From: Organization: Anonymous contact service Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1993 05:06:04 UTC Subject: REPOST: Faeries (part 1) -- Scott Grildrig Faeries (part 1) ESC c. 1993 It was a warm and humid June evening and the fireflies were just starting to punctuate the darkness of the swamp. Between the frog and insect noises of early twilight and the quiet darkness of the deep night lies a period when your senses can be dominated by the light shows of the firefly. Never tiring of such displays I have been coming to the swamp specifically to watch these lightshows for years. I settled back and began to enjoy the display that was just starting to fire up around me. As the show progressed, rich patterns emerged from the otherwise random flashes. I thought I could hear faint music in the distance, but that didn't make sense. This wouldn't be too unusual on a Friday evening as folk music was regularly performed near the swamp then, but this was Tuesday. As I turned to the South, where the music seemed to be coming from, I saw a blaze of reds, blues, purples and any number of other colors erupting from a clearing a few hundred feet away. Curiosity got the best of me and I grabbed my camera and started towards the lights. One thing was certain -- the music was real. I could make out a bowed instrument along with a flute and several voices that sounded Gaelic to my ears. The lights were not flickering like a firefly display, but rather stayed on and seemed to dart about from the bushes to the tree tops about fifty feet above me. There was so much light that the trees were casting flickering shadows that reminded me of flames. Moving slowly and quietly I finally made it to the bushes next to the clearing and watched the display. The music was now very close, but I didn't want to disturb whoever - or whatever - was making it. I felt for my camera and realized I must have dropped it somewhere along the way. Even though it was expensive, this was of immediate interest and I stayed fixed. Abruptly the music stopped and the flying lights returned to a spot somewhere in the clearing. A large bluish-orange flame erupted and wild dance music and the chanting of women's voices in a language I didn't recognize filled the air. I could only see the top of the flame over the bushes. It was time to find out what was going on in there. Rather than carefully calculating what to do in an unusual situation I tend to burst in and do something stupid. With my curiosity getting the best of me there was the potential for an act of world class stupidity. "Excuse me" I said as I stumbled through the bushes. The music stopped abruptly and spread out before me was a ring of tiny human-like creatures encircling the fire. One of them flew over to meet me suspended by what appeared to be butterfly wings. She was a perfectly formed beautiful woman only six inches tall. She carried a staff with a that glowed an intense indigo. As I stood there with my mouth open, she flew closer and touched me on the lips while chanting in what sounded like the same strange language I had just heard. Suddenly I was enveloped by a curtain of deep green light and a warm soft feeling. The feeling was one of almost complete peace bordering on joy. Even though I started to feel like I was falling I did not want the experience to end. The light intensified to the point where I could not see through it and joy was replaced by exhaustion as I fought to keep my eyes open. I came to feeling very groggy. Somehow I had this dream that I had been kissed by a faerie, but I was completely disoriented. I felt the ground around me and could only feel something soft, warm and sweet smelling. I tried to stand up, but the ground was sloping away from me. I could feel it pulsate rhythmically and it slowly heaved in and out - looking up I saw an enormous beautiful face looking at me. I was trying to stand on the breast of a giantess! Her breasts were each much larger than me. Her nipples were hard and erect and too big for me to place a hand around. Her big light-brown aureole were almost as big around as my legs were long. Everything was glistening with a sweat that had an overpowering erotic quality about it. She watched my amazement for awhile and then delicately took me between her thumb and index finger. She held me so we could maintain eye contact and we gazed at each other. The tip of her tongue glided over her lips as we increased the intensity of our silence. Not knowing if she could speak I finally broke down and asked her who she was and what she was doing with me. In a thick Irish accent she replied that she was a faerie and that she had claimed me for watching the faerie dance. I protested that faeries were small, yet she was obviously a giantess. Now she laughed. She turned me around and I saw others like her of her size gathered around to watch with a huge fire that leapt hundreds of feet into the air lighting them from behind. Beyond the fire were huge trees soaring into the darkness -- I had never seen anything so big. It started to sink in that she must have caused me to shrink to a very small size. "I made you as small to me as I was to you - you are now twelve times twelve smaller than you were... " Now the whole troop of faeries gathered around me laughing and became touching and stroking me with their long fingers. One of them thrust an enormous nipple into my face and demanded that I milk her. My giantess - the others called her Kyle - covered me with her hands. "The human is mine" she announced with some authority as she started to fly away from the others. Daylight was starting to break in the East and I was able to get a better look at my new giant friend. Seventy feet looked a reasonable guess for her height compared to my six feet. She wasn't wearing a stitch of clothing and was only burdened by me and an enormous luminescent indigo staff that must have been fifty feet long. Her wings were translucent with yellow, green, blue and red patterns. Flight was effortless for her and we quietly glided through the treetops accompanied only by her singing. "You know you're my first man" came the heavy Irish accent. We spent the next hour of flying getting to know each other. She was nineteen and had a reputation for being fascinated with humans. Faeries keep away from people in general, despite the fact that faerie magic is strong. She told me she had a normal human friend but this was extremely unusual and she would be ostracized from her troop if this was discovered. We were going to see her friend who would watch after me when Kyle had to attend to faerie business. "Twas good we got away as my troop is prone to orgy...". Although that would normally sound very interesting I decided not to pursue that line of though and changed the subject. We were now flying over enormous structures that turned out to be part of a modest subdivision. Kyle swooped down and we slipped through a partially opened window of a lighted room. Judging by the easel and brushes we were in an artist's studio. Everything looked familiar, but so large that the whole place seemed surreal. "Kyle!" I turned around to see where the voice came from and was staggered to see a mountain of a woman. She was both young and pretty, but also impossibly huge. Kyle held me up to her friend's eyes and offered introductions. Standing on Kyle's hand I bowed and both of them laughed. They started into the conversation of close friends, but I was unable to pay attention be surrounded by such massive giantesses. Everything was almost one hundred and fifty times larger than "normal" to me (one hundred and forty-four times exactly from Kyle's comments). Suzi was wearing a denim top that left her midriff bare. I am normally taken by bare middles, but her size was focusing my attention much more strongly. Her mouth must have been thirty feet across and her aureole seemed bigger than a two car garage (I later paced them off at just over twenty five feet in diameter). "You're both humans and you're going to be good friends" With that the smaller of the giantesses leapt into the air and flew over to and out the window. Watching giant faeries fly is not something that I was used to and I found myself staring at her as she flew away. The larger giantess walked over to the window to watch her little friend fly away. It stuck me that I was amazed by the fact that something as large as my faerie giantess could fly and the human giantess was probably amazed that something as small as a faerie could exist. As she reached up to close the window I noticed that she was wearing some well-worn cutoffs. Her back was bare and beautiful - I found myself daydreaming about sliding from the small of her back down to the cleavage of her firm young ass. As she turned around she was arranging her breasts in her top. The huge giantess returned to me, towering over me like a skyscraper (at her scale she was a skyscraper at over seven hundred and fifty feet tall). "Hi again ... don't worry, size isn't important to me" she said laughing as she knelt down to have a better look. You're so tiny ... see if you can climb onto my hand.. Her huge hand came down next to me and her fingers spread out before me. I pulled myself onto Suzi's four foot high finger tip and walked along her thirty foot long little finger to her palm which could have easily held a normal house. She gently picked me up and walked over to a shelf where she located a magnifying glass. All she could say was "so tiny, so pretty..." as she examined me. Despite the warmth of her breath and body I was covered with goosebumps from my excitement. So as to not get too horny I complained that all of this was more than a little embarrassing ( I didn't have any clothes) and was surprised that she agreed - after all, she was certainly in control. She was just curious what I looked like. I half jokingly mentioned that I didn't know what she looked like only to be placed on the shelf while the woman-mountain shed all of her clothes in what looked to be a schoolgirl's attempt at a strip tease. She laughed and told me that no one had ever had so much luck getting her to take her clothes off so early in a date. I noticed that her nipples were very erect as I gazed up and down her well-proportioned statuesque physique. She offered her hand again and took me up to her face so we could talk. She was twenty three (she looked more like eighteen or nineteen) and had been living here for about a year after having graduated with a degree in art. Her aim was find work as an artist, but no one liked the fantasy paintings she tended towards. Like me she spent time in the swamp and came across Kyle near daybreak. Kyle couldn't make it back to her troop in the daylight, so she befriended Suzi and asked to stay under Suzi's protection that day. The two of them became fast friends and have been seeing each other on a daily basis since. Watching the reaction of Suzi's body when she spoke of her friendship to Kyle I started to wonder if there might be some sparks stronger than just a friendship there. If they weren't already lovers, Suzi was certainly interested in her little faerie. Apparently faeries are as strong as normal humans and the two of them enjoyed wrestling and rough housing together. Suzi showed off her arm muscles that she had been working on for their next match. Although Suzi is slender, her flexed upper arm was probably over forty feet in diameter. All of this continued to be very distracting. She was a good conversationalist and I welcomed talking with her to divert my attention from what my body was telling me. Aside from our sizes we had much in common. Both of us spent quite a bit of time watching everything that happened in the swamp and both of us laughed at the same jokes. We talked about her work and both of us thought that she could do some very interesting fantasy art with giantesses - it isn't often that a fantasy artist can have a model. I asked if she was uncomfortable with my tiny size and was relieved when she said she thought it was kind of neat and, well, kinky. It turned out that she considered herself short at five foot three and had never been with a man shorter than herself. Until now of course - I was only a half inch tall. We were quickly becoming close friends. The funny thing was that I had never been interested in women as short as Suzi was in real life. Now I was very interested in her. Suzi was very curious about the nature of my relationship was to Kyle. As far as both of us could tell I was now Kyle's. Apparently faeries like to use captured humans as sex toys, but Kyle seemed a bit different -- at least I thought she was as she hadn't done anything yet and she had "saved" me from the faerie orgy. Suzi was clearly interested in doing something with me, but was worried that Kyle might be upset. She told me she was worried about upsetting Kyle as she was told that a faeries' magic on humans is permanent. I had better get used to seventy foot faeries and skyscraper human women as that would be my future. Suzi said that she was having a hard time listening to me and that she had some work to do, but that she wanted to continue talking. I suggested that she could put me in her ear if she didn't mind not having eye contact. Once again I climbed onto her lowered finger and up into her palm while she transported me to her right ear. She pulled her hair back and watched me get in with a mirror. Finally she tied a piece of her long light brown hair around my waist so I wouldn't fall out easily. Bondage has always seemed a bit racy, but I had never imagined being confined to someone's ear. I could just stand in the entrance of her ear and decided to sit down and continue the conversation. I joked with her that she had to much ear wax and felt everything around me heat up and go bright red as I had embarrassed her. I quickly reassured her that I was just joking and she quickly came back to normal. We started talking about relationships as she started painting. She had bad luck with men and felt that her only close friend was Kyle - except for me she added (of course being in someone's ear makes you very close to them). As she talked about their relationship she mentioned that Kyle liked to play with her nipples and other areas. As she mentioned this she became embarrassed and I found myself surrounded by her glowing ear. This shift of conversation was getting me aroused again and I started playing with her big ear lobes as well as stroking the beginning of her ear canal with my left foot. "Oh god that feels good - WHAT are you doing?!?". As I slowly described what I was doing in lurid detail Suzi became even more aroused - her pulse quickened about me and the surface of her skin started to become covered with beads of sweat. "Are you getting as horny as I am?" she giggled through the lowest voice she could muster. She was starting to slowly sway and I could only imagine that she was playing with herself. I started to work my way up her ear as they seemed incredibly sensitive judging by her protests and moaning. The folds of her ear were just big enough to hold me and I made a point of telling her what part of me was rubbing against what part of her ear as I moved up to the upper folds. Her ear was very red and warm and throbbed in time with her pulse. Something crashed and a huge shudder moved through her body and into her ear. "See, you've made it so I can't even hold a paintbrush!" I wondered if she was using it to paint or to play with herself. I continued and another shudder ripped through her body. She gasped and I found myself holding onto her ear and checked the knot in her hair around my waist. I asked her if she was feeling all right (my ears needed popping as I had fallen a few hundred feet in a second or two) and she gasped that I had knocked her to her knees. I asked her if she wanted me to quit. "No way!" boomed my giantess. She said she needed me to come out and play with her. I told her that would be fun, but for now I wanted to keep playing with her ear. I found myself dangling from her hair with h