New Duties As every moring, my Master awoke me around 6, feeding and watering me before he was off to work. This was a saturday thou, and training was on the agenda. From his smile, I could see that something special was up. " Good morning dear one ! " - he bendt down and hugged me, and I returned it as best I could. In the left hand he carried a bucket of assorted grains and hay, and in the other a bucket of hot, steaming water. I smiled, and relaxed. With skilled hands he stripped me of my nigh-wear, and washed me all over. I mmm'ed, for I truly enjoy that. He never, ever takes my hooves of, either from my feet or my hands, so I am totally dependent on him for washing - and it is so good ! Done, and he had taken no care not to touch my ... more sensitive areas, so I was moaning as loudly as I dared, he sat back in a corner, munching on a chocolate bar, sometimes throwing me bits of it. Unable to use my hooves, I had to pick them up from where they fell. " To-day, dearest pony, we will proceed to the next step. " - he paused, and munched, " I will introduce you to a new set of duties, which you will perform under my supervision each and every saturday morning. " - he grinned. " I am quite sure you will enjoy it... " With the tone of voice he used, I was quite sure I would too, but that it also would cost me... Making sure I was all dried up, he dressed me, this time in the tight latex day-wear, making me as pretty as could be. To my astonishment he then removed my fore-hooves ! I flexed my hands, tryingly, and looked at him. " Ohyes, for an hour or so, or however long it will take you, you'll have no hooves. Better get used to it ! " - and he put my hooves on a shelf. I looked at them, and sighed. With a smile still on his face, he put a bridle on me, and lead me out into the corridor between the boxes. I had long ago stopped noticing that there were other horses in there - why should I ? It was only when the mares was in heat that I was abit.. um, upset ! In the corridor he tied my reins to a bar, and left, only to return promptly with another bucket of hot water. He grabbed my reins again, and lead me to the box farthest away. I knew who that box belonged to - the pride of my Master, the largest stallion I've ever seen - but only from a distance when I was allowed to roam the paddock. Never had we two met. A sugar-cube was obviously the ticket, for one passed from my Master's hand to the stallion. With a broad grin he pulled me forward, close, very close, smiling as the big animal sniffed my face and shoulders. I shivered, and tried for a second to pull away - to no avail, my Master had a firm grip on my reins. As he opened the door, and pulled me inside, he explained the task ahead. " You are probably fearing what I will do to you " - he laughed - " or more likely, what HE will do to you " - and he pointed to the stallion. " By the way, his name is Vlad - for the obvious reasons... " - and as I stumbled backwards, he laughed again. " Fear not, for I don't demand that of you - yet. " - he put the bucket down - " But Vlad here needs a good scrubbing, hooves, legs, the works, and a good grooming. Get to it. " - and with that he unhooked the reins, and put a sponge in my hand. I swallowed, but was still relived - I think - and went to work. Luckily, despite his SIZE and name, Vlad was a nice, friendly chap - and cooperated quite nicely. It was only when I was done - I thought - that things started to become harder... " Good " - and pointed to Vlad's stomach - " Now, clean out his sheat, and wash thouroughly. I'll go for some fresh water. Don't go away ! " I swallowed, and stood still, watching my Master walk out and close the door. Without hesitation I lowered my head, and tried not to run as Vlad sniffed all over me. When my Master came back I was not sure whether I was scared, or just plain aroused. " Ah, I see you two are getting better aquainted. " - he could not help to notice that Vlad was working real hard to find out what I was. With just a movement of his hand, my Master indicated his wish for me to proceed, and I obeyed. Taking the sponge, I fell again to my knees, this time to wash what I feared the most. I worked slowly, and carefully, cleansing Vlad's sheat thoroughly - but I was not careful enough... he grew, slowly, slowly, and it didn't take long before I knew better than ever before why his name was Vlad. I moaned, from what I do not know, and worked on, knowing very well that my Master sat by the door, watching me. When I was done, I sat still for a second or two, feeling Vlad nuzzle my neck, even more friendly than before. I don't know what he thought of me, but he seemed to like me... how strange ! " Good girl ! " - he rose, and scratched my ears as he put the reins back on, " You've done a good job. This is from now on your first duty every saturday morning. Vlad seems to take to you, and so I don't think there will be ANY problems. " - as he pulled me to my feet, he looked me directly into the eyes - " Just remember that he is a grand specimen, and very valuable for breeding. So be careful with him ! " I swallowed, and would be... very careful I would be !