The Race It was quite obvious a special day - I noticed when my Master put the finest harness he had on me, one beautifully crafted from leather, with gold and silver decorations. I wore the regular latex pony suit underneath, and the sensation was immense ! It became even more obvious when he put a new hood on, on that fully covered my face, as well as providing me with the ears I so sadly lacked. It had transparent latex in front of the eyes, small opening for my nostrils, and a mouth no larger than needed for the bit. It was quite strange to look out on the world like that - and stranger still when He told me that noone would now be able to see what I looked like. Outside the stables a transport trailer was pulled up, hooked onto his car. It was quite roomy, with a small cart fastened to the back. As he lead me in, and fastened my reins to a ring in the side, he told me about the day ahead... " Some friends of mine are arranging a Pony Race - and even thou I do not wish to enter you there... " - he paused - " ...yet, we'll go have a look. " - he gave me a sugarcube, and I accepted it happily. I LIKE sugar ! " They have the same attitude towards this as I do, so... " - he hugged me, patting my head - " Perhaps some are even more severe. Ohwell. " The drive was a long one, which was understandable. It is not something most people want to arrange where others can observe. The place we came to was mostly forest, with a large space for cars, trailers and temporary stables. There were many, many ponies there, both stallions and mares, and I was stunned ! I had for a long time thought that I was the only ponygirl around - atleast that lived my fantasy... My Master has told me many things from the event, later, for I can only remember one detail. Some hour or so after we arrived, a race for 1-year old mares was due, a trot in fact, and I watched amazed - I never thought ponygirls could run that fast, nor that elegant ! It was a stunning sight ! Suddenly, about 3/4th trough, one of the ponies stumbled, and with a scream she fell to the ground. The race went on, as officials charged in. It was obvious that she was hurt, and a vet was brough in. Her owner, a woman, was just as obviously distressed - she cried. As the commotion died down, I could see several people, one was seemingly the owners boyfriend, trying to calm her down. As I watched, my Master came to my side, and put his hand on my nose, as if trying to calm me. I was confused, but understood soon enough. The vet was talking to the rider, she was shaking her head vigourously - then slowly nodding. As the rest, vet excluded, left - she kneeled down, and patted her pony slowly, talking to the mare who was almost unconscious, she did atleast not move. All was quiet around us now, noone did anything but watch. She rose, after a few minutes, and as the vet move over to the pony, my Master grabbed my reins and led me of, towards his trailer. I tried to look behind me, but he never slackened his pace. I could, around me, see others doing the same. The sound, when it came, was not as loud as I'd expected, but still it sendt shivers all trough me. I whimpered, and my Master held me, trying to calm me, whispering soft and loving words in my ear. From there on I remember little until I woke up at home. It was then I understood ownership.