Universal Survey of Languages

English words written Ferengi-style

This section is to give you a better understanding of how this phonemic system works. If you want any more added, just ask me in email.
/DIs sEkS^n Iz tu gIv ju @ bEtr ^ndrst&ndIN ^v haw Dis fonimIk sIst@m
wrks.  If yu w^nt @ny mOr &dEd, dZ^st &sk mi In imel/

"Have a nice day."
/h&v @ najs de/

"The Ferengi are a race that grasp the concept of capitalism with a passion."
/D@ frEngi ar @ res D&t gr&sp D@ kansEpt ^v k&pIt@lIzm wIT @ p&S@n./
On to the next section
napoleon@teleport.com / January 9, 1995