Archive-name: dark-and-stormy-night
Subject: AnnD: A Dark And Stormy Night - (01/04) - ff (2nd try)
Hi ...... As always, comments are both appreciated and
encouraged. Tell me what you liked about the story and what
you disliked. Don't just say , "nice story" or "it stunk" I
only ask that you reply by e-mail instead of postings, that
way I'm sure to get your reaction. Any and all email will
always be answered.
Since I'm now using the anon server to post stories,
any response will likewise be anonymized. As a result, I ask
that you include at least your first name in your response so
that I have a sense of who you are. Any other details are up
to you.
I've been told that you can reply to an anon msg and
keep your real id on it by using na instead of an but I ask you
not to do this as it makes it harder for me to send a reply.
Ann Douglas.
-A Dark And Stormy Night- *
Part One
by Ann Douglas
* with apologies to a certain long eared beagle.
A sudden flash of lightning filled the small cabin, causing
the transistor radio to momentarily crackle with static. A few
seconds later, the June night was filled with a resounding
crash as the sound of thunder caught up with the light. The
storm had been raging for a little over two hours, alternating
between violent clashes in the sky and the steady patter of
rain against the windows.
"That was a good one!" Exclaimed the dark haired girl as she
clapped in appreciation of the sudden illumination.
"You wouldn't think so if we were out
there." Replied her companion as she pointed out the large
bay windows to the lake beyond.
"But we're not, are we?" The first girl retorted in a
exaggerated pout. "Sometimes you can be such a worrier."
"You're right." The first girl answered. "But one of us has
to have some sense. Otherwise you'd have us out on the lake
because you'd get a better view."
"Hey that's an idea." Robyn said in mock seriousness. "We
could take one of the boats down by the dock and..."
"Don't even think it...." Valerie cut her off in a dead stop
Both girls then broke in laughter.
All in all, watching the storm and snacking on popcorn and
the wine they had snuck out of the liquor cabinet wasn't the
worst way the two 17 year olds could spend the night. Of
course it wasn't what they had thought it would be when they
come up to the lake two days before.
Robyn Grayson and Valerie Carter had been friends for 12 of
their 17 years, ever since they had met on the first day of
kindergarten. Back then, they had both been pudgy little girls
more interested in games and dolls than anything else. With
slight variations, that had continued right up until they
began to hit puberty.
In Robyn's case, womanhood sprung upon her with a vengeance.
She lost all her baby fat and in a single summer went through
a growth spurt that cause her to fill up and out at the same
time. Instead of the semi-plump tomboy, she found herself a
very attractive young lady with a figure that drew boys like
moths to a candle. It was during that summer that she finally
appreciated her mother's insistence that she let her hair
grow. Robyn had wanted to cut it short because it kept getting
in the way. It now stretched down to a few inches below her
Valerie also began to fill out that summer but unlike Robyn,
she lost none of her childhood fat. She added more than a few
inches to her height over the last few years but with them
came more pounds than she liked to think about. Today she hit
the scales at 160. Thankfully it was spread throughout her
body giving her a mature full figured look.
Both girls sometimes wished that they could exchange bodies,
at least long enough to see what it would be like. Valerie
wished she could be as slender as Robyn . In turn, Robyn
wondered what it would be like to have a 38D bust like
Valerie's instead of her own small 34C.
Yet despite the physical changes, both girls had remained
steadfast friends. They had seen other friendships fall apart
when one friend became one of the popular crowd and then no
longer wanted to associate with former friends. Robyn had
become part of the in crowd, a head cheerleader and the
girlfriend of the star quarterback. But she made it clear to
anyone who even suggested that it would look better if she
"dropped" Val, that the crowd, the cheerleaders and even the
quarterback would go before her friendship with Valerie did.
In fact, the hardest adjustment to their friendship over the
last few years hadn't been Robyn's rise in stature but
Valerie's. Between both of them, Valerie had always been the
smarter of the two. At least as far as the books were
concerned. A constant presence on the honor roll, the short
haired girl had finished the requirements for graduation six
months early. And since she had also aced her SAT's, she'd
been allowed to take courses at State this last semester.
Valerie had been home only a few days when her mother had
announced that they were going up to the cabin for a few days
and wouldn't it be nice if she invited her friend Robyn to
come along. It would give them a chance to catch up on the
last six months.
The first days of the trip had been pretty uneventful, just
swimming in the lake, a little boating and barbecuing with the
neighbors. Then this afternoon, Val's 14 year old brother,
Bobby took a fall and twisted his ankle while climbing a tree.
It had swollen up pretty good and her mother though it a good
idea to take him into town and have it x- rayed, just to be
Since Val's father couldn't make the trip, heading into town
would leave the girl's alone, but Mae Carter said she would be
back in a few hours. If they had any problems in that short
time, well the closest neighbors were only a quarter mile
The wait in the small hospital turned out to be a lot longer
than Mae had expected. By the time they were finished the
storm was just beginning to hit. Since the old country roads
had a tendency to wash out rather easily, especially the small
bridge over Dobson's Creek, the safe bet was to stay in town
until morning. So she had called the girls and told them that
Bobby was fine and that they'd be back in the morning and not
to worry. They'd assured her that they'd be fine.
"I bet you wished you'd stayed home this weekend." Valerie
said as she took drained the last of the wine from her glass.
"I don't know, this is kind of fun." Robyn replied as she
quickly refilled Val's glass.
"More fun than Sally Kellerman's Graduation Bash?" Valerie
countered as she looked at the now empty wine bottle. It
seemed like they'd just opened it. "That was tonight wasn't
"Yeh, I think so." Robyn said in a somewhat unconvincing
tone as she stepped over to the bar and pulled out another
bottle. "But I really wasn't planning to go to that anyway."
"Oh sure, the biggest party of the year filled with the most
popular people in school and you were just going to stay home
and do your nails." Val said as Robyn refilled her own glass.
"If my mom hadn't waited until we were up here before
mentioning it, I never would've asked you. It wasn't fair to
put you on the spot, not wanting to say no to this trip. Its
not like I'd be angry if you wanted to go to the party
"I mean it, I really wasn't planning to go." Robyn insisted
as Valerie looked on unconvinced. "I guess I'm finally
beginning to realize what really stupid assholes some of those
people are."
"Well, what do you know?" Valerie called out. "There is a
brain in that pretty head after all. Sometimes you can open
your mouth and speak up."
"Go to hell!" Robyn shot back in mock anger. "There are a
lot of times I open my mouth."
"Yeh, but then it's usually to attach it to some dumb jock!"
Val returned.
"Oh how sharp the tongue of a friend." Robyn laughed.
"Speaking of heads and sharp tongues,
maybe we should go a little easy on this stuff." Valerie
suggested as she indicated the glasses they both held.
"Wouldn't do to have mom come back and find us sloshed."
"You worry too much." Robyn said. "By the time she gets back
tomorrow we'll have had a good nights sleep and be fine."
"Today you mean." Valerie corrected as she looked at the
large clock on the fireplace mantle and noted that it was one
in the morning.
"Whatever..." Robyn said, grabbing another handful of
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 1995 16:10:03 UTC
Subject: AnnD: A Dark And Stormy Night - (02/04) - ff (2nd try)
Hi ...... As always, comments are both appreciated and
encouraged. Tell me what you liked about the story and what
you disliked. Don't just say , "nice story" or "it stunk" I
only ask that you reply by e-mail instead of postings, that
way I'm sure to get your reaction. Any and all email will
always be answered.
Since I'm now using the anon server to post stories,
any response will likewise be anonymized. As a result, I ask
that you include at least your first name in your response so
that I have a sense of who you are. Any other details are up
to you.
I've been told that you can reply to an anon msg and
keep your real id on it by using na instead of an but I ask you
not to do this as it makes it harder for me to send a reply.
Ann Douglas.
-A Dark And Stormy Night-
Part Two
by Ann Douglas
"Does this new asshole category include Brian?" Valerie
asked, drawing up a mental image of Robyn's on again off again
quarterback boyfriend.
"Brian's both a prick and an asshole!" The long haired girl
replied. "Turns out he was screwing both Jenny Davis and Helen
"That would be on the nights you were
seeing someone else?" Valerie asked.
"Yes, I mean, that was different..." Robyn replied.
"Of course." Val smiled.
"What about you?" Robyn quickly asked, changing the subject.
"You haven't said one word about the guys at State. You can't
tell me you've been celibate all this time."
While Valerie hadn't Robyn's experience with boys, she was
far from a virgin. There had always been guys who realized
that she was cute in her own way and would rather date a girl
who's idea of an intelligent conversation wasn't what new
store was opening in the mall. That and the desire to get a
really good look at those big boobs that filled out whatever
she wore. Jocks, Nerds or somewhere in between, guys were
still guys.
"Well I've been really busy these past few months." Valerie
said, looking more than just a little uncomfortable. "College
course are a lot more difficult than high school."
"Bullshit!" Robyn yelled back. "I can tell when you're
lying. You're seeing someone."
"Well......actually...." Valerie hesitated, she was finding
it hard to say the words that floated unbidden in her mind.
"Come on, we're never had secrets from each other." Robyn
insisted. "Didn't I even tell you when I screwed Mr. Peterson
after he took me home from baby-sitting that night."
Valerie remembered all to well how excited Robyn had been
when she called her up on Val's private phone one night after
midnight to tell her she'd just been fucked by Robert
Peterson. A successful businessman in his late 30's, Valerie
still wondered what drew a man like that to take such a
chance with an 16 year old. She'd seen his wife many times and
she was a very attractive woman. Some things she just would
never understand.
"Yeh, I remember." She answered quietly, staring into the
glow that blazed in the fireplace.
"So you know you can trust me. Come on." Robyn insisted.
Valerie turned her gaze from the fire to her oldest friend.
She could see in her hungry eyes that Robyn was possessed by a
need to know. Still, the words wouldn't come.
"Is it a teacher, or a professor isn't that what you call
them?" Robyn asked. "Are you sleeping with one of them?"
"No." Val simply replied.
"Is it someone that's married?" Robyn quickly continued.
"No." Val repeated.
"Then why can't you tell me?" Robyn asked once more.
Valerie stood up and walked over to the fireplace, again
loosing herself in the warm glow. She ran her hand through her
short black hair and sighed. It'd been a real long day, and
the need for sleep and the wine was beginning to be felt.
"Why don't we just drop this and get some sleep?" She said.
"Cause I want to know, that's why!" Robyn said. "I want to
know what it is that you can't share with someone you've been
friends with since we were five."
"Because you wouldn't understand, that's why?" Valerie
"What wouldn't I understand?" came Robyn's reply. "A guys a
guy. God knows I've slept with a few jerks. So what's
Robyn suddenly paused in mid-sentence. She brought her hand
up to her still opened mouth in surprise. The reason Val
didn't want to talk about it suddenly seemed crystal clear.
"Oh shit," She exclaimed. "He's black isn't he. You're
sleeping with a nigger! What's your mother going to do if she
finds out?"
Valerie just shook her head. It was bad enough that Robyn
couldn't let the matter drop without her letting her narrow
minded prejudices create all kinds of wild fantasies.
"No, he's not black, or brown or yellow or for that matter
white." Val finally answered, no longer caring how her friend
would finally react. "If you really, really have to know - he
is a she!"
A pregnant silence filled the cabin as Valerie caused Robyn
to be speechless for the first time in her life. She was
certain she had just flushed a dozen year friendship down the
proverbial toilet. Staring once more into the comforting
flames of the fire, Valerie found that she really didn't care.
She was tired of hiding it. If her friend couldn't handle the
truth, well then maybe their friendship was a mistake in the
first place.
"What's her name?" Robyn asked.
"What?" Val asked, not actually hearing Robyn.
"I said, what's her name?" Robyn repeated. "Your girlfriend,
or am I supposed to call her your lover?"
"Whatever you're the most comfortable
with." Valerie finally responded, surprised at her friend's
calm reaction. "Her name is Beth Moskowitz."
The name brought a sudden image of a tall dark eyed girl in
Valerie's dorm. She had been introduced to her when she had
gone up to State during spring break to take a look at the
"I remember her." Robyn said. "She's very pretty."
"Thanks." Val answered, unsure what else to say. "But it's
already over between us. She wants someone who can be out in
the open about our relationship. I'm not sure I'm ready for
"I'm sorry." Robyn offered. The emotion in her voice showing
the sympathy was genuine. "You want to talk about it?"
It had been a good long time since the two women had really
sat down and had such an intimate conversation. It felt good
to the both of them. Surprisingly neither of them felt tired
"I should apologize for that nigger remark." Robyn said. "I
should know better than that, but sometimes the prejudices
you're surrounded with are hard to ignore."
"Actually I'm pretty surprised the way you've taken this
whole thing." Valerie said. "I almost expected you to call me
a dyke."
"I'm not that bad, am I?" asked Robyn.
"I guess not." Val smiled.
"True, lesbianism isn't really a subject that comes up a lot
in my circle of friends, but I'm not totally ignorant." she
went on. "I know there's a lot more to a woman's interest in
other women than the idea that she simply can't get herself a
Actually, that little tidbit was the core of most of her
friends thinking on the subject. Dykes, as they preferred to
call them, were ugly girls who couldn't get a man and so
turned to each other.
Inevitably, some of their late night chat sessions would turn
to sex. Robyn had always found it laughable as to what was
considered acceptable and not. It was always ok to talk about
how you fucked your boyfriend or a new position you tried. In
fact, she could recall a night that Betty Lieberman
demonstrated on a banana the perfect blow-job. Yet there was
another night that Sally Keller asked one of the other girls
how best to masturbate and found herself shut out of the
group. Evidently, that was too close to sexual contact between
one girl and another.
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 1995 16:10:41 UTC
Subject: AnnD: A Dark And Stormy Night - (03/04) - ff (2nd try)
Hi ...... As always, comments are both appreciated and
encouraged. Tell me what you liked about the story and what
you disliked. Don't just say , "nice story" or "it stunk" I
only ask that you reply by e-mail instead of postings, that
way I'm sure to get your reaction. Any and all email will
always be answered.
Since I'm now using the anon server to post stories,
any response will likewise be anonymized. As a result, I ask
that you include at least your first name in your response so
that I have a sense of who you are. Any other details are up
to you.
I've been told that you can reply to an anon msg and
keep your real id on it by using na instead of an but I ask you
not to do this as it makes it harder for me to send a reply.
Ann Douglas.
-A Dark And Stormy Night-
Part Three
by Ann Douglas
"Was Beth a one time thing or are you
defiantly into women now? asked Robyn.
"I don't know." came Valerie's reply. "I still find guys
attractive, but I'm also attracted to girls too. To be honest,
I've been attracted to girls for a couple of years. This was
just the first time I had the opportunity to do anything about
it. If Beth hadn't been so open in her sexuality, I'd still be
thinking about it."
Robyn studied the face of her friend. The revelation that she
had been attracted to girls for years sent her mind racing
along a new track. It was almost a minute before she asked the
question that repeated over and over in her head.
"Were you ever attracted to me?"
Valerie waited almost twice as long before answering. Just
saying the words seemed to take a great load off of her.
"I've been in love with you since I was 14." Valerie said
"Why didn't you ever say anything?" Robyn gushed.
"What was I going to say?" Valerie asked "Do you think you
could've handled it?"
"Probably not." the long haired girl said after a moments
reflection. "I'm not really sure how I'm handling it right
"Do you want to let this drop and turn in?" Valerie asked as
she looked at the clock. "It's almost one - thirty."
"No, I'm not tired." was Robyn's quick response.
Robyn took a long hard look at her long time friend. Most of
their life, they had been closer than sisters. Had one of them
been born a man, they would've undoubtedly been lovers. Now
that little hinge of fate seemed to have been removed. If that
was what they both wanted.
"What's it like?" Robyn asked. "Making love to another
"I could say it was softer, gentler than being with a guy."
Valerie began. "But I don't think that would really describe
it. I really can't put it into words."
"I didn't think so." Robyn smiled. "Then I guess you'll just
have to show me."
"What...?" Valerie responded in disbelief. "Do you know what
your saying?"
"Maybe, maybe not...." Robyn grinned. "But I do know I love
you too. This is about the only thing we haven't done
together. I've always had a certain curiosity about it. That
much I'm sure of."
Valerie was taken a little aback, unsure what to make of what
she was saying or what to do next.
"Besides, I've gone to bed with guys for a lot less reasons."
She laughed.
Valerie knew that much was certainly true.
Robyn leaned over and kissed Valerie. It wasn't the first
kiss they had ever shared. There had always been the hello and
good-bye as well as the holiday kisses. In addition, they had
once practiced kissing one night back when they were 15 and
they were just beginning to date guys. Robyn's first french
kiss had been with Valerie. But all of those had been
mechanical. Technically correct but lacking the feeling that
you put into kissing a lover. This kiss had that feeling.
A second kiss followed and this time Valerie opened her mouth
as she felt the soft pressure of her friend's tongue against
it. Many nights over the years she had dreamed of this moment.
More than a few times she had been in bed with Beth and she
had imagined it had been Robyn instead. Now the unexpected
reality of it all as their tongues met was enough for a sudden
moisture to appear between her legs, and any sense of caution
to be tossed to the wind.
The night sky suddenly erupted with the most violent
thunderflash yet, one so close that the boom of its fury
followed before the light faded. The windows shook as the sky
opened up once more.
"Wow, that was some kiss!" Robyn
exclaimed. "I can't wait to see what the rest is like."
Valerie merely grinned back, feeling a pleasing warmth
filling her soul.
Now it was Valerie's turn to initiate a kiss. As she pressed
against the softness of her friend's lips, she reached up and
caressed her breasts through the blue nightshirt. Her hand
closed and cupped one breast, sending a soft sigh from Robyn's
"Let me take this off." Robyn said as she grabbed the bottoms
of her shirt and pulled it over her head.
Gazing with admiration as Robyn's pert breasts bounced free,
Valerie found it funny that even though she was the one with
all the experience in this sort of thing, it was her neophyte
lover who seemed the more aggressive. It was like the old
saying that there was no one more passionate than a virgin who
had decided to give up her virginity.
"Now your turn." Robyn said as she tossed her nightshirt
aside and gave a little tug on Valerie's.
Robyn's eyes widened as the red shirt lifted and she looked
down at Val's much more ample bust. She couldn't even begin to
imagine how many times she had seen her girlfriend naked over
the years, between sleepovers, school showers and such. This
time it was different. It was the first time she looked at her
body with a sexual lust. The girl wondered if the warm flush
she felt was the same thing a guy felt when he first saw those
melon sized mounds.
Unable to restrain herself any longer, Robyn immediately
reached out and ran her hands across Val's breasts, rubbing
her fingers against her wide dark aureoles. It sent an even
more powerful rush through her body. She couldn't believe how
warm her skin felt to the touch. It was as if she were
running a fever.
Valerie was indeed consumed with a fever, a heat that had
simmered over the years. She reached over and cupped Robyn's
breasts, lowering her head at the same time. Passionately, she
began to cover them with kisses before taking one of the
nipples into her mouth. Her tongue played with the hard
little tip, sending little shivers of delight through the
smaller girl.
"Oh that feels nice." Robyn gushed as Val moved to her other
breast, at the same time still caressing the first breast with
her hand.
Valerie's touch was so unlike that of Brian, her most recent
lover. In fact she couldn't compare it to any of the men she'd
be with. She only knew that it felt great.
Valerie continued to suckle at Robyn's breasts as she reached
down and rubbed her fingers against the long haired girl's wet
panties. Robyn responded by pushing down her panties, giving
her friend greater access to her pussy.
Her response to the invitation was first one finger, then a
second, deep inside Robyn's love canal. It wasn't long before
her ministrations brought forth a wet, sweet response that
covered her fingers.
Robyn now tried to duplicate Valerie's skill with her tongue
as she lifted one large breast to her lips. Of course she
didn't have Val's skill, but she had tried this on a boy or
two. At least those who didn't freak at the idea. For some
reason, guys seemed to associate having their nipples licked
or someone playing with their ass with homosexual acts, even
if it was done by a girl.
Still, she put everything she had into it as Valerie gave her
a reassuring moan. Valerie's fingers continued to slide in
and out of her as she moved to Val's left breast.
After giving Robyn the time she needed to satisfy her mammary
urges, Valerie guided her to the floor in front of the fire
and spread her legs. Robyn knew what was coming next and
smiled at her new lover in anticipation.
The skillful tongue that had so caressed her breasts now
began it's work on her sexuality. Robyn let out a loud cry of
pleasure as she felt the slick appendage slide in and out of
her. She reached down and put her hands on the back of
Valerie's head, guiding her to her most sensitive spots.
The clock on the wall ticked away as wave upon wave of
delight spread out across her body. She closed her eyes and let
herself become lost in the ecstasy. The soft cries that
escaped her lips every now and then brought an increased
desire to Valerie. Tonight was a hundred nights dreams become
reality. The honey dew that covered her tongue was like
nectar of the gods. She scooped it into her mouth eagerly.
"I've got to try this!" Robyn exclaimed as she shifted her
body until Valerie and her were in a sixty-nine position.
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 1995 16:10:13 UTC
Subject: AnnD: A Dark And Stormy Night - (04/04) - ff (2nd try)
Hi ...... As always, comments are both appreciated and
encouraged. Tell me what you liked about the story and what
you disliked. Don't just say , "nice story" or "it stunk" I
only ask that you reply by e-mail instead of postings, that
way I'm sure to get your reaction. Any and all email will
always be answered.
Since I'm now using the anon server to post stories,
any response will likewise be anonymized. As a result, I ask
that you include at least your first name in your response so
that I have a sense of who you are. Any other details are up
to you.
I've been told that you can reply to an anon msg and
keep your real id on it by using na instead of an but I ask you
not to do this as it makes it harder for me to send a reply.
Ann Douglas.
-A Dark And Stormy Night-
Part Four
by Ann Douglas
The scent of Valerie's womanhood filled Robyn nostrils,
making her slightly lightheaded. She parted her friend's lips
with her fingers and reached out for her first taste of
another woman.
It was, she decided, tantalizingly tangy. Closing her eyes,
she relished the sensation, even as she reached out for more.
More that Valerie was all too willing to give.
The larger girl pressed her now pulsating mound deeper into
her lover's face, even as she mashed her own mouth into
Robyn's virgin pussy. She was driven by the idea that this
would be her friend's first orgasm by another woman. A woman
who had loved her for so long and had dreamed of this night.
It soon became a game of dueling tongues as each tried to
outdo the other. Valerie obviously had the experience, but
Robyn was driven by an enthusiasm that just wouldn't quit.
They rolled back and forth, their heads buried between each
others legs. Nothing else mattered except the climax that
each was driving the other to.
A thin film of sweat covered both girls as their hearts began
to race. Never had either of them had ever felt so excited.
Valerie felt that she should be crying out how much she loved
Robyn, but she couldn't bear to tear herself away from the
luscious banquet she was feasting on, even for a moment.
Robyn, on the other hand, couldn't help but let out moan
after moan as her lover's skillful tongue reached up and into
the core of her sexuality. No guy had ever brought her to
such an ecstatic state. Fast as the waves of passion were now
ripping through her supple form, she knew she was on the
verge of a memorable climax.
So powerful were the ripples causing her flesh to quiver and
quake, she was having a hard time trying to keep up with
Valerie. She just couldn't concentrate on what she was doing.
Finally, she just gave up and surrendered to the fire of Val's
Valerie felt the absence of her lover's tongue but she didn't
mind it a bit. She was overjoyed to have had her try as hard
as she did, it was more than she could've imagined. She slid
a free hand down between her own legs and began massaging her
saturated mound, taking up where Robyn left off. She was
determined that they climax together, even if she had to bring
the both of them off herself.
It didn't take long at all. It was almost impossible to tell
which of them exploded first. Valerie felt Robyn's body stiffen
in her arms, then a loud gasp filled her lips. A second
later, she felt her own body erupt as well. At that moment,
as if a sign from the heavens that they had fulfilled their
destiny, the night sky erupted in a final flash of luminance,
followed seconds later by a roaring thunderclap. A detonation
so powerful it caused the walls of the cabin to shake as well.
It was the last burst of a tempest which had finally blown
itself out.
Like the storm, both girls had expended the last of their
energy in that final explosive moment. Robyn collapsed against
Valerie, resting against her rapidly cooling flesh. Exhausted
as well, Valerie gently stroked Robyn's hair. In a soft, weak,
voice she spoke.
"I love you, Robyn."
Still catching her breath, Robyn couldn't summon up the
strength to answer. Instead she leaned over and kissed
Valerie's breast. The meaning of the non-verbal message was
all too clear.
It was impossible for either girl to tell how long they just
laid there. Neither was aware of anything but the beating of
their own hearts and the cloud of euphoria they found
themselves floating in. Occasionally, one would stroke or
gently kiss the other.
Gently, the excitement of the night, coupled with the cool
breeze that had come up in the wake of the storm, lured both
of them into a dream filled slumber. There, the image of their
love was replayed again and again.
Sunlight had long filled the cabin as the two girls slept on.
Still naked, they had become entwined during the night. It was
only when the sound of a car coming up the driveway filled the
room that Robyn's eyes slowly opened.
She smiled as she felt the warmth of Valerie's skin against
her cheek. Her lover's breasts had served as her pillow. The
new sound of a car door slamming and voices outside caused her
eyes to now rapidly open and she jerked her head upward.
"Easy, Bobby," said the woman's voice from outside the
window. "The doctor said you have to take it easy on that
"Oh shit!" Robyn reacted to Mrs. Carter's voice as she began
to shake her friend awake.
"Just five more minutes." Valerie said in response to her
girlfriend's shaking.
"Val, your mothers back." Robyn said
softly. "And we're naked."
"Oh shit!" Valerie said as she repeated Robyn's reaction.
Both girls scrambled for their nightshirts and quickly pulled
them on. There was no time for anything else as they heard the
front door opening.
"Honey, we're home." Mae Carter called out as she stepped
The tall woman paused as she saw the two nightshirt clad
girls. She was surprised to find them still not dressed at
ten thirty.
"Hi mom." Valerie said.
"Hi indeed." Mae said. "I would've expected the two of you
would've been up hours ago."
"Well we kind of stood up pretty late last night." Valerie
explained. "The storm and all...."
"And we got to talking," Robyn cut in. "Catching up a
"I see." Mae commented.
"Hey mom," Bobby called out from behind her.
Mae turned around and saw what Bobby had found. There, spread
out on the floor, were three empty bottles of wine. As well
as two glasses still half full.
"The storm huh." Mae said as she gave the girls a hard
"Well...." Valerie replied, the ambiguity in her voice
telling Mae that she knew they had been busted.
"It's my fault, Mrs. Carter." Robyn
interjected. "I opened the wine. I was a little scared of the
Mae though about it for a minute. Her
expression remained stern. Then, it slowly began to soften.
"Well it was a bad storm." She began. "And as long as you
both understand that alcohol should never be used as a
"Yes, mother." Valerie quickly said.
"You don't have to worry about that, Mrs. Carter." added
Robyn. "I'm positive that we'll never need alcohol again to
get us through the night. Not as long as we have each other
to depend on."
"Good, now get some clothes on." Mae
smiled. "I've got a car full of groceries out there. I'll
start breakfast while you unload them."
Her attention already on the kitchen and the mess she would
probably find there as well, Mae missed the smiles and
meaningful looks the two girls silently exchanged. Yet even
had she noticed them, there wasn't a chance in the world she
would ever guess the meaning behind them. Or ever understand
how their relationship had changed - on a dark and stormy
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