------------------------------------------------------------------------------ B) :] :S :} :I |) :) :O ;) :D :> :P X=:) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BUSTER'S GUIDE TO UNCONSUMMATED ROMANCE An Original Tiny Toons Story Written By John Friedrich (E-Mail: Nefaria@AOL.com) All Tiny Toons fans are invited to join us on the Internet! We're at alt.tv.tiny-toon and alt.tv.tiny-toon.fandom under the Usenet newsgroups. There are plenty of pictures and stories available for fans; check out the FTP sites utpapa.ph.utexas.edu, lisa.apana.org.au, and avatar.snc.edu. During the summer, the Ink & Paint Club BBS is open (1-815-923-2382, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity), loads of goodies there too! This story is rated PG and is suitable for all toon fans: viewer discretion is discouraged. The story may be copied but not modified. The wonderful characters are copyrighted by Warner Brothers, but since Warner Brothers isn't committing to any new stories of their own after the Halloween Special, I figure what the heck. I mean, what are they going to do? Send Babs and Elmyra to my house to give me huggy-wuggies? In such a case, I beg you, Warner Brothers, punish me, PUNISH ME! Physician's Note: Mr. Friedrich is suffering from Chronic Elmyrism, which affects all Tiny Toons fans who are subjected to repeated reruns. In the latter stages of the disease, the subject becomes mentally indistinguishable from Elmyra and is elected President of the United States. Mr. Spielberg, please don't let this tragedy happen again! Make new specials! Otherwise, we at the Tiny Toon Liberation Front will send videotapes of Barney the Dinosaur to your impressionable children! Hee Hee Hee! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACT I: Woo Woo Woo It is a gorgeous day outside Acme Looniversity. The bright green grass grows vigorously in the warm sun, robins chirp their sweet, desperate mating calls, and the air drifting through the open window is filled with the unmistakable smell of springtime. Unfortunately, it is the middle of January. BUSTER: "Looks like the animators screwed up again, Babs." BABS: "It's not surprising. They can't count, you know. I'm 19 now and they still draw me like I'm 14. And they still haven't decided whether I have a pink or white tummy." BUSTER: "What color is it today?" Babs lifts her blouse up an inch to peek at her tummy. BABS: "White. Why did you want to...." Babs notices that Buster is drooling uncontrollably, like an Internet fanboy, and doesn't finish her question. The bunnies turn their attention back to Elmer Fudd's "Toon Topology" class. They are both A+ students in advanced math (having had special training in multiplication), and have been ignoring Elmer all semester. In fact, everyone in class knows more about math than Prof. Fudd, except for Elmyra, who knows nothing about everything. ELMER: "Does anyone know how to make a rabbit compact?" ELMYRA: "Roll him into a sausage casing and smash him with a sledgehammer?" ELMER: "No, Elmyra, but that's a good guess. You have to nest him in a Hausdorff space, then make sure he's closed and bounded." ELMYRA: "Take him to my house, tie him up, and lock him in a cage? No way! It's not enough! I've tried!" Buster winces at the unpleasant memories. He still has nightmares from "Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow". Mercifully, the end-of-class bell rings before Elmyra can impress the class with more stories of cruelty to aminals. Buster and Babs high-tail it out of there (making some lovely skirt peeks), and they talk about the inhumanity of humans. Meanwhile, Elmyra quietly jogs up behind them, and she is soon on top of them. ELMYRA: "Pleeeease don't run away bunnies! If I squeeze you to death, I promise to make it look like an accident!" BUSTER: "Time to hit Warp 9, Babs. We don't want Elmyra to find out where we live." BABS: "Gotcha, loverbunny." With a blinding flash, a cloud of dust, and a hearty "Hi Ho Hippity-Hop", Buster and Babs exceed the speed of light and disappear, leaving Elmyra behind in a combination Sonic Boom and Big Bang. Elmyra collapses in a daze as the space-time continuum detonates around her. Shortly thereafter, Buster and Babs return to the Tiny Toon universe and head toward Buster's burrow to do homework and other fun stuff. BABS: "Gee, I haven't enjoyed travelling this much since our ride on that snowmobile last Christmas!" BUSTER: "You're not the only one." They exchange mischievous grins. Buster then marches proudly forward, while Babs looks back to check their current Elmyra status. Over a quarter of a mile away, Elmyra is curled up on the ground, crying like a lovestarved kindergartener. Something deep inside Babs moves her toward pity: maybe it's the subconscious guilt she's been building up over her years of misuse of Elmyra, maybe it's the unfulfilled longing to have a child of her own, maybe it's the carrot and horseradish sandwich she had for lunch. In any case, she can't leave Elmyra like this. BABS: "Buster, I'll catch up to you in a little while. My emotions are telling me that I should give Elmyra a little comfort." BUSTER: "Your emotions told you to eat the enchanted carrot that turned you into a pet rabbit, remember? Sucking on that water bottle all day, acting completely pathetic, like Madonna?" Buster notices the hurt look on Babs' face and relents. BUSTER: "But I love your emotions as much as the rest of you. Go ahead, I'll be waiting for ya. Just don't do anything silly." Buster has disappeared over the horizon by the time Babs reaches Elmyra. Elmyra seems so choked up that Babs risks getting within arms reach. ELMYRA: "Sniff! I don't understand it. The more I love him, the more he hates me." BABS: "You have to be patient with him. Don't chase him away. Try seducing him. Try playing hard to get. It drives him crazy! That's what I do and he loves me for it." Babs has no idea why she is giving bunny-lovin' tips to Elmyra. ELMYRA: "That's easy for you to say. You're the only other bunny-wunny he knows. He has to like you." BABS: "What are you talking about? Buster and I have been in love since we were little kids." ELMYRA: "That's just it. There's never been any competition, you never put Mr. Hippity-Hop to the test. HE ONLY LIKES YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE A BUNNY!" Sudden nagging doubts began to build in Babs' hyperactive brain. Could it be true? Was Buster in love with her by default, because there were no other girl bunnies at Acme Loo? How would she stack up in a contest? Would the courtship be over as soon as Buster caught the eye of some cheap floozie? BABS: "No, no, it can't be true. Buster and I are as close as two bunnies can get. We've shared all kinds of experiences...." Elmyra coyly derails Babs' train of thought. ELMYRA: "If I was a bunny, he'd marry me and drop you like a hot lamprey!" That does it. Babs begins to explode. But she realizes that yelling at Elmyra won't do her any good. She will have to prove Elmyra wrong. But how? Babs channels her rage inward, accelerating her already-overloaded mind, coming up with a rather bizarre solution. A maniacal expression overshadows her face, and she begins speaking with a crazed detachment. BABS: "Elmyra, do you recall the opening credits on our TV show, when Buster and I are wearing costumes?" ELMYRA: "Do you mean we're on television?" Babs continues, not hearing anything but the rantings of her own psyche. BABS: "Everybody thinks I'm Buster, but I'm wearing a Buster costume, and I take it off, and nobody knew it was me. And Buster was wearing a Babs costume, and nobody knew it was him. They still sell those costumes at ACME, one for each of us." ELMYRA: "Uh, hee hee, bunny you don't look well. I'll call Dr. Kevorkian...." Babs begins to calm down now, the dementia sinking in, becoming a permanent part of her personality. BABS: "Don't you see it, Elmyra? I'll order one Babs costume and one Elmyra costume. I'll dress up like you and you'll dress up like me. We'll both woo Buster, and whosoever woos him the best gets to keep him forever." Elmyra objects at first, sensing that Babs is trying to play some kind of trick on her. But when her bunny-starved brain begins sending her pictures of the possibilities, she enthusiastically agrees. ELMYRA: "Oh goody! I get to be a female impersonator!" Babs pulls out her unlimited credit-line ACME Express card and places an order for the costumes. She orders extra-super-speedy delivery (which costs $20,000 extra, but Babs figures if that if her parents can afford college tuition for her 100 brothers and sisters, they can splurge a little on their Most Talented Daughter). Just as she hangs up the phone, she sees and hears two helicopters break through the clouds overhead. BABS: "Our shipment has come in!" Babs and Elmyra stare gleefully upward as the crates are jettisoned from the helicopters. The crates are packed with anvils to ensure faster freefall. Elmyra and Babs don't realize (or don't care) that they are within the square shadows of the falling crates. Babs is crushed beneath the Babs crate and Elmyra is crushed beneath the Elmyra crate; the anvils settle in to their new homes with a pleasant sound of metal on flesh. After several minutes of painful crawling, digging, and pleading, Elmyra and Babs emerge from beneath the crates, dizzy but happy. Babs removes the crowbar from the Elmyra costume crate, pries off the lid, tosses away the anvils (two land on Elmyra, no big deal), and inspects the contents. Babs pulls out the costume first, then plays with it like a puppet, happily squealing "I'm gonna get my bunny!" in her best Elmyra voice, while contorting the costume's face into dozens of goofy expressions. Then she reads the instruction manual and supplementary supplies, while Elmyra opens her crate. BABS: "Well, the costume's easy enough, but look at all of these books! 'Encyclopedia Elmyricana', 'How To Speak Elmyrish', 'Glossary of Non-Sequiturs', 'Lower IQ 300 Points in 30 Days'! Who'da thought you'd need a library to impersonate a yutz?" Babs curiosity is aroused, and she peeks over at Elmyra to see what wonders the Babs Bunny Impersonation Kit contains. BABS: "Hey Elmyra, how many novels do you have to read before you can duplicate my countless unique talents?" Elmyra looks back with her patented innocent-yet-stupid grin. ELMYRA: "None. I just have to drink a lotta coffee!" Elmyra empties out the Babs crate, revealing the costume, a Ms. Coffee coffee machine, and two cans of Hyper-Roast Coffee. ELMYRA: "It says the recommended dose is 24 cups a day." Babs tries her best to ignore the indignity, and she begins looking through the books and planning the evening's romantic encounters. Somehow she will have to lure Buster to an interlude with "Elmyra", keep him there long enough to win his heart, and then turn him over to "Babs". Her conscious mind wonders if her powers of seduction will be strong enough to win the contest. Her subconscious mind wonders who will be the beneficiary of Buster's life insurance policy. Buster stares up at the old clock that hangs in his lonely burrow. 5:00, and no sign of Babs. He knows there are only two possibilities: Babs has forgotten about him, or Elmyra has captured her. The former choice is, of course, ridiculous; Babs couldn't forget about him for ten minutes at a time, much less two hours. That leaves choice #2, which means Babs needs to be rescued (again), and Buster chastises himself for waiting so long. BUSTER: "Gee, Elmyra can accomplish a lot in two hours. I hope there's enough of Babs left to rescue!" He dashes up out of his hole and is prepared to charge toward Elmyra's house when a cool breeze brings a familiar fragrance to his flaring nostrils. It is "Chateau de la Lapine #6 with Extra Pheromones", Babsy's favorite perfume. He traces the smell to his mailbox, floating in the air as he does so. He opens the mailbox, recognizes Babs' sensual handwriting on the envelope, and reads the letter: "My Beloved Buster, The passion within me grows without bound. I could not waste this blessed evening underground. Please seek me out on the top floor of the library. I have an unforgettable night of romance planned for us beginning at 6:00. Don't be late or I will never forgive you! P.S. Be sure to bring your math books." BUSTER: "Looks like Babs is in one of her moods again. Guess I'll have to do what I always do in times like these: unconditionally surrender. Sigh! Some day I'll calm her down and teach her how to appreciate baseball!" Buster heads toward ACME Loo at a leisurely pace, enjoying the feel of the lush lawn beneath his toes. Babs won't be expecting him for an hour yet; no sense arriving before she's ready. Unless, maybe he could sneak a look at what she's planning, maybe turn the situation more to his favor. He picks up the pace a bit and closes in on the library. She did mean the Looniversity Library, not the County Library downtown? From far, far away, up twenty flights of stairs and around a corner, Babs Bunny looks down at Buster through her binoculars. An excessively large grin is spread across her charming face. Elmyra stands behind her. Shelves of ancient books line the walls. The entire floor is deserted. BABS: "Ha Ha! Coming to THIS library and an hour early! Can I predict him or what?" ELMYRA: "Remember bunny, you only get to play with him for an hour. Then he's ALL MINE!" BABS: "Yeah, alright. Just make sure he doesn't see you when you leave, otherwise the deal's off. Remember, you have to get him to kiss you, and whoever he likes best is the winner." ELMYRA: "OK cutesy cuddly! See ya later!" Elmyra cheerfully waves goodbye, skipping out of the room toward the emergency exit. Still skipping, she stumbles at the exit and begins tumbling down the fire escape. From the gradually quieter bonging sounds, Babs concludes that she must have fallen down all twenty flights. BABS: "Well that's out of the way. Now for my disguise!" She drags the Elmyra costume from under a nearby desk and begins pulling it on. The head and torso are roomy enough, but the feet are a major problem. BABS: "How can anybody walk in such darn miserable feet! And these shoes! Black Oxfords should have gone out with corsets and hoop dresses. I feel like Shirley Temple." After a great deal of painful squeezing and stretching, Babs manages to get her feet inside the costume. She is in agony, but she figures she'll grow used to the pain in a little while. The longing for Buster begins to well up from inside her. She looks through the binoculars again, just in time to see him entering the library. BABS: "Oh, this is going to be so romantic! Let the games begin!" She pulls the Elmyra head over her own, zips up the costume from inside, and portrays a fine approximation of Elmyra's devilish grin. NOTATIONAL NOTE: To prevent confusion for everyone except Buster, the following names will be used: *ELMYRA: Babs in her Elmyra costume. *BABS: Elmyra in her Babs costume. Bon apetit! Buster catches his breath as he reaches the twentieth floor, taking off his backpack, which is filled with 1000-page overpriced math books. Why the top floor? Why not the basement, where other couples snuggle over their homework? Why would Babs want the solitary confinement of the World War I archives in the attic? Babs is a weird one. And her weirdness captivates me. He notices that the door to the archive room is ajar, and from somewhere, a phonograph is playing the haunting, passionate themes of "Bolero". A single small candle glows dimly from the far corner of the room. Leave it to Babs to light a candle in a room full of flammable novels, Buster sighs. He goes over to the candle, noticing that it is positioned on a desk. On the desk is a book, "The Complete Works of Shakespeare", opened to a picture showing men hunting rabbits in the forest for supper. Buster's keen ears pick up the sound of a key turning inside a lock. *ELMYRA: "No escape this time, snuggle bunny! It's huggy-wuggy time forever!" Buster turns around quickly, seeing the shadow cast by *Elmyra looming over him from the entrance. She hides the key in her dress, then advances toward him like death itself. Buster begins to panic. His eyes dart around the room, looking for some hidden exit he may have missed. His first instinct is to dig through the floor, but it's solid marble; before he could make a dent in it, *Elmyra would have him by the neck. The windows are old and probably sealed shut; to escape that way, he'd have to jump through one and fall twenty stories onto concrete. The fall wouldn't be so bad, but the glass would be sharp, and he has an aversion to sharp objects. And the bookshelves look too sturdy to topple them onto her. Buster grabs maniacally onto one of the bookshelves and tugs futilely at it. BUSTER: "Yikes! Trapped! Elmyra, what are you doing here? And what have you done to Babs?" *Elmyra can't resist the opportunity to learn how Buster really feels about her. *ELMYRA: "Babs who?" BUSTER: "You know, Babs? Barbara Anne Bunny? Doesn't bathe often? Thinks she's Maryl Streep and Josephine Baker rolled into one? The kinda crazy girl who likes to hang out with me?" *Elmyra suddenly grows furious and starts foaming at the mouth. Buster has no idea what to make of it. *ELMYRA: "Your bunny-wunny girlfriend isn't here! She ran away because you didn't love her enough! I think she's on a date with that cute ducky." Buster's head starts spinning. Babs and Plucky? How long has this been going on? And why didn't he notice? *Elmyra takes advantage of his disorientation and makes a lunge for him. Buster is quick, but so is she. She manages to get a firm grip on his left foot. *ELMYRA: "Please don't resist, Mr. Furry-Head! It'll hurt less if you stop struggling!" Buster begins pulling books about vintage airplanes off the shelves and pounding *Elmyra on the head with them. She seems to be enjoying it. BUSTER: "If I stop struggling, you'll hug me to kingdom come!" *Elmyra does a clever twist-spin motion which topples Buster to the floor. She establishes a firm lock on both of his legs. *ELMYRA: "You'll feel better once you're in itty-bitty pieces!" Buster reaches for her head and begins pulling on her hair. He expects her to yelp in pain and release him, but she doesn't seem to feel it at all. Instead, she rolls him over and quickly shifts her grip, trapping him in a full nelson. From there, she slyly moves to her favorite wrestling maneuver, the bear hug. *ELMYRA: "And now, the ecstasy begins!" Buster struggles vainly to escape *Elmyra's eager arms. He has the distinct impression that his moments are numbered. Desperately, he tries to delay the inevitable by appealing to her allbeit diminuitive sense of reason. BUSTER: "Elmyra, (groan) you like bunnies, right?" ELMYRA: "Oooooh! I love bunnies!" BUSTER: "Then why are you trying to KILL ME???" ELMYRA: "Because I LOVE YOU!!!" She increases the pressure. Buster starts to grow dizzy. BUSTER: "Uh, Elmyra. (choke) Please don't finish me off just yet! (gasp! wheeze!) If you kill me today, you won't be able to play with me tomorrow!" *Elmyra pauses for a moment to consider his final request. *ELMYRA: "To squeeze or not to squeeze, that is the question. Whether tis nobler in the bunny to suffer The slings and anvils of outrageous comedy, Or to take arms against a sea of cuddles And by cuddling, end him." She hugs Buster tighter; his eyeballs squeeze shut against the oncoming frenzy. *ELMYRA: " To love, to squeeze -- No more, and by a squeeze to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks Of our last episodes, since Steven abandoned us." Buster notices a strange tenderness beginning to form in *Elmyra's eyes. Her grip becomes less restraining and more welcoming. *ELMYRA: " To love, to squeeze -- To squeeze, perhaps to forget -- ay, there's the rub." She gently rubs the fur on the top of Buster's head. *ELMYRA: "For in that sleep of reruns what mists may come When we have shuffled off this mortal series Must give us pause." *ELMYRA: "Don't forget me, Buster." She tickles Buster under the chin, and just as he starts to laugh a bit, she kisses him. One of her hands presses against the soft cloth of his sweater, while the other warmly caresses the back of his head. Buster, overcome by a mixture of surprise and pleasure, relaxes in her embrace. When she releases him two minutes later, he dissolves into a blue puddle in the middle of the library floor. Babs unlocks the door and hurries out into the night. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACT II: Out-of-Bunny Experience Buster lays splashed out on the floor for a long time. As the romantic feeling wears off, he feels so disoriented that he just can't pull himself together. His mind races as he adjusts to the new reality. BUSTER: "Oh great. Now I've got a crush on Elmyra. I want to be her pet. I must have some subconscious deathwish. And Babs has dropped me so she can start dating Plucky. How could I let this happen? My dreams have switched places with my nightmares." As Buster ponders his plight, Pete Puma wanders up the stairs on his janitorial rounds, pulling a custodial cart behind him. PETE: "Aaaaaaayup! Nitro-glycereeen works wonders on soap scum. You have to be reeeeely careful doa...." He suddenly notices the Buster-puddle staining the immaculate marble floor. PETE: "Darned kids and their Slush Puppies!" Pete pulls a dry mop from the cart, and he begins swishing it back and forth across Buster. Buster enjoys the experience; it reminds him of the time Babs gave him a full-bunny massage. Soon he is completely absorbed into the mop fibers. He continues to think about Babs as Pete drags him to the custodial sink. BUSTER: "Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way. Maybe it will be healthy for our relationship if Babs dates Plucky for a while and I stay with Elmyra. I mean, if we really love each other, we'll eventually get back together, right?" Pete finishes filling his bucket with scalding hot water and pulls the Buster-mop into the wringer. Buster feels the steam and wood against his watery body for a moment, then cringes in pain as the rollers do their dirty work. With a yelp, he is forcibly wrung from the mop and pours into the hot water. Pete plunges the mop up and down into the watery mixture to clean it; the viscosity creates a foamy Buster soup. Fortunately, liquid Buster is much lighter than water, and he soon separates and floats to the top. The shock of the heat and the threat of further agony motivate him to condense back into bunny form, and he tumbles out of the bucket with a gasp of relief. PETE: "Sheesh rabbit! School's closed! Go home to your wife and kids!" Buster's body temperature is about 100 degrees above normal; he runs down the hall at high speed to release some of the extra bunny heat. The sudden coolness brings him back to his senses. BUSTER: "What was I thinking? Babs, I miss you already. What did I do to drive you away? And how can I bring you back to me?" Dejectedly, he picks up his backpack and slowly trudges down the stairs. Babs waits patiently outside the library, hidden behind a noble-looking lion statue. She sheds the Elmyra costume with relief; her feet are killing her. Buster wanders morosely out the main entrance. Babs watches him eagerly. She wants to make sure Old Blue Ears sticks to her plan. BUSTER: "No warning, no goodbye. She just dumps me. I can't take it." Babs concludes that Buster has suffered enough for making fun of her. She comes out of hiding and crosses Buster's path. BABS: "Oh hi Buster! I was just coming to tell you...." BUSTER: "That you're sick and tired of me and you've started dating waterfowl?" BABS: "Buster, what are you talking about? I just wanted to make sure you came to the library downtown. I forgot to mention that in my love letter. You did read my love letter, didn't you?" She bats her eyelashes at Buster. Buster seems rather confused, but signs of relief begin to spread across his face. His uncertainties begin to fade as the comfort of Babs' love floods over him. BUSTER: "You mean you still like me? We can still go out together? You don't like Plucky anymore?" BABS: "Buster, the day I like Plucky is the day Fifi enters a nunnery. We've been together forever. I'm not going to drop you for a clump of undercooked poultry. Have a little faith in me, will ya? Monogamy is my middle name." BUSTER: "I thought it was Self-Control." BABS: "Not quite the same thing." She flashes a mischievous grin; Buster catches it and grins too. BUSTER: "It's been a weird evening, Babs. Elmyra was waiting for me upstairs in the library. She told me you ran off with Plucky. She trapped me and hugged me, and then she LET ME GO! And she called me by name! I think she really loves me now. She was wonderful." BABS: "Whoa, Buster! Are we talikng about the same Elmyra here? The Human Vise, the Smiling Assassin, the Girl Who Measures Love in Pounds per Square Inch?" BUSTER: "Say what you like Babs, but I'll never completely forget this night. If love can break through Elmyra's shell, it must be the strongest force in the world." He embraces Babs for a quick hug. Babs enjoys it for a minute or so, relishing the fact that Buster loves her unconditionally. Then she breaks off and gets back to business. BABS: "Speaking of love, I still have that little rendez-vous planned for us at 6:00, at the County Library? What time do you have?" Buster looks up at the Looniversity clock and notices that it's 5:58. Dumbstruck, he looks at Babs. BUSTER: "Two minutes? That's a long way to go through rush-hour traffic! How do you plan to get there on time?" BABS: "Race ya!" Babs rockets off like a pink streak of lightning, closely pursued by a blue streak. She makes a sharp turn around a corner and hides as Buster flies past her. She waits a few seconds as Buster fades from sight, then unpacks her Elmyra costume and pulls it on again. BABS: "Can't let him see the real me when Elmyra's busy with him. I've just gotta spy on him though. This could get amusing." She zips up the suit, making sure the zipper is securely fastened. Then she merrily skips down the sidewalk toward the County Library, singing some terrible song about duck abuse that she read in 'Elmyrish Folk Music'. The deep red sun sets into a bed of lavender clouds on the horizon. Catching the last rays, the roof of the County Library is bathed in the fading, lurid glow. Jutting from the roof is an ominous-looking penthouse, the well- furbished home of an overpaid government employee, now converted to a more diabolical purpose. Yellowish lights shine from the windows. Inside, a sweet but crazy little girl makes her final preparations. She stares at the haunting sunset through the library windows, but her one-track mind is circling in an infinite loop, fueled by an overdose of coffee. ELMYRA: "Tonight, at last, Mr. Hippity-Hop will be in my power, and he won't be trying to resist me ever again. I'll either squeeze him all together or pull him all apart. And if I love him too much? Well, half a bunny is better than none!" She recalls the deal she had made with the unstable pink bunny, the contest for who gets to keep the pretty blue bunny. She has to get him to kiss her by dressing up as his silly girlfriend. With a touch of melancholy, she begins to slip on her Babs Bunny costume. It's a rather tight fit, except for the chest and feet, which seem to have plenty of room. Elmyra secures everything except the head, which she leaves slouched along her back. She gazes into the mirror, looking rather worried. ELMYRA: "Well, it won't be my fault if I have to do more than kiss him to make him love me. It takes training to snare a bunny, and I've been practicing!" A cardboard box lies on the floor next to her feet, giving silent witness to Elmyra's preparations: / ----------------------------------------- / / --------------- / | --------------------------------------------- | | 24 INFLATABLE PRACTICE BUSTERS | | | | | | Sorry Kids, due to overwhelming demand | / | Inflatable Babs is SOLD OUT! | / --------------------------------------------- She pulls the last Buster-balloon from the box; it looks like a red, white, and blue garbage bag, all flattened out. Elmyra sighs and begins to inflate it lovingly. When it's fully blown, she closes the intake valve and begins to pet the balloon. ELMYRA: "Would you like to dance, snuggle-bunny?" Then she drapes her arms around it the most effective cuddle position: left arm around the lungs, right arm above the stomach, so it can neither breathe nor throw up. Carefully, tenderly, she caresses it, all the while strengthening her grip beyond federal safety limits. The Buster-balloon's head and feet begin to swell horribly, then with a terrible bursting sigh, it explodes. The shattered, rubbery remains float gently down to join the other popped Busters on the floor. Elmyra sweeps them under the rug. ELMYRA: "All set! Now where's the real thing?" With a squeal of delight, she fastens the Babs head around her own and zips the costume shut. She catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror, and she suddenly realizes how adorable she looks. *BABS: "I'm such a cute bunny! I love myself!" She gives herself a fast hug, but soon stops because of the intense pain. Looking back to the mirror, she sees a depraved Elmyra grin spread across a sweet Babs face. It is not a pleasant sight. Buster arrives at the library entrance gasping and wheezing: breaking MACH 4 takes a lot out of you, even when you're not dodging eighteen-wheelers. At least I beat Babs here, he thinks smugly. He heads up the library stairs. Fortunately, this library is only six stories high, so he doesn't wear himself out too much from the climb. When he reaches the top floor, he begins looking around for Babs' special hideaway, but finds nothing. Various toon students look eagerly into their textbooks, while some dull businesstoons read the newspapers. The only unusual thing is a blockade of signs and police tape on the staircase leading up to the penthouse: / \ /--------\ -------------- / \ / STOP \ \ YIELD / / \ --------- | THE | \ TO / --- --- | AGONY | \ CARNAGE / \ REASON / | ONE | | AHEAD | \--------/ \ / | WAY | | :P | \ / | TO | --------- \ / | DOOM | \ \/ -------- / \ / \ \-----------------------------------------------------------------------/ / \ ** AMINALS RUN, HARES BEWARES, DANGER ABOVE, ELMYRA UPSTAIRS! ** / \-----------------------------------------------------------------------/ BUSTER: "You don't suppose Babs would have set this up to reserve the penthouse for us, do ya? Oh, she's so clever! I'll bet nobody will disturb us all evening!" Buster carefully scales his way past the teetering signs, making sure that he doesn't knock any of them down. At the top, the door to the penthouse is covered with a skull-and-crossbones sign and lots of Mr. Yuk stickers, a last warning to the foolhardy. Buster tries to open the door, but it's locked from the inside. He nonchalantly knocks on the door, but he doesn't expect a response, since Babs hasn't arrived yet. *BABS: "Who's there? Are you cute and furry?" BUSTER: "Babs? Is that you? How did you get up here so fast? Of course I'm cute and furry! At least, that's what you said on our last date, right before you dunked me in bean dip." The door opens to reveal an ecstatic *Babs, smiling maniacally. She starts panting and drooling. Buster is a bit puzzled, since Babs doesn't usually start panting or drooling until later in the date. Suddenly, he feels himself being lifted by the neck and carried into the penthouse, the door tightly locked behind him. *Babs seems to regain control of herself, and she puts him back down on the floor. *BABS: "Hello, bunny!" BUSTER: "Hello, Bunny! So we're on a last name basis now?" *BABS: "Whatever you like. Do you mind if I put on some music, hoppykins?" BUSTER: "As long as it's passionate. I'm feeling more romantic than I ever have before. Must have been that close call at the Looniversity Library; I feel so free and uninhibited!" Buster gives *Babs a warm kiss on the cheek; her fur tastes a bit unusual, like it's been freshly washed. *Babs gets up and saunters over to the phonograph, looking for some seductive music the poor government guy left behind when he fled screaming in terror. Two of her favorite 45's are on the rack: "Twist and Shout" and "I'm Never Gonna Let You Go". She puzzles over which one to play but can't decide, so she tapes them into a figure-eight shape and plays them both at the same time. BUSTER: "What is that? Sounds like a duet with Michael Bolton and Whitney Houston." *BABS: "Just a little something I put together." BUSTER: "Well, I hope your taste for love exceeds your taste in music!" With that, Buster lays his head on *Babs' shoulder, and he begins massaging her back and kissing her neck. The soft fabric of her blouse feels so good under his touch! He leans over to her ears and begins whispering his secret hopes and dreams. He's a bit upset that she doesn't seem to be responding with any romantic overtures of her own. Shouldn't she be hugging him by now? *BABS: "Gee, you sure are frisky today!" BUSTER: "And you seem awfully calm! Have you been practicing Shirley's meditation techniques again? Don't get too deep into that New Age stuff, or you'll start seeing me as a distraction!" From outside the penthouse window, *Elmyra (who, as you recall, is actually Babs) looks at the proceedings with more than a hint of jealousy. She'd had a whale of a time climbing the side of the building, and she fell twice ("Being a toon does have its advantages", she'd told herself, as she quickly recovered from the numerous injuries). The spectacle in the penthouse has her steamed. All these years spent trying to find Buster's love switches, and Elmyra's the one who gets to turn them all on and take advantage of him. Worries begin to overwhelm her mind. What if Buster is so caught up in romance that he falls in love with the wrong Babs? Buster tries all the usual methods to get *Babs excited, but she ignores him. Buster grows frantic. Is she playing hard to get? How cold can she be? What does he have to do to get her to stop and pay attention to him? He gets down on his knees and begins to plead with her. BUSTER: "Babs, I know I'm not perfect like Casanova or Romeo or anyone, but I love you with all my heart, and I'm suffering because you won't let me know whether you love me in return. Have I done something to hurt you? Has someone stolen you away from me? I'm trying my best to say that I can't live without you, and I need you as much as anyone else. Gosh, we've known each other for so long, and you've never really opened up, never told me how you feel. I want to marry you someday. But you have to tell me whether you feel the same way about me, because if you don't, I'll leave you alone so you can find true happiness elsewhere. I'm all broken up inside. Please, Babs, tell me?" *Babs sees the vulnerability in his eyes and comes out of her shell. *BABS: "Would you like to dance, snuggle-bunny?" Buster is a bit flustered by the inquiry. Is she avoiding the question, or is she trying to answer it in her own special way? He gambles on the second choice, and agrees to dance. *Babs flips the records over to the other side, and the music is even more horrible than the A-sides. Buster holds Babs by the hands and tries to figure out which dance step would be appropriate. He remembers that he's not a very good dancer; he'd made such a fool of himself at the prom. BUSTER: "Sounds like an alternating 8/4, 2/6 beat. Maybe a square-dance disco, or a polka ballet?" *BABS: "How about a waltz?" She pulls Buster close to her. Buster wants to say that a waltz wouldn't be an appropraite choice, then he realizes that *Babs is embracing him, trying to tell him something. Could this be the moment? He rests his head against her and lets her lead. A gentle warmth begins to flow through him. It is the warmth of blood vessels being squeezed shut. Outside, *Elmyra rapturously enjoys the unfolding spectacle. Relief passes over her like a wave of cool water. *ELMYRA: "Hah! What was I worried about? Buster will never fall in love with that bunny-mangling machine! He'll come running back to me as soon as she's done with him." Buster stares passionately into *Babs' eyes, and he feels the delirium of her closeness. He can't think straight; the room starts to spin. BUSTER: "Oh Babs, I never felt this way before. This evening is going to be so majestic! Can you kiss me, please?" *Babs complies with his request and gives him a long, generous smooch. As Buster enjoys the experience, he realizes that he is beginning to lose touch with reality. Something is wrong. He notices that *Babs has given him a most unusual kiss, one that seals off both the nose and mouth. He tries to gasp for breath, but his lungs don't seem to be working. When he manages to speak, he sounds like Bert from Sesame Street. BUSTER: "Uh, Babsy! Do you wanna break this kiss for a moment so I can catch my breath? I mean grrrrrrrpppll!" *Babs replies to his pleas by squeezing as hard as her little arms can manage. To Buster, the room fades to a mauve color; *Babs begins to look blurry. Like Death's cape, a wave of blackness rolls over him, and he loses consciousness. Outside, *Elmyra begins to celebrate her victory. The challenge is over, and she has won. *ELMYRA: "Hah! It's no contest! It worked! My plan worked! Now Buster will hate me and fall madly in love with Elmyra!" Suddenly, the long-dormant, logical part of Babs' brain springs to life. *ELMYRA: "WHAT AM I DOING?!?! Buster's in mortal danger! I have to save him! I have to get out of this costume and revive him before it's too late! Before...." Wild panic flowing through her body, Babs yanks furiously at the zipper of her Elmyra costume. Wouldn'tcha know it, the zipper breaks off in her hands. *ELMYRA: "WHAT! This is no time for a cliche! I don't wanna be Elmyra forever!" Throwing caution to the wind, she hurls herself through the penthouse window. Sharp glass shatters all around her, but the costume is well-built, and she is not harmed. *Babs seems upset that *Elmyra has interrupted her secluded soiree; Elmyra takes off her Babs costume. Now two Elmyras argue over the events of the evening. ELMYRA: "You didn't let me finish him! That means you quit, so I win the bunny! He stays with me now." *ELMYRA: "You were strangling him! We have to ask him to find out who he likes best. He won't answer if you send him to the nether regions!" ELMYRA: "We don't have to ask him. Look at him! He only melted for you, but he passed out for me! That means he loves me more!" *ELMYRA: "He didn't pass out because he loved you! He passed out because you cut off his oxygen supply!" ELMYRA: "Love, oxygen, same difference! He can't live without me!" *ELMYRA: "He can't live with you either!" *Elmyra rushes to Buster's side and tries raising his head to restore him to consciousness. No response. She tries shaking him.... Buster feels himself tumbling downward into a bottomless pit of darkness. He struggles to open his eyes, but all he can see is the reddish glow of flames far below him. He gulps dryly as chaotic thoughts fill his mind. He crashes with a thud onto a bed of volcanic rock. Pain floods his nervous system, while a distinctly devillish monster surveys him. DEVIL: "Hmmmm. Buster Bunny. We weren't expecting you for a while yet. Still making preparations. Well, I guess we'll have to make do with what we've begun." Buster hears faint screams that pass through the walls around him: "Please, Lord Seegar, no more Disney cartoons! My brain is already gone!" "I'm sorry I cancelled Tiny Toons! Forgive me! Somebody forgive me!". There are others that he can't quite make out. He begins to sweat a little. BUSTER: "Uh, heh, what am I doing here? I never killed anybody or anything. I'm a pretty easygoing guy. I expected probably I'd end up in the other place. Any chance someone made a typo, buddy?" DEVIL: "Says here you dropped 40 anvils on a defenseless duck. Also says you repeatedly mistreated a young girl. And you haven't been to church since you were baptized." BUSTER: "Hey, that Elmyra stuff was all in self-defense! And Plucky, well he kind of deserved it, you know? And as for church, I, uh...." DEVIL: "Well, you'll have plenty of time to wail about it later. You'll be staying in Hippity-Hop Hades. I'll arrange for an escort." A gang of five winged Elmyra devils flies into the room. Buster gulps in fear. The devils surround him. E DEVIL: "Well, lookie who we get to torment for all eternity girls! It's another doomed bunny soul! Hee Hee Hee! Let's get him!" The Elmyra devils pile on top of him. Some poke him with their pitchforks, others tie him up with their pointy tails, while still others seem content to hug the daylights out of him. He begins to lose consciousness again, but this time he falls blissfully into a dreamless sleep.... Buster opens his eyes to find himself back at the penthouse. His head is cradled in *Elmyra's arms, and he is staring up at her face. She seems worried, and a few tears of relief are flowing from her eyes. He relaxes and tries to regain his bearings. BUSTER: "I'm all right now. Weird things have happened, but they're over with. I'll just take this slowly and find out what's going on." *ELMYRA: "Poor little guy! I apologize for what happened. How can I explain it to you without upsetting you?" Buster handles his thoughts one at a time. OK, Elmyra came to the library; maybe she followed me here. That means Babs should be here too. Buster starts looking around for Babs, but she doesn't seem to be around. Didn't she care about what happened to him? Suddenly, he sees Elmyra walk across the room. She is carrying a stack of 45 RPM records and muttering about someone cheating in a contest. Buster looks up again. Elmyra is holding him in her arms. Elmyra is two places at once, or Elmyra has cloned herself, or.... BUSTER: "I'm not all right. I'm out of my mind. I'm being tortured! How do I get out of here?" The Elmyra at the other end of the room is playing a record on the phonograph. It is "Bababababarbara Anne", that corny song from the 50's that Babs really hates. The Elmyra holding him becomes very disturbed, and she begins to scold the other Elmyra. *ELMYRA: "What do you think you're doing? He's not feeling well! Give him a few minutes to recover before we ask him!" ELMYRA: "Oh yeah, give you a few minutes to brainwash him and mess up his bunny head? Forget it. I already know I won. I'm going to take him home with me, so just stay out of my way, or I'll take you too." The Elmyra holding him grows more upset, and she starts caressing his forehead and begging. *ELMYRA: "Please Buster! Tell us which one you like best! Do you like me better or her? It's important! Wake up, talk to me, please!" The other Elmyra, fed up with the delays, grabs hold of his feet and begins pulling and dragging. ELMYRA: "Sorry, bunny! Game's over. I've got a lovely cage all set for you! You can be my #1 Favorite Pet today! Just don't try to run away." Buster, losing his tenuous grip on sanity, passes out during the ensuing tug-of-war. *ELMYRA: "What? Buster, come back! Don't leave me again! I'm sorry!" She starts sobbing on Buster's chest, and she notices that his breathing is very shallow. Frantically, she lunges at Elmyra and grabs hold of the front of her dress. *ELMYRA: "LET HIM GO! He's in danger! Elmyra, you've gotta leave him alone long enough for me to save him. Otherwise, we'll have to bury him and you'll never see him again!" Something in Babs' logic seems to penetrate Elmyra's impenetrable skull. She reluctantly agrees to give Babs five minutes to revive him. And just to show she's a sport, she tears off Babs' Elmyra costume so she can use all her bunny powers to bring poor Buster back to life. Babs starts with CPR, hoping to restore the rhythm to Buster's breathing and heartbeat. Buster seems to improve a bit, but disaster strikes: just as Buster starts to regain consciousness, he finds Babs' mouth pressed tightly against his. Dazed beyond belief, he dissolves into puddle form and passes out again. Babs tries performing CPR on the puddle, but she can no longer locate his vital organs. Frustrated, she asks Elmyra for suggestions. ELMYRA: "On TV, they said if CPR doesn't work, you're supposed to use a plunger!" Elmyra runs off to the penthouse bathroom, and she returns with a plunger. As Babs stands by and watches hopefully, Elmyra begins furiously plunging the Buster-puddle, creating lots of disgusting squishy noises and making lots of wonderful foamy bubbles. ELMYRA: "At least he's getting plenty of air!" While all that is going on, Buster's spirit leaves his puddle-body and begins floating skyward. He doesn't know what to expect on this journey, but it can't be any worse than what's already happened. He is enjoying the freedom of floating when he spots Shirley astrally projecting herself ahead. She is in the lotus position and seems to be meditating. Buster swims over toward her; Shirley seems to detect his presence, and she takes a good look at him. SHIRLEY: "Gads! Buster! What are you doing up here? I like didn't know that you had your chakras aligned the celestial way!" BUSTER: "Actually, Shirl, I don't. I think my body got so misaligned that it'll never work again. It's probably a one-way trip." SHIRLEY: "Oh, bummer! Were you in an accident?" BUSTER: "More like a bad joke. I'm frightened and confused Shirley. Babs doesn't care about me anymore. Elmyra split into two parts. I can't deal with life back there anymore." SHIRLEY: "Oh my aura! Did Babs break up with you? If she did, she's just a little tramp. I'll have to speak with her about this! You're the best guy on the show. Is she going to settle for Plucky now?" BUSTER: "I wouldn't be surprised. I think it's mostly her fault that I'm here." SHIRLEY: "Ooooh, I'm gonna make a psycho-cosmic storm that'll teach her a lesson! Well Buster, if you ever need a karma transfusion or some junk, just let me know, kay? I wander the higher regions Tuesdays and Thursdays. Bye!" With that, Shirley descends toward the earth, and a whirlpool of storm clouds congeals around her. Buster's attention is attracted toward a shining light glowing far above him. BUSTER: "This looks like the end of the road. I hope it's peaceful." He spies a golden gate ahead, guarded by two archangels. The angels seem to be arguing about whether to combine Disney heaven and Warner hell, and how Disney's best characters are like Warner's worst. Buster clears his throat and tries to enter the conversation. BUSTER: "Hi guys. Looks like I made it up here, but darned if I know why. I thought I was destined for the other place. Could one of you tell me what's going on? My world was turned upside-down today, and I just want an explanation before I accept it." The angels appear to be uncertain of the situation as well. ANGEL 1: "Oh, not another rabbit! They cause trouble everywhere they go. Can't we send him to purgatory for a few centuries?" ANGEL 2: "Wait a minute. He'd make a great playmate for the kids up here." ANGEL 1: "Or a great dustmop for the floors up here." BUSTER: "Could you please just tell me why Babs doesn't love me anymore? After that, you can do whatever you want to me." The second angel, who appears to have seniority, makes his decision. ANGEL 2: "Buster Bunny, I hereby welcome you to the holy domain. You may enter the gates, at which time all of your questions will be answered. You will spend the remainder of eternity in Hippity-Hop Heaven." A glimmer of hope comes to Buster's eyes. BUSTER: "Will Babs ever come here to join me?" ANGEL 2: "I cannot say. I only decide the destiny of those before me. I'll summon a few angels to show you the way in." From far across the sky, five angels form a flight pattern, and they slowly float down to encircle Buster. Buster's a bit startled when he notices that they all look like Elmyra. E ANGEL: "Greetings, o chosen one! We are here to welcome you to the joy of Eternal Love. Hee Hee Hee! C'mon girls! Let's get him!" The Elmyra angels swarm over him. The first one pulls her halo down over his head, trapping his arms against his sides, while the others smother him with hugs and kisses. Their feathery wings rub against his nose, and he starts sneezing uncontrollably. Losing touch with reality once again, Buster feels himself plummeting back toward earth. Buster discovers himself back at the penthouse, still sneezing uncontrollably, with a cloud of black pepper dust flying around his head. He sees Babs through the cloud; she seems to be overjoyed about something. Buster grasps the front of her dress and pulls himself up, making certain that she hears what he says. BUSTER: "Babs, do you want to know something about the afterlife? IT'S NOT PRETTY!!!" With that said, he collapses back down to the floor and tries once again to figure out what's going on. One question seems rather obvious. BUSTER: "Why do I have a plunger on my head?" BABS: "Oh Buster, for a while we thought you were going to leave us! We had to take desperate measures to bring you back. The pepper was our last hope." Buster gazes mournfully around the room. He notices an empty box of Rice Krispies ("guess that explains the snapping, crackling, popping sound in my head"), a half-full bottle of Pepto-Bismol, and an open can of Crystal Drano. BUSTER: "I don't feel so good. Can you please get rid of this plunger?" Babs grabs a firm hold of the plunger and starts pulling with all her might. Buster's head and neck stretch all out of shape, but the plunger remains firmly attached. Elmyra pushes Babs aside and tries removing the plunger herself. Plunging it up and down, over and over, about twenty times, she finally breaks the seal and the plunger pulls free with a loud pop. A deep red ring begins to spread around Buster's head where the plunger was attached. ELMYRA: "Ooh, I bet that mark won't go away for months!" Babs reaches down, trying to help Buster get to his feet. Buster flinches away from her. BUSTER: "Don't touch me! Stay away! I don't trust you anymore! I just want to go home." Babs seems taken aback. Buster spells out the situation to her. BUSTER: "If you didn't love me anymore, all you had to do was say so. You don't need to try to get rid of me! I'll leave you alone for the rest of your life. Just let me out of this horrible penthouse!" Elmyra notices that the contest has ended, and she wants to find out if she won. ELMYRA: "Bunny, which one of us do you like the best!" BUSTER: "Neither! I hate you both!" The words fly out of his mouth before he can think about them. He's not sure whether he means it or not. Babs acts like she's been stabbed through the heart. BABS: "Buster, please, I can explain everything! Don't leave!" BUSTER: "Save it, Babs." His mind reeling, Buster stumbles out through the broken window of the penthouse. A storm is brewing outside. Wisps of rain begin flying through the shattered glass. Babs is so distraught that she doesn't follow after him. She lies down on the carpet, her head buried in her hands. BABS: "I did this! It's all my fault. I was so selfish and I didn't care what I was doing to him. He deserves better than me." She sobs into the carpet for a few moments, then pulls herself together. BABS: "It's not going to end like this! I'll show him how much I love him, and I won't hurt him again! I just have to find him." She walks outside the penthouse and looks around the city. Buster probably took the fire escape back down to the street, but she can't find any signs of where he went afterward. She carefully descends to the sidewalk, looking through the dark alleyways for evidence of his passing. The rain picks up, and her ears become soggy and droopy. Wiping the rivulets of water from her face, she wanders the city looking for him. Lightning flashes across the sky, and the ground begins to shake with thunder. Babs plans her search strategy. BABS: "He said he felt like going home. I guess I should check there first. But I don't want to upset him. Maybe I'll just wait outside his burrow for a while." The nearest route to Buster's burrow is through the city park. The rain continues to build, and the air throbs with electricity, as Babs makes her way along the pond's edge. From another corner of the park, Buster rambles toward his home, his stomach tied in knots of regret. There are some things you just can't take back. Far above them, Shirley watches their progress. She had something more in mind for Babs, an overdue message about treasuring her friends, but Buster and Babs look like they're going to collide along their paths, and she figures she'll let them work it out themselves. She drifts off, leaving the storm behind to spend itself out. BABS: "Our relationship will never be the same again, no matter what I do. I treated him like dirt. I just hope he'll forgive me eventually." BUSTER: "I don't understand this. I still love her. Is there any way we can work this out? I don't want to leave her!" The rabbits are about five hundred feet apart when the storm above makes its final strike. A wayward bolt of lightning crashes into a huge tree not far from where Babs is walking. Babs is stunned for a moment by the shock, and part of the tree topples over, a large branch striking her in the back of her head. Buster sees the strike over the treetops, and he flees in a different direction, hoping to get safely out of the park before the next bolt hits. Babs falls senseless to the ground, her face dangerously close to the edge of the pond, as the water rises before her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACT III: The Hippity-Hop Honeymoon Hotel Buster glances up from his homework to take another look at the clock on his wall. It has just turned to 9:00. He stares back at his homework, his mind overwhelmed with frustration. He hates doing homework alone. BUSTER: "Babs, why don't you call me? I thought you wanted to apologize or something. Why can't you call so I can scream at you and call you names and tell you how much I still care about you?" He keeps studying the homework problem. It's a simple question, but he can't seem to focus on it. He tries visualizing the equation, but all he can see is a pink and white rabbit face staring back at him from the paper. BUSTER: "Maybe I should be the humble one and give her the call. But she's gonna be real sorry when she hears what I have to say. I just hope she doesn't hang up too soon." He dials Babs' house on his carrot phone. He knows the number so well that he doesn't need to think about it. The phone rings a few times; probably Babs keeping him waiting. Finally, there's an answer. BABS' MOM:"Babs, hon, is this you? We've been so worried since the storm started and we were wondering when you're coming home." Buster grips the phone tighter. He starts to go into a mild state of shock. Babs hadn't made it home yet. He doesn't know what to say. BUSTER: "Uh, hello, this is Buster. I was just wondering about Babs...." BABS MOM: "Buster! You mean Babs isn't with you? She said she was going to the library with you to do your homework! Where is she? You didn't abandon her, did you? It's dark outside!" Buster can't handle the strain any more. He listens to Babs' Mom complain about his lack of devotion for a minute or two, then hangs up the phone. He comes out from his burrow, feeling a breeze as the moon passes through clouds overhead. The cool night wind is still laced with the fragrance of rain. He fastens on his backpack and uses the sporadic moonlight to plot his trail. There's only one place to start. Back where the nightmares began, back to the penthouse. A young, kindly man trudges through the watery grass. He is dressed in a damp overcoat, his helmet pulled back, a face that has seen many fires. A patch marked "Kev B" adorns his otherwise barren uniform. He carries the limp form of a forest creature in his arms. FIREMAN: "Little girl, is this the pet rabbit you lost? She's in pretty bad shape. I found her down by the pond. Looks like she hit her head and fell in the water. She'd breathed in a little water by the time I got to her. If I'd gotten there much later, she'd have probably drowned." Elmyra takes a close look at the rabbit in the pale light. Muddy yellow blouse, lavender skirt, pink fur. Wrong color. ELMYRA: "I'm sorry. That's not my bunny. He was blue." The fireman starts to turn away, not sure what to do with the poor rabbit he's carrying in his arms. Suddenly, Elmyra's mind flares to life with a plan so mischievous that she's surprised she never thought of it before. ELMYRA: "But I'll take her anyway! You can never have too many pets, you know." The fireman seems glad to be relieved of the responsibility, and he eagerly hands Babs over to Elmyra's care. Then he heads off, back to the fire station for more urgent business. Buster searches through the darkened penthouse, hardly making a sound. The lights have been turned off since the library closed. The only illumination comes from the streetlights outside. His long shadow passes over the shapeless furnishings. BUSTER: "There's no trace of her anywhere. She must have abandoned this place after I left. Was she searching for me?" He recalls his hasty departure from the building, how he ran away and never looked back to see if he was being followed. Maybe he would have seen Babs coming after him, would have had the chance to vent all of his anger and confusion then. But the time had passed, and now she was gone. BUSTER: "She had to have followed me. There's nowhere else for her to go. She probably headed for my home." A vivid image of Babs waiting patiently outside his burrow, with rain pouring down on her, flashes through Buster's mind. He hadn't treated her with the respect she deserved. BUSTER: "Guess it's back to the park. I should be able to follow her trail: she's got such big feet, and the ground's so muddy. Just hope I don't confuse her tracks with my own." Briskly walking down the fire escape, he splashes through the rain-filled potholes and retraces the path toward the park. Sunlight pours through the church window, and Babs' face is just as radiant. The day she had been dreaming of for so long has finally come to pass. Now, as the seats finish filling up, she looks over the cake, the presents, the bouquets of carrots, and especially at the handsome bridegroom, who is fidgeting with the collar of his tuxedo. Fifi stands off to one side, playing idly with the fabric of her full-figured bridesmaid's dress. Babs grows a bit jealous, seeing that Fifi is just as sexy as she is. But nothing can tarnish this moment, when Buster and Babs will be united forever in front of the whole world. Babs starts her march down the aisle. She sees her family filling the pews on both sides; all one hundred of her siblings are here. Most of them seem bored out of their minds. Mortimer lies fast asleep on his mother's lap, drooling profusely. Some of the older kids make goo-goo eyes and kissy-faces at Babs, but a few give her quiet looks of encouragement. Shirley and Fifi trail behind her, both looking quite ravishing in their sparkling white bridesmaid dresses, and Elmyra follows from a safe distance with the bridal bouquet. Babs' eyes linger on the bouquet; she wishes she could take the carrots with her after the ceremony. Plucky stands beside Buster as the best man, looking so regal that even Shirley is taken aback, and Hamton stands near him, carrying the wedding ring. The front rows of pews are filled with her other friends and acquaintances from Acme Loo: Sweety and Furrball side-by-side, with Furrball holding two slices of bread; Monty glaring in his usual grouchy mood, but occasionally glancing fondly at Elmyra; and all her other pals cheerfully wave as she passes by. Finally, in the front row, her parents are consoling each other on the coming loss of their daughter. Babs looks around, but she san't find any of Buster's relatives in the church. Was it true that Buster was actually Bugs Bunny's son, and Bugs had gone to great lengths to hush it up? Or was that horrible rumor about the airplane crash true? Buster had never told anyone what happened to his family. Maybe someday he'd have the courage to share the secret. She walks to the altar and stands by her man. The priest begins pronouncing their vows. PRIEST: "Do you, Barbara Anne Bunny, take Buster Ukariah Bunny, to have and to hold, to never release, from this day forward, until death do you part?" For the first and only time in her life, Babs is not upset at being called Barbara Anne. BABS: "I surely do." SHIRLEY: "Like, watch it with those adverbs Babs! I don't want to get married to your mondo boyfriend or some junk!" A few tears come to Babs' eyes, as she realizes those carefree days have now come to an end. MINISTER: "Do you, Buster Ukariah Bunny, take Barbara Anne Bunny, to have and to hold, to hug and to squeeze, for ever and ever, always and always, until the end of time?" BUSTER: "I uh, I, I, ...." Babs is a little upset at Buster's stage fright, and she tries calming him down with a little of her famous humor. BABS: "C'mon Buster! Everyone's looking! What do you say when the nice man asks you to marry me? Remember the rehearsal?" BUSTER: "I, I, can't Babs." A sudden surge of panic rushes through Babs. She looks pleadingly at him, but he won't meet her gaze. BABS: "Oh Buster, sob, why? We had such great plans!" BUSTER: "Because you're my sister, Babs. I'm gonna marry Fifi instead!" BABS: "WHAT?!?!" Fifi rushes to Buster's side, wrapping him lovingly in her tail. FIFI: "We hef finally found ze true happiness, my little pony, no? Come avay vis me to ze getaway car!" Buster sweeps Fifi off her feet and cuddles her close to his chest. They trot back down the aisle, as Babs starts to erupt with fury. She lunges for Elmyra's bouquet and grabs two large, leafy carrots. Then she charges after two fleeing lovebirds, waving the carrots toward them menacingly. BABS: "Alright, Mr. and Mrs. Backstabber! Let's see you enjoy your marriage after an overdose of beta-carotene!" Just as Babs catches up to them, the church tumbles into chaos. Furrball and Sweetie start a riot in the front of the church, Babs' brothers and sisters stampede toward the bathroom (crushing everyone in their path, including Babs), and Elmyra successfully grabs hold of the priest ("No! Release me! I took a vow of celibacy!"). The sunlight fades away as Babs expires beneath the hundreds of furry feet.... Suddenly, she opens her eyes, and finds that she's lying on a cold cement floor. Her head is pounding and she feels awfully weak. BABS: "Oh brother, I've had nightmares before, but that one takes the cake! What would Freud have said about it?" Gazing upward, she recognizes the rusting, empty cages swinging overhead, and her mind wakes up with a start. BABS: "Elmyra's house! Why am I here? This can only mean...." She rolls onto her stomach, just in time to see the hug-happy little girl rushing toward her with open arms! ELMYRA: "Oh, you tragic little bunny! I'm so glad you're OK!" Elmyra quickly establishes a choke-hold on defenseless Babs' neck. ELMTRA: "You got a nasty bumpy-wumpy on your heady-weady! I was going to call Dr. Zhivago if you didn't wake up." Babs groans inwardly. Dr. Ulysses Zhivago, the pathetic veterinarian, replacement for Dr. Gene Splicer. How fitting that Elmyra chose him as her personal pet doctor. The guy knows nothing about how to treat animals. All the toons harrass him whenever they get sent to his office for check-ups. Suddenly, Babs feels Elmyra pressing her windpipe and esophagus together, and she yelps in protest. BABS: "Urgh! Elmyra! You're cutting off my circulation!" ELMYRA: "You won't be doing any more circulating, bunny! You're staying with me!" With that, she picks up Babs like a rag doll and carries her over to a gleaming, huge, well furnished cage in the center of the room. She then unceremoniously dumps Babs into the cage, which locks itself tightly behind her. ELMYRA: "Welcome to your new home, Mrs. Hippity-Hop! This is ACME's Calamity 2000 Escape-Proof Bunny Cage. I had to save for two months to buy it, but I love it! It punishes anybunny who tries to escape, so I don't have to! You get to stay here while my pretty blue bunny comes to rescue you." A surge of hope fills Babs' heart, as the memory of Buster brings her a moment of comfort. Then she remembers what she did to him. BABS: "Buster's not coming for me. He doesn't love me anymore. Didn't you hear what he said?" Despite the bump on her head, Babs manages to come up with a rudimentary plan. BABS: "But he wants to see you again! Elmyra, he's madly in love with you! Why don't you let me go so I can bring him back to you?" ELMYRA: "Oh no, bunny, I can't let you run away! I need two bunnies today! My math book says that if I put two bunnies in a cage, in a few months I'll have hundreds of bunnies! Hyuk, hyuk, stay put while I set the trap!" With a gleeful, menacing departure, Elmyra trods up the stairs, turns on her multimillion-dollar surveillance system, and starts playing with the dials. Strange clicking and gnashing sounds fill the air around Babs. Buster trudges through the mud, quite satisfied with himself for locating Babs' tracks. She'd been following him alright, and doing a fairly good job of it. He wonders why she never caught up to him, and where she went. Then he starts thinking of what he'll do once he finds her. BUSTER: "First I'm gonna make her explain what happened today, even if I have to tickle her till she's unconscious. Then I'll gloat over her and make her get down on her knees and apologize to me. And after that, I'll grab her in my arms, stare her in the face, give her the biggest hug of her life, whisper "I love you!" in her big ears, and probably top it all off with a tender kiss on the lips. That'd probably mess up her mind pretty bad." Visions of Babs groveling before him fill his thoughts as he passes through the puddles and soggy grass. He stops with surprise as he sees the shattered tree ahead, and the surprise turns to anguish as he notices that the tracks lead toward it. He runs to the shore of the lake and reads the signs as well as he can. The only thing he can be certain of is that Babs was knocked down at the edge of the lake and had lain there for a long time. Maybe too long. The water has risen and filled the depression she had made when she fell. Buster's head throbs, with the possibility of Babs' death filling his mind. He could never accept that, nothing could make him believe it until he knew it was true. He kneels by the shore for a few long minutes, trying to collect his thoughts. He then stares at the large, human tracks that march rapidly off into the distance. BUSTER: "Boots. Look like fireman's boots. If Babs were, choke, dead, he wouldn't have been running so fast, would he? Unless he didn't know. He must have carried her away." Abandoning the shore, he sets off for the fireman's trail, praying that the fireman didn't reach the highway where Buster could never track him. He wanders through the forest for a while and comes upon a clearing. There, he recognizes the hideous Oxford shoeprints immediately. BUSTER: "Elmyra! She's taken Babs! What has she done? She's gonna pay!" Rage fills Buster as he darts off to Elmyra's house. His fears are pushed to the back of his mind as he plans his assault. Elmyra's pet cellar is highly fortified and very nasty; escaping with Babs will not be easy. If she's still there, still alive.... Babs lies forlornly at the bottom of her cage. The pain in her head has subsided, but she's hungry and depressed. She stares at the cold bars of her cage and tries to think creatively. All of her traditional escape methods had been thwarted by the cage. Elmyra would never let her out until Buster arrived. And Buster would never arrive. She lies still on the cage floor, thinking hard and sobbing a little. She doesn't notice the blue form that slips like a shadow across the corners of the room, carefully avoiding the trip wires and burglar alarms scattered everywhere. Buster works his way around the room until he gets a good look at the center cage, and the motionless form inside it. BUSTER: "Babs? NO! PLEASE, NO!!" Losing all sense of reason, Buster runs toward her, setting off a moving stone trap that triggers a catapult, hurling him into the cage and onto Babs with substantial force, and the cage locks shut behind him. Babs "oofs" quietly as he collides with her, unsure what's going on, but her mind works quickly, and she plays dead. BUSTER: "Oh, Babs, why? Why not me instead? You were the only one who gave any meaning to my miserable life!" Buster lifts Babs into his arms, and she lies back limply, melodramatically. Her eyes are shut, and Buster cries onto her tender body. BUSTER: "I can't go on without you! I won't! Babs, if you won't stay on this wretched planet, neither will I! I'll, I'll...." Buster lowers his head in sorrow, sobbing frantically. With his head down, he notices that Babs is smiling. Not a big smile, but it was definitely not there before. A vengeful, playful feeling runs over him, and he doesn't miss a beat in his tirade. BUSTER: "I'll have to leave this all behind. This life is over. I have to start everything anew. Maybe Shirley will take me." He glimpses back at Babs' face. Her smile has vanished. BUSTER: "Or perhaps Fifi?" That did it. The smile has turned into a nasty frown. So Babs is jealous of Fifi, huh? BUSTER: "It'll be so hard getting used to a girlfriend who never wears clothes. Or who wraps her boyfriend in her long, luscious tail and never lets him go. But I'll adjust, eventually...." He takes a good long look at Babs, who is now so infuriated that she's trembling. He smiles broadly as Babs jumps for him and pins him against the cage floor. BABS: "Only dead a few minutes and you're already replacing me? You no-good traveling salesman! I oughta...." BUSTER: "Rope it in, Drooly-Babe. You're not an Academy-Award caliber actress yet." Babs releases her hold and hobbles morosely to a corner of the cage. She's still ashamed of herself. BUSTER: "Hey, Barbara Anne, wasn't there something you wanted to apologize for? Something very important?" Buster waits eagerly for the apology to begin. As soon as Babs confesses, he can find out what the heck's been going on, and they can start mending whatever harm has been done. But Babs lies huddled in the corner, moisture welling outside her eyes, and she can't bring herself to speak. Buster waits patiently while Babs cools off; she never makes things easy for him. BUSTER: "So, how are the accommodations here at Hotel Elmyra?" BABS: "Sniff, oh Buster, it's terrible! It's so lonely; all the other animals are gone. And she hasn't been feeding me." BUSTER: "Gee Babs, you had a big lunch at Acme Loo today, probably had a big supper after school too." BABS: "But I'm STARVING! I've been under so much stress since I thought you were...." Babs is rudely interrupted by the sound of clomping feet. Overhead, the moaning of "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" is abruptly squelched as Elmyra shuts off the TV. She runs over and checks her bunny alarm system, giggling delightfully as she observes the red status lights, and she noisily climbs down the cellar steps. ELMYRA: "Oh joy! My wish has come true! Two bunnies! Now I can have as many as I want!" Buster groans as his least favorite person comes over to stare at her new pets. ELMYRA: "Ooooooooh, I can hardly wait! Maybe the baby bunnies will arrive any minute?" Buster is rather flabbergasted. BUSTER: "Baby bunnies? Hello Elmyra, have you lost your mind? What are you talking about?" Elmyra pulls out her math book and hands it to Buster, pointing to the chapter marked "The Fibonacci Sequence". There Buster sees a charming family tree, starting with two rabbits who bear a striking resemblance to him and Babs, and continuing down through countless pairs of rabbits that span a dozen generations. Buster stares for a while, a dazed expression passing over his face as he tries counting the little bunnies. Seeing that Buster's face is tightly in the book, Elmyra can't resist her primal urges. ELMYRA: "Kiss yourself! Kiss yourself! Kiss yourself!!!" She giggles hysterically as she pounds Buster in the face repeatedly with the math book, then smashes it shut on his head. She pulls it out of the cage, as Buster turns his now-rectangular head toward Babs, who can't help but giggle herself. BUSTER: "What are you laughing at, fluff chick?" BABS: "Oh, nothing, you just look like Plucky after that first crescendo on The Anvil Chorus. Ha ha ha!" BUSTER: "You ungrateful ..., after I came to rescue you!" Buster hops over to Babs in a single bound, grabs an ear in each hand, and quickly ties her ears into a square knot. Babs yelps as he tightens her tender ears, then she reaches up and tries untangling them, but she can't see them, so she has a great deal of trouble. Feeling satisfied, Buster trudges over to the far corner and looks at his current predicament with disdain. Babs tries pleading with Elmyra, knowing that it never does any good. She can't even hear herself talk, with her ears all tied up. BABS: "Aw, come on Elmyra, you can't do this to us! We had a deal. What about the contest?" ELMYRA: "I decided to compromise, Mrs. Hyper-Head. You get to keep him, and I get to keep you. See, we both win!" Buster's ears pick up the talk of the contest, and he glares at Babs with his "you have some explaining to do" look. Babs quiets herself and huddles down. Buster's rather upset; why is she so introverted all of a sudden? He figures he might as well talk to Elmyra; she's always good for some mind-numbing conversation. BUSTER: "Hey, are you my new mommy? Where are all the other aminals?" Elmyra enjoys the depreciating attitude Buster treats her with. ELMYRA: "Hee, I sent them all out to the doctor for checkups and shots! It was so hard getting that stinky kitty in the ambulance though. Everybody in the back seat passed out!" Buster frowns at the thought. He's not too happy with the prospect of Fifi getting her shots. Most of her fans don't mind if she's rabid. ELMYRA: "Well, I'll let you two get to know each other. But remember, I want a dozen lavender baby bunnies by 10:30, or I'll hug you both into subatomic pieces!" Elmyra skips back up the stairs and clicks on the TV. The opening theme to "Mr. Roger's Neighborhood" fills the house. Buster wonders which of Elmyra's bizarre TV shows is responsible for her vegetable-like IQ. BABS: "Buster, what's happening? What'd she say? UNTIE ME!!" Buster reluctantly untangles Babs' ears, petting them just a bit as he proceeds. Babs calms down a little as he gently separates them. Buster can barely resist the urge to hug her, she looks so vulnerable. BUSTER: "Have you called our lawyer?" BABS: "Nah, Elmyra wouldn't give me a phone call." BUSTER: "Then looks like we've got a jailbreak on our hands. Should be a piece of cake though. I'm surprised you didn't break out yourself!" BABS: "Good luck, Mr. Alcatraz. I'll just sit back and watch." BUSTER: "Might as well try digging. That's what rabbits do best!" BABS: "Hardly. Elmyra wants us to do what rabbits do best." Buster ignores Babs' lackadaisical attitude and starts tearing at the cage floor. It's made of a very tough steel alloy, and it has a lot of small, sharp ridges. Buster shreds his gloves to ribbons and nearly hurts his hands before giving up. He takes a close look at the cage bars and tries gnawing through them with his teeth, but they're filled with some chemical that tastes hideous, and he stops after getting nauseous. Then he grabs a cage bar in each hand and shakes vigorously; this triggers an electric shock that fires him up like a lightning rod, sending little electrical bolts out his hyperextended ears. Finally, he collapses on the floor and admits defeat. BABS: "I tried all that stuff. At least you didn't reach under the cage looking for a release lever. I got my hand stuck down there and couldn't free it for a half hour." BUSTER: "Want to do our math homework? Looks like we won't be going anywhere for a while." The two bunnies make an effort to work through the problems, but they all deal with the Fibonacci sequence, and they can't concentrate on them. Babs starts laughing, figuring that she'll be a grandmother in three weeks if the book is accurate. Buster starts coming up with extremely ridiculous names for his future kids, such as Bubbawannadrinkawata and Cageylovechild. They both enjoy themselves, feeling glad about each other, and nestle down for a nap. The moon shines from a window high above, as the two rabbits sleep contentedly side-by-side. Time passes, weeks stretch into months, and the restless bunnies have nothing to do except fulfill Elmyra's wishes. After a little practice, they quickly get the hang of things, and they soon become the proud parents of four charming (?) little rugrats. Stevie is their firstborn, and they fawn and coo over him so much that he gets a severe ego problem. Next comes Jenny, who decides to divert her mom and dad's attention away from Stevie by doing all sorts of inspired jokes at their expense. Jody follows, a very sweet little guy who treats his parents with great affection, even though he thinks it's lots of fun to drive them crazy. Tiny Karen arrives last, a doe-eyed sweetheart who could fit right in with Saddam Hussein's regime when she gets mad. Stevie is about 8 years old intellectually, Jenny is 6, Jody 5, and Karen 2. All four kids seem to have inherited the most extreme traits from their folks, which is quite scary. Buster and Babs rouse themselves from another routine night sleeping in the cage. Elmyra expanded the cage to accommodate the whole family, and it now fills up most of the basement. The rabbits have nearly forgotten what it was like to be free, and they seem to have adjusted to permanent incarceration. BUSTER: "Well gorgeous, the kids are still asleep. Wanna check out the Karma Sutra section of the math book and run a few iterations of Newton's method?" BABS: "Buster, we already have four kids, how many more do you want?" Their discussion awakens their kids, who quietly conspire among themselves to start causing trouble. Jody doesn't like the sound of some of the tricks, but he loves the rest of them. The kids shake on it and look charmingly up at their parents. BUSTER: "Aw, hi kids! You look like you slept well last night!" KAREN: "Oh daddy, we sure did!" Karen jumps happily into Buster's open arms and snuggles against his sweater. Buster caresses her soft brown fur, while Stevie sticks a match between Buster's toes and quickly lights it. BABS: "Hey, nobody appreciates their mommy, who carried you inside her for three long months each?" Babs' dismay falls away as Jody runs to her for a big hug. She pets him lovingly as he squeezes tightly against her; the little lavender guy has always been her favorite. While Babs is busy, Jenny slides a medium-sized stick of lit dynamite down Babs' back. STEVIE: "I hope Elmyra keeps letting us watch TV. That Bonkers show's really cool. All Disney stuff is cool. Unlike Warner Brothers, with that corny Tiny Toons and everything." JENNY: "The only cartoon I love is Tale Spin, and only because of Don Karnage. Sigh! He makes me swoon!" Buster moans to himself. Elmyra has been spoon-feeding his kids Disney cartoons ever since they were babies; they'd probably never recover enough to enjoy a distinguished episode of Tiny Toons and laugh at their parents' antics. He resigns himself to an eternity of the Disney channel and turns on the TV, wondering if Disney will ever buy out Warner Brothers so he can see himself again. JENNY: "When I grow up, I'm gonna be a miltiant feminist swimsuit model. Omigosh! It's Tale Spin! There's Don! Oh, SWOON!" Jenny faints away on the cage floor, and Jody is right by her side with the smelling salts. He pushes the salts into her nostrils and waits for them to take effect; it's such fun watching her wake up and shake that thick furry orange head of hers, trying to get the salt out. Jenny revives in a minute or two, but then she glances at the TV and passes out again. Jody keeps the smelling salts handy, because Jenny gets really angry when she sleeps through a whole episode. Soon he gets her head turned away from the TV and revives her again. JODY: "Falling for a fox is bad news, sis. If your dreams come true and you really do get to meet him, he'll eat you up!" JENNY: "Sigh! And I'll enjoy every minute of it!" Babs seems to hear a faint hissing sound, but she dismisses it as noise from Elmyra's dishwasher. Meanwhile, Buster starts to feel a little warm. BUSTER: "Gee guys, did Elmyra turn up the heat again? Is it winter already?" JODY: "Nah, you're probably just having hot flashes. Maybe it's 'cause mommy's making us a new baby brother?" Jody smiles eagerly at his mom, but she shakes her head no. She feels a little warm too, but she can't quite place the feeling. It seems to be coming from behind her, no matter which way she turns.... Buster starts perspiring heavily, his sweater becoming thoroughly soaked. He gasps, heading for the water bottle in the corner to try and cool himself off, but nothing works. Finally, he looks down and notices that his left foot has just caught on fire. BUSTER: "AOOOOOH!!!! My poor blazing foot! Call the arson squad!" Babs can't stop laughing as Buster runs around the cage, fanning the flames. Stevie offers to extinguish the blaze with a gallon of gasoline, but Jody intervenes and douses Buster with water from the family water bottle. Buster looks up pitifully, like a sick puppy. BABS: "Aw Buster, you should be more careful with the kids, they're so playful! Sniff! Hmm, I smell gunpowder." BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! Babs is totally absorbed by a terrible explosion that resembles a small nuclear detonation; fortunately, nobody else gets hurt. As the smoke clears, a fine, powdery curtain of ash descends into a pile in the center of the cage where Babs used to be. Karen and Jody mix the ash with Buster's sweat and build a nice little sand castle. BUSTER: "Gee, I'm surprised that you kids are so good at this stuff! You've never seen a Warner Brothers cartoon in your whole lives, but you have the physical abuse down to a T." JODY: "Must be genetically inherited, like instinct." KAREN: "I wanna be just like my mommy and daddy on their worst day!" After a few minutes, the sand castle starts to shudder, and a rather annoyed Babs emerges from the ruins. BABS: "Alright children, you've been so naughty, we'll have to put on your straightjackets again. Buster, you wanna help me with these?" Buster sighs, and he starts helping Babs fit a lovely little long-sleeved number on Karen. Meanwhile, Stevie and Jenny ambush their parents from behind. Soon, Buster and Babs are adorably dressed in two straightjackets each, and the kids dust off their hands cheerfully. Babs starts steaming again, but Jody nestles up against her and pets her tenderly on the head. She can't resist little Jody's love, and she calms down. JENNY: "Looks like they finally know who's boss, huh Stupid Stevie?" STEVIE: "Yeah, it's me, Jerky Jenny!" Jenny and Stevie start wrestling like rabid pit bulls. Stevie's heavy purple fur blurs with Jenny's soft orange fur as they tumble against the walls in a real-life steel cage match. Jody and Karen wager carrots on the outcome. Buster and Babs wriggle around helplessly, hoping that the kids don't hurt each other. BUSTER: "I feel like I'm on an especially bad episode of The Brady Bunch." BABS: "Don't look now, but here comes Alice." The dreaded sound of skipping shoes echoes from the far end of the room, and Elmyra saunters over to the cage to get a good look at her aminal family. Jenny and Stevie abruptly stop fighting and try to look lovable so Elmyra will let them play in the yard. ELMYRA: "Awwww! Look at all the baby bunnies! Will you be my pet?" Elmyra reaches through the cage bars, grabs Jenny around the stomach, pulls her out, and starts squeezing heartily. JENNY: "Help! Mommy! Daddy! Save me!" The paternal and maternal instincts of Buster and Babs kick into high gear, but they can't break free of the straightjackets. BABS: "Let her go, you factory reject! I'll pound you!" BUSTER: "Wait! Don't hurt my kids! Uh, take me instead!" Elmyra's eyes glow a bit as she considers the offer, then graciously accepts. She crams Jenny back through the cage bars, pulls Buster out of the cage, tears off his straitjackets, and starts viciously cuddling him for old time's sake. JODY: "Oooh, do we get to visit daddy in the hospital again?" JENNY: "I get to press the elevator button!" STEVIE: "I get his oxygen mask!" KAREN: "And I get to drive!" Elmyra pulls Buster off to the side and lets him catch his breath for a few minutes. She has an announcement to make. ELMYRA: "Well kiddy-widdies, in honor of your mommy and daddy's Fifth Year of Captivity, I'm gonna let you watch one episode of Tiny Toon Adventures! Pay attention, because it's probably the only one you'll live to see!" A surge of hope floods through Buster and Babs. Now their kids can finally see their parents in their glory days, when they were the hottest stars on television! As Elmyra disconnects the Disney-only cable box (invented by Michael "Eisney" Eisner himself), Buster drools, wondering what the day's episode will be. He'd love to see "The Amazing Three" again, where Babs wore her transparent dress, or maybe "Her Wacky Highness", but he'd settle for any good episode where he got to pound Elmyra with anvils. Babs hopes to see Hamton and Plucky again, but she wants to see "The Loony Beginning" most of all, where Buster was totally naked for a good two minutes. All the bunnies glue their eyes to the TV as the opening credits roll. The kids seem quite impressed, and Karen starts humming the theme song. Then the show officially opens.... BUSTER: "Elephant Issues???????!!" BABS: "No, it can't be! Please!" The TV ignores Buster and Babs' pleas for the entire half hour. As the closing credits begin, the crestfallen Buster and Babs are peppered with questions. JODY: "Gee daddy, I didn't know you were an alcoholic?" JENNY: "How could you be so cruel to that poor robot?" KAREN: "Why was Dizzy in the same grade as you if he couldn't read?" STEVIE: "You should have defected to Disney when you had the chance!" Elmyra shuts down the TV and prepares Buster for an afternoon of intense snuggling and squishing. Karen frets for a while, then stares longingly at the pretty keyring hanging from a peg on the wall, and the assortment of keys dangling from it. KAREN: "Aunty Elmyra, can I play with the keyring, huh?" Elmyra is so taken aback by the sweet little bunny that she hands the keyring to Karen. Karen chews on the ring for a while, making sure she looks cute every time Elmyra glances at her. When Elmyra's back is turned, she slips out through the bars and creeps away, deftly avoiding all of the alarms scattered across the floor. ELMYRA: "Well bunny-wunnies, after I finish off daddy, would you like to go outside and play hide and squeeze?" The bunnies try to keep their happy faces, but they all have terrible memories of that particular game. They had managed to turn hiding into an art form, but every once in a while Elmyra would stumble across one of them, and then they wouldn't be able to eat solid food for weeks. ELMYRA: "Your mommy can stay here as a hostage, while the four of you...." Elmyra seems a bit upset. She gets the feeling that one of her bunnies is missing. She counts the baby bunnies over and over, finally deciding that there are only three of them left! She reaches in and lifts each of them up, trying to discover where the fourth one is hiding. From the driveway outside comes the Vroom-Vroom of an engine being revved. Babs jumps up in the air for joy. BABS: "She's done it! Karen's escaped! Now she can call the police! We'll be rescued! Go, Karen, go!" Elmyra grabs Buster as a negotiating tool. Then she races up the steps and sprints to the driveway, just in time to be run over by Karen and her newly acquisitioned 1994 Neon. KAREN: "So long Cuckoo's Nest, hello Las Vegas! Maybe I'll meet Skippy and we can get hitched!" The two-year-old rabbit accelerates the car and dashes for the Interstate. Thus begins an epic adventure that lasts six years, involves eight hundred police cars, and generally makes "Babsie on Board" look like a Sunday drive in the park. Babs frets as her dreams of escape begin to die off. BABS: "I can't take it any more! These kids have driven me out of my mind! Why couldn't they be sane like me?" Incredibly frustrated, Babs grabs hold of the cage bars and starts shaking them with all her might. The familiar electrical jolt floods through her, but she grabs tight and doesn't let go, until she's thoroughly fried and looks like a Rice Krispy. STEVIE: "Hey, that looks cool!" Stevie follows Babs' lead, and Jody and Jenny join in as well. Soon all three have shocked themselves into a state of crispy bliss. JODY: "Man, that was a blast!" Babs just lies on the floor for a while, recalling all her youthful days as a TV star, while Stevie starts dousing her with gasoline.... Babs feels an annoying tapping on her shoulder. She looks up to find Buster looming over her. The cage seems to be smaller than it was. She seems younger than she was, and her kids have vanished! Suddenly she realizes that she was dreaming again. BUSTER: "Babs, you shouldn't use your imagination like that without telling everybody first. The children in the audience might suffer severe psychological trauma." BABS: "Naaah, they still love us." She poses affectionately and waves at the audience. BABS: "Hi kids!" BUSTER: "Perhaps you'd like to tell the kids where we left off, so they don't think the whole show was one big nightmare?" BABS: "Let's see, we had just decided to take a nap on the cage floor...." BUSTER: "And then your brain went into overload, like it always does. It's really creepy being inside your delusional fantasies, Babs. You have no sense of logic or continuity. And you know we can never have kids without written permission from Warner Brothers. We are copyrighted, after all." Babs shrugs and kneels down on the floor, deep in thought. BABS: "Buster, now that you're here, there may be a way for one of us to escape. It's a drastic plan, but it's the only one I could come up with." BUSTER: "And what, praytell, might it be? Contact Shirley by telepathy and have her blow up Elmyra's house with psychokinesis?" BABS: "Nah, much more subtle. I have to liquidate your assets." Buster cringes, wondering what Babs has in mind. She advances towards him, now he can tell all too well what she has in mind. He cowers away from her, remembering the terrible things that happened when she hugged him earlier in the evening. But there's no room to run, and she pins him against the cage bars. For a split second, he fears that Babs may want to accept Elmyra's offer and start the bunny farm. He gasps in fright as Babs wraps her arms around him, and he waits for the pain to reach his brain. But then he sees her face, and a terrible sadness seems to have taken over her thoughts. She hugs him so gently that he could brush her aside, if he wanted to. He embraces her and holds her protectively. Babs becomes rather shaken at Buster's affection; after all she'd done, he still loves her! Her remaining shyness passes away, and she returns the embrace, then tilts his head towards her and gives him a deep kiss. New hopes and old memories rush through Buster's mind, "She doesn't want to hurt me, she still cares about me, she loves me!" It's not her closeness nor her softness that reaches down into him, but the simple love that they've shared their whole lives, the love that never fades away, even when it is forgotten. He feels himself begin to melt in her arms; soon he flows down to the cage floor, over the edge, and down to the cool cellar floor. Free. Babs watches him move, feeling misty-eyed as she realizes that they'd been fooling themselves. Nothing can separate those who were meant for each other. BABS: "Hey Buster! Do you think you can help me get out of here? Maybe there's a switch on the wall that'll shut everything off?" Buster continues to flow along the floor, not even hearing Babs as the tenderness of romance sweeps him along. Gravity helps too. BABS: "Blue Ears, wake up already! I don't want to be stuck here all night! Eeeep! Buster, look out for the storm drain!" Babs yells frantically, but to no avail. Buster gurgles into the drain at the edge of the cellar floor, completely oblivious to everything. Then he vanishes from sight. Babs gulps, then starts wringing her ears. BABS: "Buster, you dweeb! They just renovated the water treatment plant! You're gonna get recycled into a million molecules!" Babs runs a few partial differential equations through her head. Taking into account gravity, Buster's viscosity, and turbulence, she figures she'll have 67 minutes to save him before he reaches the nasty purification system. 67 minutes, somehow she'd have to free herself and hunt him down. How could she do that? A few scattered fragments of her psyche fly around inside her head, but they don't merge into any kind of a plan. She starts pounding her head in hopes that some new ideas will enter her brain. The clanging sound alerts Elmyra, who comes down the stairs to investigate. Elmyra takes a good look at the cage, and it doesn't take her too long to figure out who's missing. ELMYRA: "HEY! Where'd my blue hippity-hop go? He was right here when I left. If you let him get away, I'm gonna donate you to the butcher shop! Where is he?" BABS: "I, I... ate him!" A look of stunned disbelief falls over Elmyra's face for a few moments, then she bursts into tears. ELMYRA: "WAAAAAAAAAAH! The poor bunny-wunny! I loved him so!" BABS: "Hey Elmyra, now that the bunny colony is down the tubes, howsabout letting me outta here? Please?" ELMYRA: "Oh no, you psychotic cannibal bunny! I'm gonna call the doctor and ask him how to make you throw up!" Elmyra busily dials the phone, and Babs lies back against the bars, stunned by the boundless depths of Elmyra's dimwittedness. The call goes through, and Elmyra gets in touch with Dr. Zhivago, toon veterinarian. ZHIVAGO: "Uh, hello? Is this an emergency? I'm awfully busy right now. Trying to give a rabies shot to an unwilling skunk. Settle down!" FIFI: "Unhend me, you croo-el monztair!" ELMYRA: "Oh doccy-woccy, it's a matter of life and death! My girl bunny ate my boy bunny, and I need to get him back!" ZHIVAGO: "Er, hmmm. Have you tried syrup of Ipecac?" ELMYRA: "Ipecac? I have a pet kitty!" ZHIVAGO: "Oh, never mind. Try reaching down her throat, and if that doesn't work, just make her nauseous." ELMYRA: "OK, doc, so how's the family?" ZHIVAGO: "Just great, now that I've got your folks' bills to pay off my college expenses. What the...." A deafening blast fills the phone lines as cinder blocks fall to the ground. Then a roaring, flame-forged man bellows at the doctor. PAUL: "Are you the PIG who's trying to shoot my girlfriend? I bet you get kicks outta shooting skunks!" ZHIVAGO: "Oh, Paul, no, I was just uh, giving her medicine, so she won't get sick! Just giving her a harmless little shot." PAUL: "Maybe she doesn't want a shot. Did you bother to ask her, SWINE?" FIFI: "He's locked me in zis horrible dunzhon, and tortured me! Sniff!" ZHIVAGO: "Uh no, her owner said she needed shots, and I thought I could.... Er, maybe Fifi would prefer a, gulp!, oral rabies vaccine instead? It's a new formula." FIFI: "Eh, I do not mind ze oral!" ZHIVAGO: "OK, hereyago Feef, feeling better now?" PAUL: "You know, I think doc here could use a little of his own medicine. Wanna help me out, gorgeous?" FIFI: "How ken I zay no to ay stud like you?" The next few minutes are filled with a jumble of noises, first a mixture of groans and grunts that seem to be coming from the doc, then a smattering of kisses that are definitely from Fifi (accompanied by a strong stream of skunk scent that travels through the phone and makes Elmyra dizzy), and a loud thud that sounds like Paul fainting, then the line disconnects. ELMYRA: "Oh poo! Guess I have to get my bunny back myself!" She reaches into the cage and yanks Babs' head into her arms. Then she grabs Babs' jaws and pulls them open with her powerful muscles. Elmyra sticks her head into Babs' open mouth. ELMYRA: "ARE YOU IN THERE BUNNY!?" The only ones who can hear her are the bacteria and protozoans in Babs' digestive tract, and they don't offer her the courtesy of a reply. Babs gets a little sick of Elmyra's shampoo-flavored head and decides to clamp her jaws shut. ELMYRA: "HELP! HELP! The crazy carnivorous bunny is trying to eat me!!!" The tiny organisms inside Babs realize that a feast may be coming, so they sharpen their little knives and forks and put on their napkins. Elmyra jerks back with full force, but Babs won't let her out. Finally, Babs lets Elmyra pull herself free, giving Elmyra a drooly kiss as she extracts her head. ELMYRA: "Ptoooie! Why you nasty bunny! Now we have to do this the hard way!" Elmyra pulls Babs entirely out of the cage, and Babs groans as her head gets squished between the bars. Then Elmyra ties Babs up with extra-heavy hemp rope and plops her down on the couch. Babs looks like a coccoon with a funny pink head sticking out the top; she starts gulping and panicking, wondering what hideous extraction technique Elmyra has thought up. ELMYRA: "If you've already digested him, I'll have to put you on trial for hippity-hop homicide. But I have to make sure first!" Elmyra clicks on the TV, and Babs immediately begins to shudder. The Disney Afternoon. Bonkers Bobcat bounces around the screen, and that horrible music begins. Babs tries to shut her eyes and curl up her ears, but Elmyra pries her eyelids open and ties her ears to the back of the couch. Babs' brain cells prepare to commit ritual suicide as the Bonkers characters march and dance in front of her. BABS: "Elmyra, please, I'll do anything, just don't make me watch this! I have a family at home! They need me to provide for them!" Babs tries the mournful watery-eyes bit, but Elmyra doesn't fall for it. The last of Babs' will breaks, and she passes into a state of shock. By the time she regains control of her mind, irreparable harm has been done, and a precious half-hour has passed. She stares around the room, trying to reorient herself, while Elmyra looks down at her with disdain. ELMYRA: "Gee, a whole episode of Disney, and you still haven't given me my bunny back! I guess I'll have to get mean!" BABS: "What are you saying, Elmyra? Nothing could be worse than Bonkers! Except...." The thought hits her, a split second before the show begins. The TV continues the nonstop feed from the Disney Channel. CHORUS: "I love you, you love me, let's blow up, East Germany!" VLADI: "Hello little kidlings! Do you want to spread love and happiness thickly across the world?" BARNEY: "AND throw off the shackles of the oppressive bourgeoisie?" BOTH: "Then you need to join the Communi-Barney-ist Party!" BARNEY: "Hyu hyu! Yup kids, I've teamed up with my new friend Vladimir Zhirnovsky. We've joined forces to free the world from all the evils of capitalism and grumpy parents! And we need YOU to help us!" Elmyra starts drooling heavily in Barney's radiant presence, and she lunges for the phone and calls the Barney Army hotline, 1-900-NOB-RAIN. Poor Babs just stares blankly at the TV; she's got to warn everyone about this! Barney hands out sticks of lit dynamite to his growing army of little moppets. Explosions are heard in the distance. Suddenly, Barney stops in his tracks to take a very special phone call. ELMYRA: "Hello Barney-kins? It's Baby Bop! How's it going?" BARNEY: "Gee sweetheart, we're doing swell! No one in Europe is willing to hurt the kids, so we'll have the whole continent under control in no time! How's things on your front?" ELMYRA: "Welllllll, I got the tickets you sent. I'm supposed to go to the peace summit and hug Presidents Clinton and Yeltsin?" BARNEY: "Almost right sweetie! We've changed the plan, just squeeze Yeltsin! We think Clinton will be eager to join our forces. I even got him his own costume!" ELMYRA: "Hee hee hee! OK, Marvelously-Cuddly-Purple-Head! I'll see ya!" Elmyra lies the phone back down on the table, but the phone line is still open, and the receiver is nearby. Babs looks hurriedly at the clock, then thinks carefully for a minute. She can't bear the thought of what she's about to do, but for Buster, no sacrifice is too great. She wriggles her ears free, stretches to the limit, and just manages to get a hold on the receiver with her ears. She whispers quietly into the receiver. BARNEY: "Oh, Babs, hi! Oh you want me to whisper, OK! Hmm, you've reconsidered going out with me now that I'm so famous! Hyuhee! And you want to date me? Uh, I dunno if it'll be worth it. Will you do anything? ANYTHING! Well shucks-diddly-dee-dum, it's a deal! Oh, you want me to send a message to Baby Bop? OK!" BARNEY: "Baby Bop, I hear you're keeping a hostage for me. Well, it's time to set her free of her bondage! Liberate her!" ELMYRA: "Oh Barney-kins, sniff, she ate my other bunny and I need him! I won't have any pets all night because the others are at the doctor!" BARNEY: "Aw, don't cry sugarplum! I have proof that your pretty blue bunny will be back tomorrow morning at school!" ELMYRA: "REALLY! Oh, thank yew!" Elmyra grabs hold of the TV and squeezes it really tight in thanks. The picture tube shatters and explodes in no time flat, leaving Elmyra covered with dirt and burnt springs. All further communication with Barney is through the telephone lines. VLADI: "Remember, Barney pal, ven Russia falls, I claim her!" "I have to get rid of this old dinosaur, he's getting too silly for his own good", Barney mutters to himself coldly. NEWSGUY: "Barney, congrats on your recent conquest! I'm from CNN. I've heard rumors that you're actually Margaret Loesch, President of Fox Kids' Network, and that you're doing all of this just to get even with Warner Brothers for withdrawing all their shows. Can you confirm or deny this?" BARNEY: "Officers, silence this man! And confiscate those cameras! We're not still live are we? Damn!" The line disconnects in a flurry of static, and Elmyra looks up, rather distraught. Babs looks back at her, a queasy feeling building in her stomach. The clock indicates that she only has three minutes left. BABS: "Elmyra, please! You've got to keep your word, even if Barney wasn't who you thought she was!" Elmyra looks around forlornly, then decides at last to set her captive free. She unties Babs, who gives Elmyra another big kiss on the lips before hopping off toward the nearest exit at top speed. Babs stops suddenly by the door, investigating a glowing red dial that's currently set to "BUNNY". She mischievously keeps turning the dial until it reads "YUTZ", then presses the big red button right below it. Elmyra stares at her in terror as searchlights go on and the sensors start tracking Elmyra's location. She makes a break for the stairs, but a springboard launches her backward into the waiting cage. Babs heads out the door, but she turns back for a moment when she hears Elmyra's pitiful sobbing. ELMYRA: "No bunnies, no pets, all alone tonight! I wish someone would be here to stay with me. Even mom and dad have gone to bed! Sob! Sniff!" Despite her need to rush, Babs can't leave Elmyra in such a forlorn condition. She weaves her way back to the cage and tosses the phone to her. BABS: "Here, call 9-1-1, the Fire Department will come for you. After I'm long gone." Babs flies out the back door and into the waiting night, rushing down the hills to the ACME Water Treatment Plant miles away. The clouds race across the moon and the dark purple sky as Babs races against time. The wind whips through her fur and her breath catches in her chest as she tries desperately to reach the plant before her last chance runs out. By the time the cold lights of the main entrance bathe her with their dim glow, she realizes that too much time has passed. She dashes for the nearest guard and starts pleading in an exhausted voice. BABS: "My boyfriend! He needs me!" The guard brushes her off rudely and threatens to have her removed from the premises, but when he sees the desperate look in her eyes, he waits for her to calm down and explain what happened. Then he takes her by the hand and takes her through the building, showing her the tanks, filters, and chemical treatment centers. Babs runs ahead of him, asking the employees if they've seen a blue bunny, trying to get them to turn the machines off. But none respond, until she meets a janitor near the exit. The janitor says he saw a blue puddle that went through the system and was broken and dissolved before it left downstream. Babs' heart breaks. She leaves the building and reaches a small hillside that overlooks the sandy shores of the river, then collapses, unable to walk any further. She gazes out at the moonlit river, feeling her last hope die away. Buster was gone forever, it was her fault, and there would never be another friend like him. She waits for another hour, just staring out at nothing, trying to figure out what she had done to cause all of this. She finally concludes that she had put Buster's love to the test, he had passed, and she had failed. Darkness intensifies around her as she starts crying, remembering Buster's steadfast faithfulness through all their crazy years growing up together. Every time she had wanted to do something ridiculous, Buster had been by her side, either do dissuade her or to hang along for the ride. Now the ride was over. She lowers her head and mourns his passing. Her eyes are so filled with tears that she doesn't notice the dark blue form that begins to coalesce in the river below her. Babs thinks back over the years she's been with Buster, trying to remember every detail so that she'd never forget him. She recalls their youth, their first day of school, .... A loud splashing disturbs Babs' thoughts, and she looks out to see a dark form struggling against the current. Knowing the sound of someone in trouble but unable to see who it is, Babs dives from the hillside and lands in the deep waters just offshore. She manages to reach the furry body and pulls it toward land. She wipes the water off his face before she realizes who it is. BABS: "Buster!" His eyes open, in his typical laconic expression, as Babs buries her head in his chest. She wants to embrace him, but he moves out of her reach. Babs understands why. BABS: "Guess I overdid things, huh?" BUSTER: "Gees, Babs, I think you don't realize what's happened to me today. I've been boiled, steamed, set on fire, distilled, and passed through an activated charcoal filter. I've been hugged half to death twice and liquified over and over again. And you say you just overdid things? You don't love me any more, Babs." Babs tries to change the subject, feeling guilty for everything that's happened. BABS: "Oh Buster, why don't you write today off as one big hallucination and get on with the rest of your life? We still haven't done our homework...." Buster glares at her sternly. BUSTER: "I think maybe it's time you told me what happened today, why you were acting so strange, why you tried to hurt me." Babs feels glum and ashamed, and finally confesses. BABS: "Do you know those costumes we use during the opening credits? Well, I got one for me and one for Elmyra, and we, disguised ourselves as each other." Babs looks back at him, her tear-streaked eyes opened wide, hoping to see some trace of forgiveness in Buster's face. She doesn't see it. Buster's mind reels as everything suddenly falls into place, all the tortures he suffered suddenly brought to light. He admonishes Babs, realizing as he does so that she was never the one who had hurt him. BUSTER: "Was this another one of your silly games? Some kind of joke to play on your former best friend? Or was it some kind of cruel...." He breaks off the sentence, as his thoughts sink in, and as Babs cowers humbly before his onslaught. He looks at her carefully. She's totally heartbroken, totally vulnerable, totally irresistable. BUSTER: "Remember the time we first met?" Babs stifles her sobs. BABS: "How could I forget? We were four years old. I was on the beach, your family had just moved in from Chicago, I was building a sand fort." BUSTER: "And I knocked it down. And I dumped a bucket of sand on your head." BABS: "And I started crying." BUSTER: "And I kissed you to make you shut up." BABS: "And I punched you a good one for being so fresh." BUSTER: "And I grabbed your arms so you couldn't hit me again." BABS: "And I wrestled you to the ground." BOTH: "And then I looked into your eyes." They both knew what they had seen. The same thing they were seeing right now. Buster puts his arm around Babs, and she sniffles a little onto his wet sweater. BABS: "If it's any consolation, I had to make a date with The Evil One in order to rescue you." BUSTER: "Plucky?" BABS: "Barney." BUSTER: "Ouch! So, how'd you get away from Elmyra?" BABS: "Ah, let's just say I used my superior intellect. But I was kind to her. She should be back in bed by now." Back in Elmyra's basement, an elaborate rescue mission is going on, one which rivals that of Baby Jessica. Elmyra sobs a little as the firemen come to free her. FIREMAN: "OK, I'm coming in. When I reach the halfway mark, flip the lever down and turn the switch off, got it?" CHIEF: "Good Luck, Mike, hope we get to see you again." Fireman Mike makes his way stealthily across the floor, and he nearly reaches the off switch. But just as he tries to touch it, a whip curls around him and snaps him toward Elmyra's cage. The door swings open for just a split second as the fireman flies through, and Elmyra "Eeeps!" as he runs into her and the door locks shut again. This process repeats as more firemen are hurled into the cage, and Elmyra gets pressed against the bars as the last member of the fire squad gets locked up with her. ELMYRA: "Remind me to fire my agent. Oh, well, at least I'm not lonely. Hello handsome!" She reaches out and grabs Fireman Mike's neck; he has nowhere to run. Elmyra squeezes him tighter and tighter, and his face flushes a whole rainbow of colors as time passes, until he finally settles down into ashen grey unconsciousness. Buster holds Babs gently, but he's tired of the depressed Babs he's been with for so long. He wants the energetic, fun-loving Babs back. He turns her around to face him, and he lifts her chin with his hand. BUSTER: "I love you, Barbara Anne Bunny!" BABS: "So do I!" There, she'd finally admitted that she loves him! Buster rejoices inside, then thinks over what she said. Hey! Well, Barney costumes are cheap, he'd get even with her, make her beg for mercy, but not now. Later. Buster hugs Babs close to him, not the strongest or most manly hug he'd ever done, but the most loving. He looks back at Babs, and he sees her face glowing with a bright smile, her tears drying away. He hugs her again and rubs his cheeks against hers. He would have kept hugging her for hours, but after a few minutes, he feels a tiny hand pulling on his leg. He looks downward to see what's causing it. KAREN: "Hi mommy and daddy!" All four of Buster and Babs' imaginary kids have suddenly materialized before them. BUSTER: "Uh, Babs, quit using your imagination!" BABS: "I'm not!" BUSTER: "Then why...." JODY: "Warner Brothers drew us! We get to stay on the show! They said it would help the show get higher ratings with preschoolers!" Stunned expressions fill Buster and Babs' faces. They'd made concessions for higher ratings before, but this is just too much. BUSTER: "Er, Babs, has Warners activated that parenthood clause in our contracts?" BABS: "They couldn't have! They'd have to give us more notice, and pay us extra. Unless...." BUSTER: "Our contracts have expired?" BABS: "They couldn't...." BUSTER: "But then they...." BABS: "Oh, no!" BUSTER: "DOWNSIZING!" BABS: "DEMOGRAPHICS!" Buster and Babs can't take any more of this. They rush off the hillside at light speed and madly run off for the comfort of their burrows, hoping that the whole thing will blow over and that Warners will decide not to air this story after all. But the rabbits don't chart their courses very well, and they collide in mid-stride. The preliminary collision is bad enough, but the bunnies crash into each other lips first, and the rebound from the collision causes them to kiss with a force of 1,000,000 plungers each. They fall back in a joyful daze for a second or two, then they both dissolve into liquid. The blue and pink puddles flow into each other. BABS: "Oh, Buster!" BUSTER: "Oh, Babs!" STEVIE: "Oh, brother!" JODY: "What?" KAREN: "Looks like we have to change the name of the story." JENNY: "I'm surprised Babs didn't recognize us, her own brothers and sisters. I mean, at least she could have remembered Mortimer!" Jody looks up at Jenny and waves cheerfully. STEVIE: "Hey guys, wanna go over to Disney's and harrass Thumper?" The little rabbits discuss it for a bit, but they're bored, and they decide to all go together. And so the little bunny-wunnies ran away, and they all lived hippity-hop happily ever after. THE END CAST OF CAMEOS Fireman Kev: Kev Beeley, Drooling Babs Fanboy UK toonster, may be Tiny Toon's best fan artist, needs a good Babs plushy B) Stevie: Steven Seegar, Bonkers Fanboy Former Tiny Toon fan now in Disney's thrall, very good at annoying people :P Jenny: Jennifer A. Bare, Drooling Don Karnage Fangirl Bonkers/Disney fan who also likes Tiny Toons, so there's still hope :) Jody: Joe Grassel, Drooling Babs Fanboy Tiny Toon's best fan writer and a good artist too, a founder of TTBS ;) Karen: Maggie Weidner, Babs Fangirl, renamed to avoid a Simpsons' lawsuit Devoted long-time Tiny Toon fan, often mistaken for Babs on AOL =) Paul: Paul Hendry, Drooling Fifi/Babs/Minerva Fanboy Founder of alt.tv.tiny-toon.fandom, recorded every skirt peek in HISMV :)~~~ Fireman Mike: Mike Martak, probably the world's only Drooling Elmyra Fanboy We warned him over and over, but does he listen? Noooo.... ox:D And John Friedrich, author, has no need to write himself into a cameo, as he is happily married to Babs Bunny Friedrich, and the kids are on the way. X=:)