From Fri Oct 25 15:01:05 1996 Date: Fri, 25 Oct 1996 17:28:28 +0000 From: Reply-To: To: Subject: Darkness examined [The following text is in the "iso-8859-1" character set] [Your display is set for the "US-ASCII" character set] [Some characters may be displayed incorrectly] Ok-here it is, all in one neat package. Send flames/comments to It's good to see so many up for my challenge! Darkness examined Kyle Ashley sat at the foot of his wifeıs bed and cried. Great wracking sobs that could not be held back escaped his lips, no matter how much testosterone tried to contain them. He cried for the months of physical pain she had endured, and the mental anguish it had caused him. It had begun with a small lump under her armpit, of all places, and a visit to the family doctor, who had worn a tight lipped smile as he told them she would need a biopsy. He hadnıt even known what a biopsy was at that time; how fast we become educated, he remembered, as the tears streamed down his face. The biopsy had proven the tumor to be malignant, and there was indication the cancer had been spread throughout her body by the endocrine system, and could be found in her heart, lungs, pancreas, and many other major organs. The physician had called them into his office where he quietly told them Beth was going to die, the cancer was too invasive, and any type of therapy would not be successful on such a huge scale. She had less than a year to live. ³A year?² Kyle had shouted at him, ³how can we squeeze a lifetime into a year?² But the doctor had remained impassive to his emotional outburst. He looked to his wife then, at her dark eyes, as they crinkled up, her head falling down into her hands, long ebony locks falling forward as her shoulders shook with awful truth. He had ran to her, and held her, as they both wept for what they would lose. He remembered all of this now, and it seemed he had been crying ever since. And now . . . ³Go ahead honey, let it out.² Came her voice from the nearby pillows. He looked up at her through tears of joy and relief, and remarked to himself again how much she had recovered. The gray circles under her eyes had vanished, the ashen pallor had diminished, a flush returned to her cheeks. Even her long dark hair had bounced back, the long curls coursing over her pillow. ³I j.j.just canıt b.b.believe it!² He threw his arms around his now healthy wife, and cried into her hair. He could feel her shoulders trembling as she too cried with him. They held each other for a long time, long after the tears had ended and eyes had dried. He wanted to hold her like this forever, and never let go. He pulled away only long enough to kiss her deeply, caressing her face with his hand. At some point the new doctor came in. She waited patiently for them to finally release, still arm in arm. They turned to her, as she began to speak. ³I will make this brief as I see you two have a lot of catching up to do.² She smiled, setting down a clipboard. ³The NANıs in your system have, as you can see, repaired much of the damage the cancer had caused. Your bodily functions should be returning back to normal, with very few lingering effects. For all intents and purposes you are now cured, and should lead a long and healthy life.² He paused to let her words sink in. Kyle turned to his wife with fresh tears stinging his eyes. Things had seemed so hopeless only a week ago, and now a full recovery! ³I do want to warn you however, that the NANıs will still be a part of your system for at least another month as they work on all of the different systems within your body. This is not a cause for alarm, but you will need to be careful for and not overtax your body, or it could cause a breakdown in endocrine regulation, insulin consumption, hormonal balance, and a host of other functions within your body. By the end of the month you will need to come back in for a check-up, to see that the NANıs have been completely flushed from your system.² She regarded the pair with serious eyes. ³You must not over exert yourself, or do anything to increase adrenalin within your body, or the NANıs remaining may not be able to combat a new onslaught of cancer cells, and weıll have to start the whole procedure over again.² She paused again, and glanced at the clipboard. ³But, aside from that, you have a clean bill of health and can return home. Feel free to enjoy intimate relations, as long as they are not to ecstatic, and get plenty of rest.² She held her hand out . ³Iıll see you in a month!² They both shook it in turn. Kyle turned to Beth, ³How about some ice cream on the way home?² She smiled, as she sat in the wheelchair.²That sounds absolutely wonderful!² Kyle Ashley wheeled his wife out of the room, and into their bright new future. Three uneventful weeks passed, Kyle was in a state of perpetual bliss. Their marriage had always been solid, but he was amazed at how much he had taken for granted; that she would always be there, that he would always see her, talk to her, have kids, and a rich, full life. They had married young, less than two years when the cancer had hit. But now things had changed. He still wanted the full life, but his priorities had changed. His career seemed unimportant now, building a family was the most important thing on his mind. He wanted to have kids, and raise them right. He drove home, thinking about a family, and most of all Beth. He glanced at his watch,home early again. He was home early more often than late now, another change from before. Beth greeted him at the door, with a warm hug and a smile. ³How was your day?² She asked with a bounce in her voice, as she took his jacket, and hung it up in the closet. This was a change as well, before she had volunteered around town, at the library, or hospital after her classes. Now she continued her education, but was home to greet him every day, usually with dinner ready. Her priorities had changed as well. ³Fine, same old bullshit, you know the routine.² He replied with a smile. ³But now Iım home!² He said, as he enfolded her in his arms, kissing her deeply. She ran her fingers through his hair, and responded passionately. He lifted her up and carried his wife into the bedroom. Afterwards, at dinner, Beth stunned him. ³Do you think we could move?² She asked out of the clear blue. Kyle didnıt know how to respond. He frowned. ³Move?² He asked in a questioning voice. ³Why do you want to move?² She looked down at her basted chicken. ³This apartment is fine, but I feel . . . I donıt know, like thereıs a weight here I canıt get rid of. I donıt mean a big move, but maybe to the outskirts of town, to a house, where we can raise . . .² ³Children.² Kyle responded with a wide smile. ³Of course!² He laughed. This is no place for the kids we want to have someday.² ³That day is coming sooner than you think Mr. Ashley.² She responded with a smile, as she looked down at her mid-section. Kyle leapt with joy, and lifted his wife in a strong embrace. They laughed. The old house sat on a hill just past the outskirts of the city. It had been abandoned for a while, their feet left prints in the dust on the floor. It had three bedrooms, a small living room, and a large work shed in the back. The shed reeked of something old and rotten. They had entered and glanced around the dim area, noticing a large amount of junk. ³This is going to take a lot of work.² Kyle responded to Bethıs silent question. ³But once itıs cleaned up it will make a great workshop, studio, or storage area!² The realtor responded in her ³exuberant² voice she saved for areas just like this, Kyle thought sourly. ³I donıt know . . .² Beth said as she looked at the mountains of clutter. She squealed as a spider ran across her foot. Kyle jumped to her side, and squashed it to the floor with a loud thump. They returned to the main house. ³I know this looks bad, but itıs a solid old house.² The realtor reported as they moved from room to room. The kitchen was the worst, with filth covering the old linoleum. Kyle was skeptical until he saw . . . ³Look over here honey.² He called to Beth, as she came around a corner. She moved next to him as they peered at a series of horizontal lines etched into a wallboard, with dates beside it. ³Five, twenty one, sixty two.² She said in a soft voice, puzzlement on her face. ³Twelve, twenty five, sixty-three.² Kyle responded, pointing out the next. ³Christmas day.² ³Itıs a growth chart!² Beth exclaimed in a high pitched voice, as she clapped her hands together. Kyle looked at the realtor,³Weıll take it.² That night as they lay in their bed, Beth massaged the toes of her foot. ³I think that spider might have bitten me.² Kyle sat up and looked at her left foot. On the right side of her large toe, a lump had formed, angry and swelling. He frowned, she had been wearing open toed pumps that day. ³I thought you wore hose today?² Kyle asked, looking at her. ³I did, but thereıs a hole in the big toe.² She nodded at the laundry pile. ³I always wear a hole in them after a while, I was going to throw them out after today.² ³Did you notice what kind of spider it was?² Kyle asked, trying to remember himself. It had been dark, and the spider had seemed rather large. ³No it was too dim.² Beth responded, as she massaged the area. ³Do you think this could hurt me?² She asked in a worried voice. ³I think if you were going to have a reaction to the bite you would have had it already.² Kyle responded, thinking about his first aid class from boy scouts. He couldnıt remember what the treatment was, remembering something about ice. HE got up and fixed her an ice pack. She limped into the kitchen after him. ³Do you think weıre making the right decision about this house?² She asked as she sat at the kitchen table. ³It sure needs a lot of work.² Kyle placed the ice on her foot, and held it there. ³It sure has a lot of ^Ìcharacterı.² He replied using one of the terms the realtor had used. ³If it was any more ırusticı it would probably fall apart.² She laughed at the reference. ³In fact, I think itıs about as ^Ìrusticı as you can get, itıs definitely the ^Ìrusticest.ı Beth laughed, pulling her hair back with one hand. He loved to make her laugh. ³I donıt know, lets sleep on it and see how we feel in the morning. You have your appointment tomorrow, remember?² Beth nodded, and started for the bedroom, put yelped in pain as she placed her weight on her foot. Kyle supported his wife as they headed for the bed. ³Guess I canıt do that kinky foot thing tonight.² He stated as they lay down. She giggled. ³I was really looking forward to it too.² ³You mean the one with baby oil?² She asked, adding to the joke. ³Yeah, that one, and with whipped cream and cherries.² They were both laughing now. ³But I donıt think the dog would fit on the bed.² She slapped him on the arm, as she brayed. The next morning, Kyle showered, shaved, and readied himself for work. Usually Beth had breakfast ready. Today she was still in bed when he returned to the bedroom. ³Beth?² He asked shaking her gently, ³Are you awake?² She mumbled something and rolled over. ³We have to get to the doctor, your appointment is at nine.² He shook her a little more. ³Iım up, Iım up.² She said as she threw off the covers and sat on the side of the bed. ³Didnıt you sleep well?² Kyle asked, studying her. Her face seemed a little puffy, and her eyes were closed. She looked sleepy. ³No, my foot was throbbing most of the night, and then it stopped suddenly.² She looked down it on the floor. Kyle knelt and looked at the area of the bite. The lump wasnıt as large, and the redness had receded. It looked like it was healing rapidly. ³It looks a lot better, does it still hurt?² She shook her sleep tousled head twice. ³Try standing.² He asked, helping her to her feet. She stood with little discomfort. ³All better.² She said, walking into the bathroom. The shower went on. Kyle went into the kitchen and fixed coffee. As he sat reading the paper, sipping it he noticed his hand was trembling. He put the cup down and looked at the ceiling. This little incident was too much like the horror they had been through with the cancer; not waking up, the puffy face, and lethargy due to the medication she had been on. He shook his head, as Beth stepped into the kitchen. Her face looked gray, as she poured a cup for herself. ³How are you doing?² He asked, as she brought her cup to the table. ³Fine.² She responded in a quiet voice, taking a sip. She grimaced ³Bleaak.This tastes awful.² She set the cup back down and looked at him from across the table. Her red rimmed eyes had dark shadows mirrored underneath. ³Are you sure your ok?² Kyle asked again. ³You look . . .² ³I know how I look!.² She snapped. ³I donıt need you badgering me all the damned time!² She got up from the table and tossed her coffee into the sink. ³Letıs go see the damned doctor! I am so sick of doctors, I could puke!² She raged as they donned their coats and left the apartment. In the car, Beth sat silently fuming. Kyle remembered all of their trips exactly like this one, except those time her silence had been more sorrow than rage. HE drove the familiar routes automatically. They waited only a few moments in the waiting area before being admitted to the small examination room. A nurse came in and extracted a vial of blood from her arm, and they were again released for an hour while it went to the lab. Upon returning, the doctor called them into her office. ³Well Beth, how have you been feeling these last weeks?² The doctor asked warmly after they had been seated. ³Fine.² She replied again. ³Just fine.² ³Any nausea, dizziness, or sleeplessness?² ³No.² Beth replied and fell silent. Kyle frowned at the uncomfortable pause. ³Any symptoms whatsoever?² The doctor asked, concern marking her face. ³No!² Beth retorted curtly, ³No symptoms at all! You cured me Doc, you and you damned micro machines! Your experiment was a success! Can I go now?² The doctor sat and silently regarded her patient. Finally she brought up a sheaf of papers in front of her. ³These test results indicate the NANıs have not been flushed fro your system, in fact there appear to be more of them now, than at your last visit.² Bethıs eyes narrowed. ³What does that mean?² She asked in a steely voice. ³It means they have found a second infection or problem to combat. Itıs the only explanation, so I would like to admit you to the hospital to see what infection they might be trying to fight off.² Kyle could feel his face flush at the news. He sighed in frustration. Beth exploded. ³No!² She stood in a heated rage. Kyle had never seen her so angry. ³I wonıt be going to the fucking hospital! Iım fine! The only thing I am sick of is doctors and hospitals!² She grabbed her purse and started for the door. She looked back at Kyle, who was still seated, open mouthed. ³Are you coming? Or do I have to drive myself home!² She slammed it behind her. Kyle looked at the doctor who was closing the file perfunctorily. ³What should . .?² He started, rising from the chair. ³If she is refusing treatment there is very little I can do. All I can say is that I strongly recommend you talk with her and try to convince her to return to the hospital, I am worried about that secondary infection and what the rising NAN count could do to the systems in her body. She is not well Mr. Ashley, she is still very sick. Keep that in mind as you talk to her, but understand her frustration. ³Thank you doctor.² Kyle stuttered, and headed after his wife. Back at home Kyle tried to broach the subject again. ³it sounds like the doctor has . . .² He started, but she interrupted him with a shriek. ³I donıt care what that bitch has to say!² She flailed her arms, face red. ³Iım better! Iıve been better all month! Iım not going back to the fucking hospital and you canıt make me!² She screamed, tears streaming down her face, nose running. ³I have been poked, prodded, injected, therapied, sedated, and investigated! And Iım not going to going through it anymore!² She came up close to him, looking up with fire in her dark eyes. ³And I expect you to support me in this!² She uttered between clenched teeth. ³or so help me Kyle Iıll find someone who will!² She spun on her heel and headed for the bedroom, slamming the door behind her in punctuation. Kyle stared after her in open mouthed amazement. Never before, even in the extreme pain of cancer had she ever screamed at him like this. And she had also never questioned his loyalty to her. Something was terribly wrong. ************************************************************************ ******************** Part two Kyle woke up after an exhausting night. Beth had tossed and turned most of the time, and he had finally given up and slept on the couch. He quietly entered their bedroom showered, and readied himself for work, Beth was only an outline under the bed covers. He walked over and lower the corner, wanting to kiss her before he left, her hair was all he could make out in the darkness. ³Honey, Iım going in for a couple of hours. Iıll be back by lunch to check on you. He murmured in a soft voice, and kissed the top of her head. ³Bye.² Came the soft reply. In the car, Kyle pondered what had taken place, but could not fathom what had come over her in the short time. He could understand her reluctance at going back into the hospital, but her reaction to him was shocking. He decided he would pick up some flowers on the way home, along with some Chinese takeout. She loved Chinese food and flowers always brightened her mood. After a tedious four hours at work, boss haranguing him over the time off, cluttered desk overwhelming him the entire time, secretaries unable to do anything without his signature, he left for home, picking up the intended surprises. He entered the apartment and immediately noticed a musty smell permeating the air. It smelled rank, like dead leaves after a rain, or Eucalyptus leaves. ³Beth?² He called, after depositing flowers and food on the kitchen table. ³Beth?² No answer. He moved from room to room, searching for his wife, coming at last to the bedroom, where he could still see her form under the covers in the dark room. ³I brought takeout.² He called. ³Chinese.² She stirred under the covers. The smell was overwhelming, and his stomach started to turn. He went to the side of the bed. ³Are you hungry?² He asked, pulling down the covers to reveal her head. ³Yes.² Came a soft, and strangely sibilant reply. He stared at the back of her head. ³Iıve got Chinese.² He repeated, as she turned to face him. Something didnıt look right, so he turned on the light at her bedside. He had just a glimpse to notice her face had changed, no longer the endearingly girlish face she had, different, darker somehow. Beth screeched, jumping to turn off the light. ³Honey, whatıs wrong?² He asked, as she dove back under the covers. He placed a hand on her covered form. ³The light . . .² she said in that strange whisper, ³it . .hurts.² She murmured. ³Iım going to call the doctor and tell her were coming right over.² Kyle announced, moving towards door. ³No!² She yelled. ³Iım okay, the bright light just . . .hurt my eyes is all.² He dimly perceived her sitting up on the bed. ³Did you say you had Chinese?² She got up, put on her robe and moved towards him. She seemed to be walking funny, somewhat hunched. ³Yes.² He relied, worried. ³Itıs in the kitchen.² He held out his arm to her, she grasped it, supporting herself. The flesh of her hand felt strangely cold. He led her through the door and into the sunlit living room. ³Could you close the curtains?² She asked holding a hand up in front of her face. ³After all day in the dark it hurts my eyes for some reason.² Kyle looked at his wife standing next to him. She had changed, her skin was greyish. darker. Not tan like she got in the summer, but ashen. Her hand in front of her face had altered as well. The middle finger seemed longer, and the rest had shrunk somehow. He couldnıt see the rest of her body under the terry robe, but he could tell it had changed as well. He moved to the curtain in front of the sliding glass door, fear burning a hole in his gut , and shut it. ³Better?² He asked, trying to contain the tremble he suddenly felt coursing through his body as he again went to her side. ³Much, thank you.² She replied, lowering her hand. He was now able to see her face fairly clearly, at the changes that had been wrought. Her eyes were smaller, black with no iris or white. Her once lovely cheekbones had fallen, the nose flat and broad. Her forehead had receded, the head had become almost perfectly round. The most noticeable change were the sharp white teeth he saw exposed when she spoke. ³Honey?² She asked, turning her strange round head up to look at him. ³Whatıs wrong? You look like youıve seen a ghost.² He suddenly didnıt know what to say to her. What could he say? Ah hon, you look like your turning into a gnome. Want some Chinese food? I brought you flowers! He swallowed the bile that had caught in his throat, and ran his hand over the top of his head. Trying to wipe away the terror he felt. ³Uh . . ³ He stammered, reaching a decision. ³Nothing, nothing at all. You just look a little mushy from all that sleep.² Why upset her? She combed her fingers through her thinning hair, pulling out hanks and dropping them to the floor. ³Did you say something about food? Iım starving.² She started walking towards the kitchen. Kyle noticed she had extreme difficulty walking, it seemed something was interfering with her legs, she had to keep the widely spread, as she made her way to the kitchen table. She stood and looked at him expectantly. ³Well? Are we going to eat?² She asked, opening one of the containers. ³Sure.² He replied, hurrying to help her. He opened the containers and scooped large helpings of chop suey onto two plates. He placed two sets of chopsticks by each plate, sat down and started to eat. Beth did not sit, and looking up, he noticed she was having a hard time. She couldnıt get her altered fingers to work the sticks, the third was to long and the rest to short to properly manage. She smiled, and looked at him. ³Guess I need to use a fork.² She replied, and he quickly fetched her one. He watched as she forked a large bite into her mouth and grimaced. ³This tastes awful!² She moaned, setting down the fork. ³What would you rather eat?² Kyle asked, fearing the answer. ³Is there any steak in the refrigerator?² She asked, waddling over to the door. ³I seem to have a taste for a juicy t-bone.² Dumfounded he observed as she pulled out a package, tore open the wrap, and bit down on the red meat. She didnıt chew, but seemed to be sucking all of the juice out of the meat. Kyle shuddered to think what she was becoming. The truly strange thing was she didnıt see any of her changes as out of the ordinary, but accepting them as if they were natural. ³Mmmm. Delicious.² She murmured, as she tore open another package. Kyle noticed the meat from the first had turned grey. ³Honey . . .² He started, as she sucked the liquid out of the meat. ³Yes dear?² She asked, looking at him. The bottom of her face was coated red, her fangs seemed even more prominent, and her neck seemed to be shortening, drawing her head down to her shoulders. He realized in shock the change was occurring while he watched. ³Donıt you think . . .this . .² He indicated her meal. ³Is a little strange?² She looked at him, puzzlement registering on her altered face. ³What are you talking about?² She asked, her voice slurring the words in a whisper. ³Your body.² He stammered. ³Your face . . .² He watched as her head slowly attached itself to her torso, the fangs now growing completely out of her mouth and down what used to be her chin. ³I donıt sssseee anything wrong.² She hissed, in a voice as quiet as a grave. The meat clattered to the ground, as her fingers completely grew together, and lengthened into one dark spine. Unable to look down, she dropped to the floor, and plunged her fangs again into the meat. Kyle tumbled from his chair, overwhelmed, and fainted. **** Awareness returned to him, as he felt something tickling across his face. The bad dream came to him, Beth transforming, changing into something . . .softness tickled again. He opened his eyes to a sight so horrible, it almost sent him back to unconsciousness. He screamed from the floor of the kitchen as his wife gently caressed his face with a black foreleg. He couldnıt move, paralyzed with fear or venom, he watched as she moved towards him on all eight of her legs. ³I am so hungry.² He heard her whisper softly. He screamed silently as she carefully wrapped him in her loverıs silk. A red hourglass glared angrily at him from beneath her dark abdomen. She was pregnant, came his final realization. Fin ------ The discussion list for the Transformation Story Archive --------- The TSA is at: for help write to: all administrative questions to: WWW-List-Archive at: