Universal Survey of Languages

Preliminary Ferengi Lexicon

Preliminary Ferengi Lexicon
Version 2.00
Written by Timothy Miller
Email: tmiller@suntan.eng.usf.edu
Timothy Miller
7519 Winging Way Drive
Tampa, FL 33615-1519

There are three favors I would like from the interested reader of this text:
1. Carefully read this text and email to me any suggestions or additions
you have, as well as anything related to Ferengi that I may have missed.
2. Bring copies to every Trek convention you can and give them to Star Trek
actors and other important people from Paramount.
3. Help me find out how to get permission from Paramount to publish a book
on this language. An unknown like me asking out of the blue simply
wouldn't work.

This file is intended to spark interest in the Ferengi language and get a foot-hold in the community of Trekkers on the internet. Paramount doesn't know who I am and doesn't know my experience with linguistics, so they most certainly wouldn't take me seriously. On the other hand, if the Trekkers see this file, accept the language, bring copies of this file to Trek conventions, show it to others at Trek conventions, and basically spread the word about this, then I'll have a chance.

This file may be freely distributed to anyone, but you may not remove my name or email address from the file, nor may you modify it in any way except with the intention of sending the file directly back to me with comments. This language, not associated with the Ferengi name, is copyrighted to me, Timothy Miller. The name "Ferengi" is a trademark of Paramount. Since I do not have rights to use the name "Ferengi", I cannot publish this text with the intent of making profit, but it is my intention to contact Paramount to get rights to use this language in a book. If anyone can tell me who I should contact in this regard, please tell me.

And speaking of comments, please feel free to make any comments and suggestions that you like. Tell me about errors, suggest additions, express needs, etc. Any and all feedback is welcome.

Once the existence of this text file is brought to the attention of those at Paramount, I will be able to put together a complete book that includes a complete language, as well as some history of the Ferengi language and culture and two glossaries, one of regular words, and one of an extensive vocabulary of economic and mathematical terms.

This is by far not a final version of the language. There isn't enough vocabulary to get much of a point across, and there are many necessary concepts missing. I will be working from feedback I get from other trekkers as well as people in the Foreign Language Department of the University of South Florida. Therefore, anything in this file is subject to change from one version to the next. I will try to keep continuity so you don't find yourself wasting time reading this, but I will correct flaws when I find them, however I need to.

If you are interested in role-playing Star Trek, there is a multi-user, interactive game on the internet called TrekMOO. Just telnet to "trekmoo.microserve.com 2499" and you will find there a number of Ferengi who are already trying to use this language.

Many thanks to Dr. Jacob Caflisch with the University of South Florida who has provided me with valueable information and many suggestions for improving this text. And also many thanks to David Salo from Madison, Wisconsin who helped me much by performing a "historical analysis" of the language and who began to put sentences together which helped me much in building this language.

On to the next section

napoleon@teleport.com / January 9, 1995