnations and took a very long time to retry.

Of course, I recognized the spark of intelligence that has set man above most of the other animals of the world now. But I found that type of intelligence of little value in any other life form.

But man grew in his use of intelligence and, after an extended period in the oceans, I returned for an extended period on land and found mankind in dirty cities. The cities totally disgusted me but intelligence intrigued me. Though ill-directed in most cases, it seemed to be more seeking and expanding than even the much better directed and greater intelligence of the whale.

As a man, I became a great shaman to my village. I could frighten when I wished. I could save lives in many ways with my knowledge and my abilities. Any under my protection, could not be harmed. I would not allow it. And for their part, they worshiped me for it. It was a long and happy life.

I ended that time in the way of the shaman, turning myself into an eagle and flying away before choosing another incarnation.

With human intelligence and experience to draw on, I found life in many of the other forms vastly easier. Thinking ahead to consequences was the primary benefit. Recognizing dangers and pleasures was another.

Some animal incarnations were vastly boring to me now. The simple and continuous pursuit of food was numbing. But after a difficult experience, surely I craved this mindless pursuit of the simplest basics. And even this lifestyle was made easier by knowledge and anticipation.

The next time I had the urge to be human, I found that the conglomerate of human thinking had produced much of interest. Art, music, plays, great works. It was interesting to explore and to share the knowledge of these thinkers. But, at the same time, men had created the worst of its institutions. War was sought and fought with mindless fury.

Even my time as a shaman for a primitive village had not prepared me for this.

And if war were not enough, man had also created slavery, shifting his work to the shoulders of those he could control. These twin barbarities, drove me back to the oceans for many lives. On the way back to the ocean, I took a diverting side trip to an island where I translated from man to bull over a normal period. It proved to be a diversion when several men saw me in translation and could not understand my rage at their interference in my life.

As an animal, I follow the nature of animals. All those of us alive on this planet do the same whether we know we are doing it or not.

Though I sometimes spent a life as some type of herbivore, enjoying the speed and freedom and restfulness of that lifestyle, more often I was a predator. I flew as a raptor. I ran on soft, silent, and powerful paws. When I sought society, it was often to hunt with a group. I had no compunction about killing and still do not. That's the way of nature.

My human experiences only gave it a different direction than most of nature. Nature's killing is usually for food. Occasionally it is for the pure joy of the hunt and the kill itself. Being a man gave me another reason. To destroy the designs of evil.

Evil. An interesting concept. In nature, there is no evil. Evil is a concept that can only be applied to man as a description of man. Evil comes from man's ability to anticipate and therefore determine how to perform it on another man or on nature. How to enslave. How to wage war. How to steal what belongs to another.

With a special perspective and the objectivity of never truly belonging, I could identify evil easily. My determinations could never be tainted by patriotism or religious belief or home and family. If I had not, by personal nature, been a killer, I would have made the perfect judge for I could always perceive the evil by the smell and foul taste of it.

And I was always willing to use any necessary means to ferret out evil if it wasn't self-evident.

Was I effective? Perhaps sometimes. Identified, nothing could stop me from killing with sword or dagger or tooth and claw. If the evil was too large for me alone, I could lead and guide and motivate. Perhaps I supplied the heart to great warrior kings but I was never king.

Like nature, I preferred to kill simply, efficiently, with as little danger to myself as possible, and quickly. Stealth served the end much more frequently than any other form of death dealing. Yes, I did kill on occasion to provide a greater example for those who were only thinking about taking up the banners of evil. I could kill publicly in a way designed to get the greatest notice and, I hoped, have the most effect.

With all I did in numerous lives as human and animal, I am only one. I believe I had an effect where I acted, but I could only act in the spot where I was at the moment.


Love? you ask. Yes. Much of nature is love. Love is beyond the functions of reproduction and societies and self-preservation. And I felt love many times, though never at the lowest rungs of nature's ladder where it has no place. And I was loved many times -- loved by mates and offspring and even groups.

Sexual activities are participated in at all levels, of course, in some form. However, these activities are anticipated, enjoyed at any time, and truly creative only in humans. There is no such thing as recreational sex anywhere but in humans and occasionally ocean mammals or great apes.

Sex makes the experience of love, though love is certainly not required, an entirely different experience than it is in any other creature.

These two things -- love enhanced by sex and sex for the sheer fun of it - - have drawn me back to being human more than any other reason.


I said you would think me unbelievably unimaginative. After all, I have never before been a human female.

I have been female before. A female black widow holds unusual status in her society, for instance. I've even been female in animal societies which only barely tolerate their female members most of the time. I did this to feel the wonder of giving birth, primarily.

I told you that I am covetous to the extreme. I make my choices of next life by watching something I think it would be interesting or illuminating to be for a time.

Since my first time as a human, I've tried many lives, unnoticed before, only out of intellectual curiosity. I'm the only being alive outside of the whales, who knows their migratory patterns. I'm the only being alive outside of several types of birds, who knows their homes. I'm the only being alive who knows the lifestyle of the shark. I'm the only being alive who even knows several forms of life exist in the deep oceans and in the microscopic world.

Since I take my pleasures this way, why would I want to be a part of a beaten, deprived, usually ignored, and weak entity? I've always seen women in this way.

If I wanted to be kept or to bear offspring or to be thought beautiful or to be worshiped for my gender, I could choose other animal species. The lion male is kept by his pride. The gestation period for a vole is only a few weeks and the offspring are almost immediately on their own. Many of the male bird species are very beautiful. The queen bee or ant is worshiped and catered to, though I found that to be a mind-numbing life.

Oh, I saw human females I admired in my time as a human. But the male lives had all the advantages and none of the downside.

So my choice of being a human female now is a real sign of the times. For the first time, I believe now I can enjoy a female life. I can dismiss all the downside of human female life and participate in society in whatever capacity I choose. Thanks to contraception, I don't have to accept pregnancy and birth and child rearing for 20 years as an inevitable result of sex. Thanks to the new norms, I can work in any human capacity I wish. Thanks to new moralities, I can do with my body as I wish, taking advantage of being a sexual being, without worrying about being stoned or imprisoned or shunned on any scale.

I can be shaman again if I wish. I can lead from the background as I never could before.

I can be huntress since weapons require only will and training and not enormous strength. If I wish, I can search out and destroy evil from a perspective never allowed me and from a cover that few would suspect.

I have waited many lives for this opportunity. Know that I will take full advantage.

Chapter 2

I HAD BEEN a dog for almost 15 years. There's a lot to be said for a dog's life. I was well fed -- overfed and fat because of it actually -- well cared for, and loved. For a dog, I was also quite old. As a trusted pet of a busy family, I was pretty well able to do all the exploring I wanted to do and was pretty well left to my own devices unless I purposely intruded on my family.

All this hadn't been the case for the majority of my dog life. I'd chosen to be a mid-sized mixed breed with soft, moderate length golden hair. I told you I always look toward my own comfort in all my lives. This type of dog seemed to get the vast majority of the good opportunities in dog life -- not kept as a breeder by good pedigree, not so small as to get picked on constantly, not so large only the male society would keep me. I was male but not a fighter.

Unfortunately, soon after my incarnation, I learned that any dog's life on its own in a city is difficult and dangerous. Food is certainly available though of mediocre quality. Water is more difficult though possible. I was attacked by a pack of dogs in one neighborhood. I understood their territoriality but didn't enjoy the flight from them at all. Street kids shot a gun at me and, thanks only to nimble feet, missed.

A dog's life on the big city streets involves a lot of dodging cars and people while having few positive aspects. People ignore dogs in big cities or, worse, actively shun them for fear of disease. The few who pay attention to a dog in these circumstances are living a worse than dog's life themselves, are looking for something to take out their inherent evil on, or are trying to catch and thereby clear the streets of him.

I "belonged" to a derelict for a time. Soon, that was too boring to stand though offering a lot of freedom. I was only barely missed by a dog catcher. Again I was saved by my knowledge of the area and very fast footwork.

That's when I began the trek out of the city. Man is very ignorant of his surroundings. They live in their cities without realizing that the majority of the activity of the world is not happening there. But on the edge of the enclaves, the world awaits. As soon as I gained the edge of the city, I began to see signs of life again -- what men would call "wildlife".

Life was much easier for me in the countryside. With my experience, I am a very good hunter and fed myself easily. The water was much better quality and readily available. The other predators were non-existent at my competitive level. The wolves, bears, and big cats have been systematically erased from the ecology surrounding any modern city. Even the few small dog packs I met didn't feel impelled to defend their territory from me. I made it known that I was only passing through. There were no human predators.

Unfortunately, a dog has an innate need for companionship that seems, in the domestic varieties, to require human attention. Other dogs are a comfort but not the same thing at all. Beyond this, one of my purposes for being a dog was to investigate human society for another possible life as a man. If I'd wanted to be a wild dog, I would have chosen to be a dingo or coyote, two highly intelligent animal species with no need for humans.

My searches passed up some opportunities. There were several farms but the people on farms look on dogs as work animals. That's too similar to the "wild" life with additional negative requirements. At least, they are negative requirements as far as I'm concerned. Other dogs enjoy the sense of purpose in being a work dog.

Now, a small town is as good a place for a dog as a large city is bad. People's attitudes toward dogs are more positive and they seem to have the time to stop and talk and pet a decent looking dog. Unless they have some special problem, they rarely have the need for dog catchers and if they do, dogs are frequently saved from the animal shelters by those looking for a pet. Food and water from the countryside is nearby if garbage cans and handouts are not available. Even the streets do not taste and smell of rubber and noxious gases and wastes.

It took only two days for me to locate a family. It took that long only because I had to research a little. And I was pretty old already and seeing the change nearing. I was 13 at the time. Two years ago.

I began the effort as, I suppose, all homeless dogs do. I went to a school. I watched the kids as they played and remembered the ones who were the best kids with the fewest nasty traits. Then I began following them home without their knowledge. One young girl had a very abusive father. While he occasionally hit her, I knew he would enjoy having a dog around to abuse with even more relish. A boy I followed disliked dogs and another had some type of allergy that didn't allow for animal hair. One had eight brothers and sisters and I didn't think I could stand that much attention.

Then, finally, I found my family. Once the decision was made, it took only a few minutes to become part of the family. Billy and Marshall, 12 and 10, were easy to convince with a few minutes of doggie play. Minni, 13, thought she was too ladylike and adult for the roughhouse play but was soon spending her time hugging and kissing me.

Mommy was the next to fall to my charms. Luck played a big part in that. The children, of course, had almost immediately charged on their mother. I tried to look as appealing as possible to her, as she sat on the porch next to me, and I think I might have won her over. But at that moment the boys were playing with a ball they'd been throwing for me. As it rolled into the street, a car neared. Marshall headed in a straight line for the ball with no notice of the car. I streaked in front of him and stopped him from running into the path of the car. In fact, even as I made the effort, I could see that the car was going to get past even before the ball rolled into the street. But Mommy didn't see it that way at all.

As I returned to the porch and her high praise, I could see it didn't matter what Daddy thought. I had a home. She started our relationship off right. She took me in the house and gave me half a pound of hamburger. I smiled at her as I ate it and she smiled back.

Though I was sure it wouldn't matter very much, I set out to endear myself to Daddy. With directed intelligence, it is amazingly easy for an animal to be fully accepted by a human. When we were introduced, I raised my hand to shake and he laughed. Later, when it was time to get rid of my wastes, I nudged his hand and went to the back door to bark. When he let me out, I could see him watching me as I streaked to the rear fence, leapt it with ease and took my shit in the adjoining field. Then I jumped the fence again and trotted to his side with my smile intact. He wasn't even going to have to clean up piles in the backyard.

"This is a hell of a dog," he told Mommy when we returned to the living room. I nudged his hand and he absently petted my head. "He's a goddamned Einstein." Thus, I had a name for the first time in this incarnation.

Now only the fine tuning was left.

When it was time for Mommy and Daddy to go to bed, I went with them. Together, they crept into the boys' room, securing them in their covers. I put my paws on the edge of the bed and looked from Mommy's even further sweetened smile to the sleeping boys. She petted me, I'm sure remembering my exploit that afternoon.

I had no problem with the boys. Before their bedtime, I'd played with them and let them wrestle me around without complaint. I was sure I'd be doing a lot of that.

That left only one conquest to be made. Minni. She'd had the opportunity to pet me before Mommy came out but hadn't had more than a few minutes of my time since. Now I intended to make up for that. When Mommy and Daddy tucked Minni in, I edged between them and the side of the bed, baring my teeth in an only partially intimidating manner. They understood. I was appointed her protector on the spot. They told me they'd leave the door open a crack so I could get out of the room if I needed to. But they approved of me curling up on the rug next to her bed.

I waited until the lights went off before I jumped onto the bed and licked Minni's hand. It was a gesture rather than a demand but I was happy when she woke slightly. I lay down beside her and enjoyed her arm across me. Now, I thought, the conquest was complete.

During the next year and a half, I was the perfect dog. I wandered the neighborhood enough to identify all the dangers and interesting things. I chased rabbits and other small animals to supplement my diet from the fields nearby. I had no more opportunity to demonstrate my heroism but I did my duty in protecting the family and being everyone's best friend.


It still amazes me how attuned an animal's senses can be to anything out of the ordinary. There wasn't anything in the family's home I wasn't completely aware of. Everything.

I knew when Mommy and Daddy, Phil and Molly when the kids weren't around, were going to make love to each other before they had agreed to it. I knew when one was ready before the other knew the situation. Sometimes Molly was ready and was going to make the suggestion after they were in bed. Sometimes, when Phil came home from work, I knew he was interested. The day that Phil began his extra-marital affair, I knew that too though, in the two months of its duration, Molly never did.

I also knew when Molly and Minni were to begin their menstrual cycles a day before they did. The day the boys discovered they could have fun by playing with their penises, I knew it as well. When the younger Matthew first began to produce semen, I knew that.

I gave both boys and both women climaxes by licking them and Minni did it for me with her hand and, as she studied at night, with her toes. The boys were afraid they'd get caught and never let me do it again after the first time. Molly let me lick her half a dozen times over the two years I was with them. But it was Minni who made it a regular thing. One week we each came at least once every day.

One notable slumber party, four different girls had orgasms on my tongue with only one refusing. They watched, rapt, as Minni used her fingers to bring on my own, wondering if that was how a boy looks.

Of course, that wasn't the extent of my sex life. My more normal activities in the neighborhood included impregnating a dozen different bitches and having successful sex with three who had been neutered. That is very unusual since neutering does away with sexual desire in most cases. I must have been a very desirable dog.

But now I see things on the horizon that require a different set of abilities than I can supply as a dog. Now is the time for a new incarnation.


It was a little after noon, the children in school and Daddy at work. Mommy left me alone in the house with tongue in cheek instructions to take care of things until she came home. In my own way, I intended to do that.

I put my paws on the living room window and watched her leave, hoping that I'd have a couple of hours before she returned.

Concentrating, I became a very small, very short-lived animal buried deep in the fibers of the carpet. I saw no other creatures in my time here though there are thousands of creatures, most of which no human has identified, in each of the many places I've lived out lives.

This was my transition creature and I had no interest in its lifestyle. It was already aged in its life terms as I concentrated again on my next incarnation. This creature I considered in detail.

I've never witnessed my incarnations, as you can imagine. Even if there had been a mirror, I could not watch. There are moments of total disorientation and when those moments pass, it is done. Therefore, I can't tell you what you would have seen if you'd been there.

The reason for my need for concentration is that I have to picture the creature to which I am moving in the most intimate and complete fashion. I've found from experience that any detail left out, is left to caprice and caprice is not often kind.

Thanks to that concentration, when I woke on the floor of the living room, I knew exactly what I would see when I looked into a mirror. That made it no less fascinating to anticipate that experience.

I knew that I looked about 14 years old, that I was five feet tall, that I weighed slightly less than 100 pounds, that I had long blond hair and bright blue eyes, and that I was a fully formed female human. For the first time, I was a human female. And I was excited by the prospect.

I uncurled from a fetal position, rolling onto my back, and felt the strange weight of my breasts moving as if entities of their own. For the first time in a very long time, I didn't feel the weight of male genitals between my legs. I sat up and looked there to see the fluff of pubic hair and the bunched skin that, I knew, covered a hole and various other interesting elements.

Knowing for weeks that I was going to do this, I'd prepared. Blocks away, I had taken a tee-shirt and shorts from a clothesline and secreted them in the field behind the house. Earlier, I had brought them into the backyard. Now I opened the sliding glass door and went to the clothing. Back in the house, I stepped into the shorts and pulled the tee-shirt over my head. Both were too small but I didn't care as long as I had something to cover myself.

I let myself back out of the sliding glass door, leaving it partly open, and climbed over the back fence. I circled around the block, talking to my dog friends as I went, wasting time until Mommy came home. Finally, idling along the sidewalk, I saw her drive up to the house and open the back door of the car. It was full of grocery bags.

I skipped to the side of the car. "Could I help?" I asked. She looked at me, frowned, and looked around as if for a car or other people. Finally she shrugged her shoulders.

"Sure, I guess." She lifted one of the bags, holding the door keys in the other hand, and led the way to the door. I picked up two bags and followed her into the house. "Einstein," she called, looking around the house. "Einstein!" I set the bags on the kitchen table and went back to the car to get two more. She had found the open door and was outside calling the dog. I got the last two bags, shut the car door, and returned to the kitchen.

"Oh," she said. "Thanks. That's a big help." "That's okay," I said.

"I wonder where that dumb dog went," she said to herself. She looked worried and I was sorry for her feelings of loss. She turned back to me. "I guess you ought to get home." I just looked down at my hands. It was very calculating. I'd thought about the transition a long time.

She was sort of nervous about me now. I could feel it. "Could I get you something to drink?" I smiled and nodded. "Okay. But then you'll have to head out before your mother starts worrying about you."

"I don't have a mommy," I said.

"Then your daddy." I shook my head.

"Then who's taking care of you. Your aunt or grandmother?" she speculated.

"No. I'm sort of on my own."

"You mean you have no one?"

"Uh huh." I tried to look sad. "But I'm okay. People take care of me sometimes." She looked at me, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Police? Social workers?"

"Huh uh," I said with emphasis, letting my eyes get big and fearful looking. "People who like me and don't want to put me in an orphanage. Guys mostly," I mumbled. I heard her draw in her breath.

"Well," she said with a note of decision. "If you don't have anyone here, then you can stay for a while, while we look for, ah, something better. More permanent." I looked up at her then with the smile I knew she'd like.

Chapter 3

WE SAT AND talked through most of the rest of the afternoon. I told her my name was Sue Love and that I grew up in New York City. I knew there had been a family named Love, that the parents had died, and that their daughter, Sue, had disappeared. I'd learned that when I was a dog in New York and lived for a short time with the real girl on the streets. I watched her die one very cold, dark night but I was sure no one else in the world knew or cared.

I knew my family, since I'd always thought of them that way, would explore for Sue's circumstances. But I was also sure they wouldn't let me be taken back to the situation that Sue Love had died in.

Molly and I got along very well. I can use my intelligence and knowledge to make most people like me. Since I have had no real ill treatment that I haven't taken care of myself, I have no psychological problems or other impediments that other street children have in great quantity. I made her laugh and, a couple of times, made her cry. Finally, someone cried for poor Sue Love even if she wasn't really me.

I would never tell her that I had killed the three teenagers who had raped and killed Sue Love in a New York City alley. I was still sorry that I hadn't been there before they hurt her. Unfortunately, as I told you before, one individual can't take care of evil everywhere it is practiced. But at least that particular evil would never be repeated by those three or two of their associates. The unfortunate girl they were stalking at the time I caught up with them also never knew of her near escape.

"Oh, my. It's 2:30," she said. "We need to get you something more appropriate to wear. Come with me." I knew she'd do this; one of the reasons I hadn't picked clothing very carefully.

I followed her to her room as she began rummaging through her drawers. "You just hop in the shower," she said, "and toss your old clothes out in the hall. I'll put some clean ones on the bed here for when you get out." I nodded and headed for their master bath and enjoyed a long shower even though I wasn't particularly dirty. It was just very sensual to do in this body.

When I came out, she was out of the room but I saw the jeans and tee- shirt she'd picked out for me along with the set of underwear. I was looking at them when she returned.

"Oh!" she said as she stopped inside the doorway. I'm not sure what she expected. Maybe that I'd already be dressed since I had extended my shower longer than she normally did. I just turned toward her and watched her eyes range down my little body.

I was proud of it. I'd done well in my conceptualizing. But I could see something entirely different in her look as her eyes focused on my large breasts and then slid downward across my tiny waist to my flared hips and the wispy white hair between my legs. It wasn't at all a motherly inspection.

"Well," she said almost breathlessly, "it doesn't look like you'll have any problem filling out my bra." I just smiled and thanked her without moving to put the clothes on yet. I really preferred her inspection of me at the moment. It felt almost as good as the hot shower. "Go ahead and get dressed while I put some things away here."

I stepped into her little panties and then fastened the bra, feeling her eyes on me even as she put clothes away in the drawers from her morning wash.

"Perfect," I said with a big grin, showing her the results. Then I slipped the tee-shirt over my head, letting her watch my bottom as I did so, before putting on the jeans. They were a little tight but fit better than the shorts I'd had on. I went to her then and hugged her. "Oh, thank you so much! It feels so nice to have nice clothes on again. And clean and everything."

"Well, let me help you brush out your hair, okay?" I nodded and sat down at her makeup table as she took the hairbrush and began stroking the long blond tresses. There was another thing that felt wonderful. I was really going to enjoy this. "Some other time we'll have to do some nail polish."

I was almost like a dress-up doll for her and she was reacting in exactly the way she would have when she was 12 and still playing with dolls. I wondered if her dolls had enjoyed being played with as much as I was. She continued the brushing far past the time my hair had dried and every little knot had been removed. It shown in the mirror like spun gold and fell far down my back to a point below the bra strap.

That was something that was going to take a little getting used to. I'd seen bras when Minni and Molly put them on but, since I'd never been a human female, I'd never worn one. It felt sort of secure but at the same time was a little restrictive and the straps itched. Molly saw that as I scratched and squirmed with it.

"You've not used to wearing a bra, huh?" "No, ma'am," I said. "I haven't had one before." "Well, you'll get used to it and you need one, I think." "I thought they were just to keep you from sagging and like that," I said. "Yes. But a modest young lady wears one so she isn't quite so -- obvious."

"Oh," I said. I thought I wouldn't wear one if I could get away with it but I didn't say anything. I thought it would be better to meet the rest of the family with as innocent a look as possible.

As we went back to the kitchen so she could start dinner, the door burst open with Marshall and Billy pushing and wrestling in their race to be first in the door. They both stopped in their tracks as they caught sight of me. I just smiled.

"Hi," Marshall said.

"Boys, this is Sue. She's going to be staying with us for a little while," Molly said.

"Oh, okay," Billy said with only a second's hesitation. Kids always accept strangers fast. "So hi! Where are you from."

"New York," I said. "But I like it here a lot better." "Yeah, us too," Marshall said with a grin. "Where's Einstein?" "Oh, shoot," Molly said. "I never did find him. Boys. I found the door open when I came home from shopping. Why don't you take a look around the neighborhood and see if you can find him?"

"Yeah, sure," they said in unison and turned back to the door, pushing their way out again, leaving their school books behind them on the kitchen floor.

"Hey, Minni," Billy said outside the door a moment before she came demurely into the kitchen. She didn't notice me immediately and kissed her mom on the cheek before catching sight of me and doing a double-take.

"Minni, this is Sue. She's going to be staying with us for a little while." "Hi, I'm Minni," she said, holding out her hand to shake. "Hi," I answered with a big smile.

"Let me put my books away. I'll be right back," she said. She went through the house calling for the dog. I felt sorry they wouldn't find Einstein and would never know what happened to him unless, at some time in the future, I told them about myself. They would already be skeptical enough of me for a while without my adding that to the mix. But some time, I'd tell them in my own way.

When she returned from her room, she asked Mommy about the dog just as the boys had with the same answer and request.

"You guys want to take a look around the neighborhood for him?" she asked. Minni shrugged her shoulders.

"Sure, I guess," Minni said. "You want to go along?" I nodded and got up from the chair I'd been watching from.

"Is that all right, ma'am?" I asked politely. "Of course, honey," she said. "You guys get acquainted. I'm just fixing dinner and that's boring for young ladies."

Minni led me out the door and down the driveway before saying anything. I was being careful not to step on a rock in my bare feet. Unlike most animals, I'd found before that human feet are poorly protected naturally though they can be toughened with days of walking. I didn't really think it was going to be necessary this time however and mine had no protection built up at all now.

We walked around several blocks along the tree lined streets, Minni occasionally saying hello to someone as we passed. I knew all the people from taking walks with her before. Actually, I knew a great deal more about some of them than Minni did. Many things no one outside their homes knew about them. A dog sees a lot that people don't.

We talked about the neighborhood and she filled me in on what she knew about the people as we walked. I told her about living in New York City and how scary it was. That was straight from my heart with a little bit gained from the things I'd seen rather than really lived. But by the time we returned home, we both knew we were going to be fast friends.

When we got back in the house, I listened to Minni's report and then to her discussion of the day's activities with her mom. Molly continued making dinner as they talked. I added something when I could and generally participated in the talk. We were all getting along well when the front door opened.

"Hello! I'm home," Phil said from the door. "We're in here, daddy," Minni said as she bounded to greet her dad half way. They came back into the room arm in arm and he nodded to me before leaning to his wife and kissing her on the cheek as she stirred something.

"Phil, I want you to meet Sue. She's going to be staying with us for a little while until we can make some other arrangements."

"Oh, exchange student?" he asked me.

"No. She just helped me with the groceries. We'll have to talk in a minute." She closed the discussion for a time. "Why don't you guys go in the other room and watch TV, okay?" Seeing that they needed to talk in private, Minni and I moved to the other room.

I knew the substance of the conversation because, as a man, I would put up the same arguments. You can't take in stray kids like you can take in stray dogs. What says that this kid is what she says she is? She could be a thief, a killer. Who knows? I knew that, at least for tonight, and with no other evidence than my own being, Molly would win. Being female was a distinct advantage. If I'd been male tonight, I would be out to seek a place to sleep. As a female, I would not. All I could do was wait for the inevitable decision. I would have tomorrow to strengthen my position and tonight was almost a foregone conclusion.

My confidence was buoyed a lot because I knew Phil and that he wouldn't really fight all that hard.

The boys came bounding back in the door then demanding dinner and telling their parents that they couldn't find the dog. I was sure they'd gotten sidetracked by other interests but, of course, it didn't matter a great deal since I knew where the dog was -- in the family room watching television.

The boys came into the room then and parked in front of the television, soon taking it over. But something was still wrong and I could see it. They both missed the dog and were worried about him. I asked them what they were bothered by and they told me what I knew.

"So what do you miss about the dog?" I asked. "He always met us at the door and was ready to play." "Yeah, I know how it is I guess. It must be nice to have a friend like he must have been."

"Yeah." They were both thoughtful.

"Can I be your friend?" I asked.

"Sure. But it's not the same thing. He used to be funny and run with us. And a lot of the time, he'd wrestle with us on the family room floor."

"Yeah?" I said. "I can wrestle."

"Naw," Billy said. "You're a girl."

"Yeah," I said. "But I can still wrestle. And I'll bet I could beat you." "You're kidding," Marshall said with a deprecating grin. "No. I'm pretty good. I've wrestled with tougher guys than you." "You couldn't even beat me," Marshall said with a grin, knowing it was a challenge.

"I'll bet I can and if I win I'll hold you down and kiss you all over your face."

"No way!" he giggled.

"So how do we start? Standing up or on all fours like the college wrestlers?" I asked standing up and getting in a wrestling pose.

"All fours. And I get top to start."

"Okay." I got on all fours and waited for him to put his arm around my side. He was still quite a bit smaller than me and carefully reached around below my breasts. It gave me a real advantage since his arm should have been across my chest. I didn't waste the advantage but turned out from under his arm and put mine around his chest in a single movement. I held on tight as he squirmed and finally fell onto his side.

Squirming to get away from my hold, that I easily held tightly around him as he turned to face me from flat on his back, I held him solidly as he tried to free himself. Minni and Billy laughed and yelled for him to get up but he couldn't. Then I got up to sit on his stomach, holding his wrists down on the carpet. While he squirmed to get loose and turned his head wildly from side to side, I kissed him all over his face just as I said I would.

He almost broke my nose in his attempts to get free. That was to the negative. His body also squirmed between my spread legs, rubbing against me roughly. That was to the positive. I loved kissing his face as he laughed and tried to get free. It was so like when he and I had wrestled when I was a dog, racing around him and licking him whenever he was at a disadvantage.

"Uncle! Uncle!" he finally screamed. "I give! Get off me!" I did and rolled to the side as he stopped his giggling. I could see that he was as sexually stimulated as I was by the bulge in his pants.

"You wuss!" Billy said as he pushed him out of the way. "You could never do that to me!" he bragged. I just grinned.

"I get top this time. You're bigger and I'm a girl." "Yeah, well, okay." I got a good hold around his side and across his chest as he tried to turn out of it. I let him turn and then crossed him, reaching under his bottom with one arm and across his shoulder with the other. My weight, my breasts pressing into his chest, held him almost immobile.

He grunted and squirmed to get loose as Minni laughed and Marshall told him he was a wuss.

Unfortunately, he worked me too far up his body until part of my body was over his face. I was still holding on to him but when he pushed his mouth into my breast, I cringed away with a strange mixture of excitement and fear of damage. He rolled me over then and quickly grabbed my arms to hold them down. His slightly heavier body against mine, his knee between my legs, was very exciting in this new body. His chest was pressed against my breasts, pushing and trying for better position.

I knew I could lift my leg and hurt him since he had only one leg over mine but I didn't want to do that. After all, there's a difference between street fighting and wrestling for fun. For one thing, you didn't really care if you lost or not.

I giggled as he got over me further and started kissing my face. I made a show of squirming to get free and turning my face to keep him from kissing me. But, in fact, I was thoroughly enjoying it.

Marshall was ecstatic that his brother had gotten me. Minni was still giggling since she could see what it would be like to be in this situation as a girl and knew it was pretty pleasant. Billy just kept kissing all over my face until he had kissed my ears and my neck and my cheeks and then, finally, my mouth. We both froze as he realized what he was doing. Then, quickly, he backed away. It took a few heartbeats before he got his bravado back.

"Okay," he said standing up quickly. "I won. The new world's champion." He clasped his hands together over his head as he bounced around the room and Marshall heartily congratulated him for his win. He was totally flushed from the combination of the effort he'd expended and his own sexual excitement.

Certainly, I was flushed and physically excited as I slowly sat up and regained my feet. Smiling, I went and sat down next to Minni on the couch and she giggled and told me I'd get him next time. She was as flushed as I felt -- just from watching.

"Dinner, kids," Phil said from the kitchen door and Minni and I, arm in arm, followed the boys' cavalry charge to the room.


"What have you guys been doing?" Mommy said as she looked at us with a smile.

Billy said, "We were wrestling." Then he made a muscle and said, "I won, of course."

"I sort of lost," Marshall said in his typically honest manner. "But I think she cheated."

"You mean you were wrestling with Minni?" "Huh uh," Billy said matter-of-factly. "Sue. She pretty much beat Marshall but I beat her, so it's okay."

"Marshall tired me out so it was easy," I said with a grin. "You guys aren't supposed to be wrestling in the family room," Phil said with a smile.

"Ah, dad. There's nothing we can break or anything," Billy said. "How about the TV?" he said. "If you guys feel the need to run off some of that excess energy, take it out in the backyard after dinner. Okay?" We all nodded.

It seemed strange that I could win over the boys in the same way as a female human as I had as a dog.

They finished their dinners quickly and pushed me to do the same. As soon as I'd finished, Marshall almost pulled me from my chair to follow him to the back yard. I insisted on wrestling Billy first, supposedly while I was still strong enough, and used the knowledge I'd gained over numerous years to easily best him, using my advantage only to lick him all over the face. I refrained from kissing him, as I could have several times, for fear of escalating our relationship too early.

After he'd given up, Marshall came at me like a whirlwind. Both of us laughing all the while, I let him get the best of me. He ended up sitting rather unceremoniously on my breasts, his shins painfully against my biceps, and kissed me everywhere on my face I would allow him. He stopped finally when I started kissing him back, forcing him to kiss me on the lips a couple of times that resulted in boyish yucks.

Minni and I left them wrestling with each other and returned to the family room.

Chapter 4

"SUE," PHIL SAID. "Could I talk to you for a few minutes?" I nodded and followed him to the kitchen, letting him hold a chair for me. He sat down at the chair next to mine and looked at me.

"You seem to have impressed my family," he said. "Perhaps I'm a little overly careful. But I need to learn a little more about you than I know now. Do you mind?"

"No, sir," I said quickly, following it with a nervous smile in character with what I believed him to expect.

"Okay then. Would you tell me a little about your life? I mean, I know what you told Molly. But I need a little more before I feel comfortable with you in my home with my children."

"Yes, sir," I said. "What can I tell you?" "What about your parents?"

"They were killed, sir," I said quickly. "A car accident." That had been the real Sue Love's tale. I thought it was true though she only told me as her dog friend and not another soul.

"And you have no other family?"

"No, sir."

"When were your parents killed?"

"About two years ago. Spring. It's spring now." "Yes. So how have you been living since then?" "Well, first they put me in an orphanage," I answered. Sue had been in an inner city orphanage for almost a year before her escape.

"Why aren't you still there?"

"They were mean, sir. And there was one man who was supposed to take care of us at night." I turned my face away. The anguish I felt was real though it was only secondhand.

"He was a bad man?"

"Yes, sir. Very bad. At night, he used to make some of the girls go to his office." I'd heard Sue talk about this with another girl and it still made me mad that I didn't know the man. That I'd never heard.

"Did you go to the office?"

"No, sir. I knew about when it was going to be my turn and I left." Sue hadn't been so lucky but I thought this better than secondhand information. I could say to myself that I hadn't personally experienced what she had those awful nights that so changed her life and the way she looked at the world.

"So you got out before anything happened?" "Uh huh."

"How did you live then?"

"There are lots of kids on the streets now," I said. That was the truth. Thousands of youngsters. Most warped by their experiences forever. "I lived with some of them. You know. A few days or a few weeks. Then I'd move on." Sue didn't have that luxury or the intelligence to do it. She'd fallen into a cycle of misbegotten love or, at least, a feeling of protection that had been torn apart by boys who had taken advantage of her love before throwing her out or trying to exploit her for money.

"You told Molly that a lot of the people who looked after you were men - - boys."

"Yes, sir."

"Did they -- do anything?"

"Yes, sir. Sometimes. They wanted me to earn my keep. I tried but I couldn't do it."

"I see. So you were, ah, never . . ."

"A hooker? I don't know. I never did it regularly or anything. But a couple of times, I didn't have a choice." I looked, embarrassed, at my hands. I knew this had to get to him with a daughter my age. "There were times when I was very hungry. And the people, the men, weren't really terrible. There was only a couple of guys and they were nice to me. Mostly, they wanted to take pictures and that was okay."

"Pictures," he hissed. He was seething with hatred for these men as I had been when I first heard Sue talk of it. With her, it was pictures and much worse. They'd hurt her very badly and, even before her encounter with the three men who killed her, she might not have survived long. I sought them out but never was in a position to find them. Perhaps I'd have another chance.

"When you haven't eaten for three or four days . . ." He stopped me with a raised hand.

"I understand." He looked embarrassed with himself before he asked the next question. I thought I knew what it might be. "Sue. Are you still a virgin? I mean I understand . . ."

"Oh, yes sir," I said without hesitation. Of course, in this new body, I was. I also knew it would make a difference in how he looked at me. I wanted his respect and, for a teen, this was one measure of that. It would assuage many of his fears.

"Would you mind too much if I asked Molly to make sure of that?" "No, sir. If you think that's necessary." "I'll talk to her about it. I'm not sure. Maybe tomorrow or something." He look up into my eyes again. "Of course you'll stay with us tonight, Sue. Okay?"

"Oh, yes sir. Thank you. It's still pretty cold outside." "I can imagine. Tomorrow though, I want to make some discrete inquiries. After all, if you're with us for very long, we'll need to get you into school. And we'll have to clear up your background formally." I smiled.

"I'd love to be able to go to school again. I haven't been for about a year." "Well, probably it's too late for this year. There's only a couple of weeks until summer vacation. But maybe in the fall." I was ecstatic and let it show. He was talking about letting me stay, just as I hoped he would. I jumped to my feet and threw my arms around his neck.

"Okay then. We have to get one thing straight, okay?" I looked into his eyes waiting for what he said. "I'm Phil. Not 'sir'. Okay?"

"Yes, sir. I mean, Phil," I said with my bright smile. "Okay then. Let's join the rest of the family." He put his arm around my back and led me back into the family room where everyone was now watching a TV program. It was very comfortable.


"If it's all right with you, Minni, Sue can sleep with you tonight," Molly said after the TV program was over and everyone was ready for bed.

"She could have my bed, mommy, and I'd sleep on the floor," Marshall said brightly. She laughed.

"No, that's okay. I think the girls will get along better together and you're better off in a bed." He shrugged but I appreciated his offer and ruffled his hair with a smile of thanks. He just looked embarrassed by my attention.

I knew Minni and I would fit nicely in her four poster double bed so wasn't worried. As long as Minni didn't feel like I was imposing. She didn't make any sign before she grabbed my arm to lead me to the bedroom

"We'll do fine," she said.

"Okay then, kids," Phil said. "Off to bed. It's a school night." The boys were unusually well behaved kids with a regular bedtime. They moved off with us, ducking into their room and saying goodnight before closing their door. I could hear their normal clamor behind the closed door.

I also heard Phil and Molly begin discussing the situation behind us as we went into Minni's room and closed our door as well.

"This'll be fun," Minni said to me. "Just like having a sister." She went to her drawers and pulled out what I recognized as her favorite shortie nightgown and gave it to me. Then she pulled out another and started taking her clothes off.

"I better go to the bathroom before I get undressed," I said. She pointed it out though I knew that it was between the two kids' bedrooms.

"Be sure and lock the other door or you'll have the boys in there with you."

"Okay," I said and ducked into the room and used it quickly before unlocking the other side and shutting our side before I returned to the bedside. She was already in bed with the covers pulled up almost to her chin though she turned sideways and watched as I took off my clothes and got into the nightgown.

"Wow," she said. "You really have big titties, huh?" "Yeah," I said. "I guess so." I blushed at her inspection. I turned the lights off and crawled under the covers next to her. The sheets were cold and I was shivering. I guess she could feel it because she moved over against my side.

"Here, I'll help warm you up," she said. "You're nice and warm," I said. "Boy, this is sure better than sleeping outside."

"Is that what you did last night?"

"Uh huh. Downtown." I lied. That was enough of that. Sooner or later I knew I was going to tell her the truth, strange as it was. But I hoped to remain somewhat normal in her eyes for a little longer.

I turned toward her, interlacing my arms and legs with hers and holding her close until my shivering stopped. By then, I was feeling much more than the coolness of the sheets which were actually quite warm now.

One of her legs was between mine, her thigh pressing into the little panties the nightgown included. Her other leg was wrapped around the back of my other leg. My thigh was pressed between her legs as well and I could feel a strange heat from their conjunction. She had one arm under my side and the other around my other side. Mine were around her neck.

There was a knock on the door and we rolled quickly apart, though our legs were still crossed and one of our arms still around each other. The door opened then and Molly peered into the darkness.

"Goodnight, girls," she said. "We're glad to have you, Sue." "Thank you, ma'am," I said.

"Night, mom," Minni said. The door closed again and we heard Phil say, "They all settled in?" There was only a murmured reply I didn't understand but I thought I knew what it was anyway. We heard their door close and silence fall over the house.

Both Minni and I knew we weren't really cold anymore but, as Phil and Molly's door closed, we turned back toward each other, putting our arms and legs around each other as we had before. It felt very nice.

We just lay that way, talking very softly for a long time about life in general and about her days. I spoke as little as possible about my life since I didn't want to lie to her any more than necessary. I could say a few things from my own experiences.

"Have you ever messed around with a guy?" she asked. "I haven't." "Yeah, sort of," I said. "I guess so."

"Did he put his thing in you?"

"Huh uh."

"What did he do then?"

"Can I show you?" I asked. I felt her nod against my shoulder. I moved down slightly and kissed her lips. She smiled when I did that. While I kissed her, I let my hand find her breast. When I pressed my tongue past her lips, I found her nipple with my fingers and rolled and played with it. I could feel her breathing heavily through her nose and her body reacting naturally to my kisses and touches. I broke the kiss and stopped moving my hand for a minute to give her a chance to catch her breath. She smiled and, after a minute, opened her eyes.

"Did you like that?"

"Uh huh!" she whispered.

"Good." I returned my lips to hers and began moving my fingers again on her nipple. "You can touch me too if you want to," I said quickly between kisses. Her fingers tentatively went to my breast. It felt good. Then for a minute, she fought my tongue and pressed hers into my mouth. I liked the feel of that a lot.

We kissed and touched each others' breasts and nipples for a very long time until both our middles were pressing into the other girl's leg harder and harder until we both had orgasms.

"Okay," I whispered. "Now I'm going to do something different. You can do it to me later if you want."

I lowered myself down her body until I could pull up her nightgown and start licking her nipples, one after the other. She moaned and rolled from side to side as I licked and sucked until she had another orgasm against me, hissing between her teeth to keep from crying out.

She didn't move as I pulled her panties off and pushed her knees apart so I could touch her inner thighs and then her pussy. She had another orgasm before I put my finger into her and that sent her into another one right away. I felt her maidenhead with the tip of my finger as I stuck it in and out of her, rubbing her clit with my thumb at the same time and licking her nipples.

I let her relax for a minute as I got myself ready and then plunged my tongue between her legs. Just as she did when I was a dog, she had orgasm after orgasm for a long time. The difference was that now, instead of just licking, I could suck her juices and suck on her clitoris as she had more and stronger orgasms.

Each time she was having a harder time stifling her moans or crying out. Several fairly loud sounds came from her as her back arched and her body bucked on the bed. She'd had her fingers wrapped in my hair for some time now, holding my mouth to her. Now she pulled me away and up her body, letting me kiss her nipples on my way past but forcing me back to her mouth.

I lay on top of her for a long time as she kissed me, her legs wrapping around the back of my knees and pressing our middles and breasts tightly together. I loved the new feelings that were mixed with the memories of the old feelings of making love to a woman. She came again under me.

Then she let me go, collapsing in exhaustion. I curled up next to her, as I had so many times as a dog in the last two years, and soon was asleep holding her.


The alarm woke us both up the next morning before Minni turned it off and rolled to me.

"I really liked that last night," she grinned. "I'm sorry. I meant to do it to you before I fell asleep but I just couldn't move any more."

"I know. It's okay. Maybe another time." "Yeah," she said. "We'll have lots of other times, huh?" It was as if she needed reassurance.

"Sure." Then she bounded out of bed toward the bathroom. "I've got to get in and out of the shower so the boys can get ready for school," she said breathlessly.

"Okay," I said. "Leave it on and maybe I can get one really quick, too." "Sure," she said and disappeared into the bathroom. A couple of minutes later, she stuck her head back out and said I could get in and asked if it was okay if she brushed her teeth. When I pulled my nightgown over my head and pushed my panties to the floor, I felt her eyes on me in the mirror as she watched. It made me grin to myself.

I washed fast so I didn't break the normal routine and just as I was getting out of the shower, she left the room saying, "When you get dried, would you wake up the boys?" I said I would and proceeded to dry myself off. Then I wrapped the big towel around my breasts, the bottom just covering my pelvic region.

I opened the door to the boys' room and walked to the side of Marshall's bed, shaking him lightly. "Marshall. Wake up. It's time to get ready for school," I said. He rolled over and looked at me through bleary eyes. I smiled and he kind of smiled back.

I moved to Billy's bed and shook him with the same words. He opened his eyes and looked up at me. His smile spread to fill his face, his eyes wide.

"Wow. That's something to wake up to," he said. "A beautiful girl wearing just a towel." My little Billy was growing up, I thought as I ducked out of the room.

As I got dressed in the tee-shirt and jeans Molly had given me the day before, I listened to the boys hassling over space to wash their faces, brush their teeth, and comb their hair. Minni found a pair of white sneakers that fit me okay and we went down to breakfast.

"Good morning, ladies," Molly said when we got to the kitchen. Minni said, "Morning mom," while I said "Good morning, ma'am." She turned to me with a pancake turner in her hand and pointed it at me.

"I heard Phil tell you not to call him sir last night. The same goes for me. I'm Molly. Okay?"

"Yes, Molly," I said brightly. She grinned at me. "So how many pancakes can you ladies eat. Before the boys get here." "I don't know," I said while Molly said, "Two please." I decided that was enough and said so. She'd just put them on our plates as the boys blasted into the room, pushing and shoving each other.

"Oh, boy," Billy said. "Pancakes. I want about ten." "Me too," Marshall said.

"Well, you'll start with two." She took them off the hot griddle and I watched them disappear as I more delicately ate mine. They were wonderful. I hadn't had them before.

"Good morning everyone," Phil said as he walked into the room and found his chair beside me. "How did you sleep, Sue? All right I hope."

"Fine. Thank you."

"Good. What are you and Molly going to do today?" I shrugged. I didn't know.

"We've got some shopping to do after the mall opens," Molly said. "This young lady doesn't have anything of her own to wear."

"That's okay," Billy said. "Then she'll wake me up like she did this morning."

Both Phil and Molly looked at me.

"Oh, it's okay," Minni said. "She just woke him up wearing her bath towel like I usually do in the morning. It never did anything for you before," she said to Billy.

"You don't look like Sue, dog breath," he said. "Yeah, well," Minni said with a grin.

"Maybe you should wake the boys in the mornings, Minni. We don't want their young minds to be too active this early in the day," Phil said.

"Okay," she said. "The baseball bat like usual?" "That sounds like it's indicated," Molly said with a laugh. "I gotta go," Phil said. "Meeting right off the top." He held his tie and kissed Minni on the cheek and then, surprisingly, turned his head and kissed my cheek as well. I blushed. He kissed his wife on the lips and the boys made noises until he stopped. "You guys have fun on your shopping trip," he said as he went out the door.

"Time for school, kids," Molly said and they all finished the last of their pancakes and picked up their school books to leave.

"Bye, Sue," the boys said before they pushed and shoved their way out the front door.

"You guys have fun," Minni said before she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek with a knowing grin. "Bye, mom." She kissed her cheek too and sedately walked out to follow the boys.

I stood and gathered the plates.

"You sit down and eat now, Molly," I said. "I'll do the dishes. Okay?" "Sure!" she said with a big smile. "I feel like the lady of the manor and I didn't even have to ask."

"I want to do what I can," I said.

Chapter 5

WE SAT AND she drank coffee while we talked until it was after 9 a.m. Then we went to the car and drove to the mall. For the next three hours, we shopped. I ended up with several sets of inexpensive underwear, several skirts and blouses, two dresses, a couple of pairs of jeans and shorts, tee-shirts, a halter top, a pair of sneakers, two pairs of moderate heels, and three nightgowns like the one I'd worn the night before. I was happy and thankful to her for doing it for me. She was just enjoying my enthusiasm.

Before we left the mall, she took me to a hairdresser who put a permanent in my hair that gave it big gentle waves that cascaded around my shoulders and neck. It felt wonderful.

I finally got her to buy herself a sexy new nightgown "for Phil" and a nice dress that was both shorter and tighter than she thought she should wear but that looked great on her.

When we got home to the quiet house, I got her to try on her new dress with a garter belt, stockings, and patent high heels. It was great on her.

As a sort of turnabout, she made me try on one of my new dresses, letting me wear another of her garter belts and stockings with my new shoes. This dress looked a little more "young girl" but it was still short with a full skirt and a high neck. I tried it on with no bra to see if she could tell.

She enthused, as I had with her outfit, as she had me turn around to look it over. It made me feel pretty.

"Honey," she said. "Have you ever worn high heels?" "Just these," I said.

"Do you want to try some?"

"Sure!" I said, excited. She got a pair out of her closet and I put them on before standing and trying to walk without shuffling my heels. They changed my posture, throwing my hips forward and my chest out further as well as changing the shape of my calves. It made me feel very adult.

"Well," she said. "Maybe for a big date you could borrow them." I bubbled with that promise. I hugged her and she hugged me back. "I guess maybe that's enough dress-up," she said then. I turned back to Minni's room and got her to unzip the dress for me. She stood with her arms crossed over her chest as she watched me carefully hang up the dress.

"Ooo," she said as I finished it. "That's a sexy outfit. Don't let Billy see that!" I realized I was now wearing only the garter belt, stockings and high heels.

"Yeah," I said with a grin. "I better not. The way he liked getting waked up in just my towel this morning." She laughed with me.

"Oh, that reminds me," she said. "Phil asked me to do something. If you don't mind too much."

"What's that?" I asked innocently.

"For some reason, it's important to him to know that you're still a virgin." I nodded, remembering that. "Do you mind if I check? I know it's . . ."

"No," I said. "That's okay." I walked over to her and held my hands behind me. She reached between my legs and pushed a finger into me a little. It was pretty dry, though I'd been pretty turned on all during the shopping trip, hair dresser, and trying on.

"Here. Steady yourself by putting your hands on my shoulders. Then you can spread your legs a little more so I won't hurt you." I did as I was told, looking into her eyes as she looked down to see what she was doing. My breasts are big enough that she was having trouble seeing around them and couldn't find the entrance very well. Instead, inadvertently I think, she had found my labia and ran her finger over my clitoris. I moaned.

"Oh, here, honey," she said in mild disgust. "Just lay down on the edge of the bed so I can see what I'm doing."

I backed up to Minni's bed and lay back, lifting one leg, bent at the knee. Her finger slid a little way into me then as I watched her face. She didn't look at all like she was examining really. She was getting excited by this and so was I.

"I don't feel . . ." She probed a little further but still tentatively. To get it wet enough that her finger would slide further in, she'd probed forward and back several times, gaining a little each time. I bit my lip. It felt really good. Because of the position, her upper finger was still rubbing against my clit and it was now swollen, I knew from the feel of it.

I felt her fingertip contact something inside me -- probably my maidenhead.

"Is that . . ." She probed around some more and I could see her breathing harder. I was still looking at her eyes and mouth. The way she was moving her tongue around, her mouth partially open. The soft look of her eyes. "Yes," she said tentatively as her finger moved around inside me. "That's it."

My legs were now both up and widely spread to allow her the greatest access. As if to make sure she was feeling the right thing, she continued moving around inside me for a moment. Or maybe she didn't know what she was doing.

"Uhn!" I heard from myself. She heard it too and, her finger still inside me, she looked into my eyes. Then she blushed. I knew about what she was seeing now as I lay here on my back with my legs spread and her finger inside me. I knew my face was a work of sensual art, the epitome of sexual excitement reflected on it from deep within me.

I lowered one leg slightly and took her other hand from where it had been resting on my thigh. I pulled her toward me. When she leaned on that arm, next to my head, I reached behind her and unzipped her new dress. It slid down her arms far enough with the low-cut top that her breasts came into view for me. I reached to her nipple and she moaned softly.

"Sue," she began. "I'm sorry. We . . ."

"You can't leave me like this, Molly. Please?" Now she pulled her finger out of me where it had been frozen and I was afraid she was going to leave. Instead, she shrugged the dress from her shoulders and lowered herself onto the bed beside me, leaning on one elbow and looking into my eyes.

"No. I can't. And I can't leave myself like this either." I put my hand around her full breast as she leaned forward and kissed me, her finger returning to its inspection between my now well lubricated legs. "I've got to taste you, Sue. I have to."

Her mouth went to my breast, licking and sucking on my near nipple and sending waves of wonderful feeling through my body. I squirmed my way up onto the bed further as she kissed her way down my stomach. Then I knew what she was going to do just before she did it. She kissed my clit as her finger began to move up and down inside me.

I saw the glistening moisture in the heavy brown hair between her legs as she sucked on my clit and my body was racked by an orgasm. I curled my body, turning onto my side slightly until I reached her. I could just reach her clit as it came out of the folds of skin between her legs. My hand moved on the inside of her thigh, spreading her stocking covered legs.

I heard her moaning as she began to pump her center into my mouth. Then her hand was on the back of my head, holding me to her. She moved up and I felt her replace her finger in my cunt with her tongue. Then she was sucking at my hole, gulping as I came and came wildly.

My fingers plunged into her body, pulling it tighter to my mouth even than before, moving so wildly and so fast I could hardly catch up with her. Then she was coming too, her body frozen as it vibrated internally against my moving mouth. Then, instead of holding me to her, she was pushing me away as her climax passed and it became painful.

She sucked very hard on my pussy, her chin rubbing my clit, and everything seemed to go black. My body went wild.

Then we were laying there panting for breath, my head on her thigh as she lay twisted on the bed.

"Am I a virgin?" I asked. She laughed.

"You're a virgin. But you're a wonderful lover, too." "Thank you, Molly," I said, turning and kissing her hard on the lips. "For everything."


As the other kids and I sat watching a TV program that night, I could just hear Molly and Phil discussing me.

"Yeah," Phil said. "She checks out just like she said. I had a couple of friends in New York run her through their computers. She comes up clean; no arrests. Nothing. She was in a city orphanage a couple of years ago that was busted for their poor administration and several kinds of abuses."

"It's amazing, in that situation and what she's been through, that she's still a virgin," Molly said.

"Yeah. And you're sure of that. If you've got any doubt, we probably ought to take her to a doctor to make sure she doesn't have some disease."

"No, I'm sure," she said. "She'll still need a physical this summer so she can go to school next year. But it can wait."

"Okay. If you're sure." He changed the subject. "She sure looks nice in the clothes you got for her. You must have had fun."

"Yeah," she said. "And you said you liked her hair that way, right?' "Uh huh. Very pretty. She's just a pretty little girl all around." "She's sweet, too," Molly added.

"Maybe a little too adult. Too grown up." "No," she said. "She's just fine."

"So what did you two do all day?"

"What do you mean? We shopped all morning and part of the afternoon with the hairdresser. Then we came home and tried some things on. I got a couple of things you'll like, I think."

"Yeah? Is it bedtime yet?"

"About 15 minutes," she said with a laugh. I'd like to see his reaction to her new nightie. I knew what the result was going to be. I was sure that if I'd still had my dog senses, I could have told hours ago they were going to have sex tonight. But now I was equally sure.

"So what are we going to do with her, Molly?" I listened carefully. "Nothing. As far as I'm concerned, she can stay as long as she wants." "You think that's wise. I mean, I'm sure she learned some things on the streets that Minni and the boys aren't ready to cope with."

"Maybe they should be," she said. "After all, they may never be forced to live on the streets, but they're growing up."

"I just don't want them growing up faster than children are supposed to. I want them to enjoy their childhood without worrying about the scum that's out there in the streets."

"Of course, but I don't think Sue is going to bring any of that into the house."

"You're probably right. But we ought to keep our eyes open for any signs. You know?"

"Of course."

The television program ended and we all filed out to the kitchen to kiss them goodnight. Then we went to our rooms. That night, Minni wanted to reciprocate for what I'd done with her the night before. I enjoyed letting her before we fell asleep in each others' arms.


Molly loaned me a swimsuit and we spent quite a lot of time in the backyard during the next week getting a suntan. Nothing else happened with her except the continuation of that comradeship we'd started that first day.

On the other hand, almost every night Minni and I made love to each other -- warmly and sweetly -- before we went to sleep.

Friday night Phil and Molly went out -- Molly dressed in her new dress that Phil liked as much as I thought he would. Minni and I were left to "babysit" with the boys. It started out innocently enough.

Marshall grabbed my leg as I walked in front of him on the way back from the kitchen. I said, "Hey, no wrestling in the house."

"Okay then," Marshall said. "Let's go outside in the back." Billy added to the demand and Minni just grinned at my entrapment.

"Okay. Let's go," I said and led the way until they broke past me at the doorway. I hadn't worn shoes all day since Molly and I didn't leave the house, and after my afternoon shower, I hadn't put on a bra or panties. Just my shorts and a tank top.

"You're bottom first," Marshall said. I got on all fours and he put his arm around me. This time his arm crossed my breasts. "Go," he said and started madly tugging to pull me over toward him. I turned fast to escape his hold on me and slipped out except that he held on to my shirt. It pulled well away from my front as he held on and I tried to back away.

Seeing that he was about to tear the new shirt and that the neck had stretched out until my boobs were about to fall out, I moved back to him and pushed him over to sit on him. The way he ducked, he ended up with his chin between my breasts while I lay on top of him. Actually, when I was laying on him, they were on either side of his mouth. He started making noises into my chest and squirming to get away before I realized I was about to smother him.

When I let him go, he was a little mad.

"That's no fair," he grumbled. "You could have drowned me." "Smothered you," Minni said.

"Whatever. And I couldn't do that to you if I wanted to." A little embarrassed, I had to agree with him.

"My turn now," Billy said.

"Huh uh," I replied quickly. "I learned my lesson last time. Marshall tires me out and then it's easy for you to get me."

"But you didn't get tired," he said. "You just rolled over and smothered him is all."

"Oh, okay. Come on."

"You're down again because you cheated with Marsh." I got back on all fours. He wrapped his arm around me and, slightly longer than Marshall's, it reached directly to my left breast. He cupped it. I moved it further up onto my chest because I didn't want him grabbing on there.

"Up there," I said. His mouth was at my ear. He whispered, "I liked it there," and moved it back, squeezing it.

"Now quit that," I said, moving his hand again. This time he left it on my chest but as soon as I yelled "Go" he grabbed it again and almost immobilized me. I couldn't turn out from under him with his hand there. Instead, he held on and pushed me forward until my arms couldn't hold me anymore and I fell forward onto my front with his trapped hand under me.

He moved around on top of me but I could tell, except for holding me down, he wasn't really trying to turn me for a pin. He was just squeezing and releasing my breast. And it was getting to me, too.

"Billy," I said into the grass. "Uncle. Let me up." "Huh uh," he said.

"Are you just going to hold me down like this forever?" I moaned, unable to move anything but my legs.

"Yeah," he grunted. "I like this."

"I don't. I can't get loose. What do I have to do?" "Do?" he mumbled into my neck. I think he only just realized then that he had me under his control. "Uh, show me," he said directly over my ear. I knew only I could hear him.

"Come on, guys," Marshall said somewhere near. "This is boring. Are you just going to lay there?"

"Show you?" I asked.

"Yeah. What I'm holding on to. And anything else I want to see. Okay?" "Just show you?"


"Okay. Now let me up."

"You promise?"

"Yeah, okay," I mumbled. "Where?"

"Just follow my lead. Okay? I'll figure it out in a while. Okay?" "Yeah, yeah. Okay." He pulled his hand out from under me then and rolled off.

"I won," he yelled as he got off. "She said uncle." "It was still a boring wrestling match," Marshall said. "Whatever. I still won," Billy said again, flushed as I got up from the grass.

"I'm next," Marshall said then.

"I'm too tired," I said and moved toward Minni. "You guys go ahead." They quickly agreed and started their match standing up. I saw that they put a lot more energy into it and were a lot rougher than when they wrestled with me.

Minni and I sat on the step watching as they wrestled. Finally, Billy got Marshall down on his back and held him there no matter how Marshall squirmed and writhed to get loose.

Minni said, "Anybody for some hot chocolate?" The boys both hopped up from the ground as Minni led the way to the kitchen. Inside the sliding glass door, Billy looked at me meaningfully and said, "I'll be right there," and turned into the hallway. Knowing I'd promised, I went to the kitchen and a moment later went down the hallway alone.

As I got even with the door to Minni's room, Billy whispered from the door across the hall. "In here. Quick." I went into Phil and Molly's bedroom and he shut the door behind us and turned on the lights.

"You said you'd show me." I nodded. "So show me." Looking at the door and knowing we couldn't be gone for long without someone else coming to see where we were, I crossed my arms in front of me and pulled my tank top over my head. "Yeah. That's neat." His eyes were about to bug out of his head as he stared at my hardening nipples. "Boy, you have great tits!" he whispered.

"We've got to get back before they come for us," I said, picking up my top again.

"No, not yet. They won't even have the milk in the pan yet." His hand almost leapt out to touch my nipple, making me cringe away from him.

"They're sensitive. Be careful," I hissed. "Yeah, sure," he said slowing his reach and touching my nipple softly. He rolled it as I stood there, embarrassed, letting him do it. "I could make you show me the other part, too, if I wanted to. You promised you'd let me see whatever I wanted."

"We'll get caught and how will we explain that?" His finger and thumb were still rolling my nipple and it was turning me on. His eyes never left my breast.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Tell you what," I didn't like the look in his eyes. "In the morning, when you take your shower?"


"You've got to come and wake me up. Okay?" "It's Saturday."

"Yeah, I know. Marshall and everybody else will probably sleep in. Just wake me up and I'll go in the bathroom with you when you take your shower. So I can see the rest. Okay?"

"Whatever you say," I said, shrugging like I didn't have a choice. "Okay. You can put on your shirt thing again." I did in a single movement, seeing the swollen nipple showing through the material plainly. "I've got to go to the bathroom. Maybe you could get a clean shirt cause that one's dirty."

He turned out the light and checked the hallway before moving to his door and the bathroom. I went into Minni's and my room and got a clean shirt as he'd suggested.

I couldn't figure out why the thought of waking him in the morning to show him myself made me so excited but I was still thinking about it as I nodded off to sleep that night.

Chapter 6

AS IF BILLY'S demand had set an internal alarm, I was the first up the next morning, moving away from Minni's sleeping form easily. She didn't even move. Wearing my shortie nightgown and panties, my hair mussed from sleep, I tiptoed into the bathroom, locked the door behind me, and turned the light on.

I moved quietly into the boys' room and shook Billy gently. He groggily came out of sleep, as he usually did in the mornings when I woke him, but his eyes quickly opened all the way.

"Wow! You did it!" he said. I looked over at the other twin bed and saw Marshall turn in his sleep. I held my finger up in front of my mouth for silence and then turned to the bathroom. He edged his way out of bed wearing only his shorts and white tee-shirt and followed me.

I went all the way into the bathroom and turned at the door to our room before I lifted my nightgown over my head. His eyes were huge as he watched. I put my thumbs into the sides of my panties and pushed them down my thighs and let them fall to the floor. His hand again immediately came toward me -- this time to my front below the waist.

"Careful now," I whispered, blocking his first advance. "Yeah, okay. I will." He looked as his fingers went into my pubic hair, brushing across it and triggering little nerve explosions. "Wow! You're beautiful, aren't you?" I just smiled.

"I've got to see closer," he said as he got down on his knees in front of me. I could see his hard little penis straining at his underpants. "Put your foot up on the edge of the bathtub so I can see," he directed. I did it and he leaned closer.

His fingers went between my legs, tracing my labia as my wetness began to open them to him.

"You don't have any dick, do you?" he noted. "Sort of," I said. "It's a girl one. Little tiny. But it's there." "Really?" he said, looking for it now. He wasn't disappointed as my clitoris hardened with his searches. "Yeah. There. I see it." His thumb and finger found it then as they had my nipple the last night.

"But I've got more," I said. "Look down a little ways and you'll see my pussy."

"None of the pictures I have show that part. Just the hair and stuff. And the titties, you know?"

"Well, it's there." I spread my labia for him until he could see it. "Yeah. I see." His finger found my hole then and delved into it. "It's all wet. Did you wet yourself?"

"Huh uh. That's supposed to be there. To make it easier for you to put your finger in."

"Oh," he said as he probed into me. "It smells funny, too." "Uh huh. But good, huh? It tastes good, too." I licked my lips in anticipation.

"Really?" He took his finger to his mouth and tasted. He shrugged. "It tastes better directly," I said. "Like if you lick it." "Really?" He tried it by licking rather crudely at my pussy. "Yeah. It's okay."

"It really feels good," I said.


"Uh huh. And you can put more than one finger inside me, too, if you want to." This time he didn't say anything. He just put two fingers in my pussy and, finding they fit okay, put three in. That stretched me a little. Pleasantly. He moved them around inside me as he lapped at my oozing come. "Lick there and on my little penis and I'll have an orgasm," I whispered. He mumbled against me and started licking harder. It took only a minute before my climax washed through me.

I stopped his moving head and pushed his hand out of me when it had passed.

"Thanks," I said. "That was neat." He stood up then, returning his fingers to my nipples as he had the night before. He rolled and played with them as he talked.

"You have really neat stuff to play with," he said. "And lots of different stuff, too. All I've got is my dick. That feels okay when I beat off but I don't think it's the same."

"Sort of," I said. "But maybe you don't have as many sensitive places as I do. My turn now, okay?"

I got down on my knees and pulled his underpants down. He blushed wildly but he didn't move away. I ran my fingernails over the skin of his penis until it was bounding up and down with each movement and he was moaning lightly.

Then I held his testicles in one hand and moved them around as I put my other arm around his thigh. My mouth just naturally went over his hard little dick. He groaned with the feeling of it. It wasn't full grown yet, I knew, but it was fairly good sized.

"Oh, wow!" he said as I sucked on it. Then I started moving it in and out of my mouth, letting it contact the back of my mouth with each forward thrust. It only took a minute before his body clenched and I tasted his young come in my throat. Finally, after about a quart had been pumped into my mouth, he stopped and it got tender. I just kissed it as it softened.

"Wow, sis," he said. That was the first time he'd ever called me that. "That felt great. Was that how it felt when I did it to you?"

"Sort of," I said. I knew exactly since I had been a male human and knew the female feelings were much more intense and long lasting.

I stood up again, letting him put his hands on my hips and hold me to his body. I was a couple of inches taller than he was still and felt his bony little shoulders on my breasts. I held him tight for quite a while before he let me go.

"Just in case, I better go to the bathroom and then I'll go back to bed so you can take your shower." I nodded, hugging him again.

"Thanks for what you did to me. And Billy?" He looked at me then. "Thanks for calling me sis. I like that."

"No problem, sis," he said with a grin.


The next Friday, Minni went to her eighth grade prom and Phil and Molly went out to dinner and a movie, leaving the boys and me alone. It was really a little uncomfortable since we just watched TV but every time Marshall went to the bathroom or went for a glass of milk or anything, Billy put his hand between my legs and started rubbing me.

I was scared to death Marshall was going to catch us. And then it happened.

Marshall was laying on the floor watching the show and Billy secretly reached up and tweaked my nipple. I gasped and Marshall turned around and looked at us.

"Hey, you guys," he said. "You know I watched you two last weekend. I saw what you did." It sounded like he didn't approve.

"So what?" Billy said. I just wondered what the little boy had thought of that sight and exactly what he'd seen.

"So unless I get to do stuff too, I'm telling." "What stuff?" Billy said sarcastically.

"Stuff like you were doing. Kissing each other and looking at everything with your clothes off. You know."

Billy looked at me for guidance but I didn't know what to do. "What do you mean, Marshall?" I asked.

"I want you to kiss my peepee, too," he said. "And let me kiss yours, too. Like Billy did." He was jealous.

"You're too little," Billy said dismissively. "Am not!" Marshall protested. "I can do anything you can!" "Okay, okay," I said then to stop the dissent. "What do you want?" "I told you," he said. "I want to see you like Billy did. With no clothes." I squirmed nervously. I didn't really like the fact that Billy had looked at me and that, now, he kept touching me at totally inappropriate times and in inappropriate locations. How much worse would it be if Marshall joined in?

"I don't think you should, Marshall," I said. "It's not good. Really." "Well, I think it would be," he said with a frown. "Anything Billy gets to do, I get to do too." He was adamant.

"It's only fair," Billy said beside me. "So what do you want?" he said to his brother.

I could see that he didn't know what he wanted in practical terms. Then he seemed to make a decision.

"Come down here on the floor with me." Billy stood up and reached for my hand, almost pulling me to my feet. He led me to a spot near Marshall and then sat down cross-legged on the floor next to his smiling brother. With a sigh, I sat down beside them.

"First, take your shirt off, like you did for Billy." I hadn't really done that but I knew what he meant. I crossed my arms in front of me, grabbed the hem of my tanktop, and pulled it off over my head. I wore nothing under it. His eyes got big as he looked at my naked chest. "Neat!"

Immediately, his hands went to my breasts, touching the soft mounds and pressing against them.

"They're different than my chest," he said. "Softer. And those things," he was pointing to my nipples, "are a bunch bigger than mine." They were getting hard from the cooler room air and the close scrutiny of the two boys.

"So what are you going to do?" Billy said, disgruntled. "Just hang on. I'm getting there," the younger boy said. "Is it okay if I touch you?" he asked me softly. I nodded. I leaned back on my arms, crossing my legs in front of me and hoping this was all the further he wanted to go.

He moved one hand to my nipple as he scrunched closer to me, the TV ignored now. He inspected and turned and twisted it, smiling when I would let out a little noise in reaction to his manipulations.

"Does it feel good?" he asked.

"Of course it does, silly," Billy said. He seemed as rapt as Marshall. "I wasn't asking you," he said to his brother with a frown. Chastised, Billy added, "If you do that enough, she has a orgasm." Marshall's fingers never stopped their manipulation and his eyes never wavered from my chest but he still spoke.

"What's a orgasm?"

"That's when it feels really good for her and she sort of gets real wild and excited."

"Yeah?" Marshall said. He looked into my eyes. "You like that?" he asked. I nodded, biting my lower lip. "I still want to see the rest." I drew in my breath. I was hoping this wouldn't happen. "Take off your pants, too, Sue." I saw from his look and the removal of his hand from my nipple that I had little choice.

I undid the button and unzipped my shorts. I lifted myself to push them down off my hips. Rolling and squirming, I got them down onto my thighs before Billy grabbed them and pulled them the rest of the way down.

"This is neat," Billy sighed. "She's got interesting stuff different than us." He couldn't help leading his brother.

"Yeah? Okay. Well, let me see." Reluctantly, I spread my legs, still holding myself up on my arms. "No. Lay down so I can see better." I did, spreading my legs a little as he lowered his face to my middle.

"Look," Billy said as the guide. "She's got this sort of loose skin stuff but it opens up. See?" He was holding me open.

"I'm looking," Marshall said, brushing his hands away. "Okay," Billy said. "But you'll never find her little penis thing if you don't know where to look."

"Okay, so show me where it is then. But I get to do the touching and stuff."

"Whatever." Billy spread my labia again and pointed out the little nubbin of my clitoris.

"That's nothing," Marshall said. "Just some skin or something." "Yeah? Well, try rubbing it for a second. Then it gets a bunch bigger and she really likes that." Upset that he was being led again by his more knowledgeable brother, he still put his finger on my clit and started rubbing. He was surprised when I reacted to the manipulation. "That's the part she really likes you to lick," Billy added. Marshall just continued to rub it until I was starting to go crazy. Then he stopped.

"No!" I said. "You can't stop now! Please!" "See?" Billy said.

"You really like to have it licked?" Marshall asked. I nodded breathlessly. "Okay then."

His mouth dropped to my middle, his tongue wildly, unreserved, started lapping at my clit. I dropped my head back to intensify the feeling of it until I felt my orgasm overwhelm me.

"Hey, neat!" Marshall said then, leaving me just before I was finished. It left a needful itch. "What else?" he asked his brother, now apparently resolved to follow his big brother's advice as he hadn't before.

"Do here," Billy pointed out. "She's got a hole and you can put your whole finger in it. Or even more than one finger."

"Yeah?" Marshall said, looking closely. "It looks like a butt hole." "Sort of but different. It's not smelly or anything. I mean the same way anyway. It smells but it smells sort of good. And not only that but wet stuff comes out of it."

"Really?" Marshall put a finger tentatively into my pussy and I spread my legs to give him access without hurting me.

"It tastes pretty good, too," Billy added. Marshall had added a finger and then another. His smaller fingers didn't hurt or spread me like Billy's larger ones. "Jeez," Billy said as he watched Marshall bunch all four fingers and push into me.

"How big is it?" Marshall asked and pushed inward. That was quite a lot to take. Again I threw my head back and moaned. "She likes that too, huh?"

"Yeah," Billy said, distracted watching Marshall's hand in me. He seemed determined now to get it all inside me as he twisted and turned it.

"Careful! Careful, don't hurt me," I moaned as he pushed his hand into me.

"Jeez!" Billy moaned. "You can get your whole hand inside her. I didn't know it was that big!" I could feel his fingers exploring my insides as I reacted by raising and lowering my leg to the feelings he was imparting.

"Go in and out, Marsh," Billy urged and the younger boy began doing it. My middle was pumping up and down with the feelings he was building in me as he pushed into me and pulled back. "Wow! Neat!"

"Does that hurt, Sue?" Marshall asked, awe in his voice. "No!" I hissed. "Don't stop!" He did it some more, a little faster and my orgasm -- one like I'd never felt -- took over my entire body. This time I climaxed completely and for a long time before it finally passed and my body relaxed again. He pulled his hand out of me.

"Was that good?" he asked from over me. I smiled up at him. "Yes," I said. "That was really good."

"Better than when Billy did it?"

"Different," I said. "Really good."

"Does that mean that you'll kiss my peepee like you did Billy's?" "Uh huh," I moaned.

Before I'd gotten my eyes to properly focus, I knew that he was laying beside me on the floor with his pants down around his ankles. I turned over on top of him, lowered my mouth to his tiny hairless cock, and sucked him until he had a climax. He didn't produce any semen yet but he still had all the right feelings and I was happy that he'd enjoyed it.

When I'd finished and Marshall was laying there trying to get his breath back, I saw that Billy was beside him with his bigger cock out in his hand. I moved to him and in four long, sucking strokes, he came in my mouth.

I was dressed and sitting on the couch before either one of them moved much.

Chapter 7

MARSHALL WAS ASLEEP with his head on my shoulder and Billy was watching television and absently playing with me under my opened shorts when we heard the key in the door. Billy jerked his hand out of my shorts and I quickly zipped and buttoned them before Molly and Phil walked into the room.

"How was your night, kids?" Molly said. Phil was standing behind her, stroking her upper arm and smiling at us. There wasn't much doubt what was on his mind.

"Good," I said, smiling.

"Great!" Billy said.

"What'd you do?" she asked.

"Nothing," Billy said guiltily.

"Wrestled for a while and watched TV," I said. "That's about all." "Wrestled in the backyard, I hope," she said. "Sure," I answered.

"Is Minni home yet?"

"Not yet." She turned a little to Phil.

"I guess we should wait up for her," she said. "That's okay," I said. "I'll wait for her. It's in the middle of the movie anyway and I want to see the end."

"It's looks like you have one tired boy," Phil said. "Yeah, he fell asleep a while ago."

"I'll take him to bed," he said coming over and easily picking him up in his arms lovingly. He went down the hallway to the bedroom.

"If you'll be okay, we'll go ahead to bed then. Billy?" she said. "You probably ought to go to bed, too."

"You should," I added. "There's always tomorrow." He knew what I meant and that it wouldn't be such a good idea to touch me as he had been with his parents in the next room.

"Yeah, I guess so," he said. He got up and stretched before leaning back to me and kissing my cheek. "G'night, sis."

"Night, Billy." I watched him almost stagger down the hallway with his tiredness.

Molly came and sat down beside me on the couch. I hoped she wouldn't smell my musky woman's smells though I couldn't see how she could not. Billy's fingers between my legs had been having an effect.

She sat poised on the edge of the seat near me, her legs turned toward me.

"You sure have a way with the boys," she said. I didn't say, "You don't know the half of it." Instead I just nodded.

"They're good boys."

"I know, but you're particularly good with them. Better than any babysitter we've ever had by a long way."

"Thanks," I said, sincerely happy with the praise. "You're good with Phil and I, too," she said, her hand squeezing my wrist in a friendly way. "I'm glad you're here."

"I'm glad to be here, too."

"Is it going to bother you too much to wait up for Minni?" "No. Even if I went to bed, I'd still wait up for her. Read or something. But I really want to see the end of the movie so it's okay."

"Okay. If you're sure."

"I'm sure." She got up and started out of the room, stopping before she went into the hallway. "Good night, Sue."

"Good night, Molly. Kiss Phil for me too, okay?" I grinned and she blushed.

"I will." She did a girlish little shoulder shrug around her smile. I knew what they were going to be doing for the next hour or so. She hadn't been able to smell my musk over her own that still hung in the air around where she had been sitting.


I watched the end of the movie and the beginning of the next one before I heard the key in the front door and Minni sneaking in as quietly as she could. I went to the foyer and grinned as she turned, her high heels in her hand, creeping toward our room.

"Hi Minni," I said and she almost jumped out of her skin. Then she grinned sheepishly.

"Are mom and dad up?" she whispered.

"Huh uh. They went to bed about an hour ago." "You're all alone?"

"Yeah." Still creeping on tiptoe, she came to me and followed when I turned back into the family room. She sat down real close to me on the couch. "How was your prom?"

"Great!" she whispered and blushed brightly through her broad smile. "I've got to tell you."

"So tell me." Her barely contained excitement was palpable. She looked around at the hallway as if to make sure her parents weren't standing in the doorway before she started.

"Well, the dance was pretty neat. It was decorated real nice for a gym and all and the music was nice. Paul doesn't dance too well, but that's okay."

"So what has you so excited?"

"Well," she began looking over her shoulder again. "Paul's big brother -- I think he's 17 or something -- picked us up after the dance. He had his girlfriend with him. And instead of taking us right home, he drove out to Miller's woods and parked.

"They were in the front seat, of course, and we were in the back. Paul's brother started to kiss his girlfriend after we got there and Paul kissed me. Then pretty soon, he was playing with my titties. He did that for a long time and I was getting really hot. That's what he calls it.

"Then, all of a sudden, Paul's brother opens the door and they get out. He turns around and says, 'You kids have a good time,' and then goes to the trunk. I could just see him pull a blanket out of the trunk and shut it. Then they went off into the trees somewhere.

"Paul smiled at me and unzipped the back of my dress. Then her started kissing me again and playing with my titties. Right on my skin. Pretty soon, he was sucking on my nipples and playing with them with his fingers. It felt so good! You can't believe it, Sue!"

I nodded and smiled with her. She was starry- eyed. "Anyway, then I decided that I ought to play with him a little too and put my hand in his lap and squeezed and rubbed him. He's really big there! So he was still sucking on my nipple but his other hand pulled my skirt up and he put his hand right inside my panties!" She was gigglingly excited now.

"After about a minute, he made me come with his finger and that excited him so much that he did too. Right in his pants. It made them all wet on the front and stuff. He thanked me and I thanked him for doing me and all of a sudden the door of the car opened again.

"I grabbed for the top of my dress real fast and his brother and his girlfriend got back in the car. He said, 'Okay that's all you get kids,' and started up the car. Paul helped me zip up my dress without them seeing.

"We stood out on the front porch for quite a while kissing until we were afraid his brother was going to beep the horn and wake everybody up. Then I came it."

"You liked it? Having him play with you?" "Sure, yeah!" she bubbled. She hadn't quite figured out that she and I actually did more than that in bed most nights. She looked over her shoulder again. "You can't believe how neat it is, Sue. Doing it with a guy is totally different than with us."

I nodded and smiled. Of course it was.

"I don't know how to say it. It's like he takes over your body and you can't do anything but go along. You know?"

"Did you want him to make love to you?"

"Sort of," she said. "He said he wanted to 'fuck' me so bad he couldn't stand it. But we were both afraid that if we did anything that showed, you know, took our clothes off or anything, his brother and his girlfriend would come back and catch us. We didn't want that."

"Yeah. That's good."

"Besides, he said he didn't have a condom and he wouldn't do it without one."

"That's good," I said.

I sat with her for the next half hour as she relived the experience in detail and came down off the high she'd been on. Finally, she calmed down enough that we could go to bed. We slept in each others' arms as usual.


We woke at the same time, about 10 o'clock, hearing stirrings in the house. After showers, we put on skirts and blouses and our low heeled shoes but nothing else -- both of us feeling sinful and sexy with no stockings and no underwear. I didn't think it showed or that anyone would even notice until I went into the kitchen and Phil looked up at me, then down at the front of my blouse, and back into my eyes with a knowing grin.

The boys were already up and outside somewhere playing. We ate breakfast and talked before Minni suggested going to the mall for a while. We were both broke, so shopping wasn't the reason. I knew that a lot of the kids spent weekends at the mall -- mostly seeing other kids and being seen. Besides, as Minni said, shopping didn't necessarily mean buying stuff.

Phil gave us a ride and said he'd pick us back up at five unless we called. Then he gave me $20 for babysitting the night before while they went out. At least, I thought, we'd have money for drinks. We went into the mall after I'd wished Phil luck. He knew what I meant as he returned home to his wife and no kids, a big smile on his face.

It seemed like Minni knew all the kids in the mall, saying hello or talking to everyone. Of course, she introduced me to everyone as well and pretty soon, I sort of knew many of the kids as well. She filled me in on who the "soces" were and didn't bother to say hello to them since we would only be ignored anyway. She also pointed out the little group of four guys in black leather with their girls in tee-shirts and tight bike shorts. They looked tough and Minni didn't like them.

A couple of boys, pimples on their faces and glasses, tried to talk to us as we passed the computer store but Minni brushed past them. "Nerds," she explained. I didn't like all these fake separations between the kids and vowed that I'd talk to anyone.

Of course, our first stop was one of the several fast food places, getting nachos and Cokes and chattering with each other and some other kids who joined us. Then Minni led me off to shop.

"I gotta show you," she said as she led me into Frederick's of Hollywood. The salesgirl, very sexily dressed and made up, just smiled as Minni showed me crotchless panties, bras with holes for the nipples to show through, filmy nightgowns, garters, patterned nylons, very short tight skirts only about 10- inches from waist to hem, see-through blouses, and all sorts of other stuff.

"You can try the skirts and blouses on if you want," the salesgirl said. "They don't want you to try on the underwear though."

"Oh, that's okay," Minni said. "We're just looking. We can't afford anything and our parents would kill us if we did get anything."

"I know what you mean," she said. "Before I left home, my mom wouldn't even let me wear lipstick. Now I'm wearing spike heels and short skirts and see-through blouses ever day for work. Some world, huh?"

Though she was nice, I thought that her skinny hips and almost flat chest were little advertisement for the merchandise. Too much heavy makeup made her look worse than if she hadn't worn any at all, I was sure.

"Do you get a lot of dates?" I asked.

"Yeah. Confidentially, this stuff is great. I get laid two or three times a week. You ought to try it. You got a great set of tits."

We went on to Deb's, a young girl's clothing store, and tried on all sorts of clothes before telling the poor salesgirl that we couldn't afford anything right now.

We went into a shoe store and tried on almost every pair of shoes our size that had high heels before we told the smiling shoe salesman we couldn't afford any right now but we'd come back again. Even though he'd enjoyed trying to look up our skirts while he helped us with shoes, he was still a little bent out of shape by our not buying anything.

We stopped once and talked to some girls Minni knew. None of them knew me so I was sort of ignored. While I was looking around, I saw the guys in the leather jackets staring at me. I sort of ignored them but then I was standing there, just waiting for Minni, when one came up close to me, putting his hand on the back of my skirt. He leaned close to my ear.

"I'd love to put my pork between your legs," he whispered into my ear. I just shook my head. I knew what he meant, of course, but I wasn't interested. "If you let me fuck you, I'd pull your nipples until you came. I'd even chew on your asshole. I'll bet it's as sweet tasting as you look."

"It is," I said with a smile. "But I'm not interested." I think he expected me to be outraged and was surprised. After a moment of just looking at me, trying to figure me out, his hand went to my bottom and squeezed. I lifted his hand off me and said, "No thanks." He laughed and swaggered back to his friends. They all laughed when he told them what I'd said.

About three, Paul, Minni's date the night before, and three of his friends showed up. He put his arm around her shoulders possessively as she got strange, giggling and bouncing twice as much as she usually does. From then, they went everywhere locked at the hips, her finger wrapped in a belt loop at the back of his jeans.

Two of his friends, on the other hand, were almost obnoxious. They were trying much too hard to impress me and the other four or five girls. Getting nowhere with me, they finally put all their efforts into impressing the other girls. It seemed to work in varying degrees.

I noticed that one of his friends was not interested in the interplay between the guys and girls, just leaning on the rail over the lower floor of the mall. I found him much more interesting than the other two and gravitated toward him.

Like all the boys in the mall, he was wearing jeans and a tee-shirt. His had an almost phosphorescent wolf on a black background. He had a nasty zit on his cheek near his mouth but otherwise seemed very nice. He wasn't overly big, though a little taller than his friends. He looked strong but not overly muscular. His face was nice in a thoughtful sort of way and he had thick blond hair parted in the middle, just long enough without being shaggy.

"What are you looking at?" I said as I looked over the railing next to him. He turned to me with a still serious look on his face.

"Just people," he said. "They can be so weird." "Yeah, I know," I agreed. He didn't turn to his friends but I knew he was talking about them when he spoke again.

"Like this group. The guys are really good guys when we're alone. But as soon as they see a couple of girls, they go crazy and act like assholes."

"The girls, too."

"Yeah, I suppose."

"They're normally fairly intelligent but they sure seem dumb now, don't they?"

"Yeah," he said, looking at them and then back at me. "But you're different, aren't you?"

"I hope so." We watched the passing parade below us for quite a while, neither of us saying anything.

"Do you like books?" he said.

"Yeah. A lot," I answered.

"You want to look at the bookstore?"


He pushed himself away from the rail and turned behind me. I fell in beside him. He had his hands stuck in the back of his jeans as he walked. Peripherally, I noticed we were walking straight toward the people in leather coats and wasn't too surprised when the one who'd approached me turned and said, "Remember what I could do for your asshole."

The guy with me froze between steps and slowly turned. His hands still in the back of his pants, he turned to the boy.

"What did you say?" he asked.

"I said . . ." He interrupted him.

"I don't want to hear anything from you again," he said. "Yeah well, fuck you. I'll fuck your girlfriend there." I didn't even see his hands move but I saw the other boy step back holding his nose.

"Hey, man! I think you broke my nose." When my new friend took a step toward him, his hands back in the back of his jeans, the other boy backed up to the rail.

"If you ever say anything again within my hearing or where she can hear you, I'll break something that'll take longer to heal than your nose. Got that?"

He turned and walked beside me then without comment. I was impressed.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Will," he said. "Willard but don't tell anybody." I grinned. "Thanks, Will. I'm Sue."

He looked into my eyes and grinned at my smile. "Nice to meet you, Sue."

"I'm impressed," I added.

"What?" I looked back slightly. "That? I just slapped him. He's lucky I wasn't mad." I laughed.

Chapter 8

WE WENT TO the biggest of the bookstores in the mall and spent the next two hours happily looking. Able to afford only one book, I looked very carefully before spending the last of my money. The book I really wanted was an encyclopedic zoology. Unfortunately, this massive book cost $80.

I settled for a comparatively lightweight fantasy novel that sounded like my own situation. When I rejoined Will, I noticed that, along with three or four other books, he had also picked out the novel.

"Maybe we ought to team up," he said. "Find something else and I'll loan you this book."

I noticed that he also had a book on human sexuality, a pop psychology book, and another fantasy novel. I took the book back and chose, instead, the other book that I had been forced to choose between. I paid for my purchase and joined Will in the center walk of the mall for the walk back down to where I'd left Minni.

Will gave me the book in return for my address so he could get it back later. They agreed they would see each other again.


During the next few days, I spent my time sitting in the sun to continue improving my tan and reading the book. I couldn't help wonder if I was the only being in the world like myself, the story was so close to my own experiences.

In the story, the only difference was that the lead character was almost always a man -- rather than an animal -- and expended his energy in the pursuit of "right."

The main plot concerned the main character saving the world during World War II by arranging the execution of Field Marshall Rommel for treason so he couldn't lend his amazing talents to Hitler's cause. It sounded more than plausible to me though I had been a whale and deep in the oceans during World War II. As a male whale, I had helped on two occasions to prevent bloodshed by sinking Japanese submarines. No place on earth had been exempted from World War II's exhibition of evil and its countering good.

As in all good novels, the plot involved much more than the main theme. There was also a rousing romance, graphically culminated, and several smaller subplots that fleshed it out and made it seem more real.

It was late afternoon on one of those early summer days that I found myself watching Phil mowing the lawn. As he finished, sitting down sweaty in cutoffs and old sneakers, I noticed no one else was around.

"Where is everyone?" I said.

"All over," he answered, rubbing the sweat off his chest with his tee-shirt. "The boys are on the camping trip with the scouts, as you know. Minni and Molly went to one of Minni's cousins' wedding shower. I'm sorry they didn't ask but they didn't think you'd want to go."

"They were right," I said wrinkling my nose at the thought. "Well, excuse me," he said and got up from the chair to go into the house. "I need a shower."

"Yeah, me too," I said. The sun was nearing the horizon now and it was getting a little chilly.

"We could save water and shower together," he said kidding. "Yeah, we could," I said. I was kidding but his face changed. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me.

"Could we really?" he asked. I sort of shrugged. I'd thought about him several times in the month I'd been here. But I knew that we shouldn't.

"I guess I should take mine in here and you in there," I said. He nodded and ducked into his bedroom. I did the same thing, pushing the door closed behind me. I didn't notice that it didn't latch and, when I turned my back to it to take off my bikini, it edged back open. I also didn't see him watching from his room as I did it.

I walked into the bathroom and adjusted the water temperature before getting into the tub and pulling the shower curtain across. As the warm water started to cascade over my body, I heard his voice from just on the other side of the curtain.

"Sue, I changed my mind. I think we should save water," he said. I pushed the curtain back a little and looked out. He had his sneakers off but his cutoffs still on. As I watched, he unbuttoned, unzipped, and pushed them off. The cutoffs released his cock that, only partially hard, hung down his leg, long and thick. "Tell me to go away, Sue, and I will," he said.

"No," I said. "Wash my back." He smiled though he seemed a little ashamed of himself. He stepped into the tub.

I handed him the washcloth and he found the soap. Soaping the cloth vigorously, he put his covered hand on my back and rubbed it roughly. He continued down my sides and then across my buttocks and down each leg as I stood there enjoying it.

Then his arms came around me from behind, the washcloth rubbing my chest before moving to my breasts. He moved the cloth down onto my stomach but his other hand stayed on my breasts, rubbing the soapy slipperiness across them. Still rubbing my breasts, the cloth covered fingers moved between my legs, making me spread them, and began rubbing up and down.

I could only stand a few minutes of that before I came for him. I could feel his hardness pressing up on the bottom of my buttocks.

I took the cloth and soap away from him and soaped his hairy chest and shoulders as he rested his hand on my hip, looking down at me as the soap washed off my breasts.

"Phil, why did you want to know if I was a virgin?" I asked. He grunted as my cloth covered hand went between his legs.

"I wanted to make sure you didn't bring a lot of bad things, ideas and learned habits, with you," he said.

"But you wouldn't mind taking my virginity, would you?" I asked. He grunted and his cock hardened unbelievably in my hand.

"Would you want that?" he asked.

"Yes. I don't know anyone else I'd want to give it to." He grunted as I moved my hand on him.

"Here?" he whispered.

"No. Come here," I said putting the washcloth and soap down and rinsing both of us off in the water stream. I stepped out of the tub and reached back for his hand. Then I walked into Minni's room and pulled a pillow out from under the bedspread and put it in the middle of the bed. I turned to him and stood up on my tiptoes to kiss him. I felt him hard against my stomach as he held my arms.

"Take me, Phil. Make me a woman," I sighed before he enfolded me in his arms and kissed me hard.

Strong, he lifted me as he had Marshall that night and laid me down on the bed, my bottom on the pillow. He looked down at me, a hitch in his breath, and climbed onto the bed. He was very long and big around.

"Don't do anything but put it inside me, Phil. I want it and I'm ready for you," I said, knowing it was the truth. I was drooling lubrication just in anticipation. I was afraid if he slowed to kiss my nipples or anything else, I would come again and soak the pillowcase. I lowered my near leg to the bed and raised the other, bending it at the knee, beckoning him.

He almost fell onto me, his desire was so high. He held himself up on one arm and carefully aimed between my legs. As he found the spot, I lifted both feet to his hips. He pressed forward very slowly then moved a little back. I could feel my juices wetting him. He pressed forward and opened me. When he moved back again, it was a loss I hated.

He pressed forward again and I felt myself open to him again, my mouth opening with the thought of a scream but it was just on the edge of pain, not there yet. He pressed forward further and I felt myself engulfing him. He sighed heavily as if his cock were pressing his air out of him instead of me.

Each inch he pressed into me, my back arched another inch until I was bowed onto my shoulders and he was pressed against my maidenhead. He explored it with gentle probes.

"Are you sure, Sue?" he said. In answer, I wrapped my legs around his butt and pulled them tight. There was nearly nothing he could do to resist me. With a sharp pain that elicited my little scream, he broke through. He gurgled deep in his throat with the hot feeling of it and fell further into me.

I thought he would never stop moving into me, my mouth opening wider with each inch of him until he hit my cervix and I felt another small pain. He began moving back then but I pulled him forward until he again hit bottom. Back and again. Further into me each time. Stretching my capacity for him.

Then his pelvic bone pressed into my clitoris, his body relaxing against me, fully inside my sheath. I was suddenly afraid he was going to stop this way. That he wouldn't finish. My legs went wild in a kind of panic.

"Oh, fuck me, Phil. Please! Please, fuck me," I moaned loudly. He backed out of me until I panicked again that I might lose him. He came all the way back into me until his front crushed my clit again and I let out a little scream I just couldn't hold in. "Fuck me. Yes. Fuck me," I hissed with only enough breath to allow me to barely survive.

I'm sure my body was going crazy under him, wildly undulating. The feelings of it were beyond my understanding. Nothing in my long experience could compare to these feelings that washed through me.

He moved back and then quickly thrust back in again. I knew I was making too much noise. I could hear him laughing. Laughing at me? I didn't care. He rode me as I tried to get all of him inside of me, push him away completely, keep him from moving so, get him to move faster. I didn't know what I needed worst.

Then I knew. Yes! "Fuck me. Fuck me fast. Hard. Harder. Yessss!" I screamed. "I'm coming!"

And I did. Completely. Magnificently. Unreservedly. And I felt him gushing, pumping, into me, his body losing all control. My legs were stretched almost painfully toward the ceiling. Then they were both bending and kicking out over and over.

The closest I've ever come to that liberating, complete feeling and the total disorientation was when I'd been killed and flashed back through several recent lives, one after another. That was similar but without any of the pleasant parts of this experience. This was much much better.

"Oh God, Sue! God! I've never . . ." My body suddenly felt like all the bones had melted away.

When I could feel something again, I said, "Can you do that again?" He moaned.


I knew the test for high school placement was going to be hard but I really didn't realize some of the complications. I started with the assumption that I wanted to be a sophomore, in keeping with my age. Second, I didn't want to give away my rather special abilities and knowledge -- make myself a freak. Finally, I didn't want to seem stupid. This presented real problems in taking the test.

First, I had to answer a representative number of questions that would express the right level of knowledge. Second, I had to hit near the top of the age group so I could be thought of as intelligent and get into the accelerated courses with the more intelligent kids. Third, I had to psych out the test so I wouldn't answer some questions beyond what my knowledge level should be. And finally, I had to take up the majority of the time allowed. All of this, I had to do in the same small office with the school district counselor who could, at any time, glance over and see not only what I was doing but how I was doing it.

Experience, they say, is the best teacher and I had more experience than anyone on earth. I'd seen major disasters. I'd lived all of recorded history and much more. I'd had personal acquaintanceship with science, both personally and as a casual interest. I had to study governments, current affairs, and the happenings of the few years before my current incarnation just to survive and, often, for my own reasons. I knew and fluently spoke most of the languages of the world because I'd used many of them on a daily basis at one time.

The easy way to do the test would have been to purposely miss what I'd think would be a reasonable number of questions, then go through it again and answer the others correctly. But what were the correct answers? For instance, I knew the Normans hadn't conquered England in 1066 because I was there with them two years before. And it hadn't been anywhere near that date anyway because the Gregorian calendar hadn't been invented at the time.

So I had to know the answers the test writer wanted, not necessarily the correct answers to the questions.

Of course, zoology was quicksand for me. Half of the things spouted as gospel I knew from personal experience were just plain wrong. Much of the rest was just oversimplification. For instance, often leadership of a wolf pack was fought for by the adolescent males in competition with the grayed male. But, as often, the gray gave it away to the most competent for simple lack of interest in always being the disciplinarian or because he just wasn't terribly good at it.

Therefore, I not only had to know the answers to questions, I had to know the current answers and whether the test I was taking had caught up with current knowledge.

I could have taken the test in half an hour. I had to spend two boring hours. Instead of immediately marking the answers incorrectly that I knew I shouldn't know and then returning to the ones I should know, I had to go through it from the beginning to the end, keeping a mental count in each subject area so I wouldn't seem brilliant in one area and an idiot in another.

It was, I'll say, good mental exercise.

Miss Taylor made it a little easier. When I wanted to waste a little time, looking at her made it easy.

She was camouflaged but poorly camouflaged. She wore a rather severe blue pin-striped suit. But it was a little too well tailored to her diminutive waist and full bustline and she wore no blouse under the jacket. The skirt was hemmed too short so her gorgeous legs sprang to full view. Her stockings were too sheer and too expensive. Her high heels were just a little too high.

She wore her hair in a tight bun but played with a loose lock that fell in front of her ear. She wore glasses but they provided little correction and served primarily to slightly magnify large, gorgeous green eyes. She wore little makeup but her pouting lips needed very little and her long eyelashes none at all. She worked on a serious cast to her mouth and eyes but her natural happiness brimmed through any serious look.

And she smiled too easily and laughed sweetly for almost no reason. The small lines in her face were all laugh lines.

Her long fingers were artistically feminine and sprouted from soft hands. When she sat behind the small desk, I could see her tightly crossed knees but also the way she wrapped the foot of the lower leg around the chair leg and pointed the toes of the free foot.

I finished the test and rechecked my answers before giving it to her. With quick flicks of her wrist, she marked the wrong answers and then put a mask over the answer sheet that let her count the subject answers and code them onto a graph. In a few efficient moments, she looked at me through those glasses.

Okay, she said, turning the graph for me to follow, pointing out the items as she came to them.

"You're at 11.5 in science," she said. Too high. Ouch. I quickly scanned across the rest of the graph points and saw that only the math score was in the 10 range. Damn. Too high. "A little weak in math skills but that can be brought up with a little work. English is 12.0, languages 12.4, history 12.9, and social studies 11.8." She looked at her sheets again and rapidly totaled the areas.

"That would indicate the lower range of twelfth grade. You and your parents can make a decision. You can either work very hard as a senior this year or, if you've got a lot of extra-curricular activities planned, take it a little easy academically and go into the junior year."

"Oh, no," I said without thinking. She looked at me, waiting for what I was going to say, as I tried to make my complaint seem reasonable to her. "I'm 15, ma'am. I was hoping . . ." How to say this. My mind was racing. She looked startled.

"Oh! You, ah, look much older." I saw her look at the front of my tanktop. "When's your birthday?"

Sidetracked and not thinking very well I blurted out the day I'd incarnated. "May second, ma'am."

"Miss," she said in passing in response to the ma'am. "That's different. You should be a freshman this year for your age group. Well," she smiled. "You're a very intelligent young lady. I'm impressed.

"Oh, but now there's another problem, isn't there?" I hoped she'd come up with a reasonable sounding reason for me. "You'd be leaving all your middle school friends behind, wouldn't you?"

"Ah, yeah," I stumbled. That really wasn't an issue since I hadn't been in school here before and she would soon see it. She was even quicker than I thought she might be.

"No, that's not a problem since you weren't here last year." She smiled again. "Since you'll be making new friends in any case, the question returns to what you want to do." I started to say something but she held up her hand.

"At your last school, how well did you do studying? Did you have a hard time getting the work done on time?" I shook my head. That wasn't the problem.

She looked more closely at me then, her face as close to serious at it seemed capable of.

"You've still got a problem. What is it, sweetheart?" She was very perceptive. I decided she must be very good at her job. She stood then and rounded the little desk to squat beside my chair. The action made it impossible for me to ignore her. The way she poised, I could see down into her jacket to her breasts, laid open on the silk lining to the nipples. And at the same time, her knee tipped up toward me so I could see down the length of her thigh to the narrow white stripe of her panties between her legs. She looked up into my eyes.

"I guess I don't want to be a freak. The class brain or something," I said, trying to put it in a patois that would make it believable.

"Oh, I don't think that would be a problem. I mean, you wouldn't even have to mention your age if you didn't want. And, I said, you look older." Again her eyes went to my breasts through the tanktop. Her hand was on my bare knee below the hem of my skirt.

"Of course, you may have some gaps that would be filled in if you were to endure the freshman and sophomore years. But you're just too intelligent to be subjected to that for two years. You really have to make a decision between 11th and 12th grade. It would be terrible for you to be wasted for two years."

I thought about it. There really didn't seem to be any reason why I needed to stay with Minni's school class just because of my age. I certainly could better use the knowledge I might gain from the upper class. I decided then.

"Senior," I mumbled.

"What? Senior? Okay. But you know that you're going to have to work very hard to keep up with your class." I nodded. She smoothly stood back up and leaned more comfortably against the desk. I was sure she didn't notice that the button on her jacket had come undone. The tailoring pulled it open so I found myself looking from the high waist of her skirt, just below her bellybutton, to her neck in an only slightly occluded way. The jacket poised at her nipples, almost half her areola showing. I gulped.

"Do you think you can compete with the other students on that level?" she asked as she put her hands on the edge of the desk and opened the jacket the rest of the way.

"I think so," I said, looking at her face but seeing only her naked breasts in my peripheral vision.

"Socially, perhaps," she began. "You, ah, may have a few problems. The, ah, boys . . ." It was obvious she found this topic a little out of her depth. ". . . they might, ah . . ."

I stood up then and moved toward her, purposely putting one hand oneither side of her, inside her jacket and resting my hands on her naked back. She immediately tried to stand more solidly and her hands came to my sides. I was almost as tall as she was and only turned my head slightly and brought my lips to hers. They were already puckered in a surprised gasp.

I let my tongue taste her lipstick and then the tip of her tongue at her white teeth. I don't know how I expected her to react, but it wasn't the way she did. She pulled her head back and pulled her glasses off before bringing her lips back to mine and her arms around my back.

The moan, deep in her throat, seemed to say more about her feelings than even her body against mine. As she continued the kiss, her hands moved my tanktop up until the material was atop my breasts, our nipples pressing into each others'.

My hands went down her sides to her skirt and pulled the sides of the material upward until she pushed herself upright and let it rise above the desktop. Her hands had been busy at the same time, pulling my skirt up until, as I felt hers above her conjunction, mine could press into her newly bared wetness.

Sitting on the edge of the desk as she was, her pubis was prominent and pressed into me. She was making almost uncontrolled mewling sounds as her body pumped into my wet channel. She was saying, "Oh, oh, oh," over and over again as our mouths fought for eminence.

She came against me in just that way, not needing the stimulus of fingers or lips beyond our kisses and our wandering hands on each others' backs and sides.

After long climaxes, we moved apart, cupping each others' breasts in both hands and smiling at each other.

"I think," she said as she panted under my fingers, "that you'll have very few social problems in the senior class."

I moved away a step and felt my skirt settled back around my thighs though I didn't pull down my tanktop. She still leaned there with her skirt pulled up around her hips and her jacket opened wide across her large breasts and still swollen nipples.

"Now, if you'll excuse me," she said with a big grin. "I have an appointment with the superintendent of schools in five minutes." She smiled even more broadly and leaned close in a conspiratorial vein. "He's thirty-three, unmarried, and hung like a horse," she said and laughed. "He likes professional women."

She led me to the door, pulling my tanktop down for me and carefully buttoning her jacket. We walked together to the main office of the administration building and she waved her fingers at me.

"I think that during the school year, you are going to need a great deal more counseling, Sue. College. Careers. I don't know what all." I waved back with a bashful bend of my shoulders.

"See you then." She turned into the office.

Chapter 9

THEIR MOTHER HAD given them firm orders to wake me before it got dark but, as young boys often do, they'd gotten interested in something else and lost track of time. I'd fallen asleep sometime in the afternoon, the sun still warm on the expanses of naked skin that showed around the tiny green bikini. Though it was mid-summer, the night air was chilly on my reddened skin.

Picking up my suntan lotion and book, I walked through the sliding glass door into the kitchen. I didn't have to use any imagination to know where the boys were. I could hear their play clearly as they wrestled in the family room.

I put my things on the kitchen counter near the door, where I often left them, and went to the family room. Dressed only in swimsuits, both boys had red spots and welts on their bodies from what had obviously been an extended wrestling match.

"Boys!" I yelled at them. They laughed between themselves, taking no heed of me at all. "Stop it! You're not supposed to wrestle in here! You'll break something! Now stop!"

Finally they did in a noisy, energy-filled tangle that threatened to break into continued wrestling at the next moment. I walked close to them, bending to separate them.

As if they hadn't even declared a momentary truce, Billy grabbed my arm with the same level of exuberance he had been demonstrating with his brother a moment before.

"Now quit!" I screamed as he started pulling me down. Marshall took the cue and grabbed my wrist and, though not as effective in holding it as Billy was with his added strength, threw me off balance. Billy growled then, pulling harder until I fell to my knees, twisted sideways and off balance. My long hair fell over my face and obscured even what was happening.

Marshall, who might not be as strong as Billy, was even more wildly active -- a state that gained him a draw in most cases with his brother. He jumped onto my shoulder and pressed me down toward the floor in a laughing heap. Frustratingly, Marshall still had one of my arms pinned to my side while Billy held the other. I was on my side with hair obscuring my vision, unable to push it away.

"Boys, stop it!" I said, getting mad.

"Come on, sis," Billy said. "It's okay." "No! Now let me go and stop it right now!" "Oh wow!" Billy said from beside me, still holding on to me. "You have really great tits."

"What?" I said. I had a terrible feeling that one of us had accidentally pulled the string that held my bikini top on. At best, it was meant to just barely hold the top on. Wrestling was not the best situation. "Let me go! Right now!"

Instead, he pushed hard and I was on my back with him still holding my arm, the other trapped below his body and his sweaty chest and stomach pressed against my naked breasts.

My body was no longer a major novelty to the boys who had continued to take advantage of quiet moments to get me alone. They seemed to arrange something at least once a week. They continued to come into the shower every now and then and touch and play with my breasts and pussy until I'd come. In return, they asked only that I suck them or beat them off while they kissed me. But they'd been getting increasingly aggressive and less careful in their choices of times and places.

Once they had even gotten me to do it in the field behind the house. I thought I knew what was coming even as Billy told Marshall to take my bikini bottom off.

"Not now, boys. What if your parents should come in?" "Oh, they went out just a little while ago," Marshall said as he took his brother's directive to heart and pulled the string on my bikini bottom. "Now lick her, Marsh."

I tried half-heartedly to resist but I was firmly held on my back and I didn't really want to kick Marshall and possibly hurt him. He pushed my knees apart and followed his brother's directive. Mmm. It still felt good to have someone do that.

Billy continued to hold me down though I didn't fight anymore, feeling the younger boy's tongue lapping at my sweaty clit. I was almost at the edge that spelled no return when Billy spoke again. I groaned as I felt Marshall move away. I hadn't really heard what Billy said. Then, in a quick motion, he jumped off me and turned, placing himself between my still spread legs.

"Hold that arm," he said, still holding my other wrist. Then I felt him probing at my pussy. I shook my head and looked down across my naked front to see him pressing his penis into me.

"Billy!" I said less convincingly than I would have wanted. "Don't. You shouldn't." I tried to free myself but couldn't as he plunged easily into me. He'd never done this before. "Billy?" I moaned as he started to ride me wildly. It was different than any similar experience I'd had. Different and exciting.

Then I decided that two could play at this and twisted, pushing him over sideways and ending up on top of him. He still held my wrists though I could look at him below me now, my hair out of my eyes and dangling down over my shoulders and tickling my hard nipples.

I sat back and tried to pull my wrists free but he still held on. His penis was driven very deep into me in the process, though.

"Hey, sis?" I heard behind me from Marshall. "I want to fuck you, too." He had to have everything his brother had.

"You've got to wait your turn," Billy said in his typical big brother tone. "Huh uh," Marshall said. "Not if I put it in here." He pressed against my asshole with a finger.

"No, Marshall!" I hissed. "That hurts!"

"Well, I know," he said and ran from the room. In a second he was back and squirted some suntan lotion on my ass. Then he took his finger and plunged it into me in a single stroke.

"No!" I screamed. "Don't do that!" But he kept the finger in motion as he giggled with his triumph.

"I'll bet I could fuck you too if I put it in there. Huh?" "No!" I snapped. "No! Don't you dare."

"Hold on, Billy," he said and I felt him probing at my asshole with his penis. "Hey neat!" he said. Billy pulled my upper body forward a little. "Yeah, that's it," Marshall said. I could feel his legs against my butt.

"Boys!" I said again more quietly. But now I wasn't sure I wanted loose. It felt great. Marshall's arms went around under my ribcage, locking and holding me. I was truly helpless to resist them even if I'd whole-heartedly wanted to.

Then I heard the key in the door and panic surged through me, making me work hard to try to get loose. I don't know whether the boys didn't hear it or didn't care.

"Somebody's coming home!" I hissed. "Let me go." Apparently Billy hadn't heard and just laughed as if that were another ploy to get free. Then I heard Minni at the entry to the family room.

"Oh, wow!" she said. "What are you guys doing?" "Minni!" I said loudly. "Help me!"

"Hey, Min," Billy said from below me. I looked sideways through my hair and saw her open-mouthed look at us. But instead of doing something to help me or to at least stop Marshall, she just sat down on the couch and stared, her mouth still open.

"They're both fucking you," she said.

"Yes!" I screamed. "Now will you stop them?" She just continued to stare, my frustration level rising. Billy pumped into me again and I moaned. Obviously, Marshall felt it or heard me and started pumping himself into me again with no related speed to Billy's.

Billy moved rather erratically in and out of me with slow strokes. Marshall pumped me like he beat off -- fast and frenzied. Then Marshall moved his hand down and started rubbing my clit and, seeing that, Billy released my wrists and grabbed my nipples roughly.

I could only put my head back and feel the result of the double penetration and the manipulation of all my sensitive parts. Marshall suddenly came in my ass and I could feel come there. His first time. That set mine off in a big way, the world going dark for a second before it exploded. Billy was filling my cunt with his young sperm when I could feel my body again.

We all fell into a heaving pile that, I think, took Billy's breath away with the weight on his chest.

"Uncle," he groaned.

"Oh, wow!" was all Minni could say. She hadn't even moved. Marshall took pity on his brother and pulled free of me and rolled onto his back on the floor next to us. I lifted myself off him and realized immediately that I was leaking down my leg. I ran for the bathroom with my hand over my pussy, trying to hold it in so it wouldn't stain the rug.


I sat in the bathroom for a long time before I was reasonably sure I was not going to leak too badly. The two boys, in combination to my own contributions, had produced a fantastic amount of come.

Since I was nude, I grabbed Minni's robe from the closet before I left the room. The silky robe wasn't terribly effective, belting loose with just a little crisscross and not much length, but it was better than nothing. I grinned as I walked into the family room and saw them.

Again they were wrestling but this time Minni was the prime interest of their efforts and she never had been much good at wrestling. Standing in the middle of the room, Billy held her arms spread, his hands locked behind her neck in a full nelson. Marshall was in front of her, unbuttoning her dress down the front. I already knew what they were going to find since I'd been in the room for a few minutes when she was getting ready to go out with Paul. She'd decided to provide as little obstruction to anything he might want to do as possible. She was wearing only thigh high stockings under the dress.

"Sue! Help me!" she said as she tried to kick at Marshall as he stepped aside easily. I was sure she hadn't really meant to kick him with her high heel because he could have been seriously hurt.

"I remember how much help you were to me!" I said. "Well! But help me, okay?" I just smiled. I could see her frustration building as mine had at the helplessness of wrestling with both the boys. They seemed to have nine sets of hands and every time you thought you were free, there was another one there to grab you. "Marshall!" she yelled. "Stop it! Billy, let me go!"

In a moment, Marshall had finished unbuttoning her dress -- unscathed by her feints toward him. In a blur of motion, Billy changed his hold so he held her wrists behind her back and she winced with a little pain. That distracted her from what Marshall did, pushing the shoulders of the dress off and down her arms.

"Okay," the younger boy said, wrapping both arms around one of Minni's arms. "Pull it off her arm." Billy did it before retrieving her wrist. Marshall repeated the actions exactly and the dress fell to the floor.

Minni is a full cup size smaller than me and with smaller pink nipples and considerably smaller areolas surrounding them. Her nipples still point upward when they're hard, like they were now, and the flesh bounces when she moves. They were bouncing now as she tried to free herself.

Billy put a foot behind Minni's ankles and pulled so they both fell to the rug. Neither of the boys had put their swimsuits back on and I could see now that they were both ready for more of what they'd started with me.

"Get the suntan lotion, Marshall," Billy huffed through the effort of holding the squirming girl.

"What are you going to do?" she asked, her voice shaking. "You know, sis. Come on." She moaned as Marshall put his already greasy finger in her ass as he had mine.

"Ow, oh. No! No, don't do that!"

"Put some on me, Marshall." I watched as the younger boy liberally applied lotion to Billy's dick and used his hand to spread it. Then looking under Minni almost like a mechanic looks under a car, he guided Billy to her asshole. She seemed to go berserk, her legs kicking and her body bucking.

"No! No! Billy! No! Marshall! Ow! Ow!" I wondered if it really hurt or if it was just the shock of the first time having this done to her. I went over and squatted down beside she and Billy's head.

"Are you really hurt?" I asked. She licked her lips and her bottom squirmed, but she didn't say anything for a minute.

"It hurts," she moaned but it didn't sound very convincing. She didn't even see Marshall as he spread her knees, possibly thinking he was helping or something. Certainly Billy probably hurt less in her rectum with her legs spread this way.

But Marshall was looking at the lush growth of dark pubic hair that was raised toward him and the dripping fluid coming out of her opened pussy. Or maybe he was looking at her swollen clit. I wasn't too sure but it only mattered for the fraction of a second it took him to make up his mind and crawl up between her legs and guide himself into her pussy.

"Hey, that's neat," Billy said. "I don't remember feeling you move inside when we were doing this to Sue."

"Yeah, I felt it," Marshall said. Both were puffing with excitement and exertion. Now Minni looked as if she'd given up.

Actually, her mouth open and head back over Billy's shoulder was a counterpoint to her hips that were moving in and out between the boys.

"You're fucking me," she moaned, re-wetting her lips. "God! You're fucking me."

"Naw, sis," Billy said with a grin. "We're just in ya. We're not fucking you yet."

"What?" she said. Billy pushed up into her and she sucked in her breath hard. "Oh!"

"Can I fuck her now?" Marshall said.

"Hey. You're on top. You do what you want." "All right!" he sighed and began pumping into her. I moved to their sides and put my hand on his butt.

"Slower, Marshall. And come way out and then back in." He did it and Minni drew up her legs, spreading herself further. Her high heels came off the floor and just touched Marshall's ass.

As both boys started moving in her, her heels began pushing harder into his bottom. I moved back to their heads, sitting on my knees, and reached down to play with her nipples.

"Wow! That's neat," Billy said. I looked down at him and saw that he was looking straight up under the robe. Minni heard it too and opened her eyes. At the time, her mouth was only about three inches away from it.

"Oh, Sue. Untie the robe," Minni said. I did and Billy let out another "Oh Wow!" "I want it!" she hissed. "Please Sue! Let me."

I moved the three inches and felt her tongue on my clit. When she spoke, her hot breath washed across it.

"Fuck me, Billy," and her tongue was inside me. Her center was rolling backward and forward. She was moaning loudly but it felt like a vibrator between my legs. She was talking as she sucked on my juices and licked up to my clit but I couldn't understand her. I pinched her nipples.

Then she was screaming against me and her legs were clenching and unclenching around Marshall's hips and waist. When Billy's finger pierced my asshole, I lost track of what happened for several minutes. When I opened my eyes, all motion had stilled. I dropped back on my heels and looked down at Minni's shiny wet face.

"Oh," she moaned. "There can't be anything better than that." Marshall rolled off to the side then, still active and smiling. "Can we do it again?" he said brightly.

"No!" all three of us chorused and then laughed. "We better get dressed. Mom and dad could be home any minute." Minni rolled toward the side and grabbed her dress but made no move to put it on. Marshall threw Billy's swimsuit at him and started trying to get his back on his legs.

At that moment, I heard the key in the door. "Quick!" I said. "There they are."

Billy was a ball of action and Minni was standing up now, trying to button the dress. I just tied the robe quickly and pushed her hand away from the bottom buttons to help her. She straightened and started from the top. We moved toward the couch together as we buttoned.

"Hello, kids!" Molly's voice sang from the entry as we all plopped down like statues, looking at the TV like we'd been staring at it for hours.

"Hi, mom!" we all said, almost in unison. "Hey, I need something to drink really bad," Minni said, squeezing my leg. I agreed. "You guys want something to drink?" she asked and both of them said yes.

Marshall, his young mind still easily distracted or redirected, only nodded, already entranced by the TV movie.

We almost ran into Molly in the doorway as she was coming in and we were going out to the kitchen.

"We were just going to get a drink," I said. She turned as if it were her duty to help.

"I think there's some Coke cold and maybe some Kool-Aid," she said.


Molly had gone ahead to the family room, leaving Minni and I to get our drinks when Phil came in the kitchen door from putting the car in the garage. He smiled as he saw us, his eyes flicking back and forth from one to the other of us, looking us both up and down.

"My girls!" he said with a grin as he spread his arms and let us meet him in the middle of the room.

"Hi dad," Minni said as she hugged him and kissed his cheek. I joined her and his hand went around my waist.

"Did you have a good time?" Minni asked as he released her. "Of course," he said. "I always have a wonderful time with your mother. You know that." His hand rested on my bottom, warm through the single thin layer of material. "Getting drinks? That sounds good. Is there still some Coke?"

"Sure," I said and turned to the refrig. Minni picked up two of the glasses and left the room as I got another glass and poured it for Phil.

"What are you wearing under that robe?" he whispered. I smiled. "Nothing."

"Great! I needed to know that," he said sarcastically. "I was already having a hard time keeping my hands off you." I jumped when his hand went around my waist from where he stood behind me, into the front opening of the robe, and between my legs. I pushed his hand away, blushed, and looked at the door.

"Don't," I said. "Not here." He leaned his head over my shoulder, reached around me from both sides, and covered both my breasts with his big hands. "Don't, Phil. We'll get caught."

"I guess you're right," he moaned, still kneading my breasts. "I just had to do it though." He moved back a step and let me go so I could put the Coke back in the refrig. I waited for him to pick up his drink before I picked up the other two and followed him.

I handed Marshall his drink and sat down, curling one foot under me. Phil sat down in his chair. We laughed at the movie.

The way we were sitting now, Molly and the boys were a little in front of Phil, Minni, and me and I was slightly behind Minni. I felt his eyes on me before I saw him. When I met his eyes, he grinned and looked down my body. Following his eyes, I looked down and saw that he was probably looking under the bottom of my robe unhindered. I sighed and decided I couldn't help it. I just sat still and enjoyed the movie. And his eyes devouring my body.

Chapter 10

AUGUST WAS HOT and muggy but it didn't seem to make a great deal of difference to my family. One of the least appealing things I could think of was a hot and steamy sexual encounter. But that seemed to be the norm.

Minni often held me at night in our bed, only a sheet covering us to the waist or not at all. Billy caught me every chance he could get and plunged himself into me. Marshall had even snuck into the bathroom twice to catch me in the shower and, the steam on the mirror still, lick me to orgasm before demanding a return on his investment of time and energy.

Phil touched me at unexpected times -- as I napped in the sun or walked past him in the hallway or kissed him good-night. Sometimes he put his hand inside a blouse or under a tee-shirt. Sometimes he just grabbed me between the legs.

Molly, on the other hand, preferred afternoons and, I thought, even contrived to get Phil and the other kids out of the house for an hour or two so she could take me to her bedroom.

Certainly, she was equable enough about it. She didn't just want me to lick her or rub her to orgasm, though I did usually. Sometimes she just wanted to lay me back on the bed and suck me until I almost lost consciousness. There was something very sexy about looking into her beautiful emerald eyes as she extended her tongue into me.

That's what she was doing. She'd sent Phil and Minni out on a mission to a mid-city market for a particular kind of ham that everyone seemed to enjoy more than those more easily available. The boys had gone to an afternoon movie.

Almost as soon as they'd left, she'd dropped the robe she'd been wearing to a pile around her feet, posing for me totally naked. She had a wonderful body that cried for attention even when that wasn't her intention at all. Her clit peeped out from between her labia and her nipples stood long and hard from her breasts when she was excited.

Brooking no argument, she'd walked to me and lifted my tee-shirt over my head without comment. Then she'd unzipped my cutoffs -- borrowed from Minni -- and pushed them to the floor.

She was somewhat strange in always wanting to make love in the bedroom, on the bed. No one else seemed to have this particular restriction on their love lives since I'd made love with someone in every room of the house, the car, and the backyard. She led me to the bedroom and placed me, like a princess, in the nest of soft pillows she made of her bed.

After kissing me for quite a while, she sucked on my nipples as I used my hands to massage her full breasts. Then she rocked back into the position she was in now, her bottom up in the air, her face between my legs, her tongue extended to my clit, and her eyes watching me intently for every feeling, movement, or reaction.

Of course, it felt wonderful as she did it to me and I was coming closer and closer to my orgasm. I wouldn't rate her with the others. They were all different and great.

Minni licked with more exuberance, wanting more of my attention to her needs. Billy now wanted to fuck more than anything else and didn't seem to care particularly whether I had an orgasm or not; I had ensured mine came first since the one time he'd left me incomplete. Marshall enjoyed the play, as if it were a new game of some sort, and would stay with whatever he was doing until I told him to stop. Phil filled me completely, lovingly, and slowly, ensuring I came with his ministrations before satisfying himself with a few following strokes.

In Molly's lovemaking, I felt more as if she were purposely sinning and knowing that at any moment she was going to get caught. She looked into my eyes as she began licking my clit broadly, pulling heavy moans out of me. Since my foot was trapped between her knees, I guided my toes to her pussy and was playing with it. Her bottom was bounding slowly on my toes as she continued licking and sucking me.

I thought that I heard a door close in the house but dismissed it, thinking it must be a neighbor's. I couldn't draw myself from what was being done to me, anyway. I was having trouble focusing my eyes but I still saw him when he came to the door, his mouth open to speak. But he didn't as he looked at us. I was afraid of his reaction but, as I wondered if I should push her away, Phil came into the room further and his shock turned to an evil smile.

He kicked off his shoes and unbuttoned his shirt quickly. Then, looking at me, he pulled his pants down and off. He was hard and standing out from his body straight. It took a perspective like looking at him across the room to appreciate his size. Up close, it took on too many meanings and feelings to be noticeable in simple dimensions.

He was silent as he walked to the foot of the bed, his cock in his hand, slowly moving up and down its length, and looking at Molly's spread legs with my toes between them. She was hunching her middle into my foot as she continued to lick and suck me, her eyes now tightly closed.

Phil put his finger to his lips to silence me and slowly lowered one knee to the foot of the bed. Equally slowly, his other knee came up as he balanced himself with the hand that wasn't at his cock. I could see his intention and only wondered at her reaction to it.

I moved my foot out from between her legs and her eyes came open, looking into mine with concern. She didn't stop licking me as she stared at me and I smiled. But I could see that she was about to stop and ask me what the problem was. That was when Phil pressed himself behind her and into her pussy.

It was obvious that in the first flush she thought I'd returned my foot to its earlier position. But then she realized it was too big and pressing too far into her. Panic in her eyes, she lifted away from me and looked over her shoulder.

"Phil!" she almost screamed as she caught sight of him. He roughly pushed himself the rest of the way into her, grabbing her hips with both hands. "Ah!" she said, feeling him deep inside her.

"Sucking Sue off, huh! Is that why you wanted us to leave?" he said. He frowned when she was looking at him but, when she turned to me as if for help, he grinned broadly at me. He wasn't going to let her off easy.

"No!" she moaned.

"And I'm kinky and strange when I want to fuck in the car or my own living room." He sounded mad but his face belied the fact.

"No, Phil!" she moaned again. He pulled almost all the way out and pushed hard back into her.

"Come here, bitch." He put his arms around her middle, holding her on his pistoning cock and laying down on his side. His legs were still between hers and now spread wide, spreading her still wider, almost painfully. I could see him buried to the hilt in her pussy.

"Oh Phil!" she moaned again, more with pleasure than shock or pain or worry.

"Sue," Phil said. "Get over here!" He indicated how he wanted me with one hand. Smiling completely now. "Now bitch. You finish what you started." He'd indicated that I should put my pussy back before her mouth and now pressed her forward to me.

I'd turned sideways, watching them fuck, so that now my face was only inches away from where his long cock moved in and out of her. I licked my dry lips and looked over her hip at him. He nodded to me.

"I'm not good enough for you!" he hissed playfully. "Then we'll see if both of us can satisfy you."

"No," she moaned softly between my spread legs, her head resting on the inside of my thigh. I could smell her musky smells strongly from so nearby and could feel her breath on my wet pussy lips. His hand cupped her breast and misshaped it in a way I hoped didn't hurt too badly and she opened her mouth wide. As she did, Phil pulled my ass toward them roughly, covering her open mouth.

Immediately her lips began working on my pussy, the breath pulsing out of her nose further between my legs. I couldn't stand it any more. I buried my mouth in her clit, licking her fluids and his cock when it came out at one extent of his stroke.

I reached between both their legs with both hands and pulled his butt into her and her into me.

My arms' work regularized his movements in and out of her and, I hoped, added to both their enjoyment of the moment. She went off unbelievably between us, unable to stay even a little still in his penetration and my ravenous eating of her clit.

I felt her screaming wildly into the muffling cover of my orgasming cunt. When he pulled out of her the next time, he was covered with the white of their combined come. Then he pressed back into her and I thought I could feel him cascading into her again and again. Finally my orgasm passed and, I thought, theirs did as well. I rolled onto my back away from them and listened.

"My little cunt," Phil said rather meanly, I thought. "Any time you deny me, whether in the kitchen or the middle of the living room or the backyard or even Chez Bon (I recognized the name of the french restaurant they liked), I will remind you of this minute. When I say 'now,' I want you to say 'yes.' Just that. When I tell you how, you'll say that that's perfect and you'd like that. Understand?"

"Yes, Phil," she said. I thought I heard a smile in her voice. I turned my head to look at her and saw her smile then.

"And if I want Sue to join us . . ."

"Then she can join us," she finished. She smiled at me as he was over her shoulder.

I heard the door slam again. "Dad?" Minni's voice rang through the house. "Mom?" Her voice was getting closer as I scrambled off the bed and Phil scrambled the other direction. Molly pulled a sheet to her nakedness, standing, tethered to the bed by its unwillingness to come loose or even to satisfactorily cover her.

I'd grabbed up the cutoffs and stepped into them but hadn't even found my tee-shirt when Minni walked into the bedroom. Phil had just found his pants, near the doorway, and put them in front of himself.

"What's going on?" Minni said as she looked from one of us to the others. "I thought you were just coming in for your wallet."

"Yeah, ah . . ." Phil stammered. Molly was just standing with her mouth open in surprise, trying to cover herself and failing miserably. Both her breasts and her dripping cunt were visible to me as they were to Minni. Minni didn't even ask her mother.


Honesty, I found a long time ago, always works better than the best dissembly. Besides, I couldn't think of a lie that would come anywhere close to covering up anything in this situation.

I walked across the few paces that separated us and put my arm around her shoulders and smiled.

"Your mom was licking me," her head lifted rapidly, her mouth opening, as she looked at her mother. "Like you do some nights and I do to you other nights," I added. Her head spun around to me, her jaw dropping at the disclosure in front of her parents. I just held her. I'd heard the gasp from Molly at both statements.

"What?" Phil said, sounding scandalized. I just nodded. "Your little girl is growing up," I said with a reassuring smile. "Anyway," I continued, "when your dad came in, he saw us and decided to join us instead of doing something dumb like objecting."

Her parents were staring at her, waiting for her reaction. She looked at one and then the other of them. Then she relaxed and shrugged her shoulders.

"So. Are we still going to the market?" she asked. Phil's shoulders relaxed as a smile spread on his face. Molly sighed her relief.

"Give me a minute, baby," he said as he stepped into his pants. Minni walked back out the door. She'd only just left when he put the shirt on unbuttoned and stepped back into his shoes.

I leaned down and found my tee-shirt on the floor in the shadows as he walked to Molly, kissed her as he put his hand between her legs, and turned to the door.

He stopped as he entered the hall and turned back to us. "If you pick up where you left off?" he said. "I want you to do it on the kitchen table. Understand, Molly?"

"The kitchen table?" she said, wrinkling her nose. He looked at me with a grin.

"Understood, Sue?" I nodded. I looked at Molly and saw a spreading grin as the front door slammed shut. She dropped the ineffective sheet to the floor.

"To the kitchen?" she said with a blush. I didn't bother putting my tee- shirt back on but we did lock the doors before I laid down on the cold kitchen table.


Minni hadn't talked to any of us after she and her father got back home from their errand. She acted normally except for that lack, talking with the boys and doing the dishes without comment. We watched TV for a while before Molly and Phil told the boys it was bedtime. It was silent in the room after they'd gone and until Minni and I said our goodnights as well. For the first time in my memory, Minni didn't kiss her mom and dad goodnight but just went to the room.

"Make sure she's all right, Sue," Molly said as she looked sadly at her retreating back. Phil echoed the thought when I kissed him.

She didn't talk to me as she got into her nightgown and bed nor when I got in beside her. She turned away from me in the moonlight. I thought for a little while but then turned toward her and put my arms around her.

"Minni? Talk to me," I said. She shook her head. "Please? I'm your friend."

"Friend?" she said then. "I saw what you were doing." "Tell me. What was that?"

"I saw you with my parents."

"I know that. But what did you think you saw exactly." "Come on, Sue. You were all naked. All three of you were together, laying on each other and stuff."

"Yes. We were. I'll add to it. Your dad had just finished coming in your mom's pussy. I'd been licking her clit while she sucked on my pussy."

"Sue!" she said with disgust.

"What's wrong? You know that your parents love each other. And you know that they love me -- and you. One of the best ways to show love is with sex. It's natural."

"I know that. But . . ."

"Now think. What is it that you are upset about?" I could almost feel her thinking, wrapped in my arms. She mumbled.

"What?" I said.

"Jealous," she said.

"You're jealous? Is that what you said?" I smiled. "Yes! I'm jealous! All right?"

"Of course. There's nothing wrong with that." "You had something with my parents that I know I can never ever have. Probably you've even done it before."

"Not with both of them," I said.

"Oh. Just dad or just mom?" she spit.

"Both of them. But not together."

"What? You made love to both of them?"

"Sure. And with you and your brothers."

"So now you've fucked everybody in the family." I laughed. "I love you all."

"Literally," she hissed.

"Yes." She was quiet in my arms for a long time, her fingers tracing up and down across my wrist.

"I'm sorry Sue," she said. "I shouldn't blame you. I mean there's nothing you can do."

"Let me understand. You've made love to your brothers and you've made love to me. You're just upset because you haven't made love to either of your parents. Is that right?" She laughed now and was quiet again for a long time.

"Yeah. I guess it sounds silly, doesn't it." She put her hands over mine on her stomach and hugged them. "I'm silly, aren't I?"

"No," I said. "No, I don't think so. Come on." I held on to her hand as I eased out of bed. "Come on," I insisted. Finally, she got up and followed me as I pulled her to the door, shutting it silently behind us. Then I walked to the door across from us and opened it. After she'd come in behind me, squeezing my hand as if asking what we were doing, I shut it again.

The moonlight was brighter in this room, shining directly in the window like a beacon. Phil lay on his side, facing the edge of the bed. Molly, her legs spread under the covers, was on her back. I moved to the bed and pulled down the sheet and light blanket to Phil's knees. He was nude in the moonlight.

Minni grinned as I guided her in laying down in front of her father, shaping her body to his curved one.

I walked quickly around the foot of the bed and pulled the covers down on Molly's side, looking at her nakedness, sprawled as she was. She turned toward Phil, seeking his warmth, as I crawled in behind her.

I reached between them and put my hand on Phil's bottom, rubbing it. He stirred.

I thought he was mostly awake when I heard Minni. "Daddy," she whispered. "I was jealous."

Chapter 11

AFTER SAYING GOODBYE to her mom and Sue, Minni skipped down the steps of the house and out to the sidewalk, turning toward the swimming pool. She had a bag filled with her towel and swimsuit in her hand.

Paul had said he would be at the pool today and her mother and Sue had encouraged her to go if she wanted to.

She was a little more than a block from home when the motorcycle pulled up next to her at the curb. She looked and saw the older boys, worry almost overwhelming her. Two leather clad boys sat one of the bikes while one rode the other.

"Hey, baby," the leader, on his solo bike with its long handlebars and high sissy bar, said. "Where you goin'?" She just walked on, paying no attention to them.

"Come on, baby!" the leader said. "It can't hurt to just say hello, can it?" She stared daggers at him. She'd seen him at the mall several times with his friends. He was obnoxious and pushy at the best of times. "Now stop!" he cried irritably.

"What do you want?" she said, exasperated. "Just leave me alone." He just grinned.

"You want to go for a ride, don't you?" It didn't sound like a question to her as she stood with her hand on her hip defiantly.

"No, I don't want to go for a ride," she said, shaking her head with the words.

"Snake," he said. "Bring her over here to my bike. I'll bet she wants to take a ride." For the first time, she was afraid as one of the boys got off the second bike and moved toward her. She dropped her bag and ran toward the pool, thinking to get there for help. As she ran, she could hear the boots of the boy closing in behind her and the bike motors revving.

She was across the street from the pool entrance when the motorcycle pulled in front of her with it's smiling driver. A hand caught the back of her tanktop at that moment as she started to sidestep the motorcycle.

She kicked and screamed as the heavy boy behind her pushed her to the motorcycle and the leader lifted her leg over the hot leather seat in front of him. She could feel the more intense heat of the motor between her calves and the squeaky leather against her back.

The motorcycle jumped between her legs as he put his arm around her middle roughly. She didn't see the other boy jump onto the remaining motorcycle to follow.

Paul, waiting expectantly at the pool for her arrival, came out of the entrance and looked down the tree lined street, seeing the two motorcycles turn the corner a block away and accelerate away. Since he hadn't seen her on the bike, he waited for her another hour before he decided to go to her house to check on her.


She was forced to stay still on the speeding machine between her legs and it roared through town and out onto the highway south. As she couldn't have jumped off in town because of the speed, she certainly couldn't on the highway with the wind whipping her hair around her face like snakes striking her all over within its reach.

The bike slowed after what she guessed was five miles and turned onto a dirt road. Accelerating again on the slippery dirt surface, it moved swiftly through the trees for several more minutes before it pulled into the yard of a house. Three other motorcycles were leaning on their kickstands in neat order in front of the house. The leader stopped and let the weight of the bike roll it back beside the others. His heavy boot kicked the stand down so it could lean into the dirt. He shut off the motor and it immediately began popping and crackling as it started to cool.

"What are you doing?" she said loudly, overcoming her temporary deafness from the rushing wind and roaring motorcycle engine.

"Why, we're just gonna have a little fun, baby," he said, still with one arm around her middle as he nudged her toward the door of the house with his hip. He turned the handle on the door but kicked it open so it banged back against the wall. She noticed, as he moved her past it, that there was a hole in the wall where the inside handle had hit it on numerous occasions. Nearby there was another hole in the wall that looked to be about shoulder height and about 8 inches across. Someone had hit the wall there with a fist or something, she thought.

"Look what I got," he said into the living room. Five other people looked up from various positions in the room -- a couch, the floor, two heavy chairs. She recognized the rest of his group. Three were leather clad boys and the other two were the tough looking girls that hung around with them. All around them were stacks of garbage, empty pizza boxes, torn magazines, and empty beer cans.

"All right!" one of the boys said as he sat up on the floor, dumping one of the girls from his lap. "One of those little mall bitches."

"Yeah," the leader said. "Wanted to come see how the other side lives." "Yeah? Great! We'll show you, won't we Scorpion?" He looked to the leader. Minni almost thought the silly animal names were funny except for her situation here. She was scared.

"Come on," the leader said and propelled her down the littered hallway and into a bedroom. He almost threw her toward an unmade military style twin bed covered with grey, stained sheets.

She looked back at him as she caught herself and turned to sit on the edge of the bed. The other five, with the two boys who'd been on the other motorcycle, crowded into the room and fanned out against the other wall. She noticed that there was a mattress on the floor with only a dirty, rumpled sleeping bag on it.

"Okay," the leader said. "Take off all your clothes." It was so matter-of- fact that she could only look at him open-mouthed with surprise.


"Take off your clothes! Is that so hard to understand?" "No," she said. "You have to be kidding!" "Bitch. Tell her." One of the girls, obviously called Bitch by this group, smiled at her.

"There's no use, baby. Scorpion said to take your clothes off. You might as well do it or he'll do it for you." She smiled nastily and shrugged her shoulders.

"You can try," she hissed, poising on the bed. "All right!" the more articulate of the boys from the living room said. "I like to watch this."

The leader smiled evilly and took a step toward her. She kicked out at him but he ducked easily, grabbing her ankle.

"That's the way you want it, that's okay by me," he said. Now she was really frightened and propelled by it. She kicked again and caught his arm so he let her ankle go. She jumped onto the bed as all the boys moved toward her, holding them off with swinging arms and kicks until the leader caught her ankle again as one of the others caught her arm.

Unceremoniously, she was dumped onto her back on the bed's edge and, as she started to scramble again, felt other hands on her arms and legs, holding her down.

"Rope," the leader said. "Pull that shirt off." Hands were on her, pulling the tanktop over her head as she struggled but she never got an arm free for more than a second as it was peeled off. Then she felt a rope wrap around her wrists tightly. She didn't notice it tied to the end of the bed until they let her arms go and she tried to move, only to find she couldn't.

"Flip for the shorts and panties?" the leader said. She watched, aghast, as everyone flipped coins "Okay. It's between the Bitch and Roscoe. Flip again. Yeah. The Bitch gets to do it."

The girl walked toward her, putting the coin back in her tight jeans pocket.

"I told you, you should have just done it yourself," she said with a nasty grin. The girl reached for the button on her shorts and Minni curled and kicked out, catching her solidly in the breast. It knocked her off the edge of the bed and onto the floor.

"God damn!" she screamed. "The cunt kicked me in the tit." With some pleasure, Minni saw the girl holding her breast gingerly. "Now I gotta get back," she said though her teeth.

She bounded onto the edge of the bed, her back to Minni's lashing legs, and grabbed Minni's nipple roughly, squeezing hard.

"Ow ow ow!" Minni screamed.

"Fucking cunt," the girl said. "Kick me in the tit. I'll twist this sucker all the way off." Minni thought she already was as she screamed. Then, thankfully, the girl let go and Minni lay still. "If you kick me again I'll do it for twice as long. Or I'll get one of the guys to really do it right. Got that?"

She turned slightly and Minni felt her unbutton her shorts and unzip down her hip. Roughly, she pulled them down one hip, down some more, out from under her, and then down in front.

"No dice on the panties, guys," the girl said. "She ain't wearin' none. Just like these rich mall cunts."

"You just wanted a new pair of panties, Bitch," one of the boys said. "Yours rotted through six months ago."

"Hey, fuck you, Snake," she said with a laugh. "So okay. There she is. Stripped down to the pubes. And cute ones they are, too." The girl put her hand on Minni's pubic mound, giving it a rough rub.

Minni opened her eyes, looking at the others for help but as she looked at them, she saw only a mixture of lust and grinning evil. There wasn't a sign of compassion.

"Okay," the leader said loudly over the hubbub of wisecracks. "All of ya get out of here and leave me with my new girlfriend. Go ahead and flip for nexties. Bitch, you're out cause you got to do the shorts."

"Shit. All I got for that was kicked in the tit, Scorpion," she protested. "Yeah, well. Teach you to keep those hooters out of the way." "You never complained last night." Everybody laughed. "I said, get outta here," he repeated and they all filed out the door. "You'll get your audience with the queen here later, baby," he said. "But first I get to see what's down here without a bunch of assholes hanging over my shoulder."

She stared daggers at him, hating him more than anyone or anything she'd ever known. He looked at her face quickly but just looked away at her naked front as he sat down on the edge of the bed, facing toward her feet. She crossed her legs tightly as he pulled lightly at her thigh.

"I know how to control you now, you little bitch. Don't fuck with me." She didn't know what he meant but she wasn't going to do this easily. He reached back absently and put his finger and thumb around her nipple and squeezed.

"Ow, oh, ow," she screamed. "Don't! Stop it!" He eased the pressure. "Spread your legs real wide for me so I can see everything." She didn't and immediately felt his fingers tighten on her nipple again. She uncrossed her legs but didn't spread them. "Wide, god damn it!" He pinched again and she screamed. She spread her legs further.

"That's better." He let go of her nipple and lifted one leg onto his knee, pushing the other leg further away. She knew she was spread completely and hated it.

Disgustingly, he leaned forward and used both hands to spread her labia. "I knew you were hot for me," he said. "Look at all this wet down here." With no preamble, his finger slid into her pussy and then back out and up between her labia until he contacted her clit.

"Yeah, fuck. Let's see how fast we can get you off the first time." He looked at his watch. "I'll bet we can do it in less than five minutes."

His finger slid back and forth from deep inside her to her clit, rubbing it several times before delving back into her pussy. She hated it more than she could say but she knew her body was responding to the unrestrained manipulation.

"Yeah, that's it. That's it!" he said as he rubbed and, she knew, her body pumped into his finger.

"No, no, no!" she screamed as she felt her body climaxing. She was crying hard with fear, rage, and frustration at not being able to stop her own body.

"Yeah, that's it!" he howled. Then he seemed to settle down to a strange lack of interest in her. "Yeah. I got first and I get last before the next round," he hissed. He stood up shakily and walked out the door.


Paul knocked on Minni's door, afraid of the reception he might get from her parents but still concerned that he hadn't seen her an hour after she was supposed to arrive. He gulped when Phil answered the door; his worst fears realized.

"Hi," he said.

"Uh, yes sir. My name's Paul and . . ." Phil interrupted him. "Come in. You're Minni's boyfriend, right? Come in. Where's Minni?" Paul looked at him with an open mouth.

"Sir?" he said in confusion.

"Minni? She went down to the pool an hour ago. I thought you were meeting her."

"That's why I came here, sir. She hasn't showed up and I was wondering . . ." Again Phil interrupted.

"Molly? Didn't Minni go to the pool?" Both Molly and I heard him and exchanged a look of concern. We both went to the door.

"Yes, she did," Molly said.

"I've been there a long time," Paul said. "She didn't come there." I saw the boy's concern.

"You go ahead," I said. "I'll take a look to see if I can find her." I walked the route I knew Minni and the rest of the kids always took. It didn't take much to see her bag tossed into a bush or the single tire skid marks on the street nearby. I sniffed, perhaps a little more trained in what to smell than most humans, and identified the reek of the bikers and their machines that remained to a trained nose even after more than an hour.

I ran as quickly as I could, vaulting a nearby fence into a backyard and then into the alley behind it. I thought about the dog who had been called Einstein and found myself comfortably on all fours with a nose much better adapted to following trails than the one I'd had a few seconds before. If anyone was watching, they saw Einstein streak out of the alleyway half a block away to run down the sidewalks, almost level to the ground, toward the center of town.

Once there, the heavy traffic somewhat confused the smells of Minni, the bikers, and the motorcycles but the odor remained like a rain swollen stream. It wasn't specific but now broad and allowed a few side trails that had to be quickly checked. The general direction stayed firm toward the highway.

I hoped they hadn't taken her too far away though, I knew, there were several shapes I could assume that could go any distance necessary. My tongue was already hanging out with the effort of running so far but it didn't slow me. I hit an easy pace and continued out the edge of town. At least now I didn't have to cast about quite so much for the scent.

The motorcycles were enough but the scent of Minni's fear was as clear as a bright light hanging in the air in front of me. I didn't like that smell at all.


Though he wanted to be a "big man," he was really little more than a boy and not a very smart boy at that. Minni didn't know and didn't care what they called him or what his real name was. She did care that he had nasty yellowed teeth that helped produce terrible breath as he laid on top of her, pumping like a rutting dog. His grunts had done nothing to excite her as he shot his load inside her quickly.

That had been the good part. He was finished in moments and he hadn't excited her in the least so she felt none of the guilt and frustration she'd felt at the leader's touches.

The door opened again and she sighed with her hatred of the situation and the prospect of more. Because it was the second of the girls didn't matter one way or the other since she felt them all equally disgusting.

"Hi, honey," the girl squeaked. A mousy thing, she had swept her hair to one side and partially shaved it at some time. What remained was long and dirty. What had grown back was just as dirty but only about a quarter of an inch long.

Minni watched her as she pulled the dirty tee-shirt she was wearing over her head to release small, young breasts with smudges of grease still clinging to them in the shape of fingers from the last time one of the boys had touched her there. She peeled off her tight pants and pulled down yellow stained panties that almost made Minni gag at the thought of wearing them.

Her legs were skinny and badly proportioned as was the rest of her body; almost emaciated looking with ribs sticking out. With proper food and someone to care for her, Minni knew the girl could be pretty though still plain. The dullness of ignorance drooped from her lips and eyes.

"I'm glad I got ta come in before you was tired of everybody. I'll be real nice to ya and do stuff that the guys like me to do to them so you'll really like it, I'll bet." Minni doubted it.

"Would you untie my hands?" she asked. The girl looked panic-stricken. "Oh, no! I couldn't do that! Scorpion would kill me!" She looked at the door as if he would come into the room at just the suggestion of freeing her.

"Then just talk to me and then go away, okay?" Minni tried. The girl shook her head again.

"No. I like to do stuff. And you'll like it too. I just know it." The girl moved to the foot of the bed and started lifting Minni's leg, trying to turn her over. "Turn over, okay?" she said finally, unable to do it.

"What are you going to do?" Minni asked. "Just turn over. Or maybe I'll have to hurt you like the guys do with me sometimes. But I don't like that, so you won't either. Please? Turn over?" She was whining. Minni wondered how long she could procrastinate but felt that the girl probably wouldn't wait long for fear of losing her turn. Watching her over her shoulder, Minni turned onto her stomach. "Yeah, that's it," the girl said with a wide grin. "That's it."

She crawled up between Minni's legs, spreading them as she did. "I'd eat you real good if it wasn't for the guys being here first. But I really don't like their taste much. So I'll do different. Okay?" Minni didn't have the vaguest idea of what the girl was talking about at that stage but felt it as the girl kissed her bottom.

"No. Don't," she said mildly. "Please. Just talk to me. Okay?" But the girl wasn't listening. Instead, she now had her lips between Minni's asscheeks, delving further and further toward her, pushing her legs apart. Then, Minni's stomach turning, she felt the girl probing her asshole with her tongue. She was doing it over and over, faster and faster as if she were obsessed with it.

Minni felt nothing but disgust until the girl's hand found her clit and began manipulating her again.

"Mmm," she moaned. "You taste good!" She was sucking at her asshole now and Minni felt her stomach turning. "It's okay . . ." the girl moaned, catching her breath quickly, ". . . if you go. I like that!" Minni was going to be sick. She felt it crawling up her throat, only overcoming it by trying to think of something entirely different. She wondered if she was going to able to hold out -- even through this one girl.

She saw the door open in her peripheral vision but tried not to react. She felt so diminished by what this girl was doing to her and what the girl was doing to herself.

"Oh, shit!" one of the boys said loudly, laughing. "Pussy's sucking ass again."

"Pass her out a little shit cake, sweetie," the other boy said. "Give her a mouth full. She loves it."

The girl was going crazy with her fingers and her tongue in her until Minni couldn't stand all the manipulation in spite of her disgust at what was going on. She could hear what she thought must be all the people standing near the bed.

She almost lost consciousness with the climax when it rolled through her. She wished she could. Wished she could lift herself out of this place with it.

"Hey! She's havin' a come. Look at that! The cunt likes her butt eaten out."

"Well, I'm gonna put something right back in it, right now," another gruff voice said. "Get the fuck out of there, Pussy. You can eat it out after I come in there."

The girl's face moved out from between her legs then, forcibly, Minni thought.

"Oh, come on, guys!" she screamed. "Leave one hole for me. I don't like the taste of your stuff."

"Oh, we'll stick a bottle of Coke in there for you after we're done. Then you can have something to drink with it." There was laughter all around.

One of the men leaned against the bed, pushing his hardness against her asshole painfully. She screamed but it was overwhelmed by another scream. The room went silent.

"Huh?" a boy said across the room.

"What the fuck?" another said.

"Pat?" one of the girls said, forgetting to call the leader by his preferred name.


I'd run right past the dirt road that turned off the highway but skidded to a stop two long stretching paces past it and rolled into a twisting ball with my own speed and the sudden change in direction. I cut across a corner of the woodlot and back to the dirt road, hardly slowing.

I saw the line of motorcycles, all neatly backed into a line in front of the house. I knew this was it. It took less than a second to decide what form to assume for the next task. I knew the cute dog, even with teeth bared, would have little effect on this pack.

What could have formed as a bark escaped my feral lips as a loud feline scream of anger as I heard Minni scream from inside the house. Five hundred pounds of very angry, heavily maned lion hit the window and shattered it into a million bright slivers.

Landing almost in the middle of the group, I flattened one of the boys and heard his head hit the floor so hard I was mildly afraid I'd killed him. I'd forgotten the killing urge that could totally overcome this huge body -- just the smell of fear and blood could drive me into an insane fury.

But I'd come here with the fury already on me. It didn't even require any added stimulus. I foamed at the mouth with it now as I slapped at a black leather clad boy, slamming him into the wall face first. Two boys ran into each other very hard in their opposing efforts to get away. Both dropped to the floor.

Another swing of my massive paw threw a naked girl into a wall with strips of blood running down her back. I roared my anger and watched another boy drop to the floor in a dead faint.

"Snake! Snake! Help!" I heard the leader's voice scream in the hallway. No one else was standing here. The voice was retreating fast. In a second, Sue was standing at the side of the bed Minni laid in, cringing into the wall behind her, her eyes clenched shut tightly and little squeals coming between her lips.

I could feel the drool rolling down my chin and neck, the sweat on my body. I untied the ropes around her hands.

"It's okay. It's me. Sue," I said as softly as I could manage with the heat still on me. I had to let it go quickly. She hadn't opened her eyes but I half forcibly lifted her to her feet and propelled her toward the window. "Get out! Quick! Get your clothes! I'll meet you in a minute!" I was screaming the words. Growling them. I couldn't help myself.

A tawny feline body met the frightened looks of the two people down the hall as I slid into the hallway toward the living room. Again my deep throated scream of anger split the silence of the house as I pursued their retreating backs.

Snake skidded to a stop with a chain in one hand and a switchblade in the other. I hit him so hard I felt ribs crack when we both hit the kitchen wall.

The Bitch -- a snarling, hissing look of pure hatred on her face -- threw a butcher knife in my direction as she backed toward the door. It skittered across the floor after glancing off the tough hide of my haunch. My snarl was much more effective than hers had been and she paled as I closed the one step to her and knocked her through the screen door. She was piled there as I jumped over her, smelling the strong urine smell of Scorpion, the leader, beyond.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw Minni, her clothes clutched to her front, running down the road, looking back at me with fear in her eyes. Good, I thought.

I stopped and licked some of the foam off my lips before walking quickly toward Scorpion -- crashing through the trees nearby. He wouldn't get very far I knew with a smile that curled my huge lips. I roared again and heard him babbling incoherently a little way away.

He was white with fear as he stood, hilariously, in the trees wearing boots, dirty shorts, and his leather jacket. I bounded to within three feet of him and stopped. I looked down, seeing the front of his shorts stain yellow and smelling the strong odor of his released bowels. His eyes turned up in his head and he went over backward like a felled tree.

I put my massive paw in the middle of his stomach and, a moment later when he regained gibbering consciousness, was still holding it there. As he looked down at it, I flexed out the three inch claws that had brought down 2,000 pound Buffalo bulls in the African svelte. Each of the four pierced his skin easily, though not deeply, as his entire body vibrated with fear.

Easing now that my fury had passed, they retreated from his skin but remained extended slightly as I brushed down his body, leaving little lines of blood to his shorts. I pulled them down and licked his flaccid dick with a tongue that outweighed his arm. Smiling in a way that showed all the sharp teeth I sported, I watched him faint from fear again.

Finished, I walked away.

A tall, sleek thoroughbred mare trotted to Minni's side a minute later. I stood in front of her until she finished putting her clothes on and then nudged her until she crawled onto my back. We loped easily back to town in the next hour.

She was looking at me strangely as she got off my back as I sidled up to the fence behind our house. Then, showing off, I reared magnificently and trotted across the open field away from her.

Chapter 12

I ALMOST LAID on top of her in the bed, trying to still her shaking even after all this time.

After I'd returned her home, I went to the alleyway where I'd shed my clothes to take on the dog aspect before searching for her. Then I quickly walked back home to find her crying in Phil's arms, Molly and the boys solicitously hovered around them.

They'd called the police and reported the incident. Someone was scheduled to arrive at any moment. She looked at me with fear in her eyes that I'd never seen before. It wasn't just fear of the situation I'd rescued her from but somewhat of me.

The policemen and one policewoman who arrived shortly after I did, taking her in my arms to rock her, said they believed her. It seemed that a boy had run into the highway and stopped a car north of town, screaming about a lion being after him. Police had been called after he'd been taken to the emergency room for x-rays for a concussion. He'd told them everything that Minni told them now except he, and the friends they'd picked up shortly after, were hysterical with fear of a lion.

Minni, looking at me before saying anything, said she knew nothing of that. That she'd escaped through a window when they'd left her alone for a while.

The police couldn't figure out how three of the boys had been so badly scratched or so many people, nine in all, could have such similar, if outrageous, tales.

She was somewhat mollified that all but one girl had admitted that they had taken Minni -- a girl from the mall -- and tied her to have sex with her. They seemed to think nothing wrong with that, the policeman said with a look of disgust on his face.

The policewoman and Molly took Minni to the hospital for tests that, when they returned only a half hour later, showed that she had been raped. They promised tests on the semen and saliva they'd recovered from her body. She, needless to say, had hated the tests and hated being in the same building with the nine people even though they were, in varying degrees, disabled.

The cops thought it was moderately funny that the bikers had gotten themselves in trouble and were now claiming this outrageous story, sure they were covering their own guilt. They hadn't even bothered looking for signs of a lion because this was patently impossible and everyone knew it.

Except Minni.

She'd been thoroughly cleaned in the hospital after the samples were taken, assured there was no possibility of pregnancy thanks to her birth control pills. She still spent more than an hour in the shower, Molly staying in the bathroom with her the entire time. Talking to her.

She'd finally insisted, after a late dinner, that she was all right. I still went to bed when she went, not wanting her to be alone for even a moment. Her parents were glad that I insisted.

Now we were alone.


We lay there together for quite a while until her shivering finally went away and her breathing got more regular. I could tell she was ready to talk to me now and that there was no way I could avoid telling her anything she needed to know.

"You were there, weren't you Sue?" she said. It wasn't really a question. "You said you were there and untied me and told me to go out the window."

"Yes," I sighed. Resigned. I knew this could mean the end of my time staying here with them all. I couldn't stay with her if she feared me.

"You saw the lion. Just like those . . ." She couldn't get it out. "Yes," I answered. It wasn't quite the truth but close enough. "I thought I was going crazy," she mumbled into my neck. "No. You're not crazy."

"How?" she said.

"You don't need to know that. Just accept that the lion was there and helped you."

"No. I want to know." Her body had stiffened in my arms. "I saw it come through the window. Crashing." She was shivering again even though our positions hadn't changed and, if anything, the night was a little warm.

"It threw them around the room!" An edge of hysteria was moving up through her. "I was so afraid! I was tied like a lamb! All it had to do was turn and I'd be dead! And then . . . and then . . ."

"Then I was there untying you," I added for her, petting her hair. "Yes. I heard your voice and you told me to leave and get my clothes and I did."

"Yes, honey. You did it just right."

"And the lion went after the rest of them. I heard them screaming and crashing into things and running. When I opened my eyes, you weren't there. I just got my clothes and climbed out the window. That's how the police knew I was there. I cut myself and they said they matched the blood type."

"Uh huh," I said softly near her ear.

"And then I watched the back door. The . . . " She shivered hard next to me, breathing very hard, and trying to catch her breath. "Scorpion. The leader!" She spit the words. "He ran out and he looked at me and said he'd get me. He made . . . gestures. Stuck out his tongue. Rubbed his fingers together.

"And then the door of the house crashed open and the lion was there. He ran and the lion ran after him and caught him in the woods. I could hear him screaming." She put her hands on my side as if she could get me closer to her that way.

"And the horse came and waited for me to get dressed before I could get up and ride away on her. Beautiful, beautiful horse. And she brought me straight home across the fields. Right to the fence."

She burst into silent tears, a torrent that soaked my neck and the side of my face. Her body was racked with her sobs. My eyes stung with my own, still unreleased. I didn't dare let myself go or I'd be in as bad a shape as she was.

I felt her sobs passing.

"Oh, Sue. Do you know what they did to me?" "No, baby. That's all right. You don't have to talk about that. It's all right now."

"They tied me up. Then Scorpion came in." I clenched my teeth with the rage I felt. "He looked between my legs while he rubbed me and rubbed me and rubbed me and I couldn't keep from coming."

"Oh, honey. I'm so sorry. It wasn't your fault. It really wasn't your choice. You couldn't do anything."

"I know. It made me feel like his plaything. It was awful but it wasn't the worst thing."

"Tell me if it will make you feel better. It's all right." "There was a girl. She came to me and I asked her to let me go. I thought because she was another girl that she would. But she wouldn't.

"Instead, she made me turn over on my stomach because one of the guys had fucked me. That didn't matter. It didn't even feel good. I didn't care much.

"But she put her tongue in my ass. In my bottom. Right in my hole," she shuddered. I petted her hair as she talked. "And she sucked on it and kept telling me she wanted me to shit for her. That she wanted to eat all of me.

"My stomach . . . " she said and I could feel her revulsion even now. "How could a girl . . . get so . . ."

"How could anyone fall so low?" I said for her. "Yes." I knew there was something more. Something she wanted me to know. I waited for her to continue if she wanted to.

"I liked it, Sue," she said. "I liked it when she licked me there. And I came again even with all those other people standing there in the room."

"You didn't want to be rescued?" I said then though I knew that wasn't the case.

"God, yes, I wanted rescued. What would have been next? I think the boys were going to do it in my bottom, too."

"Would you have wanted that?"

"I don't know," she said. "Maybe. I don't know. No, not with them. Never!"

"Well, you didn't want them to do it anyway," I said for her. "Maybe someone else will. But someone you want to and that has some control of themselves. Not them."

"No, not them," she said. "You're right." This time she was quiet against me for so long that I thought she'd fallen asleep. I rather hoped she had. By tomorrow she would be much better.

"Sue? Where did the lion come from?" I didn't know how to answer. I don't lie. This was just one truth I didn't want to tell.

"It's a long story, Minni. Are you sure you want to hear it?" "I'm sure. I need to know I'm not crazy, Sue." I wondered if my story would help her.

"Do you love me, Minni?" I asked. "Do you trust me?" She nestled into my neck, holding me tighter to her.

"I love you more than anything, Sue. I trust you more even than mom and dad." I wasn't sure I wanted to hear that.

"Would you believe me if I told you I'm not quite what I appear to be? Would it make you feel safer, better, or would it make you feel worse?"

"Sue, I've always known there was more to you than you told us. I thought for a while that you were just hiding the things that happened to you in New York before you came here. But I've thought for a long time that there was a lot more.

"You're so much smarter than me. You know things. You can always answer every question." She fell silent. "Are you from space or something?"

"No," I laughed. "No, that couldn't be further from the truth. I'm less an alien than anyone on earth."

"Are you God or something like that then?" I was appalled that anyone could even think that possible until I thought about it for a second. In a way I supposed I fit many of the definitions of God. But there were some notable exceptions from the definitions as well.

"No. I'm not God and I'm nothing like him, I think." "Were you the lion?" she asked softly. I didn't even feel her body tense at the suggestion. Instead I tensed.

"What gave you that idea?"

"It just seems to fit. I don't know how it could be, but it seems like the most likely thing."

"Would it frighten you if I said I was?" She moved her face away from me a little and I looked at her. Her face showed no fear. Just wonder and the hanging question.

"I don't know how but I think you were." I sighed heavily. How much could she believe? And how much could I tell her? "And you were the beautiful horse, too."

I nodded as I looked into her eyes.

"Can you be anything you want?" That seemed an awfully broad definition of what I did.

"I can be the animals I've lived," I answered. "You've lived as an animal before?" I nodded again. "Many animals?" "Yes," I answered soberly.

"Does that mean that you're pretty old or did you just start doing that when you were born?" This could prove difficult.

"Minni, I was born like this the morning I first met you." "Really? Neat!" she said exuberantly. "What were you before?" "A tiny microscopic animal."

"Oh yuck!" she said, wrinkling her nose. "It's just a transitory body. A quick way from one form to another." She had completely forgotten her own problems now and was back to her normal self. I was happy about that even if I wasn't terribly excited about the reason for it.

"What were you before that then?"

"A dog," I said. That seemed to shake her a little. Her smile wavered. I just watched her to see what she'd make of it.

"A dog," she said matter-of-factly. She thought in silence for a long minute. I knew what she was going to say before she said it. "Einstein. Einstein left the morning you got here. You've been with us for two years!" She was smiling and looking over my shoulder in thought. Then her face flushed.

"You licked me, my pussy, when you were a dog." I smiled at her. Then I nodded. "I loved Einstein," she said wistfully. "I really miss him and so do the boys."

"I know. But I can only be one thing at a time and I like being Sue." "I like you now too," she said and hugged me. Then she thought again. "God, what all have you been? I know a horse and a bug and a lion and a dog. What else?"

"Many things. More than you can imagine." "An elephant?"

"Once." She grinned from ear to ear.

"What was your favorite?"

"All things are valuable and I gained learning from them all." "But your favorite."

"Maybe a bird," I said wistfully. I thought about the flying. "Or a whale. I enjoyed that as well." She was awestruck. Her mouth was open in amazement. "Being a girl is one of the best and I've only just started this life."

"Were you anything more than once?"

"Oh, yes. I've been many birds and many whales and many fishes. Many kinds of cats and dogs."

"Wolves?" I smiled and nodded. "Lions and tigers and bears, oh my," she quoted from the Wizard of Oz.


"Have you ever been a girl before?"

"Never," I said.

"A boy?"

"Several times."

"Really? You really have? Did I meet you when you were a boy?" "No. They lived a long time ago."

"Wow!" she said. She was thinking again and it worried me. Particularly the smile that split her face.

"You can be anything you've been before? Like the lion and the horse?" "Yes," I said.

"Can you do it right now?"

"Yes. But I don't know if you'd like to watch. I don't know what it's like. I've never seen myself change."

"Oh, can I?" she said. "If it's really yucky, I'll cover my eyes." "It would be better if I went into the bathroom and then came back out." "No!" she insisted. "I want to see."

"Do you promise not to be afraid?" I asked. "Sure. I want to see." I sat up then and took my nightgown and panties off. Clothes were all right. If they were too small for my new body, they tore and I didn't like that. Getting a piece of clothing off a smaller, animal body could be difficult and constraining.

Jewelry was the only real danger. I'd changed into a larger animal once while wearing a ring and that had been agonizing until I could change to a smaller animal. I'd had bruises for a week. I could only imagine what having a tight collar would be like in a situation like that and didn't want to know. Of course, if I was in a hurry I could become something very small to discard the jewelry and then re-animate in the larger form.

No one had noticed that both the lion and horse had tiny earrings. I curled up next to her again and thought of the dog, the least threatening thing I could think of since she knew him already. I watched her eyes get big and then a smile spread across her features.

"Einstein!" she squealed. For a moment I was afraid everyone would hear but I bounded up onto all fours and licked her face as she hugged my neck with sheer joy. "Oh, Einstein. I've missed you so!"

I wagged my tail and did little puppy things with her for the next 15 minutes as she sat on the bed and kissed me, hugged me, and talked to me.

Then she stopped and looked at me again. Her face changed. "Sue?" I nodded -- a distinctly un-dog like thing to do. "It was okay. It looked sort of weird. Sort of like melting. And I was afraid for you. But it was okay. Not yucky or anything." I nodded again. "Change back now, okay?"

I lay down beside her on the bed, her hand on my doggy side, and changed.

We wrapped our arms around each other again and she hugged me very hard.

"You make it all right again," she said. "I know for sure now that if anyone tries to hurt me that a lion or an elephant or anything could come and help me. I'm safe." Her voice was weak now, near sleep. "So safe."

I didn't say anything. But nothing can be forever, I thought.

Chapter 13

THE NEXT MORNING, Minni was still feeling the effects of her ordeal and spent longer than normal in the shower. Her brothers, unusually quiet, just stayed out of her way, unable to understand quite what was going on. Molly hugged her and held her for a long time, still very worried about her.

"Are you all right?" her mother asked. She looked at me knowingly and smiled.

"Yes. Sue helped me a lot," she said. Molly put her hand on my shoulder and smiled wanly as she got us breakfast.

But as the day went on, Minni's mood cleared like the skies of a foggy morning.

A plainclothes policeman and policewoman came at about 2 in the afternoon to talk to Minni again. Nothing had changed, they said, but that the group had been arraigned that morning in front of a municipal judge, charged with kidnaping, aggravated assault, rape, and conspiracy. Knowing what they'd already said the day before, they'd all pled guilty and were now in the hospital ward at the county jail.

They asked about her health and what she was feeling, the woman being some kind of specialist on rape. They told us we could attend the sentencing hearing the next week if we wanted to though it wouldn't be required. All but the one girl would be going to prison for at least two years. The girl would be in the juvenile facility because she was only 14. That hit Minni hard and made me grit my teeth.

"There is one thing," the policeman said with a frown. "A couple of these guys are still insisting there was a lion that chased them."

"Weird," Minni said, looking at me with a glint in her eye. "Yeah, that's what we thought, too. You don't think there's anything to it, do you?"

She shrugged. "I sure didn't see a lion." "This little weirdness could get the leader and his buddy a couple of extra years at the State Mental Health Institution. Probably until they stop thinking they see wild animals everywhere they look. I'll tell you, they're a weird pair right now. Scare the hell out of the other inmates over at county. They're all afraid these guys are going to think they're lions and come at them in the night or something." He seemed to think for a few minutes, not moving.

"Oh, and you said you rode home on a horse." She nodded again. "We sort of checked around and there isn't a horse missing from the neighborhood around their house. I wondered if you could explain that."

"Well, maybe she went back home after she got me here." He frowned. "Yeah, you're probably right. But if you see the horse again, would you give us a call?"


When they left, she grinned from ear to ear at me. "Crazy, huh?" she said with a wink.


Molly insisted that we take it easy that day, even bringing us lemonades as we sat in the still warm sun of the end of summer. We both knew that when school started the week after next, it would only be a little while before the leaves would start changing.

"Sue?" I heard her voice from the doorway behind us. "There's a boy here to see you. Do you want me to sent him out here?"

I looked at Minni and she only shrugged. "Sure," I said. "Thank you, ma'am," the boy's voice said from behind us. Then, "Hi." When I looked up at him, the sun was directly behind his head, haloing through his hair.

"Hi." I couldn't tell who it was for the sun, trying to shade my eyes so I could see into the shadows.

"Sorry," he said, walking to the foot of the lounge chair I sat on. "Oh, hi, Will," I said. "I couldn't tell who you were for the sun behind you. Did you meet Minni at the mall that day?"

"Yeah, hi." He stared at my sweat soaked body and I remembered that this was my skimpiest bikini and blushed at his scrutiny. "Nice suit," he grinned.

"Thanks. Oh, I know. You came for your book, didn't you?" "Yeah, but no rush. I'm enjoying the scenery." He grinned again and looked around the yard. "Great place. Nice trees." I knew what he'd meant and looked at Minni's grinning face. She did too.

"Could I get you a lemonade," Minni asked but hadn't moved as Molly walked out with one in her hand, giving it to Will.

I watched him drink deeply. At the mall, I'd noticed that he was a good looking guy but I hadn't really noticed how good looking. He had a square jaw, long neatly cut dark hair, muscular shoulders, and large biceps that flexed out of his tanktop shirt. The bottom of the shirt narrowed to a small waist and good butt and muscular legs under his shorts. He had bright green eyes and a great smile.

I knew now. He hadn't smiled during our earlier encounter. That was the big difference. He curled one leg and lowered himself with the other until he sat on the grass between our chairs. He turned to Minni.

"I heard you had a little run-in with our friend Scorpion." She nodded. "I'm sorry. I thought he was gone. Out of the state or something. Him and his pack."

She shrugged, shifting on the lounge chair uncomfortably. "Sorry. I didn't want to bring up bad memories." "That's okay. It's over now." She looked at me for reassurance. "I talked to a cop that says he's bonkers. Talking about lions." He grinned and looked from Minni to me, looking directly into my eyes. "Of course, that's crazy." It was as if he was asking me instead of making a statement. He watched me closely for a reaction and I could feel his scrutiny.

I just smiled and looked back into those green eyes. They twinkled. "So, you guys ready for school next week?" We talked on for another hour before he excused himself and I went to my room, got the book, and took it to him at the door. I watched him walk to the front walk and away, wondering about him. Then I returned to the backyard.

"God, he's gorgeous," Minni said before I'd even sat down. "Now I have to go take a shower. Before I was sweaty, now I've soaked my bikini bottom." I looked and she certainly had. The light blue material was dark between her legs.

"I was scared to death I was going to have to go to the bathroom before he left," she said. "It almost looks like I already did."


I had looked around and saw the sun was lowered in the sky which probably meant that everyone would be coming home pretty soon and we would have to start helping with dinner.

I followed Minni into the house and went into the kitchen to tell Molly that I thought Minni was still tired. Molly suggested a nap before dinner and I nodded.

Minni was just peeling the now completely wet bikini bottom off her legs when I went into the bathroom.

"Come on," she said. "It really feels great." I unfastened and stepped out of my bikini, noticing that it, too, was a little moist between the legs though the white didn't show it as much. I climbed into the tub and switched places with Minni so I could get wet.

We brushed our breasts together as we passed and Minni put her arms around my neck as I turned my back to the cool water stream from the shower head, leaning my head back into it. Her breasts pressed under and lifted mine as she hung on my neck.

"Thank you for just being here, Sue," she said. I looked at her smiling eyes and smiled back.

"Your mom suggested we take a nap," I said. "Mmm. I have a better idea." Her lips went around my nipple and I just stood there and let her do what she wanted as the water cascaded down my back, my eyes closed to the wonderful feelings.

When I couldn't stand it any longer, I pulled her into the water stream with me and used the washcloth to clean every square inch of her body -- some places several times. She came twice during the process before she insisted on washing me the same way. I only came once but it was magnificent.

We dried thoroughly and went into the bedroom, letting the cooler air from the open window blow across our naked bodies. It was marvelous and I found myself smiling with sheer happiness.

I felt Minni roll onto her elbow, looking down at me. I hoped she felt as good as I did.


"Uh huh," I moaned.

"Would you do something for me?"

"Anything. But that's all," I said without opening my eyes. "Would you be Einstein?"

"Now," I said. It was so nice just laying here relaxed. "Yes. There's something I need." I opened my eyes and saw that she was more serious than I felt. I nodded and felt myself reshaping fluidly, the bedspread rolling a bit under me. She grinned widely as she watched.

As a dog, I felt a little silly on my back with my legs splayed the way I had been as a girl and rolled toward her. I quickly licked her nose and she giggled as she fell back.

"Einstein, would you lick me like you used to?" I smiled my doggie smile, my tongue lolling out as I crouched on my front legs, my wagging tail up in the air. "Neat!" she whispered.

She turned onto her stomach, her bottom in the air as mine had been. I bounded in a doggie fashion behind her as she watched me. Using a paw, I scratched at the side of her calf until she spread her legs wide. Then I moved between her calves, craning my snout up until my long tongue could make contact with her clit, licking all the way back between her legs.

As a startled moan escaped her lips, she buried her mouth in the pillow. I watched her swelled nipples brush across the rough bedspread as I licked her dripping pussy over and over until she squealed into the pillow with her orgasm.

But I didn't stop. I thought I knew what she wanted to know and pressed my wet nose into the crack of her ass. As a dog instinct, this was much nicer than some I'd enjoyed thoroughly in the past.

I licked, shaping and probing my tongue until another massive orgasm racked her body. And still I didn't stop. Now I was going to give her something and myself at the same time.

I wrapped my paws around her ribcage and took wild stabs at her pussy with my wet and extended dick, cleared of the husk that normally covered it. I pumped a dozen times, feeling her have another, still greater orgasm, screaming into the pillow.

Then I moved a little further back and plunged erratically at her lifted rear again until I finally felt my slickened penis slide into her ass. That straightened her up with a wild gasp for air. I hoped she would smother the sounds I knew she was about to make. I pressed harder into her until I found myself all the way in, my hairy front against her buttocks.

As I pumped, I felt my knob rise, the dog device that holds a male inside the female until copulation is complete and successful. Minni fell back into the pillow, stuffing the muffling material into her mouth as I swelled in her ass, pumping and panting so fast a man could not compete.

My come shot into her opening powerfully as my knob locked me in place. She was still screaming and orgasming over and over, one connected to the last.

Feeling the instinctual panic of being locked, helpless, in this position, I started pulling and twisting uncomfortably over and over, listening to Minni's continued climaxes. Finally, the swelling decreased and I freed myself.

Now I went back to licking her, cleaning myself from her openings. Cleaning her flowing come from her pussy and thighs. It tasted wonderful as I lapped at her. Her climaxes still hadn't abated. But now they subsided. Their severity lessened with each convulsion until her legs and bottom only quivered with tension and release.

I moved back beside her and changed. As Sue, I pulled her over onto her side, my arms around her from behind, hugging her.

"Now we need another shower," I panted.

"Mmm hmm," she hummed.

"Did you like that?"

"Mmm hmmmmm!" she hummed.


I don't know how long we slept before we heard a soft knock on the door. "Girls? Dinner in about half an hour."

"Okay, mom," Minni said sleepily.

I'd rarely felt so wonderful as I rolled away from her and walked to the bathroom, slipping into the shower again and holding my dry hair up so it wouldn't get wet again. As I stepped out to dry, her glassy, shining eyes looked up at me from her position on the toilet.

"There must be a gallon in here," she said with a satisfied grin. "I thought I might like being licked there again but . . ." She sighed heavily and licked her dry lips.

I grinned and went into the other room and combed out my long blond hair, listening to the running water. Then she came back into the room.

We both stepped into tiny, hip hugging skirts and dropped tanktops over our heads before going out to the kitchen.

Phil popped out of his seat like a piece of bread from a toaster, dark circles under his eyes and concern showing in them.

"How's my baby?" he said, enfolding her in his arms. "I'm fine now, daddy," she said. "Sue helped me. I know I'm fine now." He held his arm out to encompass me then, pulling me to him as well, Minni and I looking at each other from two inches apart, our heads on his chest.

"What would I do without you two?" he said. "Those sons-of-bitches . . ." "Don't talk about them, daddy. I don't even want to think about them ever again."

"Sure, honey," he said, kissing her on the top of the head. "Hungry?" "Starved!" we both said.

"You're okay now, sis?" Billy said as Phil released us and we turned to the table.

She smiled. "Yeah."

"Then let's wrestle after dinner. Okay?" Marshall said brightly. "Naw," she said, frowning a little. Both boys looked downcast. "I'd just beat you too bad." Their heads came up as one, smiles spreading.

"Oh, yeah? How much you want to bet?"

"How about a thousand dollars?" she said. "I'll bet a thousand thousand," Marshall said. It was all right now.

Chapter 14

THOUGH I HAD done it before in different, and probably much more demanding, circumstances, walking into the home room class the first day was terrible. I didn't know where I was going but, I quickly found, few other people did either, even if they had attended the year before and knew the school.

My flared blue skirt and blouse with the moderate white heels seemed to fit right in with the other girls' clothes. I was still embarrassed by the attention I got from both the girls (a mixture of interest and jealousy) and the boys (unrestrained youthful lust).

We listened to announcements on the intercom system almost the first thing, the principal announcing an assembly for the next day and welcoming everyone to the school with wishes for a "great" year.

The class hushed as the teacher gave us an outline of the English class and told us about the heavy writing load expected. The book was over 500 pages long and, he said, would consume much of our time for the year. Discussion was graded high priority.

He assigned lockers in the hallway outside the room and dismissed us. The bell rang and I asked one of the girls where the biology rooms were. Becky led me to the hallway, turning into a chemistry room as I went down the hallway to the right number. This was a repeat of the English class with another book and demands for a great deal of work.

History was next with a pile of small books instead of one extremely large one. I was surprised when a hand touched my shoulder.

"Hi," Will said from beside me. "Are you a senior?" "Yeah. Hi."

"You looked younger."

I held up my finger in front of my lips. "Don't tell." He grinned. The teacher was very gruff and businesslike. Again he told of multiple major papers and weekly tests including current affairs.

Will walked with me to my locker to deposit the books I'd collected and barely balanced now. Then he led me to the lunchroom. The food wasn't anything special but it was filling. We sat in the sunlight in the courtyard nearby after we finished.

"Where are you going next?" he asked.

"Psychology. Room 220."

"Really? Me too. When the bell rings, I'll walk with you." I smiled. It was nice to have a friend to help you in a new place.

We compared schedules then and found that he had zoology instead of biology. He had English the second period. He and I were together again for Calculus after psychology. And he had Latin instead of French.

"Did you finish the book?" I asked.

"Yeah, last night."

"What did you think?" I knew what I thought. It was overly romanticized, it dealt only with humans leaving out the rest of the world, and it gave the characters almost no credit for learning anything in all their past lives. It also demanded there would be several of them instead of just a single unique individual like me.

"It was a little limited, I thought."


"Sure. If you could change into anybody, you should be able to change into anything as well. Why not? You'd learn a lot more from being another animal than from just being another person. Right?"

"That's what I thought, too," I said with a smile. He was good. Smart. "Not only that, but it seemed like the characters couldn't do anything with all eight of them being together. Like they were all stupid." He sputtered to a stop. "Like I know," he said, looking at his hands in his lap a little nervously.

I was suddenly very glad he hadn't asked me first. I had a suspicion he was not just what he appeared to be. It sent a strange shiver up my back.


Our psychology teacher was an old friend, Miss Taylor, the counselor who was also one of the psychology teachers. I said hello as I passed her and she smiled hugely.

Another large book and promises of more heavy assignments. Will walked with me to Calculus. This course, since I didn't seem to have a head for mathematics, was going to be difficult. Still another large book and promises of daily assignments, weekly quizzes, and a tough midterm and final. It was all getting a little numbing.

The teacher seemed nice enough but looked like a bookish man who would really enjoy Calculus. That wasn't a compliment.

I split with Will then as he went to his Latin class and I went to French. The French class provided two pleasant surprises -- Becky came and sat next to me, and the French teacher was a petite 23-year-old with a heavy French accent who started out the class by saying, "Bon Jour". She smiled wonderfully and her tiny body was perfectly fitted to the small-waisted dress she wore.

I silently bet that she was high on the interest list for every male teacher in the building.

The day ended with two reading assignments, a set of math problems, and a simple writing assignment. I had a feeling I was lucky and was sure of it as Will joined me at my locker, two away from Becky, and we all walked in the same direction home.

Becky's house was nearest the school and she asked if I'd study with her sometimes. I readily agreed if for nothing but to share in what she was learning as well as my own classes. Will walked me to my door, his home somewhere beyond.

"I'd like to walk you home every night," he said. "But football practices start tomorrow and I'll be busy."

"You play football?" I asked.

"Uh huh. I got tabbed for quarterback this year," he said modestly. "I'll watch sometimes," I said. "Games. You know." "I hope so," he said. "They're mostly Friday nights and I'm going to need somebody to cheer for me."

"I will." I smiled and thanked him for carrying my books before he started back down the sidewalk with a big smile.


"Sue?" Minni said as we lay in each other's arms that night. "Uh huh," I responded tiredly. All this new was tiring and I was exhausted from the day and the two hours of homework after dinner.

"You told me all the things you've been," she said. I nodded against the pillow. "You've been almost everything." I nodded again. "Would you . . ." she stopped, nervous against my neck. "You were a man, right?"

"Yes, Minni. Several times."

"Were you a very wonderful man?"

"I have a choice of how I will appear to others. I've chosen to be many kinds of man."

She breathed heavily. "Were you ever a gladiator?" "No. Not a gladiator," I said with a smile, seeing where the conversation was going. "But I was a warrior."

"A very handsome, strong warrior, I'll bet." "Yes." I knew what she wanted now.

She let the silence of the bedroom, bathed in the waning light of the almost full moon, drag on for a long time.

"Minni? Would you like me to be a warrior for you?" "Can you?"

I felt my body change then to Vasili's features. Leaning toward her, I watched her tiny hand come to my massive chest. Vasili had been a tribal chief in what would one day be the Ukraine -- a chief who had won his leadership by force of heavy weapons and an ability to tell exactly what the rangy Cossack ponies were going to do even before they did them.

I'd worn my long straight blond hair in broad braids originally but now that wasn't possible. Vasili's women had found him irresistible and had borne him more children than any of the other chieftains, a source of tribal pride. That had been a combination of kindness (very unusual) and understanding mixed with a good measure of satisfying sex.

The muscles of my broad chest rippled with power that flowed into the biceps almost as big as Sue's waist. The muscles of legs that held the swift ponies to his purposes had also spread many women's legs. The hard cock that sprung from between them was moderately thick but not overly long. Vasili's copper colored skin shimmered with power.

Minni sighed, her hand fluttering near my powerful chest. "Yes, Minni. I can," I said in that familiar voice. Vasili had taken over his tribe at 19 by sword right. Then he and his men had taken over seven evilly governed neighboring tribes, combining them into a powerful force for good that, he knew from history, outlasted him.

"Oh, God!" she sighed. "You're magnificent." "Yes, I am," I said, my voice rumbling from deep within my breast. I had never had need for modesty. The hand that had held a five foot scimitar covered her breast, almost squeezing it too hard. The hard full lips on the square jawed face lowered to hers gently and spread them to allow my tongue deep into her opened mouth.

My long thick finger found the opening between her legs, spreading her open around it. It found her maidenhead before it could be stopped at the knuckle. It brought her an orgasm almost as my palm covered her mound from hip to hip. I pushed the covers to the floor.

"Oh God!" she sighed. "Oh God!"

"You have an obstruction we must deal with first," I said. I'd known she was a virgin since I had been a dog. One of those things a dog senses. Neither the boys' stumbling probes of her or Einstein's had broken it.

"Yes," she hissed. "I want you to. I want you to make me a woman." "Then touch me, woman," I almost growled. Her hand tentatively came to my cock as it stood out from my powerful thighs. I'd almost forgotten what a wonderful body this was. The uncircumcised head was so sensitive I shuddered with her slight touch. "I'll fill you full of me," I promised.

"Oh, yes," she sighed.

I turned to my back, removing my finger from her and almost spanned her ribcage with my hands before I picked her up from the bed, rigid with a kind of fear and anticipation. I lifted her above me, only her hands staying on my rippling biceps and spread her legs before lowering her over me.

My cock slid gently into her body until we touched only at my hands around her still and at her maidenhead. In a motion, I pressed her irresistibly down onto it, eliciting a squeal of pain. I poised her there on me until the pain had passed and her knees finally contacted the bed at the sides of my thighs.

I edged one then the other hand up until her breasts were in the palms of my hands as her upper body hung above me supported on them. I moved my hands, crushing her breasts again and again until she began responding again. I could feel her cunt pulsing around me.

Moving slowly, I began moving her up and down my length from my tip to my mound, pressing her hard onto it to stimulate her clit. As her legs began moving incoherently, I plunged her onto me over and over and over again at that same slow pace until she was gurgling with her need to cross over. Then, in a dozen swift, hard strokes, I brought her to her climax.

I lowered her body to my chest then, wrapping my arms all the way around her until my hands were almost at her breasts again. I knew I could easily crush her chest because this body had done that to more than one man in mortal combat. One hand trailed down to her waist, rubbing her almost roughly, and to her prominent buttocks. I kneaded each one repeatedly until her middle was moving up and down on my length again, her breathing heavy on my neck.

I pressed a finger into her asshole and felt her orgasm again and again before I had moved it or allowed her to begin pumping up and down my length again. She was grunting like a pig as she spasmed around me.

Then I started the long slow strokes again, aided this time by my finger's friction in her rectum as it pulled out and pressed back in.

I speeded my movements until she was panting for breath and both our climaxes neared. Then I speeded again and we both tumbled over the edge, my cock filling her body with its pulsing hot contents. Her entire body convulsed around me from calves to cock to finger to her hands and arms at my biceps. Her teeth cut into my shoulder as she screamed. It was magnificent.

As she came back to herself, she tasted my blood and licked me clean of it before moving back. I lifted her bodily free of me and laid her down beside me again. I don't know whether she slept or lost consciousness but I know she didn't feel Sue's body back beside her.

My soft shoulder was unharmed as I fell asleep. I smiled to myself. I'd forgotten how I enjoyed the barbarian's body.

Chapter 15

BY THE END of the first month of school, I had a cadre of girlfriends, had figured out my courses and how to study for them, and was known as the quarterback's girl. I'd planned on all but the last one and enjoyed each. But I really wasn't the quarterback's girl. He hadn't even asked me out yet.

The reason we were identified with each other was our lunches every day and the walks together between classes. I'd also gone to all the football games and a couple of practices to watch him.

I thought he was a magnificent creature. Poised. Intelligent. Fluid in his easy movements. Strong in a gentle way. All around, he was a great catch. I just hadn't caught him yet. He was certainly the topic of a lot of female conversation.

I got together with one or more of my girlfriends a couple of days during the week and some weekend days and nights. The girls, Becky foremost and Ann and Veronica later, were all intelligent, good-looking, and chatterboxes. I loved them all in different ways.

Becky was the quiet one, very reserved unless you were alone with her. Then she turned her personality loose, not fearing rejection, and became a real wonder. It seemed she knew something about almost everything with only a few erroneous ideas or bad information. I worked hard around all the girls not to be overbearing and know-it-all but I sometimes had to fight myself to keep from correcting ridiculous statements. Of course I had that problem with adults as well.

Becky was a little taller than me with almost white hair she kept in a ponytail most of the time. She was the reason we experimented with makeup one night at a slumber party. Without makeup, she was mousy and uninspiring looking even with a tiny waist and wonderful legs. With some eyebrow pencil, mascara, and blush, she was gorgeous.

Ann was tall -- we told her she was statuesque but she was really just tall and skinny. We made her stop stooping to hide her height and even got her to wear high heels that emphasized it. She got a lot of looks now, particularly at her very long and well shaped legs, and they were all positive. She was starting to date one of the basketball players whom she had to stretch on tiptoes to kiss.

Veronica was our wildcard. Dark haired and dark complected, she was exotic in a way I had been familiar with in Eastern Europe. If she'd had a Slavic or Germanic accent, I would have known the name of the town she came from. As it was, that heritage was probably two or three generations removed. She has full lips that, if I had been a guy, I would have died for. That and very large breasts for her 110 pound body.

What truly made her our wildcard was that she was as sexually oriented as anyone I've ever known. She thought it, talked it, and did it whenever possible. She was mentally very sharp but seemed to be able to turn any conversation to sex with ease. Not wanting to be held down to any one guy, she dated a mix of guys, one after another, and her reputation was terrible and probably deserved.

We all had one thing in common: we were not part of the social structure. Becky wasn't particularly interested in other girls at school, Ann had been an outcast since grade school because of her height, Veronica was a "slut," and I was new and unusual.

I was quickly identified as a "brain" by the truly stupid in the school because I got my homework in on time, did well on the tests (though purposely not perfect), and always had the answer to questions when no one else did. I explained my knowledge of French by saying I had a French friend in New York once. Actually I'd been French a very long time ago (really a Briton). I worked hard not to overpower history (an easy course for me). I did well in Biology because I was very very interested in it and was kind of continuing a search for the reason for my being. Psychology was just fun, which made it easy. English was no problem with the writing assignments challenging while the high school dissection of literature fairly grating. The Calculus, not invented when I'd last taken mathematics formally, was my hardest course and the most time consuming. Luckily, both Becky, in the evenings occasionally, and Will, during lunch periods, could help me with it.

Because my group of friends was open to anyone, Minni was frequently with us when we went out and always when we were at our house. She was now dating Paul fairly regularly and studying with him some evenings at our house and under the careful supervision of Molly.

Molly undoubtedly would have been appalled if she'd know Minni and Paul had been making love at every opportunity and most locations where they dated for most of the month. Minni, of course, told me all the details. They'd done it in his brother's car, in the park, in the field behind our house, at the movie theater, in an employee's only bathroom at the mall, and once in a downtown alleyway. I wondered where they were going to do it when it got colder outside.

Molly, all the kids in school all day, had finally taken a secretarial job for a lawyer downtown. Thus the kids and I had the house to ourselves from school to five each day.

That two hour period had produced a couple of wrestling matches with the boys and a couple of licking sessions from Einstein. Minni and I, of course, didn't need that help at night since we still regularly made love after we'd gone to our room to sleep.

Minni had told me after the visit of the barbarian that she didn't want to get spoiled for any other man so didn't ask for him again. I thought maybe I'd plan something private for her birthday or Christmas.

Phil still put his hand under my short skirts as I washed dishes or made dinner in the evening. We'd made love on the couch one Sunday afternoon as Molly took a nap and everyone else was out.

Molly and I had made time for each other on three occasions when everyone was out.

I thought my sex life very active and varied until that weekend.


Friday night.

At lunch, Will asked me if I'd go to the football game as his date, grinning self-consciously. I agree readily though I knew I'd be alone from sometime before the game to some while after it as he dressed, played, and then showered and dressed again.

It went as I'd anticipated except that he asked me for a good luck kiss before he went to the locker room and, after spending the game with my girlfriends and their dates, got to give him the congratulatory after game kiss while half the school watched us.

Much more fun, he took me to the game dance where I got to share in his glory. We drank Cokes and danced most of the fast dances. I only knew a few of the steps but he was a good teacher and, as long as you stayed close to the beat, it didn't matter much what you did.

All three of my girlfriends were there with dates. Veronica whispered in my ear that she'd climaxed on the dance floor and that they were going soon so there'd be time for a real fuck before going home. The guy obviously knew he was in luck.

Then, about eleven, the band changed to slow dances. Will and I didn't miss one. He was wonderful dancing slow. First he held my arm out in a natural, comfortable way and effortlessly moved me in perfect synchronization with his body. Then he moved my hand to his shoulder and his lips to my ear. He held me so tight to him, I could only move with him. And finally, I put my arms around his neck, his around my waist, and his lips moved to my neck and chin and, ultimately, to my mouth. It was fantastically arousing and I found myself moving rhythmically against his thigh.

After two dances, I was having trouble focusing my eyes or catching my breath and knew my panties were soaked. At least I had the satisfaction of knowing he could hardly walk and had to stay very close behind me to hide what I'd helped him produce.

He accepted more congratulations when we left, a couple of his teammates kidding him about what we were going to do now.

We drove to the bluff that overlooks town and parked. It was ridiculous with my experiences even in the prior week. And it was great.

He wooed me. That's the only way I can think of to explain it properly. We talked quietly. We looked at the lights of town. We talked about the stars and picked out constellations. I leaned across his lap, cushioned from the car door by his arm and turned sideways on the seat. We kissed very softly, just our lips meeting, for a very long time. He rested his hand lovingly on my stomach. And we looked at each other from that most uncomplimentary of distances -- about two inches -- seeing no faults.

I moved his hand onto the rise of my shirtwaist dress and he undemandingly rubbed my breast through the layers of material. I felt his tongue first on my lips as I unbuttoned my dress to give him access to my bra. I felt his tongue inside my mouth first as I undid my bra for him and felt him touch my skin very softly.

I felt his own excitement against my back first when I unbuttoned the dress the rest of the way, allowing him to look at my naked stomach and the French-cut lace panties I had been soaking for the last two hours. We could both smell my musky odors at the same time because our noses were within an inch of each other.

I felt his involuntary pelvic motions first as I guided his hand to my panties. I heard and felt his first moan in my mouth as I pushed my panties down and over my knees, lifting my legs to him so he could take them the rest of the way off. I had my first climax as his lips covered my nipple and his finger moved inside and over me.

He had his first climax moments after I turned over, pushed his pants down his legs, and covered him with my mouth. Seconds later, I had my second climax here as he began playing with me as I pumped my front into the car seat under me.

Finally, he slid the car seat back and moved me around to straddle him. I had still another climax as my head hit the roof of the car, his come pouring into me from below and his mouth mauling my breasts.

We used our underwear and a pocket pack of Kleenex to clean up before I lay back against his arm again, enjoying his hand intimately between my legs, rubbing my stomach and thighs, and molding to my breasts.

"I'm sorry, Sue," he whispered softly.

"For what?" I asked with disbelief. "You've got nothing to be sorry for." "Yes, I do. I haven't told you about myself and . . ." He stopped and I waited for him. ". . . And I can't right now."

"Then I should be sorry as well," I said. "I think that my secrets are far more than yours."

He laughed softly but was not convinced. "Oh, Sue. If you only knew." He leaned his head back against the seat back for a long time before continuing. I wasn't going to keep him from whatever he believed and I wasn't in a position where I could tell him about myself. "If I told you, you'd think I was insane, at best. At worst, you'd run in fear."

"Now I'm intrigued," I said. "As my brothers would say, 'I'll bet a thousand thousand dollars' you couldn't shock me or make me afraid of you."

"For me, it would be a very good bet," he laughed. "And maybe sometime. But not yet. I can't risk losing you yet."

"At least you're saying 'yet'," I said. "That means that you might come to trust me sometime." He was non-committal on that, only grunting at the possibility.

I knew he was mysterious and special but I couldn't guess at the secret that could so upset him. I didn't pressure him but, instead, told him that it was probably time for me to be home so my family wouldn't worry. He drove back to my house then as I dressed on the seat beside him and felt sexy, naked under the little dress.

We stood on the lighted front porch and kissed and held each other for a long time before I finally went into the house. I had to fill Minni in on every detail and repeat many of the actions with her to get rid of my reactions to just talking about the romantic evening.



Up late, we slept in until almost noon before going out in the back yard and taking advantage of the dying summer sun. Trying to be of some kind of help, we took turns doing rounds of the lawn so Phil could spend his time with Molly.

Since the boys were enjoying the day by participating in a sandlot football game and they could hear us talking and mowing, Molly and Phil spent a couple of hours bathed in sweat on their bed, washing it off each other, and producing still more afterward.

Paul and Minni were going out that night and I was invited to a slumber party with my girlfriends.

The slumber party was at Veronica's and Ann was there when I arrived with my little bag full of overnight stuff and my best looking nightgown. We'd had two other slumber parties -- one at Becky's house under the close supervision of her strict parents and one at our house. I learned immediately that Veronica's mother (she was divorced) had gone to New York for the weekend with her boyfriend. We had the house to ourselves until Sunday night, if we wanted.

The night started pretty much as all our slumber parties had. We ordered pizza, made popcorn, drank Coke, talked a lot, and listened to music. Though it was on, we mostly ignored a video Veronica had rented for us. A romantic comedy that we really watched only when it got a little sexy or when the big romantic scenes played through. Since we'd all seen it, we didn't miss much.

Veronica was, by nature, extremely outgoing. Ann was blossoming from her long embarrassment about her height. I was -- well, what I am. That's not shy. But Becky was the one who surprised us all. At least with us, she was becoming wilder and more outgoing all the time as her self esteem soared with the simple addition of a little makeup to point out her beautiful face.

She was very conservative still in her clothing choices. So that became our goal for the night -- change over Becky.

She came to the slumber party in a long skirt, a long sleeved shirt, and flat shoes. Her hair was in a ponytail as usual.

We started by giving her a permanent, the disgusting smell of the solutions adding to the smells of pizza boxes and stale popcorn. I rolled her long blond hair on the big rollers while Ann did the solutions. Veronica combed it out after it had dried, set, been washed, and we'd all watched another video.

Taking what we'd done before with a little mascara and blush, we made her up with eye shadow, lipstick, fingernail polish to fingers and toes, blush, shadows, and other eye makeup until she looked like a fashion plate.

As well as her "conservative" school clothes, Veronica had a closet full of trashy teen clothes but Ann and I vetoed them for Becky's new look. Veronica took us to her mother's room instead and we found what we wanted there.

We started by stripping Becky, even making her take off her full, white cotton bra and waist high panties.

Veronica picked out underwear -- French cut red panties that covered absolutely nothing and a matching bra. Her mother is a C-cup but had some pads that brought Becky from her normal B-cup up to fill the bra. She also found some sheer thigh-high stockings.

Ann and I went through her mother's closet fighting over which things were sexier. Finally we compromised on having her dress in several things so we could see what looked best on her.

We agreed on the black patent spike heels that were about four inches high.

For an hour, she tried on one dress after another. A red silk strapless. A white lace top with a high neck and no sleeves at all. A long, slinky blue dress that sort of shimmered with highlights. She looked great in all of them.

She had to take off the bra to wear the one we liked best -- a little black dress with a ring of material around her neck from which two strips of material dropped across her breasts and opened below them to show her bellybutton. It was backless and short, the hem coming down just below the tops of the stockings.

We chose long, dangling earrings, four bracelets for her wrists, and (at Veronica's insistence) a shining ankle bracelet.

For half an hour, we had her sit, stand, walk around the room, and strike poses. Almost by the moment, her confidence grew and the way her body moved, her voice sounded, everything became a woman instead of a girl.

Ann changed the night for us then. "You look about twenty-five," she said. Becky giggled and blushed at the compliment and began posing like a sophisticate. "I'll bet you could go out and order a drink and get served without even a question," Ann added.

"No way!" Becky said.

"I'll bet!" Ann said.

"The only way I could collect would be get caught and make a fool out of myself at a bar or something."

"Yeah, sort of. If I lost. I'll bet that if you win, I'll do whatever you say for one whole day. You can make me do the most embarrassing thing you can think of. But if I win, you have to do what I say for a day. Okay? That way, if you get embarrassed, you can get back at me the same way. Okay?"

We chose an evening bag for her and gave her five dollars for the drink. Finally, Becky agreed. Giggling and laughing Ann drove us to one of the big hotels downtown. We chose it because it had a bar that was open onto the lobby so we could watch her without giving her away.

We went into the posh hotel first and Ann used the house phone, faking a call to someone in the hotel. The guy behind the reception desk seemed happy with that and even stopped watching us as we sat down on the lobby couches as if waiting. We had a clear view of the bar from our position as she came into the lobby, her eyes only flickering quickly across us as she went in and sat down on one of the high stools.

As per Ann's prediction, the bartender came to her, nodded, and poured a drink for her. She sat there nervously bouncing her foot as she sipped at it. After a little while, the bartender came and stood beside her as he cleaned glasses. It was obvious that he was just talking to her while she drank but we couldn't hear the conversation. Then he was called to another customer.

We were surprised when the bartender poured her another drink, since the $5 would only buy one, and even more surprised when the nice looking man at the side of the bar moved over to her side. She blushed and looked a little nervously at us, but sat there and talked to the man.

He was older, probably in his 30's or early 40's, and wore a three piece suit. He seemed like one of those touchy-feely guys who punctuate their conversation with little touches on the shoulder or knee and a constant arm on the back of her chair.

Finally we saw her nod a couple of times and then shake her head, no. She obviously excused herself, for our benefit, and went through the lobby to the restrooms. Ann, ready to gloat over her win, followed her. A couple of minutes later Ann returned to us. Huddling with us, she said that the man had asked Becky to go to his room for the night. We all giggled.

Then Ann told us that she'd told Becky that her payoff for the bet was to go to a table with the man and, somehow, to touch his penis. We thought that was exciting but cruel and maybe even dangerous. We could hardly wait to see what happened.

She came back, looking at us and blushing before she went back to her seat next to the man. Without sitting down, she said something to him and he nodded and picked up their drinks. They moved to a corner booth that was almost too dark for us to see their faces but, a trick of the light or something, we could see her legs under the table a little better.

They talked for a little while and we saw her put her hand on the man's leg. We saw his smile, too. Then his hand was on her leg. They talked some more and we saw her hand move up his leg more.

He looked around the bar but seemed to ignore us sitting in the lobby trying to act like we belonged and talking among ourselves. We didn't want to stop things by having him catch us staring. Ann kept looking at the elevators like whoever we'd called was late and making us wait.

I happened to look past them quickly as the man was unzipping his pants for her. It didn't much matter if we stared now because he turned a little in the seat, leaning his head against his hand between us.

We all saw it when Becky spread her knees and the large expanse of her inner thighs was visible to us. We could all watch his hand as it went between her legs and into her panties right there in the open bar. We watched them both squirm around in their seats for a while.

Then Becky threw back her blond head and I knew she'd had an orgasm. She'd just recovered from it when the man reached for both their bar napkins and took them down between his legs. Becky kissed him then chastely, picked up her handbag, and walked past us with a grin. We couldn't wait to get outside and catch up with her as she almost trotted to the car.

She was already in the back seat with a huge smile on her face as we piled in, jabbering questions at her.

"It was fantastic!" she screamed.

"What happened? Exactly!"

"When I put my hand on his leg, he started talking about sex and all the things he'd like to do to me in his room tonight. His hand touched my leg and started rubbing it.

"I told him that I was meeting a friend at a place down the street and couldn't go with him but that I just had to touch him. He seemed sort of shocked but said that sounded interesting. I could feel that I was getting him excited as we talked and I left my hand on his leg.

"Then when I moved my hand up, he unzipped his pants and got himself out so I could touch him. That was like a signal for him then because he put his hand between my legs and inside my panties and right away put his finger in my pussy and started rubbing me.

"I was just going to touch him once, like you said I had to, and then get out of there. But then I couldn't. So while he rubbed me, I started moving my hand on him, too.

"Then he made me come!" she screamed excitedly. We all laughed and shared her excitement.

"Then I kept doing him like I had been and felt him getting close. When I knew he was going to go off, I put my hand over the end of his penis. And you know what?" She grinned through her blush. None of us did and just looked at her. "Look!"

She opened her hand and it was filled with white semen. She put her hand on the back of the front seat by Ann and Ann, a silly grin on her face, licked her hand and laughed wildly. Veronica, always our wild one, grabbed her wrist and put her whole mouth over Becky's palm, sucking the sticky come into her mouth. Then she opened her mouth to show it sticking all around her tongue and lips. We all laughed at her gross display but, I noticed, Becky finished licking her own palm and grinned when she caught me watching her.

Chapter 16


We'd gone back to Veronica's house then and got Becky changed out of her little black dress and come soaked red panties. We spent a long time just putting all her mother's things back away where they belonged and talking, reliving and rehashing Becky's experience.

Then we all changed into our nighties, exchanging the heavy, long, and unrevealing one Becky had brought with her for one of Veronica's baby dolls, and sat on Veronica's bed telling boy stories until late that night. We slept until almost noon when we made breakfast, got dressed, and went home.


Like most every Sunday afternoon, it took me about two minutes at home before I was bored silly. I really think it's part of Sunday afternoons as a human. I guess because of the start of the week coming up the next day and all.

I took a shot at my homework -- mostly just busy work and things that didn't interest me in the least. That's no excuse of course. You have to do a share of busy work just to stay where you need to be to get to the interesting stuff.

I heard the doorbell but didn't really respond to it. Then mom was at the door of the dining room saying, "It's for you, honey."

Not even excited about company, I drug myself to the door and found Will there looking like I felt. Down.

"Hi. Come in," I said.

"I'm bored," he said. "How about a walk." I shrugged and went in and told Molly I was leaving for a while before going to the door and out. It was pretty nice really with the remaining, still fall day. You could feel the end of the summer coming but it was still warm enough for the shorts and tank top I was wearing.

"So how are you?" he said as we walked down the sidewalk with no destination at all. I told him I was okay and shrugged. Our mood were so closely matched that it was frightening and not really all that pleasant since we were both down.

It did feel pretty nice when he picked up my hand and as we walked hand in hand that way for a while. And as we walked, I started seeing things I hadn't seen for a while.

A flight of birds flew very high overhead, heading south. "Their internal clocks tell them when it's time," he noted rather pointlessly. "I feel like that sometimes. Like I ought to fly on to somewhere -- I don't know -- more comfortable or where the bugs get bigger or something."

I knew exactly what he meant.

"Or like maybe I should finish my cocoon," he said, reaching for a little wooly worm that had just finishing tying up to begin the process I was familiar with.

"Yeah. But that's not all that fun anyway. Just the blankness of sleep and then unthinking search for a mate. You can't even enjoy the flight or the mating."

He was looking at me strangely and I sort of realized I was spouting some fairly inside information.

"I had to do a report on butterflies once," I tried to explain but it came out a little apologetic or weak. The fact that I'd lived for a year as a similar species of butterfly assured my facts, of course.

"I'd think that staying away from birds would be a lot of work," he said. I just nodded. Agreeing but not saying more. It had been half the effort. Just surviving long enough to live and even with human intelligence it had been hard.

We walked in silence for a while. I didn't think he'd noticed when, as we walked along beside a field, I surreptitiously noticed that the small red fox had her kits almost ready to go out on their own. That would wait, of course, until after their winter sleep together but that time would not really be like it had been during that first summer when she'd showed them all they needed to know and they played and practiced their living skills together.

I remembered this as a very loving time, full of the pure enjoyment of life. I'm sure that my face reflected my thoughts.

"She's very good with her kits," he said, following my gaze. I stumbled as I realized he knew what I was looking at even though I really didn't think anyone who didn't know exactly what to look for would even know they were there.


"The red fox there. She's very good . . ." He stopped as if realizing he said something he shouldn't have.

"How did you . . ." Then I realized that I'd overstepped. If he shouldn't have known they were there, then how should I?

"I, ah, saw them earlier this year. When they were little and, ah, didn't hide so well. I've been watching them on and off all summer."

"Oh," I said.

"How did you know?" I thought hard. I didn't want to lie to him but I didn't want to tell him that I'd found them a long time ago. When I was a dog it had been easy. Actually, I'd known they were there within hours of their moving in when the little fox had been an adolescent out on her first experience at life on her own. Her mother, I knew, was in a woods not too far away. I'd found her two summers ago.

"Don't answer," he said then and my mind flashed from trying to think of an answer, any answer, to looking at him. He looked very serious and then led me over to the side of the field and sat down on a fallen log. I sat down next to him.

He grinned to himself and shook his head. "Sue. I'm going to say something. Either you're going to think I'm crazy or you're going to lie to me because you're afraid or you're going to tell me the truth." I didn't like this at all. "I just hope you'll trust me and tell me the truth."

He looked at his hands as he leaned far over and took a handful of the wheatgrass that grew in the field.

"I think you're hiding something." I started to protest but he just held up a hand. "I think you're not really what you seem to be."

"What do you think I am?" He shook his head slowly. "I don't have a name for it any more than you do. But you're much much more than a pretty young girl who lives with a nice family in this little podunk town."

"It's a nice town. Nicer than any place I've ever been." "Anywhere? Even soaring through the skies?" He looked up at another wing of soaring geese overhead. I started to say something. Maybe to deny it. But he held up a hand and stopped me. I wondered why he'd said that.

"I think . . ." he started. "I think you're a very special kind of being. A beautiful girl . . . now." He stopped again for long enough for that statement to sink in. "But more. Much much more." This time he didn't pause but looked into my eyes.

"We're very secretive sorts, aren't we. We never tell anyone our secret. We never let anyone see. Oh, we get close to them sometimes. We love and live and die. But we don't tell our secret to anyone."

He paused again and slowly turned to look into my eyes. "Maybe that's why we never find each other." He stared into my eyes and, I know, I just sat there with my mouth open, ready to deny everything. Ready to run. "But Sue. Don't you ever wish you had someone to do the dance of the skies with?" He looked up at the blue sky and, though I'd never heard it called that, I knew what he meant. It was that wonderful, free flight of the hawk or eagle. Soaring up with the thermals and dropping toward the Earth in ecstasy. Perhaps it was my happiest memory from all my transformations.

"Come with me now, Sue," he said very softly and slowly stood up and offered his hand. I took it and followed him through a corner of the field and into the edge of the trees. I wondered if it wasn't just a close call. A seduction that happened to touch on my secret as he stripped off his tee-shirt, kicked off his sneakers, and dropped his shorts. He wasn't wearing anything else and I thought he looked magnificent naked. I didn't care now if it was just a seduction. I was ready to be seduced. And if it was something else, I'd know that in another minute.

"I know that I am most vulnerable in the few seconds afterward. But I don't care. If you want to stomp my head in to keep your secret well, maybe that's the way it was meant to be."

I was sure it was something else when, instead of coming to me, he moved a few steps away and sat down on the ground. Then, in an eyeblink, he disappeared completely. In another, a beautiful hawk, one I recognized as a male red-tailed hawk in English, lay on the ground where he'd been. It struggled on its side briefly before fluttering and finding its feet. Then it sat, its reticulating eyes looking at me with its sharp beak opened, and spread its wings wide on the ground as if to dry them.

I smiled and kicked off my sneakers, pulled the tee-shirt over my head and dropped my own shorts to the ground. I took one look around myself to see no one was watching before I disappeared into my short incarnation as a microbe. The image of the red-tailed hawk firmly in mind, I opened my eyes to the acute vision of the bird and felt the wave of disorientation overcome me for a few seconds.

I reacted in fear as the larger male flapped once and took some steps so he was beside me. I'm sure that no human would have seen or understood his look of encouragement and . . . something else. Love? He turned and rose into the air with powerful wingbeats that took him only a few inches off the ground but a hundred yards to the fallen log we'd left from a few minutes before.

I tested my wings without leaving the spot before leaping into the sky. I repeated his flight but didn't settle to the log. Instead I twisted slightly just above his head and reached for the open sky with a cry that echoed off nearby buildings.

The freedom and power surged through me as I reached for a cloud high above me. The blood surged through me. The strength of the wings was exhilarating and went to my head like a full bottle of some kind of intoxicating liquor. A human wouldn't have seen the smile I felt in those seconds.

I found the upward drifting warm air over the small town and let it lift me further and further. I snatched a large moth from the sky that I hadn't even seen until it was right before me. It tasted wonderful in my craw.

But then he powered past me, wings beating as he soared toward the sun. High in the air, riding the thermal upward without effort, we called our exultation to each other as we circled and let the warm air carry us higher.

Far far below, I could see the fox that had attracted our attentions before and the horses in a distant field gently feeding and birds and other animals of all kinds for a five mile radius. Nothing took any notice of us but a dog in a backyard that looked up and barked a few times before getting bored and curling into a ball to sleep.

When I returned my attention to Will, he laid his wings back along his sides and dove into a stoop that drove him toward the earth. I followed, excited at just the memory of the drop. At the bottom of the stoop, he opened his wings and soared back into the air effortlessly. The speed of the drop was transferred back into kinetic energy that lifted me back up to the top of our flight with a single wingbeat. He dropped again and I followed. We screamed out enjoyment across the skies to each other as we stooped over and over again until the sun was nearing the horizon and the warm air slowed its upward movement.

I followed him as he extended one flight and opened his wings to extend his legs to a high tree limb. I came to a stop near him just as he soared down again to the ground. He'd hardly touched down before he disappeared and a small cottontail appeared in place of the hawk.

Laughing to myself, I dropped and changed. Almost right away, he was there next to me. He almost didn't wait for my comfort level to return before he was one me and his credible pink penis was inside me. My eyes blurred with pleasure as he came inside me, coming with him just from the memory of our courtship flight.

He dropped to his side and disappeared then reappeared as a Doberman bitch. My sensitive nose caught the smell of her estrus before she'd gained her senses.

She was waiting for me, front end down with her wagging tail high up, her tongue hanging out as I found my feet. She bounded around me and we ran and jumped and chased through the grass and trees before she stopped and waited for me.

I fucked her with animalistic abandon until I came deep inside her and locked. I licked her back and bit at her neck until I was freed of her body. She loped back to the edge of the woods and disappeared before I got there.

I saw Will, the young man, laying on his side in the pine needles before I dropped to the ground and changed.

"Oh Sue! Could anything be more wonderful?" he said before he kissed me.

"Yes," I said as he slid between my legs, my thighs holding his sides. "We can do this anytime we want. And later. When we've graduated from college somewhere, we can get married and have a dozen kids."

"Two. Two kids. But we can do this all the time. Anytime we want." My orgasm was spectacular. The rest of our lives together would be spectacular, too. Every flight and every romp in a field.

I wondered if our two children would be like us. Or would they be "normal."

This Story is © 1997 by G. Horton
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<The First DinosaursFrog Boy<