Christy Vales was one of the most successful supermodels of all time. At age 22 she had already graced the covers of every fashion magazine in existence, and was living the life of a princess. All of her fame and fortune was not due to her looks alone though. Christy was well known as one of most intelligent public figures of her time. You see, Miss Vales was something of a child prodigy as a young girl. She graduated high school when she was 14 and went on to Harvard Law from there. Having completed her education at age 18, Christy began to model as a hobby. As it turns out, Christy was a far better model than anyone could have foreseen. Her modeling career took off like a rocket. Within a year she had become a multi-millionaire and she was having the time of her life. Caught up inall the fame and glory, Christy put her business career plans aside and began to suck up all that her new life had to offer. She became so famous, in fact, that she attracted the attentions of a little known genius by the name of Maxwell Forte. Maxwell had also been gifted as a child. But unlike Miss Vales, his life was anything but perfect. He showed excellent potential but his extreme genius hindered his usefulness. He became deluded and bizarre in his opinions, made brash and unsensitive decisions, and ultimately became a hermit, trapped in his own little world. He had been watching Christy for some time now. He probably owned a copy of every publication regarding her. From swimsuit magazines to fashion articles, Maxwell made sure that no one knew more about Christy Vales than he did. He soon began to see her as his nemesis. She was the embodiment of everything that had not happened to himself, but should have. He was far more intelligent than she was (at least thatıs what Maxwell thought), why was she the one with all the glamour and fame? So it was at this point when Maxwell Forte began his quest. He could have killed her, but that was far too simplistic for a genius such as Max. He needed her defeat to be special. Max reflected for a moment and then turned to his computer and began his work. The technology which he sought would not be easy to invent, but he was more than confident in his abilities. . . anything for Christy Vales.
One year later . . . Christy was on a photo shoot in Malibu for her upcoming calendar. She was in her trailer getting dressed and she failed to notice the rather large fly in the room. Maxwell watched for a moment from his apartment as Christy began to undress. Returning from his brief reverie, Max instructed his mechanical fly to deliver 'the package.' Christy pulled the bikini bottoms up and was reaching for the top when Maxwell's fly attacked. It landed squarely on her left nipple and quickly began injecting its special 'poison.' "Ouch!" Christy screamed as she wafted at the little metal insect. "Get out of here!"
Max activated the fly's advanced evasion tactics and instructed it to complete the delivery. Christy continued to swing at the device but was unable to get a good clean shot. She screamed out loud as it homed-in on her right nipple and made a kamikaze run at the target. "Aghh! David! . . ." David, Miss Vales' body guard, came running in. "What's the problem Miss Vales." "This fly just bit me twice, get it out of here." The fly had landed on the floor since the delivery was complete. Maxwell watched on his monitor as David's foot crushed his little messenger to pieces. "Anything else Miss Vales?" David asked. "No thank you David." Christy finished getting dressed and ran out to start the shoot. Max was lucky that Christy didn't kill the bug before it was finished. He had only built one and that alone took him two months. More importantly though, the special poison that it delivered was irreplaceable. He had taken the whole year to complete it, and he was not entirely sure that it would work. It had been formulated to infiltrate her body and plant a few sub-microscopic nanobots inside. The nanobots needed a sufficient food supply in order to multiply, and Maxwell determined that the milk contained in Christy's breasts (even though she was not lactating) would be enough to sustain them. Max brought up the nanobot monitor and reviewed their progress.
The nanobots were in! Max configured them to constantly multiply while he continued to plot his scheme.
2 hours later . . .
NB: READY mf: all report NB: WORKING . . . 287000000 NANOBOTS REPORTING mf:food status NB: OK mf: end all multiply, begin multiply until 500000000, all report NB: END ALL MULTIPLY CONFIRMED MULTIPLY UNTIL * WAITING RECONFIGURING READY 500000000 NANOBOTS REPORTING mf: end all report mode, all task mode NB: READY FOR TASK
The nanobots were now ready to begin executing Maxwell's plan. He giggled to himself as he entered commands to the nanobots and monitored the results. "And now Miss Vales, you become my new toy." Max scattered the nanobots throughout her body and left a few inside her breasts to continue multiplying. Most of the bots headed for her brain and attached themselves to it, feeding off of the electrical energy of her neurons. Here is where Maxwell's greatest achievement came into play. The nanobots were dispersed throughout her brain in such a way that they could redirect the flow of energy however Max desired. In effect he could control her every thought and action through subtle commands. The bots could cause physiological changes as well. Max thought for a moment and then turned back towards the computer. The nanobots prompt looked tempting but he remained patient.
"Soon my minions . . . we'll wait until Miss Vales is asleep tonight, then we'll have some fun. . ."
Christy returned to her hotel after an exhausting day of shooting and headed straight for her bed. As soon as she fell asleep, the nanobots signaled Maxwell that the time had come to play. "Alright Christy. Let's see what goes on inside that little brain of yours." Maxwell brought up a display showing her brain patterns. Max drew on his vast knowledge of dream theory to construct a vague outline of what she was dreaming about. "Well isn't she a nice one?" he thought.
"Lets change this dream into something a with a little more excitement." Max typed away at the keyboard while the millions of nanobots in Christy's head sprung to life. Christy was dreaming of a beautiful sunset by the beach with herself relaxing to the sound of the surf. . .
She turned over to stretch a little and she was surprised to feel the sand against her breasts. "My God . . . I'm naked," she thought to herself. She looked around but there was nobody else so she ignored her nakedness and tried to relax again. As she lay there, she felt a slight tingle in her left nipple, and then her right. She was horrified to see two flies biting her. She wanted to get them away but suddenly she was unable to move. All she could do was watch in horror as the flies began to pump something into her breasts. Her nipples started to burn as the flies continued their assault. She felt a pressure in her breasts as her nipples became bright red and began to puff and extend. "Why are you doing this?" she asked the flies. "Because this is what you wanted," the flies replied. "Oh, um , I forgot . . . this is what I wanted." Christy's thoughts were confused but for some reason she agreed with the flies. Her breasts began to grow and the flies disappeared. Christy was still unable to move, but her breasts continued to grow. "This is what I wanted. This is what I wanted . . ." kept repeating in her mind. She looked down at her ever ballooning breasts and was horrified by what she saw. Her once perfectly formed breasts had become monstrous globes the size of volleyballs. He nipples stood a full inch straight up and were continuing to extend. "This is what I wanted, this is what I wanted . . ." She was now panicked as her breasts stopped growing but were now a full two feet in diameter. Her nipples continued to grow until they extended three inches from her monstrous mammaries. Christy found that she could move again, but found it impossible to stand. "I can't stand up," she thought. "My udders are two heavy." She would never have called her breasts udders. Why was she thinking this now? She looked around and saw an old man down the beach. She called to him, but he didn't respond. "This is what I wanted. . ." She began crawling over to where the man was, her udders leaving a trail in the sand as she dragged them. "Please sir . . ." she began to say. "What's that young cow?" the old man replied. "Please sir, can you milk me? My udders are full." "Well now heifer. You don't need me to milk ya when you got calves to feed." Two baby cows apeared out of nowhere and began sucking on Christy's udders. "This is what I wanted . . . This is what . . . I m mm wante . . oo moo. . .moo,moo..." Christy tried to remember what she was thinking but she couldn't. All she could do was moo like a cow. She looked down at her babies sucking her nipples and smiled. The old man gave her a pat on the ass and walked away. Christy remained on the beach at let her calfes suck her dry. When they were done Christy's udders were empty and her nipples were sore and red. All that sucking had gotten her somewhat aroused as well. She could feel a tingling around her pubic area that made her reach back and touch herself. Being a supermodel, Christy always kept her pussy shaved nice and smooth. But as she caressed her lips she felt her hair begin to grow. She wanted to stop, but she continued to rub herself. As she parted her lips her bush grew into a furry mess. She began fingering herself while a thick coat of fur overgrew her once smooth pubic area. Her juices flowed freely as she slid two fingers inside. She didn't notice that a nicely formed tail had sprouted from her tail-bone. It swished side to side as she jackhammered her fingers inside of her while her other hand pinched her now erect clit. "Ohh, moo mooooooo!" she moaned. This caught the attention of a bull which had appeared in the dream a short time ago. Christy didn't notice, but she was now shoving her entire hand in an out of her fur hole, desparately trying to cum. She pulled her fist out to regain some balance when she felt a something press against the entance to her cunt. "Moooooooo!" she screamed as the bull slammed its cock into the cow. The covergirl's face was pushed into the sand by the impact but she didn't protest. Almost instinctively, she pushed back on the 14 inch member, pratically swallowing it down her fuck hole. The bull began pumping harder as her juices leaked onto the sand below them. Christy was humping like an animal (well, she was an animal) and soon felt her orgasm coming. The bull was getting excited as well. She came with a loud "Moooooooo!" as the bull pumped his load into her soping beaver. It filled her completely and then overflowed out of her, coating his shrinking penis. Christy turned around and started cleaning their fuck jucies with her tongue. For some strange reason, that seemed likethe right thing to do. The last thing she remembered was sucking the remaining semen from the bull's cock and thinking to herself, "This is what I wanted . . ."
When Christy awoke, she was in her bathrobe lying on the Malibu beach. "What, ...I... it was only a dream?!!" Christy couldn't remember coming out onto the beach, and the vision of her dream was still vivid in her mind. David came running over to her . "There you are. Decided to get a head start on today's photo shoot? You know Miss Vales, you really shouldn't leave your room this early without telling me." Christy looked confused for a moment but then regained her composure. "Sorry David, I won't let it happen again." Miss Vales walked over to the trailer while the camera crew set-up. "That was some dream," she thought as she got dressed. "Well I guess I'm entitled to a wild one now and . . ." Her train of thought was cut off as she fitted the new swimsuit around her pussy lips. She had just shaved yesterday. . . then why was there so much stuble on her lips today? She pulled the material off to the side revealing a short, but noticable bush between her legs. "Oh my god! I can't do the shoot like this!"
She made up an excuse for the crew to wait while she shaved herself clean. Somewhat confused and unsure, she exited the trailer and began the shoot. Maxwell laughed as his plan was beginning to unfold. He had successfully interfaced the nanbots with Christy's visual and auditory receptors. While linked to a smaller network of nanbots used to monitor her thoughts, Maxwell now knew exactly what the supermodel was seeing, hearing and thinking. He had planted her latest dream and had her sleepwalk out to the beach. Later he overstimulated her pubic hair folicles and gave her a little bush to ponder. Now with the photo shoot starting, he released an addtional 500 million nanobots from her breasts into her mind and body. This would give him more specific control over her in the future.
While the shoot was taking place, Maxwell probed the workings of Christy's brain. He discovered that she was brilliant indeed. He mind was a reservoir of ideas, knowledge and insight. No wonder she was so successful. She had a photographic memory, spoke 6 languages, and was a master chess player. "Not bad for a big breasted bimbo," Max thought to himself. The more Max probed, the more he became enraged with what he found. He could find nothing which could explain why she was so popular, and he so unpopular. He foccussed his rage while he typed commands to his legion of over a billion nanobots. Christy Vales would not be having sweet dreams for a while. Christy was still somewhat disturbed about last night and stayed up late watching CNN. When she finally retired it was almost 3 in the morning. Max had already preprogrammed the dream sequence to activate when she was sleeping. Since she now had over a billion bots in her head, it was easier for her dream to be programmed. No beautiful beaches or radiant sunsets this time. She lay whimpering softly as the nightmare unfolded . . .
Christy showed up at the dressing room just as she normally would. Armond Trazzio was debuting his new line of fashion ware to the world tonight and Christy was to be the premier model. As she entered the dressing room all the other models were arriving as well, each moving to the desk with their name on it. Christy asked which one was hers and was pointed towards a brightly lit desk with the title "Christy Vales, Cum-model," tacked to the top. She thought it a little odd that it didn't read "Supermodel" but she didn't give it much thought.
The makeup artist came over and began putting her makeup on while the designer came over and started talking to her. "Okay, Christy, the fashions are a little more risque than normal this year. So what I need you to do is take off all your clothes and then call me over, okay?" Christy nodded and began stripping. Once all her clothes were off she called Armond over. "Armond, I'm ready over here."
"Fabulous, absolutely fabulous. Okay, well now I need you to stand with your arms out and your legs apart and we'll get you ready for the show." Christy did as she was told while Armond gathered various things into a big box and brought it over. Christy watched in horror as the designer pulled two large alligator clips out of the box and moved towards her breasts. "Are you sure that this is part of the show Armond?" she asked. "Oh just relax Christy, your gonna love it." Armond let the clips bite down into her nipples. A sharp pain shot through Christy's body as he did this. Next he attached a similar set of clips to her pussy lips. . . Christy's mind began to blur as pain after pain traversed her body. When it was over, Armond put her in front of a full length mirror presented her with her new look for the night. Christy almost died at the sight.
Her nipples had two sets of alligator clips attached to them. One set was attached to two small weights which dangled below her tits while the other set had a chain between them which wrapped over her neck and held her breast up by the nipples. The two clips on her pussy lips supported half pound weights which stretched her lips a few inches towards the ground. Inside of her pussy was a clear tube which was lodged securely inside her and gave a clear view to anyone who wanted one. There was another tube which was wrapped around her arm with the open end in her hand. "Okay Christy, now your almost ready. What we're gonna do is give you a final prep and then send you out. Now when you get out there, I need you to suck on this tube and swallow whatever comes out, okay? Now go be a good girl." Christy didn't know what to do so she just nodded. "Now I need you to bend all the way over to give you a final prep." Christy bent over as instucted, not knowing what was coming. Armond placed a small tube in Christy's ass and pushed until it wouldn't go any farther. He then flipped a switch and began pumping a thick gooey substance into her rectum. "Christy? This is a quart of raw donkey semen that we got from the local farm." When the pump was emtpy, and her bowels were full, Armond removed the smaller tube and quickly rammed the larger tube attached to Christy's hand into her asshole. "Okay Christy go get'um." He gave her a pat on the ass as the music started playing. Christy was mortified. She was a supermodel not a slut? But wait, her title did say "Cum-model" maybe that's what she was. Anyway, she had a job to do. She walked down the runway in her usual style. The tubes in her ass and cunt made it difficult to walk, but she managed. As she moved the weights on her tits and pussy swayed and pulled, making it even more difficult. As soon as she emerged, all the cameras began flashing and the crowd cheered. She placed the tube inside her mouth and began to suck vigorously. Soon the donkey cum began to work its way from her ass and into her mouth. The crowd loved it as they could see the fluid move up the tubing. She almost choked at the taste, but continued sucking and strutting. She could feel her bowels emtpy as she swallowed the cum from it. Soon the flow began to taper and she sucked even harder to get it all out. The very last of the cum was mixed with the shit from her ass but she swallowed it none the less. When it was over, Christy didn't care about the clips and chains or even about sucking the shit out of her ass. All she remembered was that the crowd loved her for it. She looked at her desk and saw the title "Christy Vales, Cum-model." She saw nothing wrong with that.
Christy woke up in a cold sweat. She was panting and exhausted from her dream. She moved to sit up and found a very uncomfortable pain from down below. She moved the covers to find a hairbrush lodged up her pussy and a brown marks all over the sheets. "No!" she cried as she examined herself. She removed the hair brush and found it smeared with her own feces and cunt juice. She also had an unmistakable taste in her mouth. She knew what it was. Max laughed out loud as he watched Miss Vales clean herself up. The nanobots were working better than he had expected. He tapped at the keyboard some more and readied the next part of his plan while Christy picked the shit from her teeth. He now had complete control of her sub-conscious, but he needed to control her waking thoughts as well. 100 million more nanobots were released as he made his calculations.