Journey to Centauri :
Episode 26
[Note: Saratov's name is now Zakharov, reflecting feedback from Russian fans on Saratov
being an unrealistic name. And now, back to our story...]
"The ship is falling apart."
Zakharovs words blanketed the command center, shadowing the faces of the
assembled staff. "We are not far from Planet, but the stress on the Unitys
structure is reaching critical levels."
"Implication?" asked Garland tersely.
"We should prepare for the worst. The whole structure may shake apart before one
of us touches the new world."
"Weve come all this way," said Miriam. "Why now?"
"Physics," retorted Zakharov.
"Perhaps it is better this way," murmured Deirdre, present in the command
center to debrief after Santiagos capture. The Captain ignored her, if he heard her
at all.
"Should we break away now?" he asked, rising to his feet. "Are we close
enough to pilot down the landing pods.?"
"Too soon," said Zakharov. "But we should begin our preparations. Awaken
everyone, move people to their destination pods, redistribute supplies. Accept that only
one pod, or none, may make planetfall."
"Or all of them? Is that even a possibility?" asked Lal.
"Yes, of course," said Zakharov, his voice neutral.
"Captain, we have assembled a report from the first wave of landing pods,"
broke in Ensign Cotter, the ensign on duty.
"Excellent," said Captain Garland. Behind him Deirdre tensed. "Send the
next wave. Seed the surface
we dont know who will need them or when."
"Captain," said Deirdre, rising to her feet. "I must object to this. Are
we now interstellar litterbugs
is this our welcome to Planet?"
"This is not the time," he said simply, coldly. Deirdre took another breath
but saw anger in Garlands eyes, and she suddenly could smell a new sense of
desperation in the command center. Now the mission was about survival, not
"Very well," she said, and headed for the observation bay.
Continue to part 2 |