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Subject: FUR: fauris.txt (3/5) (M/M, magic, transform) From: narzil@hotmail.com (Narzil Blade) Date: 1997/06/30 Message-ID: <199707010317.UAA10231@f51.hotmail.com> Newsgroups: alt.sex.furry [More Headers] Suddenly the satyr gripped him in a firm hug, holding him tight, gripping his rear as the satyr ground his body against his. Fauris could feel the satyr's burning erection press against his skin, reddened by the rubbing of the satyr's coarse body hair. The satyr grunted, whispering unfamiliar but somehow erotic words in his ears. Fauris' cock begin to stiffen again, caught between their bodies, his balls pressed tight and unable to move. As Fauris became completely stiff, his cock burrowed against the satyr's body, and soon Fauris too began to actively rub himself against his partner. All he could feel was erect satyr, and all he could smell was arousal. After an endless time, the satyr came upon him, the space between their bodies becoming sticky and slippery. The satyr continued to thrust for several minutes before stopping, gazing at the human in surprise. "Did you not come?" he asked. "No, but I will be able to later on," Fauris assured. He was beginning to have doubts about his performance, after the encouragement of meeting entire the satyr band. "Well, perhaps we can help you then," the satyr grinned mischievously, letting out a shrill whistle. Immediately over a half-dozen satyrs emerged from behind the nearby bushes. They had been secretly following the human for some time, you see, waiting for an opportunity to approach him, and had sent this first satyr as a scout to test the human's newfound willingness. Fauris' satyr partner slid around behind him, still holding him, lying down on the ground and pulling Fauris after him. As Fauris lay on his back on the satyr's front, he could feel the length of the satyr's erection resting along the cleft of his buttocks, which felt strangely comfortable. The satyr's hands were clasped around Fauris' sides, gently, as the other satyrs came upon them. "We have been following you, watching," said one, quite erect and trying hard not to finger himself. "We wish to show you our hospitality together, to help ease you into our ways." The satyr underneath Fauris winked. "If you do not object." Again, the satyr whispered the strange yet erotic speech in his ears. Fauris shuddered, been overtaken by feelings of horniness. "Be my guest," he replied, gasping as a hand immediately gripped his erection. "Uhnn...or rather, let me be yours..." Two satyrs sat down by Fauris' sides, and another two near his feet, while a fifth laid down on his front between Fauris' legs, placing his palms firmly on the insides of his thighs. And still there were one or two more satyrs walking around impatiently on the grass around them. Fauris could feel himself sitting against the balls of the satyr beneath him, who suddenly said, "No peeking, now," as he moved his hands over Fauris' eyes, shifting his legs to pin Fauris' legs down and apart. "What are y--" Fauris began to say, when an unknown number of hands began to move across his body, tracing its curves and contours, exploring each inch and hidden nook, places Fauris had never imagined would feel good being touched - all of them. As the satyr within him grew, so had his sensitivity. The hands roamed freely, and he could not count their number. Soon all his skin felt warm and relaxed, tingling, and he could not even tell where he was being touched - it seemed as if the satyrs were touching him everywhere. Sometimes it felt like a hand, or a fur- covered limb slinking by, he could not tell. Suddenly something took hold of his crotch. It felt like his balls were being dipped into a warm liquid...perhaps a satyr had taken them into his mouth, or had coated them with his seed, or had spread some lubricant upon them, it felt wonderful. His nose twitched at the scent of heady perfumes, like flowers and musk and horses, erotic and powerful. The satyrs began to spread oils and ointments across Fauris' nude form, massaging his entire body systematically, all together at once. Every so now and again one satyr would come across Fauris, and this would get rubbed in too; from behind the growing tips of his ears, to his hard nipples, to between his buttocks, to the soles of his feet, not one place was left unminded. And they watched as the beautiful human enjoyed their kindnesses. Each one took a turn between Fauris' legs, massaging his crotch, licking, tugging, urging his testicles to perform, while a hand would grip his aching erection and hold it steady. Fauris could not see them, but it felt as if his balls were being pulled and squeezed and wanted to burst, his sacs dense, tired, too difficult to move, while his cock stood straight at tense attention. Fauris moaned as a second mouth joined the first, licking and manipulating his genitals. He felt hot satyr bodies gyrating like water across him. An erection was placed in both of his limp hands, while warm lips descended upon his nipples, and the cock under his thighs felt even thicker than before. Fauris arched his back, shouting in pleasure. "Wh...why...do...unnh....this?" A dozen voices whispered erotic tones to him, and from within them, a voice lilted, "It is our nature, our will to live, our being. Be with us..." Fauris was about to reply to this in the affirmative, but could not as a thick satyr erection was pushed between his lips, stroking back into the opening of his throat. With his head tilted back, Fauris lost all sense of his surroundings. All he could feel, smell, and taste was satyr, heady and lustful, and so too was he. He surrendered himself. His balls felt as lead, his mouth and hands engulfed with satyrcock, his nipples hard as rock, and still his crotch was being handled. Fauris lost all track of time. He finally came, and then again, his seed shooting like an arrow from his erection, but what became of it he could not feel nor see, so numb it was from attention. Often the satyrs came against him, their seed quickly rubbed in with their perfumed oils against his skin, which felt bloated and tight. When the hands lifted from his eyes, Fauris could tell by the sun that over an hour had passed. At least five hands helped him to his feet, and seven or eight satyrs smiled at him in appreciation, their eyes travelling up and down his body, waiting for him to speak. Fauris looked down at himself, his eyes opening wide in amazement. His whole body had become muscled, his chest broad and stuck out above the rounded abdominals of his stomach. His arms, legs, and even his neck felt thick and stocky. His skin glistened head to toe, lustrous and attractive. But there, between his legs, his penis was covered at the base with a thick, furred sheath, below which hung a heavy pair of dark, equine testicles. Fauris could feel their weight even as he stood, and they glistened with desire. As he watched, he felt his lust rise from the mere sight of himself, his erection like a sword emerging from its scabbard. It was then Fauris realized he had truly begun to cross the line from human over to faun - with his transformed genitals, he could perform for longer, and more frequently. And the satyrs were still waiting for him to speak. "Come, my brothers," Fauris said, "Drink of your gift to me." And he raised his cock high. * * * Late into the afternoon, Fauris roamed freely, meeting many satyrs, sometimes talking, or nestling close, sometimes stroking; and he drank from many a satyr phallus, as many did from his. Fauris' body had finally begun to shrug off the human need for food, able to survive fully on the seed from his fellow satyrs; and so his body urged him to drink as much of it as possible and to give of himself as well. The weight of his balls never ceased making him want to relieve himself, but he needed to take breaks to allow his penis to become erect again after climax and drawing back into its sheath. Fauris took this time to learn of the social norms, such as the proper way to greet fellow satyrs. This would involve casual stroking of each others' erections with one hand, and if he wished to express sexual interest, the message would be given by politely kneeling and then licking at the other satyr's cocktip for approval. If the other satyr was interested, he would usher you to one side where you could conduct sex properly; some acts were considered open and public, others private, but no one would yet tell Fauris of these. If the other satyr was not interested, he would ejaculate in your mouth as a token gesture and then move on. If snuggling rather than sex was desired, you would press your chest to the other satyr rather than taking him into your mouth. Fauris was surprised to find that although most of the satyr's day was involved around sex, it also involved random long naps, and philosophy. At one point he found himself with a small group who taught him the finer details of how to use his tongue, mouth and hands with greater skill than he had ever thought possible. Sex was no longer merely an act, he found, but among satyrs a skilled art - an art he did not excel at, but in which he was rapidly improving. And to the satyrs' surprise, Fauris was an incredibly fast learner, for a human. By the time Fauris returned to Neirus' glen, the sun had almost set. Neirus was engaged, and Fauris felt somewhat embarrassed by his timing, and so stood in the bushes to grant Neirus his privacy. But even then, he could not help but watch. Neirus' partner was one of the few sileni in the band, of whom Fauris had seen little. Like Neirus, the sileni sported small white horns upon his forehead, and a horse's tail behind; but the sileni was taller, more barrel-chested, and with a subtly different build. His legs and thighs were covered with chestnut brown horsehair instead of goatlegs, and his hooves were large and solid, not cloven like Neirus'. The sileni and Neirus were in a position Fauris had not observed before. Neirus was on his back on the ground, the sileni lying on top of him, fronts facing one another but inverted. Each one clutched the other to themselves with an iron grip, their cocks in one another's mouths. Fauris watched fascinated as they stroked themselves madly within one another, and was amazed to clearly see the bulge of the sileni's erection fully within Neirus' neck, even the swelling of the cocktip. So too could he see Neirus' shaft bulging within the sileni's muscled neck. When they soon climaxed, Fauris watched their erections spasm under the skin. After a time, Neirus and the sileni pulled out from one another, and Fauris emerged from the trees. "Ah, so it is you!" Neirus exclaimed. "I thought I saw you earlier out of the corner of my eye. But how you have changed! You shall be a handsome satyr yet!" His eyes twinkled. The sileni stepped forward, reaching forward and rubbing his palm so expertly around Fauris' cocktip, that Fauris stomped a foot automatically and almost lost his balance. "I am Damocles," the sileni introduced himself. "I do not believe we have met, except shortly after you awoke. Had I seen how your changes were going so well, I would have introduced myself much earlier." He smiled nonchalantly, but Fauris noticed that the sileni seemed to be desperately trying to hold back his desires. For all of his cool stance, Damocles' tail was flicking rapidly, his upper lip curling, nostrils twitching, and stomping first on one hoof and then the other. His cock, considerably larger than those of the satyrs, curved up firmly from a massive, dark scrotum. Fauris reached down and touched it in return, making the sileni whinny. "Oh human...I wish I could stay, but I have brother satyrs expecting me, and Neirus has long awaited your return." Fauris smiled. "Very well, but come here, Neirus, and you, Damocles the sileni, let me show you what I have learned." Neirus approached, exchanging glances with Damocles. Fauris took both their erections in his hands, kneeling, and touched them together at the tips into his open mouth, probing and titillating them with his tongue as the other satyrs had taught him earlier in the afternoon. He so desperately wished he could take them both into his mouth, but even for satyrs this is not possible. Damocles neighed and Neirus gasped, then laughed. "The double- flute! Great Pan, what you must have been learning this day!" They both lightly ejaculated into Fauris' mouth, who could now swallow as fast as it came. Damocles sighed blissfully. "I shall endeavor to meet with you again," he said, bowing with a flick of his tail, and moving off into the bushes (with his tail held high). Fauris noticed that the walking gait of the sileni was also different from that of Neirus and the other satyrs. Neirus grinned, watching Fauris admire the vanishing Damocles. "Come, my human friend, tell me of your exploits! If you are to be a satyr, you should learn to boast and spin a tale." He sat, patting the grass beside him. Fauris eagerly sat, easing his rear down onto Neirus' warm palm, and placing his hand around Neirus' shaft. "Nay, nay," Neirus laughed, returning the gesture in kind. "That may wait. I do greatly desire to...try you," Neirus paused, staring admiringly between Fauris' legs, "But as your guardian I would have you tell me of your day. To listen, get your impressions, and answer your questions." And so he did. * * * It was fully dark by the time Fauris finished, taking into account that Neirus, like all satyrs, had thrown in his own boasts and tales throughout. The moon cast a green shadow under the canopy of leaves, but now there were voices raised in song. When Fauris' tale had ended and Neirus had answered his questions, he led the changing human through the bushes towards the center glade of the band. "Come now, this is what I had been waiting to show you all this time. It is how we end most of our evenings here." They emerged into the large clearing, bathed in firelight. The bonfire was twice as high and bright, its flickering flames lighting the area. To all sides, gathered around the fire, were almost all of the satyrs Fauris had met that morning. Damocles was not there. "He is occupied tonight," Neirus said, casting a glance to the undulating pairs of male forms in the shadows of the fire against the glade's edges, "But I would be pleased if you were my partner this night," and Fauris smiled. Fauris and Neirus joined the circle around the fire. "And so we are almost all gathered," one of the elders stood up and announced. "Let the celebration of the night begin!" Satyrs pulled out musical instruments and began to play, while people cuddled or danced, spun tales or sat and watched. Fauris noticed that the pan-pipes and double- flutes that the satyrs played on were carved suggestively. Fauris lost Neirus in the crowd for a while, talking and joking with the satyrs he had met earlier in the day. He exchanged jokes and was teased many a time about his sexual performance, but only in jest; more often was his form praised, and at least a dozen satyrs whispered to him if he wished to be their partner, which he politely declined. Sex was not taking place around the fire, although there was much talk of it. Fauris sat in a small circle of satyrs, pleasantly stroking one another, listening to stories of satyr visits to the nearby human town. It seemed so foreign somehow, Fauris thought, yet I feel that the human village would be my proper home, even though I feel better here. He was also invited to sing and play music, in which he was able to surprise and amuse the satyrs with his deft ability upon the lyre. Something in his human memory retained the skill of lyre- playing and the lyrics of songs, and while his human songs were not at all as lewd as those of the satyrs, he impressed them nonetheless. When he managed to rejoin with Neirus, Fauris was quickly fatiguing, a trait that the others seemed to lack, and which pointed to part of him still being very human. "You cannot sleep yet!" Neirus laughed. "The best is still to come, for now, we shall dance!" A rattle of drums sounded, and music rose loud in the air. Satyrs all stood and encircled the bonfire, beginning a rapid dance. Unlike human dance, the satyrs stomped, leapt gracefully, and kicked, making wild, bestial sounds, sexual grunts and growls. Fauris found himself within the circle of satyrs, dancing along as best he could, hemmed in with Neirus behind him and another satyr in front of him. As the dance went on, Fauris began to feel more comfortable, soon stamping his feet and gyrating and grunting. Something in the music called to him; the sounds of the forest, back when the animals and spirits roamed the earth in the dawn of the gods and before the appearance of man. He was mesmerized. All around the fire, he could see the writhing satyrs moving in the fire's light, each one erect and glistening, their cocks bobbing and slapping against the bodies of their neighbors, as was Fauris'. He found himself standing hunched over, like a beast, flexing and sharing his masculinity with those around him who did the same. Cocks spurted freely, the scent of satyr lust building in the dry heat of the fire, as they danced ever faster. Fauris was losing himself in the dance, at last letting himself think with his phallus and not with his human mind. Neirus passed him a large flagon, filled with dark purple liquid. "Drink and be merry!" Neirus said. Fauris lifted it, gulping some down in one large swallow, and immediately stumbled, his vision blurred, his thinking foggy. "Waaazisthisstuff?" he slurred. Satyr wine is so much more potent than human wine, of course, and one swallow had already been enough to get the human completely drunk. "It is our wine!" Neirus laughed. "Don't stop now, as a satyr you should be able to drink almost a barrelful!" and helped the dizzy Fauris to drink what remained. Fauris' conscious mind was completely lost under the influence of the wine. He was an equine beast. Nay, his mind told him, you are equine. As he danced and stomped, his toes darkened, solidifying and fusing, becoming solid, cloven hooves which he stood upon; and goat's fur began to grow upon his legs. Bodies danced about him, fingers touching. He reached between legs and felt what it was to be male. His mouth tasted male. His throat filled with male, and he felt male coursing down into his body. Tails flicked, revealing dark caverns which called to be filled. Then all he smelled was Neirus, who pressed up behind him, and Fauris felt a bonfire burst into flame below, behind, inside him. And then he remembered nothing. * * * The next day (his third), Fauris awoke (or rather, became conscious) with his face buried deep in satyr groin, a thick cock filling his mouth and stroking itself back and forth in his throat, musky balls pressed up against his chin. Although surprised, it gave Fauris the most wonderful sensations to wake up to. Almost immediately the cock orgasmed within him, and he felt the seed shoot into his body and become a sexual, tingling warmth that woke him up without a drop of drowsiness remaining. The satyr drew himself out slowly, still spurting. "Good morning," he said, smiling with an appreciative leer. "I woke you up like you told me to. You were /great/! I hope to see you again later today, Fauris, you know I'd love to have you again." With this he turned, flicking his tail over Fauris' face. He quickly trotted away, giggling, even before Fauris could manage to speak. He didn't recognize the satyr. Fauris sat up and immediately clutched his head. What a hangover, he thought; but strangely, even as he thought it, the ache was diminishing. Still, his muscles and joints felt hot, almost sore from exertion. What had I been doing? he thought. Dancing? On the ground behind him was a large wooden flute, carved to resemble a satyr's malehood. His back hurt from sleeping on top of it. He saw that he was in the middle of the campfire glade, and must have fallen asleep where he was standing. He could see the other satyrs walking, tending to their daily business. A number of them waved to him, whom he did not recognize either. "Good morning, Fauris!" one declared. "You really were at it last night! We had been waiting for so long. I tell you, I'd never seen anyone act with a flute like that..." he shook his head, chuckling. "Meet with you later?" "Meet?" Fauris said, very confused and not sure he was hearing properly. By the sun, it was already well past noon. Had he been sleeping all morning? "Mate, yes," the satyr said, rubbing himself between the legs as he walked away smiling. Fauris shook his head, trying desperately to remember something, anything, about last night, but to no avail. He tried with difficulty to get to his feet...something about his legs had become very weak and shaky. Looking down, he was shocked to see his feet clad with shiny, cloven hooves. His feet had elongated slightly, and the heels had shrunk, his feet and lower legs thinner, a bit bony but muscled. His knees were giving him the problem. It felt as if his legbones had shifted from their proper sockets. His leg's profile was no longer smooth like a human's, but off-joint at the knee. When he finally managed to stand, he had to maintain a shaky balance. Carefully, he stumbled to the brook that flanked one side of the glade. Splashing cold water on himself, he washed his face, where he felt more changes. He leaned over the water. His nose had become completely like that of a satyr: flatter in shape, the tip like that of an animal. Dark, almost triangular, with wide, scenting and sensitive nostrils. His ears too were longer, the backs fuzzy, and his chin and jaw showed early signs of beard growth. Fauris crawled into a small shaded enclosure of bushes and leaned up against a tree to collect his thoughts. What had he been /doing/ last night? He looked down at his feet, and it was obvious that the fact he was becoming half-satyr was a true reality. But the human was not horrified, no, he was entranced. The cloven hooves were attractive. He wished he had had them as a human before. He stared down at his crotch and again saw how handsome like an equine he was becoming, and he was glad. All the strange, lustful emotions he had guarded in himself as a young man no longer needed to be hidden. In fact, among the satyrs, they showed their passions openly. It was their way of life. He noticed now, looking down, that his upper legs and thighs were covered with a thin, almost downy layer of fine, brown hairs. His private parts, on the other hand, were buried in long, dense crotch hair, that extended up his belly. No, he thought, fur. And hanging below were his dark, heavy horse- like testicles. He cupped them in the palms of his hands, warming them, and almost immediately a surge of lust ran through his body, his brown- furred sheath swelling. Fauris' erection emerged, straight and firm, and he was amazed to see it was longer than he had known it to be, somehow gaining an inch and a half. Not that he didn't mind. Something else had changed about it too, which he couldn't place. It looked more...male than before. He reached down to touch it, and as he did, a powerful urge to have sex shot through him. His penis hardened fully, his balls ached; his body sang with wanton desire. Fauris grasped his erection with his hand instinctively, manipulating his balls with the other. The tighter he gripped himself, the better it felt, and he stroked hard, enjoying the feeling of masturbation like he had never felt it before. He closed his eyes, his mind reeling with the need to relieve himself of his seed, and as he stroked ever more urgently, he bent himself forwards. As he felt his balls start to tense and his malehood throb in his hand, he sniffed the air and found his own scent was making him even hornier. Without thinking, he bent forward more and took his own cock between his lips. His back had somehow gained flexibility over the night, and now he took full advantage of it. He grasped his cock near the base, bobbing his mouth up and down on himself, which he found to be wild and tasty. He curled his tongue around his warm tip using the techniques he had been taught the previous day. His shaft-tip pulsed in his mouth and hand, and then he was drinking his own seed, emptying his testicles yet filling his body at the same time, and it was wonderful...Fauris let himself come quickly, immersing himself in the sensation and taste of his own cock... When he finished, Fauris rested for several minutes, relaxing in peace against the tree as he listened to the quiet sounds of the brook and of the wind in the trees. His eyes drooped, and he had almost drifted into a mid-afternoon nap when his ears twitched to the sound of hooves walking across the grass towards him. The bushes parted, and out stepped Damocles. "Ah, there you are!" he declared. "I was waiting the whole morning for you to wake up; I turn my back for one minute, and off you go into your own private corner to stroke yourself." He smiled knowingly. Fauris looked up at Damocles, admiring the sileni's large endowment from his sitting position. "Damocles. At last, someone I recognize! Can you tell me what I was up to last night? That wine Neirus gave me knocked me out cold. Oof...darn legs, something's wrong with them. Help me up, would you?" Damocles lifted Fauris up without even straining his muscles. He looked at the human's legs and immediately saw that the leg structure was changing to resemble those of a satyr. The human would understand in time, he knew. "Last night? I was occupied elsewhere, but it sounds as if you may have been up to some mischief, if you cannot remember your exploits. That is strange; Neirus told me he had planned to give you some of our weaker wine." "That was /weak/?" Fauris laughed, greeting Damocles as they hugged and fondled each other. "Well, satyrs will be known for their ability to throw a good party! How did you find me?" Damocles stomped a hoof, smelling the air. "By your self-arousal. I'm glad you did so, for otherwise I would have had a harder time following your scent. Not that I couldn't be much harder already..." He knelt and put his face between Fauris' legs. Fauris could feel a hot tongue lapping at his tip, where it nestled just out of its sheath. He stood rigid, knowing what this meant. Damocles stood, and read the pleasure in Fauris' eyes. "Come now," he said, putting his arm around Fauris' back and leading him out of the bushes with his hand on his butt. "To my glade. I can ravish you there..." Fauris walked with Damocles, his heart racing, his erection standing out proudly in front of him as he walked. This was his first proper invitation from another satyr! Soon they entered another secluded glade, away from the rest. Damocles' scent lingered everywhere. The sileni turned and put his arms tightly around Fauris, a gesture which Fauris returned, and they hugged each other lustfully. Their hands roamed, petted and felt one another, their stiff malehoods pressed between their powerful bodies. After some minutes, as their bellies began to dampen from their own precum, Damocles could resist no more. "Aaah, budding faun...I want you in me, now..." Fauris paused, and Damocles read a strange unfamiliarity in his eyes. "We're alone together, you know...I want that nice sexy cock of yours under my tail." Fauris continued to register a blank expression. "You weren't joking; you don't remember?!" Fauris almost would have laughed if Damocles had not seemed so upset. "Remember /what/?! The last thing I remember was Neirus slipping me your satyr wine, and then it was noon today. Everyone keeps calling me by name and winking at me and complimenting my flute and I don't know what they're talking about!" Damocles' smile broadened dramatically. "Then...I will be your first! That you remember, anyway. Come, Fauris..." he lilted. "Mount me..." And he turned himself suggestively to one side, his horse's tail held away. Fauris stood motionless, as Damocles' expert hand again took his shaft in its palm like he had the previous day, and angled it out. Fauris took a step forward, his mind suddenly filled with images of the stallion mounting its mare, the ram mounting its ewe, the stag mounting its doe. And the satyr mounting his fellow satyr. His human instincts were gone, as his mind told him that to mount Damocles was merely doing as Nature dictated. It was to do as satyrs were meant to do. Fauris' lust suddenly knew no bounds. His shaft again ached, not for climax, but for the need to be used. Damocles' equine hindquarters were shapely, well-built, animal...the grayish horsefur beckoned around his visible anus, dark, wide, inviting... Fauris leapt against Damocles, pushing his erection into the sileni's body, making him arch his torso forward with a gasp of pleasure, hooves apart for support. Damocles smiled, sensing Fauris' new-found resolve, as his penis pushed into him. Fauris' head spun dizzily from the sensations running through him, as he began to stroke himself in and out of Damocles' passage. "A male within a male..." he breathed. "I didn't think it was possible... feels...feels so good..." _________________________________________________________ Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
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