Journey to Centauri :
Episode 23
"Captain, it is Officer Skye. I have two of the insurgents inside
the Greenhouse. One is Santiago. Please advise."
Deirdre's voice, coming over the emergency band, startled Garland. A
moment later the hatch to the command center opened, revealing a figure that stopped all
activity in the room for a moment.
"Dr. Yang," he said as Sheng-ji Yang stepped into the light of
the command center. "I'd ask where you've been, but we have a situation here. Listen
Captain Garland opened the reply channel as Yang crossed to him in a
heartbeat. "Deirdre, acknowledge. Are you in danger? Is Santiago within
"I am within earshot and she could be in great danger,
Captain," Santiago answered. "Your botanists dont appear ready to hold off
an armed force." Her voice was cold and clear, almost bracing. "I would like it
very much if you unsealed this door."
"Difficult to do," said Garland calmly. Yang nodded, approving
of the deceit. "We have ordered the door sealed under duress. It will take some time
to de-encrypt the access code."
"I don't believe you. Regardless, I suggest you find a way to open
this door. I have members of your crew under guard."
"Why, Santiago?" Yangs voice, clear and soft, floated
into the room like a wisp of smoke. A silence followed, then finally
"Dr. Yang."
"Yes. Your bargaining chip."
"You were never a bargaining chip. More of a worthy opponent, a
threat I took seriously." Yangs face remained impassive, calculating. "But
I am sorry to see you have escaped. You could have been one of us."
"One of whom?"
"One of those who believe humanity will continue on its path to
destruction unless guided by people with discipline and an unshakable will to survive. One
who believes drastic measures must be taken to ensure the survival of the human
"Thats enough," cut in Garland. "Santiago, can we
bring you here to the command center so that we can talk further? We all seek a safe
ending to this journey."
"Open the door and I will come to you."
"Give your weapons to Officer Skye and I will open the door."
"I cant." Her words, simple and direct, struck Garland
somehow. Her path is so clear, to her, he realized. She has formed her
strategy, and knows that the die has been cast.
"Open the hatch, Captain. I don't want this to go any farther. You
have my word on that."
"The word of a traitor," hissed Yang, his anger breaking forth
for the first time.
"Perhaps a traitor to you, but I only seek to guarantee the safety
of those who follow me. If the entire ship doesnt make it, and I believe it
" Garland glanced at Saratov, who sat hunched over his console,
preoccupied, "
we, who have proven our will to live, want to be in the part of
the ship that reaches planetside."
"Wait by the hatch," Garland said, and closed the connection.
He looked around the command center
at Yang, whose eyes pierced the comm link darkly,
at Saratov, who now turned, his face pale, his chin steady.
"Skye is in danger. We need to open that hatch, and we don't have much time. I
want options, quickly."
"You are the Captain," said Yang.
"Then move to your station, Dr, Yang, and share your expertise. You
saw Santiago firsthand...what is the situation?"
"Yes, what's her damage?" interjected Miriam softly.
Dr. Yang, ignoring her, moved to the oval table in the center of the bay
and sat down in one fluid motion. He picked up a stylus and began tracing on the tabletop,
which automatically activated and recorded his movements.
"Santiago is disciplined and has firm control over her followers.
They are all armed."
As if on cue, a comm light flashed. All eyes turned to the Captain, who
in turn looked at Dr. Yang. "Dr. Yang, our choices. Quickly."
"Unseal the door and let Santiago control the Greenhouse as well as
the cryobay she has now, then negotiate."
"Could we surrender to her a storage bay, and give her and her
people safe transit to Planet?" asked Lal.
"Only if it were sealed from her side. She wants a fortress,
safety," said Yang.
"But she values honor," said Garland. "We could promise
her safety, give her our word."
Yang smiled grimly. "Perhaps. Choice two...send out a strike team,
neutralize her people, do it quickly and we may save Skye and the botanists."
"And who will run this strike?" asked Saratov. "My people
are armed but not trained. We need them..."
"There are a few security staff awakened," said Garland.
"Any more would take days to emerge from the sleep into full effectiveness."
"Too long," said Yang. "But there is always choice
three....leave the Greenhouse sealed and cut off its oxygen. With Santiago dead her people
will lose heart."
"Skye and the rest will die as well!" flared Miriam, and her
magnetism pulled at Garland...her intensity.
"You asked for choices...that is a choice. And it is the only one
that will guarantee Santiago is neutralized."
"What if we waited until they fell unconscious and then rushed
in?" asked Lal, always seeking the balanced path.
"The security matrix shows that Santiago's people wait outside the
Greenhouse. Plus the timing would need to be perfect, and Skye will probably fall before
Santiago. We must be firm...give her what she wants, attack her, or cut off the air. That
is all I see."
"Captain," said Saratov urgently. "I have gotten the
signal from engineering. We are ready to restart the fusion drive. We can't wait."
"Then do it," said Garland. "I'll tell Santiago we can't
open the door now."
"Wait," said Yang, stopping Garland with his intensity.
"Do not contact her. I see an opportunity."
Personal Log
Pravin Lal, Chief of Surgery
It is the place of a physician to see
death as well as life, and in seeing the two, constantly intertwined, it is easy to stop
caring when life transitions into death.
We face a difficult decision here.
Lives are at stake, and perhaps not all of them can be saved. It is times like this I envy
Godwinson's unshakable faith.
Next episode. |