Universal Survey of Languages

Examples of Ferengi Sentences (plus English phonetics)

Here are some sentences for you to ponder and take apart. If you want some added, email them to me. If you make some of your own, you can email them to me also and I'll add them to the list. The English phonetics (in single quotes) is the closest I can get to how it should sound, written in a way that an English speaker would understand it.
"Hello, my name is 'ofr'."
/bjavt, dZfkotu rt ofr/
['bja-v@t dZ@f'ko-tu rt 'of-r]
'byahvt, jf-koh-too ert oh-fer'

"Sir, do you want food?"
/blk, kmnaz wl^/
[bl@k k@m'naz w@'l^]
'bl'k, k'm-naz w'luh'

"Dhak has seen Omei's hand."
/Dak vats kax^ omeu/
[Dak vats ka'x^ o'me-ju]
'Thahk vahts kah-khuh oh-may-yoo'

"Fiddle is red."
/fIdl Galr/
['fId-l Ga'lr]
'Fiddle ghahl-er'

"No good deed ever goes unpunished."
/puk no psy dxnapub spi/
[puk no psy d@x'na-pub spi]
'pook no psue d'x-nah-poob spee'

"Once you have their money, you never give it back."
/myt bv^bu studM Ttxavtp spi bi gmeef/
[myt 'bB^-bu 'stud-Mn T@t'xav-t@p spi bi g@'meef/
'muet bvuh-boo stoodn th't-khahv-t'p spee bi g'mayf'

"His money is only yours when he can't get it back."
/bvo?u kur adMk ?Stap Tdka gmeef/
['bvo-?u ku'wr adM-k ?@'Stap T@d'ka g@'meef]
'bvoh-'u koo-er adn-k -'shtahp th'd-kah g'mayf'

"Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to."
/xDavtp gelm^ xex dki joN Ngo klfa/
[x@'Dav-t@p gel'm^ d@'ki joN N'go k@l'fa]
'kh'thahv-t'p gel-muh d'kee yohng ng-go k'l-fah'

"Never allow family to stand in the way of oppurtunity."
/Zdavtp spi VEd^ Ika C^/
[Z@'dav-t@p spi VE'd^ Ika C^/
'zh-dahv-t'p spee Beduh ikuh Duh'

"Always keep your ears open."
/ntgavt ndfyt paag sz^ku/
[n-t@'ga-v@t n-d@'fyt paag s@'z^-ku]
'n-t'gahv't n-d'fuet paag s'zuh-koo'

"Opportunity plus instinct equals profit."
/Co wan fthgo stuma bj^/
[Co wan f@t-h@'go stu'ma bj^]
'Doh wahn f't-h'goh stu-mah bjuh'

"A deal is a deal."
/f&k rt f&k pi'ky/
'fak ert fak peek-ue'
On to the next section
napoleon@teleport.com / January 9, 1995