Archive-name: five-fall-finisher


Subject: fivefall.txt - F/F wrestling story


I did not write the following story. Rather, it is from my private archive of stories which I have downloaded from bbs's, usenet, etc. Let me know if you like it.

I intend to post stories from my archive periodically on this usenet group. If you have missed a story, send me an email through and I can repost the story.

Five Fall Finisher

Judell du Long Linda Schultz

Garden Grove, California, Friday, 9th August, 1974

Judell du Long is an attractive, well-built, brunette in her thirties - mother of a teenage daughter - living in Westminster, California. She also is, or claims to be - with good reason - the "submissions only" women's wrestling champion.
In some three years of amateur wrestling, she has faced the very best girls in the State. Her claim to the "submissions only" championship is backed by an impressive forty or more submissions in a row, whilst never conceding a fall to any opponent.
We hope to do a detailed "profile" on this likable and open lady in the near future, but meanwhile we think readers will be interested in her own account of a bout that took place in August, 1974 - when her opponent was none other than Linda Schultz, a girl that's already been featured in our pages. To finance her considerable wrestling activity, Judell makes a detailed photographic record - both in stills and in movie film - of every bout. These are available on sale at prices ranging from $25.00 to $40.00, depending on the number of stills (sometimes up to 80 or more) or the length of film. Most photos and all films are in color, and are of very high quality. Orders for sets of still shots are accompanied by a written account of the match, of which the following edited version is a typical example.
One last word - unlike so many films available from other suppliers (no names, no pack drill) - all Judell's are absolutely genuine. There may not be such dramatic submissions or kayos, but what you see is for real.

Linda Schultz and I had been in contact regarding a match since June. The rules proved to be no problem. She prefers submission only rules and feels this prevents problems re fast or slow counts by a ref. She also felt the one-hour time limit regarding the number of falls was a wise idea. She did ask for a two-minute rest period between falls, and I agreed even though I prefer just a single minute of rest. All the usual infractions wee banned; such as punching, kicking, etc. We agreed we would not ban any standard wrestling holds.
Linda and her husband Larry arrived on Wednesday, so Linda had a 48- hour rest before our match at 8 p.m. on Friday evening. Present were a scorekeeper, a time-keeper, my usual film-man, Larry, also making a film record, Nancy Hogle, who seconded me, her husband and one or two others - plus a number of my daughter's teenage friends who wrestle each Saturday and filled the window sills on the far side of the mat.
As usual I was nervous because this was my first official title match since my March re-match win over Jan Haefner. This meant a layoff of over four months. Also I had trained down to 126 pounds, which was my lowest match weight ever. I worried if either might effect my performance. Linda weighed in at 122 pounds, so I outweighed her by four pounds. We are each 5 feet 5 inches, but she appears a shade taller than I in the pictures. At 23 she is twelve years younger than I. She first wrestled over four years ago and has faced Dixie and Sheri Whitlow here in California. She has also faced the best of the New York area girls. She has had experience against many of the best, and I was concerned about my mere fifteen months of wrestling.
In our corners we awaited the opening bell. Moments before the start Linda appeared to tense up, whilst I did some pre-bout exercises. We posed, and now each tense and eager to get the match underway.
We're off! We circled each other looking for the first opening. Linda found it and clamped on a headlock and brought me to the mat. I worked to position myself on her so she would have to fight my weight; then when I broke free I would be in a good position to work on her. Linda still held her headlock, but I was inches away from getting my own head scissors. I knew this would bring a quick submission, but Linda was experienced enough to keep her head on the mat and keep grinding away with her headlock. I could not get my head scissors. Linda was managing to move away from my legs and the head scissors try. She was still working on her headlock; and while I was on her as I wished to be, I still fought to free myself. Two minutes had now passed. I was working on her arm and starting to free myself. Linda still held her headlock but I could sense she was starting to tire.
Then I was free, and on the offensive! Three minutes had passed, and I was eager to go to work on her. We were at grips again, my right arm under her head, and my left arm had trapped her leg. I tried to join hands for a cradle hold. I was on her now and in control. I wanted to win the first fall now. I knew I had her! I had her lower body in a scissor, and a bear hug over her upper body and chest. I pulled down on her lower body with the scissors and on the upper body with the bear hug. I knew she could not hold out for long - and then I had it, my first submission!
Linda had submitted the first fall at 4:13 minutes to what they called a "head stretch/body scissors." Call it what you like, but it got that first submission I wanted after being in her headlock for three minutes.
It is out for the second fall, and Linda comes out fast. She wanted to even it up and she was strong here. We each tried for the advantage. Muscle to muscle, and neither of us would go down.
Then Linda took me down, and again I found myself fighting her headlock. This time I did not have the good body position I'd had in the first fall. I was determined not to have to fight her headlock for three minutes again, and I used everything to get on her and break free. It worked! I was back in command, and was out to stretch her into submission once again. I had her upper body under total control as I'd wrapped my arms around her head in a type of head lock. I had grapevined her legs and was pulling up on her head and upper body.
In desperation Linda rolled and freed her legs. That relieved the pain and pressure of my stretch. She fought to keep her legs free and away from mine. She knew that when I controlled her legs, the pain and pressure would return. I was still working on her head, but was about to scissor her lower body. The fight was leaving her now - for over three minutes she had fought to escape my control, and her efforts had taken their toll on her. Then I had gained my second submission!
We were both tired now. The time was 7:39 minutes, and they called the submission a "grapevine stretch." I had really poured it on in that fall. The holds were new ones I'd been working on, and they were working well for me.
In action again, and before I knew what Linda had me trapped in a good body scissors - but I was able to get to my feet. This always relieves most of the pain and puts my opponent in a dangerous position with me over her. I tried to turn her over onto her stomach so I could try for a Boston crab. Linda made a wise choice and released the scissors. Then I was trying to position her head between my legs for a head scissors, but I had to control her legs or I might end up in a head scissors myself. At the same time I was trying for a leg split. I sensed that submission number three was near. I caught her left arm in a scissor and once again used a press-type hold as this time I controlled her lower body with my arms. Then she had submitted, for the third time, at 11:23 minutes, to what was recorded as an "arm scissors/press." Again I had used my upper body and arm power to force her to give up. I had worked hard for my three submissions, and a toweling-off was necessary.
Starting the fourth fall, we each tried for a bear hug in an effort to out-muscle the other. Linda's muscles are quite something! I broke contact in a fast move and secured a good standing headlock. This hurt, and I kept her head tucked close to my side. I took her to the mat and worked the headlock in a try for a fast submission. I poured all I had into it, but she held out. To increase pressure I went to my knees, but in a flash her legs went to work with scissors. She had lost three falls already, but her legs were as strong as at the opening bell.
I moved to my feet and forced the scissors down over my hip bones, and the pain was not so great. She was still taking punishment from my headlock. She still worked the scissors with all she had left, but I would not give up. As I moved over her, she remained in danger. Linda poured everything she could into that scissors - it appeared she felt only her legs could get a submission from me - but when she could not apply any more pressure, she had to release it and we went to the mat in a double headlock.
We each worked on our own headlock and tried to gain an advantage as the fourteen-minute mark passed. I was working to keep her pinned and on the headlock. She still tried her own headlock, but I knew she would tire with me on her. I wanted to break her headlock and I did. She was trapped, and I intended to get submission number four before I let her up. She made a great effort to free herself and almost rolled over, but she just didn't have the power left, and I had a submission hold on her. I had her left knee in a scissor and was pushing into her stomach with my hip bones. All the time I was pulling on her arms with all I had. Linda again tried to roll over, but I had her locked in place, and there was no way out. She had to submit at 15:47 minutes, and they listed it as a "figure four leg stretch."
Between falls Nancy Hogle and I agreed it was all over, and I should put her away for good in the next fall.
Muscle to muscle once again we started what was to be the last fall. Linda was still wanting at least one submission, if possible. I felt I had to go for the same hold that had won the last fall. I felt this would put her away for the night, and she fell into it once again. Again I went for the leg but made certain to avoid the left knee, which seemed to be in pain from the last submission. Others go for any injury, like an animal smelling blood, but I try to avoid any leg or arm or portion of the body that may not yet be one hundred percent OK from the last submission. Foolish, you may say, for showing a lack of "killer instinct." I feel I want to beat the girl by my power and not her momentary weakness. In any event, the right knee was trapped in my scissors, and I knew she could not break free. It was now up to Linda to decide how much pain she could endure. We were at the 18-minute mark now.
She held out and held out. Then I decided to pour all I had left into the hold. My legs strained to put all their power and tension into the upper thigh area, cutting off blood to the lower leg. My arms were stretching her arms and upper body to the breaking point. At this moment she just ceased all effort to escape and went limp.
We both knew it was over with no "I give" needed. She had battled well, but at 18:37 minutes it was all over. They listed it as a "back headlock/grapevine." Clearly it was, however, the same stretch/scissor combination I had used in the last submission.
Moments later we were each recovering from that last fall. It was clear neither of us had any ill feelings. Soon I was trying to show her the holds I beat her with over an over again. I was indeed very happy in that the four-month layoff since my last match had not affected my performance and my lowest-ever weight, 126 pounds, had not hurt either. I had been able to dominate Linda during the match and pinned her time and again at that light weight. Most important I had decided to beat her without the full nelson and headlocks I had used so often against Jo Ann Owens and Jan Haefner. I have no intention of becoming known as a one- or two-hold wrestler. I can and will use and win with any hold or holds. I also wanted to demonstrate my ability to pin a girl at will. Submissions or pins and submissions make a fine match in my book.

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Last modified (12/24/96 14:23:50) by Eli-the-Bearded.

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