The Doorway Saga

Part One: Traveler

I am a Dutch male living alone in my apartment somewhere in Amsterdam The Netherlands.
I was born in the year 1969.
A few months after my birthday man has started to explore the moon.
I have deep blond hair and deep brown eyes.
I have a pale skin and * sigh * I can easily get sunburned because of it.
I always have a beard.
It is real hard work to keep my beard in a perfect state.
I am always messing it up when I am eating.
I live alone because I never found a male lover to live with.
I never went to a gay bar to find a friend.
I never considered myself as being attractive and appealing.
For years and years I am living with a depression.
Sometimes I eat too much and * sigh * I am bit chubby because of it.
My god, it is like I have breasts!
If I have the desire to dress up like a woman, I do not have to fake breasts.

It is a hot summers night.
Soon I will go out.
Like a Vampire I am forced to stay for the day inside my house when the Sun is frying all living things slowly but steadily to a horrible and a gruesome death.
At the End we will all fry to death together in sweet harmony.
* Let's Fry Together... Right Now, Oh Yeah... In Sweet Harmony.
Let's Fry Together... Right Now, Oh Yeah... In Sweet Harmony.
Let's Fry Together... *

I am always pissed off when I am forced to stay inside during a hot summers day.

Because it is a really warm night I am only wearing a silk short-pants.
My short-pants are deep black.
I am alone in my sleeping room.
The carpet that completely covers the wooden floor is mint green and very thick and soft.
Instead of wallpaper I have completely covered the walls with film posters.
Mainly about monsters and creatures from horror movies and science fiction thrillers.
In a strange way I love almost all of them.
I don't have posters about undead creatures and monsters like zombies and rotten corpses.
I am strange but I am not a necrophile.

I lay on my bed.
It is a large bed I have enough room to sleep on it and
* sigh * there is also enough room left for a lover if I had one.
The sheets and the covers of my cushions are made from the same fabric as my short-pants.
They are also deep black
I am reading a X-men comic and I am wishing that I was also a Homo (Sapiens) Superior.
I wish that I can open like the hero called Gateway a Doorway to another dimension.
I am thinking about a Doorway.
No * sigh * I can't do it.
I am still another 'normal' human being.
I can't fly, I can't levitate people and move objects around at will and I can't become invisible.
I try again.
I am thinking again about a Doorway.
This time I am thinking harder.
* Doorway, Doorway, Doorway, DOORWAY *

And to my horror I open a small Doorway in the wall across me...

It is like someone very powerful has just given my the gift to open a Doorway to another dimension.

I jump out of my bed and I walk slowly to the wall.
I look straight at the wall directly in the hole.
I can see nothing.
I can see only complete darkness...
The hole is big enough to fit my head.
Do I dare to stick my head into the hole?
* YES! *
I stick my head into the hole.

I see nothing, I only see complete darkness around me.
I hear nothing, complete silence.
I can smell nothing.
It is like a strange dampening field is blocking my eyesight, my sense of hearing and my sense of smell completely.
I only can feel the damp warmth.
I shout: "Is someone ore something out there?"
I don't now if someone or something hears me, I can't hear my own voice shouting.
I take my head out of the hole.

Almost instantly I have my eyesight, my sense of hearing and my sense of smell back.
Wow, that is a strange sensation.
I wish that I can make the Doorway big enough to visit the dark dimension.
And yes, the hole is growing slowly but steadily.
Now it is big enough for me to slide through the hole.

And with a step I am in another dimension.

I am standing in another dimension where is no light.
There is only complete darkness.
I feel that the floor is smooth and soft.
Good, I forgot to put something on my feet.
I am completely barefoot and I hate to step into something sharp.
Next time when I am visiting another dimension I am wearing something to protect my feet.
For this time I am lucky but the next time it can be a really big mistake.

It is really warm and damp up here, it is like I am standing in a sauna when the lights broke down.
I am sweating completely.
I can only see the darkness.
There is darkness above me.
There is darkness left of me.
There is darkness right of me.
There is darkness under me.
There is darkness behind me...
NO the Doorway is closed behind me.

I am starting to worry.
I want the Doorway to open again.
I try to open it again but I am failing.
Now I am really panicking.
I don't want to stay here lost forever.

Suddenly the floor disappeared.
I am falling, no I am floating.
I am weightless.
I am rapidly spinning and turning around in complete darkness.
To be weightless like a cosmonaut is a long dream of me, but not like this.
I am not enjoying it at al.
I want the floor back, I want to be back on my feet again.
And with a soft bounce I fall on the soft floor.

I am standing up.
My heart is bouncing rapidly.
What was that?

Suddenly my sense of hearing is returning completely.
I can hear again.
I can hear voices...
Voices of thousands of people crying and screaming at the same-time.
Voices of people who are crying and screaming in extreme pain.
Voices of people who are crying and screaming in endless agony.
I know where I am...
I am in Hell.

I am crying in terror.
I don' t belong here.
I want to go home.
I am running in panic like a headless chicken.
I can't see where I am running to.
I am surrounded by complete darkness.

Suddenly someone is blocking my way.
I feel strong oily arms around me.
Someone with a warm chubby body and a smooth oily skin is trying to calm me down.
I lose again my sense of hearing completely.
The cries and screams silences.

And in my mind I hear a voice, a tender and a soft voice from a male being.
# Please be calm, no one here will ever harm you,
you are not in any danger

I calm down.

# Do you know and understand where you are? #

I am thinking my answer.
* Yes, to my deer regret I know exactly where I am *

# This shouldn't have happened to you, normally The Darkness Field is working fine until now #

My god, a telepathic Demon who is really nice.
I am relaxing.
The Demon lets me loose.
I am sitting down on my bottom on the soft and smooth floor.
* Why The Darkness Field? What does it do? *

# There are many Doorways from your dimension to my dimension.
Sometimes by will or by accident human-beings uses Doorways
to crossover to here.
We call them Travelers.
A human mind can't ever live with the things they are bound to see and hear at here.
We installed The Darkness Field centuries before to protect the Travelers against themselves.
Thanks to The Darkness Field no Traveler will ever see, hear and smell the things that are happening around here.
The Darkness Field blocks the sense of smell, the sense of hearing and the sense of sight completely #

I am a bid sarcastic
* I think its due for a big maintains check for being in service at a really long time *

# Yes it is, sorry about that #

* Can you help me, I don't belong here and I really want to go home *

# Yes you really don't belong here, not even after you are death.
I will help you get home, for a price #

Figures, I am still in Hell and he is still a Demon.
* What do you want from me, do you want my soul or do you want a part of my flesh? *

# I said you before no one here will ever harm you, you are not in any danger.
You are sweating heavily, human salt is rare around here and it is very tasty.
Lick, lick, lick, he he he #

I am amassed.
* Oh no, you do not want to lick my... *

# Oh yes, I want to lick your body completely free from sweat, and by completely I mean totally, he he he #

I am thinking that can be a lot of fun to be licked as a human Popsicle.
* Well okay you can have my salt, you can lick my sweat *

The Demon is surprised.
# He he he, I am only kidding.
You can go home whenever you want to.
You're gift to open the Doorway works fine when you are completely calmed down #

I am a bit disappointed, I really like the idea to be licked completely.
* You say your a kidding, but I am not kidding.
I want you to lick my body completely free from s
I want you to enjoy its taste *

The Demon is excited but he is a bit worried
# You really mean that?
You really want to be licked by me, a male creature like you?
I will also lick your genitalia.
You will be forced to release a liquid substance that is also salty and very, very tasty,
he he he #

I wonder.
* Are you a gay being like me? *

# Yes but I am forced to be one.
I have no other choice.
There are only male Demons allowed in the Section were I live and work.
I live and work in my Section for about a thousand years and I am still enjoying every bit of it.
I want to stay working in my Section until I die of old age.
He he he, I never die of old age because I am immortal.
But sometimes it can be real hard work and I need sex to relax and a mouth is a mouth, a tongue is a tongue, a hole is a hole #

Oh no.
* You live and work here, that means that The Darkness Field is not affecting Demons like you.
You can see me, that means that I can be seen by many other ones.
How many Demons are around me staring at me? *

The Demon laughed a little in my mind.
# Just one, he he he, that one is me.
You are in my sleeping quarter.
We have complete privacy and he he he, I really like your body.
You have nice brown eyes.
Your beard is in peek condition.
You are chubby and you really do sweat a lot, he he he #

I want to ask a lot of questions to the Demon but I think that I get more answers from him after he is done.
* Where can I find a bed to lay on, the floor is smooth and soft but it still will hurt my backside *

# We don't have beds. We Demons are using The Antigravity Matrix when we are sleeping or mating #

I am starting to feel angry towards the Demon.
* So it was you who turned the gravity off and it was because of you the floor disappeared. Why did you do that for? It was really, really scary *

Somehow I can sense that the Demon is feeling guilty.
# We Demons are never allowed to harm and to hurt anyone who visits our dimension as a Traveler.
There are strong and strict Rules out-here that protects a Traveler against any danger or harm.
But the Rules aren't saying that I can't tease a Traveler when he awakes me from my sleep.
I thought at first that it was funny when I was playing with the control-panel.
I didn't realize that The Antigravity Matrix must be calibrated first before a human-being can
ever use it.
I was panicking when you were spinning out of control.
I had to smash the control-panel to neutralize the effect of The Antigravity Matrix.
To my horror it has also had a temporally effect at The Darkness Field #

I have trouble in understanding him.
It is like he has two different personalities.
He has a gruesome and horrible personality that luckily only the souls he is punishing will forever experience.
A dark personality that really loves and adores his work.
But he has now a complete different and a opposite personality.
He is nice and tender towards me, he really cares about me.
And the way he calmed me down...
He has a deep undying respect, compassion and sympathy for the live of any human-being who is visiting his dimension as a Traveler.

And now I am feeling guilty.
* I didn't know, how could I have known, that I opened a Doorway in your sleeping quarter.
I didn't want to disturb your privacy *

I feel a oily hand fondling with my hair.
# I am glad you opened a Doorway to the place where I live and not to the place where I work.
You wouldn't have noticed anything about it thanks to The Darkness Field.
But you could have stepped into a pool of toxic mutating waste or into a pool of crystal clear tropical water filled with vicious meat-eating piranha's #

I am feeling really lucky.

# Hmm, I notice that you still hear the screams and cries in your mind.
You can't stop thinking about the fate of the "poor" souls.
You really do pity for them #

* Yes I do pity for them, the poor souls being punished so horribly *

# I want to tell you more about my work but about four hours I have to go to my work and I need time to enjoy the taste of your sweat.
For now I can only tell you this about my Section, it is called:
Slaughter House Five.
In my Section we Demons are punishing the souls of people who in their past lives have practiced and preached Genocide #

The cries and screams in my my mind silences.
I have completely lost my empathy about them.
They really disserve to be punished horribly.

* I really thank you for telling me this.
But how do we continue?
There is no bed.
The Antigravity Matrix doesn't work because you have smashed the controls and.. what? *

Suddenly the floor disappears again.
I am floating
I am weightless again.
Instead of spinning I am floating to a horizontal position looking straight up into complete darkness.
I am enjoying this.

I hear in my head that the Demon is excited.
# I always have a reserve control-panel.
This time I have calibrated The Antigravity Matrix before using it,
he he he #

If feel that the Demon is ripping my short-pants.
* Hey stop that! It's very hard to find a short-pants that fits me and is comfortably to wear *

# Don't worry we have almost the same size. I have a lot of them hanging in my clothing cabinet.
You can have a dozen of them after we are finished #

A dozen?
My god, he is a Demon who is chubby and heavy like me.
In a strange way the Demon and I are two gay bear's
* Please continue *

I feel that the Demon is completely tearing my short-pants apart.
I am now totally naked.

I sense that the Demon is examining my genitalia.

# You are not at al heavily equipped, you have a small penis with a foreskin.
I hope it will be larger when you are sexually aroused #

* Sorry about that *

# Nevermind, there is a saying out-here:
Better to have a small one that functions perfectly, than to have a large one that refuses to function constantly.
Now close your eyes and relax .
I will cut our telepathic connection so you can't interrupt me any further.
I will reestablish it after your are finished #

In my mind there is completely silence.
I close my eyes and I am relaxing.

I feel that a large tongue is sliding across my face.
It feels cool, smooth and drenched with saliva.
I feel his tongue slide around my neck.
Oh to feel that it is moving like a snake.
I am really enjoying this.
I feel his tongue slide over my shoulders.
I feel that the Demon is licking my left arm and my left hand.
I feel that the Demon is licking my right arm and my right hand.
Now I feel that he is licking my chest.
I feel that his tongue slides over my sensitive nipples.
Oh that feels nice...

I feel that my penis is slowly but steadily rising and swelling to an full erection.

I feel that the Demon is now licking my big belly.
I feel his tongue slide around my belly.
Oh I feel his tongue slides in my belly to reach my navel.
I feel his tongue slide from my belly to my underbelly.
I sense that it will soon reach for my genitalia.

I feel his tongue slide from my underbelly to my thighs.
I feel that the Demon is licking my left leg and my left foot.
I feel that the Demon is licking my right leg and and my right foot.

Oh I feel that he is licking my scrotum.
Oh to feel his tongue slide over my balls, hmmm.

I feel that a oily hand is carefully sliding the foreskin of my fully erect penis down.
If feel that the glans of my penis is fully exposed.

Hmmm oh yeah, I feel his tongue slide from my ball-sack to my penis.
Hmmm oh yeah, his tongue slides around the shaft of my penis.
Hmmm oh yeah, I feel his tongue is holding the shaft of my penis in a tight but tender grip.
Hmmm oh yeah, I feel the foreskin of my fully erect penis is constantly sliding up and down, up and down.
Hmmm oh yeah, to feel that the Demon is masturbating me with his tongue is a real blast.
Hmmm oh yeah, I feel that my orgasm is getting closer by the second.

I feel that his tongue is leaving my penis alone.

If feel that the glans of my penis is fully exposed.

Hmmm oh yes, I feel a oily hand is caressing my ball-sack tenderly.
Hmmm oh yes, I feel that the Demon is licking the sensitive glans of my penis.
Hmmm oh yes, oh yes, I have intense pleasure.
Hmmm oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, I am about to have an orgasm.
Hmmm oh, oh, oh, oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, I have an orgasm right now.
Oh yes, I am about to come.
Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, I am cumming, I AM CUMMING.
My heavily pulsating penis is ejaculating a lot of sperm.
I wish I can see myself cumming now I am weightless like a cosmonaut.
I wish I can see that I am releasing countless little spheres of sperm.
I sense that the Demon is trying to collect all of the little spheres with his large tongue.

And after a while my balls are cleansed.
My penis is now resuming back to his usual state.
I feel that the Demon is licking my genitalia, my belly and my chest completely clean of cum.

Now he stopped to lick me and I have the feeling that he is going to hunt for the leftover spheres of my semen that are still floating around weightless in his sleeping room.

I rest and I give myself the time to enjoy being weightless.

After a while the Demon reestablished our telepathic connection.
# How was your experience to be licked by a Demon? #

* It was a reel blast, I never had such extreme pleasure *

# Hmmm yes, for a being with a small penis you have a big erection and you can cum a lot.
There are still spheres floating around my sleeping quarter on places that even I can't reach with my tongue.
I will now shutdown The Antigravity Matrix. #

The floor reappeared again, and with a soft bounce I fell on my back on the floor.
I am standing up.
* So, now you can reach the leftover cum that is splattering on the floor. *

# Ugh! Bah! Yuck! Did you Primates never learn that it is very filthy to eat food that is lying on the floor? #

* You called me a Primate, does that mean that you are an Amphibian like a Frog? *

# Well, we Demons are related to the Frog as human-beings are related to the Ape.
But hey, how did you figure that out?
You can't have seen me thanks to The Darkness Field. #

* I noticed that you have a skin with a oily layer.
A layer that protects your skin against dehydration and overheating when you are living in a damp and warm climate.
And you tongue is unusually long and very argyle.
I think you use it primarily to catch a lot of fly's *

# Yes there are lot of fly's flying around my dimension so large as golf-balls.
They are really juicy and crunchy but they will never taste so good as human sweat #

* About sweat, you didn't lick my backside.
You could easily have reached my back when I was weightless *

I sense that the Demon is a bit ashamed.
# Yes, sorry about that.
Anytime I lick the back of another adult male creature I have the strong urge to mount him.
And I noticed that you never have been mounted before.
You would have panicked if I tryed to mount you and believe me
that can be very lethal #

* How lethal? *

# I would have aimed my penis at a wrong way and instead of mounting you the right way, I would have pierced you to death #

* Ouch! owe! Lethal like Russish Roulette.
Hmmm, how strong will that urge be? *

# We Demons have a skin that is usually green, but when a Demon is sexually aroused his skin turns into red.
And if I have the urge to mount someone my skin is bright red #

* Bright red like the color of the fire brigade's truck *

# Yes #

* Hmmm, but what color does your skin now have? *

# Hmmm, let me see... well it is still green #

I am surprised to hear this.
* What! When you licked me to a intense climax, you wasn't sexually aroused? *

# Nope, I was not.
At that time I was only enjoying the taste of your sweat and the taste of your semen. #

* If you have time left you can now lick my backside if you promise to be gentle *

The Demon is amassed, surprised, excited and pleased at the same-time.
# I am always gentle when I mate with someone.
I have two hour's left.
You really want to loose your 'virginity' to a froggy creature like me.
And it make
s me feel very proud and.. wait! #

* What? *

# You remember that I had to smash the control-panel to neutralize the effect of The Antigravity Matrix and that it has had a temporally effect at The Darkness Field and that I had to calm you down?.
If I didn't calm you down you would have died in fright #

* Yes I do and I am forever grateful that you took care for me.
I have heard your voice in my mind for the first time.
And since that time I am in love with you *

# And I am in love with you, but listen to me...
After I have calmed you down I have activated a diagnostic program to examine the ruined control-panel and the effect it has had on The Darkness Field.
And I am now about to retrieve the result. #

* A diagnostics program but why?
I thought that because you have crushed the control-panel it
has short-circuited and because of that The Darkness Field failed for a short time to block my sense of hearing *

# That shouldn't have happened.
You think that The Antigravity Matrix is very advance towards you but towards us it can be a living nightmare.
We Demons are using The Antigravity Matrix for about a couple of centuries but it still has some minor difficulties.
Sometimes the control-panel can be malfunction and it can reversing The Antigravity Matrix.
It has happened to me once.
I felt a gruesome pain and I woke up from my sleep and to my horror I wasn't floating with my backside close to where the floor used to be, no I was about to be crushed to death against the sealing.
I am immortal but I am not indestructible.
I had to cry like a banshee in heat until someone with a handy dandy laser-pistol evaporated the control-panel to save me #

I am shocked.
* You call that a MINOR difficulty? *

# Yes I admit that was a MAJOR difficulty but from that time they always are installing a safeguard in the control-panels.
If a control-panel is about to malfunction a safeguard will short-circuiting the control-panel to neutralize it.
We Demons who are using The Antigravity Matrix have always two controls-panels, one we are using constantly and one we using as a reserve.
When a control-panel is short-circuiting it has had no effect on The Darkness Field until now.
If I find out that someone has made a fatal error to connect The Antigravity Matrix on the same circuit that is used for The Darkness Field:

Without any warning his dark personality has just taken over the control.
His mental voice is vicious like a voice from a raging predator.
I thought that I would and I could never experience his dark personality but now I know that I am dead wrong.
I want to panic, I want to run away, I want to open a Doorway to leave his dimension permanently, but I can't.
Whatever happens next I will not ever leave him.
I am in love with him and he said that he is also in love with me.
I am paralyzed and I don't know nothing what I can do...

To Be Continued.

The Beast That Loves And Adores Neon => NeonBeast