Path:!!!uunet!!!!!princeton!cnn.Princeton.EDU!udel!!!not-for-mail From: (Johnny Chien-Min Yu) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Let's face to EMR mind machine. Date: 11 Dec 1995 18:14:13 -0500 Organization: University of Delaware Lines: 547 Message-ID: <4aie05$> References: <406npg$> <49vine$> <4a6it5$> <4ad0or$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Dear Readers, A readers ask me to re-post my original entires article (See attachment after the slected article). I would like to do it. However, my original article's information has been increased and extented to almost 100 page. If I post it, it will use huge space on Internet. So I will select part of my article to re-post. The below is the selected article. =================================================== The Function Of The ELF In EMR Mind Machine or Mind Control Technique --------------------------------------------------------------------- Since the EMR mind machine had been invented in 1973, reading human mind from a distance has become a fact and reality (please see my previous article "Building the general consenus about the functions of the EMR Mind Machine") In addition to reading the mind, the operators of EMR mind machine also have the capabilities to deliever microwave voices to drive people mad, or use the microwave voice to deliever instruction to their conspirators who have surrounded the subjects to help driving the subjects mad. It can also be used to focused radio waves to hypnotize people and deliever subliminal messages to the subject in dream by microwave voices or induced artificial dreams by visual brain waves ( "fax" photo into the subject's mind--- using the computer to translates pictures and images into brain waves then send the ELF to target). Furthermore, I do believe that US civilians have lost their privacy & thoughts to the operators of EMR mind machine (in the society) for a long time. Then, what is the function of ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) in EMR mind machine & what is the special application of it? I would like to show you the information as below, before I express my own opinion to it. ====== The ESB's great potential for mind control: In the research of Dr. Jose Delgado, he showed us the ESB's (Electrical Stimulation of Brain through wires) great potential for mind control through the test. "The tested animal performed the same activity as many times as they getting the same signal which was stimulated with. Even these animal was carrying out the electrical imperative, they can still avoid danger or threat. Compare with other signal which made monkeys turn their heads, or even smile. It showed that. ----The monkey would do the exact same action which the researcher expected, when they got the signal and no matter what the monkey was doing. The final conclusion of Dr. Delgado was that: "The animals just looked like electronic toys." ("The Body Electric"-Dr. Robert Becker) Some research show that the instincts and emotions can be changed whenever signal was given by stimulating the pleasure and pain centers in the person's (or animal's) limbic system. The above information proves the ESB can be used to change the behaviors and the emotion of human. If you consider the following information, you will believe that ESB produced artifical mood and behavior in a forceful manner. --(the comment of writer) "I guess, Doctor, your electricity is stronger than my will. --quote from an experimental patient in physical control of the mind by Dr. Jose Delgado." That's because the brain controls the whole body and all mental activities, ESB could possibly became a master control of human behavior by meamns of man-made plans and instruments. (Cross currents--Dr. Becker) Dr. Becker concludes that: All evidences show that through a device to monitor the thoughts or mind state of the subjects and the combination of radio-frequency and microwaves broadcast to generate specific thoughts or moods, it is possible to produce a mind control machine that would threaten civil liberties as we know it. Also, all of the scientists involved in mind control research all sense that such type of mind control machine can be produced right now (1970s). ( See "The Body Electric") Other researchers had the similar idea that focused EMR beam of high accuracy would have same effect on human minds as electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB) through wires. Since the mid-1970s, Delgado has shifted his interest from direct electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB) to the broader area of the biological effects of electromagnetic field. (Cross Currents- Dr. Rebert Becker) Dr. Delgado has studied the infulence of specific frequencies of magnetic field on the behavior and emotions of monkeys (without using any implanted electrodes or radio receivers). Using very low-strength ELF magnetic field, he could produce sleep or manic behavior in monkeys. Also he could use the ELF magnetic field to change effects from using the ESB to animal's emotions center. Dr. Delgado noted that "the eletrical currents produced within the brain by exposure to such field were hundreds of times lower in intensity than those require to ESB". (page 225 Cross Currents--Robert Becker) ================== The above information tell us that since the mid-1970s, Dr. Degaldo has shifted his interest from ESB to biologic effect of electromagnetic field ( ELF). Why?! Do you have any logical answer to this question? However, I have a logical answer as beloew to the question. This only prove that EMR mind machine should have been invented in 1973, so since the mid-1970s, researchers of mind control would shift their research method to the electromagnetic waves in order to influence people without physical contact. Also the above information prove that the ELF can be used to replace the function of ESB. It means that the ELF can be used to force man-made behaviors or emotions onto the target (subject). This function is very different with the function of simply reading the human mind. The normal human brain waves frequencies is at about the same frequencies at that of ELF, so scientists have speculated that transmitting strong signals at these frequencies (man-made ELF) might interfere with the natural brain activities of people in the targeted area. According to the above experiment and the results, the assumption is correct. What's the difference between the function of reading human mind & changing the human behavior by ELF? The strong singals of ELF can be used to forcibly to change human behaviors as ESB (by overriding the electric signals produced by the brain and replace in its place the man-made signals). The normal thoughts of the target (human beings) is suppressed, and then change the people's behaviors, emotions, and even one's will. In the case of the reading minds, the brain waves of the target (human) is collected and translated into words or pictures by CPU (computer). Then, these words or pictures are sent to a monitor for the operators of these machine to view (thereby, reading the thoughts of the subject). So, the ELF of mind machine is used to change human mood, behavior or will. The human brain waves pattern collected by the mind machine is only used to read the mind of the subject and determine state of the mind of the subject. The waves which is used to collect the human brain waves should be a kind of plain carrier waves (without carrying any meaning). Also this plain waves should carry a fixed low frequency as ELF, but its singals should be more weaker than human brain waves in order to graft the human brain waves onto the carrier waves (This plain wave is weaker than human brain waves in order to avoid to supress the original human thoughts). Also, since this is a plain carrier waves (without carrying any meaning), it could avoid the human brain to respond to it. In this manner, the collected human brain waves will reflects the original thoughts of subject (as it is), then these carrier waves (now, with the thoughts encoded on it) is collected and send it to CPU (computer) to be translated. This kind of process is that the target's human brain waves suppress the passing plain waves (weaker waves) and change the plain thoughts waves as its (human brain waves) own thoughts ( leaves marks on it like a pen would leave marks on a paper). Actually, It's like to print words on a plain paper. Now let's see the West German scientists' report from the original article ( New world order & ELF Psychotronic Tranny). ================================ The June-July, 1989 issue of the West German scientist publication, RAUM & ZEIT carried an article by Dr. W. Volkrodt, titled: "Can Human Beings Be manipulated By ELF Waves?" ------------------------------------------------ The article stated: "The technical principal of receivers for electromagnetic waves is fully analogous with biological information and communications systems. If several thousand of the hundreds of billions of nerve cells in our brain resonate with man-made centimeter waves, the carrier frequency has to be suppressed when the signal is passed on to the synapses." "To overcome cell membranes, living organisms use electrochemical processes involving sodium and potassium ions. This suppresses the carrier frequency in the high-frequency range just as the demodulation circuit does in man-made receivers. What remains is the signal impressed on the carrier frequency, e.g. in the low frequency ELF range. This is also the frequency range at which our own nervous system normally works." "Using these frequencies, the nerve fibers convey pain sensations, the feeling of hungry, tiredness, nausea, and signals on the sense of balance to points in the brain which invoke these stages in a awake consciousness." "IF INTERFERENCE SIGNALS ARE SUPERIMPOSE ON THE NATURAL SIGNALS GENERATED BY THE BODY, E.G. BY USING ARTIFICIALLY CREATED CENTIMETER WAVES AS A CARRIER, THE BRAIN COULD BE PRESENTED WITH SIMULATED STATES THAT WE CONSCIOUSLY PERCEIVE, BUT WHICH DO NOT REALITY " "A state of disturbed sense of balance, which seems to us to be real, is enough to stop people from being able to run or make them feel dizzy even when they are lying down." "IN A 'PSYCHOTRONIC WAR' USING MICROWAVES MODULATED USING ELF WAVES, it would no longer be necessary to kill whole armies by inducing cardiac or respiratory irregular signals. The enemy can simply be incapacitated by disturbing their states of balance or CONFUSING THE ABILITY TO THINK LOGICALLY. ...The manipulation of human beings, by means of ELF waves is relatively easy to perform." ====================== The above information prove that ELF can be used to supress the target's thoughts & replace a man-made behavior (or will). Also the target (subject) might would still believe this will is his/her own. It mean that the human being indeed can be manipulated by ELF. Now Let's see more evidences as below: ===== The opinion of US scientist: Ron McRae's 1984 book, MIND WARS, described research in the 1970's at the Stanford Research Institute on the subject of ELF and mind control. "BECAUSE THE HUMAN BRAIN GENERATES ELECTRICAL SIGNALS IN THE SAME ELF FREQUENCIES, SCIENTIST SPECULATE THAT TRANSMITTING STRONG SIGNALS IN THESE FREQUENCIES MIGHT INTERFERE WITH THE NATURAL BRAIN ACTIVITY OF PERSONS IN THE TARGET AREA, PRODUCING EFFECTS RANGING FROM HYPERTENSION TO SUDDEN DEATH." MaRae continued: " Initial results coming out of laboratories in the United States and Canada (show) that certain amplitude and frequency combinations of external electromagnetic radiation in the brain-wave frequency STIMULATING HIGHER-LEVEL NEURONAL STRUCTURES IN THE BRAIN. This electronic stimulation is known to produce mental changes at a distance,...Because the power levels are so low, the brain COULD MISTAKE THE OUTSIDE SIGNAL FOR ITS OWN, MIMIC IT (A PROCESS KNOWN AS BIOELECTIC ENTRAINMENT), AND RESPOND WHEN IT CHANGES." In 1983 there was a public meeting at Loma Linda Va hospital and released photos, information concerning a Russian Lida machine. This small transmitter could emitted 10-hertz waves for tranquilization & more better suggestibility. Such similar machine had been used to POW in Korea. ( The above information prove that Russia used the same idea --the ELF of eletromagnetic radiation waves as the mind machine tool.) The collected information from Soviet: In the 1950's, Nikolia Khokhlov, a Soviet KGB agent defected to the West. In 1976, Khokhlov was asked by the U.S. Government to prepare a report on secret Soviet parapsychology centers. He interviewed a number of scientists who had recently left the Soviet Union. The 2\5\83 issue of THE SPECTATOR reported - Khokhlov stated: Soviet psychotronic (ELF) weapons "ARE ABLE TO JAM SOMEONE'S THINKING IN THE SAME WAY THAT YOU CAN JAM THE SIGNALS COMING IN FROM A RADIO TRANSMITTER. In simple terms, it means that YOU CAN SCRAMBLE ANYONE'S THINKING PROCESS AND CAN PLANT FEAR AND CONFUSION AT WILL IN THAT PERSON." Khokhlov reported that these KGB devices could turn a senior officer "into a traitor" to his own country. (Both information see New World Order ELF Tranny--C.B. Baker) =================== The above information prove that the ELF can be used to supress target (people) thoughts & replace the man-made will or emotion. The US information also proves that US & Canada have researched mind control technologies with ELF in 1970s. It prove that their research way are correct & as same as the Russian which has invented the mind machine & used its mind control techniques on the American POW in Korea War. This further proves that EMR mind machine should have been already invented in the US for a long time ( in 1973). This is because the research conducted have already moved passed just simply reading the human thoughts. The researches have advanced to further change human mind and behaviors since 1970s. Why they try to develope the ELF or psychotronic weapon in US? According to Col. John Alexander, a expert of psychotronic weapon of US, he explain that: The radiation waves of psychotronic weapon can be transmitted over distances, thus inducing illness or death for no apparent reason. "These weapons would be able to induce illness or death at little or no risk to the operator. ...The psychotronic weapon would be silent (and) difficult to detect..." He then discussed the Soviet use of extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic weapons against humans in the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. Such kind idea is obvious indication of preparation of using these weapons in covert actions to achieve illegal goals. The following information prove US not only developed the psychotronic weapon, but also purchase these kind weapon from Russia. The final evidence shows that these kind weapon will be mostly used on the US civilians. ========================== The 3\23\94 WASHINGTON POST reported: "The Pentagon and the Justice Department have agreed to share state-of-the-art military technology with civilian law enforcement agencies, including exotic 'non-lethal'weapons." In March, 1993, the National Institute of Justice [NIJ]--(an office of Janet Reno's Justice Department), issued a report titled: "NIJ Initiative On Less-Than-Lethal Weapons." The Department is now encouraging local and state police organizations to utilize Soviet-KGB psychotronic, electromagnetic and mind control weapons against their local citizenry. Targets for these KGB weapons include "domestic disturbances" meaning that mind-control devices are even to be utilized against family arguments. The reports stated: "Short-term research will be completed TO ADOPT MILITARY TECHNOLOGIES TO USE BY DOMESTIC LAW ENFORCEMENT...including LASER, MICROWAVE, AND ELECTROMAGNETIC" WEAPONS. The Justice Department is preparing to use these non-lethal psychotronic weapons for "search warrent RAIDS." A 1994 Congressional report NEXUS MAGAZINE stated: "Reports recently appeared that the FBI deployed the weapon against David Koresh" during the siege at Waco. This type of psychotronic weapon was able to confuse and plant false messages into the targeted victims. Videos of the Branch Dividian compound, made during the siege, showed a small microwave dish (used for TRANSMISSION) setting a top a portable pole, POINTED DIRECTLY TOWARDS THE MAIN BUILDING IN THE COMPOUND. The 7\93 issue of DEFENSE ELECTRONICS discussed the FBI's use of Soviet KGB psychotronic devices against the Branch Dividians at Waco, Texas. There is strong evidence that such weapons were used. After the Feds launched their mass-murdering, flame-throwing attack, some members of David Koresh's church attempted to flee the burning building, but soon as they got outside, they suddenly turned around and ran back INTO the fire--which demonstrated an extreme mental disorientation of the type created by psychotronic mind control weapons. The few victims who survived the fire were visibly confused and unable to talk coherently or move. Prior to the massacre, the Feds targeted the church building with a night and day acoustical barrage (that included the sounds of dying animals and low frequency sound devices). The Feds also utilized a super-strobe light show (pulsed at ELF frequencies). The Feds appear to have also utilized psychotronic mind-zapping weapons against the Montana-based Church Universal and Triumphant. 8\22\94 NEWSWEEK MAGAZINE reported on a secret Arlington, Virginia meeting between experts from the FBI's Counter-Terrorism Center and Dr. Smirnov, whose work was described in the publication: "...Using electroencephalographs, Smirnov measures brain waves, then uses computers to CREATE A MAP OF THE SUBCONSCIOUS AND VARIOUS HUMAN IMPULSES, such as anger or the sex drive. Then through taped SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES, he claims to physically alter the landscape with the power of suggestion." ( New world Order ELF Tyranny--by C. B. Baker.) ================== If the above information are all true, then the act of NIJ encourage the Law enforcement to use the Nonlethal weapon (include the ELF psychotronic weapon) & mind machine on civilians will be considered as disaster for our society. That's because their bad intention has been revealed by Col. John Alexander's words--These weapons would be able to induce illness or death at little or no risk to (use the sound-less, invisible radiation waves) will be silent & difficult to detect. The above situation will threaten our society because they could do any illegal thing (or even to get rid of any civilian), then avoid to be held responsible by law. The most important (or interested) question is that whom will these weapons be used on by the local police organization? (Since the NIJ encourage the local & state police organization to use mind machine & nonlethal weapon--see above) Also, do they really need to use these nonlethal weapons or mind machines on civilian? What is the real reason to use non-lethal weapons or mind machine? The only reason of using the mind machine should be for reading people's thoughts. Furthermore, they would use these Nonlethal weapon to silent these people who are aware of thoughts reading function of Mind Machine in order to keep this function as a top secret. I do believe that if above reports are all truth, then it only prove that they have built the EMR mind machine surviliance system in entire nation for a long time. However, right now, they are trying to slowly inform the society of these facts with other excuse. This is because if the publics is suddenly to find out about the truth, there might be a strong public outlash. Right now, they are using the excuse that they are building a mind machine system in order to use the Russian mind machines and psychotronic weapons. (The real reason might be that the Mind machine & the mind control techniques has attracted the attention of the general public since the EMR mind machine system and other surveilance technologies has been exposed by many researchers and my articles in the past year) What kind of ELF we already have in our US society? Also what's kind job it can do? To answer the above question, I think that let the original article ( which had collected scientist's opinion & scientific evidences) to show the facts is the best way. So I would like to show you the below excerpt (information). ======================== Zbigniew Brzezinski, the founding director of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission, also served as President Jimmy Carter's National Security Director, where he founded the infamous FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) that is designed to implement world government dictatorial rules over the U.S.A. Brzezinski predicted the exact types of electromagnetic psychotronic weapons that the Clinton Adminstration is now obtaining for mass behavior control of U.S. citizens. He stated: "It is possible--and TEMPTING--to exploit, for strategic-political purposes, the fruits of research on the brain and on human behavior. ....Accurately timed, artificially excited electronic strokes" (such as those created by the Soviet ELF Woodpecker, the U.S. GWEN tower VLF network and U.S. H.A.R.R.P.-style ELF transmitters) "could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the earth. ...In this way, one could develop a system that would SERIOUSLY IMPAIR THE BRAIN PERFORMANCE OF A VERY LARGE POPULATION IN SELECTED REGIONS, OVER AN EXTENDED PERIOD." ELECTROMAGNETIC TELEPATHIC INFLUENCE GS> Dr. Peter Beter warned us about this in the 70's. The terrible effects of the KGB psychotronic devices, now being supplied to the Clinton Regime, were publicized in the 1970's. A 1975 issue of the Soviet publication INTERNATIONAL LIFE, discussing electronic mind control developments, stated that atmospheric electricity can be used "TO SUPPRESS THE MENTAL ACTIVITY" of large groups of people. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In 1977, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) declassified a report describing how vast advances in Soviet psychotronic technology can create THE ULTIMATE BIG BROTHER SOCIETY, BY USING ELECTRONIC MIND CONTROL AGAINST POPULATIONS TO IMPLANT IDEAS AND THOUGHTS INTO THE HEADS OF UNSUSPECTING VICTIMS: "SOUNDS AND POSSIBLY EVEN WORDS, WHICH APPEAR TO BE ORIGINATING INTRACRANIALLY (WITHIN ONE'S OWN HEAD), CAN BE INDUCED BY SIGNAL MODIFICATION AT VERY LOW AVERAGE POWER DENSITIES" (VLF & ELF). The DIA report also said that the Soviets discovered that secret microwave radiation can be used to induce in unsuspecting victims: "headache, fatigue, perspiring, dizziness, menstrual disorders, irritability, agitation, tension, drowsiness, sleeplessness, depression, anxiety, forgetfulness, and the lack of concentration." NEXUS reported on the U.S. development of "High Powered Microwave (HPM) Projectiles." The U.S. Government has already obtained "a portable microwave weapon." The 4\94 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN reported that Janet E. Morris and her husband Christopher C. Morris "have been involved in promoting a 'psycho-correction' technology, developed by a Russian scientist, that is INTENDED TO INFLUENCE BY MEANS OF SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES EMBEDDED IN SOUND OR VISUAL IMAGES." (It should be the Russian infrasound mind machine--See June 1993 the "Lobster" magazine of UK) In 1993, "the Morrises organized a meeting in which the technology was demonstrated for U.S. scientists and officials by its Russian inventor." Morris reported that this particular weapon creates "BONE-CONDUCTING SOUND WAVES that cannot be offset by protective gear These devices appear to work at the Very Low Frequency (VLF) spectrum, the same frequency range as generated by the sinister U.S. Gwen (Ground Wave Emergency Network) system of transmitters. The GWEN towers transmit electromagnetic waves in the VLF range between 150 and 175 Khz. Dr. Becker reported, "The VLF range was selected because its signals travel by means of ground waves--electromagnetic fields that hug the ground--rather than radiating into the atmosphere. The signals drop off with distance, and a single GWEN station transmits to a 360-degree circle radiating out from it to a distance of about 250 to 300 miles." In CROSSCURRENTS, Dr, Becker stated: "GWEN is a superb systems,in combination with cyclotron resonance" (the type of system utilized in the new H.A.R.R.P. ELF transmitters), "FOR PRODUCING BEHAVIORAL ALTERATIONS IN THE CIVILIAN POPULATION. The average strength of the steady geomagnetic field varies from place to place across the United States. Therefore, IF ONE WISHED TO RESONATE A SPECIFIC ION IN LIVING THINGS IN A SPECIFIC LOCALITY, one would require A SPECIFIC FREQUENCY FOR THAT LOCATION. The spacing of GWEN transmitters 200 miles apart across the United States would allow such specific frequencies to be 'TAILORED TO THE GEOMAGNETIC FIELD STRENGTH IN EACH AREA." Dr. Frank Barnaby, Director of the Stockholm Peace Research Institute, stated: 'If methods could be devised to produce greater field strengths of such low-frequency oscillations, artificial means, then it might become possible to IMPAIR THE PERFORMANCE OF A LARGE GROUP OF PEOPLE IN SELECTED REGIONS OVER EXTENDED PERIODS.'" In his earlier 1980 article, "The New Mental Battlefield," the Federal Government's "non-lethal" psychotronics weapons tsar, Col. John B. Alexander wrote: "Mind-altering techniques, designed to impact on an opponent are well-advanced. ...Researchers suggest that CERTAIN LOW FREQUENCY EMISSIONS POSSESS PSYCHOACTIVE CHARACTERISTICS. THESE (ELF & VLF) TRANSMISSIONS CAN BE USED TO INDUCED DEPRESSION OR IRRITABILITY IN A TARGET POPULATION." NEXUS reported: "Morris seeks to establish a doctrine for the use of non-lethal weapons by the U.S. in crisis 'AT HOME' " (MEANING USE AGAINST AMERICAN CIVILIANS) " 'or abroad' ........................... Morris described so-called "Non-Lethal electromagnetic technologies." These technologies are already being directed against American citizens in the GWEN system, in various ELF transmitters inside the U.S.A., and in ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ secret collaboration with the Russians in electromagnetic weather-engineering. (New World Order psychtronic Tranny--by C. B. Baker) =================== The above information & scientists opinion all prove that the GWEN tower VLF network & the ELF transmitters of the H.A.R.R.P. system of US can be developed into a special system to use it (ELF & VLF) to the large area or population. These ELF or VLF can be abused to induce man-made will or emotion (such as depression) to the large population in a target area. The most terrible thing is that the vairous transmitters of above system (inside the US) have been used as the NONLETHAL WEAPON to get rid of any civilian. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Alan Yu Do you really know yourself? Only the truth will triumph over deception and last forever. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (attachment) -------------------------------- >From kestern@terra.igcom.netSun Dec 10 04:02:46 1995 >Date: Thu, 7 Dec 1995 20:27:25 -0600 (CST) >From: Kevin Stern >To: > Please email or reprint your original entries to the newsgroup, >we're fairly new to it. Thank you