Fleeting Love BY NAMELESS WOLF Two friends sit in the lounge of the hotel where they live. Each enjoying the others company and drinking lightly. Outside a blizzard is underway, snow gathering, ice forming, making traffic grind to a halt and life to *freeze* for a while. Joe Wolf, dressed in a sweet shirt and long pants snickers at his friend’s joke. Neither friends know much about each other yet both know that they are friends. Spencer Fox was laughing when an announcement came over the speakers. "This the hotel management. The authorities have urged us to use the stairs and stay away from the elevators until the blizzard is over. Thank you for your cooperation." It seemed that the elevators were acting up and they were afraid that one would either fall or get stuck. Joe and Spencer got up and walked to the elevator laughing and talking. once inside they waited for it to reach their floor when it stopped .they looked at each other in dismay. It had really happened, the thing stopped and now they were trapped. "Joe we’re stuck. Now what are going to do?" asked Spencer as he looked to his friend and smiled a little. He wasn’t sure why but he wasn’t afraid with Joe around. "Well I’d say we just sit here and wait for some one to come help us, unless that phone is working?" he responded pointing to the elevator phone. Spencer lifted the panel and reached for the phone. To his dismay the phone was not connected. "it’s busted. And now we’re stuck in here with no way out." Responded Spencer as He looked to Joe who was smiling and looking to the floor. "well this a hell of a place for things to come out at isn’t it?" he asked as he looked to Spencer. *this is not going to be a good day. I thought if I got him drunk and took him back to apartment I could tell him with out worrying about his reaction.* he thought to himself as he remembered asking Spencer to come down to lounge with him for a few drinks. "what are you talking about, Joe?" asked Spencer with a confused look. His friend was hurting and the alcohol wasn’t affecting much so he just wanted to find out what was bothering his best friend. "Spencer, I wanted to tell you some thing that I knew you’d find out about eventually, but I don’t know how else to say it except to say that I’m gay." He gritted his teeth as the words passed. *there now that I said it what do I do? What’s going through Spence’s mind.* he thought to himself fighting back a tear. Spencer sat back against the wall unable to believe his friend’s words. *I didn’t hear that did I? Joe’s gay? But how, when, why? Damit! He’s my friend no matter what and he looks hurt now.* he thought to himself as he watched Joe stare at the ground as if he couldn’t look up no matter how he hard he tried. Joe gritted his teeth as he felt Spencer get up and walk toward him. *Now what? Isn’t it obvious that I’ve been hurt already with out him rubbing it in?* Joe thought about getting up and defending himself, but decided against it. He shuddered as he felt a warm paw on his shoulder. But what surprised him even more was the almost loving lick he received to the ear. Spencer smiled as Joe looked up, he had wanted to make his feel better but being that close to Joe made him feel some thing else, some thing he had never felt before. Sure he had been with a lot of females in his life but the thought of being with another man made him ill but with Joe it was different some how. Spencer felt secure around him and wanted to be with the wolf. "what? Why? Spencer I thought you were straight." Said Joe as Spencer continued to lightly lick at the wolf’s ear. He shuddered from the sensation feeling more and more that he wanted to have Spencer, here, now, and for ever. "I guess that I’m like you deep down but only toward you." Responded Spencer as he leaned in and brushed his lips lightly against Joe’s. They both shuddered lightly and kissed. They held each other for what seemed like hours until finally the elevator moved freeing them from the prison they had walked into. They both decided that it was time they moved in together to see how things would go. Spencer looked at Joe and realized that the whole time they knew each other he was in love and didn’t even know it. The End