The Brand Livestock... The morning is chilly, as is quite normal at 4am, and His slavegirl is fast asleep, dreaming happy dreams when He suddenly shakes her awake. Confused she stares up at Him, at His smile, and she smiles back, struggling to awaken. With a kiss He gives her no time, pulling on her hair, pulling her to the edge of the bed, and pushing her to the floor. Blinking, still not ENTIRELY awake, she stands on all four, looking up at Him, and wondering what He is up to. As He carefully lays out things on the bed, she seems to understand, and shivers visibly. " Fear not little one " - and He holds her - " for to-day is the day you've been waiting for so long. To-day you will belong to me. I have found a way ! " Now she smiles, remembering how they have struggled to find a solution to their common dreams - something He obviously have. On the bed is now her tail, the butt-plug with the long, fine, ponytail. There is also her hind- and fronthooves, her hood with the pony-ears, and the bit and bridle, as well as His reins. Still shivering, she moans, her love for the ponygirl fantasy well known to Him - and part of their life. " Hands ! " - He commands, and she stretches her hands to Him, watching as He clamps them into the front-hooves, feeling how they become inmobile and lovely horselike. With a grin He gathers her hair, and pulls it trought the opening in her hood, creating her mane. With trained hands He clamps her collar around her neck. A good portion of lubricant goes onto the buttplugg, but still she moans as He pushes it in, without seremony, without hesitation or mercy. She wiggles her butt abit, and He pats it, indication that the tail sits as it should. With strong hands He proceeds to the hindlegs, putting her feet into the hooves that is her true nature, forcing them into position, making her moan for a short second - then she smiles. " Now raise girl, you are allowed to walk on two for the time beeing. " - and He fastens the bridle and reins. With a sharp twist He walks of, leading her down the hallway to the door. She shivers, and almost hesitates. Their apartment is not as secluded as they'd wish - but He is her owner, and she cannot question His intentions. Down they go, down the stairs and out the front door, out into the cold morning. Naked as she is she shivers, stumbling abit, the training she has had indoors for walking on hooves have not prepared her much for this. As they leave the house she stops, standing in the door with a shocked expression. Their car is outside... but not alone. Hooked to the back is a trailer, of the kind used to transport horses. She swallows with an effort, the bit making it hard, and looks at her Master. He smiles back, clearly enjoying this. With a jerk He leads her to the trailer, and up the entrance, into the hay, the slight smell or horse. His reins He ties to a ring in the side before He pats her, and leaves. Still not quite believing she hears the door close behind her...and she smiles. The drive is lengthy, about an hour, and she gets alot of training in balance during that time. The reins are long enough to prevent any damange should she fall, but even so she struggles to keep on her hooves. When the door opens again, there is quiet around. As He leads her out, she see only forest. The car is parked on a small forest road, with a path leading into the woods. Without any cermony He leads her down the path... They emerge in a small clearing, with soft grass and small hut on one end. There is a crib by the hut, and a tying-post close by. To this He fastens her reins now. " Now, listen to me. This is a place a friend told me about, on his property. " - her Master caresses her slowly as He speaks - " It is quite abit from any populated places, and noone comes here. It is the perfect place. You... " - and He smiles - " ...are MINE ! " With this He turns from her, and walks away along the path to the car. Staring after Him, a growing knowledge fills her, and even thou it is her greatest dream, she shivers. As He returns that knowledge becomes certainty, and her shivering stronger. He carries a gas burner, a first-aid kit, and the Branding Iron they have had hanging on the bedroom wall for so long. With a smile towards her, He lays a blanket on the grass, lightens the burner, and puts the iron over it. A rope is over His shoulder. She struggles now, pulling at her reins, trying to get away from the sight of the iron. Her eyes cannot let GO of it, yet her body want to run. With skill, for He has done just this many times, He grabs her left hoof, and lifts it. With a whinny she falls, and He make sure she cannot get up. The rope goes around her legs, just above the hooves, then around her arms at the same place. With force, ignoring her whinny of pain, He ties her hind- and forelegs together. The couple of meters to the carpet He covers easily, pulling her by the rope to it... As she lays there, the iron straight before her, she cries slowly. She cannot safeword, for this is what she desires of Him, but she is still as scared as ever before. He sits down beside her, slowly stroking her leg. " I know, and understand that you are scared little pony... " - and He smiles - " ... but I also know that you desire this. So, I won't ask whether you want me to stop... " - with gentle hands He washes her buttock, cleaning the area. " I will do it you see, and thouroughly. " - He inspects the iron, and decides on a little more time. " It will hurt you terribly, I know " - and His smile this time is awful, His interest in pain clearly visible, " I will enjoy that.. and you will scream if you must, and I will enjoy that as well. I've checked how much damage there will be, and even thou it will be extensive it will heal. " For a moment He holds around her, feeling her shivering lessen, before He again checks the iron. Smiling He grips the handle and looks down at her. His left hand holds the rope, His knee is holding her still. " Now little pony of mine " - and she can see His grip around the handle of the no white-hot iron tightening, - " you become MINE ! " With a swift motion, ignoring her desperate whinny, He lifts it from the fire, and presses it with force into her flesh. She screams, the horrible pain almost too much for her to stand, and for a second she is on the edge of passing out. From her behind a thin pillar of smoke raises, a heavy smell of burning flesh is everywhere. Again and again she screams, and for her it seems an eternity before He takes the iron away. With a broad smile He lifts her head, holding her in His arms, craddling the crying bundle that is now truly His property, comforting her. We leave them there, to visit, for a brief moment, a clerk. His work is in a small department, and at this very moment he files away an application, an APPROVED application, showing the branding mark that her Master has applied for, and been granted, to use on His livestock - all of His livestock...