The Date... It was a small stable, comfy, warm, and just about the right size for a pony like her. This was her third day in here, and her thougths went to the days that had gone before, of arousal and sexual stimuli, of pleasure she had never dreamt possible, both also humiliation and pain. Three days... she had dressed in the main building, the tight dark-brown skin suit, the hood with the horses pointy ears... the tail, usually attached to a butt plug, now fastened above her ass, and designed that when she pulled her muscled down there, it rose. The suit had been sown to-gether in the back, and a knife would be needed to get it of her. Her Master had told her that this was what He wished, a ponygirl for a week, and of course she had obeyed ! She had not, at first, thought about the fact that it MEANT pony - she was no longer a human female - and as such she was not allowed the use of normal toilet... it had been awful the first times, but now she didn't think much about it. Her food was traditional, grain and hay. She looked down at her hooves, her own hands, and feet, captured in special gloves and boots, forcing them into hooves. They where wonderful, and when she bent down as far as the rope allowed, and lifted her hoof, she could give it a kiss. Living like that was like a dream... and she loved every second of it ! But this day was going to a very special one. From the walkway outside her stable she could hear the now familiar steps of her Master. She not turn to face him, bound as she was, but he knew, and walked around to her front. With a smile he slipped her bridle on, then placed a bit in her mouth. Without a word he left - leaving her pretty confused. Within minutes another sound came from outside, the sound of hooves. Again she tried to turn her head, but to no avail. Her Master entered again, and this time he adressed her... " Now my dear... " - and she could tell by his voice that he had something on his mind - " I fear you are lonely here, all by yourself. So, I've set up a date for you, a blind date you might call it, but I assure you, he is such a handsome fellow ! " With a short laugh her came closer, leading with him a dark brown horse, a pony, quite obviously a stallion. With a gasp she tried to get loose, to get to her feet, to stop him. " Hm, eager, are you ? " - and again he laughed - " very well, patience ! " With a firm grip on her reins, he loosened the regular straps that held her in place, and replaced that with heavy control equipment. She was still standing on all four, but her body was secured to the walls, so was her head. Her front and hindlegs was spread abit, locked in that position by steel spreader bars, and strapped to the walls. When he was done, he placed his hand on the lower part of her back, and pushed, making her move abit forward. With a content sound he looked into her eyes. " So, now you are about ready. You cannot move but one way, or two, back and forth. This is merely for your own sake my dear ! " - and she could see the devil in him smiling at her. The shiver that ran down her spine was quite clear, and again she struggled trough her bit to say no - finding it too tight... Again he turned away from her, only to return few seconds later, with a large cube of hay. He proceeded to place this under her belly, making sure she rested on it. Her head and crotch was outside the cube, her stomach and breasts resting on it. " Now, we have a small problem. As much a mare you are, you have several non-working organs it seems. Usually a stallion will use a mares urine to determine whether she is in heat - something YOUR will never tell him " - he shook his head - " but luckily I know a way to remedy that ! " - and with a quick motion he opened a bottle which he was carrying. " This I got from a mare that DOES work ! " - and he laughed - " it is quite fresh and warm. It will most likely work wonders for you too ! " - and with this he proceeded to pour about half of the contents over her tail, and over her ass. The gasp that came from her told him quite clearly that she felt it. And she did... feeling that warm fluid pouring down her butt she wanted to scream, to get away, to run ! She struggled against the straps, but yet again found that it was no use. " Aah, I LIKE an eager mare ! " - and he pattet her head - " I am quite certain he does too ! " He turned again away, moving to the back of her, out of her sight. She could now not see anything of what happened, but she could hear it. " Good boy, goood boy, smell it... Ooohyes, you are soo right, a mare in heat boy ! Come on, its served ! " - and again he laughed. Again she struggled, wanting to stop it, wanting... wanting... to ... stop it... much against her wish was her body, warmer by the second, her humiliation almost complete. " That's a boy ! " - the remark from behind and the large shadow came at the same time. When looking to the right and left she could see the large hooves of the stallion, resting on the cube she lay on, the powerful body clearly above her. Her screams almost penetrated the bit as the stallion mounted her... With help from her Master, the pony found its mark, sliding into her with force, making her scream again. Making her... moan. Making her whinny with pleasure, for she could no longer deny herself, deny her fate. She winnied again, lifting her head just abit, producing a hard push from the animal above, clearly wanting nothing but submission from this strange mare. She bent her head once more, struggling to follow the pushing stallion feeling that large cock entering further. She had completed her humiliation, and she cried... cried, as her body reacted with arousal. He was a rough lover her new boy-friend, and didn't waste much time in getting where he wanted. Within very short he thrusted even deeper, making her scream, and filling her up with his thick semen. She could not hold back, and despite the pain she came, a shuddering orgasm drowing everything else... When she again was able to open her eyes, her Master sat before her. With a smile on his lips he watched her. " Soo.... " - and he clearly enjoyed this - " liked that, didn't you little pony of mine ? " She whinnied happily, unable to protest, and not really caring anymore. " I thought as much. Now, I'll leave you to sleep, I think you will need that. But first... our little agreement... one week ? " - he nodded slowly, " On second thought I think I'll alter that. " - he nodded again. " I'll let you know when you are to return to a human again. It might be a while, say ... a year or two ? And I think your new mate will enjoy himself during that time... " - with a laugh he left, locking the door from her frantic screams...