----- "W. Fred Rump" Re: German and English Postings > Man nimmt lieber das Boese und Dumme mit in Kauf um dabei die > Spontaneitaet freier Diskussion zu retten. I was looking through Deja News for anything involving "genealogy" and "Boese". A message by you came up; unfortunately, I don't know German, so I was unable to read it. By any chance, are you related to anybody with the surname "Boese"? ----- http://www.rootsweb.com/rootsweb/searches/ ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 01 Sep 1997 02:20:55 GMT From: pbbandit@olywa.net To: gen-de-l@rootsweb.com Message-ID: <340a50da.0@news.olywa.net> Subject: Looking for the parents of John Boese Looking for the parents of John Boese. He was born about 1840. He died in Oklahoma. He married Else ?(not sure of her maiden name.) She was born about 1842. They had four children. Eva DOB unk, Peter DOB unk, Lena DOB Dec. 2, 1855 and Henry John DOB Dec. 25, 1861. I know there is not much to go on but its all I have. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Brad pbbandit@olywa.net ========================================================================= =================================== Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 00:52:44 EDT Reply-To: Karla Delgrande [2] Sender: ROOTS-L Genealogy List From: Karla Delgrande [3] Subject: Boese: Russian Mennonites>SDakota I am looking for any fellow descendants, in order to share information, of my "Russian" Mennonite g grandmother who came to Parker, South Dakota, from South Russia. Her name was Mary (Maria) Boese, and she married David Peters on Mar. 31, 1896. Her parents were Johann (John) and Anna (Buller) Boese, both born in Russia. Johann Boese was born Apr. 3, 1831 and Anna was born Mar. 25, 1835. They left South Dakota to come to Hepburn, Saskatchewan, Canada, and died there in 1915 and 1916. If you know of any possible information or descendants of Johann and Anna Boese, please e-mail me at: karldelg@village.ca I would also love to discover how to get further information on my Mennonite ancestors in Russia. Thanks for any help! Karla Del Grande =================================== =================================== Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 00:47:33 EDT Reply-To: Karla Delgrande [2] Sender: ROOTS-L Genealogy List From: Karla Delgrande [3] Subject: Peters: Russian Mennonites>SDakota I am looking for any fellow descendants, in order to share information, of my "Russian" Mennonite gg grandparents who came to Parker, South Dakota in 1874, from South Russia. Their names are Aron and Helena (Warkentine) Peters. I believe that Aron was born in Schoenau, Russia on Feb. 20, 1826, and Helena was born in Pragenau, Russia on Feb. 20, 1827. They had 14 or 15 children, of whom I have some sketchy information. I would like to find any descendants of Gerhard, Justina (m. Tobias Schmidt), Helena (m. Franz J. Gossen), John R., Aron, Jacob (m. Anna ?), Peter (m.Agatha Hiebert), Abraham (m. Mary Isaac), Henry (m. Aganetha Unruh), or Ben (m. Anna Schwartz). (I believe other children died as infants.) My g grandfather David Peters was second to the last, born in 1868. He married Mary (Maria) Boese and came to Hepburn, Saskatchewan, where they raised 7 children. I have this branch of the family recorded. If you know of any possible information or descendants, please e-mail me at: karldelg@village.ca I would also love to discover how to get further information on my Mennonite ancestors in Russia. Thanks for helping! Karla Del Grande =================================== Boese 1804 1899 Frille,SLP,DEU>OgleCo,IL>BlackhawkCo,IA dorothew Boese 1680 now PRU,DEU>AdamsCo,IN,USA Richard Scheimann Boese 1831 now RUS>Parker,SD,USA>SK/BC/MB/ON,CAN Karla Del Grande Boese 1898 1995 RUS>CAN>SK,CAN Richard Lindenbach Boese c1810 now POL/RUS>KS,USA Richard Harris =================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EGGERT/SCHMIDT to be held: July 31, 1994 Sunday colats are invited Hannabuth, Harger, Strauschild, Steben, Bose/Boese, Reideman, Jung/Young, Harkensee, Behm/Behn will be held at a private house Contact: Laura Hill 2535 North Pascal St Roseville MN 55113 email: llhill@alex.stkate.edu Notes: Location changes but always in MN and around St Paul/ Minneapolis area. Newsletter published fall/spring ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =================================== Date: Sun, 24 Apr 1994 15:43:00 -0600 Reply-To: Lynn Olivier Sender: ROOTS-L Genealogy List Comments: Warning -- original Sender: tag was NETNEWS@AUVM.AMERICAN.EDU From: Lynn Olivier [3] Organization: Magical Mystery Subject: Minn GS Quarterly News X-To: Newsgroups: soc.roots Please send replies to this message by private E-mail Reply-TO: Lynn.Olivier@TCL.MMBBS.MN.ORG March 1994 Vol 25 #1 New Books Research Notebook by Betty Joyce-Tidbits from other publications Queries: FEINER, LYNCH, PETERSON-St Paul BOETTCHER, FISHER-Germany->St Paul AFSETH, SATHER-Hedemarken ->Keene tsp WINKEL, GREENE, BARTHELETTE/BERTHELET, BIRON-Hokah MN, CAN, ND VAN TOLLES, JANNSON-Magra Alvborgkan Sweden->MN BOSE/BOESE, ROSENBERT, REIDMANN, STEBEN, WOLLENHAUS, SCHMIDT-DuPage IL & Duluth MN from Germany KAMPER, SCHERMANN-Winsted MN KASELLA, KOZELLO, TREBO, KOSCHEK, GOLLIER, SHIMEK/SCHIMEK, MANN/MAN VELISEK-Germany->St Paul MN SOBIESKI, IGNASIAK, TRADER, HELEWSKI, LEPAK-Poland->St Louis Co MN PETTERSSON/PERSON, NILSDOTTER Sweden->Wilmar MN DEMUTH/DE MUTH-publishes Newletter OLSON, THOMPSON Faribault Co MN & St Paul SEEBACH, CHRISTGAU, DUMKE-Racine Co Wi, Goodhue Co MN, Mower Co MN KRAFT, ROST, LOHSE, MULLER/MILLER-St Peter & Winona + TRAGESER, STEIN REINHART, FUCHS/FOX, McADAM, TRAGESER-Bavaria to Midwest REBITZ, BURZYNSKI-Bohemia to Midwest =================================== =================================== Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 23:37:00 -0500 Reply-To: Brad Farquhar [2] Sender: ROOTS-L Genealogy List Comments: Warning -- original Sender: tag was NETNEWS@AUVM.AMERICAN.EDU From: Brad Farquhar [3] Organization: Babillard Synapse Inc. - (819) 246-2344 Subject: Warkentin.tt N Brad Farquhar A 219 McGillivray Street A Ottawa, Ontario A K1S 1K9 T (613) 567-2278 S Please respond by email. I no longer S monitor genealogy conferences. S brad.farquhar@synapse.org S FAX: (613) 567-2278 (but call first) D /IBM/360/720/1440 F Brother's Keeper 5.1 R Most of the folks here would be centr R ed in Western Canada and USA. Came a R s Mennonites from Russia/Germany Z 9 Tiny Tafel Editor v2.00 B426 1859:1859 BALZER\Russia/Russia B625 1870:1870 BARKMAN\UNKNOWN/UNKNOWN B200 1894:1992 BOESE\Avon, South Dakota/Sarnia, Ontario J525 1850:1850 JANZEN\UNKNOWN/UNKNOWN R324 1848:1979 RATZLAFF\UNKNOWN/Canada and USA S432 1849:1902 SCHULTZ\UNKNOWN/Canada U560 1871:1871 UNRUH\UNKNOWN/UNKNOWN W625 1853:1992 WARKENTIN\Russia/British Columbia W520 1849:1849 WIENS\UNKNOWN/UNKNOWN W 13 Dec 1993 ... Searching: FARQUHAR, PERCY, WILLIS, STRANGWAYS, BOESE, WARKENTIN =================================== =================================== Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1993 16:56:00 CDT Reply-To: RICHARD HARRIS Sender: ROOTS-L Genealogy List From: RICHARD HARRIS [3] Subject: KOEHN, BECKER, UNRUH, JOHNSON, BULLER, BOESE My wife's family were German Mennonites from E. Prussia (Bullers, Koehns), and Ukraine (Becker, Johnson, Unruh?). They came to Kansas and South Dakota in 1874 and thereafter in a large Mennonite migration. We have some more detailed names and dates for a couple of generations back. Please let me know if anyone thinks they might link up with them and we'll compare notes. We would be especially interested in identifying exactly where they came from in Europe. Richard Harris (RJHARRIS@KSUVM.KSU.EDU) ===================================