Path:!!!imci2!!!!usenet From: (Lysander) Newsgroups: Subject: Repost: Night of the Wolves (fantasy. ff. beast) Date: Sun, 10 Dec 1995 22:33:52 GMT Organization: Hardly Any Lines: 425 Message-ID: <4afn73$> Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82 This story contains graphic descriptions of sexual acts between consenting beings. If such descriptions offend you, or if you're underage in your jurisdiction, move on to another newsgroup. While essentially unchanged, this story has been slightly altered to fit the plot of its upcoming prequel. Night of the Wolves by Lysander The fire had begun to go down. A solitary robed and hooded figure stepped out of the semi-circle to stand before the fire. They all watched the fire fight its own death as it reached for the heavens, licking out in search of more life-sustaining fuel. The lone figure turned toward the group. It stood before them silently. Then, slowly, it raised an arm and pointed a long finger at the full moon, which hung yellow and swollen just above the treetops. The figure dropped the robe to reveal a woman, nude. Her body was firm from long hours of labor. Plain brown hair fell down her back to her full buttocks and framed a face that looked to belong to a woman in her mid-thirties, though a woman who could be a decade younger or older. She had strong, broad shoulders and tanned arms. Her breasts were full and were just beginning to sag. Her waist was thin and firm and sloped outward to full peasant's hips with a thick patch of pubic hair. Her legs were well-muscled, used to walking long distances over rough roads. The figures facing her also removed their robes to reveal their own nakedness. They were about thirty in all, all women, ranging in age from teens to fifty-year-olds. All had the strong healthy look of farmfolk. Firelight glistened from the film of sweat covering their bodies, sweat that was not wholly the result of the bonfire or their heavy woolen cloaks. The leader raised her arms and a trio of pipers began to play. It was a sensuous sound, with a low-toned rhythm supporting a rising and falling trill. The women began to dance, at first just swaying in time to the music, then making tentative steps from one side to the other. As the tempo of the music increased, the random wanderings of the dancers spread out to cover a wider area of the firelit meadow. Soon, the pipers' tune was frantic and the dancers began to move faster and faster, almost running about the field. Their random movements had become less chaotic, and now they formed small groups of three or four that moved together. At the center of it all, the leader stood with her arms raised to the stars. When it seemed like the music could play no faster, she let her hands fall to her sides. Instantly, the music ceased, as though sliced of by a knife. The dancers fell to the ground and lay in their groups, panting from their exertions. The leader gestured to the invisible musicians once more. The grass rustled as they moved away from the meadow, back toward the village. A new dance began, but this one was a dance of hands and fingers, lips and tongues. Mouths moved over bare breasts and heads moved between naked thighs. The leader moved among the small clusters of women, brushing a breast here, caressing a mane of hair nestled between trembling thighs there. At the edge of the shrinking circle of light, a young woman, practically still a girl, sat on her heels watching two other women sucking each other's clit. The leader knelt beside her. They sat there together, side by side, watching the lovers. After a time, the older woman turned to the younger. "Don't you want to join in, Judith?" Judith, who had been staring, transfixed, at the women before her, turned to the other woman in surprise. "Oh! It's not that, Minna. I just... I've never done anything like this before." Minna put an arm around Judith's shoulders. "Well, it has to be done, Judith. You know that. It's all been explained." Judith nodded. "I know. But it's a big step." "But what comes after is a bigger step. And even more necessary." "I know. Mother told me." Minna's hand moved down lower, stroking Judith's lower back, her fingertips just brushing the girl's buttocks. Judith trembled beneath her touch, but did not move away. "You know," she whispered into Judith's ear, "it's quite enjoyable. This and... what comes after." Judith nodded again. "My friends have told me. It's just that I'm not sure I can... What if I'm not..." "Good?" A blush and another slight nod. Minna's hand stopped its broad strokes and concentrated its movements on the small of Judith's back. "You'll be fine, Judith. As long as you let your instincts guide you." Her hand moved up to cup Judith's budding breast. "Let me guide you." With her other hand she took Judith's chin and turned her head. She looked deeply into the young woman's green eyes. She brought the open face closer to hers. Their lips touched. Minna nibbled and sucked on Judith's lips. She nudged them apart with her tongue. Judith resisted and Minna backed off. She caressed Judith's young breasts. She ran her fingers through the girl's thick red hair. She stroked her sides and her thighs, all the time probing at her lips with her tongue. Soon, Judith opened her mouth willingly. Minna did not dart her tongue in as she longed to do. Instead she gently probed the inside of Judith's lips. Judith had no such inhibitions. She thrust her own tongue between Minna's lips, inviting Minna to come deeper into her mouth. She sucked on Minna's tongue, loudly. Her hands began to explore Minna's flesh, tweaking her hardened nipples, brushing the goosebumps on her arms and legs, beginning to explore the thatch between her thighs. Minna pulled away and smiled. "You've done this before." Judith smiled back, still a little shy. "Not with a woman. Much and I... did it last week. He said it would be easier on me if I weren't a virgin come tonight." "Well, Much is very smart." "That's what Mother said." They came together again, kissing passionately. Minna pushed Judith onto her back on the autumn grass. She rubbed a thigh between Judith's legs, spreading the girl's wetness from her hip to her knee. She was just about to move down Judith's body, to taste her savory juices, when someone cried out. "Look!" All the women sat up to look where the speaker -- Minna could not say who it was -- pointed. A wolf sat on his haunches at the edge of the meadow. He licked his chops and sniffed the air. Minna sniffed as well. She could smell the sweat and musk the women had produced, the scents that had drawn the wolf to their gathering. The huge animal sat there staring at the women. They had abandoned their sapphic orgy and all stared back at him. He was joined by a second wolf and then a third, and then a dozen. Minna could see eyes among the trees, reflecting the firelight. Shapes and shadows moved back and forth, making it impossible to count the wolves, but Minna knew how many there were. Thirty-eight if all went well. The first wolf howled at the full moon, which was now at its zenith. He howled and his brothers howled with him, a chilling, deafening break of the silence of the meadow. Then, as one, the wolves began to move toward the women. They were hesitant, because of the fire, but they were inexorably drawn nonetheless. Most were grey and indistinguishable from one another, but Minna could tell them apart, as she was sure all but a few of the other women could. Subtle differences in coloring and size and gait individualized them as surely as cheeks and hair and eyes did humans. But two were like no others. Solid black they were, with not a single grey or white hair. Minna saw them only as indistinct shapes except for their shining eyes until they were within the firelight. One was enormous, easily the biggest wolf of the pack. He moved like a ghost across the meadow, with a hunter's sure stride. The other moved less surely, but still with grace and beauty. He was not quite as large as the first, but Minna could look at his overgrown paws and see he was not quite fully grown. The wolves moved among the women, who remained stone still. They wandered about, going from group to group. Except for the black ones. They jogged directly toward Minna. She opened her arms to the big one and embraced him as he began to nuzzle and lick her face. He growled softly, deep in his chest, and Minna growled in response. The wolf pulled away and looked at her quizzically. She laughed and pulled him back to her. She reached between her legs and smeared her fingers with her juices, then placed them before the beast's snout. The great black wolf's long tongue shot out and licked at her soaked fingertips. She moved her hand downward, and the wolf followed it like a puppy. Minna spread her legs wider and the wolf dipped his head between them to lick up her secretions from their source. The smaller wolf, which was otherwise identical to the larger, ran his tongue over her lust-swollen breasts, replacing her sweat with his saliva. The tongues of both were long and strong, and they moved rapidly over her skin. She had no opportunity to savor the sensations from one sensitive spot before they moved to another. She half reclined on stiff arms, letting the wolves devour her flesh, as the conflicting, shifting tongues overwhelmed her. Around her, the other women were similarly engaged. Most were on hands and knees, a wolf behind them, coupling frantically. A few, like her, were involved with more than one animal. It had to be, for there were more wolves than women. The smaller black stopped licking her sweaty flesh to stare off into the distance, beyond the woods and toward the northern hill country. He took a step away from her, drawn away, but reluctant to leave. She grasped his thick fur and kept him by her side. She pulled him over her head and stared at his cock. Its shiny and slick redness contrasted sharply with the flat black of his fur. She grasped his firm cock, gasping at its heat. "Easy, boy. Easy," she murmured to the young wolfling as she stroked him with one hand and fondled his hanging balls with the other. She pointed the tip down to her mouth and raised her head. She flicked her tongue around and all over the first few inches. She took him into her mouth. The wolfling began to whimper and his cock throbbed faster. It jerked in her mouth once, twice. On the third spasm, his semen erupted from the tip an flooded her mouth. The speed with which he came surprised Minna and she choked for a few seconds, forcing much of the sperm back out of her mouth. The rest she swallowed, and all of each successive spurt. When the wolf finished coming, she sucked hard on his cock, to get each drop of salty fluid. In the meantime, the larger wolf had stopped licking her pussy and now stared at her, as though expecting something. Minna knew what he wanted. She twisted onto her stomach and rose to her knees. She settled her head on folded arms and undulated her hips before the massive wolf. He put his forepaws on either side of her waist, just below her breasts. He pulled himself toward her, trying and failing to enter her. Supporting herself on one had, Minna reached between her widespread thighs and took hold of his simmering cock. She formed a path with her curled fingers, guiding the pointed tip of his cock to the opening of her cunt. Contact. Entry. The wolf was not gentle, and Minna felt a sudden momentary pain. He thrust himself into her completely, only the bulge at the base of his prick remaining outside her. More than two hands of cock inside her at a stroke. Minna thought she would surely faint. The wolf pulled almost completely out, then pushed back in. The pain was quickly passing, allowing the underlying pleasure to break through. Her small grunts of pain became deep moans of pleasure. She twisted her hips against the wolf's hot belly, arching her buttocks, putting her clitoris directly against the thrusting cock. Minna was watching a not-yet-fully-grown wolf mount Judith. The girl threw her head back in ecstasy as the wolf smoothly entered her. Then her vision was blocked. The smaller black was still hovering about her. If he wanted more, she would gladly give him more. She raised herself onto her hands, making the wolf fucking her cunt lose his rhythm for a moment. The smaller mounted her, paws on her shoulders, cock thrusting blindly at her face. She managed to catch it with her mouth. She sucked it in. She lashed it with her tongue. The wolf in her cunt came, fucking deeply and quickly. He remained hard and continued fucking her. Slowly, then gradually faster and faster. Her senses overwhelmed her. Heat on her tongue and in her pussy, the strong taste of leaking wolf-cock, cool saliva on her heated back. The sound of her pants and grunts; the snarls and growls of three dozen wolves, and two in particular. The wild smell of fur and wolf-breath, musk of sex from the women, the tingling alkaline of wolf semen. For the second time, the wolf came in her mouth; but this time she was prepared and was able to swallow every drop, despite the copious amount. Simultaneously, his almost-twin erupted deep inside her cunt. The wolves dismounted and she watched them go. The larger headed toward another woman, so she ignored him. The smaller, however, looked like he might head back into the woods. She got up and followed him, mingled juices running down her thighs. The wolf was not moving fast, so she was easily able to keep pace with him. He took a few steps toward the edge of the meadow, and again she grabbed a handful of fur. She guided him back to the commingling women and wolves. Judith was the first unoccupied female she came across. She was dozing beside an older wolf who had tired quickly and was now in a deep sleep. She shook Judith's shoulder to awaken her. "Judith, I need your help. This one keeps trying to leave." Judith nodded her understanding. "What do you want me to do?" "We have to keep him occupied until the moon goes down." She gestured at the grey fellow sleeping on his side. "Or at least tire him out." They gently pushed the wolf onto his side with virtually no resistance. Only the tip of his cock was exposed. "Suck him, Judith. Make it hard." She bowed her head and nuzzled his balls. They were still enlarged, and the testicles seemed to be floating in jism. Judith licked the point of the prick peeking from the sheath. Minna sucked on the wolf's balls and Judith sucked on his growing cock. They smiled at each other across the length of the shaft. "I told you you would do fine," Minna said. Judith beamed in response and redoubled her efforts on the hardening cock in her mouth. Minna sat up and watched Judith bob her head up and down on the wolf. She brushed a few strands of red hair from the girl's face. "So, which of us gets him?" she asked. "Mmf. Mm." Judith removed the cock from her mouth, giving it a few licks before she answered. "I want him." "Get up, then." Judith got to her hands and knees, stretching like a cat. Of course, it had been years since Minna had seen a cat or a dog. Judith had probably never seen one. The wolf scrambled easily to his feet. He mounted her and began thrusting at her buttocks. Minna kissed Judith deeply, and could tell the wolf was having trouble, frustrating Judith. Minna reached back to aid his entry. The wolf managed to enter her in one stroke. Judith cried out in agony. Worried, Minna looked back. The wolf's massive cock was lodged tightly in Judith's asshole. Judith's face had turned bright scarlet and she was practically weeping. Minna grabbed the wolf's waist to hold him still. "I'm so sorry, darling. Just hold on and I'll try to pull him out." Judith could only nod. Minna pushed against the wolf, but he was fighting her, trying to penetrate deeper. He was just too strong for her, even with only his hind legs on the ground. He would not relinquish a hole as tight as he had found. "Judith. I can't budge him. I'm going to try something. Just try to relax and trust me, alright?" Again, Judith nodded, albeit reluctantly. Minna let the wolf slide deeper into Judith's backside, trying not to hear the whimpers of pain. When he was all the way in, she was able to hold the wolf still with one hand. With the other, she reached down to Judith's cunt. Her hair was very fine, and she was incredibly wet, from her own juices and the semen of at least two wolves. She concentrated on Judith's clitoris with her thumb. She eased two, then three fingers into her slit. For several long minutes, Minna massaged Judith's sex. The wolf tried to continue his fucking but he was weaker pulling out than pushing in, and Minna was able to hold him still. Soon Judith was the one doing the fucking. Almost imperceptibly, her hips began a rocking motion. Minna looked into Judith's face. Her eyes were still closed, but now her lips were curled not in a grimace, but in a smile. She looked at Judith's other end. The girl's asshole clung to the wolf's cock, but she was definitely moving back and forth. "Is it all right now?" "Mmm, yes. Let him move a little. But slowly?" It was a difficult maneuver, but Minna was able to accomplish it. Pressure from the front and back, letting the wolf move; but slowly, not at the frantic pace his lust and instinct demanded. Judith's pink and perfect rosebud fought the invading cock on the outstroke as well as the in, reluctant to let it advance, more reluctant to let it retreat. Indeed, Judith aided the wild hound. As he moved back, she rocked forward; and as he thrust forward, she butted back against him. In short order, Judith was fucking the wolf faster than the wolf was fucking her. "Minna. Let him go." "You're sure?" "Yes, yesss. Let him go." Minna let her arms fall, limp and tired. The beast was strong. And he set about proving it. His pace quickened as he hunched over Judith's arched back. Now he was going full speed, pulling out till only to tip remained in Judith's asshole, and lunging back in without pause. Minna tossed herself to the ground and crawled under the nearly insensate Judith. She nursed for a few moments on the girl's young breasts. She bit the pink nipples and massaged the undersides. She twisted onto her back and slid completely under Judith, so that the lightly-furred pussy was directly above her eyes, above her mouth and tongue. She watched, fascinated, as the wolf fucked the asshole over her. Like a mouth, it gripped the cock, stretching in and out with the fucking motions. But she was much more fascinated by the open, leaking cunt below. She would finally have the chance to taste it. But first, she licked her way up the trim thighs, gathering the cum that had leaked from Judith's pussy. Finally, she reached the slit. She plunged her tongue in deeply, gathering even more wolf cum. Every month it was the same; she was amazed at the amount of fluid produced by these beasts. After the sperm had drained into Minna's mouth, Judith's fluids continued to flow. She tasted sweet and fresh and young, and Minna swallowed every drop. Minna reached around Judith's hips to hold her still, so she could fully enjoy the girl's pussy. She raised her legs and wrapped them around Judith's head, pulling her mouth down to her own weeping pussy. As Judith collapsed onto Minna, the wolf's cock slipped out. Judith grunted in frustration. "I was almost there! Almost there!" The wolf was above her, thrusting his cock along her spine, so Minna simply took the slimy rod in her hand and aimed it at the still-open hole between Judith's buttocks. The wolf slid in easily, stopped only by the knot at the bottom of his shaft. Instead of thanking Minna, Judith lowered her head between her thighs to lick at her pussy, also filled with semen. For Minna, the world shrank to the wolf, Judith and herself. All three moaned as they approached their orgasms. Minna felt that tingle in the pit of her stomach and then was suddenly rushing headlong into climax. Judith's pussy lips fluttered around her tongue and against her lips and her juices flooded Minna's mouth and face. The wolf panted hoarsely and his cum began to leak out of Judith's ass. Minna eagerly lapped up what ran down Minna's slit. The wolf dismounted and Judith rolled off Minna. All three lay side by side, overcome by the night's exertions. Minna glanced to the west. Only a thin sliver of the moon remained above the treetops. She looked around the meadow. The fire was now embers, and most of the wolves and women were lying around, exhausted, clustered together for warmth against the autumn night. The night was over. She nudged Judith. Judith opened her eyes, a smile stretching across her cum-smeared mouth. "It's time to go home, dear. No more until next month." She nodded and stood and began to walk through the groups, telling them softly that they should return to the village. Minna went over to the large black wolf, who was being enthusiastically sucked by her sister Freda. Minna waited patiently until the wolf had come and Freda had swallowed all he had to give her. She stood over the wolf's head, offering him her cunt. She stood there only a minute, letting him lick. Then she walked away. The wolf followed her like a faithful hound, trying to shove his snout between her ass cheeks to lick her pussy some more. Through the trees for a hundred yards, and Minna was at the village. Her home was near the center, so she walked naked down the central lane, the wolf trotting beside her. They entered the small cottage. While the wolf sniffed around the kitchen, Minna poured clear water from a handy pitcher into a large bowl. She added some ground herbs and set the bowl before the wolf. He lapped at the water greedily. When most of the water was gone, he looked up to see Minna on her bed, legs spread wide. The wolf leapt up on the bed. And fell asleep. ** Minna climbed back up from sleep to find John beside her, sleeping peacefully. The black hair of his chest and beard was a little thicker than it had been a few days ago, but even that would soon change back to normal. She smiled, stretched, and blessed the day that that long-dead witch had cursed the village for refusing to help her in her black experiments. The vengeful woman had not counted on the resourcefulness of the women of Meadowgreen Village. They had quickly discovered a way to keep their men from succumbing to the call of the wild. She heard a yawn and looked down to the floor beside her. Aelred lay on the floor. In a few years, his beard would be as full and black as his father's. But for now, he merely nestled his shadowed cheek in Judith's hair. She poked his shoulder, and he looked up at her with sleepy eyes. "You remember last night?" Her son nodded, grinning broadly, not even trying to cover his nude body. "We weren't expecting the change to happen so soon. We thought we had a few months to prepare you. We almost lost you, you know." Aelred nodded. "I remember the pull of the forest." "What you and I did last night wasn't very proper." Aelred managed to look abashed, but only for a moment. "It's not as though we actually did it, though. You only used your mouth, after all. You're much better than Judith, by the way." Despite herself, Minna blushed, but also grinned broadly. "I bet your bottom's nicer than Judith's, too," he continued, emboldened. "And it isn't as though we'd actually be doing it, I suppose?" Aelred nodded eagerly. "Well, the full moon's over, so you'll have to ask your father's permission." John spoke up from behind her, surprising them both. "Your mother's never done that, so far as I know, so I should have the first turn, as I'm her husband." "Then will you do me, sir?" Judith asked, fondling Aelred's hardening cock. Minna noticed that the base was still a little swollen, where the knot had been. "Certain, pet." Another benefit the old witch never considered: while the change from man to beast quickened them, making them want to wander from the forest around the village, after the change from beast to man, they were also envigorated. Minna got to her hand and knees and thought, as John wetted her ass with his tongue, that it was going to be a wonderfully long day. Copyright 1993 by Lysander This file may be distributed freely by electronic means only, provided the text is unaltered and this notice is included. Each user may make one hard copy for personal use. Any other method or purpose of duplication requires the permission of the author. E-mail: or Lysander Text-Op, Absolute Pleasure BBS Skokie, Illinois (708) 677-3369