How to write Klingon?
On the left is the first published Klingon writing system, from U.S.S
Enterprise Officer's Manual, 1980. The set of glyphs has since been
known as the Mandel set. However, it is basically just another system for
writing English. There are some differences, but not anything particularly
alien about it. Okrand's Klingon cant be written with these symbols, but
some fan groups still use it for their purposes. For all we know, it might
fit klingonaase.
On the right is the set that can be used with Okrand's Klingon. The
assignment of sounds to glyphs is from an unofficial letter from Paramount
to a fan organization. However, the written Klingon we see on screen is
composed for appearance. The symbols are arranged in an 'alien' manner,
they don't say anything. Really. But we can think of this set as a phonetic
transcript and that the real written language is at least as different from
it's spoken form as English, probably much more. In fact, when we look
closely to the glyphs on screen, we notice that rarely more than ten
different symbols are used. As you see below, they look a lot like some of
the symbols in the latter set, but not quite.
As far as I know, the 1980's set was ever seen on screen. The present set
was designed for Star Trek - The Motion Picture by a company called Astra
Image Corporation, which no longer exists.
Riku Anttila 1996