This is a work of fiction (maybe). All the characters and events portrayed
are not real (sort of).
If you are under the age of 18 your mom probably doesn't want you to read
stuff like this so please don't.
This story is copyright by the author and ALL rights are reserved.
Reposting of this story or placing it in any archive not authorized. SO ASK ME!!!!
Copies may be kept for personal use.
Please respect the author's wishes.
Copyright ©1997
I updated this story on the 1/30/96
By Lusty Werewolf (lustywerewolf@hotmail.com)
My name is John I have a story to tell. It was October 30 and it was about 4:45pm I was in desperate need of a werewolf costume.
I didn't have the time to make one and I didn't have time to rent one all week. So I went to the costume store anyway to find any
costume to attend a Halloween party I was invited to. This store was a rather medium size store that has been there ever since I was a kid.
It had all kinds of stuff from magicians tricks to the XXX room in the back.
As I was looking at their Halloween masks I was
asked by the sales clerk if I needed any help. As I turned around the sales person was donned in the most awesome werewolf suit I have ever seen
in my life. I was stunned and speechless as I was looking into the eyes of the black furred werewolf. The sales person again said" May I
help you?" Still stunned and looking at the details of the costume as it was totally black from head to toe and even the muzzle moved when he spoke.
It even had a real neat tail that seems to be moving on its own. In my dazed state the sales person reached for my right shoulder and said "Are you all right?"
The claws on the paws were sharp that when he grabbed my shoulder it broke my stare. I said "Sorry! I'm looking for a werewolf suit" The sales person said "I see."
I replied "That suit you are wearing is AWESOME!". The salesman let out a chuckled and said "Sorry this suit is not for rent" I do have other costumes to choose from.
I felt rejected as I knew that I would have the attention of the whole party if I wore it. The salesman said
"Perhaps a tiger or dragon or something else in mind?" I said dejectedly " I really want to go as a werewolf and I really want to
rent the one you have on even if its sweat soaked and stinky" The salesman chuckled and said "The suit I'm wearing is a special suit.
It never gets too hot while wearing it." I thought to my self I need this suit no matter how much he ask for. I said "really?"
He replied that this suit is very old and the person who sold it to him said it was old then, which was about 30 years ago. I said to
him that it looks real. The details on the suit are breath taking. I said to salesman name your price. He replied "Its not for
rental at any price." I said after that reply " Ill pay a $1000 dollars for 1 day!" As I was looking at the face of the werewolf it
seemed to show reactions to my questions. The salesclerk then said" My you really do want this suit to pay that much for 1 day."
Ill tell ya what im gonna do. Ill rent this suit out on one condition. I replied "and what condition is that?" He replied with a
low tone that you must come here every full moon and you may or may not wear the suit until I decides when you have met the payment. I replied "I have to
come here or where and wear that cool suit 1 day of the month and that's my payment?" He then said "That's all." I said with excitement "Where do I
sign the dotted lines?"
The wolfish salesclerk walked into a back room and gave a motion to me to follow. It was like no more then
3 seconds that the wolfish sales clerk went behind the curtains till I went past the curtains that I saw the sales clerk in shorts
and a white t-shirt with the black werewolf suit in his arms. He said as I entered the room "Its real easy to put on and off if you were
wondering." Then he motioned with his right hand to the back back part of the room with a sign that said changing area. He said "Go ahead try it."
I couldn't resist so I said "Yeah!" and snatched up the suit and headed to the changing area. He then said before I reached the
changing room "you might want to strip naked as your clothes makes it rather hot in the suit." I said "Okie dokie" Not caring
about being naked as I was just excited to be able to rent and wear that suit. I went to the changing room and closed the door
and strip all the way down to my bare ass. There was a knock on the door. It was the salesman and he said" If you need help with
putting the costume on just ask." I said "ok" . This suit was turning me on.
I didn't put it on at first I was examining the whole
suit first. The suit was a one peice suit. The inside of the suit seems to be made up of a skin like texture. The feet and hands
were attached to the costume and it seems unbroken, like one big pelt. I stuck my head inside the chest area and took
a sniff to see if it was funky as it was on the salesman before I even got to the store and no telling how long he has been in it
since. I took a short sniff and I didn't smell a thing so I took a bigger sniff still nothing. I even went to the armpits to check
and still not a scent to be found. And another odd thing was the suit was dry. The salesman did mentioned that the suit never gets too
hot but I didn't believe him. I stuck my hand in to the mask as I have worn many masks and costume that the head always gets sweaty.
To my surprise I found it bone dry as well. I examine the head and looked at the details. It was a mask unlike the old movies of the
wolf man with the short snout. This suit had a long muzzle kinda like a real wolfs head but not exactly. I didn't see eye holes and was wondering
how do you see in this suit. A voice came from behind the door it was the salesman "have any troubles?" I replied "no Im just admiring the suit Ill be
out in a jiffy."
From that I embraced the suit in my arms and ever so slowly put my left leg in to the left leg of the costume I was in heaven as I pulled it up to my hip. I did the same
to the right leg. I noticed that my toes were in the toes of the costume which were clawed. I could move my toes in the costume. As I lifted the torsel of the
costume I hunched my left arm and slowly slide it in the left arm of costume it felt like silk, my hand was gliding into the paw area and
I used my right hand to guide the fingers of my left hand into the paws.
I did the same to the right arm of the costume. As the head was hanging on my chest I was wondering how to fasten the costume up.
As I couldn't wait any longer I ignored the back part of the costume and slowly put on the head.
I looked at the mirror and saw myself and nearly had a spontaneous orgasm. The mask
was an weird one in that you look through the eyes of the costume. But the eyes on the costume are painted and when looking out you don't even notice that you are looking
through them. And the head was a tight but comfortable fit. The ears of the costume had a tube that connected the ears of the costume to the wearer's ears.
The mouth of the costume opened when the wearers open. It was truly a magnificent work of art. I turned around to see what I looked like in the mirror
and saw my back and I said oh yea and put my hands on my back to find a zipper. As I was looking at the mirror to aid myself in the zipping up I noticed that the
tail of the costume was moving. Not by me as I didn't have a control or anything to make it move, it just moved on its own like a happy dog, er wolf. I found the zipper and zipped my self up
and just as the salesman said it was easy to get on and I suspect it was just as easy to get off.
I left the room and looked for the salesman who was standing in the far corner with another
costumer. After they finished their business he noticed me watching him and said "I see you didn't have trouble getting it on." I replied "Yes it was easy just like you said it was. Turn
around let me see you" he replied. I turned around slowly wondering if the salesman saw the bulge in my crotch as this suit was getting me REALLY HORNY. He said "fits like a
glove." I nodded and then he said "ok I got the papers out when ever you are ready just bring the suit out front and fill out the form and sign on the dotted lines.
I quickly got out
of the suit and into my clothes as I couldn't wait to get home to frolic in the suit. I came out of the back room to the front counter and he said "Just read the terms and conditions which
we already stated." "Wait" I said "you didn't tell me where to come back and wear this suit when the moon is full. He said "come to the store." I quickly signed the paper after a quick glance
of the terms and conditions which I didn't pay attention to anyway as all I cared was just wearing the suit some more. After he looked at my signature and all the other stuff like phone
number , home address, etc He said "The costume is due back November 1 at this time which is 5:30pm." I said "Yes Sir!" and grabbed the suit and headed to my car for home.
That night when I wore the suit in my apartment I had discovered a secret slit near my crotch and I assumed it was for peeing. But that night I found another use for it as I was getting
hornier and hornier every minute I wore the suit until I wupped off in front of my mirror as I could not take it any longer. I thought that I was just horny because I had something new
but no sooner then the first orgasm I had another boner even harder
then the first. I don't understand but I didn't resist it. So I masturbated again. And again the same result I was even hornier then the last time. After 6 times my mirror was coated with cum, my
cum. I had to take the suit off as it was draining me (so I thought) and I wanted to at least be able to fuck a women tomorrow at the party. So I took it off and went to sleep with the costume on top of me
resting on my chest as the soft fur was warm and smooth.
The next day before the party which was at 6pm that night. I called up some of my friend who also was going to pick me up as I wanted to
wear the suit from the car to the party. For some reason the suit puts my sexual drive into overdrive ever time I wore it I just wanted to fuck anyone or thing. Tonight was a full moon and it was
perfect for me as I was in my werewolf get up. As my friend Dave and Lacy came to the door I was already hornier then a dog in heat. When I opened the door to let them in I wanted to raped
both of them that's how much the urge was but I gain ahold of my self and said to them "LETS GO!".
At the party I was a hit every gal and some males came up to me. And I didn't have to do
a thing. I guess the suit was attractive and everyone wanted a piece of the wolf. Because no sooner as The first girl I banged left another person would enter the room. Even guys would come in
too. I didn't mind as like I said before, every time I orgasmed in the suit I would be hornier then the last time. I was drinking a lot of water and drinks but I could feel that I was not sweating and
I didn't need to pee. But I was in a sex crazy and was fucking anything and everything that night. I even found a secret slit near my ass in the costume and was taking some as well as giving that night.
That night I must have fucked like 50 or 60 times. I don't know how and Im not making the numbers up just ask the folks at the party they'll tell yea.
When I got home that morning about 6am. I took off the suit
as I was very sleepy and had to take a dump. As I was taking the dump it felt like I had diarrhea but it was cum that was flowing out of my ass. It must have been like a cup or so. Hmm, I must been a REAL PARTY animal last night. As I went to bed I brought the werewolf costume with me as I slept. It rest on my chest as the fur tickled my chest and dick. The dream I had that morning was weird. I had images of minotaurs, Succubus among other creature. The weirdest was that I remember seening the black werewolf suit having sex with them. And I even remember seeing in to the future soming about DNA and a scientist who is trying to create the perfect fursuit.
I got up that afternoon and to my surprise I was in the werewolf suit. I dont remember putting it on but all I knew was that I had a raging boner. So I had to relieve it. I stayed in bed this time and laid back and just wupp off not caring where my cum went. I laid in bed for an hour, pleasing my self. I must have cummed about 20-30 times as I dont remember too good as I just didnt care about anything.
The costume was in horrible shape now. I had my cum all over the costume. From its head to my chest and not just a little. I had so much that I could scoope it off with my hand. Still feeling damn horny I decided to taste it. I didnt give a shit any more about value. I was in my own world of pleasure. I dont know how im going to explain this messed. As I really messed his costume up big time. I hate to be the next person wearing the costume as it will have the smell of cum with its sticky matted fur.
Maybe he'll sell this suit to me. Wishful thinking as I know he knows the abilities of the costume.
As I got up not quite satisfied but I dont think you will ever get satisfied when you wear the suit. It was getting close 5:30 my due back time for the costume. I walked to the sink in my bathroom and as best as I could I tried to clean up the mess I caused. But cum is damn hard to get out of fur. I was just going to have to take what ever heat from the storeclerk. I had to force my self to take off the suit as I fell in luv with it. It was a part of me now. Feeling like im about to lose my lover forever I drag my self to the car with the costume and head off to the costume store.
I went to the shop and the salesman with a big smile said "So did you have fun last night?" I replied" Yea I was a hit a the party by the way can I ask you a question .... I never got your name.
He said "Sorry about that but its Loupie, Loupie Garou". I replied " John Fair". Then I replied " So Mr.Garou does this suit makes you ....Don't know how to say this but I guess Ill get
to the point." "HORNY" I said . He replied "Yes it does, especially when its a full moon, like it was last night. Tell me John" ask Mr. Garou "How many times have you masturbated before the party and after the party?"
Stunned by his questions I reply "Huh?" He repeated the question and I said "do you really want to know?" "Not if you are too embarrassed to ask. " said Mr. Garou I said "yea Im too embarrassed to say" and at the
same moment I was looking at the crotch ,chest and head area of the werewolf suit to see if they were like badly cum stained to death. "Oh looking for stains are we?" said by Mr. Garou giving a smirk. "The suit is self cleaning by the way" he added
And if you are wondering it a magical suit in that it's sole reason is to give pleasure. It attaches itself to the users brain and to the blood stream. Also it drinks up sweat and turns it in to cum. It feeds off of the pleasure that
the wearer has. "That's why I wear it all the time" said Mr. Garou. And the wearer is never in harm as the suit filters the blood and takes out the lactic acid among other things that tires muscles in the body.
"So our agreement was that you will come here every full moon. Is that right?" said Mr. Garou. "Why just on the full moon?" I questioned. Mr. Garou replied" That's the
time when the suit takes full control of your mind and you are a slave to LUST".
So its been almost three month since the Halloween party. Im at the Costume store after closing hours and donning the werewolf suit. I see Mr. Garou locking the store doors. After that
he said" Its a BEAUTIFUL FULL MOON out tonight as he heads towards me while I place the head of the costume over mine. At least this time I get to wear the suit.
I thought to myself "This is the price for Desperation."
THE END of the story but the beginning of a long night.
An alternate ending........
So its been 3 month after the halloween party and Im at the costume store locking the front door. Mr. Garou is donning the werewolf suit. I walk to the back room where the couch
is and start stripping while Mr. Garou follows me towards the room with the wolfish mask off. When the last piece of my clothing is taking off Mr. Garou said "It a beautiful full moon tonight
as he slowly pulls the mask over his face. I lay down on the couch as I thought "this is the price of Desperation". As the black werewolf heads towards me with its lust
filled eyes........
THE END of the story but the beginning of a long night, a very long night indeed.
Story is copyright ©1997 by Lusty Werewolf and may not be reprinted, redistributed, or sold without the written permission from the author.
Send all comments (positive, negative or indifferent) to lustywerewolf@hotmail.com
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