DOD Discovery on Drazan Darosh is on the flight deck of the Ion Storm. "Ion Storm status log. We're in standard orbit around Drazan. Automatic mapping of the non-ice covered area has been underway for the last four days. The scans of the ocean, shows that it is much deeper than previous expected. The deepest point is 4 klics. Scans of the ice next to it, reveals that it extends mostly to the north on the east side and south on the west. We have seen no sign of life made construction. End log recording." He sits back and thoughtfully sips his coke. Smiling, he switches on the game monitor Mark had installed and begins freeing animals trapped in robotic suits. He is well into the third level when the game pauses and the screen displays information the scanners are picking up. He stares in surprise as he keys the ship's intercom. "Darosh to everyone, we're picking up a com signal from the planet." Quickly he alters their orbit toward the source of the signal. Chireek comes running in and slides up against the console. "Any idea who's sending it?" She gasps. Darosh shakes his head, his long hair brushing her face as she leans against him. "Not a recognized Alliance signal. That doesn't mean they aren't from an Alliance planet...." His voice trails as he adjusts them into a stationary orbit over the signal. Chireek has taken over monitoring the signal, "It doesn't check with any Alliance language." She keys the main transmitter. "Ion Storm to Darnarius Space Port. We are receiving a com signal from the northern hemisphere of Drazan. It does not match any known Alliance signals or languages. Advise you transmit this report to Alliance Central. We will continue to investigate." She keys it off. "It'll be at lest thirty minutes before we can hope to hear a reply." "Have you tried replying to the signal?" Mark asks as he pulls his tunic the rest of the way on. He sits down at his console and watches the signal. "I was hoping we could figure out what language or at least what species is sending it." Darosh answers. Mark adjusts the sensors toward the signal's origin. "The signal is repeating every 50 seconds." He concentrates as he links into the sensors. "The signal originates from a vessel buried one hundred and twenty meters under the ice." the computer's voice informs them. "It is difficult to determine much through the ice." Mark looks up as Nikiya enters. I think we've found a ship that has been here for quite awhile." He looks at the screen displaying the planet and adjusts it to show a close up view of the unknown ship. All that is seen is the ice and wind swept snow. "We can leave it for others, or....." He smiles as everyone straps themselves in for landing. "It's too bad Haroo and Dawnif wanted to stay home." He smiles as they begin descending through the atmosphere and the winds slightly buffet them. Mark adjusts their course until they are heading into the wind. The sound of the landing gear and the slight shift tells them they're down. "The vessel is fifty meters aft of us." The computer's voice informs them. "We have no equipment onboard to clear a tunnel." Darosh and Chireek look at each other and smile. "It might take a while," she laughs. "But I think we can do it." Nikiya laughs. "And I'm sure I can supply enough energy to keep you going." Mark has been running environment checks. "The atmosphere is breathable, but it's too cold to remain out there for long. And the wind will make it worst." He gets up and they go to get cold weather clothes. They wait at the airlock and make sure their coats cover as much as possible. "Ok," Mark starts. "Once outside the wind might make it difficult to talk so let's get our first planning done inside." Darosh looks at Chireek and then replies. "Our first step is to begin cutting sections of ice and levitating them. We can place the first few to form a wind barrier. If Nikiya supplies us with energy, we'll work together. When one of us gets tired or cold, we'll all come in to warm up." They all agree and enter the airlock. The door closes and a slight hiss adjusts them to the outside pressure difference. The outer door opens and everyone flinches to the blast of ice filled air. Darosh extends the ramp and they quickly run downwind to where the strange vessel lies buried. He removes his gloves and begins to cause a fracture to form in the ice. Chireek does likewise and soon they have fractured a square area approximately one meter across. They link hands with Nikiya and levitate it. Several more times they repeat this, until they have a pit two meters deep, five meters long with a ramp leading down at a comfortable angle. They have piled the removed ice to form a meter high windbreak. As they begin cutting another section, Mark realizes Nikiya is shivering. With no argument, he signals every one it's time to return to their ship. Once inside, Nikiya's shivering is more than apparent. Mark grabs one of the big blankets and wraps it around her and himself. Darosh adjust the temperature controls while Chireek prepares hot foods with the food processor. As her shivering lessens, Nikiya begins to relax. Darosh carries a rolled sleeping pad and help her and Mark to lie on it. "You should have told us you were pushing yourself," he jokingly scolds her. "Besides," Chireek laughs as she hands her a mug of steaming liquid. "It's going to take us awhile to get all the way down." Nikiya drinks as fast as the temperature will allow her before replying. "I guess I'm just anxious to find out what's down there." She giggles as Mark pokes her soft side. "If all we had to do was go a few more meters," He reprimands her. "But we have more than a hundred to go." He closes his eyes and thinks. Chireek finishes preparing food for everyone and they talk about what might be below. "I have completed my sonic scans," the computer reports. "The ship appears to be intact. It is one point two klics in length. two hundred meters in width and height." "Any change in the signals," Mark asks. "The signal has not changed in any way." The computer replies. "I have attempted to decipher it, but there is not enough to come to any conclusions." "Has DSP replied to my message about it?" Chireek asks. "Affirmative. They are transmitting it to Alliance Control. They did not advise if you should continue or stop." Darosh looks at Nikiya's sleeping form. "If we can only move as much as we have before exhausting our energy and her's..." Mark shakes his head and smiles as he wiggles out of the blanket. "We've been thinking of how to bore through the ice." He laughs as the others stare in confusing. "We can make a system to melt the ice and then pump the water out." Chireek smiles, "We can modify a heating unit to blow a concentrate flow of air." Darosh is already on his feet. "You take care of that and I'll work on the pumping system." They both run out, talking about ideas as they leave. Mark gets back into the balnket and snuggles against Nikiya. "I was worried it would take too much out of you before we got part way down." He snuggles against her and relaxes. His thoughts reach out and links with the computer. Mark asks. The computer waits as new data is gathering through it's sensors. Mark thinks for a moment. Mark releases his link and gets up. Nikiya moves slightly, but remains asleep. He joins the others in the equipment room. Darosh has two pumps on a table. He attaches a two meter long tube to the end of a coiled hose. "I figured that one pump wouldn't be enough." Chireek shoulders her heating unit and smiles. "We should be able to melt a tunnel with ease." Mark smiles as he studies the modifications. "My main concern is how much melting will happen that we don't want." He laughs at their confusion. "The heat will flow up the tunnel and the melted water will also do it's share." Darosh thinks for a moment. "As long as that ship is, we can keep going in a straight line. What extra melting happens shouldn't be a problem." They agree and gather the equipment. By the time they reach the airlock, Nikiya is awake and has put every thing away. Darosh explains their plans as they distribute the tools. "I suggest we rotate jobs. One of us will have to control the output hose and that will be a cold job." Chireek laughs. "When we get down a ways. The other jobs will be hot and wet. What if we rotate every ten minutes. The one not working can relax." The cold air almost blasts them back into the ship, but they quickly move into the pit. Darosh volunteers to take the first turn guiding the out put and aims it down the gentle slope. Mark grabs the suction hose as Chireek activates the heater. In a matter of minutes they are melting their way down. Chireek keeps cutting a canyon until there is three meters of ice over their heads. As the tunnel deepens, the cold air flows down and the feared melting is less than expected. They continue rotating work stations and finally stop some time after burrowing over one hundred meters. As they eat, Mark has the computer display what it has learned about the ship. Mark leans back and closes his eyes. "Do you have any ships in your files that compare with it?" Darosh stands up, "We might as well take another turn at the tunnel." They all agree and suit up. Chireek modifies the heater for a more intense level and the tunnel rapidly deepens. When they finally stop for the night, the tunnel extends two hundred and fifty meters, reaching a depth of over one hundred meters. "I know we could reach it in the next shift," Mark admits. "But I think we all agree a good night's rest before exploring a ship of that size is the best." With no arguments, they go to their rooms and are soon sleeping the sleep of exhaustion. At breakfast, they talk of what they might find inside. Everything from treasures, to useless cargo, to sleeping warriors. They enter the tunnel and start melting their way down. The hull slowly appears through the melting ice. Finally a section of the hull is cleared. Mark mentally links to Ion Storm. it responds. Mark thinks while Darosh proceeds to melt the tunnel along the top of the hull. After several shifts of tasks, they stop for lunch. No one shows their depression, but the conversation is lower key than at breakfast. They prepare for an afternoon shift. Darosh takes first turn with the output hose. They have been playing with it. Making strange landscapes as the water freezes. As they step onto the hull, Mark pauses and looks at Nikiya. "We could clear a tunnel down the entire hull and not find an entry." She smiles and ruffles his hair. "I was wondering when you'd decide to give it a try." Mark sits down on the hull and places his hands on the smooth surface. Nikiya gets down beside him while Chireek informs Darosh over her com unit. Mark's eyes close and he leans against Nikiya. For many minutes he remain silent. Nikiya nods to Chireek's unasked question. "He's drawing power from me, but not like he's really doing much. After several moments, he opens his eyes. "I couldn't access the computer." He stands unsteadily and smiles. "But I know where there's an access hatch. We're on the aft section. Go another 20 meters and then turn right. We'll be in engineering." He keys his com unit so both Darosh and Ion Storm's computer will hear. "I didn't learn why the ship is here. But she was put on minimum power by her crew. We'll find out more when we get in." Chireek powers up her heater and begins melting forward. For many hours they move forward. Mark is using the heater when he reaches the point to turn. Within an hour, he is uncovering a hatch measuring three meters in diameter. Finally he shuts it off and studies it while Nikiya sweeps up the melted water. The controls show some signs of the years of ice. Nikiya shuts off the pumps and tells Chireek what's happening. Darosh touches the release mechanism and concentrates. Within minutes, the hatch slowly opens. The interior is dark and Mark turns on his handlight. "It's an airlock." He and Darosh step inside, while Nikiya waits for Chireek. Mark studies the inactive controls. "How do we know what the inner atmosphere is like?" Darosh thinks for a moment. "The outside pressure is greater because air came in. So we're breathing some of what's in there." Mark agrees and they wait for Chireek. When she arrives, they all step inside and Chireek closes the outer hatch. Darosh manually equalizes the pressures and cautiously opens the door. The air is surprisingly dry. They shiver as the coldness hits them. "I forgot it would be as cold as outside." Nikiya jokes as she seals her coats. Every one studies the different, yet familiar panels and systems. Mark steps up to a panel and cautiously touches it. "We brought a spare power unit." His eyes close and Nikiya hurries to his side. "We just have to find where to plug it in." His voice fades as his mind reaches to any part of the ship with power remaining. Several lights begin to glow dimly. A low hum begins from a system behind them. Darosh and Chireek walk around it. "It looks like it might be a energy converter," he remarks quietly. Chireek smiles, "It sounds like one too." She touches a display as it comes to life. The display show sinusoidal wave pattern familiar to her. "That's what it is." Darosh looks and agrees. Mark steps back and Nikiya supports him. The others rush forward and help him sit down. Nikiya shivers slightly as she removes her lower coat and lays it on the floor. She lies down on it, opens her upper coat and pulls Mark into her soft body. "We should have thought about bringing the heater unit with us." Chireek offer to get it but Mark stops her. "I couldn't reach much of the ship's computers," he gasps. "But I was able to tell it to begin power up procedures and get air and heat up to normal in here." The lights begin to come on as he speaks. Darosh almost laughs. "What if their normal temperature is too high." Mark smiles and nuzzles into Nikiya's plushy bosom. "If that happens, I'll take care of it." His eyes close and he begins drawing energy from her. Chireek laughs, "Let's see what we can learn while he's recharging." She take's off her upper coat and wraps it around as much of Nikiya as she can. For the next hour, they study the consoles and systems. Some are completely alien, but many look like ones on the Ion Storm, except for the markings. Mark comes out of being recharged and gives Nikiya some sweet disks from his pack. "I know you needs some after this." She smiles and tosses Chireek's coat to her. "I think it's actually warming up." Darosh suddenly begins taking his coats off. "We've been so intrigued that we didn't notice." They quickly explain to Mark what they've learned. Mark smiles and contact the Ion Storm. "Are you able to make contact with the ship?" "Negative," Ion Storm replies. "The repeating signal has stopped, but I receive no replies to my calls. Probably it doesn't recognize our language or any I have tried." "Understood," Mark replies. "Link to Chireek's video unit. We're going to go over all the systems here and you can compare them to systems we have. If we can translate some words we might have a start." "Processing signals now." Mark smiles as Chireek begins her work. She carefully records all the systems. Mark had wanted to link with the ship again, but Nikiya asks him to wait until her energy is back up. He and Darosh study the energy converter and debate what some of the other systems are used for. When Chireek is finished, Mark lightly links with the ship to verify everything is functionally correctly, before they go back the Ion Storm. Nikiya collapse on a bench as Chireek prepares dinner. "I'll be ok by the time we get back there," she assures Mark. "If you want to wait 'til tomorrow," Mark replies. "We can just look over what got recorded and what the computer could translate." "I have compared everything," the computer responds. "And have a translation report ready." Darosh smile, "Let's have four hard copies and we'll discuss them while we eat." He walks over to the printer and brings the copies as Chireek puts the food on the table. Nikiya attacks her food, transferring as much energy as she has to Mark, causes a major drain and food is the best way to restore it. They discuss the translations and what some of the unidentified symbols and systems might be. As they wait for Nikiya to finish eating, Mark asks if any one objects to them waiting until tomorrow for him to link to the now active computer system. "I know Nikiya is recharged enough. But that's a big ship and I'd rather have all day after a good night's sleep." Darosh agrees. "I'd still like to go down again and look over some of the systems." They all agree and walk down the now cold tunnel. "I didn't realize how cold this would be," Chireek says shivering. Nikiya laughs, "We all know my extra weight helps me recharge all of you." She smiles with a twinkle in her eyes. "And it also helps keep me warm." Darosh has reached the hatch and opens it. "If you're that comfortable, why don't you wait out here?" She giggles and rushes past him. "I may be plump, but I'm not stupid." Once inside, they study several systems with the translations. Darosh and Chireek use their abilities to put Jharaken symbols beside the ones that have been there for unknown ages. Mark lightly links to the computer, but to learn any more than he already has, will require a complete link. After many hours, they agree it is time to call it a day. Once back onboard the Ion Storm, they check for messages. Alliance Central has given complete control of this to them. Mark sends a report to Darnarius Space Port with instructions for it to be relayed to Alliance Central. Exhausted, every one heads for their chambers and are quickly asleep. The next morning, during breakfast, they toss ideas of the chances of any one surviving. "I've heard of beings in suspended animation for several years," Darosh mentions as he finishes eating. "But to make it for a thousand..." He shakes his head slightly. Mark cleans up the table while Chireek and Darosh strap on the equipment they've decided to take. Once everyone is suited up, they enter the airlock. The air is still incredibly cold and they carefully walk down the ice tunnel. Arriving at the icebound ship, they quickly enter the airlock and remove their coats and packs. "Well," Mark comments as he approaches the computer console. "Let's make sure everything is still up and running." His hands lightly touch the once strange keypads and his eyes lose their focus. After only a few moments, he steps back smiling. "All power systems are up and running. Automatic repair systems have kept her just like she was when they landed." Darosh looks up from the displays he has been studying. "Have you learned why she's frozen in?" "I don't know why they landed here," Mark replies. "But they need a fuel to first lift off the ground. Apparently, they had enough to land, but not enough to get airborne. I'll be able to tell more once I've link to the main computer." Nikiya spreads out a sleeping pad next to him. "The sooner you get started," she jokes and wraps an arm around him. "The sooner we can learn who they were, why they came here and everything else." Mark smiles and closes his eyes. His hands begin to float over the keypads. his mind reaches out. the computer replies. Mark's face loses all sign of expression. His eyes move rapidly beneath his eyelids. For several hours, he remains in a hypnotic-like state. Only his hands moving slightly, readjusting his link to be more aligned to the alien yet familiar system. Finally his hands slowly withdraw, his eyelids flutter as he collapses in Nikiya's embrace. She eases him onto the pad and pulls him into her softness with all four arms. Darosh covers the two of them with a large blanket. Mark's eyes open slightly. "The ship's computers have been programmed with our language," he whispers. "Learn everything you can about engineering while I get recharged." He closes his eyes and snuggles into Nikiya's warm body. She smiles at the others. "It might be awhile before I get him ready to help." She smiles and glances at the pack she carried. "Then we can have lunch and discuss our next step." She closes her eyes and concentrates on supplying Mark with energy he used in the link-up. Darosh and Chireek begin a careful examination of the systems. The computer's audio unit works excellently, answering their questions. The basic power and grav drive is as close to standard that the differences are unimportant. Finally, Mark and Nikiya comes out of their trance. He helps her into a more upright position and helps prepare lunch. "I'm surprised how similar the systems are to our own," he comments as he pours some loften juice. He stands in front of the console and smiles. "Are you ready to access the main computer?" "Engineering to main computer link established and verified." The voice is slightly mechanical and low in pitch. "This is main computer processor of the transport vessel ZX1004. I have accepted information from the processor of the Ion Storm and acknowledge you right to this vessel and all contents. How may I serve you?" Mark keeps his emotions from showing while the others stand in shock. "What was the purpose of your flight, why did you land here, and what happened to the crew?" "Some of my data files have been corrupted during the time I was shut down." There is a slight pause. "There had been interplanetary war for many years between the planet I was built on and the one that was colonized. The crew and passengers of this vessel decided to leave and find a world they could live on in peace. My captain, and the captain of ZX1253, loaded us with provisions, food animals... The total manifest is in a memory sector that has failed." "I do not know the reason they choose this system," the computer continues. "Scans indicated that the fourth planet had intelligent life that had not developed space flight. The decision was made to land myself here and the ZX1253 on the third planet. When we landed, a fuel cell ruptured. Engineering was unable to seal it before sufficient fuel was lost to prevent my being able to lift off the ground. My grav drive will not function unless there is no contact with the planet's surface." "As to the question of what happened to the crew. Their species requires true meat as a portion of their diet. They attempted to adapt the food animals to survive in the outside environment. Only a few survived in the non frozen land and it was decided to use the transport craft to take everything to the landing site of ZX1253. All onboard systems were put in low-mode, automatic repair. I will replay the captain's last log entry if you request." "Yes," Mark replies. "Please replay the last log entry." Final log of the ZX1004. Captain L'zzarr reporting. Lift off fuel gone due to puncture of tank when landing. Insufficient food beasts to hope to be able to live on this ice encrusted world. Have transferred all passengers and crew to ZX1253, located on the third planet of this stellar system. Fuel will prevent any one from returning. Have put systems into sleep status. If any one finds this and your kind is not one prone to war, we welcome you to come to us. So I end my final log onboard this vessel, ZX1004. "Can you transmit to ZX1253," Mark asks. "And inform them that you have are now online?" "I have already attempted to." The computer replies. "There has been no response." Mark nods, "If they had survived, they would have contacted the exploration teams now on that planet." He turns to the large display. "Please display a layout of this ship." The screen sparkles to life and a line diagram shows the interior of the ship. For many minutes, they study the display. The various areas are numbered and described in their language. Darosh studies it and notices an area not described. "Why is this area below cargo hold 5 not described?" "The cargo list was in a memory area that no longer functions. That section was special and all information is lost." The computer waits for several seconds. "On the flight before this one, Suspended animation chambers were installed." Again the computer pauses. "There are fifty units, five are off line, eleven have failed..... There are thirty four that appear to be functional." Every one is in shock. "You said that every one had left to the other ship!" Chireek gasps. "How can there be anyone left in those units?" "Negative," the computer replies. "The log entry stated that. Files on crew and passengers are not in functional memory banks. The captain stated that limited fuel would prevent anyone from returning. It is possible that some chose to enter suspension chambers and wait." Mark studies the ship's design for a moment. "It's a good hike from here." He looks at Nikiya. She smiles, "I'm still a bit drained. Why don't the three of you go on and I'll wait." Darosh shakes his head. "We don't know enough to leave anyone alone. For all we know, those chambers hold something besides the crew or passengers." Mark agrees, "Computer, can I assign command levels to the four of us that no one will be able to override?" "Affirmative," it replies. "By our laws, this vessel was abandoned and you have complete rights to it. I have set my command sequencers so that any order given by any of you cannot be superseded, except by another of your group." "Thank you." Mark turns to the others. "Chireek and I will go and see what we can find. The ship can display our location and indicate if any one else starts moving." He activates his belt com unit as every one agrees. "We'll keep in constant touch." The forward hatch opens and they step through. Chireek pauses at the control. "Keep this closed, just in case." She smiles, but fails to conceal her fears. Darosh lies down with Nikiya and they watch the display show the progress of their friends. The lights come on as they advance through the almost silent corridors. "If it wasn't for the familiar hum of the power systems and ventilators," Chireek remarks. "Right," Mark replies. Their voices echo away and then back to them. A small repair droid is cleaning a bulkhead and ignores them. "Automatic repair and maintenance systems." Mark smiles. "I hate to think how hard it would be if they hadn't kept her as well as they have." Chireek eases against him as they walk. "Do you think we can get her dug out? I mean there's over a hundred of meters of ice.." "Take it easy," Mark's voice is as unsteady as her's. "We both know we need to find who's still alive and get them out before more units fail." Their footfalls are the only sound of life as they walk the corridor that stretches the length of the ship. "You think they'd have some sort of intership transport or something," Chireek whispers. Mark laughs, but the silence swallows and the echos it back. "You don't have any on your transport and they're about this size." She agrees and they continue walking. Finally they reach the side corridor they were looking for. It slopes down and turns until the stop in a lower room. The lights reflect off the frosted glass of the suspension chambers. Mark crosses to the computer display. "Have you found any more information on who they are?" "Negative," it replies. "I have turned on the control panels of those still functioning. Do you wish begin activation procedures of any of them?" "Stand by," he replies. "Well," he asks as he looks to Chireek and then walks between the two rows of chambers. "Any idea who we should start with?" She shivers, not from the coolness of the room, but from her inner fears. "I think the one closest to the door. If I wanted to have some one awakened first, I'd put him there." Mark frowns, "The first several are empty and the next two have failed." He stops in front of the first functional unit. "Computer, status on chamber eleven and it's occupant." "Chamber is functional. I have no way of knowing if the occupant will revive because of the length of time." Mark's hands rest on the control pads and he looks at Chireek. Controlling her fears, she forces a look of self control. "Let's find what, I mean who, was left onboard." Mark switches on the revitalization sequences and waits. The frost quickly melts from the glass and the lights inside glow dimly. Inside, the covered body of a large being begins to breathe. Chireek's hand tightens almost painfully around Mark's arm. "There are old stories about beings from the stars," she whispers. "They sought out our young at night and ate them." Mark tries to smile, "I was told stories about evil men. I think parents tell children these tale to get them to obey." His voice falters as he looks back inside. "But we'll know soon." Slowly the indicators rise toward the normal level. The being inside moves slightly, his arms and legs occasionally twitch. "Darosh to Chireek," the voice startles them before they realize it is coming through the com unit. "How's it going?" "We're trying to wake one of them," her voice carries her fears. "How's Nikiya?" "I'm fine," her voice is concerned. "Did you learn who you're trying to wake?" "No, and the first several units were empty." Chireek tries to control her growing fear as the indicators level out. "And I just can't help remembering some old stories." "Ease it down, girl." Darosh's voice is calm and steady. "Those were just stories." "I hope so," she whispers. "Because I think he's awake." She steps back to where she can see into the chamber, yet back enough so she can run if something happens. Mark's eyes jump from the display, to the covered figure within the chamber. "Computer, can you translate what I'm saying into his language?" "Affirmative, Language translator linked into shipboard com system. Subject regaining consciousness." Mark switches on the chamber's com unit. "Can you hear me?" His question is repeated in another language. There is a muffled reply that the computer translates. "I take it we have arrived. I feel like I've been asleep longer than normal." Mark pauses, before he explains what has happened. "We have been unable to contact the other ship." The being rests for a moment. "My name is Dree. I helped load cargo. I'm afraid the others also know little of what was happening. After we left our home world. We were put into sleep to save supplies." Mark opens the door as the completion indicator light blinks on. "Should we begin with the others?" Mark asks as he helps the being out. Dree stands and flexes his four arms and four legs. "Most of them will be upset about being left in sleep." He unsteadily walks down the length of chambers. His hand touches one of the inactive ones. "He was a good soldier and friend." He continues on and stops near the end. "Wreet will understand," he touches the next chamber. "And Zrreen." Mark activates them and they watch the reanimate cycle while Chireek reports to Darosh and Nikiya. As the other two wake, Dree explains what has happened. Mark notices that they seem unsure and confused until he finishes. "What about food?" Zrreen asks. His tongue running over his sharp fangs. Dree looks at Mark, "You said our food beasts failed to survive on this planet?" Mark nods, "Our food processor can come close and we'll have to see how well it works with you." He catches a strange looks Zrreen gives Chireek when she isn't looking. Dree smiles more than Mark likes. "I've got some equipment I'd like to take with us." He walks to the end of the room. There are two unmarked cabinets with, what appears to be a fifty five gallon drum marked JH/RIP. He pulls out a couple of strange looking packs from the cabinets and hands them to the other two. "Let's go meet your friends." Chireek turns and motions to Mark her concern. Mark shrugs slightly. "Why don't you go on ahead and tell Darosh we're coming." He smiles to her and his eyes glance to the speaker translating his words. She tries to keep from running a full speed until she is out of sight. Mark turns and catches Wreet and Zrreen looking at her in what can only be called hunger. He smiles and they walk after her. Mark thinks to both the ship and Ion Storm. ZX1004 advises. Mark keeps a calm expression. Ion Storm comments. Mark locks his expression as they continue walking. The two computers process data for a moment. Ion Storm answers. Mark gasps slightly and Dree notices. "Is there some thing wrong?" He asks. Mark quickly regains his composure. "I'm not sure." He thinks quickly. "I was just wondering why the exploration team on Altora hadn't picked up the signal from your other ship." He hears two of them adjust their packs as they continue walking. Ion Storm responds. Mark keeps his pace even. "Have you thought what flesh we might eat soon?" Wreet asks. "It's been a long time and we are usually fed as soon as we come out of sleep." "Listen, you fool," Dree yells. "We've been in sleep for a thousand years. We have no idea where our home world is. Our only hope is the help of these beings." "Shut your mouth," Zrreen yells. "You were just a second class officer and are in no position to give us orders. I say we take this ship and get us some fresh meat." Mark continues walking, hoping they don't realize their words are being translated. Ion Storm replies. He pauses for a moment. Mark pauses his thought. It replies. Mark ponders a moment, ZX1004 answers, Mark understands their plans. Ion Storm replies. Mark grimaces as he realizes they have arrived at the hatch to engineering. "We'll have to see about getting you fresh meat as soon as we can." He tries to sound relaxed as he opens the door and steps through. Suddenly he is pushed through. "No one move," Dree yells as he pulls a nasty looking weapon from his pack. Wreet also holds one and Zrreen pulls a handled rod from his. There is a multicolored hose connecting it to his pack. "Now where's that tasty looking fem that came back." His voice is hard and cruel, his eyes glance around. Darosh is standing beside to main console. "We came here to rescue you and this is how you repay us?" "Nothing against you," Zrreen scowls. "It's just that I've got an appetite that's been growing for a thousand years." "And you think I'll be enough for you and the rest down there?" Chireek peeks out from behind the energy converter. "After I charge you up," He laughs, his lip curls over his fangs. "There should be enough for a good meal for all of us." A sultry voice comes from beside her. "Don't you think it would work better on me?" Nikiya exaggerates her waddle and Mark can tell she has put sometime in her coat to make her look more full bodied. Zrreen looks in surprise, which quickly becomes a look of deepest hunger. "And you'll make more efficient use of this charge." Nikiya tries to keep a look of friendship, but Mark can tell she is scared inside. "I'm just trying to show you that we have enough food on our world for me to be plump." She waddles a few steps and turns around slowly so they can see how full bodied she is. "We have animals we use for food that I'm certain you'll love." Zrreen has lowered his weapon slightly, but could aim and fire in an instant. "How can we trust you? Our own kind left us frozen in sleep." Mark has regained his feet and is standing off to the side. "From what I've learned, the others on your ship were escaping from the war. They were possibly afraid of you as soldiers. As you can see," he moves closer to Nikiya. "There are only the four of us. You have the weapons to stop us or whatever you want. But the war you were trained for is a thousand years in the past and unknown lightyears away. We offer you a chance for a peaceful life." Zrreen keeps his projector rod aimed in Nikiya's direction. "How can we trust you? We've been betrayed by our own." His tongue runs over his teeth. "And I can almost taste how delicious she'll be fully charged." Mark is now beside Nikiya. She takes his hand and grips it for a second, before pushing him away. "You can use that to make me fat and then consume me." She flexes her neck, causing her long hair to flow defiantly. "Or you can let us take you to our world and use it on one of our food animals." Dree lets his weapon aim downward. "Even if we trust you, how can we be certain your leaders will agree with your offer?" Mark keeps a firm, yet slight smile. "You have our word. You may believe me when I say that I helped win the war to free their race." Wreet's aim focuses on Mark. "You're a weaker species than they are." His finger rests within the trigger guard. "What could you have done for them, and why?" Mark meets his gaze. "I feel I belong with them, more than ones of my own species. As to why," he moves closer to Nikiya and hugs her slightly. Wreet lowers his weapon. "Only a true warrior, or one whose word is his bond, could stare like that with death facing him." Dree puts his weapon into the holster on his pack. "We must face it that our war is long over and far away. All warriors look forward to and fear this time." He smiles as Wreet stows his weapon. "Now we must trust them. Unlike obeying orders, we can question without fear of being disciplined." Zrreen keep his rod aimed at Nikiya's plushy chest. "But how do we know they're telling the truth about their beasts?" Dree gently takes the rod from him and reattaches it to his pack. "They trusted us not to kill them." His voice still has a commanding tone. "If we fed from her, they would refuse to help us. Even if it was only the three of us. How long could we live off their flesh?" Zrreen keeps his eyes locked hungrily on Nikiya. "They came in a ship. We could take it." Dree stands in front of him, blocking his gaze. "The only soldier capable of flying one didn't survive. And I doubt he would be able to understand their ship's controls." Zrreen stands slightly limp, his eyes cast downward. "I've always been a soldier and the first thing you learn is food and shelter are first." He tries to look Nikiya in the eyes. "It was my training that I let control me." Nikiya laughs, a real healthy laugh. "You don't know how much I was expecting you to fire at me." He tries to return her smile. "I was told some of what that device does," she walks slowly toward him. "and I guess I'm curious what might have happened to me." Zrreen finally smiles and pulls the projector rod out. He makes sure the system is deactivated before showing it to her. "The pack carries a power module and converter. This rod projects a bio-force field which surrounds the target," he winks at her. "Within the field is a plasma that is rapidly absorbed by the body. The body stores it as adipose tissue through out." Nikiya examines the pack and few gauges. "How much would I have gained?" Zrreen unshoulders the pack and steps back to study her. He laughs as she opens her coat and the blanket falls out. "I thought something looked wrong about your weight. At first I believed it was a difference in your species." He smiles appreciatively as she slowly turns around. "You'd gain more than what you now way." He pauses as he studies her, "Maybe even half again as much." Nikiya laughs, "It's a good thing you didn't use it, or I might not be able to get out of here." They all finally laugh. After a short discussion of their next step, Darosh offers to return to the Ion Storm and inform Darnarius what has happened. "I can't promise how long it'll take. But I'll tell them to get a live food animal here as soon as possible." Dree thanks him. "I agree we should wait before awakening any of the others. I don't think we have to worry about any one of the units failing for the next few months." Mark smiles, "I had your computer run a full series of checks and it'll warn us if anything starts to go wrong." Darosh returns with food. "It's not fresh meat," he tries to joke. "But it should keep us going." They talk about the ship while they eat. Dree suggests that they not talk about the war, since it must be ancient history on their home world. After they eat, they tour the aft section of the ship. A com signal from Ion Storm informs them that the other ship has landed and four beings are coming down. Darosh and Wreet offer to return to escort them in. When they return, Darosh introduces some engineers from the space port. A Tiger Morph extends a paw."My name is Rrroooly. We were waiting for a transport bringing a new power unit for one of your Inter Stellar Transports." Mark smiles, "I guess by Alliance laws, this ship is mine. However we've found several of the original beings in cold sleep." He explains all they have learned and suspect. "We should inform the Altora exploration teams." While they walk back to Engineering. He contacts the Ion Storm and has everything relayed to them. Once they return to engineering, they discuss options. Within a short time, they have arrived at three. The most obvious is to begin waking the others, once food animals have arrived. Dree eagerly agrees to turn over all weapons to prevent a violent soldier from deciding to attack first and listen afterwards. The second and third choices are to leave the ship as a fixed base. Or excavate it and refuel it for spaceflight. The final decision is to use it as a base. And work with the long term idea of freeing it from the ice. They spend the next two days checking out the ship and verifying everything has been maintained by the maintenance robots. The ship's computer is able to translate all indicators and displays so everyone can understand them. The engineers are surprised that the basic design is similar to what they now use. "If they had drive systems like this that long ago," Darosh wonders aloud. "Why haven't they made contact with us?" Dree frowns. "If they hadn't found a peaceful way to end the war. Both sides had weapons that would destroy their worlds. I'm afraid that they may have used them." Every one is silent, thoughts of wars that ended peacefully and how they might have ended otherwise. Nikiya tries to brighten the gloom. "The shuttle with food animals should arrive today. Let's have a real party." The mood breaks quickly. "I'd like to wake a few others that I can trust to understand." Dree asks. Every one agrees. Mark and the engineers accompany the former soldiers to the suspended animation chamber. The others head back to engineering, to bring the supplies when they arrive. Zrreen shows them the onboard animal area. "You weren't lieing about plenty of feed to fatten food beasts well." He laughs. He refuses any help. "I was trained in the care of beast from their birth to table." He motions them to leave and then takes care of preparing the fattest one for their feast. Several hours later, finds every one in the main dining room. They talk of what little is needed to be done to make this a base and how they might clear the ice above. Over the next several weeks, they wake the rest of the sleeping and Dree explains what has happened. There is little argument. Most realizing that they may be the last of their race. Mark is surprised to learn half of them are females. "We believe that females fight as well as males." Dree explains. "Also you'll fight even harder if your mate stands beside you. If you believe she is safe at home, you're more likely to give up." The couples chose cabins and begin working on making the ship feel more homelike. Dree reminds them that, by law, the ship belongs to Mark. "I'd rather you take care of her as if she was yours," Mark explains. "There may be a time when I may want her, or she may be needed. But you were on board before I was born." The Rathlons thank him for his decision. Over the next month, several shuttles bring supplies. They spend many days before they feel the ship is fully functional and prepare areas to house the scientists and planetary explorers. They divide into two groups. One to maintains the ship and the second to work out ways to clear the ice above her. "It may take awhile," Dree grins with pride as he stands with the four beside Ion Storm. "But we'll clear this away and, with the grav units your beings will install, we'll get her back into space." He salutes them and walks down the well worn path into the tunnel. Chireek waits a second. "Let's get in and go home," she shivers. "I've seen enough ice for quite awhile." Darosh laughs. "We'll have to make sure she doesn't get any ice in her drinks." He dives through Ion Storm's hatch, quickly followed by her, Nikiya and Mark. Every one heads for the bridge and jumps onto their couches. Mark straps himself into his chair, his hands rest gently on the control pads. "Ok friends," he closes his eyes and thinks to the ship. Ion Storm replies. A slight shift is felt as they float off the ground. Mark keeps them headed into the wind and they quickly head into space. computer feels it failed because no one survived Nikiya is closest in size to species the ship carried and it registers her as one close to starving. Generates bio field around her. field has warm reddish glow and she begins to expand PLANET - Darnarius fourth in system three moons-Larren Motarra Curruta Earth Darnarius 60 min/hr 100 min/hr 24 hr/day 100 hr/day =27 earth hrs 365 da/yr 320 da/yr =.9 earth yr Planet - Altora - hot Planet - Drazan - cold fifth planet __Drazan__________________ Only equator has no snow. axis is vertical to orbit. 2 forests highland between, hills, small mountain range ocean, below ice on north and south. (see DOD page 1) gravity 1.5 Darnarius Nikiya-other(female) glossy lt brown, stripes lighter, well fattened, extra buxom former master-controller of a district Northvale, district NT7 formerly Grand Valley Chireek-matter manipulator(female) Darosh-matter manipulator Kayloc-male(Zhila's mate) former prisoner Muwena-male official Chulen- Muwena's assistant Fawona- fat female guide loften juice-Jharaken orange juice sweet disk- Jharaken cookie genhorm 2587 mine 42 You Rofweg! - insult what the Zarook Interstellar Transport Class 4 #342- the Jharaken ship #355- #358- Pilots Kadoon -342 Naashur -355 Jasha -358 Haroo (Star Of Life-Probe 7) Crew of Ion Storm Mark Nikiya Chireek Darosh Probe 7 Haroo Dawnif Discovery on Drazan Rathlon species Dree, Wreet, Zrreen