++ PrettiestPonyOfAll ++ The Prettiest Pony of All When my owner awoke me in my stable, she was smiling proudly. As she undid my halter and stroked my flanks in friendly admiration. I was conscious that I am regarded as the prettiest pony in the stable, and Madame led me out into the paddock, and loosed me for an early morning trot, running free before being harnessed for the day's first drive. It was cool in the fresh morning air, and my naked limbs savoured the fresh air, as I breathed in deeply presenting my full breasts to the air, and enjoying the wind around my ample loins. I trotted friskly away when Madame came out to capture me, and smiling she whistled, so I knew that I must let myself be captured, and haltered to be led back to the stable. She groomed me herself, always a sign that I was to be shown off to some important visitors. "My darling," she purred," my friends envy my possession of the loveliest mare in the neighbourhood, and the gentlemen are always offering to buy you for breeding, but I'm not sure that I want that graceful body used that way at the moment." The grooming was pleasant, Madame caressing my whole body at her leisure, powdering my cheeks, affixing long eyelashes, combing my glorious mane. She took some time selecting the harness, then gently held out the bit she had chosen, and I took it in my soft mouth, while the bridle was tightened round my head, and my arms pinioned. She was called away at the moment, leaving me attractively in firm harness above the waist. When Madame returned, she was carrying the girth that she especially favoured, and this morning she tightened it till I could hardly breath. But she always left my flaring loins free, and applied some salve to the bristling mons veneris to ensure that I was perfectly depilated. She was very careful to ensure that the harness held me completely firm above the waist, my head held back by the bearing rein, and my hindquarters, which she maintained were my greatest beauty, flaring in anticipation of the swish of the whip when she decided to drive off. I stood straight as an arrow between the shafts, feet together, back arched, the nates quivering slightly and the breasts wobbling with all my special charm. I knew that Madame adored her lovely pony, and although she would breed from me when she had selected a suitable stallion, she enjoyed keeping the colts in the stable in suspense as to which of them would be mated with the prettiest mare. While we waited, I pawed the ground and tossed my head, swinging the breasts as Madame took her time to touch up the nipples lovingly with pink coloured matter. All around were harnessed girls, some with saddles waiting to be ridden, and all gently moving their graceful thighs and rumps while a stable attendant moved among them, tightening harness, and occasionally slipping a rein between two smooth thighs, or arranging stirrups. I felt the awaited swish of the whip across my hindquarters, and slipped straight into a canter, showing my perfect high stepping pace. Miss R. P. Pony Girls Erotica